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 No.7774[Last 50 Posts]

/LGBT/ General 7

This thread is about the fact that queer people shouldn't be gatekept away from queer spaces based on how much oppression they have faced. the reason why is that they are queer either way regardless, and they still experience discrimination due to unchangeable aspects of what they are
This is mostly referring to asexual and aromantic people but it applies to others as well


i put in the wrong number but the next person who makes this thread should put it was the 8th


I fucking hate the brown parts of that flag so much. Clashes so much with rest of colour scheme. Awful!


>grew up repressed trans and non-white in a shitty small town in the west
>forced to mirror shitty bigoted jokes of kids around me
>slurs and insults, even for races and ethnicities other than mine, thrown around like nothing
>grow up and begin transitioning
>unimaginable remorse
Fuck. It will probably forever haunt me. Makes me want to die.


I guess at this point, the only thing to do is to accept repercussions for what I did if I can, and be kind and sensitive to people from now on


I feel this and am currently going through it. No matter how much I remind myself of this or that fact, I just can't shrug off the things I've heard about lgbtq people in my life, and it makes me feel like shit, gives me a ton of internalized transphobia.


I repeated many of the stuff myself, though. And like I said, it was about groups of people other than myself. I'm a piece of shit.


Am i lgbt if i just have a cock fetish?


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Is there any way I can force myself to be gay and remove all heterosexual tendencies from my brain? I'm sick of being an incel and really want a partner to share my life with.


>straight conversion therapy


I feel like my life is over
Didn't get on t-blockers before puberty
My entire adolescence stolen from me as a result
Now I'm a neurotic, jobless, friendless mess


I feel like i could suck a guys dick, but the shitdick stuff is too much for me
Its such a disgusting thought in my head
I'll never be in a relationship with s guy tho so i dont have to worry about it


conservatives are gonna be so annoying during this pride month, oh god. Existing within 500000 miles of a child? Grooming


Why would you think a gay guy would ever want you and wouldn't be disgusted by you like women?


real gay sex has never been tried


Gay men have repeatedly shown interest in me while no woman ever has. Women aren't disgusted by me either, they're just not attracted to me because I'm not chad or rich.

Also gay guys make for better conversation than women.


give em homies a lil kiss as appreciation


sounds like you should download grindr


I can't because I'm not sexually or romantically attracted to men in the slightest.


Watch some gay porn and work yourself up


Gay porn disgusts me, not in moralfag christoid sense but just as a personal preference. The closest I can get to it and still be aroused is pre-op trans porn.


have you had sex with a man before?


No. But I feel a strong attraction to women, their looks, their skin, their smell, their laugh, all things I have never felt or noticed about a man. Unfortunately I'm certain that I'm straight and as my brain is currently having sex with a man would be a deeply unpleasant experience.


Why is it unfortunate to be what you are?


My sexuality has left me feeling lonely and longing for a partner I will likely never have. If I was gay I wouldn't have this problem and I could have a boyfriend, we could fall in love, move in together, meet each others parents and I would have a companion in life.


You will find a gf eventually
Give me your stats:
Employment status, salary
Face rating out of 10


>You will find a gf eventually
Tbh I probably will eventually. But it could easily be another 10-15 years and I'm not sure I can wait that long.
>Give me your stats
Sorry I'm not doxing myself. I will make it easy for you though:
3/10 and early 20s aka it's so over


If ur short then it is truly over


I am 0.5 of an inch below average, and considering that average is already considered short by most women, yeah, it's over.


Some of us just lose the genetic lottery
So what do you do to cope then?


The fact that you think these are key factors shows you dont understand hetero dating.


Sadly true.
To cope I mainly just focus on work, I take any overtime I can get, and play video games. How about you anon?


Its the foundation of any relationship with a woman
Or are you a blue/red piller who thinks you can work your way up into esteem, same way your boss tells you to work hard for a promotion?


Im not as bad as your situation
I actually have some blessings
Rn i cope with educating myself about most relevant subjects, shutting myself away reading - would like to write books and/or make educational videos one day, live off that


They are all things that help, but none of them are deciding factors. Because ultimately, unless you are extraordinary hot, women will still not be coming to you. You have to be the one to initiate and escalate any relationship. So it is behavioral factors that are the most important.


That's a good way to cope. If you can make a living doing something you enjoy then go for it. That is always the dream.


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>So it is behavioral factors that are the most important.
This meme is unironically true though.


Right, the appropriate behaviours change depending on context. But now imagine if that good looking guy had an anxious body language, or stuttered while complimenting the woman. Immediately would fall down to inappropriate.


Nah the girl would just see it as being "cute". If you are chad you don't even have to say a single word and women will already be falling head over heels for you, I have seen it many times.


>If you are chad
But most men are not chads. At the extremes of attractiveness scale, behaviour stops mattering, hot guys will always have women throwing themselves at them, and nobody is going to fuck the elephant man. But for 95% of hetero men in between, looks alone will not decide your sexual/romantic success. You have to act certain way to seal the deal. And it isnt even as simple as better looking = bonus points towards getting laid, because there needs to be a consistency between the way you look and the way you behave. For example, androgynous twinky young man can get away with acting effeminate and still get women who are into that, but a tall masculine man acting like a faggot will just ick them out.


That doesn't mean pretty privilege doesn't exist tho. I think that's what the comic is implying rather than looks > everything else


Dont forget its the ugliest guys who cope with improving their "game", who think dating is a numbers game of awkwardly asking girls outor coercing their numbers off them.
Unironically bee-ing yourself is the only way you can have genuine confidence, and to test a woman to see if she likes your company. Obviously you will be mostly friendzoned, but thats better than the alternative. As long as you dont shill yourself out as a beta-bucks loser you havent lost anything.
Looks are very important - im sure none of us would tease an ugly girl for a relationship.


Ugly girls don't exist.


How exactly is an ugly manlet supposed to act to attract women?


Extroverted, funny, stereotypically masculine.


The funniest guy in the world has no value to a woman if he is an ugly manlet


I have a classmate like that and he seems to be doing fine. Has an attractive GF.


I would have to see them


She is probably using him for something. Is he rich?


I am not fucking doxxing them. He is a short ginger with slightly receded hairline and 5/10 face. Not in shape either.

No. As I said, its the personality.


Something must be wrong with her then? Is he her first bf?


I dont know, never met her, only seen pictures, and from his interactions with women, if they broke up he would probably soon find another one.


>only seen pictures
Are yous sure she isn't an escort?


Please start actually going outside, most short date, most ugly men date. Yes, it does make it harder, still most manage it. Yes, their partner does find them genuinely attractive.


I probably go outside more than you do, everything I have seen reinforces my belief that western women are chadsexual and ugly guys are destined for a lifetime of inceldom.


Uglies and manlets date, they just dont date "attractive" women
Maybe our standards are different though


>they just dont date "attractive" women
It depends. A lot of unattractive/average women still believe they can get chad because they "deserve" nothing less, so they just ignore their looksmatch and hey-ho we end up with fem"""cels""".


In a polygamous society maybe they would get chad
But copers invented monogamy to tie women down to le sacred contract


Can't believe the LGBT general has finally become identical to every relationship thread on this shitty board


Women now are only getting married in their 30s, once chad finally stops swiping for them on tinder. That is when incels stand a chance of finding a long-term partner. You see newgene is right about older women being better dating material but he's not blackpilled enough to fully understand why that is.


Women care about personality far more than men. Hot ones too. Being interesting, funny and knowing how to flirt are far more important than looks. Again, looks help, you should do what you can to improve them.


Anyone know of a reliable way to tell if you're trans or nonbinary or something?


>Women care about personality far more than men
You are delusional if you actually believe this.


Do you strongly desire to be a woman? Warning: not the same as not liking being a man.
Warning: not the aame as not liking to be specific kind of man you are now


You either decide to present non-binary or not. Its a style, like being a goth.


Its overstated
Men care about personality as well
And women care about looks a lot
So much of a womans consciousness revolves around her own appearance, why wouldnt it apply to how men look to her too?
Chad is not a big muscular guy though - he is an anime boy, lean, tall and masculine, but still soft and pretty.


Unabiguously they do. "Care about" thought. Standards are a different thing. If you want a woman to immediatelly find you physically attractive, you need to be extraordinary hot. But that is not neccessary, because with women you can develop attraction.


Its a daily choice, not a medical diagnosis
Some people boymode forever


If you are ugly women will immediately "ick" you and there is no coming back from that. You don't even get a chance to build up attraction.


If you are over 18 your bones will stay as they are
HRT smoothens skin and can reduce your hairline recession, but its not magic
Like a regular woman, you will begin to lose your sexual value after 30 anyway, so if you dont pass well now, you likely never will


The idea of "redemption" and "getting the girl" is a purely male fantasy of overcoming your inherent flaws - but once you are marked, its over.


Try make up tutorials and different styles
A lot of people forget how manufactured todays beauty standards are


First impressions are VERY importantets say you meet some girl as a fattie
Then u glow up
She will still see u as a fattie coping, consciously or not
Which is why its impossible to get out of the friend zone


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many of the people on /leftypol/ are unironically like pic related. I feel like this is the only thread where I won't get reported for "idpol" for pointing this out. I get told to lurk more and that I'm a new fag but the truth is I've been here for years and I just don't think reactionaries deserve to get away with this shit hiding it under a trojan horse of "anti-idpol" discourse


newgene here.
I am blackpilled.
The reason I say older women arebetter is because if they thriw a hissy fit, you can show them to the wirld how theyre used goods and youre justified to kick them to the curb.

I also say that romantic love is luxury, best left for the rich.
Too many postoubescent humans are more desperate for genital contact than their pubescent peers.


Stop being autistic


I like older women
But i also jerk off to the idea of having sex with my mom every day too
Different strokes for different folks


i got with my spouse at 18 and we've been together 13 years. Many of my younger friends got married in their early 20s when tinder existed. their wives aren't ugly/fat. i think a lot of incels are mad that insanely attractive women won't date them, but they won't even try to go after average looking women, and then they confuse this dynamic for "all women only date chad" when really it's "all the women I went after only date chad"


It's pretty cringe to start out with a rainbow flag, already a perfect symbol of inclusion, and be like "we need to make this look shitty because there aren't enough colors yet."


i see you're one of the anons who think this is a safe space to dehumanize people


Well yeah it's true. The top guy is being respectful while the bottom guy is being a huge creep.


I am already an other
So i get permission to own slurs


Using them in a bonding capacity is different from using them to dehumanize people which plenty of anons do here nonstop, using the excuses that it's "just how imageboards work" or that it's "just a word for people i find annoying with zero history or context behind it" or "not dehumanizing people is liberalism" or "imageboards aren't a safe space, unless i'm using slurs, then they are a safe space for me to use them."

the truth is you're running protection for bigots. i bet you were on 8chan calling people the N word when you were 16 but now you're out of the closet now so you use that as an excuse instead.


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>i think a lot of incels are mad that insanely attractive women won't date them, but they won't even try to go after average looking women, and then they confuse this dynamic for "all women only date chad" when really it's "all the women I went after only date chad"
None of the women who I have had a crush on are conventionally "beautiful". They were mainly alt-girl types who never got any attention from chad, but still spent their time chasing after him anyway. It is incredibly frustrating to watch.

You see the fundamental issue isn't incels going for women outside of their league, it's the complete opposite. Women are unable to settle for their looksmatch because their looksmatch doesn't tick all their boxes of being the hyper-masculine prince which they have been told they deserve. All the data and studies proves this too.


So what should i do then?
You sound like a whiny bitch, no offense.
And yes, i am a walking stereotype.
White suburban kid who browsed 8chan, used the n word. Still says the n word irl to my white friends. Have no black friends. Etc.
Where does "fun" or "excess" play a part to you in life? Do you watch porn, which exploits women?
I dont care.


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>picking the LGBT general of all threads to start a struggle session over using slurs
Go argue in bad faith somewhere else.


Doesnt exist, that concept operates under the wrong assumption that men and women are on average equally attractive. Which isnt true, because the only measure of attractivness is "do people find you attractive?" And as you yourself pointed out, for most men the answer is no, while for women its yes.

>Women are unable to settle

Because they dont have to settle. Most can get the man they want, not neccessary some kind of ideal, but a man that they genuinely like and feel attracted to.


Thats why even if men are married they still act possessively over women, since they have options
Now today you get all this hysteria over cuckolding and open relationships, when it is just women being free from manlet coercion.


You say this, basically admitting that the game is rigged hugely in favor of women, and the wonder why a straight male would want to be gay?


There is no "game", its just the beauty of nature
Queen bees, queen ants, beautiful women, the white goddess, anima, athena, saraswati, kali.
Why not just forgo your phallus and submit to the goddess?


>Queen bees, queen ants
The worker bees and ants are all females too lol


argue in bad faith. I'm not arguing. I'm saying how it is.

>go somewhere else.

the whole internet is like this


Humans aren't insects and nothing about 21st century western beauty standards is natural.


Millions of sperm
1 egg
Thats life


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>on are conventionally "beautiful". They were mainly alt-girl types
pic 1

went after pic 2

and then really told himself "ummm she wasn't conventionally attractive ok she was a 5/10 at best, i wasn't punching above my weight ok, this isn't fair. she was actually a borderline ugly…. and she still will only date chad! Why is this happening to me?!?!?!"


Post an image of the caliber of woman ch.uddie should be going after.


> Women are unable to settle for their looksmatch because their looksmatch doesn't tick all their boxes of being the hyper-masculine prince
you little shit.

