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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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 [Last 50 Posts]

Alright, so I won't go too much into it, but as I'm sure you've all noticed, there is a distinct lack of competent organizations and combat readiness in the left. While it may just be a stereotype, the idea of the skinny and weak anarchist can sum up most of the left that wishes to engage in direct action, mostly by using outdated manuals and romanticized ideas of war. As such, I had, a few years ago, taken it upon myself to release training videos to some of you in order to get you up to speed on the basics of the basics. That, unfortunately, seems to have fallen through on the account of my job, which often has me traveling and doing other things that I won't go into because they are totally uninteresting and unrelated to the topic at hand. As such, we will go into a few key steps you should be taking in order to prepare yourself for introductory training, should it ever be offered to you. Yes, you read that correctly, you must train yourself to be trained. You do not have the luxury of being part of an organized military force, though I would not critique you if that is the route you are wanting to take, as it would be hypocritical. I will limit the topic to individual training, equipment, and self-selection because the whole of military science is a broad topic that is not wholly known by any one individual. Please understand this so that my limitations do not become a hindrance to your growth as a potential combat soldier. Seek training from experienced individuals, even if you have to hide your power level. Consider me just another voice on the internet. I do not intend to use credentials or authority on the subject to get you to do as I say, but I would appreciate it if you thought about a few things. Thank you for reading.


P2. Expectations
First of all, I must lower your expectations by quite a bit, or raise them, depending on if your idea of combat is super operator shit or hobo jungle militia. The truth is that neither is what you should be aiming for. Good training for a small professional unit, which is what you want to be part of, is going to be arduous, yet undersupplied. You'll have to rely more on your own strength and wits to win and it will have a high rate of attrition when selecting candidates. This is what you must aim for, even if you don't make it. There are always second and third string troops that can fill gaps, but we must all aim for the top. Those that do not meet at least some minimums must be kept out of combat as much as possible or they become a hinderance. So be prepared to be disappointed by what I am about to tell you. Combat is not for everyone, and even those that make it do not make it back in one piece. It is not glorious or romantic, but you may get addicted to it. Yes, there are those who enjoy killing, being shot at, or both. They are not uncommon and it's a fundamental part of the human psyche. The main enemy that you're going to be potentially fighting in the future, from my perspective, are not tyrannical government forces, but small and irregular units that vary on professionalism and training, mostly composed of neo-nazis and other reactionaries. The idea that the end of the Trump presidency would be the end of the ideological fuel for these groups was foolish, and it is something that I once believed. I do not think there is any turning back. With that being said, all your training and operations must remain within the bounds of the law and carry strict discipline when engaging in all military activities. That means that there are several expectations you should have of yourself and other potential soldiers that wish to make part of a professional unit.


P3. Self-Selection: Fitness
You are now wondering if you could potentially have what it takes in order to be combat ready. These are useful things to do even if you don't plan on doing anything, but they are strictly necessary for someone that has placed their mind on doing this job, yes, even though you probably won't be paid for your efforts. As such, these are the self-selection guidelines:
1. You must be fit. By that I mean that you must be able to do the following:
Push-Ups in 2 mins: 75
Sit-Ups in 2 mins: 80
Pull-Ups 2 mins: 10
5 mile run: 35 mins
16 mile ruck w/65lbs: <5hrs
These fitness standards meet or exceed those of almost any professional force today. They are the minimum for you. Being a smaller and less equipped force, you must make up for it in soldier quality. You should take one of these tests by yourself or with a group every three months at the minimum. You will know you are optimal when you have passed at least three in a row. At this point, you should never fail one again unless it's due to injury. Those that due should be flagged until they pass three in a row again. There is no room for complacency or shortcuts. Practice self-discipline and don't lie to yourself. The easiest person to fool is always yourself.


P4. Self-Selection: Mindset
I guess I should have put this as the number one thing, but it is here now. You must understand right now that what you are getting into is not something that you can simply halfheartedly commit to. You must give it 100% and then some. You should be aware that you are putting yourself and your loved ones at risk of either retaliation or malicious prosecution (again, you should stay within the bounds of the law at all times). If you cannot stomach this fact, or the fact that you are going to potentially permanently injure yourself in something as innocuous as training, and that there will not be any funds to help you out when it's over, then you should not do this. You have less support than almost any job on earth, because you will probably not get paid unless you are sponsored by a well-off socialist organization. You must understand that you will be part of a different world. Any military organization practices this segregation and distinction from those not indoctrinated (this is the correct word, but ignore the usual connotations) into its ranks. This is to create a buffer that allows you to do your job without getting others involved. There are rules of professionalism that you must follow even when your enemy does not. This means that you are a human shield for those that do not have what you have. Be humble and remember who you actually work for, but understand that you will become isolated from almost anyone outside of this if you go far enough. If that is too much for you, you should not do this, and stick to other forms of activism, which are just as valuable and necessary for our success and safety.


