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Does anyone else hear voices when they are drifring off to sleep? Most of the time when i'm nodding off and almost about to fully fall into sleep I hear short phrases. Is this normal? I don't actually hear them, but I guess I imagine them but they are way more vivid than just thinking it.




What do you hear?


yes something something sleep hallucination caused when your brain switches to sleep mode


>Hypnagogic hallucinations are often auditory or have an auditory component. Like the visuals, hypnagogic sounds vary in intensity from faint impressions to loud noises, like knocking and crashes and bangs (exploding head syndrome). People may imagine their own name called, crumpling bags, white noise, or a doorbell ringing. Snatches of imagined speech are common. While typically nonsensical and fragmented, these speech events can occasionally strike the individual as apt comments on—or summations of—their thoughts at the time. They often contain word play, neologisms and made-up names. Hypnagogic speech may manifest as the subject's own "inner voice", or as the voices of others: familiar people or strangers. More rarely, poetry or music is heard.[15]
I get a loud bang while falling asleep or waking up, once in a blue moon


>Does anyone else hear voices when they are drifring off to sleep?
When I'm on the cusp of falling asleep, I'll often hear weird music.


>Is this normal?

Yes, completely normal if it's during the transition to sleep, not pathological and very common among mentally healthy people.


whispers of my exes


>is it normal to experience proto-dreams in the transition from being awake to being asleep
yeah OP it's normal and common

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