1. stop watching tate

2. realize that women were treated as chattel for most of human history, trade away by their fathers to some sleezebag for 3 bags of rice and a goat

3. realize that 2/5 women get sexually assaulted some time in their life and that what for you is "le sadboi romance" is actually a very precarious and dangerous situation for them


I agree
Models are not seen as attractive as regular women by men
Men do not want skinny, tall pristine women, but more casual, mid-sized women
I remember growing up and there were the "pretty girls", but i always liked the ones lower on the totem pole
My friend was friends with objectively the most attractive girl in the school yet she never got male attention


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>Post an image of the caliber of woman ch.uddie should be going after.


>stop watching tate
I don't.
>realize that women were treated as chattel for most of human history, trade away by their fathers to some sleezebag for 3 bags of rice and a goat
Meanwhile men were serfs, slaves or soldiers who either worked themselves to death in the fields or died in some pointless war for an inbred noble. Also the majority of incels aren't white and usually poor, so if you want to get into the historical oppression game have fun with that.
>realize that 2/5 women get sexually assaulted some time in their life and that what for you is "le sadboi romance" is actually a very precarious and dangerous situation for them
And how is this relevant to the argument? I'm not a rapist and most incels aren't rapists and there's no evidence to prove otherwise.


Don't worry, you'll be reported here :)
Maybe instead of comparing people edgelords to white supremacists, you should lurk more.

Or alternatively I can apply your logic and report your homophobia for saying the "f-word"


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Nobody has answered my questions. How do I force myself to find other males cute so I can get into a relationship with them? There must be a way.


Same way you turn a gay man straight


I thought you couldn't do that


Exactly anon.
Although, i identify as straight and i still occasionally jerk off to gay porn, and have for 8 years now - so try that path first


I have tried to on the gay pornhub but I just can't cum to gay material. It doesn't turn me on at all.


What about trap stuff? Its a dick, so its at least half way through


I sometimes do but it's only the feminine aspects of them that I'm attracted to. I don't think I could cum to a trap who didn't pass for example.


Well thats normal for a straight man
Im just interested
What was your homelife like as a child. Both parents?
Did you ever experiment?
Its strange to speak to someone so fiercely heterosexual here


>What was your homelife like as a child. Both parents?
Both of my parents stuck around and didn't abuse me, neither did anyone else. I have a cordial relationship with them now.
>Did you ever experiment?
I once did dirty talk with a "femboy" I met on disc0rd but I didn't really like it because I knew I wa just talking to a dude. That's the only sexual experience I have had in my life.
>Its strange to speak to someone so fiercely heterosexual here
It's not an ideological or moral thing I'm just not attracted to guys and women have made it consistently clear they want nothing to do with me romantically.


I doubt you can just change your sexuality
But if you want to waste your time trying, maybe get into femboys and futa, after that insert a pencil or even a dildo up your ass


Most people on the left are just a bit fruity is all
No need to make excuses
Believe me, i love women too
I always forget though how many KHVs are on here
That fbi.gov story made me sad for you
Have you ever downloaded tinder?


I will try femboy porn but actually good femboys are so rare irl and then they only want to date, similar to women. I wish I could just be attracted to normal guys like gays and straight women are.


>Have you ever downloaded tinder?
No. I know I wouldn't have any success with it because of how I look. I work with a lot of women and they are always on it swiping and laughing at dude's profiles. Calling eachother over when they see a "bad" one and even showing them to me to laugh at. It seems like a cruel and superficial business overall.


How do u plan to meet women?


I honestly don’t get the homophobia that occurs in middle school and high school. Anything that was “gay” was considered an insult and a bad thing. Yet flamers at high school were not mocked at all. Anyone who was in the closet (a fuck ton of Catholics live in my area and they’re not tolerant of homosexuality or bisexuality) or just straight was bullied and preyed upon for whatever random “gay” stereotype they did.
What pissed me off is that the flamers actually ENCOURAGE these stereotypes and it fucking sucks. The rainbow capitalists are the ones pushing it. These stereotypes are harmful to LGBT people and even just straight people. One kid at my high school committed suicide because he was bullied for having a pink back pack. I came out to my mom and she basically said bisexuals are perverts.
I’m really fucking tired of rainbow capitalism man.


>>7888 (me)
To clarify, he wasn’t bullied because he had the pink back pack per se, but it was because he was bullied for “being gay” and the “evidence” of his “gayness” was the pink backpack.


I have hoped like most people seem to do, by just going about my daily life until I find a girl I have a connection with. However I realized that only attractive men manage to meet women that way. Women take one look at me and seem to write me off as anything other than an acquaintance.


Don't blame flamers for that shit. Bullies pick on kids with low self esteem/that can't fight back well, it doesn't matter if they seem gay or whatever.


From what I've seen with femboys, they're down for hook ups, they just want to cuddle before hand.

Yeah that's life.
Women are like jobs, you have to apply to 100s if not 1000s to work something out, even if you're qualified.

I'd bring up the cumtown clip if I could, but yeah – the real answer is to just kick the bullies asses – reminds me of the story on cumtown where a black theater kid who sucked dick during the day did kung fu against people who mocked him.


>From what I've seen with femboys, they're down for hook ups, they just want to cuddle before hand.
I would only want to cuddle.

>Women are like jobs, you have to apply to 100s if not 1000s to work something out, even if you're qualified.

That sounds horrendous. Is there not an easier way? I would accept most women if they approached me for a date.


> I would only want to cuddle.
Same. I just want to cuddle a femboy so much


You need a few flings as experience
Would you ever go to a bar and try to pick up a woman? Do you have any charm?


How common is femboydom? I not only want someone to cuddle with but also want someone to dom me without pegging artificially.


>That sounds horrendous. Is there not an easier way?
You can try being very attractive.
Maybe you get into weight lifting and estrogen.

You'd lose your boysmell, but from what I notice: it's at the strongest when you cum on yourself, and towel dry.
You can try keeping/enhance the smell (from what I've heard) by working so much you sweat and also poor whisky all over yourself.
Just go for that musk smell.

Or even further alternative:
You can drive to where shay lives, and offer a place to live from her abusive family – it's a real turn on according to her.




>flamers living rent-free inside anons head
What year is it?
Also, yes, bisexuals are immature perverts
t. Bi-Guy


everyone's a pervert, we just admit it.


Yet you seemed offended at your mom finding you out
Just wear the rainbow flag and prance around like u want to lol


*Guitar riff*

Insanely rare it seems.
I have found more real life porn of cis men born with pussies getting fucked by shemales than femboys being a dom.

To add to >>7883
You can try this: https://youtu.be/PoeKQqeU4Gs?t=232


I can understand what you are trying to say but hookups aren't for me. I lack the charm and looks to pick up girls and I'm only looking for something long-term.

>Maybe you get into weight lifting and estrogen.
Those things seem contradictory. Doesn't estrogen reduce your muscle mass?
>Just go for that musk smell.
I think my family and coworkers would end up killing me if I tried that strat haha


You have never kissed or hugged a girl before, neveind fucked one
You need experience before you jump headlong into a long term relationship
For your sake


My mother already knows tho and I told her myself.


I want to get those experiences with someone I trust though, not some random person who barely know.


Telling your mom about your sexuality seems like a twisted form of foreplay
Maybe you say ur bi to add a bit of symbolic distance, make it simpler to come on to her
She will think ur basically gay so there will be a platonic element leading into intimacy, especially when ur drunk
U will be one of the girls, but also having the privilege of being a man, and you will show her what a man you are.


> You need experience


I guess
Heads up though, ur first gf will probably be ugly


Also, first timers can never keep their dick hard because of the nerves


>Those things seem contradictory
My strat is basically: be as masculine as possible, while also being as feminine as possible.

Maybe get into make up, but the mastery you're aiming for is being able to fool women.

Maybe the anon should play 50 different dating games for each gender/sex that it was designed for.
You'd be beyond prepared at that point.


Thats my praxis too
Twins 🙊💅


I'm absolutely fine with that. I have already said that I'm ugly, so I can't expect a girl who is conventionally attractive to want to be with me. If we're together she won't be ugly to me anyway.

This doesn't matter though because I can't even land an ugly girl.


>Maybe the anon should play 50 different dating games for each gender/sex that it was designed for. You'd be beyond prepared at that point.
Everybody should experiment to see what they like and what they are capable of. Alcohol helps massively.


> 50 different dating games
Which ones? I haven’t heard of them.
Why don’t normies create “human interaction simulator” for spergs? They could make a decent amount of money off of it yet they won’t do it.


You need some confidence


>human interaction simulator
Thats just called life
Its time to touch grass my friend


I need half a million dollars worth of plastic surgery and a new personality.


There are repercussions if you fuck up in real life. You could go to prison for saying the wrong thing in the wrong circumstances.
Simulators would make more sense. Then you bring people into the real world.


Your personality is literally entirely up to your control
In terms of looks
Dont be fat
Have good hair
Have good style
Have good posture and eye contact


What are you planning on saying? Lol


“We should [redacted] the US government” may land you into sedition.


Its hard to teach charisma
I would have to meet you irl
But like, i hope you arent this much of an autist in person lol


hes clearly trying too hard to demonstrate that hes beyond help by acting as contrarian as possible so he can remain in his comfort zone


I am though.


Its scary to come out of your bubble
To face the other, to face the feminine
But its also what a man longs for
A canvas for his own love


May I ask what do you look like? Do you look like chinletjak?


>Do you look like chinletjak?
No. I don't wear glasses, my hairstyle is different and crucially I have a chin. I am ugly, but just in a different way to the /pol/ face.


When was the last time u had a convo longer than 3 mins with a girl irl and what was it about?


It’s weird how nobody here blames the economic conditions of the western world despite it being a leftist board. People here can often sound like redpillers and Nazlibs (who practically have the same social views).


>doctor i think i may have depression what can i do
<actually its because of capitalism
>wow thanks doc
<thatll be $100 for the session


>economic conditions of the western world
There's no capitalism in the east?


I’m a different person than >>7928
I’m just a regular sperg. I’ve had a gf before but we didn’t have sex. I’ve also made out with a woman before.
The other actual sexual interaction I’ve had was with a dude who I dated for a while. I bang him only once though but it was because the pandemic got in the way. I’ve also made out with another dude who didn’t want to date me later on.
Both of these dudes were pretty attractive honestly.



<in a socialist country
>doctor I think I’m depressed
<well we don’t have capitalism anymore, let treat it
<that will be free because we have free healthcare




It sounds like you are fine


The neoliberal stuff is unique to the western countries. Most of the eastern countries are socialist, or state capitalist/Keynesian. Only Korea is really a neoliberal state except for maybe the ROC.
In before “muh Dengism”


What are the “ugly” attributes? Bald?


My general facial structure, acne and its scars, height, body shape and fat distribution.
I know I can change some of these things but I lack the will to transform my body right now..


Are you skinny, fat or skinnyfat?


Skinny in some parts, fat in others and not much inbetween. So I guess skinnyfat.


*Goes up to a woman*
*Starts stuttering since his brain has fed him 10 different sentences to say at once*
*Mentally restarts and tries small talk*
>Uh uh uh n-n-n-n-nice day
<yeah, i guess
>Uh uh wou-
<sorry anon i got to go
(This is the best version of the story)
(In some other time she would call him a creep)

Sure touching grass can work, or maybe just look at some non-cringe media to get some ideas.

>acting as contrarian
This is why there's 8 sex and relationships generals.

Tune in next week when someone with self-doubt is told to "Just do it actually!!!!!!!!!!!!!", and is then yelled out for DARING (what a sicko!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) to criticize the advice.

Because the rhetoric has been designed solely on shitting on nazis that it's seen as (almost) contradictory to admit it's both an issue of the environment created by capitalism and how the individual reacts to it.

More mentioning unique western developments that were caused by capitalism.
Like it's harder to date if you were raised in a suburb, you get nothing of independence until your drivers license at 17/18; in Japan you can do grocery shopping as young as 3.

More like:
>Doctor i think i may have depression what can i do
<Hm, has there been anything going on in your life?
>Yes, despite going to college as I've been told to get a good job, and even getting one with above average pay, I have had to work overtime because of the little pay, and now I have to do uber on the weekends.
>Also my mom seems to have vision problems, but my first job doesn't cover vision, so now I'm considering either spending 100s of hours to get a different job, or get another side job to cover the vision insurance.
>And the-
<Uhhhhhhh. This is just because your brain doesn't work properly – here: try these addictive pills


Touching grass literally has no downsides
It reconnects you with the real world
The internet is fake


Yeah, but it offers incomplete information since you're working on a limited perspective at all times.

It's like driving, sure it helps to learn by driving, but it's easier to do stuff like go through circles when you understand how and why.

>The internet is fake

Okay, I guess touching grass is bad advice now.
Weird that you would go against your advice…


Touching grass isnt anything except literally going outside, breathing fresh air- letting sunlight touch you
Most people here dont do that



Anon be like:
*Gets hit by sunlight*
*Girl walks up*
>Holy shit that's so hot please date me


Its not about girls


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my favorite unstoppable juggernaut meets an immovable object in terms of leftoid discourse is guys incapable of squaring these things and end up either overmedicalizing every variant human response to stress or thinking mental illness is a globohomo plot to sell wellbutrin


I don't get the mockery
As someone who has no medical expertise, me emphasizing stress in the role of medical conditions without any basis is clearly perfectly accurate medical information.

But like for real: it would definitely help to fight mental illness when unneeded stresses can be removed since the system isn't designed solely to maximize exploitation
There's a more simple example of health care being better in socialism, such as: the medical field being able to develop in without the limitation of profit,



Too similar to my story except mine is a shitty small town in the midwest. I must have heard n words and f slurs literally tens of thousands of times before I graduated high school.

