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 No.10491[Last 50 Posts]

Is this AMV worth 50k y/n?


No, the concept is bland, the animation isn't that good, and there's not even any actual porn in it. Also the idea of just being kidnapped and looking like a blushing dweeb, IDK that just seems lame to me


oh yeah and the song is generic as fuck


>rape but on males


a man paid for this to be made with his self insert tho


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so what you're saying is, if there are males who fantasize about being raped by alpha females, there has to be females who have a fantasy of being raped by dominant men?


The music sucks but the animation is pretty good


I mean yes there is females with this fantasy, plenty of them, read bodice rippers sometime


you have to spend the money on something. it was this or a mid-tier car. and if you live in a city you can manage without the car


could put it towards retirement or house deposit but ok


I'm gonna admit

I have never read an erotic work, or a book that's been written by a woman in all my life and at this point I'm too afraid to ask where to start


Octavia E. Butler (not erotic tho)

As for erotica, IDK

wait I googled and found an answer for you, I read this book by a female author like 15 years ago, it's M/M and extremely rapey


apparently she's an anti trans evangelical now. what a world


>she's an anti trans evangelical now. what a world
da phuc
>Daughter of two Cuban political exiles
yeah, makes sense

anyway, now I have something to do, time to brew some coffee and pirate an erotic book by M.C.A. Hogarth to read, thanks a lot anon


Ok, just to warn you I can't remember if there's actual sex in that book, it might just be more foreplay and implications and so on (entirely possible there is sex though)


"Content warning: slavery, physical violence, frequent rape, sexual abuse, torture. None of it is graphic, but it is one the page almost constantly."

well there you go, often women aren't really into mechanics of sex in their workds and more like, idk vibes (dont get me wrong theres plenty of graphic female works too though)


do you have any idea how many e-books you could buy with 50.000$? or how many revolutions in India you could fund with that money? or how many Ryan Gosling driver jackets?, or how many 200$ hamas rockets?

point is, Verbalase should have read basic and advanced economics to understand the value of a Hazbin hotel video


you could buy at least 25 misato jackets with that money


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depends on the quality


Yeah I expected it to be more expensive honestly. Wasn't there like an orange jacket she wore sometimes? I was more thinking of that when I wrote it honestly


can't find any reference to it now, maybe I made it up in my head


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dude could have purchased 50 Capybaras


>exotics veterinarian
just go to a regular veterinarian and say it is a dog, wtf is wrong with these people


'sir your dog is retarded'


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dude….bro could have as easily hired 50 sex workers, 800$ each to cosplay as Charlie using the other 200$ and then had them all or separately DOMINATING and DRAINING him for hours and hours until he lost his fetish, as a plus he could have done it LIVE on twitch and it would still be less embarrassing than this, in fact it could have made him popular again, hell, he would be gaining money by posting it.


this woman just looks uncanny though, it's not the same


that's the best part, with 50 women there's a chance one of them will resemble charlie the most, dude could have banged Charlies of all kind, black charlie, aryan charlie, asian charlie, brown mommy charlie, dominatrix charlie, all for him.

sorry but I still can't believe bro paid 50.000 for this when he could have had better.


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yes, we need more of these


I mean I have never paid porn so I agree it's dumb but this guy must be pretty rich so whatever right


he got bankrupt i heard


I occasionally read female-orientated romance manga, and its genuinely disturbing how many have the main love interest straight up rape the protagonist right in the first chapter.



although i wish it was more explicit or there was a part two.
the animation is pretty good for what i assume would've been someone private amv if not for the leak


Holy shit they nailed the artstyle pretty closely. I thought they were greenscreening at first until she started lip syncing.


money can make you do amazing things


fucked up that you can buy these things


Meh I mean what's disturbing really, people like what they like


yup, he went bankrupt by commissioning this


yes, he did


no, it's kind of weird cause he probably should've asked permission honestly first. IT seems kind of rapey.


Rumors, rumors, rumors


alleged rumors


so someone spent 50k on a porn video just to ruin a random youtubers career?


ask permission from who?

the random youtuber is the one who spent 50k, and ALLEGEDLY went bankrupt doing so. it later got leaked online so i don't know what he was doing with it in the meantime


the character owner, i think to be honest though it's in the case of loona, it's just a character and if it's hot people will wanna fuck the shit out of it


im pretty sure vivzie saw this and just reacted with a wtf gif


he had a mysterious six month content hiatus while this AMV was being produced that tanked his channel performance


did he died from spanking it to this too much?


women need to get their shit sorted out. rape is somehow the most evil act one can commit, so evil that it cannot even be portrayed in fiction, yet simultaneously half of them have fervent rape fantasies


>so evil that it cannot even be portrayed in fiction
>in response to post describing how it is portrayed in fiction by women


I do think some feminists doth protest too much about the 'rape fantasies' issue. Like obviously people shouldn't just rape each other in real life but the kind of things me and my partner are into would probably make me like a social outcast if they were known of even though I don't think they're even that uncommon. Oh well.

