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Something ironic about sending your landlord a gofundme (in hopes that he doesn't evict you immediately) and he asks "Anything I can do to help?"

Jee, I dunno, maybe wave the rent? Make a donation?


Anyway, if you guys could share this around that would be swell. I'm no contact with my family on account of them being conservatives and me being openly queer. So things are looking dire.

There's a lot shame that comes with sharing this type of thing. I became unemployed at the end of January, after my company stole my last check, I inquired and they fired me. At the same time, my Driver's License had expired. I had renewed online but they never mailed it, you can only renew an expired DL in-person, and Texas has a nearly 6 month waiting period for this, due to anti-migrant policies and general understaffing.

I've been homeless twice now, once after getting kicked out at 18 and in 2021 during Covid. I don't want to be homeless again, because this time it won't be bouncing between motels and couches, it'll be street homeless with no way out, no permanent address and no ID.


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>I became unemployed at the end of January, after my company stole my last check, I inquired and they fired me

Did you contacted the NLRB or the EEOC? i cannot help you since i live in other country and my money is worthless but i am asking if you atleast can seek to sue them, that shit is blatantly illegal.


You need to move dude. Not just because you can't pay rent, but because it's only going to get worse where you are.


I contacted the Texas Labor Board yea, they told me to kick rocks, basically saying I assumed the risk when working as a 1099 contractor.

This is also why I don't get unemployment. In tech, most of the lower level jobs are 1099, so no benefits.


Yes Texas sucks ass and I wish I never moved here. Living without a car in this city as well as been a nightmare. I had plans on moving before I lost my job, had a good bit saved up but that's long gone.


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I owe $150 on a Cashapp loan. I can borrow $400 from Cashapp.

If I pay off this $150 for the loan, I can re-borrow $400, and immediately send that to my landlord. It's not the entire rent, but it's a large enough amount to where I know he won't file an eviction. I can get the rest of the money later, I have a few things pending sale on Mercari, the last of my video game collection (anyone want to buy a PS2?).

I also have $100 in pending donations but bc of the holiday on the 4th, I won't have the money until next week. I have gotten $200 in donations in total, the first $100 of that went to paying down that loan, as it automatically takes my money to do so.

It's honestly insane how much money $150 dollars feels like right now, when these rich porkies can spend that on a single dinner like it's nothing.


move away from this shithole, preferably on a city that is atleast has a amount of jobs.
even california is better than texas


I have a plan to link up with a growing amount of comrades I've been networking with via my brand in Miami (hopefully by the end of the summer), though recently coming to terms with being trans has made me re-think the viability of Florida as a whole.

I'm from bumfuck Louisiana, San Antonio was just the closest city not named Houston, it was never supposed to be long term, just a way to escape my family.

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