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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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 [Last 50 Posts]

Pirate thread, yo ho ho and a bottle of rum

Post about pirates and and piracy be it on the high seas or the internet!


First order of business, how would I go about pirating something like pic rel and getting a non-watermarked version?


pirate cuts


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>pirate thread
this is my call
there are some online sites that can help you with removing the watermark


Any links my expertized amigo?


has anyone seen the Ice Pirates? Is it any good?




File: 1691704164434.mp4 (6.85 MB, 534x360, You Are A Pirate!.mp4)


Unfortunately it didn't work and just erases the hand and a better part of the image


is this egoraptor? i miss his animations


No Fred Perry, back before he went into porn.


>>24111 very cool


also, i just noticed that this is literally one piece. pirates, ninjas, and tits


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You know what… you're right


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Are there any relevant games that can even compare to Sid Meier's Pirates? We need a remake badly. Imagine what loverslab would do with the governors daughters today


I don't think there are


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This is a good picture. Reminds me of pilotredsun's art




i like how grotesque it looks, makes me want to keep looking at it, like with soyjaks


>One Piece but with Alunya





Arent priates just rogue naval officers?

And monarchal-apppointed privateers


Uh, no plenty of pirates were just random sailors or ship captains that were forced into piracy to survive, from there is became a profession.


And it was typical for navy sailors to be pressed into service unwillingly by the navy just showing up and demanding people to join. So not real surprising you had a lot of deserters considering it's the open sea and they could just hop on a rogue ship when they make port. There were also pirates who came from other cultures and took up piracy in reaction to colonialism pulling up on their doorstep.


Reminder that pirate ships were worker co-ops with things like injury-based retirement payments and ship constitutions laying out the rights and duties of the crew. On a pirate ship people were voted into important positions like the quartermaster and captain and more importantly could be voted out as opposed to navy and merchant vessels where the captain was basically a petty dictator who controlled the appointments of all positions below him and could punish members of the crew as he saw fit.


The captain was generally elected and their purpose was to be in charge mostly during active combat to avoid things being too chaotic. At other times they were usually more democratic and the captain didn't get more say than others. The popular image of captains lording it over the crew is a myth and based on how navy captains behaved. Pirate captains by contrast had to maintain their position through competence and respect of their subordinates because there wasn't a higher pirate chain of command to back them up.

During combat or similar situations (like sailing through a storm) the captain did tend to have something like absolute authority, but that's because the crew put their trust in them, so it's more like the crew as a whole having authority and the captain being the instrument. Obviously if you are fucking around not doing what you're supposed to when shit hits the fan you put the entire crew in danger. On a ship where the entire crew knows each other, there's less abstract separation between individuals and their effects on the whole group (compared to navy sailors getting executed over not pillaging some town so that nobles an ocean away can be a little richer).

Also captains often got a smaller cut of treasure than the rest of the crew. Being captain meant they avoided physical danger since losing them during combat would be bad for everyone. Basically the captain didn't get hazard pay that everyone else got.


All true, though generally glorifying them humanitarianly a bad idea too.



very cool channel

Is there not a pirate catgirl?


Still miss her bros


As a character I don't think so.

In terms of just plain drawings? Probably. No Pirate Alunyas to my knowledge.


Say does anyone know how I can get around the login/sign-up wall on Wattpad? I like to read some stuff there but recently Wattpad has made it impossible to read a story without logging in or creating an account, which I frankly don't want to do.


I have a question about pirates: if they had to fight against ninjas, could they win?


Realistic ones or trope versions?
There's not-insignificant overlap between the two IRL.

In the most tropey versions ninjas win because they are memed as being super stealth assassins while pirates are kinda just gritty dudes stealing treasure.


>There's not-insignificant overlap between the two IRL.
Explain? Were there ninja mutinies on ships?


There was active piracy in Japan overlapping with the existence of ninjas. Some people were both ninja (professional spies essentially) and pirate (bandit or para-military force raiding neighbors).


realistic ones? depends on circumstance, but I'd say the pirates if its a sea or coastal battle, then ninjas if they attempt sneak strke.

Trope wise Ninjas win - super stealthy, masters of blades etc.

Anime wise, who knows, One Piece and Naruto have big contenders for firepower.


Anyone know how to get around Boosty paywalls?


kemono.party might have some of what you're looking for


It appears that the quartermaster practiced a rudimentary form of Marxian economics.
On top of that the captain was elected and could be overthrown via a vote of no competence in a was similar to the Mandate of Heaven


I don't think it does for videos tho. I'm trying to watch a paywalled video for a captured BTR-4 where they test out its features and flaws, but no luck.


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"You will work ze cannon" is the mindset leftists need


sounds kino post that shit if you get it


The link to the boosty is here, I just don't want to spend money tbh.


Hello Shay!




Say can you repost your confederate manifesto pdf again, I lost my copy and I wanted to give it a read again.

BTW did Russell Bentley ever reply to your email?


The book is on the internet archive tho


What internet archive? Link it please







pic sauce? Looks like Sona Sitri but is way too happy for her.


https://nyaa.si/ is good for anime torrents
Windscribe has a $2 vpn plan called "build a plan" where you get just 1 server location. choose a swiss server. and mullvad also works if you fear piracy backlash



This sounds like the plot of a trippy alternate reality anime


Eleutheromania thread


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>Eleutheromania thread
Yes and?