I was also friends with some sort-of liberal types who listened to punk and alt rock a lot but they ended up being shitty people. They ended up bullying me a lot when I slipped into a major depression, suddenly I was just "emo kid" to them and my cutting and SI I was struggling with became the butt of their every joke. And of course that all happened because of repressing the fact I was trans. Won't go into much detail but I was having dreams of my genitalia being wrong at age 5, repeated dreams of it falling off etc.

I just wanted a life as a regular cis girl, I know 1000% i was born wrong. I don't care about the potential scientific explanations, whether I was overexposed to estrogen in the womb or some shit. It was just wrong from the start. I had a very very delayed puberty as well and my male parts didn't mature properly as well.

I started HRT a long while ago and just took tue plunge, but there is no magic bullet, I know IWNBAW to anyone regardless of passing status or anything. I don't do flags or pride or anything cause I'd probably get shot in the head in this town for being open and happy.

Being trans has affected the entire trajectory of my life, from mental health to school performance to social life. I wish every single fucking day I had been born a cis female. Damn it all to hell, damn this existence.

I can't tap out though, I'm never going to delete myself because that is exactly what a fash wants to see. My existence itself is rebellion against what they want.


Sorry to hear that anon. Hopefully things will get better, maybe try to move somewhere more tolerant/nicer if you can.


>What year is it?
>Muh current year
You’re a liberal shut the fuck up.


It’s best for you to bulk up a bit and work out as much as you can. Cut for the summer for a couple months to attract Femboys but then, bulk up and get bigger. When you gain muscle, cut on your caloric intake. You will look much nicer.


Are you me? Altho I probably gained many more rightwing brainworms after transitioning and giving up on pretending to be normal, due to overexposure to internet and surrounded by people that don't accept me and sudden loss of status. Starting to get more sane again now which is nice. Feels kinda good choosing to be a rational and loving person instead of an asshole just to fit in in a shitty backwards world. It takes guts to do the right thing sometimes but it's the only way to really respect yourself. Anyways keep up the good fight anon and I wish you safe travels.


Just let one suck your dick


Also sexuality is something defined from birth or at a very young age (I remember my pp being hard for some mortal kombat male characters when I was literally 5 or 6), it isn't something you can change at whim


If you like penis only on women then you're as straight as they come.


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Science says liking girls with dicks is the straightest thing you can be. Being turned on by the dick has to do with reproductive competition - seeing a woman and a dick means somebody might be fucking so you better get ready or lose the chance to spread your genes. Your monkey brain doesn't distinguish what the dick is attached to apparently? But at the same time a woman with a dick is hotter than a man and a woman because you simultaneously get the competitive drive and the perception of a lack of competition since there's nobody there besides the woman.

The brain is a clusterfuck of evolutionary hacks tbh. Trying to apply an internally consistent set of rules to it is kind of silly.


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If you're trans move to a city that has a queer scene and enter it, find the most artsy nonprofit venue with weird music and go until you meet people

being in rooms full of queer people is almost a transcendental experience, it's like you realize on some level that the trans people being less beautiful or worthy as cis people is societal superstructural brainworms

like, if you're transgender and a communist it's really the strongest venue towards anything we can do, build up the queer community as a people, try to funnel trans people towards being around other trans people IRL for it's the only way to rescue ourselves from our brainworms right now


just move bro


it isn't about what's easy, it's about what's possible in your conditions. if you don't move to a city you will be depressed and feel the world's hatred seeping into your own soul and your own view of yourself, trapped or not


>>7962 (me)
also has to be said, people who have 'made it' should help people who haven't


you know you can organize with queers already living in your city instead of moving to a place where rent costs 10 times as much lmao



>AfD is the best party on that list
Holy based….


Your astro turf is so obvious. go away.


I'm just quoting the anons in the thread LMAO looks like you're the one who needs to go away


i think qprs can be for everyone including cishet people even though the term originated in the asexual community do you agree or disagree, also the queer in queerplatonic means that it is just different than a normal platonic relationship


for clarification queerplatonic relationship is a term that was made in the asexual community to refer to relationships that are platonic but stronger than friendships


i think i am a sex repulsed allosexual


I am
Allosaurus Sex


Its funny seeing underage people build up a conception of what a relationship is


>relationships that are platonic but stronger than friendships
So like… close friends.

It's pretty depressing IMO because it's a sign of how socially alienated people have become that pretty normal human interactions are being given this kind of taxonomic classification like zoomers are the brits on safari seeing these "exotic" ways of life for the first time.




You're spreading their opinion as your own. Pretending to be a rightoid is just as bad as posting reactionary shit without pretending.
There's nothing based about AfD.
I think there are many ways to be "queer", including things like autism, and other forms of nonconforming. Particularly since gender roles are so strong, its easy to be gender nonconforming, which is not necessarily about trans people, since the main source of homophobia revolves around gays being gender nonconforming.


that makes queer a pretty meaningless term based on vibes at this point


literally just going the same way that "punk" did


Gender is a caste system and being queer deviates from the strictly delineated caste roles which makes society pressure them to behave


youre turning into newgene repeating the same shit regardless of actual context lmao


Called being lazy


I didn't catch the sarcasm


So “queer” implies things that are not ordinary. That includes basically all of 4chan


Get ready for all them companies to change their logos for exactly 30 days.



Nihon has fallen…


Billions must commit seppuku


it is a real thing and it would be a good thing if you took a look at this to understand what it is



its not made up though since asexual people exist and are real, and this type of relationship is real


>I can't tap out though, I'm never going to delete myself because that is exactly what a fash wants to see. My existence itself is rebellion against what they want.
Based queen shit


Happy pride month brothers, sisters, and everyone in between or neither


happy pride month


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pride mo th


Mothra is doing good for herself these days.


So trve sister


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already been commodified


always has been.


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i need to participate in pride month


where can I buy?
same. what are your plans?
to a degree, yes. the whole incel seething is about being gender non-conforming or having some type of gender dysphoria, for failing to meet their perceived expectations of "manhood".


Personally I don't wanna die in a mass shooting this year


Participating doesn't inherently mean going to a public gathering tho.


Yeah, I'm hosting a queer themed gathering today. Queer themed in the sense that half my friends are queer and I just invited everyone and called it a queer party :)


broke: Bible
woke: Bi Bull (he will cuck you and then fuck you)


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This is reactionary.


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> libcom.org/article/goatse…



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the absolute state of /ukraine/ general(14 b Report any rule breaking posts. Attempting to start drama is against the rules and will result in bans and deletions where necessary.)


Nah, cops are simply trying to reappropriate ACAB, there was a billboard with "all cops are beautiful" not long ago too.


i also think that there isnt (and shouldnt be!) a queer community but for very different reasons lol


Didn't those queer rojava volunteers get sent home for this stunt, and the YPG commander who let them do it got into a load of shit with his superiors? That's the story I've heard anyway.

In fact I wonder how many of those same guys ended up in the reddit battalions during the early days of Ukraine. There's got to have been at least one.


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How exactly do we combat the Gorkyposters? They are both wrecker dipshits within socialist circles and they poison the well for people who'd otherwise be amenable to socialism.


Why do you need to combat them? LGBT isn't an integral part to socialism in the slightest, so just accept a difference of opinion on that issue and don't make a big deal about it.


<exterminate all faggots
^ not idpol according to people like you
<we shouldn't exclude LGBT proles from the socialist movement with bigotry against them
^idpol according to people like you

you're not consistent
you're not hoenst
you're a coward


>didn't [bunch of claims]?
just asking questions eh?




Yeah… I'm not having this debate with a melodramatic nineteen year old reddit user. We will just have to agree to disagree.


if gorky posters agree with killing nazis (including those who target lgbt gatherings) and building communism then we can be friends. no reason to get into petty slapfights even if I don't agree with them on their bs.


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>if gorky posters agree with killing nazis (including those who target lgbt gatherings)
stop playing dumb. they believe being gay makes you a nazi. that's why they keep posting this quote. then when called out they go "it's just a joke faggot, it's just imageboard culture lurk more"


never used reddit. not being melodramatic. you're backing out of the conversation because you can't address the fundamental hypocrisy shown by 'phobes on here over and over. i am not "agreeing to disagree" with you. if you say "exterminate all homosexuals and fascism will vanish." You are bigoted, you want to kill people in my family, and i will kill you first.

you cannot address this:

<exterminate all faggots

^ not idpol according to people like you
<we shouldn't exclude LGBT proles from the socialist movement with bigotry against them
^idpol according to people like you

you're not consistent.
you're not honest.
you're a coward.


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also, i'm not nineteen. i'm 31. i have a daughter. i have gay grandparents. i'm a father. i'm heterosexual. i will protect my LGBT family members by shooting fascists like you through the skull. you think i don't see through your nonsense when you quote pic related?


fair enough, i was thinking gorky posters are more just infracels which aren't explicitly nazi (usually, they at least claim to have some trans comrades involved)


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Is this website deeply brocialist? It might just be me cherry-picking in my brain, but I tend to see a lot of bigoted stuff coming from a lot of people on this site, and furthermore, I feel like the term "idpol" has become nothing more than a buzzword people throw around to justify bigoted humor.


hell yeah were bros


> I feel like the term "idpol" has become nothing more than a buzzword people throw around to justify bigoted humor.

i also notice that some of the people who complain about "idpol" are often the first to bring it to an unrelated conversation. you'll have some conversation about imperialism, and suddenly boom. some fucker shows up with a pic of some person at NATO headquarters holding up a rainbow flag. We are supposed to be impressed by this. They will say something like "ah, this is proof that gays are imperialist!!!" (i've seen this dozens of times over the past year in the /ukraine/ general)

if you ignore these people, more of them will dogpile on, you'll start seeing comments like "agreed comrade! the amerikkkkan empire is exporting globo homo" and "haha i'm so gorky pilled right now bros." and so on. If you call this out for what it is, bigotry, you'll get told you're doing idpol. even though you weren't the person to bring up identity politics. you're the one pushing back against the reactionary identity politics that are being inserted into an otherwise decent conversation… these same people will tell you you're a glowing CIA n*gger, a liberal, a teenager, a baby, and so on.

I suspect a concerted effort by reactionaries to infiltrate the mod team. They'll constantly attempt to appeal to the fact that it's "just jokes" or that this place is an imageboard, confusing "political incorrectness" as a license for derailing conversations with bigotry. They'll claim free speech as a good excuse, but try to silence anyone who criticizes them as the ones who are really doing the derailing.


you must be new here, honestly the deafening china apologism is worse those are actually chinese party socialist landlords fucking over the workers


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>defending the bigotry of the reactionaries as "not that bad"
>hehe u must be new here cliche slogan
>changing the subject to china bashing
nice try
>muh CCP landlords

in China, land remains collectivised, and leased to private persons or business entities for a maximum of 70 years. While home ownership numbers are extremely high in China compared to other countries, land inheritance does not exist, thus neither does generational land monopolies.


as someone who has ignored the ukraine thread since day 1 i havent noticed much homophobia that doesnt get promptly deleted


If you see stuff like that then report it, we can't see every post.


they are doing a piss poor job trying to infiltrate anything as they are literally bad at opsec.


>I suspect a concerted effort by reactionaries to infiltrate the mod team.
From what I've seen, its more that the mods allow reactionaries to exist in containment threads like /ukraine/ for the gorkyposters, the COVID thread for anti-vaxxers or /isg/ for the TERFs.


i actually like the /ukraine/ thread and agree with a lot of their anti-unipolarity foreign policy analysis (especially int brig anon) but then some of them just go hog shit wild with the random hostility (tank anon), "cucktin hasn't killed enough people yet" (iron felix), or just insane reactionary opinions (random anons).


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Happy pride to all the straight people who like femboys or just really appreciate the aesthetics of cartoon male bodies!


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I honestly think it's time for leftypol to drop the word "idpol" from its vocabulary. As already established, it has been taken ahold of by reactionary forces on here [and just plain old bigots], and it's a word that has lost all meaning being tossed around left and right, letting people excuse or justify whatever they do or don't like.

aside from this is the established fact that in places like the united states, LGBTQ folks [and more especially trans people]  are under attack by a pretty big number of states and government legislation, there is a active and militant reactionary, homophobic, transphobic [probably somewhat rascist too] demographic in the united states that want these people gone and wiped out, not entirely fascist but pretty close to it if they go far enough, while I understand the whole "blue haired pronouns radicallib feminist" crowd exists, you cannot brush aside all social problems that exists because you claim that porky is playing a game, you can't ignore social problems, you fix social problems by education people and making them aware of the game that porky is making them play, not being a bigoted piece of shit and making anybody who isn't a internet loser turn away form you.

Idpol is an outdated term from the 2016 SJW era of YouTube that becomes more and more of a buzzword than anything meaningful as time goes on. Gay and trans folks are being attacked by right-wing reactionaries in full swing, and there's nothing you can do to deny that.

realize the problem now or remain forever ignorant of whats going on.


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hexbear meanwhile has the equal and opposite brainworms



which one am i supposed to agree with?




