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/siberia_archive/ - Siberia Archive

The best of the worst
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File: 1717888030542.png (65.85 KB, 420x420, llllz99x7.png)


Are most of gen alpha lenient towards nazism? a lot of the people that use the sharty are late zoomers unironically into stuff like ROBLOX. They also tend to be against anyone that isn't rich and white, and they're extremely nihilist and destructive as a culture, is this reflection of generation alpha as a whole generation?


File: 1717888239470.webm (6.05 MB, 256x384, meds_grass.webm)

report sage hide


everyone in gen alpha is Black. no exceptions.


>we have this thread every day
<we have this thread every day
>we have this thread every day
<we have this thread every day
>we have this thread every day
<we have this thread every day

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