>communist time travelers try to go back and prevent the assassination attempt on Lenin
>they screw up and send Lenin over 200 years back in time to the golden age of piracy in the Caribbean
>Lenin realizes how great an opportunity he has to change the course of history
>helps turn the Republic of Pirates (1706-1718) into a Union of Soviet Pirate Republics.
>Lenin's knowledge of history enables them to maintain status as a regional power and carry the torch of communism into the future.
>Epilogue: 100 years later on cryptic orders from Lenin they send a representative to Trier to find a certain child, destined for greatness…


>a representative to Trier to find a certain child, destined for greatness…


Marx I'm assuming


thats not Lenin its Flint from Black sails


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That pirate Marx art looks so cool : 3
Can any anon post it?

( would be nice if also the other images gets posted too , or did that thread got archived in the first place?)


A classic


Why's that?


I suppose, but that would mess with everything wouldn't it?


I mean… if you had an already-established proto-socialist pirate republic and you knew Marx was going to be born eventually, would you not want to tilt things in his favor? Maybe try to ensure he finishes Capital?


Marx writing Kapital came about as a result of the upheaval prior to and during his life within society as capitalism evolved and philosophies like those of Hegel became known. Lenin establishing a socialist pirate republic would wildly throw off the way society developed prior to Marx being born (if he was born at all) and it would likely deeply affect his view of the world and of dialectical materialism.


Maybe, but we're already making silly assumptions with the original concept of Lenin getting isekai'd to the golden age of pirates.


I suppose so, at least it's not as schizo as Prigozhin being isekai'd into RWBY-verse


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I declare pirates to be underrated. Leftypol used to be big contributors to piratebay, what happened!?


Pirates are indeed underrated. Maybe folks are tired of the theme after that movies series with whats his face, edwards scissorhands. I recall the first one being good and then they milked it


I think the 2 sequels with Davy Jones were actually good, if a little overdramatic and fantastical, but after, yeah it was definitely a milkjob


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ur probabaly right, barely remember the series now but I loved it as kid. Just know at one point they jumped the shark
Are there any other good pirate movies? Im a huge filmlet. Treasure Planet comes to mind but I bet there are better renditions of that story


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The first 3 were basically a D&D campaign that starts out low level and by the end you're fighting gods and demigods in a convoluted plot that nobody really pays attention to or understands because they're more focused on the action. 4 & 5 had different people in charge and didn't really have a cohesive idea of where to go with the property, just an interest in making money.

Hey at least Treasure Planet was trying to do something unique instead of the endless rehash stage Disney is in now.
Muppet Treasure Island is widely regarded as one of the best adaptations of the story, and there's also that 1988 Soviet one that got memed (picrel).

Someone else recommended Black Sails which is decent and based more on historical piracy than most.

One Piece is probably the most popular pirate fiction and its live action adaptation comes out this Friday.

The last major budget Hollywood pirate movie before Pirates of the Caribbean (or since, really) was Cutthroat Island (1995) which is mediocre but notable for being a big flop that "killed the genre" until Pirates of the Caribbean revived it. Somewhat ahead of its time in that it has a girlboss protagonist, but without constantly winking at the camera about it.

If you want the more old school stuff that there's lots of Golden Age Hollywood pirate movies, mostly defined by Errol Flynn films like Captain Blood (1935) and The Sea Hawk (1940).

IMDB has a list of top pirate movies


The BEST Treasure Island depiction is the Soviet 2 part film from 1982


Captain Blood is a good if very old pirate film


Thanks for the detailed response. Really need to use IDMB more, I love reading the reviews. I dont think its a virtue but I really dont have the patience for TV series but I will look at all the movies you listed and more. Pirate shit just hits the spot for me on some deep unconscious level
we had a zoomer temp at work who claimed to like sea shanties when I asked him what he listened to and I was dumbstruck lol. learned they were trending on the internet at the time and honestly Im not complaining


meant to post this banger



Funny thing about Treasure Planet is that the USSR had an animated film called Treasure Planet back in the 80s.


Why is yts suddenly the Romanian National Film Promotion agency? Like 80% Romanian films over the last 2 weeks lmao. Still the best search engine for world cinema.


fuck. saw IMDB mentioned and thought it was a piracy thread. leaving it in.


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>and thought it was a piracy thread
It do be a piracy thread!


Oh god those poor VCR tapes


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The VCR (video cassette recorder) was the device that recorded and played the tapes.
The tapes themselves (as well as the specifications for the VCR machines specific to them) were VHS (video home system).


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found an english dub on youtube. thanks matey


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Yes but technically they're video tapes for VCR so it is not incorrect to refer to them as VCR tapes either and people used the term interchangeably


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You're quite welcome товарищ! I have a DVD copy (pirated ironically) that I loved as a kid.


Dustin Hoffman's Hook performance was excellent, and frankly it was an excellent and underrated Robin Williams film.


are you a bad enough dude to be a modern major general


Holy shit this is a throwback


>Dustin Hoffman's Hook performance was excellent, and frankly it was an excellent and underrated Robin Williams film.
I guess Hook is technically a pirate movie, isn't it?


Technically correct, the best sort of correct.


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the sea is calling


God yes it is, unironically. Going out to see once has made me crave it.


