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File: 1719862782756-0.png (225.92 KB, 1280x960, bgvnkhijvlm7brssbgnm.png)

File: 1719862782756-1.png (223.52 KB, 1280x960, cwm2bkyfrcpuhsv9a4tj.png)

File: 1719862782756-2.png (268.37 KB, 1280x960, myoacmkjnan9hmtjk4rb.png)


Behold, fully automated meme creation.
>inb4 "It's wojak"
But it's funni tho and costs nothing.(Terrible)


File: 1719862916910.png (302.52 KB, 1280x960, ClipboardImage.png)


>cant define socialism
>"Im marxist-leninist-maoist" –cant explain any differences
Actually pretty accurate.


I don't tick any boxes… Bros I'm no real leftypoler it's so over for me…


Define socialism.


conservativecore boomerpunk


File: 1719864587604.png (514.79 KB, 1280x960, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1719864811009.png (735.02 KB, 1280x960, ClipboardImage.png)


Social ownership of the means of production. As opposed to private ownership of the means of production. I am aware this is a broad definition which could include lots of systems from a market of coop to centralized cyber communism, but socialist theory is itself broad about it.


But on the topic, does this generator only works with political subjects or can you use it on semi obscure fandoms?


File: 1719864988263.png (719.66 KB, 1280x960, ClipboardImage.png)


>sign in to run


These are pretty shitty.


File: 1719865210741-0.png (354.62 KB, 1280x1046, dbr8cquc0kof4rkcap0m.png)

I'm pretty sure you can use it for any topic that is semi-relevant, the feed itself is a good indicator. Often times it does tend to repeat a lot of the same stuff though (like constant rehashes about mom's basement), at least with the -jaks. There are other generators on the site tho from what I can tell.


Are the jacks ones really just "say X but do Y" everytime or is that something you can adjust?


File: 1719865453011.png (709.6 KB, 1280x960, ClipboardImage.png)

Lol I think this shit is censored. I tried to do Virgin Israel Supporter vs Chad Palestine Supporter and it returns nothing. Meanwhile they let you do other countries.



>Are the jacks ones really just "say X but do Y" everytime or is that something you can adjust?
I think there is someway for you to make your own template yeah. The site is just a collection of templates to return images and generated text, so yeah that template always does it the same way.


File: 1719865617410.png (384.02 KB, 1713x611, ClipboardImage.png)

>I tried to do Virgin Israel Supporter vs Chad Palestine Supporter and it returns nothing. Meanwhile they let you do other countries.


File: 1719865724340.png (353.64 KB, 1280x960, c9owjeduhjmcbuw1bhz4.png)



Play a game with this. Start off with a prompt and try to get the result to mention something completely unrelated in as little bridges as possible. Ex: Start with the "Shrek" prompt and try to get it to mention Jesus. The "Shrek" prompt mentions hollywood. You put the "Hollywood" prompt in and it mentions The USA etc etc until you get it to mention Jesus.


File: 1719866029942.png (840.18 KB, 1280x960, ClipboardImage.png)


>log in


File: 1719866296929.png (1.46 MB, 1026x960, ClipboardImage.png)

How accurate is this?


It's a bit shallow, can you make one with more tiers?


Most of that is pretty surface-level ngl, but then again, you can't really expect it to understand or integrate in-group memes like "Read Bookchin" or "750 000 bunkers."


>in-group memes
You mean the original definition of a meme?


File: 1719867390938.png (1.52 MB, 1026x960, ClipboardImage.png)

I don't know how to upload a template yet. I'm just playing around with tweaking the prompt on the five tier 1. Someone uploaded 1 with 12. I tried to get it to make more than 5 per level but the example the guy who wrote it only has 5 per level and I'm too lazy to think of more levels.

>Most of that is pretty surface-level ngl, but then again, you can't really expect it to understand or integrate in-group memes like "Read Bookchin" or "750 000 bunkers."
I'm trying to make it funnier I added to the prompt and this is what I got.

>You are simulating a meme creator. Iceberg Tiers Parodies are usually images of an iceberg, captioned humorously so as to convey that the tip of the iceberg is the summation of the knowledge of most people, while the much larger submerged part of the iceberg is the sum of all knowledge of a particular topic. The deeper layers have less well known and more esoteric knowledge.

>You take an input concept and come up with the corresponding text + a title.

>Here is an example of your output for "Music genres". You output JSON like so:

"title": "Internet",
"layer1": "Pop Rock Rap Country RnB",
"layer2": "Heavy Metal Dubstep Classic Rock Ska",
"layer3": "Death Metal Screamo Folk Jazz Post-Rock",
"layer4": "Grindcore Math Rock Industrial Ambient",
"layer5": "Noise Free Jazz Tuvan Throat Singing Drone Doom"

<Make it meme heavy. Very meme heavy. Remember the whole point is for the iceberg to be funny. You should be making up completely joke things at the last level.

What I added.

>You may change the title if you think it makes the meme funnier


File: 1719869510226.png (231.38 KB, 1280x960, lasvelbozca23aetfspu.png)

Got generation blocked for putting the word "scab" in the prompt, but somehow using the word "strike-breaker" worked instead lmao.


good memes


File: 1719870878771.png (386.95 KB, 1280x960, s9xv0u1eupybeqzxypw9.png)

Ngl this made me kek.


