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File: 1719843659231.webm (2.92 MB, 576x1024, 1719834354023102.webm)


Holy faggots of /siberia/, I have come to your exile to implore you to use your psychic powers to evaluate whether the new leader of France is straight. I am in dire need of a reading. As a mere mortal and straight man I don't possess the psychic gift colloquially known as 'gaydar'.


File: 1719843897700.webm (3.76 MB, 576x1024, 1719834693304902.webm)

more footage



Gayer than Elton John's fannypack.


>Suppressed gay
Really makes you think


He sucked many dicks literally and figuratively to get where he is today


He's not actually gay but there's quite a few gay in the party


>Gorky smugly looking down from Heaven, putting another nick on his "told you" counter.


Is it true that a lot of French gay people vote National Rally because of how much homophobic abuse in public is done by muslims?


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idk if he's gay or not but my BASED & REDPILLEDdar just exploded in my eye AARRRGGGUUUHH


I'd let him suck my dick.


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Not sure if gay or just French.


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I don't know if it's just like he's knock kneed but the way he shifts his weight around and moves his hips does look hyper-feminine and gay as fuck.

Also all the hand fidgeting is stereotypical gay kind of mannerisms.


seems fruity but then again he is euopean so it's hard to say


Yes but that's also because RN toned down the homophobia over the last 5 years, they just vote at the same rate the general pop does.
Muslims there were much much more homophobic 15 years ago and gays did not vote far right.


I give it 2 months before a gay sex tape gets leaked.


I implore straight men to stop dressing like a fast fashion advert from 2010.


Maybe not gay, but surely bi. 0% chance of heterosexuality


Stop using the f-word, moid


Also he's a fascist racist asshole, and obviously closeted


What? France? 😂



Please censor that word



skinny jeans havent been gay for decades, now its just how all boomers dress


>only males say faggot
my sweet summer child


This man was born in 1995


Almost 30, that means boomer.


If you don't commit suicide at 11:59 pm the day before your birthday you are a hypocrite.


11:59 is basically 12:00. And 26 is basically the same as 30, so better to do it then.


he's gay. i fucked him.


30 is not the start of senescence.
Also 26 is just thirty with four years shy


You've done and experienced enough then, you too newgene since it is ontologicaly Bad to exist for 30 (or even just close enough to) years just end it before you are a burden to younger people. So where is the line though?


if you really believe thirty is old age, clearly you have been stuck in extended adolescence.

But ok, the start of senescence is sixty-five.
And I do hang out with actual old people, not merely middle aged people.


have you considered that maybe hes on the spectrum


Yeah, the McKinsey spectrum, lmao


The Aspergers.
Although autism is memed as a comorbid factor


could be neurodivergent or just a very theatric "metrosexual"


With those pants and those shoes?


no homo bro… unless…? haha just kidding… unless?


damn, he aged like shit then


The hairline makes him look a decade older.


He’s zesty but the French are often that way.


Apparently gay men are pretty common in the French far-right.


>white male autism aesthetics

Not even once


yep i could fix him


Asbergers are usually stiff as fuc. Not prancing and sashaying.


Ummm, youd be surprised


Absolute majority of homophobes are straight males

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