It weird, water itself scares me a bit, even looking into the depths of a pond will give me the heebie jeebies, but I really like the sailing part. If I had fuck you money I would absolutely live in the Caribbean on a small boat. Actually ive heard some folks do this cause its a cheaper way to retire but I imagine the cost of maintaining your boat must be pretty high


It is costly in the USA and while I understand the fear of the water, honestly it's worth it. I'd absolutely love to live like that. Like that or as a remote farmer far from the cities.


Well why don't you? Don't let your dreams be memes.


I'm working towards it, but I'm staggeringly below the poverty line, always have been here in the states. I'm slowly working my way up though.


Good for you. Keep at it!


Pirates are so awesome


Holy shit somebody saved it.


I read a copy of Treasure Island from the Eastern Bloc and it had a short afterword that explained that finding pirate treasure is a favourite of the petit bourgeoisie because it gives them a quick way to get their share of the wealth plundered by imperialist not only without getting complicit in the plundering and genocide but at the same time becoming celebrated heroes for defeating the evil pirates.


The based pirate narrative is when the pirates attack the royal navy or merchant vessels and use the treasure to build a pirate republic.


It's been a long time since I seen that image posted here.

Can you remember the edition? I have a Soviet Treasure Island book from my childhood and there's none of that in there.


Anyone got a pirate link for the new One Piece Live Action?


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Star-RUNE torrent
''I'd recommed using a VPN and a good Ad+tracker blocker if you're thinking of visiting any torrent site (I use Ublock Origin), but I've downloaded a few things off of here before and haven't gotten any viruses (that I know of).
Also, I wouldn't pirate the game yet. It's Bethesda, which means it's going to be buggy as all fuck, and you won't get any updates until it officially releases. It also requires an SSD, and requires 125 fucking GB of space. FitGirl will do a repack at some point and get the size down, I'm sure.''





Every torrent site. Can you install a torrent client?


>Can you install a torrent client
I've forgotten, haven't torrented in a while and got a new computer recently


Anyone know how to get a version of Bloon Tower 3 in flash, all the versions I can find are html5 and janky as hell.


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Can anyone tell me why archive.is is down? It opens sporadically but only in Tor and I can't save any webpages. I use it a lot to see unredacted, unedited or deleted news sources and web-pages as well as to get around paywalls and this issue seems to be everywhere. Wayback isn't as reliable since it doesn't save image-files very well.

As a side contribution the pirate archive https://thepiratearchive.net/


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What are the best Pirate anime other than One Piece?


Does Black Lagoon count? They are sort of like modern pirates?


Porco Rosso


Mouretsu Pirates


Fuck I watched this in theatres a week ago, and unironically I'd watch it again in theatres. It was so heartfelt.


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>One Piece but with Alunya


lol pretty good


That's nice hahaha


>44 77 66


Ah the good old days of Newgrounds.


Space Captain Harlock, Cowboy Bebop (sorta), Firefly is like a Live Action Cowboy Bebop done right, probably some others I forgot, but yeah that's all I can think of for space pirates ATM.


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post your feeling when you realize Taiwan gives the death penalty to pirates, both digital and sea pirates


I feel like I was even dumber for bothering to fact check this than you were for saying it.


>Taiwan gives the death penalty to pirates, both digital and sea pirates
I don't think it's true, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was.





Satan trips demand an answer I too would like to know how to get around this annoyance


Speaking of Newgrounds anyway to get around the 18+ block for non-account users?


File: 1695162893479.png (2.35 MB, 1386x1080, ClipboardImage.png)

Simple trick for finding ways to download paywalled videos and stuff is to type in [site/videotype name] downloader and just using whatever extension you get suggested. It's easier than GreasyForking your way past paywalls.

As a sidenote some news sites have blocked 12ft.io so we need something new to replace it


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archive.is is having a bunch of problems with some nginx BS. It fails to open properly then opens, then archive.ph stops working, and so on and so forth. It works ok in Tor, but you can't archive properly in tor because cloudflare gets stuck in a loop of captcha. It's enormously frustrating.

Also Cloudflare has been blocking me from accessing sites on any browser except Tor, citing some BS about being flagged, even though I was opening sites like blogpost literally the day before. I thought it was my computer but checking with IsItDown shows it as a problem across the net. Fuck me.



Dailer reminder:
Download youtuber videos with yt-dlp.

Even windows users can do it, just use wsl.
Or alternatively some gui programs that cover it

Also https://yt5s.com/en172
and https://greenconvert.net/en6 work decently
youtube ss used to work but no longer unless you use Russian Tor nodes.


what's the deal with libgen, the two mirrors I havelet me search for books, but all of the download links seem to be dead


I think some kind of DDOS or Cloudflare being a faggot again


Unplug router and wait a long bit, reset your cookies in and cache in the meantime.
If that didn't change your IP, call your ISP to ask for a new one.
Also, check if your pc has virus.


I have multiple alternative browsers, easier to isolate certain online activities. Whenever I stumble upon a problem I simply close the browser and use Bleachbit to wipe out the .sqlite browser session data from the browser's .profile directory. It usually works like a charm, problem is it can be an inconvenience if you like to store lots of history like your log-in accounts or if you like bookmarking your favorite sites. All that data will get scrubbed before the next browser session is loaded. It helps but can be a huge inconvenience too. Also, you may have to manually add those .sqlite file paths into the Bleachbit options in order to scrub them. As for using Tor, yah Cloudflare always auto-tags that shit as nefarious and makes you jump through their captchas.


