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DIid you have a fetish at high school? My dream was to give a blowjob and swallow my gym teachers' cum at the lockeroom, I remember I used to get boners at class just looking at his thick legs, his fuzzy full beard and his cock bulging in his shorts




I'm super gay, not only I'm completely unattracted by women I'm disgusted by them


Was he hot? My principal was old af



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yeah, I wanted to bang the female teachers


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yeah, I wanted to bang the female teachers


yeah, I also wanted to bang the female teachers


Why was his cock bulging in his shorts?


They didn't "bulge" as if he had a boner it just marked inside it and I remember lusting over it


Having a crush on someone is not a fetish dawg


I just wanted to suck his cock and touch his whole body didn't really want a romance with him


No, I was too busy fantasizing about how I wouldn't be have to be there if I killed myself or died otherwise.


i was already into big titty musclegirls at 9

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