P5. Security
I'm just writing what comes to mind, but my previous post made me think I should include this. Excuse me if it seems like rambling.
For this section, you should strip yourself of anything that might identify you as a socialist or a political activist. That means that for the most part you have no social media other than that which is required of your job, you do not have pictures of yourself online, and if you have any socialist tattoos, you should probably cover them up. Do not seek to brag to others about what you do, and do not seek appreciation. You must do your job without any expectation of thanks, and you should stay out of mass protests. That stuff is for people that cannot do what you do. Equally you cannot do what they can do. You must become a complimentary piece to the whole. Other than a haircut and a shave to allow your helmet and promask to sit tight, nothing should identify you as someone who is part of a military organization. Do not post political rants on social media. Do not admit to your ideas at work, and do not hang around people that do this. Become outwardly apolitical. Nobody should know who you did or did not vote for president. From the outside it should seem like you're just someone who likes fitness and tactical stuff. They might even mistake you for a conservative. If that becomes the case, play along, but do not follow their lead. Everyone should think of you as innocuous. If someone asks you if you are a veteran or former military (and they will, your character will show it), deny it. Never claim to have served.
This should also go without saying, but you should not have substance abuse problems. If you are an alcoholic, use illegal drugs, or have any unresolved mental issues to include ADHD and depression, you should not do this. Properly managed mental illness is still a go, but if you are not taking medication or cannot afford to do so, then you are much better off fixing that before you ever volunteer for training.


P6. Humility and Empathy
The ideal trainee will have a high degree of willingness to learn and follow orders, but not blindly. Do not question your orders, but instead allow yourself to interpret them. Good commanders will take advice and when your turn comes to lead you will appreciate both obedience and pushback. Do not let your ego get in the way of what you are: a part of a whole. Remember that you are a valuable, but expendable resource. Do not let yourself be thrown away, but know when it is time to do what you have to do. You will not always know or be told why. Still you must follow your orders to your bet ability and interpretation. Modern infantry combat requires thinking and decision making. If you panic, or are unable to make a decision, you are a liability and will not make a good soldier. Thankfully, like leadership, these are traits that can be trained. Good soldiers are thinkers first. If you only care to be a bullet sponge, then this is not the place for you. There may come a time when you are asked to lead a set of irregulars that do not have your level of training or experience. You must be able to handle that.
Empathy is also a big part of modern combat in smaller units. You must be able to deal with people as an equal, not just be some sort of intimidator. If you find yourself not knowing what others want of you without being explicitly told, or that you cannot for the life of you place yourself in the shoes of another, even your enemies, then you cannot be a good soldier. You may still be useful, but what I want to see in all of you is this trait, if nothing else. Empathy will enable you to navigate the world when interacting with those outside of the organization, whether it be your fellow socialists or your enemies, unaware that you are among them. Practice your ability to speak to others. Words are more powerful than bullets and may even move whole armies if they are applied correctly. Do not hesitate to act if you must, but empathy and words will get you a long way. We have learned that through combat time and time again, but powerful people keep discarding this advice. It's always been said that you get more bees with honey than vinegar, and that continues to be true. Never disparage your social skills. They are just as important as your body and your weapon. Fight with your mind.


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P7. Training
This is where we start going into some of the more wanted topics, though they are nothing special compared to the previous posts. Training should be regular and charted out throughout the year, yes, even if you are doing it yourself, and especially if you are doing it as a group of qualified individuals. Individual combat skills are perishable skills. If you do not train regularly you are likely to get sloppy and complacent. I will point you to STP 21-1-SMCT. These are your basic soldiering skills and should be mastered before you think of doing almost anything else. A sample training schedule is included, and should be considered and tailored for your needs. Some skills need to be refreshed monthly, others less often. Learn as much of it as possible and train in the tried and true way of task, conditions, and standards. Conduct an AAR (after-action report) and critique your training. As leftists, you should be more than familiar with the concept of critique, even if you've only ever applied it to theory. Another fundamental text that you should learn and train to its entirety (or as much as possible since you will lack some equipment in it) is TC 3-21.76, otherwise known as the Ranger Handbook. While these suggestions are cliché, I will point to you the fact that nearly every trainee in Ft. Benning has mastered these texts. They are fundamental texts and should be learned to their completion if you are ever going to even think about leadership or wider areas in the profession. You must start at the bottom. This is the only way to build a soldier. Carry yourself like a professional soldier. This is what is needed and that is what your fellows need you to become. You are not a fat, retarded, militiaman. Do not ever compare yourself to them. You will, with enough training and experience, come to outclass them and their delusions.


Memes aside, are is there a particular topic you would like to know more about? I'm open to questions.