>tfw you will never sail the salty seas pillaging colonial navies until they bribe you to stop with a state-mandated gf


I see. Alright thanks, I'll give it a shot. Because I know it shouldn't be my DNS, since it's not



I really like this channel


Anyone know where I can pirate the Netflix One Piece?



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Anyone know where I can get blank VHS cassettes? I wanna see if I can use my old VCR to record my TV or not.


Not quite a pirate shanty but I like it.


LMAO why is my mp4 so squashed?!


This is a good AMV from the >>>/anime/ AMV thread


Download "Touch In The Night" for free by clicking the embedded file


File: 1696035816085.png (57.42 KB, 300x300, ain't clicking that.png)


Posting the classic


>Touch in the Night
What even is that? A song?


Me too



Anarchists' favorite topic.


OP here, I'm ML, but there is no ethical consumption under capitalism


>this is my call
Yet you sparsely post here, how curious


Post screencap, because I don't trust this shit


$ wget https://leftypol.org/siberia/src/1695958927021.mp3
--2023-10-02 14:06:13--  https://leftypol.org/siberia/src/1695958927021.mp3
Loaded CA certificate '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt'
Resolving leftypol.org (leftypol.org)...,, 2606:4700:3032::6815:518c, ...
Connecting to leftypol.org (leftypol.org)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 7377483 (7,0M) [audio/mpeg]
Saving to: ‘1695958927021.mp3’

1695958927021.mp3   100%[===================>]   7,04M  7,51MB/s    in 0,9s    

2023-10-02 14:06:15 (7,51 MB/s) - ‘1695958927021.mp3’ saved [7377483/7377483]

$ file 1695958927021.mp3 
1695958927021.mp3: MPEG ADTS, layer III, v1, 128 kbps, 44.1 kHz, JntStereo


Hmmm, alright.


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I miss his old stuff, his newer stuff is just a bit… too much.


LMAO, the bourgeoisie are portrayed as actual pigs.


>the bourgeoisie are portrayed as actual pigs.
<Porco Rosso
You've never seen the film, haveyou?


>Fucking Youtube is trying to prevent adblock from being used by disabling videos
I loathe those greedy fucks retarded decisions.


Does anyone know where I can find some of the Titan Prime comics? readcomic doesn't have the issues I'm looking for
Example: https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Transformers_Comic_issue_4.5


>before he went into porn
…have you not read his first stuff?


Of course I have, LMAO, what I meant is that he's almost completely stopped doing any SFW stuff like that animation and is mostly doing stuff like the MAD Project and other rule-34 involving Transformers and some other side projects.


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arcee made me feel funny as a kid


File: 1696389865487.png (574.06 KB, 1024x576, Jack and arcee caught.png)

Same here m8. The writers really knew what they were doing with all the innuendos she and Jack shot off at one another, and the model design was perfect.

Airachnid too, in a Yandere sense.


They wore it so that when they went below deck they didn't need to wait until their eyesight adjusted to less light. This was especially useful when about to board another ship, which is probably why the eyepatch entered stories and was memorised. If you're about to be boarded, you'd notice them all wearing eyepatches and it would stick with you.

Another fun fact, there's no record of a skull and crossbones pirate flag.


This is fake history, there's no evidence that this happened. Eyepatches became associated with pirates because of old retired sailors wearing them and coming into contact with wider society. Also it wasn't that dark below decks, they had lamps and even 'light rooms'.


I can't explain why, but I cried at least once every episode of the live action One Piece. It got me so emotional. The anime didn't make me cry though. I guess I really wanted real life luffy to succeed, plus the actor is extremely hot so I really wanted him to do well. I don't usually cry in movies or in general. Anyways I just wanted to share.


Every episode? Was there even a tear jerker moment in every episode?

But yeah whatever they did, it worked. It definitely found an even more mainstream audience. Season 2 is coming, and if they can make Chopper work the show is going to really blow up.


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> it wasn't that dark below decks, they had lamps and even 'light rooms'.
You've never been below decks on a sailing ship, have you? Even with electric lamps, that shit is dim and spending going down there after being in the sun leaves your nightvision poor, it's why nightwatches use red light when doing night patrol or bilge pumping.

>there's no record of a skull and crossbones pirate flag.
See pic rel, Emanuel Wynn’s Jolly Roger.
Calico Jack's was a skull and 2 cutlasses.


>Emanuel Wynn’s Jolly Roger.
I stand corrected then. I know about Calico Jack's two cutlasses, I was talking specifically about the crossbones.


New Gold and Gunpowder


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I mentioned Calico, because the crossed cutlass is almost as well known as the crossed bones and is considered the normal. There's also a different skull and crossbones flag, but it's red and the skull is facing to the right, belonging to Henry Avery. And another I think of Blackbeard's, where a flying hourglass with an arm holding a dagger is poised over a skull and crossbones.


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>a flying hourglass with an arm holding a dagger is poised over a skull and crossbones.
Found it


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<NATO is "actively addressing" multiple IT security incidents after a hacktivist group claimed it once again breached some of the military alliance's websites, this time stealing what's claimed to be more than 3,000 files and 9GB of data.

