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/siberia_archive/ - Siberia Archive

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It is now up to the people to decide whether there should be a new official Capybara OC character, and whether this character is Alunya's pet or something.


I did not choose the capybara.


more like CUTIEbara thank you all for picking my nomination


alunya but as a capybara


File: 1682713327704.png (3.53 MB, 1426x952, Capybaras chillin.PNG)

>>10351 who did u vote for. I voted raccoon because i was dumb, I should've researched beforehand. It turns out that raccoons are very individualistic, and thus reactionary and counter-revolutionary
i was surprised by capybara winning. I thought some generic animal would win, like cat or bird, so I was pleasantly surprised. Capybaras really are the perfect leftypol animal, because they're clearly leftist. Also, I live in Brasília, where there are a lot of capybaras. I should take a picture when I find one, they're adorable
>>10353 very cool


Wait… why nobody told me about elections… also I didn't know 150 ppl existed here that they voted wow…


I am okay with this result.

Actually it says 150 votes were voted by 50 people.


>Alunya's pet
that's actually perfect
I think a capybara would be like 1/3 her size


I think capybaras are a good sibera mascot because:

they're cute
they don't stress out doing too much and just chill
they play nice with other animals
they like to play in the water (who doesnt like the pool right)
they are proudly vegan (wow!)
they are a little chubby and not as elegant as some other animals but they dont let that bother them

also I just said capybara and tapir because the default animals looked a bit too familiar and dare I say, northern/western centric, i'm also surprised and pleased by this decision and the acknowledgement to our brasilia and latino comrades


Just don't take the grapes, okay?


>this thing is counter-revolutionary
but its so cute


AW FUCK i just thought of a great name for the capybara character, BEHOLD: CHE CAPYBARA

and capybaras are actually no so small, they can be pretty chunky

1. facts
2. facts
3. facts
4. facts
5. facts
6. facts
7. facts

also, they're very collaborative


>>10359 very right libertarian vibes
literally satan running pr for raccoons


I was thinking: maybe we should do a revote, but reduce the amount of candidates from the pool – for example cut out who had single digit votes

As much as I wanted the dog, rat, and chimp to win – the communist wasn't interested in them.




File: 1682728354545.jpg (151.73 KB, 1086x725, capybara angry.jpg)



<coup attempt detected
<seethium detected
<seethium neutralized
<basium detected
<basium approved


>another animal pic deleted
whats going on?


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File: 1682739598611.jpg (138.09 KB, 644x754, LDKLLK.jpg)

CHADpibaras… I kneel


outrageously based


wtf i didn't see a poll


File: 1682813895321-1.jpg (105.73 KB, 1200x1200, FFnMAaLXIBgQuHL.jpg)

All besties :3
Also, I think a capybara mascot for /siberia/ would be nice.


capybaras are a normie meme


well it ran for 48 hours which is longer than bourgeois elections


Use instant run off not fptp shit.


File: 1682820649211.jpg (105.12 KB, 367x500, crestedrat.jpg)

Least normie rodent right here.


seems like even normies can be right sometimes


File: 1682827433122.jpg (67.42 KB, 500x650, capybara meme.jpg)

>>10372 aaw

ok, so capybaras are the popular, the muscular proletariat's choice, what about it?

>>10377 least muscular capybara

>>10375 use my massive cock


i hate capybaras bc it reminds me of that cringe meme of an anime girl with a loli voice saying capybara


cleanse yaself (of spooks)


each person had three votes



did the poll fucking run on a weekday
people got jobs mate


My apologies. The next Animal Election will be on a weekend then.


sorry but now capybaras are actually trash because they've been coopted by the brazilian far right


What? No they haven't show me proof


fox >>>


Fuury spotted!


Are you re-doing the election or are you saying this for next year?


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I'll make a poll one day asking how often these elections should be done, this is up to the ppl to decide


You should make a poll about making that poll first.


thought pepe and jaks were becoming allowed again


File: 1682899879281.png (Spoiler Image, 33.34 KB, 597x568, Oekaki.png)

>cappy bara
you could have prevented this
you could have voted cat


fuck cats


What is President Capybara's economic policy??




