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This might be an unpopular opinion but I don't think Kirby: Air Ride is actually a political game.

For that matter, I don't think Garfield is a political cartoon either, although the promotion of lasagna and the bullying of dogs at the hands of cats may be touchy subjects for some.

Teletubbies? I concede that there might be an argument there for it being political, I mean the purple one is coded gay, right? And we all know that gay = political.

Speaking of politics, my own political awakening was the 1946 Disney animated short aptly named "Squatter's Rights". Chip and Dale did nothing wrong.

Is all art political?


> gar "i hate mondays" field is not political


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>"All art is political"
Ok, what are the political implications of this drawing?


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thats not art




"All art is political" means that artists can't escape the political context they live under that has shaped them, but pseuds have to get angry about things they don't understand.


>but pseuds have to get angry about things they don't understand.
Or what they don't personally like.


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There is nothing which happens in a societal context which isn’t influenced by that society. The individual is always to some degree dominated by society, and thus anything done or created by the individual is never wholly separate from that societal influence. Since politics is an integral part of how society influences the individual, it follows that art cannot be separated from the political environment in which it was created.


>These art aren't political!
<Said art was made to generate a profit under capitalism
<Said art was made by people influenced by capitalist ideology and has designed the art to be unchallenging to those aligned with said capitalist ideology.
Dawg, just because the political aspect of it seems small doesn't mean it non-existent


>can't escape the political context they live under that has shaped them
They can, though. By simply ignoring it. Take the curious example of a Japanese "hentai" artist I ran into recently, Shintaro Kago. His current ongoing series, Parasitic City, is a strange /d/ dreamscape. He paints a surreal world where humans live symbiotically with parasites, where objects such as furniture and cars are now living, breathing things, that breed with each other. How old is Shintaro Kago, what are the political events which affected his life? I have no clue, and neither does any other reader. Is the content political? Perhaps, in the same way as transhumanism, but that doesn't help us pin his era down, as bio-futurism isn't exactly new. As a thought experiment, if I showed you Parasitic City, you wouldn't be able to guess when he published it; precisely because it's devoid of real world context that would help anchor it in some place in time.

"All art is political because capitalism is political" is a tautology, a thought-terminating cliché.


>just ignore it bro
thats a very conscious political action my man

>this media is not political because i cant analyze ittttttt

uh ok, that doesnt change anything the other poster said about an artist being affected by their context


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based xavier posting


"""apolitical""" art is the most political of all because it seeks to bury interpersonal conflict and class struggle under a smokescreen of seemingly benign aesthetics. Bread and circuses.


Translation: gommunism is when no fun


>thats a very conscious political action my man
nice goal post shifting. your argument was all art is political, and when someone points out that art can be apolitical by simply ignoring politics you say "but that's not socially conscious."

the argument wasn't whether art can be apolitical and socially conscious, it was whether it can be apolitical. and anyone who isn't terminally retarded can see that it objectively can be apolitical.


seriously though this shit makes me so fucking pissed. a painting of flowers is not "political", stop making pointless broad generalizations about art and human experiences. not every single waking moment of human life is about politics you fucking cunts.


Gosh I fucking hate neverending non-sensical arguments about dumb pop culture spectacles.


All art is political but it's aesthetic value matters more than it's politics.


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All art is bourgeois.


>Take the curious example of a Japanese "hentai" artist I ran into recently
stopped reading there


Just from briefly glancing on some of his artworks I can tell he is not a right-winger.


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The marxoid nerds in here will pretend that everything is political so that they can be endlessly critical and pretend that some schizo rant about kirby is intellectual enlightenment. Just take zizek as a prime example.
The people who think art is some puzzle to be objectively deconstructed are the same types of people who watch interviews with film directors to learn what a film "means" because they have no feeling or imagination.
And its true that the worst critics are usually the ones who have the least experience creating something, and so view the craft from an ignorant distance, as an idle spectator, while thinking he is above the average consumer. He isn't.


shut the fuck up dude


Make something
Then get back to me


Duchamp would laugh in your face.


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I don't get what you're talking. So you accuse nerds of being pretentious for overanalyzing a movie and at the same time criticize people who watch movie interviews because they lack imagination?? Aren't these two different tendencies??


Its the same tendency of seeking "objectivity" or transcendence in a piece of art
Think about something as simple and accessible as the ending of inception, with thousands of people grasping for an "answer" to a piece of fiction. They lose the forest for the trees.
I see it constantly, and it seems to be getting worse - i think it has to do with autism rates increasing.


Duchamp never made anything he was just an influencer


Translation: [some shit you didn't say]


Now I know you aren't arguing in good faith. Fuck off.