<When asked about this alleged intrusion, a NATO official declined to answer specific questions and told The Register:
<NATO is facing persistent cyber threats and takes cyber security seriously. NATO cyber experts are actively addressing incidents affecting some unclassified NATO websites. Additional cyber security measures have been put in place. There has been no impact on NATO missions, operations and military deployments.
<On Sunday, the SiegedSec crew claimed it broke into six NATO web portals: the alliance's Joint Advanced Distributed Learning e-learning website; the NATO Lessons Learned Portal, from which the gang said it stole 331 documents; the Logistics Network Portal (588 documents and other files); the Communities of Interest Cooperation Portal; the NATO Investment Division Portal (207 documents); and the NATO Standardization Office (2,116 documents).
>The hacktivists, which describe themselves as made up of "gay furry hackers," usually target government orgs whose policies they disagrees with, and have a flare for political publicity stunts, also posted a link to the purported stolen files on their Telegram channel.

NATO probes hacktivist crew's boasts of stolen portal data
FBI-led Op Medusa slays NATO-bothering Russian military malware network
Security researchers believe mass exploitation attempts against WS_FTP have begun
US govt IT help desk techie 'leaked top secrets' to foreign nation

>"The astonishing siegedsec hackers have struck NATO once more!!1!!!," the crew wrote, bragging: "NATO: 0. Siegedsec: 2."

<The team is referring to its earlier NATO intrusion in July, during which it claimed it swiped information belonging to 31 nations and leaked 845MB of data from the alliance's the Communities of Interest (COI) Cooperation Portal.
<This site is used by NATO organizations and member states, though it doesn't contain classified information. And yes, it's one of the portals that SiegedSec says it breached again at the end of September.
<Threat intel biz CloudSEK has analyzed the leaked data dumped in the earlier breach and said it contained at least 20 unclassified documents and 8,000 personnel records with names, companies and units, working groups, job titles, business email addresses, home addresses, and photos.
<In other words: almost everything a spy, would-be identity thief, doxxer, social-engineering campaign coordinator, or plain old troll would like for potential fraud, phishing, espionage, or more general havoc.
<We would be remiss not to point out that October is cybersecurity awareness month, and it appears that even after 20 years of this annual event, there's still much awareness to be gained.


In similar hacking news Russian Hackers took a shitton of data from Ukraines SBU, doxxing all their agents



>Trying to find a picture I know exists and accidentally must have deleted from my hard-drive
>I know who the artist is, I know roughly when it was made, I know exactly what it looks like etc.
<Fucking nonexistant in any of their archives, art comps or anything else
<Try to forget about it but can't because I keep remembering the pic and being pissed it's not there


File: 1696813068169.gif (459.86 KB, 500x275, oh yes.gif)

>The sweet satisfaction of FINALLY finding it


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Though to be fair its kinda hilarious


well what was it


Can you describe it


>cried the whole time
you probably were menstruating when you watched it


File: 1696919307687.png (Spoiler Image, 400.64 KB, 1036x1200, 1615024549396.png)

>Artist posts on Twitter and no where else
>Artist posts elsewhere, but only sometimes for some images.
>Artist posts multiple resolutions and variations, locked behind paywalls that no one reposts
>Artist posts elsewhere, but doesn't tag their images correctly, leaving out vital keywords
>Anons post art elsewhere but don't tag the images correctly, leaving out vital keywords
It had to do with a squatting Renamon futa pic by freckles. It's not on any booru or image dump, or their accounts, I found it through trawling their Kemono.


I want to mount the guy


File: 1697001839250.png (439.18 KB, 640x480, ClipboardImage.png)

Uhhh, in what way?


File: 1697388589929-0.png (2.17 MB, 1096x1550, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1697388589929-1.png (3.74 MB, 1280x1991, ClipboardImage.png)

I think MAD project is inspired by Perry, but not done by him, the styles are a bit different. Also Fred doesn't really do futa.


What? I don't understand. Is this a fetish thing?


I think it's a meme of some kind



Found this for downloading doujins, manga, comics etc.



As OP I ask the mods to archive this thread when it sinks to the bottom.


File: 1697595097466.png (241.79 KB, 260x365, ClipboardImage.png)

Fena: Pirate Princess


uphold marxist-leninist-sparrowism



File: 1698076768322.jpeg (142.93 KB, 1242x1394, gigachad.jpeg)



File: 1698365270070.jpg (28.16 KB, 650x366, grin Jiraiya youth.jpg)


Any reccs for pirating private archives like on tumblr?


>comrade was never heard from again


File: 1698701717203.png (314.35 KB, 1400x700, ClipboardImage.png)

Reminder that the soviet union's internet domain is a living legacy of the USSR and is a prime help for pirate sites everywhere.


File: 1698740399391.jpg (128.77 KB, 1600x1200, tux born to frag.jpg)


Thanks lad, based.


Is there an equivalent to Kemono.party (now kemono.su btw) for pixiv?


>stalled at 99.9%
>literal double digit megabytes remaining

here: https://freexiv.privacydev.net/


Based anon, thanks. I asked because places like OF have kemono equivalents too.

>>stalled at 99.9%

Oof, I know that pain.


>here: https://freexiv.privacydev.net/
Holy shit, thank you. I wish I had found this before tainting my ISP logs.


File: 1699766786232.png (82.26 KB, 860x482, ClipboardImage.png)

This addon can easily redirect a link or a page to their archive version, WAPO, NYT and many other popular sites usually have their popular stuff archived as soon as it's published. It is on the various browser's addon sites.

This other addon was removed from the Firefox or chrome store. It bypasses many sites that have bypassable paywalls. For some that do not, like time magazine, it gives an archive link to the full article, for example.