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File: 1682921435284.jpg (245.67 KB, 1200x888, fake capybara amogus.jpg)

Here's what we know about capybaras:
uno: they're very social and collaborative
dos: they get along with most animals
tres: they're kinda patriarchal and trad :C
cuatro: they're vegan
cinco: they bark like dogs sometimes isn't that cool

so I'm not sure what kind of leftists they are, and what kind of economic policies Guebara would come up with, but they're certainly leftist


That wont work because people in different countries have their weekends at different.times


Make it go from 12 AM on the West side of the International Date Line to 12 AM Monday on the East side of the International Date Line.


How often should animal elections happen? Poll: https://strawpoll.com/polls/jVyG81RXGn7


I thought we were memeing about having a poll for how often the elections should happen.


Why? Do you HATE democracy or something????


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The noble Possum is not even on the ballot
I'm disappointed, fam


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If the chinese zodiac option wins, we need to have another poll on if dragons should be considered mammals.


>random porno


File: 1683054511054.gif (Spoiler Image, 9.99 MB, 3175x2222, 350c0edec9ea9fd1614e4ee480….gif)

The dragon emperor canonically gave birth to a tiger, so where did he get milk from?
This question is important, because the year of the dragon is next. In case dragons weren't mammals, the next election would not be on the 10th February 2024 but in the year of the horse on 17th February 2026.


dragons are reptiles my dude


So who wants to draw the first siberiasona? Should capy have an outfit or be anthropomorphic or what?


File: 1683266903531.png (1.41 MB, 818x1023, ClipboardImage.png)

who voted for raccoons?
what's commie about them? anarchist?


File: 1683279306340-0.jpg (53.71 KB, 780x439, raccoon.jpg)

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File: 1683279306340-4.jpg (75.44 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

The Raccoon Army is fighting a protracted peoples war in the heartlands of imperialism.


They are cute.


the liberal media doesn't want you to know about hog-riding raccoons hate-criming possums


>gibbon wasn't even a choice
rigged, fake, gay election


File: 1683373578326.jpg (614.4 KB, 1277x1920, gibbon hug.jpg)

It's okay, we will get them next time.


Now that Capybara won someone needs to make a sexy lefty anthro capy-girl like Alunya. I'd do it myself but Im not very talented


What if the character was a comically handsome? I don't know, just to add some variation, since we already have two girly characters.


NOOO! I want sexy cartoon girls only


deal with it


File: 1683536501571.png (81.21 KB, 608x517, ClipboardImage.png)

THE MOST socialist animal


v cool
cope. capybaras are clearly men. it's even in the name


File: 1683540376848.png (42.55 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

it never even geban


File: 1683598324318.jpg (137.34 KB, 850x890, capybara qt.jpg)

what about a character that's a qt companion to alunya (like chinese cartoon characters often have), and stays on top of her head like pikachu stands on top of ash's head

you can't slander the reputation of guebaras like that just because of one twatter cringelord

>>10422 muito legal
>>10423 lovely


those are some big tits


This is why the modern left is weak.
They vote for an animal that is nothing but a slow, toothless sack of nutrients for any predator to consume without resistance, rather than voting for an animal that can fight back


Capybaras arent slow nor bait. Just because theyre not aggressive doesnt mean theyre weak


If capybaras were lame then they would've gone extinct, instead they're at 'least concern' level, unlike your ebin apex predators which are all in danger of only living in zoos. When predators are around they can defend themselves with their teeth but they prefer to hide in murky water where they can go without breathing for up to five minutes. They are unbothered because they know their own power.


It's actually weirdly enough correct.
Sigma don't care


Also you missed a joke there 'least concern' - unconcerned
I don't know I don't work here


very nice, i didn't even think of that.

Well so I think we can disqualify capybara catgirl due to sameness but should capy be a little pet boy or some kind of capyboy? or a capyBARA muscleman?