P8. Equipment considerations.
I am aware that most of you are not rich, or maybe many of you don't even have the funds required to get a basic rifle setup. Do not be disheartened by that. Most of your soldier skills do not involve shooting, but be aware that there may be opportunities for sponsorship from others in the future. If you are part of a large organization, consider training and supplying a small set of your membership, at a minimum of 12. That is, if they meet minimum standards. Do not waste your organization's money on substandard members.
So, what does a soldier need for combat? In the modern age, we make a lot about expensive gear and other pieces of equipment that while helpful are not strictly necessary to the infantry soldier. Transportation doesn't have to be an uparmored HMMWV. A simple van or truck will do. You may even be able to stuff them in your mom's Corolla. So do not worry about purchasing vehicles or other big pieces of equipment. While fastroping and jumping out of planes is fun, it's not what you need. Personal transportation is as simple walking, so the first piece of gear you need is a good pair of boots. You can buy these surplus, and while most soldiers hate the issued pair, I have always found that it's good enough, even with better options out there. Plenty of soldiers have made it through Ranger school with a basic pair of boots, and so you do not need to get fancy. Just get two pairs, and plenty of socks, but avoid cotton. I buy expensive socks for myself, but I am not a broke kid like most of you. Just avoid cotton. The same goes for the rest of your clothing.
The second piece of gear that you are going to need or provide for your soldiers is a uniform. The usual blend is 50/50 NYCO, and it can be as simple as a set of BDUs and a shirt. This will prevent the uniform from sticking to your flesh if you are ever set on fire. I will leave the pattern and colors up to you, but you should all match and have distinctive insignia. Your uniform should be presentable and look professional. There are plenty of guides out there outlining the wear of a uniform. You should have at least two sets of these uniforms to start. Yes, there are foreign companies that also make more of the high-tech stuff with combat shirts and built-in kneepads, but if you can do without, then do so and spend it on more useful stuff.
Second most important piece of gear is, surprisingly, a fucking helmet. It is not often that you'll be shooting a rifle in anger, but you will have to do manual labor and work details, movements on uneven terrain, or in unstable structures. A helmet protects your most important asset: your brain. You should have this before you ever think about body armor. The great thing is that they make very good helmets without the markup. The gucci stuff is good, but it's only good if Uncle Sam is paying for it. An ACH will serve you just fine, and is not too expensive. If you must have the high-cut stuff, a company named Militech supposedly makes very good stuff, and the Russians have rebranded their helmets and issued them out to actual specops. If it's good enough for them, then it's probably good enough for you, though, again, I champion the tried and true ACH. A new chinstrap or liner system can make it very comfortable and it offers a very high degree of protection from blunt force trauma and fragmentation. Some have even been known to deflect rifle fire.


>an-nihl calls general military discussion on a weapons board 'glow'
no u


P9. Equipment considerations 2
Your third piece of gear, will, of course, be a fighting load rig of some sort. If you opt for a plate carrier, make sure you include the price of plates. If you are not going to wear plates, it would probably be better that you choose a lighter rig that is easier to move in and will let your body breathe better. Make sure you have a way of carrying water. I advocate using some sort of bladder system and using canteens only to refill that bladder. This way you will avoid noise when moving quietly. The standard load for ammunition and water is 7 magazines for your primary rifle on your rig and rifle, and 3L of water. You may choose to carry less on your person and more in your pack, but I would go no lower than 5 magazines and 2L of water. I won't go into what a SAW is or crew-served weapons, as I'm sure you do not possess these systems. Instead you should attempt to procure accurized rifles, but I will leave that topic for a later date.
The next piece of kit is a rucksack. It should be able to carry everything you need to survive, to include food, ammo, water, extra clothing, sleep systems, and mission-essential gear. A nice Alice pack can be used if you can get it for cheap, but your standard MOLLE II rucksack will work, or even a FILBE pack, which is pretty nice, even for issued gear. External frames are looked down upon by many professionals, but prized by others above all else. I tend to lean on the latter side. You never know when you have to strap things to the frame of your ruck, and it's always a useful feature to have. Make sure your pack is not too tall, or you will be hunched over the whole time. You should be able to go prone, doff or don the rucksack while on the ground and still be able to use the sights on your rifle. Do not buy your standard rucksacks sold at sporting goods stores. They will rip and fail.


P10. Equipment considerations 3: Rifle
This is a lengthy topic, just because of the lack of generality to it. Unlike training, you really can just tell people what it is they should have. I'm sure most of you already know most of this stuff, but I thought I'd go over it anyway, even if it is common sense.
In addition to all the other crap I mentioned, you will want to have, the thing you've all been waiting for: a rifle. That's right. You need this thing to do that 1% of what it means to be a soldier, which is combat, but it is a very important one percent.
If you are American, your rifle is going to inevitably be an AR-15. It is the most popular rifle, and it is reliable and deadly. The only people who say otherwise are people that are trying to sell you something or show off their $3000 rifle. You do not need to spend that much. A good AR rifle from a reputable company will do everything you need it to do as long as you do your part. This rifle should be built to military specifications, not because they're necessarily better or worse, but because we know it works, with some slight modifications that I have found are acceptable, but if you just want an M4 clone, you can't really go wrong with that. Things that you may change (thought should mostly all match along your group) is the gas system. Midlength gas systems are tried and true at this point, and can be paired with modular rails and free-floating barrels. This will help you squeeze out a bit more precision from your weapon, but even then your standard rifle should be able to hit a man-sized target out to 500m. You may also wish to change out the furniture for something that feels more comfortable in hand, but the standard M4 grip can be fixed with some fabric tape and closed-cell foam if you really want to go for that. An important but overlooked part is the flash hider. The A2 birdcage flash hider works just fine, but there is better stuff out there. Whatever you get, make sure it doesn't have an opening at the bottom, you can time three-prong for this. The reason for this is that you can be spotted from dust clouds are are easier to zero in on that way. If you are going to have something zeroed on the rail system, make sure it's on a stable platform, the top rail is where you will want that to go, and not the modular rails (mostly mloc now). Attached to your rifle, the first thing you want is a sling. I use a two-point sling and have never used anything else, as I do not believe the advantages outweigh the negatives. If you are climbing into a building, carrying another soldier, or anything like that, it is easy to do so with a two point sling, just throw the rifle over your back. It may look unsafe, but as long as your are using your safety and being careful about where you're pointed, it won't be an issue. This is an emergency use case.
You will want a light attached to your rifle for positive target ID in case that you are indoors and do not have night vision capability, which will be almost all of you. Using a light is not as simply as turning it on and moving around inside a building or outdoors. There is training that you must do. We will cover this at a later date.
The third thing you should have are optics, magnified or otherwise. At the very least the TL on each fireteam, the designated marksmen and the SL should have magnified optics or another way to make positive IDs from a distance. Everyone else can be properly equipped with a red-dot sight and be efficient out to 500m. Optics are no longer a luxury. They get you on target faster and allow you to shoot with both eyes open on either side. Get quality optics, and not just whatever you find under $200, though I do have a Sig aimpoint clone that I've not yet managed to break.
The final thing you may have attached to your rifle is some kind of IR laser if and only if you have night vision. Not all of you have to have night vision for it to be an asset, but if you do not have it, do not bother getting an IR laser module for your rifle. The most popular one is the PEQ-15. It's a good unit, but you unfortunately can't buy the full-power version. The PERST-3 is the best alternative. It's built in the Russian Federation and is just as good as the PEQ in my experience. It is not as light and it has some quirks, but the laser/illuminator combo is a very powerful thing. Some of you may be wondering about passive aiming with your nods through a red dot, and while that does work, and IR laser has other uses such as signaling and target ID. It's a real asset to have, and you should consider it if you have night vision.