File: 1700070326078.png (98.22 KB, 729x474, denuvo crack releases.png)

>last denuvo release was in fucking AUGUST
it's so over bros…


Why did the figure/tropes/aesthetic of pirates go through the culture wars intact? Like, the guys participated in the slave trade, in the settlement of colonies and in the harassment of indigenous peoples. And nobody cares. In the current zeitgeist, nobody will give me a side eye for liking pirates. Why?


the mentally ill sephiroth wannabe retired lol


>the mentally ill sephiroth wannabe


empress, only person cracking denuvo besides the football sim guy


Who's that? I'm not very familiar with gaming piracy.


File: 1700879017137.jpg (155.91 KB, 460x1904, Won being a pirate.jpg)

Post pirate stories


Anyone remember the original version of this advert?


Yah and I remember how everybody clowned on it for how stupid it was back then. It's a shame how tolerant people have gotten of "anti-piracy" measures that do not stop piracy but to install malware and spyware on the computers of paying customers.


File: 1701127327704.png (1.11 MB, 2000x1294, ClipboardImage.png)

I feel like this counts even though it's basically just one act of piracy.


>It's a shame how tolerant people have gotten of "anti-piracy" measures that do not stop piracy but to install malware and spyware on the computers of paying customers.
True, but Youtube's crackdown on adblockers is re-awakening awareness a bit.


File: 1701200328750-0.png (384.89 KB, 936x702, Streaming1.png)

File: 1701200328750-1.jpg (297.89 KB, 1113x688, netneutrality.jpg)

File: 1701200328750-3.jpg (101.45 KB, 940x788, DQ7fUDuUMAEFbNW.jpg)


But people will complain about monopolies. Free market wins again!


File: 1701206417012.jpg (131.49 KB, 1030x1275, is this safe.JPG)

one of the antiviruses in virus total flagged this unofficial installer as a virus. could this be a false flag? I downloaded other unofficial installers for the same game and even more antiviruses flag them


1. which game?
2. where did you get it from?
3. (if you didn't) why didn't you get it from gog-games.to or scene releases?


Couldn't say with more detail but that looks like a Trojan embedded in the program.


File: 1701210024304-1.png (388.26 KB, 800x771, companies.png)

File: 1701210024304-2.png (638.66 KB, 614x627, ClipboardImage.png)

I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not, but most of those "companies" are owned by the same parent companies, it's still a monopoly, just with figurehead companies to get around Trust laws, pic rel for news companies, Disney and food corporations for example.

Disney in particular has the cable deal with Time Warner so a majority if those streaming services are owned by them.


Honestly it's probably fine, pirate stuff gets flagged as viruses all the time.


1. need for speed most wanted from 2005
2. the search engine from qbittorrent
3. because this game just isn't for sale digitally anywhere for the PC anymore. And I'm not paying for a used copy, that's dumb. None of the money will go to the devs anyway

>>24332 thx 4 the assessment



do I access this link directly through qbittorrent? I tried and it didn't work


torrent clients are for .torrent files or magnet links


so what am I supposed to do? Make a text file, fut the link on the file, and rename the extension to .torrent?
explain to me like I'm a mentally disabled 5 year old


click on that link (in other words open it in your browser)
click on the "magnet download" option
your browser will probably ask you what program you want to open that link with
select qbittorrent


It doesn't show any prompt here. I tried it on both google chrome and edge. The error is "DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN". Also, sorry for the annoyance, and thanks for the help good night imma go to sleep <3 <3


Apparently there's some drama because Hbomberfag did another of his eDrama videos where he bitches about plagiarism and one section is about Internet Historian. Personally I don't give a flying fuck about the fact that the guy basically did an audio-recording of a Mental Floss article. He still did the work of reading it, editing together video visuals and probably reached more people with his video in a few months than that obscure article will in a year. Now, to be fair he should have just credited the article author in the Description and perhaps changed the script somewhat, but frankly he didn't harm the article's author in the least, in fact he probably led people to read stuff like the article, like he did with Costa Concordia, which is how people even knew about the "plagiarism" to begin with. It's like Toei copyright striking videos that have footage of Dragon Ball Super or Naruto or One Piece, when those videos are literally giving them MORE attention and more money. Fucking companies always shoot themselves in the foot.


>places like OF have kemono equivalents too.
https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/kitsunematic example


How do I search it? It seems very unintuitive


don't use chrome or edge


Youtube manipulation works best on chrome since youtube is part of Google.


Anyone knows some good obscure Pirate cartoons like the British animal Treasure Island series, or link rel?



Where to watch live sports? been using thestreameast.to because it doesnt buffer but the quality is pretty bad and they only show north American leagues


I’m unironically considering being a pirate off the California coast. I bet I could get away with it in certain circumstances in Minecraft.


I mean Jack London did that as a teenager, and California has completely wrecked its police force so there's not really much coastal police action or Coast Guard work.


Honestly I have no idea. I don't pirate live streams. It used to be you could just jack the dish on a neighbors satellite TV network, but that's in the past.


Anyone know how to pirate subscribe-star?


> YouTube isn’t rolling out the anti-adblock to everyone. It seems to depend on things like your account, browser, and IP address. And if … you’re in a private window, you’re safe.