Nobody is talking about analyzing shit except you.


psueds absolutely seething for getting called out for what they are (i.e., vacuous, unfeeling automatons who are incapable of experiencing art on anything other than an intellectual level)


XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD another banger post XDDDDDDDDDD whatafuk man XXDDDDDDDDDDDD i fell out of my chair XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


Why is the idea of there being apolitical art so offensive to you? Are you angry that other people are capable of thinking about things *other* than politics every once in a while?


lmao reread the post theyre replying to and wonder why theyre acting "offended"?


>Why is the idea of there being apolitical art
There isn't. Sorry you had to find out this way!


It's an entirely fair post. Pretending that all art is political is a grotesque insult to actual artists who often are trying to express something deeply personal to them and don't want your asinine political views shoved down their throat.
There is and you're a fucking retard and should kill yourself.


Like, to make it more concrete, imagine a poet writing a heartfelt, grief-stricken poem about their dead mother.

And then some brainrotted internet leftist starts discussing the "political ramifications" of their poem and how ackshually, it's a bourgeois work that ignores the class struggle in favor of commodity fetishism because, I don't know, it makes a reference to the mother's necklace or something.

If I were that poet, I would want to shoot that "critic" in the fucking head and I doubt a jury would convict me for it.


It's not just art. Everything is political. I just took a fat shit and let me tell you it was political as fuck. But seriously though it was. The way that the sewage system is designed has a lot to do with politics and the composition of my shit is a result of my diet which also has a lot to do with politics. Art is not necessarily political because of the "content" of the art or its "message" but the art object itself, the way that it is constructed as an activity within society. Kirby Air Ride is political in the sense that its production involved class domination of many programmers, artists, etc in order to create a product that their employers could sell on the market.


all art can potential have a political reading in it is the way i've interpreted that statement if you look closely into it enough. it's often used as a response against chinlets when they try to claim about how great their wholesome apolitical gems are and that people should try to keep politics out of games/anime/other types of art. problem is that a lot of the stuff they claim is apolitical often are very political and they seem like they are completely blind to that fact, the thing with rightoids is that they often have very poor media literacy. and on top of that, often these favorite pieces of art for them completely contradict their political views and they don't even seem to realize it.
so maybe its not 100% accurate 100% of the time but there is a reason why that statement is used


also this is a really good argument for this perspective i didn't really think of it that deeply but its true, and this is the rebuttal to the op's idea


Art is a specific kind of work, human work involves power relations whet its done in a society and human power relations can be analyzed by politics. We can derive then that:
- Art not done by humans is not political.
- Art not done in a society is not political.
Therefore not all art is political however as politics is an art then all political is artistic.



>- Art not done by humans is not political.
>- Art not done in a society is not political.
such as? ai art still has to get prompted


AI art is still political because there are no known cases where designing, building, operating and querying AI has been done without human labor, that is without counting that popular AIs are trained with politically influenced art.
Pearls and spider webs are examples of apolitical art.


>Pearls and spider webs are examples of apolitical art.
spiders are social creature with behaviors, hierarchies, and needs. They perform labor, produce objects, and consume other creatures. They are political.


Even if ai was fully automated, it is still subject to bourgeois law and policies. It is often a commodity itself.


The response to "Call of Duty isn't political" is "the story is literally about WW3 you fucking retard", not "all art is political". There is no need for contrarianism when being direct and to the point suffices.


I want to anally sodomize people who misunderstand "all art is political"
And not lovingly or with their consent


The response to "Call of Duty isn't political" is reminding them that it's literally funded by the Pentagon and had people like fucking Iran-Contra plotter Oliver fucking North write and inform for it, has scenes where you assassinate an evil Castro using a woman as a human shield, do terrorism in Venezuela, and blames US war crimes on Russia, and yet it isn't seen as "political" compared to games with black or female characters in it. We are just that indoctrinated into the American propaganda to the point we view shit like CoD as normal.
The proper response is to redpill people about how they're not immune to propaganda


I just want to hijack this thread to say that I'm sick and tired of art, music and fiction being used as a scapegoat for society's ills. The "all art is political" sentiment doesn't help in this regard. It's a distraction from talking about the actual root of society's ills, class division or in our case capitalism. Every single antisocial problem can be fundamentally traced to people being divided into "lessers" and "greaters".


what if i made an art piece about fisher's concept of performativity, what then


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art isn't always political because of it's content and it'd be absurd to imply such. project zomboid is a great game without an immediate clear political theme but it draws inspiration from zombie media, which runs on a series of common tropes, assumptions, and ideas that were forged from the political climate and contradictions it was born out of


most people itt arguing that not all art is political are arguing against ghosts


Non-sequitur? I don't see how this relates to what I wrote.

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