Honestly, within the LGBTQ community, I unironically think that femboys have been more harm than good for gay people in the public consciousness.
1) Femboys are a case of erasing male homosexuality. Keep in mind, I'm 18 and can be categorized as a "femboy" by most accounts. Now, all my life, my exposure to what gay people were was just femboys, femboys, and more femboys. The idea of gay people being two extremely feminine AMABs has been ingrained in my mind - and those who are around my age. Gone are the days of the public cognition of "gay men" being two well-built bikers. No, in the eyes of the public consciousness, two people who are masculine cannot find romantic or sexual attraction towards eachother. Furthermore, it can be argued that this is an erasure of masculinity et. al., as it's an active encouragement of those who are AMAB to be feminine - not out of an internal desire, but rather, out of an external expectation. That key distinction, the external expectation as opposed to an internal desire, is what makes this harmful.
2) Femboys are a case of erasing trans women. With at least 90% of those who self-identify as a femboy, they are someone who almost *never* expresses masculinity, but rather, expresses nothing but femininity. In fact, I've seen in most cases there's a considerable discomfort presenting or behaving in a masculine manner. To anyone who isn't an idiot, it's blatantly clear these are people who clearly have mild gender dysphoria - in essence, trans people. What the "femboy" label does is artificially erase the number of trans women, active cause a divide between the trans community, and actively discourages trans acceptance by providing an "out" to being trans. At best, the label of "femboy" for the trans community provides a very thin safeguard for those discovering their gender identity - but I say that's a really stupid approach, considering the consequences.




Femboys, traps and transgirls are the cryptohet pipeline.
RETVRN to the classic staples; twinks, jocks and bears


Why assume malice when incompetence explains it. Especially when dealing with liberals. They are notoriously weak and pathetic.


its leftypols "woke"


Idpol is still a good term i think. Most of the bigots have hopped onto the "woke" bandwagon nowadays, but i think woke as a term is used incorrectly far worse than idpol is nowadays. Wokeness already has a definition that both desantis' lawyers and the african americans who originally coined the term already agree on - "a belief in systemic injustice in american society and a need to address it". However the left-wing tailists insist on using it as a term to describe idpol. Im sick of hearing the word "woke" to describe idpol corporate products.


Girlbros (male) you ever just be trooning out for six years and end up with even worse internalized *phobia and brainworms (I have never once used /tttt/ btw) than when you started out


question, why does this site only focus on lgbt issues in america?


Are you AGP or hstststs?


>Now, all my life, my exposure to what gay people were was just femboys, femboys, and more femboys
That's just because they're big in memes and communication since they challenge the notion of heterosexuality being the default sexuality.

>The idea of gay people being two extremely feminine AMABs has been ingrained in my mind


>and those who are around my age

How many people around you think like this?

>Gone are the days of the public cognition of "gay men" being two well-built bikers

Isn't that good?
Anyone can be gay just as anyone can be straight, we don't have public cognition of who's straight (other than defining it as not gay), so there shouldn't be one for gays.

>Furthermore, it can be argued that this is an erasure of masculinity et. al., as it's an active encouragement of those who are AMAB to be feminine

Lol, what?
Masculinity isn't being wiped away, it's just (progressive) society is stepping away from there being a expectation of masculinity with men.

>Femboys are a case of erasing trans women.

>With at least 90% of those who self-identify as a femboy, they are someone who almost *never* expresses masculinity, but rather, expresses nothing but femininity.
>I've seen in most cases there's a considerable discomfort presenting or behaving in a masculine manner
>it's blatantly clear these are people who clearly have mild gender dysphoria - in essence, trans people
It's weird seeing people link the push of femboys being tied to the erasing of trans women; but with tomboys or reverse-traps on the other hand, this analysis is gone since it would be silly to think this.

Obviously yes, if someone is a self-identified femboy, maybe consider that you're trans if you don't want to be seen as male in any possible way – but you're playing into males having to play to some gender role to justify them being males.
It's that rigid push is why the meme of "bottoms = women" was born.

If the femboy doesn't act male at all (in the traditional way), but doesn't identify as a women – then it's not a women, and instead we should ask ourselves if what we associate with what being a man is holding us back.
(Example: it was seen as unmanly to be the one taking care of a baby in public, this thought has now taken a step back).

>What the "femboy" label does is artificially erase the number of trans women, active cause a divide between the trans community, and actively discourages trans acceptance by providing an "out" to being trans

I think you're confusing correlation with causation here.
It's more likely that what is discouraging trans acceptance is conservatives pushing more and more anti-lgbt talking points since of the continual downfall of capitalism- with such a downfall leading it to turn towards fascism; (the first half of the ideology); to enact terrorism against it's own population to aim for a cultural hegemony so it can return to an earlier stage of capitalism.

>the label of "femboy" for the trans community provides a very thin safeguard for those discovering their gender identity

Maybe you'd have a point if they were still called "traps" – (I don't like the term since they're called a "trap" but you're falling for them on purpose) – but I disagree on the femboy label.


Sisters should i buy hormones or pay for rent?


Both, You buy the Hormones to be able to pay your rent.


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>That's just because they're big in memes and communication since they challenge the notion of heterosexuality being the default sexuality.
…"Challenging the notion of heterosexuality being the default sexuality" by displaying - at best - borderline lesbian relationships? And that's ignoring the times where femboys are just used as stand-ins for women.
Because they're "big in memes".
>Anyone can be gay just as anyone can be straight, we don't have public cognition of who's straight (other than defining it as not gay), so there shouldn't be one for gays.
We are a small and identifiable group. Having our public perception be as apt and positive as possible, that being two masculine well-built guys, is a good thing.
>Masculinity isn't being wiped away, it's just (progressive) society is stepping away from there being a expectation of masculinity with men.
We should remind ourselves that this is something that isn't extended to women. Women aren't being portrayed in-mass as masculine in the same way men are portrayed as feminine. It's a bourgeoisie destruction of an important component of the human psyche, both on an individual and collective level. Fuck you.
>If the femboy doesn't act male at all (in the traditional way), but doesn't identify as a women – then it's not a women, and instead we should ask ourselves if what we associate with what being a man is holding us back.
The simple fact of the matter is that one's gender identity is worn on their sleeves - both consciously and subconsciously. Do we consider Andrew, sorry, Andrea "Fucking" Tate a woman because of picrel? No. Words alone, although important, don't tell the whole story. If you don't act masculine, don't act androgynous, and only act feminine, then you are psychologically a woman, and denial of this is self-destructive.
>It's more likely that what is discouraging trans acceptance is conservatives pushing more and more anti-lgbt talking points since of the continual downfall of capitalism- with such a downfall leading it to turn towards fascism; (the first half of the ideology); to enact terrorism against it's own population to aim for a cultural hegemony so it can return to an earlier stage of capitalism.
That'd make sense if they weren't identifying as gay, crossdressing, apparently very feminine males.
fucking idiot


I think Ray Blanchard is a faggot (bad) who should kill himself.


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Try spending less time on the feddiverse.


>Women aren't being portrayed in-mass as masculine in the same way men are portrayed as feminine. It's a bourgeoisie destruction of an important component of the human psyche, both on an individual and collective level
Lmao this uygha unironically believes there is a globohomo plot to forcefem men.


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It's so over Russisters…

A bill on a complete ban on gender reassignment surgeries has been submitted to the State Duma.

>Commenting on the proposed bill, Tolstoy noted that there are more and more cases of medical sex reassignment operations - this is influenced by the "Western transgender industry", which is "trying to seep" into Russia.

>“Why is this being done (such a bill is being introduced.)? We are preserving Russia for posterity, with its cultural and family values, traditional customs, putting up a barrier to the penetration of Western anti-family ideology, ”explained the deputy chairman of the State Duma.

>In addition, the draft law prohibits changing gender in documents without a surgical operation.


We've reached it, literally reversing years of progress because of made up political reasons to justify reactionary hatred towards LGBT.


this is incredibly ironic considering the first srs was performed in the ussr lmao


There is nothing reactionary about resisting imperialism.


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>this is incredibly ironic considering the first srs was performed in the ussr

but /ukraine/ general told me russia is based because they're not the imperial core and they're on the right side of an inter-imperialist proxy war


>oppressing domestic LGBT is resisting imperialism because i have twisted myself into a pretzel and pretended all LGBT people are agents of amerikkka


Yes. That you think a irrelevant social issue stance is what makes Russia progressive or not is proof that your analysis is hopelessly liberal.
I don't twist shit. The international proletariat will decide who is an agent of America and who isn't.


Imperialism is about value extraction and the global hierarchy of capitalism. Not when trans ppl exist.
The RSFSR did have article 121 that would put into prison homosexual men, but saying it was good because it was RSFSR is dogmatic, as some other socialist states did not have a law similar and allowed for homosexuals to exist.

LGBT needs to be taken from a scientific approach not a political one, and countries like Cuba have proven that LGBT people deserve same rights as everyone else and are normal people.


>Imperialism is about value extraction and the global hierarchy of capitalism.
>Not when trans ppl exist.
You should familiarize yourself with the anti-imperialist critique of NGOs and progressive causes.


Stalin and the tsar being together is just cursed lol


Can you please source those anti-imperialist critiques of NGOs and progressive causes.


gay (and other lgbt+) people need to start controling their own narrative like black hoteps do


Trans rights do not threaten the integrity of the Russian state, whether they're 'pushed by the west' or not.


>pushed by the west
this is a weird stance to take when its conservative bullshit thats exported by american think tanks instead, doubly so when you have putin literally saying "woke"


TBH it cuts both ways, American brainworms trickle down to the rest of the world whether left or right.


nah it actually benefits amerikkka to act like "wokeness" came from them and theyre the only source of progressive values when actually theyve always been behind the curve and are very reactionary, its western chauvinism


It always makes me cringe when queers in my countryt tell others to move to the US instead of Europe, doubly so now that they're passing anti-trans bills on full throttle. And this is ignoring that moving out isn't something you can just will.


Well sex reassignment surgery is being suggested for being banned along with changing your sex on id documents which suggests the government does care (or at least this MP)


Average people don't care. Workers don't care


Average people with trans family and coworkers do


I should have phrased it better. The anti-trans scare (by reactionaries) is entirely engineered by bourgeois forces. People like Volodin pushing anti-trans laws aren't proles.
I didn't mean we shouldn't speak up against it; we should




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Uh yeah I’m not doing Pride this year because of [trying not to admit I’m lazy and boring now] of you know uh, all the bi erasure


holy based mod-sama slaying the transphobic troll like a knight in shining armor, I just came in my girl panties a little bit.


pride is an obligation?


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>borderline lesbian relationships?
Where do you see that based off of anything?

>Because they're "big in memes".

That doesn't counter anything, or are you genuinely serious that you think that's what all gay people are simple because you see them alot?
If so, you're an idiot, and you're 100% the same type of amongus player who accuses the person who's talking the impostor.

>Having our public perception be as apt and positive as possible, that being two masculine well-built guys, is a good thing.

Obviously we can't choose to have a public perception, but it's absolutely harmful if homosexuality is just seen as two well-built guys being together just as it would be harmful if all it was seen to be gay was being femboys.
Gay relationships are more diverse than that.

>>Masculinity isn't being wiped away, it's just (progressive) society is stepping away from there being a expectation of masculinity with men.

>We should remind ourselves that this is something that isn't extended to women
The traditional female role was to be a frail submissive stick with a pussy that takes care of children at home.

Now women are seen as people who can live on their, people to listen to, people that don't need to starve themselves to get a partner or vice-versa don't do weight lifting.

Obviously females face unique oppression because of their sex, but female gender roles themselves have changed.

>Do we consider Andrew, sorry, Andrea "Fucking" Tate a woman because of picrel?

We don't consider him a woman since we know of his long history of misogyny, (which makes it 99.9999999999999%) likely that they're just lieing in an effort to attack on trans people, similar to how people would say they identified as a "attack helicopter" to attack the concept of gender.
If this was first introduction of tate, then whatever – this needing putting a border of being a female is why you see people afraid of transition since they don't want to be seen as a "hon".

>That'd make sense if they weren't identifying as gay, crossdressing, apparently very feminine males.

>fucking idiot
Have you ever heard of an uncle tom, or X concept that refers to a hated minority trying to play as "one of the good ones"?
(It's like arguing that Jews weren't oppressed in Nazi Germany pre-holocaust since there were Jewish organizations and Jewish capitalists supporting Hitler).

Also have you been asleep, or have you not seen the insane anti-lgbt shit in Florida?

Or Musk (DeSantis running mate), pushing a anti-trans movie on twitter recently?


>Imperialism is about value extraction and the global hierarchy of capitalism. Not when trans ppl exist.
yes i know you cunts hide behind dry academia. i had someone in /cuckraine/ tell me just the other day that there is no working class in america because not enough burgersharts have achieved class consciousness. then, when i pointed out that most people in america don't own means of production and sell their labor for a wage, I was told that I was "confusing individuals for a class" and that "the working class has to be class conscious before it can be considered a working class" and that "therefore there is no working class in america."

just any kind of pretzel you can twist yourself into to avoid international solidarity.
>"heheh, marx never mentioned troons!" >"heheh, burgers aren't working class!" >"what, no? I don't hate the working class in the imperial core for opposing my based trad ortho empire! I'm just a dry stuffy academic who wants to be highly technical! something something you're actually imperialist even though you don't support anything your government does!"


Are you seriously unironically unjokingly and without a hint of levity implying that there exists such a thing as a working class in america?