Option 1 (usually works):

Option 2 (always works but runs on a separate app/site):

You can find resources for how to use umatrix at https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix/wiki
I recommend blacklisting every script by default, which will block all js-based ads. There are also the blocked domains marked red, that are periodically sourced from specified blocklists. If a site doesn't work, refresh with first-party scripts enabled and then continue adding and removing individual third-party scripts or XHR untl you're satisfied with how the site looks. You will get a feel for what scripts do. Those with api in the name usually enable specific site functionality. CDNs load text or media assets. Youtube in particular loads video and sound from different subdomains of googlevideo.com, so you should whitelist the whole domain.


File: 1705259497944-0.png (255.31 KB, 841x580, Privacy Badger1.png)

File: 1705259497944-1.png (166.72 KB, 827x670, Privacy Badger2.png)

A) Update uBlock to its latest setting, go to Details, Purge Caches and Update
B) Install privacy badger, go into the settings do the below.
Step 1: General Settings > Scroll down to Advanced > Enable all options (pic 1)
Step 2: Tracking Domains > Search for Youtube > Select first option (red bar) for all 3. (pic 2)

This will disable, interfere with any code YouTube is using to detect add-ons. Anything they create (legitimate or adhoc) that would go around this would violate privacy laws - and put them in deep water. They still may enforce bad things, but at least we can put the grenade into their hands. If they want to blow themselves up, might as well let them.

After this extension install and settings adjusted, you wont receive notices, and your ad-blockers will work as usual.


Anyone know where I can pirate/stream Godzilla Minus One in HD quality? I'm not bothering with CAM rips.



Does anyone know mirror sites for https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/

I just want to get around their paywall and restrictions.


blast ye datamining landlubber


To be honest it doesn't get that much information, especially when you can easily lie.



Which is the legit url for zlib at the moment and do I really need an account to download?



File: 1708478311495.jpg (78.85 KB, 1280x948, shark hmmm.jpg)

Does anyone know if inkbunny has a kemono equivalent?


Nitter.net is dead, is there any alternatives?


What do you mean? There's no paywalls on inkbunny.


No, but you have to create an account to access certain content that is blocked at the discretion of an 'artist' It's not a paywall, but still annoying



>The onion saves the day again


Does anyone know what Olivier's cryptogram is/says?


File: 1709429471975.png (675.02 KB, 890x480, ClipboardImage.png)

>real life Gold Roger and real life Poneglyph
holy shit lmao


Man I didn't realize it was literally some coded language. I just thought it'd be some riddles or whatever. This looks amazing.


Anons, requesting help pirating some stuff from a US army fag that is blocking kemono and being a bootstraps fuck for it… literally the embodiment of that GI-boostraps meme guy.


So 2 months later, any updates on Minus One Torrents?


it's not out on dvd yet, how do you expect there to be a torrent? just wait and watch other movies in the mean time.


File: 1710328488179.jpg (96.6 KB, 864x714, waiting_for_a_bite.jpg)

Dear Visitors,

We regret to inform you that our website will be permanently closing its doors.

Free MP3 Download Team



Just use Soulseek/Telegram Deezer download bots.


RIP, but there are alternatives thankfully


File: 1710632912545.png (103.41 KB, 679x288, ClipboardImage.png)

>RARBG is kill


File: 1710654011215.webm (699.6 KB, 541x720, rarbg.webm)


yet another casualty of the pointless brother war


File: 1710973751782.png (336.73 KB, 500x281, year a pirate Harry.png)

>>>/hobby/40603 For anyone interested
>here is the torrent for all (HP) films, but more importantly, extra audio channels for listening listen to:
>Wizard People, Dear Reader - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wizard_People%2C_Dear_Reader
>(and Rifftrax for all films)


RIP gog-games.to 😔


fuck you are joking me right?


Who are you responding to?


File: 1711298491244.png (2.21 MB, 1080x1080, ClipboardImage.png)

Elaborating on the Meme: Pirating from any big corporation is always morally correct. but we should buy games from our indie comrades, they actually receive what their product is generating. and the same with any media, if it is owned by large companies hack it without hesitation.


File: 1711299671313.png (408.08 KB, 640x360, ClipboardImage.png)

was it greed? anger? manlet rage? welsh genes?


Was what greed/anger/etc/?


the reason that made him abandon living on a british farmhouse with the wife and go plunder in some tropical bumfuck


The Shanties



Yep, tanks m8, yo ho ho

Who him? You mean the video-game character in your pic? He did it because he wanted adventure and then decided to rebel against Empire(s). Fairly standard stuff for a lot of pirates of the Golden Age tbh.


File: 1711309403821.gif (643.09 KB, 566x382, pirate gif 2.gif)

Who are we?


File: 1711317006553.png (2.12 MB, 1280x720, ClipboardImage.png)

cool, but that doesn't explain how a 1714 welsh peasant can climb like spiderman, ubisoft never explained away that part in the series


Don't ask me, ask the devs


File: 1711396378998.png (82.68 KB, 220x327, ClipboardImage.png)

Found something interesting regarding pirate Short-Wave radio - Russia and Ukraine seem to use them in the war.

>The Russian Short Wave War

>Ringwave Manchester


all proletarians are athletic and acrobatic


What kind of bandwidth will we get over encrypted SW radio after the Great Western Freedom Firewall goes up?



Given Disney's attitude to pirates nowdays it's a wonder that we got such a based lad like Captain Jack Sparrow.


