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i would like to form a commune…
i am autistic and struggle to talk to others without coming off as weird
if things go bad socially i end up hurting myself as punishment for fucking up
i am very anxious talking to people
i get possessive over people who are friends and i am jealous if they have other friends.
i will not form a commune because i am not a suitable material
I would like to form a commune…


What about forming a commune of 2?


File: 1719846917892.jpg (Spoiler Image, 501.81 KB, 2400x1600, jessica-weiller-kZ8dyUT0h3….jpg)

Me and you?
Okay I have always wanted to plant things and use a scythe. Do you like potatoes?


I'll be your friend


Wait, really?




Let's form an online commune.



We should form a commune. I would be down.


I just want to farm and cook food, I would love to run a commune farm and cook pizza. I would give anything to just run a farm, help people and have them help me, Tomatoes, Rice. Potatoes, Chickens, Cows, Pigs Id dedicate myself to learning proper techniques to grow, cultivate and humanely dispatch them. there is a friend in mine that, as traditional as it sounds I would like to marry him and run a farm with him


I don't want a single commune, i want a world revolution


We beggaes cannot be choosers, Anon.


If you have trouble with communication and working with others you shouldn’t be living on a commune.


They could be an anchorite.


i work well i do kendo im fit and would love yo farm i just struggle to talk


The chants of the local communes are destined to fade away beneath the melody of advanced, cold machinery, organized by a centrally planned system.

The allocation of resources for upcoming automation is costly and the resources are pretty variable, plus it requires sufficent workforce and infrastructure.


but too autistic to form or keep a relationship

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