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Answering that anime avatar weirdo:
>are you implying that there can be ethics without morals?

No. Ethics involve morals, but a focus on ethics rather than a focus on moralism is more useful, for moralism is inflexible and primitive, especially religious moralism. Killing can be a good thing, and so can dishonoring your father and mother.


>counteracting anime with children's cartoon
you 2 are made for each other


making a thread just to reply to one guy is crazy work anon, I have to say I respect the dedication though.


I thought the point of ethics was to replace morals with logistics and consent.


Arguing about the difference between "ethics" and "morals" is like arguing about the difference between "equality" and "equity", or "nerd" and "geek". Taboo your words, and state your opinions directly.


File: 1719970161388.png (618.18 KB, 755x583, ClipboardImage.png)

Equality and equity are totally different terms.


Ethics isn't some abstract concept; it's a field of study, and the ways in which one derives ethics is very fucking important to understanding it. You cannot derive ethics from morals unless you already know both and stitch them together.

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