That's all I'm going to write for today. I'll check in tomorrow and I'll be around for the next 30 mins or so if you have any questions. I'll do my best to answer you and I wish you all good luck and results if you decide to go this route.


Where are you getting this knowledge?


I was taught by people who used to do what I do now.


Thanks anon, this type of thread is always good to have.




I'd rather not. It's not as interesting as you may be thinking to yourself at this moment. I would rather any advice I give speak for itself. My credentials are unimportant.


Good write up. I just want to add here, imo a ballistic plate is much more important than a ballistic helmet. Sure grab a skateboard helmet or hard hat if the conditions require it. However a helmet that can stop shrapnel or lower energy rounds is going to be a different item and very expensive and limited in utility. I would suggest making ones own ballistic plate from ceramic, aluminum, and fabric. To be used if body armour is required and the weight is justified. I made a thread to share my knowledge here, however I have recently found some research on new techniques that could improve the strength of the armour and possibly lower the cost including using cloth such as jute as a retaining surface/spall layer rather than kevlar. As well as investigating new ways to better retain tension and integrity of the ceramic layer post impact using wire or some other material. That being said anyone can produce relatively easily an armour matching if not outclassing any modern military's personal protection kit using materials produced from a hardware store or cheaper and superior from a direct manufacturer like imports from China.


Don't get me wrong. Ballistic plates are good and even necessary on the modern battlefield, but based on what you will be doing, a helmet comes first, and you're right, a bump helmet will do just fine. It's just that they're often priced around the same as a ballistic helmet that can and will save your most important asset. The other thing you have to think about is that if you are expanding your scope of operations to night time, you will want something that can mount night vision and other accessories. I tend to prefer electronic hearing protection. The ACH is cut in such a way that you can fit this right underneath the helmet, and if you have a set like mine, you'll likely want to hook up radios and other things to it, to really integrate the rest of your gear. As for making your own plates. Don't. Level IV ceramic body armor is not that expensive and you have the benefit of it being certified for use with law enforcement. There's no reason to DIY when an assured method of doing this exists. Also, I would add that while the ACH is not rated to stop rifle threats, even at a distance, it has been known to do so. It's a really good piece of gear, and it provides cover to your entire head. If you have one, don't trade it out for something that gives of the aura of being high-speed.


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Great posts OP, but since you're focusing a lot on individual soldier skills and mindsets I'd like to add some things on the basics of how a unit operates. I'm speaking from my limited experience as an infanteer in the Leaf army reserves, so feel free to expand on or correct anything I say.

When it comes to training as a unit or even as an individual, the most important thing is developing a set of battle drills and well, drilling them into your head. This applies to virtually everything you do, whether it's handling your personal weapon, operating in the field, etc. There's a saying about the Roman army, which is that the Romans drilled by fighting bloodless battles, and in combat they conducted bloody drills. A platoon should be thought of like a toolbox in the hands of a commander. Each maneuver is designed to accomplish a particular task, and he should be able to give the word and have his troops be able to carry out what he asks without them having to really think about it. So when he says conduct a recce, the troops assigned to do this should know exactly what they have to do to make this happen. When advancing to contact, they should know what to do when rounds start coming in without having to be told. In other words, the troops in question have to memorize what they have to do to become that particular tool in the hands of their commander whenever he needs them to. The key to this is repetition. Each type of action should be practiced and practiced until it can be done almost purely through muscle memory. In the field you could find yourself going for days without sleep, so you often won't be able to really think about what you're doing. As a reservist my infantry training was pretty barebones, but we still learned the bread and butter including:
>platoon and section (squad) level attacks, both hasty and deliberate
>platoon level movement
>establishing/evacuating a patrol base
>occupation of a defensive position
>aussie peels
>point, area, and route recces
>listening posts
>standing to
>raids and ambushes
>clearance patrols
>challenge/password procedure
As I said, each one of these should be thought of as another tool in a commander's box, and training should revolve around the rank and file troops mastering these through repetition. I'd be happy to expand on any of these maneuvers if everybody is interested.