That's right, proletarian and bourgeois are national characteristics, there are proletarian nations and bourgeois nations, if you live in America or have at any point touched that soil you're bourgeois


I mean shit, it's true, and it's dangerous. The current bourgeoisie culture that's being perverted to suppress the proletarian is that of making everyone focus on femininity. Although femininity altogether is important to sustain and nurture a society, when unchecked by masculinity it becomes a force that leads to stagnation. We're literally being programmed by the bourgeoisie to be submissive to them and never consider revolution. You need to understand this reality, and understand it quick.
>Where do you see that based off of anything?
So we're just playing stupid?
>That doesn't counter anything, or are you genuinely serious that you think that's what all gay people are simple because you see them alot?
>If so, you're an idiot, and you're 100% the same type of amongus player who accuses the person who's talking the impostor.
So you're playing stupid, and ignoring the fact that I said that this stereotype of male homosexuality is now what is at best heterosexuality in disguise and at worst is just remixed lesbianism?
>Obviously we can't choose to have a public perception, but it's absolutely harmful if homosexuality is just seen as two well-built guys being together just as it would be harmful if all it was seen to be gay was being femboys.
>Gay relationships are more diverse than that.
Ah, now you're starting to remember the previous conversation we had. Anyways, we just replaced one stereotype that was more than arguably positive with another that doesn't accurately represent us. Fuck off.
>The traditional female role was to be a frail submissive stick with a pussy that takes care of children at home.
>Now women are seen as people who can live on their, people to listen to, people that don't need to starve themselves to get a partner or vice-versa don't do weight lifting.
All that we've seen from this is simply women entering the workforce, and labour becoming de-gendered. Although arguably a good thing in a Socialist society, this reflects no progress.
>We don't consider him a woman since we know of his long history of misogyny, (which makes it 99.9999999999999%) likely that they're just lieing in an effort to attack on trans people, similar to how people would say they identified as a "attack helicopter" to attack the concept of gender.
You could make a million and one defenses for Tate however, all of them sounding decently reasonable. Repression and societal expectations placed on men would be more than enough to create someone who, in an act to repress their gender identity, turn to hating their gender identity. In Tate's case, if she is truly a woman, it would be the misogyny.
>If this was first introduction of tate, then whatever – this needing putting a border of being a female is why you see people afraid of transition since they don't want to be seen as a "hon".
That's something caused by the societal expectations of those who are AMAB to be feminine.
>Have you ever heard of an uncle tom, or X concept that refers to a hated minority trying to play as "one of the good ones"?
lmao, lol even
resorting to ad hominem this fucking hard?
and then you need to act like these *external* issues have everything to do with the *internal* issues we face. The only relationship between them is our division caused by bourgeoisie fuckery, both between anyone who isn't Cis/Het, and between the Proletarian of all stripes, and the frequency of these external issues. Obviously these external issues must be solved quickly, but the only way we can prevent them further is by way of unity, and completely erasing 90% of gay men because of "femboy" bullshit is the last thing to unity.


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I wish i could go back in time and groom myself into transitioning as a teenager


I wish i could go back in time and groom you
Actually never mind about any time travel


wouldn't you parents have interfered just as they do now?


I thought you were happy with your transition


>So you're playing stupid
>I said that this stereotype of male homosexuality is now what is at best heterosexuality in disguise and at worst is just remixed lesbianism?
Lmao you never said that.
You said that the stereotypical male homosexuality is two guys being feminine, you don't make an argument for this being a stereotype in other peoples eyes, not even an argument for why you think of it as the stereotype other than you have seen it over and over.

>Ah, now you're starting to remember the previous conversation we had. Anyways, we just replaced one stereotype that was more than arguably positive with another that doesn't accurately represent us. Fuck off.

You clearly don't remember the conversation since I was saying that it was good that stigma was going away, and I rejected that the new stigma of (male) homosexuality is being femboys – the conclusion I was aiming for was rejecting the creation and continuation of a stigma.
It's weird how obsessed you are on this analysis when you don't give any deeper level of reasoning other than saying:
>I said

Continuing on,
>All that we've seen from this is simply women entering the workforce, and labour becoming de-gendered
>this reflects no progress
Lmao what?
Them being in the workforce has given them an ability to be independent, instead of just being a slave to a man.
It's progress, just like how capitalism was generally seen progressive since it developed society from feudalism – it only seems like the opposite since you're thinking of it in an emotionally charged way.
This also doesn't really counter other female gender roles being changed like women being praised for being thick or muscular.

>Repression and societal expectations placed on men would be more than enough to create someone who, in an act to repress their gender identity, turn to hating their gender identity. In Tate's case

The argument I gave is incomplete since I'm so used to this approach.
Tate being an actual female vs. just pretending to be one – functions on a spectrum that, depending on evidence, and analysis, will lead you to a position of leaning towards one side or the other.
Tate has had a long history of misogyny, is massively aligned with right-wingers, and was recently arrested and jailed for sex trafficking – while yes those who're trans most certainly can output transphobic rhetoric to stop hide from that fact that they're trans, and this being taken from a single line just stating "I'm a woman" – for tate, there's more evidence and reason to believe that this is someone who is transphobic, and the creation of the tweet is based off how in right wing circles where they make tweets to try and "own" trans people – (said circles in which tate is already aligned with) – than this is an actually statement of them being trans.

>resorting to ad hominem this fucking hard?

Let me guess, you're favorite author is Thomas Sowell?
What about Cubans? Is your favorite Cubans the descendant of slave owners, or maybe government officials pre-Castro that executed innocent civilians?

>The only relationship between them is our division caused by bourgeoisie fuckery, both between anyone who isn't Cis/Het, and between the Proletarian of all stripes, and the frequency of these external issues

Imagine being presented anti-lgbt legislation which makes discrimination against lgbt easier, legislation that makes difficult for lgbt members to communicate with the workers their side of the story, anti-trans media that is pushed on (well once was) one of the most popular websites on the interest – with such information not mentioning other crap thrown at them, like one of the shooters being trans recently being hyper focused on despite 100s-1000s of neo-nazi shooters. or the massive push to view trans people as "groomers" by right wingers even as large as Tucker Carlson (when he was still on Fox News) – imagine being presented with all that, and calling them:
>external issues

If troll: bravo, well done for wasting my time.
If not: absolutely unhinged.


Ive been detransitioned for a while actually


Why and how bad is the masculinization?


If anyone thinks you are not the cutest they are just wrong


>Lmao what?
>Them being in the workforce has given them an ability to be independent, instead of just being a slave to a man.
slave to man in a suit now, how progressive, kys
>Imagine being presented anti-lgbt legislation which makes discrimination against lgbt easier, legislation that makes difficult for lgbt members to communicate with the workers their side of the story, anti-trans media that is pushed on (well once was) one of the most popular websites on the interest – with such information not mentioning other crap thrown at them, like one of the shooters being trans recently being hyper focused on despite 100s-1000s of neo-nazi shooters. or the massive push to view trans people as "groomers" by right wingers even as large as Tucker Carlson (when he was still on Fox News) – imagine being presented with all that, and calling them:


I missed the "reactionary anti-lgbt pro-idpol masquerading as anti-idpol" discussion. I hope everyone on the wrong side gets educated.

Keep having a queer month fellow queers. :)
I've been very busy lately. I finally downloaded grindr and I'm going on a date tomorrow. He seems kinda lame but whatevs, I'm happy to go on a date even if it goes bad.


You're the one seething over shit that doesn't affect you at all though


Cuz my mom keeps throwing my estrogen away
>how bad is the masculinization
Enough to make me fear my own reflection


Get another job and move out, life's too short to suffer like this


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Another day, another groomer hiding behind the Cross…
>The Greenwood County Sheriff’s Office said the 35-year-old youth pastor, Daniel Kellan Mayfield, admitted to videotaping a woman while she was in the shower May 27. According to an incident report, a woman told deputies she was showering at her mother’s house when she saw a light outside the bathroom window. When she went to look, she said she saw Mayfield standing in the backyard alone.
>Following this incident, deputies in Greenville County investigated and discovered that Mayfield allegedly filmed multiple girls in the bathroom of Gowensville Baptist Church in Landrum. They’ve identified six victims so far, saying they are as young as 14 years old.
>According to deputies, Mayfield reportedly set up and recorded video inside the restroom on at least three occasions dating back to July 2022. Deputies said they believe Mayfield acted alone and don’t believe anyone from the church knew about his activity.
>First Baptist Gowensville confirmed that Mayfield was employed as a student pastor. However, he was fired from the church on the day of his arrest.


Does it ever get better? Every day I am haunted by fantasies of having a wife and being her husband and having children but I know it won't ever happen. I can't stand the fact that if I transition, I feel like I'll never be able to have kids the "natural way," but even if I don't I'd have to go through agonizing childbirth. I have such a hard time explaining why I'm obsessed with it. My dysphoric brain giving me severe tokophobia but making me want to procreate anyway?


hey anon, thats rough
for a while i had similar (opposite) fantasies and feelings very strongly,,, and then it just went away and i see my future without kids and without marriage. So maybe it can happen to you to… whether its a good thing or a bad things idk. Get better soon


im so tired of this stupid plushie
i mean yeah, youll most probably stop having those fantasies about marriage one of the days


What's wrong with the Plushie? Did the Plushie fuck your wife and killed your dog? Was the Plushie having a reasonable conversation that you disagreed with?


>What's wrong with the Plushie?
its an ikea product.


Oh right that part. I don't even think of Ikea when I see that Plushie funnily enough. But I get what you mean.


Is Ikea the issue or are you just mad that plush sharks don't grow on trees?


The fuck man you mean that Plush Sharks don't Grow on trees, there is a transgirl I know who is going to be quite upset that they don't grow on trees. That poor girl and her shark.


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Winsauce!! In the new Spider-Man it’s revealed that the spider that bit Peter Parker has the same opinions about bi lesbians as you


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it was the only pic of a couple i saw in my anime faceclaim folder, idk


His mom got him his last job, and that he managed to fuck up because of the cheese-stick incident. I don't think the advice you're giving is realistic.


That's just the way of the revolutionary, you petty booj tyrant B3


>mom keeps throwing my estrogen away
Get a friend to hide estrogen pills inside peppermints then reseal in a bag and mail to you


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Not a gay but I really enjoy boykisser meme :3


>>8115 sussy baka


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Does anyone here know what an anal prolapse tastes like?


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i imagine it tastes like regular anus, but looser


yeah im going to pride this year


Someone’s goin to die in the street and the last thing they’re going to see is some gay (pejorative) little wink wink teehee ACAB joke and 100 Thousand people who think dunking is the height of resistance are calling it epic awesome sauce


That's even worse lmao


Is this post someone being sarcastic on twotter or someone being dumb on twitter?


>i was thinking gorky posters are more just infracels which aren't explicitly nazi
They claim to be communists but then they explicitly link LGBT people to imperialism.
>infracels which aren't explicitly nazi (usually, they at least claim to have some trans comrades involved)
Yeah about that… >>>/leftypol/1489861

>Is this website deeply brocialist?
It's a spinoff of /pol/ and remains a boogeyman to them. They still lurk and post here and try to shift discussion to the right. At the same time a lot of people who consider themselves socialists are /pol/ converts (former nazis and ancaps and such) who have not really done much self crit and still hold onto regressive ideas and biases.
>"idpol" has become nothing more than a buzzword people throw around to justify bigoted humor.
It's always been like that in part, kind of just part of culture at large (not just this site). Ignoring complaints from marginal groups and using them to bully them further is pretty common unfortunately. But at the same time, identity politics has a pretty specific context for left wing discourse since it's a point of tension with class struggle. At the same time that you have people trying to push socialism you have others who want to overcome racism, sexism, etc. Those people often don't care about socialism or think it's less important than the struggles of oppressed minorities. This tension point came to a head during the Occupy movement where it seems kind of obvious there was a coordinated group of wreckers who were trying to disrupt any discussion of class by turning toward identity struggles. This site/community in particular has been dealing with the fallout from that development for years. "The left" (in the west) until pretty recently has largely failed to engage with class as a struggle or even a discussion, partly because so much focus was placed on identity struggles to the (sometimes explicit) exclusion of class struggle.


Is it just me or are power bottoms usually sociopaths




>>Is this website deeply brocialist?
sometimes it feels like reality itself has a brocialist bias


That's because it does my good amigo, take the bropill it'll bring you peace and strength


We should reclaim "brocialist" but in the positive sense of bro.


Hexbear is filled with "pay with your wallet" liberals roleplaying as communists.


>pay with your wallet


i think he meant 'vote with your wallet'


I think it's a porn thing. Anal, big black cocks, blowjobs, creampies etc.




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don't browse kym, get a new hobby


browsing Kym is like browsing reddit for a political opinion, "Left", right and center, it's all retarded.




why do queer zoomers love eating this shit up man it fucking sucks


Going to try and find queer liberation in Disney-Marvel children’s cartoon media properties.

There’s the modern queer assumption that everything queer is always for you, specifically, because otherwise it’s exclusionary.


Seems like there is federal precedence for the drag bans to be unconstitutional. Is this an L for the arthoes?


they have nothing else they can turn to. nothing in this world inspires hope in them


it's all right wing shit anyways


theres more queer artists than ever available to anyone with an internet connection and they have to turn to a fucking spiderman movie for "representation" and "validation"?


stop reacting to everything. the tweet mentioned in the article has 2500 likes, that's a pathetic amount in the grand scheme of things, it means nothing


Liberals will defend drag queen story hour to the death while medical transitioning becomes less and less available to the point trans girls will have to make bathtub estrogen from evaporating female horse pee into a salt.


That's true but how can you blame people? Most people can't be expected to look that far beyond what's in the news and porky pushes this crap on purpose.


I dont expect anybody to do anything about it. Trans rights wont take off worldwide until we've had our own holocaust, much like how antisemitism was normal until the pogroms and hitler.