File: 1719875058920.png (294.63 KB, 1280x960, gf4p7niqqhivrzvz94jg.png)

saw this one on recent lol

dunno if i can bother to create account

oh fuck fine i will just to see how specific it can get


File: 1719875665504-0.png (305.06 KB, 1280x960, vriska fan.png)

File: 1719875665504-1.png (327.85 KB, 1280x960, angel dust enjoyer.png)

File: 1719875665504-2.png (254.39 KB, 1280x960, hazbin.png)

File: 1719875665504-3.png (304.09 KB, 1280x960, zoophile.png)

File: 1719875665504-4.png (249.26 KB, 1280x960, carnist.png)

1: lol not bad but shame not to mention her bullying tavros specifically

2: I meant angel dust from hazbin but fair enough

3: I put 'angel dust hazbin hotel worshipper' maybe that was too long alas so it defaulted to this

4: pretty weak but what can I expect

5: not bad I guess


File: 1719876044527-0.png (274.8 KB, 1280x960, workers party.png)

File: 1719876044527-1.png (307.64 KB, 1280x960, workers party 2.png)

File: 1719876044527-2.png (267.5 KB, 1280x960, george galloway.png)

File: 1719876044527-3.png (288.69 KB, 1280x960, interloper.png)

File: 1719876044527-4.png (275.71 KB, 1280x960, leftypol moderator.png)

6: lame, doesn't seem to know any workers party specific memes, just generic anticommunism, but I guess it's a bit of a generic name, will try with workers party GB

7: nope still can't do it, will try with…

8: heh the cat pic makes me laugh

9: lol I tried 'out of placers reader' and got this, I guess there is some things too obscure

10: it clearly doesn't know what leftypol is outside of just association with leftism, again too obscure I guess


File: 1719876123312.png (332.34 KB, 1280x960, EAW player.png)

11: heheh




Makes me cry everytime


File: 1719876557690-0.png (309.41 KB, 1280x960, green party.png)

File: 1719876557690-1.png (243.28 KB, 1280x960, fursuiter.png)

File: 1719876557690-2.png (301.69 KB, 1280x960, skitter.png)

File: 1719876557690-3.png (322.64 KB, 1280x960, HPMOR fan.png)

File: 1719876557690-4.png (330.13 KB, 1280x960, eliezer.png)

sorry didn't mean to post the last one with only one

12: ok I guess, I'm definitely seeing the limitation of the 'point counterpoint' format

at least this thing reduces the human effort spent making wojak memes…. maybe

13: alright I guess

14: heheh not bad

15: damn he got me on the hermionie thing

16: not scathing enough! the bits about tying shoes is a bit lame, there's much better material




File: 1719877048253-0.png (273.73 KB, 1280x960, e621.png)

File: 1719877048253-1.png (286.89 KB, 1280x960, dragoneer.png)

File: 1719877048253-2.png (256.38 KB, 1280x960, grover VI.png)

File: 1719877048253-3.png (332.73 KB, 1280x960, skynavian.png)

File: 1719877048253-4.png (400.32 KB, 1280x960, griffon general.png)

17: interesting I put 'e621' only but it defaulted to user, I wonder if that's because it couldn't think of anything for e621 alone or if it's just a more common format

18: ok so it knows dragoneer is a furry but not enough to have any specific complaints, that's a shame but similar to the leftypol thing I guess

19: alas it doesn't know who Grover VI is

20: ok it definitely doesn't know what skynavia is either

21: lol I saw whoever here generated this on the 'recent' tab, funny how it actually generated a nice looking eagle head for this one, maybe I should have tried equestria at war as a prefix for those last two


File: 1719877691759-1.png (337.39 KB, 1280x960, simon sebag montefiore.png)

File: 1719877691759-2.png (279.02 KB, 1280x960, stalinist.png)

File: 1719877691759-3.png (314.6 KB, 1280x960, index fund investor.png)

22: ok I saw this one on the recent tab as well, truly terrible arguments but his prompt was 'abortion supporter oblivious to spiritual repercussions' so I guess you can be super specific and it tailors it, I'll try that next time

23: ok this one is interesting, I wrote 'simon sebag montefiore' and apparently too obscure to know exactly who it is so just wrote 'historian' but did know he is obsessed with the romanovs lol

24: ok so I was curious, it does know who stalinists are moreso than generic internet leftism, I guess thats cool… why does he have a plate though.

25: this actually has some specific and decent criticisms, I'm impressed… my fund is up 38% though thanks

26: I put 'inspirational disabled child' and it came up with 'inspiration porn', fairly accurate I guess, nice how it criticised the concept instead of the child themselves, maybe that's why it rephrased it a bit


>why does he have a plate though.

The internet cannot think about stalin without talking about how he eated all the grain


it's gonna be so over in 10 years.


the griffon thing was cool too


File: 1719878364515-0.png (240.98 KB, 1280x960, NK dissident.png)

File: 1719878364515-2.png (317.46 KB, 1280x960, guangdong player.png)

File: 1719878364515-3.png (277.08 KB, 1280x960, skynavia player#.png)

File: 1719878364515-4.png (251.9 KB, 1280x960, chrysalis simp.png)

yeah it's pretty scary what this shit can do already. maybe in the future you'll have to sign all your content with your real name and ID just so people can tell it's not bot spam (but then bots will just steal people's IDs)

27: I specifically said 'dissident' but I think it lost the point

28: I put 'dissident complaining about north korea' and it got what I wanted

29: it can get fairly specific so i'll try skynavia with EAW prefix

30: hooray it worked! and generated a nice looking hoers too

31: I put 'mlp chrysalis simp' and the result was a bit vague and disappointing, oh well, I think I might stop for now, sorry if anyone is mad at my thread spam


Behold, kino


Perhaps the Galloway cat pic is some sharting over Hemmingway's cat?

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