They didn't expect the pirate movie to blow up. The genre was considered dead after Cutthroat Island flopped. And Sparrow was written as ambiguously a bad guy at first, but Depp played him too charming for it to stick and they just started writing him as a good guy.


>They didn't expect the pirate movie to blow up.
Considering the budget put into that film I'd disagree (NTA obviously)


Well they expected it to make some money, but they didn't expect the popularity I suspect.


>Someone leaked NATO training information into public sphere
WarThunder boyos do it again?


File: 1712279274296.png (103.43 KB, 485x824, ClipboardImage.png)

The budget for the first movie was as high as it was because period movies and movies revolving around boats are more expensive. It was a top performer when it came out, and it had stiff competition.


I think their point was that Disney wouldn't bother with such a high budget if they didn't expect to make more than they spent.


how do torrent bros search now that qbittorrent's search is broken

i get search on individual torrent sites but tis not good enough

OMNI searches are so much better, do you remember circa 2014, we had some of them, i can't remember their name but i loved them


knaben.eu comrade. 1337x fucked all their links with vpn spam but you can still access them through knaben.


did rarbg ever get an alternative? i stopped torrenting movies before that went to shit


File: 1712771228040.jpg (163.48 KB, 736x1139, Capcom AvP.jpg)

There used to be a site where I could download epubs of basically every obscure sciencefiction book out there, but I think it got taken down since I can't find it anymore.

Anyone know where I can find and download AvP and Terminator stuff. Particularly I'm looking for


Not on libgen?


File: 1712804462094.png (1.62 MB, 1080x1699, ClipboardImage.png)

I don't think people upload a lot of obscure sci-fi spin-off novels on libgen, or at least not ones for AvP.

In other news the MPA is being a bitch again, yay.


File: 1712852528896.png (3.31 MB, 2286x1311, ClipboardImage.png)

Someone help, Youtube Redux can't adjust this garbage new layout.


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File: 1713065401025-1.pdf (775.56 KB, 192x255, s10551-023-05597-5.pdf)

Reposting this because it's semi-relevant


You tried annas archive?


Skimmed through it, seems like a good article, bump for other opinions.


File: 1713497475725.jpg (110.86 KB, 1024x1024, 1713467649425620.jpg)

How the fuck do I validate the checksum of GOG games that are native to Linux? Their list of checksums seems to be only for Windows binaries.


there are checksums for .sh installers here: https://github.com/GOG-Games-com/MD5-for-GOG.com


I only see exes and bins…


clone the repo because the file is huge, there's a few .sh entries there


Yeah, only 30, when their native Linux games are much more. Thanks anyway, I guess I'm fucked because this is the official list lol.


if you're worried about the files just get them from rutracker or torrminatorr, they're trustworthy


File: 1714335557029.jpg (311.11 KB, 1080x1266, 1623804608327.jpg)

me torrenting a movie i already own fully legally because i can't be bothered to walk over to where the dvd is and get it


>How to download a YouTube video archived in the Wayback Machine ?
Picked up from r/DataHoarder
https://web.archive.org/web/2oe_/http://wayback-fakeurl.archive.org/yt/<video id> then just right click and save video
Edit: better method now is to use yt-dlp if you have it - it will grab metadata such as the title, extension automatically for you.
Automated process: https://www.waybackyt.download/


lol I do this too.


Not quite pirating but its the closest thread for this. If you're saving an image and its from reddit, don't save the image or open in newtab or anything. Instead do Save Link, and it'll bring up the full res image instead of a low res WebP.


any 3dcg chads can recommend forums so i can pirate tutorials? i know of cgpeers but can't get in


This works for some other sites too. Doesn't always work for reddit, so use old.reddit (replace www. with old.)

Also for wikipedia add ?useskin=vector to make the format return to the oldstyle wikipedia (for English wikis) rather than the new phone-fag version currently in use.


File: 1717208385859.png (22.48 KB, 128x128, hug.png)

One year in heaven; forever in my heart.


>ukraine happens
yts drowned in butthurt belt movie releases, who knew Romania and the Balts had such vibrant film industries
>gaza happens
yts drowned in fucking hebrew language movie releases, started about 3 moths ago tbh.
Netflix funding for film is a large part of US soft power and it's in my torrent releases.


The woke/antiwoke war happening in the comments on torrentgalaxy releases is also kind of interesting. Nobody ever bothered commenting for years, then antiwoke comments started appearing maybe 4 years ago. Now it's a full on war. How many comments are organic is anyone's guess.


I assume it's mostly liberals and conservatives throwing fecies at each other since people who genuinely dislike rainbow capitalism, tokenism and forced diversity do not participate in these time-wasting discussions.


Anyone know Kemono.su equivalents for newgrounds? Or any other mirrors or ways to get around the NSFW filter. It's pretty unreliable because NSFW stuff gets through while SFW stuff that gets LABELED as NSFW is filtered out.


Comments sections were a mistake.


I'm pretty convinced it's two competing astroturf ops because who the fuck ever bothered to comment on shitslop.s06e04.360p.divx in the past on a shitty torrent site? There's no community there but there's extremely motivated commenters on almost every torrent release.


rarbg was gold. Galaxy brain take:
>rarbg got got because they wouldn't play ball
>yts survives because they release what they're told


>lets watch a movie
>whats in the yts recent releases
>total yts death


File: 1718724012693.png (668.03 KB, 780x871, ClipboardImage.png)



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