File: 1683730727838.png (276.09 KB, 342x456, capybara flourishing.png)

internet debate status: won 🏆


File: 1683731355709.png (11.87 KB, 270x187, capybara.png)

capybara chads we just can't stop winning


This is bullshit


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You know, I am not left-wing at all. I honestly come here just to see what you all are up to as I also dislike and like a few of the same things. I can put up with glorification of Anarchism, Stalinism, even all those millions who died of starvation (you thankfully don't do this) …… but this ……. THIS is unforgiveable and completely intolerable! I have never, in my life, seen such an expression of the intellectual emptiness of pop-culure. Here you are, literal modern day philosophers who will be studied in the future, millions of pages of history at your fingertips …….. and you elect a literal rodent. I am not surprised given you are all communists, but really? Even with all the TikToks and idiots throwing bananas at them at the zoo you hop right on board. Capybaras are literally the Donald Trump of the animal world - the only attractiveness is via a complete lack of knowledge of how the world works or functions. I am truly disappointed, and believe me I have seen some sh*t on this board. I mean, at least the racoon got #2 (underrated cute factor … I think its the hands) but it doesnt cut it. This is unforgivable and I will never look at you all the same again. Helicopters! All of you!


… just wait for your ration of good taste next week, you will laugh


is that an edgy dog-whistle that i'm not virgin enough to know



What should leftypol's capybara be called?


datamining Fred



File: 1684878309720.jpeg (7.88 KB, 224x224, download.jpeg)

Capybaras are docile creatures and the last thing to be associated with reform or revolution.


they are giant rodents, and i was about to post that they looked like them which was completely unneccesary since you know they're actual rodents


I don't know this actually


they will colonize america


File: 1687402237539.jpg (179.24 KB, 2048x1866, capybara_coconut-doggy.jpg)

love this idea :3


File: 1687402355697-1.jpg (320.4 KB, 1536x2048, capy-chan.jpg)



I dont feel like this is right. Capybara should be like stoner hippie girl or something


I hate this.
Why can't an animal just be an animal?


You sicko.


can't believe goats were never an option


VERRRRGA pana si ganaron los chiguire hermano qlq


Me chiguiriaron elmio


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should there be a human version of the communist capy
maybe not with an ushanka (too hot) but maybe with something else. maybe more brazilian


very cute


Is that Hong Meiling from Touhou Project?!?!?


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imagine their MUSKY smell.
2x strong!!



Please consider your tone
however I do agree that the smell will indeed be 2 times as there are 2 animals


> however I do agree that the smell will indeed be 2 times as there are 2 animals
anon maths



unrel but im posting to see if the custodial staff fucking nuked the thread because they thought I posted CP (when its literally a photo of me getting fucked, and I'd damn well know that I was 18 recording that)


You should go to /meta/


Post some appropriately censored ID and a piece of paper with the site name and the current date. That's proof.

vid rel.


Didn't even know the vote was going on TBH, I was offline at the time. Tell the truth anons, you lollygagges watch Jimmyhere or someshit.


This video has haunted me since its creation and it terrifies me since i know the person who made it. This is the last place i would have expected to see it.


schizos of a feather flock together


>schizos of a feather flock together
Keked and checked

Who LMAO? Why does this haunt you?


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>>10470 quality baras


they're graceful looking in water


File: 1696745936780.jpg (211.38 KB, 678x499, capybara_temple.jpg)

capybara temple


that's a fire crib. hope the rent is not high


tha lil uygha is gonna lose his deposit if he keeps chewing on the doorframe


File: 1698718370113.jpg (210.91 KB, 1024x1024, communist capybara 2.jpg)

>>10475 this is why guebaras are communists


File: 1699682705764.mp4 (10.16 MB, 854x468, Bagger 288!.mp4)



You doing ok Shay?


what about capybaras, are they that important?


if capybaras were important, don't you think alligators would eat them? a capybara would surely be the alligator's most important meal of the day, right?



They're kinda cute, NGL.


wrong, they're extremely cute


Alligators are afraid of capybaras, that's why they don't mess with them




NEW MOTION: kill the sticky.





Agreed, get rid of it.

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