On an unrelated note, I would also recommend that everybody study military history, even from bygone eras. Ancient history and everything since can and does inform modern military strategy. Battles of interest in no particular order:
>Pontes Longi
>Stalingrad (Operation Uranus)
>Ia Drang
I think each of these offers some important lessons for any modern commander.


v interesting,


Long shot bumping this thread but I have to ask:
- What exercise programmes do you recommend to get up to standard? And;
- How does one go about disseminating this to others?



Seconded, what training programme do you recommend, OP?


Not him but for disseminating info on tactics etc, just do that anonymously in whatever online lefty platforms you know of. You can join your country's armed forces or find someone ex military to train you and then train fellow travellers you know up to your standard. Just be very careful with who you get involved with and don't do anything illegal. Communist militias or whatever are going to be very interesting to glowies who will try and charge you if you use your firearm illegally or some dickhead/informant in your group says you should blow up a federal building on x.x.xxxx (kick them out immediately). A good rule of thumb is don't tell anyone anything they don't need to know. Keep a low profile and don't brag online. Don't let your ego get the best of you.



One thing I have been concerned about is my presence online. I have a unique name and it ties me right to some music projects that have a political edge if you dig into it. I can't delete some of this even if I wanted to.

I'm sure some have already googled me and found this out but nothing has happened so far. Trying to keep things locked down for the future but is there anything I can do or is some of this info just out there?


>you should stay out of mass protests
Mass protests have more potential to change stuff than a super spetnaz commando group that doesn't exist.
>Do not admit to your ideas at work
When you join a union or encourage other workers to join, you have to talk politics.
>and do not hang around people that do this.
and you're going to meet people to form your super spetnaz commando group how?





sounds good.


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Okay so here's the first one I made. It just covers the basics of how an infantry section is structured as well as the different types of forward movement under fire. I'll try to make a bunch more of these covering different topics and get them out over the next little while. I'm just going from memory of my reservist training here, so if there are any mistakes/inaccuracies noticed by more experienced people, please don't hesitate to correct me (though keep jn mind CAF doctrine may be slightly different than other countries).


good job anon, gonna wait for more of these, infographs are always good.


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People in here with actual military experience feels like having access to forbidden knowledge.



Leaf here, didn't get to some of this in my trade so it's good to know. Thanks


checked for quads of fact


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Do you have any of those training videos or some training manuals that aren't outdated that you might be willing to post



The aforementioned Ranger manuals are good. Also look up ACP 125 if you want to know what radio procedure is. Good to get your amateur radio license if you can and be able to communicate in disaster situations.


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this is outdated but might be of some interest


>I have a unique name
change it



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So, in short for this thread:

No matter what:
1. Get your fitness up
2. Study Soldier manuals
3. Get yourself proper clothing
then, if you're willing to command:
1. Study war tactics(Mao and Che, among others are our friends here
2. Make sure you study formations
3. Find your friends
4. Study history and current technology

What did I miss?


People should look up "Laser Training Cartridge" in your preferred handgun caliber so that you can practice quick draw firing safely, cheaply and repeatably.


Thoughts on getting an AK-style rifle chambered in 5.56?


What is in the "trauma wound dressing"?
Also I have heard if you are in combat or a situation where you may get shot, it is good to have rolls of gauze folded into squares and packed with vaseline, to clog certain bullet wounds with and stop rapid hemmoraging. Anti-clot treatments have mixed effectiveness btw and may be a good idea or not. Gauze and vaseline works well on it's own for some wounds though. I thought it was standard practice but I am not so sure after googling.
The kit definitely needs some tourniquets tho.


Every militia member should know tactics and be able to train new militia members.
You are a burger? Sure why not? Although it could be pretty expensive for a quality rifle.


Should I buy a physical copy of the Ranger handbook or is that too glow-pilled?


So long as you don't become irradiated, and can't get a free version, sure why not?


is it worth learning strategies from feudal times, especially since we can safely disregard large-scale urban battles with complicated logistics


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Question: what to do if u don't have guns? I'm reading this book called the anarchists arsenal, and it shows how to make things like molotov cocktails that explode, and napalm b etc, all from homemade stuff, like petrol, styrofoam, bottles etc.

are these effective against people with guns?

btw, the picture attached is the contents of the book I mentioned, and is written by an explosives expert, I can share the book if someone wants it, also the books name is The Anarchist Arsenal: Improvised Incendiary and Explosives Techniques - by David Harber.


>Ranger handbook
download link, also the website have every book.