I don't mean to diminish your struggle, but concentration camps for trans are unlikely. The strategy is more one of individual disillusionment, ie. the purpose is to maintain/grow the trans suicide/death from addiction/etc rate. If you are resisting in your mind then you will be alright. In 20 years trans will be a fringe issue like gay rights are today, even conservatives agree with gay marriage now in most western countries.


>it means nothing
uh yeah thats what im trying to get at


>In 20 years trans will be a fringe issue like gay rights are today, even conservatives agree with gay marriage now in most western countries.
i hope so. god i hope so


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Except Amerikkka.

14 states still had sodomy laws all the way up until 2003. It actually wasn’t illegal to discriminate against gay or trans employees until 2020, with Bostock v. Clayton County. It’s still legal in several states to deny housing on the basis of orientation or gender identity.


as a transwoman i am pretty fucking terrified lately. it also doesn't help that actual rapists and pedos exist in the LGBTQ and lefty spheres and they make everyone look bad. it is like that south park episode where the KKK kept attaching themselves to liberal causes to ruin things by association. all it takes is one weird fucking pedo to be loud about leftist causes and it spoils things for those of us who aren't freaks.

this is weaponized against us so much and yet the right can somehow survive all their pedo scandals…like fuck you have an entire church system that consistently produced pedos and enabled them and somehow all of that is swept under the rug. but all it takes is one or two leftist youtubers who say something nasty and it is used to smear every single LGBTQ person and it is startling effective in right wing media.

like, i pass usually but sometimes I know I get clocked because my sense just tingle about it, I used to not care because I identify as non binary anyway but lately I feel like I'm gonna shot or stabbed randomly by some insane matt walsh fan.

the fear, hatred and paranoia aimed at LGBTQ people right now is horrifying. and it also doesn't help that they're trying to wedge us apart with all the "drop the TQ" rhetoric being spread by fascists and terfs.


they don't even need to round us up, what they want is an increase in stochastic terrorism and lone wolf attacks. modern technology enables this, they don't need to do it 1930s style when all that existed were loud people in beer halls and the radio. how long until the next Pulse or Club Q attack? nobody knows, but it likely will happen again and even if it doesn't, the blanket of fear is already there.

it feels so bad to know entire factions of people harbor so much hate for people who are different. i really never pictured the US falling into this state but here we are mirroring the type of shit that happened in the 20s and 30s, only boosted with the internet and cell phones.

like, fuck, I just wanna exist and live my life and come home from work and play video games and stuff. sorry for doomposting but it is really hard to feel safe right now, just my opinion on the current climate in america.


I need to remember these deets to cite them in conversations I seem to be having recently.


It's going to be "fun" to bring this up whenever idiots in my country who blindly worship the US say it's a utopia for queers.


i can vouch for this, gud advice

Note that you will have to work hard and be patient, that's fitness



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>“In the psychiatric evaluation, Johnson reveals that Kaczynski had persistent and intense sexual fantasies about being a woman. While he was a graduate student at the University of Michigan in 1967, he went to a psychiatrist to discuss his wishes for a sex change operation. But in the waiting room, he decided he could not go forward. Instead, he told the psychiatrist he was depressed about the possibility of being drafted.”

"transitioning could have saved her" but sincerely





why is top right transphobic


cant make fun of headcanons anymore


It isn't necessarily, and the attitude that it's enough to settle for characters that could plausibly be read as trans (which the comic also implies could be anybody) means there's less demand for actual representation.


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We've had decades of queers complaining that they're always reduced to allegories at best in safe corporate media and now we have zoomers celebrating it.


Doomposting is okay. Things are really fucked up and knowing that is better than not.


Top left involves the guy recognzing that it's a different perspective and respects it even if they think it's wrong perspective.

Top right aggressively challenges that it's not trans as if their intrepretation of who is trans has this massive requirements to fufill; then puts words in their mouth by saying that the author never said so it's not canon as if the statement was created to be some objective analysis, which then they state "non-canon" to push that this intrepreation is purely in valid and bad – even though the intrepretation was stated in the beginning to be simply their intrepretation, and they have this intrepretation mostly because it's something that makes them happy.

It's like immagine that someone did something similar with kayokin milf hunter meme by doing a Jolyne milf hunter meme, and people instantly yell at you even though it was just a light hearted joke.


doomposting as in crying that everything is futile and discouraging actual effort versus """"doomposting"""" as in just telling the truth about how everything is


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nah its fine to make fun of that kinda stuff actually


i see the lgbtq headcanon fandom from tumblr moved to twitter too


what's the appeal of pride events? every time i visit them all i really see are rainbow colored thingamabobs for sale, and it's never even anything convenient, just hats or bandanas. am i missing something? do people go to pride to hook up?


it was pretty cool before 2000


Same. It’s just rainbow capitalism these days.


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Our principle is that the Party commands the Pride, and the Pride must never be allowed to command the Party.


Why aren’t these parades like this anymore? FBI? Smart Porky?


The rise of gay capitalism


Porky realized that due to social atomization from capitalism the Gay Community™ destabilizing the nuclear family is irrelevant. The nuclear family is already on its way out anyway. So now as far as Porky's concerned the gays are just another marketing demographic you can segment people into. And selling rainbow merch is a lucrative business.


Gay Shame is still a thing. One of their biggest protests was towards the inclusion of the Budweiser float way back in the initial corporatization of Pride. They also pushed anti-techie stuff in 2017 to controversy.


*after doing absolutely zero research* Why Do Gays Not Do Anything Against Capitalism Why Is Pride Coopted "Now"


every lgbt person and ally i know irl and even online are really uncritical of stuff like this. i even see people say they'll go to pride, and i think it's just a gay festival for them. but even with that it feels… unimpressive? like even wandering around for ten minutes i felt like i could be doing something better with my time. i felt that if i went window shopping anywhere else i could at least pick up some neat tool or something.
like yeah i know there are lgbt people critical of it but i never meet them irl.


Most LGBT villages were turned into condos and shit and the people in them pushed outwards into slums




What level of class consciousness do most straight people you meet have?


trump is letting the 'phobic winds blow him away from original pro-business anti-immigrant campaign strategy and towards a more "anti-woke" desantis-tinted christofash insanity


yeah i notice this a lot. the "LGBT are all bourgeois libs!!!" crowd seem to be blind for how strong the capitalist cultural hegemony is for cishet-oids too


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rightoids make images like that


z stands for zero contradiction


>We've reached it, literally reversing years of progress because of made up political reasons to justify reactionary hatred towards LGBT.
Someone always has to pay the bill after porky pulls a dine and dash. The best scapegoat is one you can afford to harm.


I think if anything it is slightly to moderstely the opposite of what they exert. Being fag let alone transhumanist status and being made to feel transgressive and rejected by society, or at least alienated from the norm, for no fault of your own, is a good way to get someone to question the pervading ideology of that society. Same shit with racial minorities and other arginalized populations. Probably why right wing deviation wreckers that push this shit on the left get so much support from bourgeoisie affiliated actors.


Dude, I'm a Marxist Leninist and I go to pride and have fun. I don't give a fuck that pride is coopted by capital. Everything is always already coopted by capital. Like how do you think you can create anything that isn't already mediated by capitalism. We live in a [capitalist] society.

Ironically, this impetus to performatively resist capitalism's cooption of pride by "being critical at pride" is itself already mediated by capitalism. It's steeped in liberal individualist ideology. Not that it's bad and you shouldn't do it, go for it, after all we are all doing it, but don't get angry that others are doing it in a way that's different than yours.

Plus its very common for queer people to implicitly understand marginalization. Just because neoliberal ghouls throw bones to queer people doesn't mean that queer people are not also amenable to leftism. Just check out anarchist spaces, they're like 80+% queer. It's insane. If you expand the idea of queerness enough, communist ideology is the ideology of the queer, the disenfranchised, that is constantly recuperated and defanged by the petit booj. The petit booj defangs queer ideology by peddling social democracy, healthcare and gay marriage as solutions to the ills of society (ie. the integration of the queer/working class into polite society).

ALSO. If you really want to be critical of queer identities then you also need to grapple with the reality of gay history. Namely, the FACT that in the west, the history of gay representation (note: gay representation =/= actually existing gays (AEG)) has always been tied to petit booj/booj, and colonial representations of beauty, and gender relations.

Love y'all queers. Have a great day 💖💖💖


i actually expect lgbt people to be slightly more critical of it than straight people, yes. not to the extent of reading theory or becoming a full fledged marxist but feeling that something is weird or off.

<like yeah i know there are lgbt people critical of it but i never meet them irl.

i mean if you find pride fun or if people find pride fun it's whatever but… i just do not find it personally interesting at all. maybe i'm missing all the cool stuff but i've only seen very uninteresting things for sale there.

somehow i think my post of "i've never personally met lgbt people critical of pride" as "lgbt people are all bourgeois libs." and because of that i don't want to start a pointless argument. but i do feel alienated from the lgbt people i meet. it's a feeling i can't really explain that well into words, i just feel completely disconnected.


That is one of the few things that might cause problems for Trump, playing on a field he doesn't know that well and pivoting away from what built his base in the first place.


*somehow i think my post of "i've never personally met lgbt people critical of pride" got misinterpreted as "lgbt people are all bourgeois libs." and because of that i don't want to start a pointless argument, i won't fickle over this.

i'm more tired than i thought i was, + need to relearn to proofread my words


> i do feel alienated from the lgbt people i meet. it's a feeling i can't really explain that well into words, i just feel completely disconnected
Same, comrade. It's completely normal. This idea that you have to be a specific type of queer is pure bullshit. Everyone's different. You just haven't met enough queers.


So now that Target, Starbucks and other companies are dropping their pro-LGBT façade, just as extremely draconian laws are being passed across Burger-land, and anti-LGBT rhetoric is the #1 thing on the republican political agenda, now that Russia has decided that the existence of LGBT people is due to "Satanic western NGOs", and anti-fascists are put in jail on flimsy evidence and a sham trial in Germany.

The recuperation of LGBT struggles was basically the integration of LGBT people into bourgeois society, and hence acceptance. It's not that the situation is good. It's that the situation can get worse.


there shud be no mistake, normies are willing to self-radicalize as much as the fascists tell them to if they become convinced it's tied to their economic well-being. but the facade can only last so long. how long though, until they realize hurting others doesn't help them, and in fact only hurts themselves? many are more than willing to hurt themselves, taking away their own rights to abortion. deranged.


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in Fox News and the Daily Mail today


i don't think normalfags are biting this bait. republicans have been taking massive ls in local and national elections because of the weirdo trans obsession shit. trantifa sounds cool as fuck tho


Wtf the people being pushed out of public life and threatened with stochastic violence on the internet and elsewhere don't believe in muh liberal democracy anymore


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>Conservatives in uproar over trans woman flashing some tit at the White House Pride Party
Hold up though… Don't they think she's actually a he? What's the issue with a bare chest (male)? Are those female-presenting breasts or just man-boobs?


The outrage is over the fact that she makes their willy get excited. They usually dont like looking at sexy trans women, only ugly ones like rachel levine.


my dick has risen. the west has fallen


Come onnnnn I made this post extra spicy for y'all gays.

Communism is part of the queer umbrella. LGBTQIIIIAAAAC.


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Reactionaries becoming no different than old Tumblr ToS




theres a new pride flag exploding with popularity thats meant to represent "women who are sexually attracted to the superjail warden" and im reading that its supposed to officially replace the lesbian flag


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"A new pride flag… is exploding with popularity… that's meant to represent… women… who are sexually attracted… to the Superjail warden… and… it's supposed to… officially replace… the lesbian flag."


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Elon's fact checking feature is already being obviously abused by corporations to do damage control.


i thought it had been doing that for a while


Lol the White House barred her from any future events and the press secretary denounced her because of muh families
Libs online are also denouncing it because of "muh optics", like reactionaries needed an excuse or something


Tear down this shitty plantation manor like they did in 1812


Don't expect the anti-imperialist crusaders against western fun to change their stance or keep up with recent events in any way.


What's the deal with calling the UK TERF Island? I don't really understand what's supposed to be the contrast here. Is the rest of the world's average or continental Europe or Burgerstan less terfy? It would make sense to call UK that in comparison with the island of Cuba, but I have never seen the term used that way. So what I'm saying is: Is it a bad meme and can it be fixed?


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it's not a meme


ehh, I've done some bold shit but this is out of pocket. an image like that has global implications.


>treat people like monsters
>dehumanize them
>subject them to some of the worst scrutiny and fearmongering in human history, literally call them demons
>be surprised they decide to be the monster you always called them and are now training up for a war against you
These people deserve the cultural revolution and mass extinction event they're walking into. I don't even feel sorry for them anymore, I want the reactoids to die. I want them to suffer. I want hell on earth for them, because waiting for them to die and suffer god's judgement is far too long of a wait


>>8216 (me)
<muh tweets muhfuggah
Where to even start with this? Of course I was thinking about the whole package of regulations and so on, not just the internet. Do you actually believe Hungary and Poland are more open about LGBTQ than the UK? People in other countries do not use Twitter to the same extent and when they do, they usually tweet in French, Italian etc. Just like many French people tend to follow French-speaking gaming streamers, if they follow political stuff much of that is in French. By the same method as what's in your screenshot you can "prove" that UK is the most pro-trans.


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>poland more accepting than us/uk

it's unironically over


anglo countries have always been the least progressive ever but amerikkka always parades itself as a bastion of liberty and progress


It's categorically so over… Even with the increasing nationalism in Turkey and Hungary and the entrenched nationalism in Poland they are STILL more accepting than Burgerstan and Terfland



Sorry for being lazy, here's the embed.