Anyways, I just watched the saberspark video (he manages to make it twice as long as it should be, shocking) and this guy has like 500m views on his channel, he must be at least a millionaire by now, and apparently he was originally planning to publish the video on one of his channels, so like you can say it was self-indulgent but he probably didn't like intend for it just to stay private forever when he started paying for it. I don't think it's really that big a deal or really that crazy, when I heard about this I didn't realise this guy was such a huge YTer or that this video could /theoretically/ be published publicly.

That said it does still look like fetish bait, I mean I'm not sure how he thought the clothes changing segment was gonna be allowed on YT, but whatever.


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I was just trying to find the fbi.gov messages for more context, this shit from twitter alone should be more controversial than his dumb AMV



This was pretty lame even by the standards of self-taught internet animators. The animation is not as good as stuff I've seen for far less of a budget, the content/concept is cringe and frankly it's pretty lifeless, like a lot of stuff done purely for commission.


it really do be like that

there should be some kind of app where you can match with people who live/work near you who you would be up for being raped by


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Yes. Charlie is hot as fuck. Definitely worth going into debt to jerk off to her.
This is a better idea though.


Thats hot but I have no idea what you are talking about.


I know what I'm doing with my money if I win the powerball.

My waifu is from a series 30+ years old, so hardly any good fanart of her


Tell us who you coward


remember the guy who used to make beatboxing animation of SpongeBob? apparently, he paid someone 50 grand to make this specific AMV and got into debt because of it


how the hell do you have enough stamina to fuck 50 prostitutes during a stream?


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not bad


>he must be at least a millionaire by now,
He was spending 38k per vid according to messages he posted and another issue is that his vids were shorter than 10 minutes when he was popular so he only ever got partial ad revenue


>Get woke go broke


she's not really saying no to the whole thing, but probably confusion maybe honestly i'm not sure tbh lol, if the characters are open though anyone can do anything with it


oh dear, let's talk about weird OC commissions because believe it or not, I tried a decade ago to dip my hand in both making wordy fan fiction and bad drawings as a side gig in school, I was bad at both, it was good money from friends and horny teens asking me to Sketch them next to a famous actor though.

so one day I ask this circle of Creators I befriended on Tumblr what's the oddest commission they had to reluctantly agree to or turn down. there was the usual Wojack Brony sonic grotesque porn and then there were a lot of race-related artworks demanded by rightwing accounts, don't believe me? look it up, specifically, I'm talking about commissioners with a lot of money asking an artist to draw/write down an 'ordinary' forced interracial scene between a man and a petite woman, you know, BDSM, brutal humiliation, urine, but then adding "oh, and make the crying woman draped in the flag of Germany and asking me by my name to save her at the end" or something like that, pretty weird stuff, and of course, there were demands for illustrations of rape between white men and black women, that's not the weird part, the part that puzzled me was how they'd sometimes add extra details for the face of the man, short hair, straight nose, large chin, skull tattoo.

and others were huge head-scratchers to vomit-inducing, a drawing for the prison rape of Hillary Clinton, a lion English furry soldier in Iran having sex with boys, loli ebba aeckerlund, Dylan roof in the style of anime, they were paid alright, never 50 grand but something like forty to ninety dollars which was pretty expensive at the time considering the material at hand.


Can you actually hire sex workers to cosplay for you? Is that expensive?


>disney manchild
>think of le parents
>muuuh transhumanists
>get woke go broke


800 an hour to fuck in cosplay is way too much, but yes, you absolutely can.


Nothing but respect to the lunatic that paid real money to have this made.

This is what the internet is for.


What's it like being based and having excellent taste


Do I have to provide the costume? Or pay for it?


high-class escorts can give you companionship an hour for 500, let alone 800
well he did say 200 on the side to pay for makeup and dresses


Is this uygha serious


let him fuck


just make sure he tells us what cosplay he chose


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Credit to scottrocks20


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yes, also hear me out on verbalase


i can fix him


The bankruptcy and contracting a 15 year old to make it sounds pretty unbelievable, is there a sauce for that?


15 yo thing was debunked.




Even if it wasn't who the hell cares, 15 yo is old enough to know what sex is


I didn't know TheThingNoticer made Hazbin Hotel.


strawman dumbass, when i was a lot more socially conservative ML i had a radfem anarchist girl lecture at length me on why rape fetish is perfectly okay.


the absolute state of femdomfags


hey, fuck you


femdomgods are usually not sexually repressed chvds who complain about woke disneyland and pay for animations. i don't know of any 'berian who would possess that quantity of money in the first place


is that the beatbox guy?


>does he know


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TwoMad really out here letting a white woman dress him up as an ape. Sheesh! Hath a nygha no shame?



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>When you commission your momos in video
<"the future is now old man"




the song isn't even bespoke i mean i feel that for 50k someone should have gone to fiverr and requested a personalized EDM song at least.


