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brahmins are bourgeois


Rvroiiohihi are petbourg


That's nice honey but what are their relations to means of production?


Communists must form an alliance with socially conservative Shudra landlords against the radlib Dalits who call me prejudiced on twitter



The caste system when not reified by capitalism is merely the division of labour applied to any functioning society, even if the occupation is undergone temporarily to fulfil a need by those who have the means of aptitude. Its also a metaphor of meritocracy based on the predominance of virtue or lack of it (gunas) required for the cultivation of the mental horizon and ability to carry out the role effectively.


Kill yourself


the caste system is pre-capitalist
many high caste descended people are proles now and many lower caste people have become nouveau riche


Why? Its a good effortpost.

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