The UK has notoriously shitty trans healthcare among similar industrializes countries
But yeah it's a dumb breadtube meme for Redditors to be "trans allies" but in a smug way


>>8220 (me)
Whoa so it really is like that. Thnx. Thailand, Netherlands etc and everything else aside from UK is roughly where I thought it would be.


22,514 online adults is the sample


how do you cope with the fact that most of the world thinks you're fun


*de generate


Guys, is there a queer theory reading list?
By continuing to exist and not dying i guess


How did you cope with the fact that god could microwave a burrito so hot not even he could eat it


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Vid related


Which dilators does /siberia/ recommend?


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The Russian President has ordered the creation of a special institute focused on examining homosexuality and gender identity

>Russia is set to create a new psychiatric institute dedicated to studying, among other things, the behavior of LGBTQ people as well as issues dealing with gender roles and identity, Health Minister Mikhail Murashko revealed during a discussion in the State Duma on Thursday.

>The minister responded by pointing out that there are several medical research centers in Russia that are already studying this issue. He added that President Vladimir Putin has also ordered the creation of “an additional institute on the basis of our federal center of psychiatry to study not only these, but also a number of behavioral areas, including social behavior.”

>Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin pointed out that the primary goal of the new bill is to protect children and pointed to statistics in the US, where he stated the proportion of transgender people among teenagers is already three times higher than among adults thanks to LGBTQ propaganda.


We're going back in time now, they're going to use pseudo-scientific and obscurantist methods to justify and increase hatred for LGBTQ people in our society, as well as try to "convert" LGBTQ people into normal life. We are now far gone from approaching LGBTQ with science and reason.
Decades of progress all to be reverted.


Institut fur sexualwissenschaft 2.0????


>hey're going to use pseudo-scientific and obscurantist methods to justify and increase hatred for LGBT
This have kind off always been the case tho.


If we suddenly shift timelines from the clown-nightmare to a less insane one then this institute will find that queer identities are entirely valid and Putin himself will ask for forgiveness.


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>pictured: Queer ASSR flag out in the wild, not to be confused with the Jewish Autonomous Oblast


Z gang cumming in their pants rn.


Maybe the institute will declare that being gay is cool actually.


I hate being a man


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>meanwhile the Ukrainian government


U r bootiful <3


Sorry to intrude again comrades to your comfy board but I can't help noticing how the flags are carefully separated almost as if touch would contaminate them


does anyone have any sources or arguments as to why minors should transition as opposed to waiting for adulthood?
not a joke or being condescending, it's just i've never really seen any well thought discussion over it, and every time i see a discussion on it, it gets turned into a fight of insults. i guess i want to understand the pov better.


depends what you mean by 'transition', but the earlier you start taking hormones/puberty blockers/etc the better the end result will be. also your teenage years are a really bad time to feel like you're in the wrong body, they're already bad enough


i meant medical transition, yeah. i guess the issue is i don't know what the difference between a dysphoric person going through puberty is like vs a cis person because afaik cis people also hate going through puberty. all i can guess is some level of severity of distress but i have no idea what that line is.


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are canadian men more feminine?


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I posted about this in the Ukraine thread a bit back. A ukranian guy who I thought was gay, whom I follow on Instagram since around 6 years ago posted something calling pride day "a celebration for the mentally ill" and bitched that the government was spending money on it while there was a war going on. How much money is Ukraine even spending on pride vs literally every other ridiculous expenditure governments do all the fucking time. Nobody gives a fuck about government spending until it benefits the marginalized, then people go apeshit.

It's so fucking tiresome. I hate that the mere existence of LGBT people is always up for debate. How does any person with two braincells to rub don't see the fucking insanity with caring how random people lead their lives as they wish and as they are very apparently compelled to lead their lives since very young.

Fuck the USA, fuck Ukrainian normalized right wing ideology, fuck the Russian oligarchs, fuck all of them for using LGBT people as a political weapon.



I mean I didn't really have any trauma about puberty as a cis male, it was more bullying and school but not my body changing itself, I mean what about you?


ima gay but pride and LGBT overload bugs me, like a lot. is there something wrong with me or will this contradiction haunt me until i blow my brains out


what bugs you about it


it just never fucking ends. im job hunting and every fucking business has their logo in pride colors. all the schools i drive by have their big letterboards SCREAMING about gay pride. all next month is endless pride events even though june is pride month (which is also full of pride events so what gives). if im gay and dont give a single shit about drag queen obsessions then im the weird one. all i ever see and hear is endless gay flags and nonstop affirmation that people like, so totally care about me and every single thing i do is good and right and valid and im amazing and so is everyone else like me and the entire world simply MUST be made aware of this at every moment of every day. but im just a guy who likes guys. im tired of being such a hot topic and seeing my sexuality plastered on every available surface. i just dont care man, i dont like this level of attention and hyperfixation. just let me suck dick and live my life, i dont care that you totally support the gays and that you walked in pride. i just wanna stop thinking and having to care about my sexuality. its not that big of a deal.


> is there something wrong with me
I'm going to guess you're alienated, don't have many gay friends, don't really like to be seen, still feel shame for being gay.
When I overcame a large bit of that myself, I now enjoy feeling safe seeing gay shit everywhere and I love being around gays. I don't even feel like I "fit in" into gay culture. It's just nice being around people who won't judge you for being gay.


average petit-bourgoise gorky whinging


I think there's a similar issue with it to the black history month thing. This is a part of the population and shouldn't be relegated to one part of the year or continued to be singled out for being different. It needs to be integrated and normalized. Highlighting it at certain times is ok if it's not used as an excuse to ignore it at other times (which it currently is). Black history is a good example because there's literally studies showing that kids are more likely to know who Harriet Tubman is during February but then forget during other months. Stonewall and other LGBT history gets similar treatment. It's like a weird liberal cope version of integration, you are allowed a containment zone but outside of that society gets to keep seeing you as other and forgetting about you.

Yeah it seems like the lack of just normalizing and integrating people is coped with by going over the top during the designation "remember these people exist" period.


i have no shame in being gay, i am fully confident in myself and know who i am. it seems the incredibly straight white women at my work care way more deeply about my sexuality than i do and its frankly annoying to be seen as gay first and a person second. the worst part is the only other side to this is ALSO people who see me as gay first, and they're also interested in killing me. i definitely dont fit into gay culture, i don't even care about the culture frankly, im just attracted to guys, i have much more interest in my hobbies and research interests but it seems my only interactions with other people needs to start on the basis of my sexuality. i dunno. its all too much in my face, im a reserved person, not flamboyant whatsoever and nowhere near as sexually focused as other gay men around me.


how am i petit-bourgeoise when im one rent increase away from being homeless lol


I see what you mean. I feel in a similar manner, and felt it more significantly growing up.

After meeting more gay people from having grown up having basically only straight but plenty of friends , being in places and situations where I've felt my life is in danger for being gay, having grown up in a place where machismo is very present, losing notions of individualist activism, living in places where being gay is generally well tolerated, being selectively exposed to gay spaces and activities, I'm now way more comfortable being my own special snowflake type of gay, (just like most gays are not stereotypical gays despite the stereotypes), I'm more comfortable being around gay people, being upfront about my sexuality, etc. I enjoy being around my gay friends because the expectations are way different. I'm not expected to be anything. There's no one putting me down. I can be open about my emotions which I struggle with from being socialized male. And particularly, I don't have to "be gay" around my friends because its like fishes being in water. We're all gay so who cares.

For the same reason you dislike seeing straight people and companies appropriating the gay identity, I like hanging out with my chosen group of gay guys. I once had a straight friend ask me if it was appropriate to wear LGBT merch. She's a Marvel fan and the idea of LGBT struggles being reduced to an identity-commodity like that of being a Marvel fan was nothing short of disheartening. I told her what I honestly believe. It is entirely OK to wear LGBT merch (and embody an identity-commodity) since it's already a product and gatekeeping products is ridiculous and liberal as fuck.

When it comes to me, I don't actively do this Marvel shit for LGBT. As you say, I simply am. But I do like to be around nice people of all sorts. I don't like random sex, but I do enjoy intimacy, be that hugs or sex, with people I care about. That can only come from building relationships with other gay people. Sometimes to do that, gay symbols are a good meditator.

My point is that none of my gay friends shove Pride down each others throats as much as straight allies and companies do, but the alternative is way worse. When you've lived in places where rainbow flags are part of the background and you travel to conservative places where not a single one can be seen, then you see the horrible contradiction capitalism has placed upon us. You're either horribly integrated into Capital, your identity parceled into commodities ready for consumption, or you're spat out violently.

Sorry for the stream of consciousness.


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I hope (You) have a gay day today :)


>waa waa muh rainbow colors
close your eyes uygha lmao


i actually might follow this advice and find some close lgbt friends, especially as i can also relate to >>8261 and >>8257 . i've dated someone who was a straight cis man who i thought i could disclose some of my lgbt stuff too and then regretted it. i slowly learned he was the definition of "overbearing ally." would try to act like he knew more about lgbt issues than i did, would pressure me into trying to being more open about transitioning then i was comfortable with, etc. i think what broke the straw on the camel's back for me was him casually dropping the "d word that rhymes with bike" while we were having an argument. not as an insult, but as just another word for lesbian. i don't know why he thought it was okay to casually say but it made me uncomfortable as hell. i don't believe in "all cishets are bad" or whatever but i feel like i wouldn't have to deal with that with a lgbt person.


i have a thought
that isn't serious

but i want to know about what y'all think
do you think the prevalent male gaze and objectification of women is a reason for lesbian awakenings?

surely i don't think there are straight women being turned gay from all of this though


was oscar wilde gay


I have 0 understanding of lesbian experience, as a gay person. At best I only understand lesbian coming of age through queer movies. I actually don't have any lesbian friends I could ask, surprisingly. Can you share your experience?
Yes. Very famously so. He has a wonderfully gay book called The Picture of Dorian Gray. Highly recommended.


Judge Strikes Down Arkansas Ban On Gender-Affirming Care For Trans Youth
sorry for huffpost, I'm supposed to be sleeping rn

Didn't see anyone here mention it, a precedent is pretty significant.


A small reprieve for those living under fascist USA weaponizing niche issues to further enslave their population.


It's more like the country continuing to deteriorate as the major factions pull the state apparatus apart in their struggle for dominance. Precedent doesn't mean much when people disregard it, and there's less and less motivation for anybody (especially the right wing) to uphold the facade.


for me it was mostly that as well but during puberty i developed pretty bad body issues, but it seemed that everyone else was going through that as well. i never had a "i must be born in the wrong body" feeling, just that i hated my body. i wonder if that means i'm not really trans.


new showdy is pretty good


He was also based, read 'The soul of man under socialism'


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I have two questions:
1. what are the most based sections of the LGBT movement? Is it queer liberation?
2. Is it the case that there are multiple tendencies of radfem and if so does it both contain materialist-communist ones as well as reactionary ones? Please list them if possible

If one or both of these questions contain misunderstandings please feel free to point them out.
Thank you.


Many MLs are already part of the LGBT movement so them. I'll share videos later of the most based MLs in urban areas in Mexico, who are also ridiculously based for going to pride with rainbow flags with hammers and sickles this year. Amazing peeps.


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I really enjoy giving myself body dysmorphia by staring at pretty drawings of fictional characters.




I just brushed my teeth


This drawing fucking sucks. It doesn't make me feel anything, let alone body dysmorphia.


Good for you.


I dunno after a certain point my brain is able to tell if something is out of reach, probably because most art I look at is furries, and I've seen what is realistically in my reach and like it. I suppose having red hair helps, since red hair girls are generally taller anyway from what I've seen.


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I found some cosplayers that do actually kinda look like that irl, like Jesus, how are we the same species?


Body issues don't automatically mean you're trans. Feeling uncomfortable in your body during puberty is pretty normal since so much is changing. If you specifically feel like your body's wrong because of a gender/sex mismatch then that would imply being trans.


i mean i only felt a body mistmatch in late teens and adult years, after i knew what i knew what being trans was. maybe i do actually have rogd.


oh no


Who's a rebel here?


420 in digits too


over a month and a half of t-blocker and tiny amount of estradiol daily
some weird feelings in my breasts
sexually, im beginning to feel…prepubescent? like this kind of full-body yearning that i haven't felt since i was like 6 or 10 or something
lots of fatigue
will to do things have fell through the floor and i feel like pathetic deadweight. the thought of getting into summer classes helps alleviate that though so i guess my advice would be to keep yourself busy


the start while your body adjusts is difficult, having barely any sex hormones in your body is also quite unpleasant, I hope it all gets better soon


Um i hope you plan to increase estradiol soon cause "a tiny amount" isnt gonna give you much results. im assuming you're just saying you're still on a starter dose?


i'm getting my testosterone suppressed first apparently
idk when i'll get a higher dose of e


you want about 4-8 mg (4 is low 8 is high) of sublingual estrogen and 10mg cypro/50mg bicalutamide taken orally every day. Unless you're doing estrogen monotherapy or injections in which case i dont know what to do.


What if free real SRS surgery existed? Like I mean you get a natural pussy/dick/titties whatever cloned from your own cells or something. What would happen to the lgbt community? Trans more specifically. Would people still transition and insist that despite having some mashed up flesh downstairs re-arranged to resemble the opposite thing that also doesn't even work the same that they are in fact the sex and gender they feel like being? What would lgbt people do if that was possible?


The answer is literally: trans people would do the surgery. I'd do it actually. I bet even some gay people would do it. They would probably feel less of a need to worry about what people think of their genitals.


