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fuck i just wish i could be normal man. everything about me is just so fucking fake its like i dont even have a real personality im just an alien tryjng to imitate humans. why did god put me on this earth just to torture me in eternal solitude, unable to ever connect to anyone.


sometimes people be interested in me. maybe because of my appearence, maybe because of my demeanor, maybe they formed a positive perception of me on their heads based on a good first impression but then they talk to me and get to know me better and its all over. they see my lack of personality, lack of interest, lack of passion, lack of soul, lack of wit, lack of experience, lack of conscience, lack of basic cognitive functions. this happens over and over again. im tired of it. i dont wanna talk to people i wanna seclude myself


No such thing as "personality". It isn't matter, it isn't essence, it doesn't exist a priori. Personality is merely an a posteriori description of a set of consistent behaviors.
i.e. just be sincere with yourself and the world.


>just be sincere with yourself and the world


This is why the New Testament advocates asceticism.

The Protestant order has ruined it with its ruthless capitalist ethos.

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