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what does "social darwinism" mean? is it a roundabout way of saying they're dumb? also being anti-war is more sympathetic than understanding the "core of international geopolitics"


File: 1719930592210.png (300.44 KB, 460x503, ClipboardImage.png)

Retard chart


>what does "social darwinism" mean?
It means the Arabs are in their current situation because of a chronic skill issue (which does have some truth to it).


Bottom left checks out


>what does "social darwinism" mean?
might makes right, aka fascists

>also being anti-war is more sympathetic

yes. but its also a purely moral position disconnected from the working of the world, and as such, is ironically not the most effective at actually avoiding war and minimizing human suffering, and is highly susceptible to being manipulated, as shown by the their willingness to arm ukrainians and throw them in the meat grinder rather than negotiate neutrality


Random workers can't negotiate neutrality unless you're a liberal believing in electoralism, every single ones of those flags represent bourgeois dictatorships btw. We could also turn your argument around and say that if Russians were anti-war they would relinquish their claims and stop sending hundreds of thousands of proletarians dying in an imperialist war, it's not like it never happened.




This is an image of national narrative rather than class narrative.
I think many foreigners see this picture like a group of us here see that red-blue-green-yellow coordinate graph.


>palestinian flag represent bourgeois dictatorship
you fucking moron

>Random workers can't negotiate neutrality

most support sending weapons anyway

>turn your argument around and say that if Russians were anti-war

who said that? how is that the reverse argument?

this chart is simply accurate in my experience

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