>What if free real SRS surgery existed?
>a natural pussy/dick/titties whatever cloned from your own cells or something.
Not as crazy as it sounds actually. We already have lab-grown cloned organs that have been successfully implanted into people. They started simplest with the bladder (basically just a balloon) and have been proceeding through more complex organs. We will get there eventually.
>What would happen to the lgbt community?
People would get transplants if they felt they needed it for their body dysmorphia, which would be a small number but it would be a big deal to them. We should be able to grow either kind of sex organs based on any genome, too.
>Would people still transition and insist that despite having some mashed up flesh downstairs re-arranged to resemble the opposite thing that also doesn't even work the same that they are in fact the sex and gender they feel like being?
Most people don't insist that SRS genitals are LITERALLY the same, and the fact that they're not is probably a major factor in why more trans people don't do it.


Im sure many would do it. But that seems to negate the LGBT assertion that simply wanting to be male/female makes them that.

I dont think trans assert SRS genitals are the same. What I dont understand is how not having the exact working organs, bone structure etc makes you the opposite sex or whatever you claim to be. Fuck it. I'll call you a man or woman if you want, maybe even try to respect your pronouns. But id think lgbt people would rather people refer to them as men or women cause they actually are instead out of fear and control.


>Im sure many would do it. But that seems to negate the LGBT assertion that simply wanting to be male/female makes them that.
Do you also harass breast cancer survivors who get reconstructive implants?


How hard is it to get HRT in your area? I'm thinking of running a side hustle where I make HRT incredibly cheap and easy to acquire once I become a board-certified MD. I want to get on Fox News as the guy who is making the kids gay.


>Im sure many would do it. But that seems to negate the LGBT assertion that simply wanting to be male/female makes them that.
Nevermind that you dont seem to believe the reasoning, but being trans isn't just "wanting to be the opposite sex to see what it's like", not that anybody is weird for being curious like that, but that being forced to play into the gender roles, appearance, personality and even jobs that are typically reserved for one gender (caste by the way) makes them feel depressed, to the point of self harm and even suicide. It is a constant feeling of anxiety and low self esteem that results from feeling like a freak, or failing at being normal, or even imagining where you'll be in twenty years knowing that you'd rather die than live a long full life always being seen as a hairy man instead of a semi passable androgynous girly figure, in my experience anyway. The reason pronouns and bathrooms and drag queens are the main concern of the media is that they dont even want to recognize the existence of a caste system, and only want to police individual groups of people in their mentality rather than address the forced and rigid structure of the binary gender system. Even just classifying trans people as a third gender and recognizing a third gender would go a long way to fix it, but they dont do that, because liberals dont think systemically, they think individually.
>But id think lgbt people would rather people refer to them as men or women cause they actually are instead out of fear and control.
That's true, but i think many of us would rather that gender didnt play such a central role in our lives to the point that it matters. Plus transitioning medically is so difficult compared to just allowing media corpos to language police. I fear many trans people just dont transition medically at all and try futilely to force people to use their pronouns as a bandaid solution. In my opinion, pronouns are earned rather than forced. If you were trying to describe someone you never met before, you might say theyre a woman or a man and use she/her pronouns. But with trans people, it would be nice if their medical transition at least confused people enough to think twice and ask before making assumptions, and to even use the correct pronouns upon clearly being demonstrated that they have put a lot of effort into transitioning and pass. But passing is a pipe dream for poor trans people that dont have a strong willpower to do so. I do think it's ridiculous to get mad at someone for assuming gender, but it would at least be a lot easier for them to guess someone's gender if the state and the healthcare system didnt make it so fucking difficult to transition in the first place. The priorities of liberals is all wrong, entirely irreversibly wrong.


Hrt is easy to get if you have money and are willing to mail checks to online pharmaceutical companies. Apparently its illegal to use debit or credit to buy hrt in ametica because our politicians just want to fuck trans ruralites to death, but if you have money it's easy. Some examples of online pharmacies include inhouse and otokonoko pharma, which sell hrt online and have somewhat strict rules to buy it. Lena kiev sells hrt injection juice online and she gets it from her own prescription supply, so the pharmaceutical model isnt always necessary, especially because big pharma is just trying to swindle people out of their money more than anything.


Damn this hardly got any engagement huh! >>8276
I guess the ironic name+image didn't really read for ppl


Sorry to bother you all, just popping in from >>>/edu/ to say that sounds like an excellent question for the slow pace and seriousness of that forum


wait is lena back?
btw there r some pharmacies that take debit, paypal, etc… lots use crypto, lena takes bank transfer so it's not all as bad as mailing a check


Anyone attended any pride events this year? I'm in Europe right now and I attended Munich pride yesterday with some friends and I gotta say that the corporization is getting ridiculous. Like almost half of participant organizations seemed to have been companies like Siemens or Audi or something, lmao. Though ngl, it was pretty funny seeing the exact square draped in lgbt flags where Hitler and the Nazis got beaten to pulp by the Bavarian police during the failed Beer Hall Putsch. Also pussied out of approaching any of the cute and passing transgirls that broke stealth with their badges and flags. fml


It's Munich, what can you even expect.
Come to the Berlin CSD. There's still corporate floats but tbh its the name of the game. There's also a shit ton of activist floats and I heard there will be a non-corporate "protest" march. Honestly it's a huge queer party so just have fun, regardless if you're LGTV or not, life's good.


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Did today, the vibes were definitely very "democratic party" vibes. I was able to tilt the christian martyrdom fetishist protesters by arguing that they worship the antichrist and this guy broke his stoic shit and started making faces and getting closer to me and shit one of those interactions you replay in your head over and over to savor

as corporate as that shit is being surrounded by people who see you as human feels really good


Is this AI art?


yes just a random generation


Almost Pride Month 2.

Does your city has a Pride parade? Has it been already? Will you or did you go?


>1. what are the most based sections of the LGBT movement? Is it queer liberation?
The commie ones. There's LGBT marxists and queer anarchists, but there's not really that much to say about the subject tbh. Curtailing the rights of minorities is bad. Heteronormativity is bad. Puritanism is bad. Etc. Liberals are the ones who like to navel gaze about this stuff, but there's not really that much to analyze about it so there's not naturally a huge overlap between LGBT movements and socialism.

>2. Is it the case that there are multiple tendencies of radfem and if so does it both contain materialist-communist ones as well as reactionary ones? Please list them if possible

There's a common misunderstanding about terminology with feminism. There are marxist feminists but they are called marxist feminists. "Radfem" or "radical feminist" refers to a particular kind of feminism that takes patriarchy or men to be the fundamental problem to solve and overthrow. They are not "radical" in the sense of being socialists or something, it's unrelated to that. There are subgroups within radical feminism but tbh the core assumptions tend to be pretty essentialist and lead to TERFism and "Kill All Men"ism if taken to their logical conclusions. Radfems are not very relevant anymore anyway (mainly 2nd wave), feminism has moved on from that for a while now (4th wave). Again, if you are looking for the communist feminists then you want marxist feminists.

And also worth noting that you'd be hard pressed to find communists who don't support women's rights and abolishing gender roles and sexism but they aren't necessarily going to call themselves feminists.


>as corporate as that shit is
Just go to a smaller pride, corps hi-jack gigaprides because they form in the first place.


turning up late, getting your hair done while performing for your fans. I thought the anon who hates Lana de ray was just a schizo but he was right all along.


I'm not that anon but I'm immediately suspicious of anyone who likes Lana del Rey.


As a 30+ straight man I thank Lana everyday for my sex life she provides.


Video games is an okay song




>Critical response
>Nolan Feeney of Time criticized the song for its glorification of domestic violence, mentioning Lorde's comment on Del Rey's music, "This sort of shirt-tugging, desperate, don’t leave me stuff. That’s not a good thing for young girls, even young people, to hear." However, Feeney also stated that Del Rey would "likely" not endorse the "screwed-up tales of vice and luxury" her character, Lana Del Rey, sings about.[8] While noting that Del Rey did not offer a positive or negative opinion on domestic violence, Harley Brown of Spin said that the lyrics to the song could generate controversy, especially since Del Rey dismissed feminism in a recent interview with The Fader, saying "For me, the issue of feminism is just not an interesting concept. I’m more interested in, you know, SpaceX and Tesla, what’s going to happen with our intergalactic possibilities. Whenever people bring up feminism, I’m like, god. I’m just not really that interested."[9][10] By the end of 2014, NME named "Ultraviolence" the 32nd best song of the year.[11]


what a meme


>While noting that Del Rey did not offer a positive or negative opinion on domestic violence
how is it even possible to fumble that



It's an OK song. If you're a Lana Del Rey fan, major 🚩 red flag 🚩 but not of the leftist type, rather of the "this person is likely toxic as fuck and will romanticize their lives and/or victimize themselves as they stab you in the back.


cause a lot of people do want to slap someone around/be slapped around deep down, especially people with a drive to become famous


She makes younger women date older men. That's the joke.


Oh, I was confused because she's pushing 40 herself, lol.

Is she really that big with the zoom zooms?


Literally me fr fr


What's your favorite queer song, Siberia?


Either Ivy or White Ferrari by Frank Ocean


>some reactionary just got banned for trying to "gorkypill" everyone and is posting gore on the main board.
damn, why are 'phobes so pathetic?


Gore spammers from 4chan do not know who Gorky is.

Gorkyposting is a /leftypol/ inside joke.


What a useless reply lol


Ivy is a guilty pleasure of mine. I don't like Frank Ocean's music in general though. Kind of overhyped, especially being from Odd Future which was even worse,


This good too


Ain't nobody straight in LA by the Miracles. Makes being a homo sound like the funnest thing ever.


Ivy is so good. Self-control is also so good.
Both Channel Orange and Blonde have very good songs but there's also mid songs in both albums.


Haha I'll send it to my friend from LA.


I love the skit at the end:
>Isn't that a gay bar?
<Ain't nothing but gay bars in Los Angeles


Thoughts on the newest and very popular gay anthem Padam Padam by Kylie Minogue?
I mean sure its catchy, but I find it very bland…

>the best girls are in gay bars
Straightoids have been plaguing gay bars since the 70s?!


I much prefer, say, some special K laced gay tunes like this absolute banger.


did someone say horse techno



Fucking nice. I've been following partiboy69 for a while. I'm going to see him live in August. Absolutely stoked and keeping it 69.


its not communism if active homophobes and transphobes are allowed in society. they should be imprisoned, at best


wondering if i hate straight couples or couples in general. I think I have an aversion to any and all forms of cohabitation.


That's…. ridiculous.


beginning to attract stalkers and rapey people as you transition is a bizarre experience
women are braver than the troops


nice humble brag


Cute homophobes and transphobes that are clearly repressing should be forced to transition. The ugly ones should be reeducated and then forced to pay for the transitions.


When me and my friends were going for a night walk some woman in a pickup truck screamed a bunch of hateful shit at us but it was like the best way to describe it is a wicket witch casting vulgar incantations at us. it was weirdly funny


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>Cute homophobes and transphobes… should be forced to transition.
>The ugly ones should be… forced to pay for the transitions.
passoid privilege strikes again


Okay, this thread is just a shitty /tttt/ at this point, in keeping with the rest of the website becoming a 4chan colony


i had to watch this like 4 times before i understood it was a bathroom lol


Ok how about this; force futafication for all homophobes and transphobes, and then force the ugly ones to date the pretty ones while they're in the gulags




you can force futa all homophobes and transphobes but can't make the ugly ones pretty? sad!


It's not a punishment if they just become sexy. They can de-uglify themselves when they prove they dont belong in the gulag anymore.


Can i get force futa'd? Plzz


i thought the punishment was being trans'd? could they at least be ugly and passing


Urgh… fine… but only cuz im in a good mood….
Only when i get force futa'd.


Is becoming hyper futuristic pod people worth it if they can bioengineer your chromosomes and body to be female…


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Have a blessed gay day /Siberia/.




So now queer people can be legally discriminated against in the US. What a shithole of a country.


Technically anybody can be legally discriminated against by a business. You just have to say that your religion requires it. Obviously SCOTUS will only rule in favor of schizo-evangelical christianity in that regard, but lower courts are much more likely to uphold the law equitably.


Flordia has passed bill HB1521
Which means if a trans person in Florida uses a public restroom that doesn't match their birth sex (as determined by chromosomes and genitalia at birth), they can go to jail for up to a year.

Pissing while trans is literally a crime that will get you locked behind bars in the USA now. A supposed progressive liberal western country.


Cue a bunch of trans people getting attacked for using the correct bathroom in spite of appearances and also cis people who kind of look androgynous getting attacked.


It's totally fucked.
If a trans man goes in the women's bathroom, he's going to be beaten or arrested for being a guy in the women's bathroom.
If he goes in the men's bathroom, he's breaking the law and risks jail.


honestly we should have embraced gender neutral bathrooms back when that was the big controversy half a decade ago


Yes and while we're at it we need proper stalls that go all the way down to the floor.


What a shameful event. I saw people leaving Florida because of this, but who can realistically leave Florida and not have done it already, Extremely sad and worrying.

The "land of the free" yet again showing itself to be the land of the unfree. You can't abort, you can't dress however you want, you can't get certain medical treatments based on legislature's feelings on said treatments, you can't do shit.


At least it's not sustainable and it's accelerating the collapse we're already well into.


At least you can still buy guys to defend yourself with! Imagine being in europe where you not only have to let people dehumanize you, you have to sit there and endure it like a bitch until they eventually break into your home and murder you with no recourse.

I don't think society will last past 2030. It's odd how all the data is converging towards this and yet nobody will extrapolate the very obvious conclusion and will whine and howl about how you're a doomer.

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