>what to do if u don't have guns?
Get a gun. There's no excuse to not own one, you can buy a 9mm hi-point for less than $200. A cheapass hunting rifle will punch through police body armor at hundreds of yards.
>are these effective against people with guns?
Fire is effective against everyone, but you're not going to bring a molotov to a gunfight and win. Bombs and incendiaries rely on you getting the jump on someone, because it takes much longer to light and throw a molotov than it does to pull out a gun and shoot a guy.


I feel like having a physical copy would be more useful for memorising it, also the Rangers themselves keep a physical copy on them at all times


>Get a gun. There's no excuse to not own one
NTA but what if I'm in a shithole Yuro country with insane gun control laws? There's no firearms I can obtain legally except shitty rubber bullet stuff and hunting weapons, and even those are absurdly expensive.


I guess at that point explosives and incendiaries would be your best options. You can't really win in a straight-up fight with them, but they're still good terror weapons.


Is there a way for me to save or archive this thread so i can see it again in the far future?


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I capp'd it but i dunno how to archive it




How can i make a screenshot this size and this well cropped?




take many screenshots and crop them together


Full Page Screencapture extension -> Take ScreenCapture -> crop function


If you are a yuro you should not larp as a guerilla but invest in some protestor self defence
You may have seen "flags" in prostests filled with "guys who ride motocycles"



Video made in the wake of retard ukies posting pics of themselves in a gym, very useful opsec stuff.


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To summarize:
get fit

Teams of 4, 8, whatever it scales

do this

you need $1000 of rifle, plates, ammo per person and at least yourself and 3 comrades you trust to start practicing and it will cost around $100 in ammo for every session.

90% of everything is suppressing fire and moving into safe advantageous positions


Here's a question that I have. As you said, not everyone can be a soldier. However, our movement is still going to need things like defensive militias. And as shit gets worse worldwide, working class folks and people from marginalized identity groups are going to inevitably self organize these militias. If you're a communist organizer, you're going to want to help in anyway that you can to set these formations up for success, while also protecting your people. Could put together something like the posts that you made, but for more second or third line forces (idk what defensive militias would be considered)?


Not the og guy but i wanted to post itt for a lot time.

The paramillitary formation the op seems to talk about is reminiscent of the "commando fedayeen" of Palestine and Lebanon but focouses too much on fitness(which is important but you can alter it) and a weird anarcho terrorist tactic of opsec who makes no sense not only in the USA ,that the op posts from, but in any party millitia.

First of all strategy is more important that tactics your force and the training,organization and equipment you will use will be decided based on the demands of the era and the material reality.
I will not dwell on the signs of a revolutionary situation too much ,i pre suppose in this post that armed wings are acceptable in a theoretical nation and can be usefull for a leftist org.

My suggestion for a recruitment proccess is based on those found in lebanese groups and to explain it better i will use a level systems


Unlike are fellow(?)travellers in hezbollah leftist already have a basic selection proccess ,the man/women/wtvr of your orgs/party/front are already a good base for your armed group ,this people have a part to play both before and after therevolution

>LEVEL 1,5

The able bodied party members younger than 50 years of age ,in a large scale revolt this people will fight, during the 40s in China the average cpc firegroup had a party member as a leader.


This is the people you are looking to recruit in the armed wing , fitness is important but personality is key ,this recruitment proccess can take more than a year and the more time you spend here the less energy,money and brain matter you whould need later for opsec.
So like are lebanese freinds ask the following questions
How long is he active in the org? Is he hardworking? Is he addicted to any drugs? Is he easily scared or too quick to jump to violence? Is he good at teamwork? What is his family like? Are his parents based lords who will cover for him or right wing boomers? If they are right wing can he hide things from them? Is he faithfull to his SO? What are his dreams for the future? (Maybe he like money a little to much) Is he educated?(the higher level of education the better ) Or maybe he is learning a trade?

To sum up: Can we trust him?

Che said:
<If you tremble with indignation at every injustice then you are a comrade of mine
<At the risk of seeming ridiculous, let me say that the true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love. It is impossible to think of a genuine revolutionary lacking this quality
<Above all, always be capable of feeling deeply any injustice committed against anyone, anywhere in the world

Those are the qualities you are looking for in a fighter .

(End of part 1)


I will not expand on the training

As far as millitias go they will be made up of reservist(fighters who have been through basic training but now continue with their life),level 1,5 party members and volunteers .
They should have a distinct structure, some short of local popular commite , they will be trained ad hoc by fighters and will be armed with basic stuff they need for defence(small arms maybe something anti tank) .


I was asking myself the same question and the two answers you got are really off the mark, so I thought about it and I'd like feedback to see if there's any holes in my views, note that I have no combat training whatsoever and no experience past street fights with the police during riots and protests where we used comprehensive tactics such as black bloc, buddy system, with intelligence, medical and legal teams as support etc. (we should do a thread about that someday)

European countries have for the most part gun control laws and no conscription so people are untrained and are unable to access weapons. What revolutionaries who want to fight should prepare for is the moment when mass movements will potentially devolve into armed conflicts and civil wars. At this point weapons will become accessible trough the looting of military and police stockpiles.

So the thing to do meanwhile is to prepare for things that do not necessitate weapons, fitness, combat medic training, theory of small unit tactics, basic survivalism, how to do urban warfare, how to function in cells, OPSEC, INFOSEC, stockpiling supplies, drugs etc etc.