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there's oodles of fanart and porn of this ship now so I'd say he got his money's worth
I do find it amusing that he looks nothing like his avatar


I mean he looks more like his avatar than most people do.


>Black guy in a monkey suit
This guy is a walking L isn't he?


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they had more



Should have commissioned porn with the hot transhumanist gf instead.


Bellejak gemmy


Ok, hear me out here


I checked out Hazbin Hotel because of this thread and now i'm unironically hooked to what might be the most deviantart Hot Topic-ass show i've ever seen


Lmao same story for me its actually a decent show


No giant red sauage lips or absurdly wide nose with a bone throught it enough for you?


I'd do the same thing to be honest, only with lady characters I came up with myself.


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Nice taste man. Though I was more of a Washu fan myself. ^^


I heard the animation was done by a teenager so its definitely a very good thing on their portfolio


zero evidence for this claim, i think the only reason people are pusing it are to frame verbalase as a "groomer" or pedo for commisioning a minor.

animation this good is almost definitely done by a small studio or team of animators


I read that it was done by professional animators.


That makes sense
And im glad you understand how good the animation is too, despite armchair critics preteding its the worst thing theyve ever seen


uyghas got that sonic hair




the animation quality is the best thing about it, it's just the concept that's terrible


I mean, its whatever. To normies its uber cringe but to anons the biggest mistake is the 50k price.


Story of O.


i'm just embarrassed for the guy for having this get so much attention and completely baffled by the people who say they're shocked and hurt by the revelation, like wtf


The internet is always looking for a lolcow these days


Does anyone have the uncensored version?


ironically the animators on the actual show are being paid less than the ones that did the commission


It sucks. Several years ago a vid like this would get laughed at for a bit and meme'd then people would move on. Now everyone wants to dig up personal info and start a celebrity gossip mill of rumors beyond the video itself to milk as long as possible until the next "main character" shows up.


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If I had 50k at my disposal, I could have done so, so, so much more with that budget.


How many Grace pictures would that get?




can you imagine an animated short movie featuring Alunya and Grace?


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I work w/ a fairly small budget as is.
If I had that kind of money, I would probably do crazy things.


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With 50k, I could easily get an animation like OP and parody it.
With Grace. With Alunya.


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ngl, OP makes me daydream.
All the Grace pics w/ a budget like 50k.


How much would it cost to make grace real so I can kiss her on the forehead and cuddle with her?


How much would it cost to make Grace real so I can become her loyal subject and serve her with all I have?




To be fair he was telling his fans that he needs more money and did some competition to ask them to submit animation for his videos for the chance to win a plushie, which is kind of bad, but yeah the amount of people who are shaking and crying over this is kinda silly

I really feel like something has gone wrong with our culture, everything is so judgemental all the time, everyone is trying to police everyone else for being creepy or abusive or whatever and people can't just live and let live


>I really feel like something has gone wrong with our culture, everything is so judgemental all the time, everyone is trying to police everyone else for being creepy or abusive or whatever and people can't just live and let live.

I think it's a mixture of the clout chasing and anger inducing algorithims of Social Media and people are basically looking for a reason to pretend to be more "moral" than they really are. It's all about curating a image of being a good person.


If I had 50k, I would commission multiple art pieces of myself getting dominated by big furry women.


if i had 50k, i would buy a minivan so i could have an affordable house


Same here, anon.


A Washu is fine too. You also have excellent taste, friend.


Thank you, although Washu isn't the only Waifu that I have. I have quite a few. even some lady characters I created myself.


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both are hot



She's Karen, Aya is the blue twintails girl.


Jokes on you, a woman cannot rape a man over here in Bongland because it requires a penis to be able to rape someone lmao





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least psychotic polish meme


thank god i'm not a brit


What does it mean? Is it about that pope again?


I'm always afraid to translate Polish memes because its 50/50 between cool shit and Nazism


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Which one is this?


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I don't know why but the censored eyes in this image really turn me on




So is this the original, "uncensored" version of the video? Emojis? That's all? Why did the version on youtube feel the need to cover those up with shitty imagemacros?


cause YT has removed that version multiple times


haven't seen any proof that the animation cost 50k or that it's definitely what caused the downturn of his channel. him commissioning the animation in the first place is embarrassing enough. i don't understand why people have to add the other shit


There's emails that confirm it cost $48k or more


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Based Misato strikes again!


pussy ass bitch youtube


UPDATE he made a response video where he is trying to get over it by being a Buddhist


Least misandrist radfem.


Is this furry? That profile ain't human.




Nah, she is a human… A dead human that is.



>the censored eyes in this image really turn me on
You have a fetish, boi.


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Charlie is the daughter of Lilith and Lucifer. She's not a human. DYEWTS??


haven't seen the emails


It was fbi.gov chat but close enough


This is actually based as fuck this video rules.


There were emails too that were shared with Saberspark


This is cursed as fuck



>not Kamoi Tsubame
Not worth 50k.


When you think about it absolutely is worth it.

Unique IPs: 79

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