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>get job
>get apartment
>find hobbies that dont involve social interaction
>post on this place and scroll generic social media posts if i ever feel lonely
<dont interact with people outside of work or purchasing thing
<dont have sex or romance; jerk off occasionally to release pent up libido (but not to porn, porn sucks)
is this a solid idea for a mental/social wreck that people are better off not being inflicted with the presence of


What are you asking about exactly? Having money and an apartment would be good sure


oh yeah, and i'd gladly join union stuff as an additional warm body, just not in a leadership role
i wonder if it's really a question and not just a vent


You don't want friends or a partner ever?


he just like me fr


i've tried to make friends, even in niche comfy spaces, but it has always failed
i'd be seen as a monster creep if i showed intent in having a partner
i don't blame them
i can be selfish and impatient a lot, and it can be controlling i think
i also have a gender non-conforming appearance as well as a few physical deformities, so not that good to look at


I'm sorry it hasn't worked out, I guess I don't know what advice to give since I don't know what went wrong, maybe you can try making friends online instead. As for if you don't look that great, well, maybe there's things you can improve and even if not maybe you can get together with someone who is willing to look past it


there aren't any specifics
it's really quite boring
people just kind of treat me casually and interact with me less than they do with each other
i end up as just an object thing lying around


How long have you been without friends? My streak currently is half a decade.


What about going on long aimless walks?


What are some low skilled jobs where I don't have to interact with people? Working at retail as an introvert autist is really soul crushing, the complete might of capitalist alienation buck breaks me with each Karen and angry boomer I have to attend to.




Isolation, particularly prolonged or severe, can have significant impacts on both brain function and mental health. Here are some key points on how isolation affects these areas:

Effects on the Brain

Structural Changes:

Reduced Gray Matter:
Prolonged isolation can lead to a reduction in gray matter volume in areas like the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for complex cognitive behavior, decision-making, and moderating social behavior.
Hippocampal Damage: Isolation can cause atrophy in the hippocampus, which plays a critical role in memory formation and emotional regulation.

Neurotransmitter Imbalance:

Isolation can lead to a reduction in dopamine levels, affecting the brain's reward system and leading to feelings of apathy and lack of motivation.
Serotonin: Lower levels of serotonin can result from isolation, contributing to depression and anxiety.

Altered Brain Connectivity:
Isolation can disrupt the connectivity between various brain regions, particularly those involved in social cognition, leading to difficulties in understanding and responding to social cues.
Effects on Mental Health

Prolonged isolation is strongly linked to the development of depressive symptoms, including persistent sadness, loss of interest in activities, and feelings of hopelessness.

Isolation can exacerbate anxiety disorders, leading to excessive worry, panic attacks, and generalized anxiety.

Feelings of loneliness are commonly associated with isolation and can have detrimental effects on mental health, increasing the risk of mental health disorders.

Cognitive Decline:
Social isolation is a risk factor for cognitive decline and can accelerate the onset of conditions like dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

Isolation can increase stress levels, which can have a cascading effect on physical health, leading to issues such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and weakened immune response.
Biological Mechanisms

Cortisol Levels:
Chronic isolation can lead to elevated levels of cortisol, a stress hormone that, when persistently high, can damage the brain and body over time.

Isolation is associated with increased inflammatory responses, which can negatively impact brain function and overall health.

Sleep Disturbances:
Individuals experiencing isolation often have disrupted sleep patterns, which can further exacerbate mental health issues and cognitive decline.

Mitigating the Effects

Social Interaction:
Maintaining regular social contact, even through virtual means, can help mitigate the negative effects of isolation.

Physical Activity:
Regular exercise has been shown to improve mood and cognitive function, counteracting some of the effects of isolation.

Mental Health Support:
Seeking support from mental health professionals can provide coping strategies and therapeutic interventions to address the impacts of isolation.

Healthy Lifestyle:
Maintaining a healthy diet, good sleep and engaging in hobbies can help reduce the negative impacts of isolation.
Understanding the profound effects of isolation on brain function and mental health underscores the importance of social connections and proactive measures to maintain mental well-being.


Guess what motherfucker, this information is fucking useless. There’s not a single study done internationally that has looked into the environmental and social causes of loneliness. The only studies done on loneliness are entirely based around the immediate physiological and social damage it causes to a single person. Literally just throwing another artificial issue in society to be dealt with by the medical model over addressing the root causes of what created them.


Whatever looking at security cams all day long is called.


if this is true, then it's just an inevitable negative feedback loop anyways
no one wants to baby a special case
also, i feel like online is even worse for me
idiosyncrasy is even less tolerated in online algorithmic social media, which encourages being a lowest common denominator


Stacking shelves


File: 1719957660330.png (301.09 KB, 680x780, ClipboardImage.png)

p sure long periods of isolation helped to bring the schizo out of me


FNAF player


i legitimately believe that isolation and neglect from a young age gave me a strong decline in cognitive function. i dont think i will ever be able to recall or think normally

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