For actual and physical training with firearms, there is travel, it can be expensive, it necessitates contacts, it can be flagged but it's one of the ways. Say you know people in the US who happen to know about guns and you travel there for vacations for example. I don't know how useful it can be to train in small teams with airsoft/wooden guns but I think it still can be useful because I saw that some armed forces with supplies issues trained their soldiers with mock ups.

Note that groups like "action directe" and "rote armee fraktion" operated in Europe for a long time and didn't have extensive military education, even though RAF people traveled to Palestine to get some firearm training. Although I think this kind of vanguardist - some would say adventurist - strategy they did is quite sterile because it lacked mass support, it's interesting to look at how they formed and operated to know what's possible to do with the right tactics, even though state security services came a long way since then.

To conclude I'd like to say that I think it's quite useless to look at how party based revolutionaries operated decades ago in other continents and hoping for something similar because big communist parties in Europe will most likely either tail or play a reactionary role in case of mass proletariat movement (what revolutionaries should prepare for, as a potential political and military vanguard), and that the "you have to train to get training" sentence from OP is good and goes further than that: the more there are revolutionaries knowing about combat tactics and related knowledge, the faster they will be able to spread their influence and power during a revolutionary situation.


Why don't we see soldiers in Ukraine combat footage doing this?


Is there a way to train while having asthma(use the inhaler occasionally after sprints if I'm really bad, otherwise can exercise without it) or am I just fucked?


dropping us naby opsec manual. as commies we should copy paste it and make a similar one in all our orgs


I think plausible deniability is key. protests are recorded + they run facial recognition etc on them so you are running a risk there. Info tied to your real name online can be picked by an algorithm. A union vote or workplace politics will have your name on it, but it's fairly milquetoast and you can play the social democrat. The "assigned FBI agent" thing is a meme, in reality your biggest danger is any kind of automated surveillance, and provided you avoid that, you should be fine.


Do not buy an AK. I physically cringe whenever I see any leftist with an AK because it indicates to me that said person is motivated primarily by larp/aesthetics rather than practicality.

AR's are cheaper in the US, they will have parts and training compatibility with most other people, furthermore, they are more ergonomic(safety, bolt, ease of mounting optics and lights) and ballistically superior (hence everyone moving over to a 5.56-like cartridge from EU to China).

The AR-15 is the people's weapon of the United States. You will get an AR like everyone else and you will fall in line.


>buy a wasr
>use soviet surplus
>milsurp flak jacket
>ar500 steel plates
>buy a tank

lol, lmao. the only thought provoking thing in that entire post is the idea of buying a private plane or helicopter, because they are *relatively* inexpensive (I imagine maintenence costs are heinous though). It's an interesting idea.


one thing they say is that Tactics, Strategies and Logistics are all interlinked, where can i learn each of these ?.


Should I get a concealed carry permit in my state? Essentially they want fingerprints and Id and whatnot, so I'd be handing all that info over to the feds. But then again, I have a drivers license already so what do I have to lose.


>Should I get a concealed carry permit in my state? Essentially they want fingerprints and Id and whatnot, so I'd be handing all that info over to the feds.
As you said, you already have a driver's license. Get a concealed carry permit, and use it! Get something compact, Glock 19 or smaller, and actually carry it around with you.

Nothing makes me more mad than guys with a concealed carry permit that just leave their guns at home.


Uhh so I was watching some Iraq firefights and the army was using 50 cal and just destroying the shit out of wherever fighters were positioned.

They werent even aiming really, just blasting 50 cal bullets through everything. How the fuck does one survive this shit or even fight back? The only thing I can think of doing would be run like a bitch to a new location and hope you dont get obliterated



>How the fuck does one survive this shit or even fight back? The only thing I can think of doing would be run like a bitch to a new location and hope you dont get obliterated
Answered your own question.
Never engage unless you can win, never engage on your opponents terms, etc.



a good idea would be to organize some sort of "marxist camping" party activity as a cover up for guerrilla recruitment/training. Like, go camping with your comrades or youth league members and see if there is potential to form a squad. at first play airsoft in the woods or larp maybe and then see if something can be done. some pseudo-trotskysts i know go out camping together quite often, for what i know they just drink and have fun, but nobody would know if they were doing something else.



Comrades, this may not be the right place and so I apologize, but equipment is discussed here, so do you know of any good boots that are relatively cheap? I was considering picking up a pair of jungle boots but, like all commodities, to get the good stuff that won't break with a few days of wear you need to break the bank. Any ideas and any (preferably online, that ship worldwide) markets where I can grab a solid pair of boots for being 'in-the-field'?


Buy waterproof hiking boots on amazon or whatever, probably manufactured in China. Maybe thrift shops or military surplus stores if you don't mind buying used and wading through damaged boots. Be mindful of diseases and stank tho.


They're a bit of a meme but if you can get'em go for it or like >>2387 said. I got a pair of waxi boots in combat boot length and they're great.


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What are you talking about? Aren't those mil-surpplus boots? Mil surplus should be good if it's legit. I actually don't have any military boots but I have a real used M65 and I can vouch that it's indestructible. Good as the day I got it. So many shitty zippers break on things, but this zipper is still perfect. I'll vouch for the quality of US military gear.


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All of this just to get turned into Swiss cheese by economically desperate 19 year olds with automatic rifles that they spent a week tops practising with


lmao @ larp


i intend to complete my higher education, but after that, is it worthwhile to at least go into military reserves? i doubt i can give myself a truly equivalent training or mindset and i cant see any other way to give myself adequate, if albeit in all likelihood unnecessary, preparation


honestly, yeah it's worthwhile, the skills will be needed by us all



Yes. Joining later makes you less susceptible to drinking the kool aid and you can focus more on getting the most out of training. You'll find good people but you'll also find shitty people like any other job.

Military training promotes cohesion, you'll get close to people and learn how to deal with challenges that you otherwise won't face in other forms of LARP.


>should I join the military and kill for the government to learn how to be a socialist




Socialist governments famously never having militaries


Mate, if gangs do it, what is the problem of commies doing it too, just don't drink their Koolaid or get involved with their imperialist bullshit and you gonna be fine.


How thorough will inspection of my body be my military doctors? I have a bunch of burn marks (all of which could be tattooed over fairly easily) but mainly I have a significant amount of self harm cuts on my thighs, right next to where my balls touch I guess. I'm aware that previous psychological issues are grounds for dismissal, so I'm wondering if this is something I need to address before, i.e find ways to make scars less noticeable/covered, or if they won't get seen.


i'm not a leftist you faggot



This is ok advice but not great, I want to make note of the gulf wars as one gap frequently noted in the Americans arsenal was the 500-1 mile range

American assault rifles where incapable of putting effective fire on targets in that range, but you know what wasn't? Bolt action rifles used by the Taliban.

A common tactic of the Taliban as such was to just pitch up snipers in mountains and have them take pot shots at people within that ranging then fucking run, rinse repeat.

Know your enemy


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Thanks man. Scan anything here before opening it.


Is there any utility to studying strategy as a supplement(as long as you don't consider a substitute to actual training like many do) or would it be useless without the wisdom of a more experienced mentor?


Facts about the koolaid thing, or you get jaded and if you hang out with the right people you probably wont get recruited by right wing nationalists pretending to be a vet support group.


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I've heard from some people that "strikeball/paintball helps you train for real combat".

It doesn't. If you don't believe a random anon on the internet, believe actual combat vets.
To translate their quote:
>Neither airsoft nor games help you complete a combat mission in reality. I will say more, on the contrary, they do harm. When airsoft players come, you can see them. You can even tell by their manner of entering a shelter or a room. A person who has never played airsoft, he is very careful, while an airsoft player flies in right away.
Why is this bad? Because if you're dashing around on a battle-field, not only does the rapid movement get attention from any surveillance, but it runs the risk of hitting mines or trip-wire traps or any other number of fucked shit you'd otherwise be able to avoid if you're slow and careful.



The only way i see for something to be near combat experiency is If they rig some haptic suits to simulate pain.


And throw in some mock claymores, mines and and tripwire explosives.


That's not how we played backyard airsoft. Every game lasted an hour because no one wants to advance for the reasons the guy said. Most of our games were just camping with the last campers winning lol.


Paintballs and airsoft really hurt lol. My friend got an airsoft welt for over a week on his face.


That's not how most airsoft groups play nowdays, people are constantly free-hunting and given timed-objectives and whatnot, meaning you cannot resort to the positional tactics you played. Your experience is very atypical to be honest.

Did you wear thick clothing?


They make airsoft claymores.


>Did you wear thick clothing?
No because then there is a chance you wont feel it and will cheat by accident. Only one layer shirt and pants and eye protection if course.


I only played at a course one time but it was lame because they let people have insane rpm electrics with box mags so they just have an endless hose of bbs. The worst thing about airsoft is no kick on the guns. I always wanted to play with an all gas blowback set with realistic mag sizes.


These don't really simulate what a real claymore is like however, same problem as what >>5046 describes, you don't feel what is closer to real conditions, so you get used to it, and it's so much worse after. In the soviet army they had "Взрыв Пакеты" made for combat exercises, absolutely harmless but with a bang and force that simulated real mines and grenades, scaring the shit outta you. It made you look underfoot for sure. Russian army may still do this but I'm not sure at this point.


Yeah I the claymores are kind of lame. Hard to launch the bbs at velocity from an inch of space.

>made for combat exercises, absolutely harmless but with a bang and force that simulated real mines and grenades, scaring the shit outta you.

That's a good idea. I was just thinking they need a mechanism that makes loud bangs when you fire the gun too.


In the US army they just do real guns + blanks + laser tag.


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Another problem is BBs and paintballs are so slow. 200-300 something is the FPS limit at most fields. Probably be better to push the FPS way up and then wear way better protection. Or I guess that's why they do laser tag instead in the military.


To make it painful, if you die, you get no dinner for the evening, because dead men don't eat dinner.


tactical larpers and gun people on yt say airsoft can be useful to train small unit tactics and basic weapon handling etc. i guess there is a difference between "speedsoft" and "mil-sim" type of play. i have no experience in either but i guess that learning to work with a team on the field could be a good thing.


>Paintballs and airsoft really hurt
don't hurt enough to emulate getting shot.


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Sometimes getting shot doesn't hurt at all.

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