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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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Thread to talk about drone warfare in general.

There are many ways drones can be used but I would like to talk about their potential use in protests and riots in the west.

In my experience something that is sorely lacking in protests going wild is intelligence about police postions, while the bad guys usually have a QG with plenty of operators gathering and distributing intelligence to police officers trough cameras, helicopters and, you guessed it, drones.

So, what's keeping us from using drones? Those for kids which are 50 bucks on amazon could do the trick, it would take a team of two, one pilot and one operative relaying intel trough a phone or a radio to someone in the front of the protest.

I know there are anti drone weapons, but they don't work that well and these aren't well established yet. In case of capture though it's good to prevent or render difficult a trace, so it would be smart to buy those drones trough proxies and false adresses, and scratch whatever number they have on them.
69 posts and 28 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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The Naval thread >>3080 has a lot of posts on the topic of marine attack drones and defending against them such as post >>4631 And I just realized I've posted little to that effect here, I'll have to amend that later.


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A decade ago rovers like this were just science-fiction and test-models, the Ukrainian war was made them a reality. This is the first mass assault by robotic forces, not quite the B1 Battle Droids but it's the beginning. The Ukrainians countered with small FPV drones, but it took multiple hits to take them out, and most of the ones they hit were already disabled. Their reduced size compared to the Uran series is notable.


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The XQ-67A has made a successful flight earlier in March. The purpose of this semi-stealth drone is to provide recon information to F-22s and other aircraft through data-linking. The design is similar to its comeptitior, the Kratos XQ-58 Valkyrie remote strike drone, which is also designed to link up with the F-35 and F-22, and the Boeing MQ-28. This makes sense given they are all developments of the Loyal Wingman stealth UCAV program. A similar Russian program exists with the Su-57 and the S-70 Okhotnik-B with China and Turkey having their own programs and testbeds.



A more detailed video about taking down drones, testing shot-guns, netguns and Drone-Jammer guns.
>Чтобы тебя не убило | Проводим опыты над камикадзе | Сеткомет, помповик, антидроновое ружье


>Наземный дрон СЭМ-350 армии России поступил на испытания
The Russian army received the SEM-350 ground drone for testing


>Russia has created remote mine deploying robot

I fear that with the development of drones going so far, that the US military may delude itself into believing that it could wage a large-scale conventional war with robotic troops and risk a nuclear one and still win, because it has robots to continue fighting in nuke-scorched Europe


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<How American Drones Failed to Turn the Tide in Ukraine
>Drones from American startups have been deemed glitchy and expensive, prompting Ukraine to turn to alternatives from China

>Mykola Bielieskov, a senior analyst at Ukraine’s Come Back Alive, a charity that has supplied more than 30,000 drones to the military.

>Come Back Alive Charity
<Buying drones for the military
Spooks really call weapons dealing "charities". I can't put into words how funny this is to me. They have managed to surpass the Lethal Aid Meme

Also even with all this Deadly Aid, the Ukrainians themselves are not confident in their ability to create mass strikes using drones.


The Vepr-12 shotguns are being given to sapper units on the front. 10 shot magazine with a powerful shell.
Карабин Вепрь-12 Молот получили войска России, обзор https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoLkQf_DVc0


Im surprised there doesnt exist some hunter drones already, historically aircraft usage in war went -> scouting / artillery spotting -> dispersed anti scouting over your lines to deny air scouting -> air wings to take over air control in the area of operation -> CAS for when you have air control.
With drones its seemingly just scouting and cas with suicide drones
also wouldnt it theoretically be pretty easy to create some automatic static anti drone defense with a camera linked to an auto shotgun ?


There do exist hunter drones, they're just not widely used at the moment. Russian FPV drones have been ramming larger Ukrainian ones and blowing them out of the sky.
>wouldnt it theoretically be pretty easy to create some automatic static anti drone defense with a camera linked to an auto shotgun
That would be a CIWS or Close In Weapon System similar to the Phalanx… problem is that you have to use drones with installed Friend-Foe indicators to prevent your own drones from being targeted by an automatic system like that.


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The USA is testing out automated F-16s. Contrary to RC drones used with other older US fighters for target practice, these ones are fairly autonomous, as part of the VENOM-AFT program. It's predicted to be a test-program for future, AI-operated strike-fighters of the next generation


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Prior to 2022, Russia had a lot of larger drones in development or early production, such as the Orion which was an equivalent to the Bayraktar. However these drones don't appear very often in the combat zone. The reason is simple; in a large scale combat front especially one with dense air defense on both sides, makes a relatively slow, large aircraft like the Bayraktar or its contemporaries, an easy target.


The drones used at Berdych are production combat models named Courier.
> The ground drone is called NRTC "Courier", this project is being implemented with the support of military commander Chengis Dambiev and Boris Rozhin. Technical information on the screen. The “Courier” robot is multifunctional; it can be equipped with an AGS-17 “Plamya” grenade launcher, a “Kord” machine gun, RPG-7 grenade launchers, ATGMs, RPO “Shmel-M” and other weapons. The robot can use an unknown model of electronic warfare power up to 560 W. In addition, the robot installs TM-62 and TM-83 anti-tank mines, working as a mine layer. The robot has a camera mounted on a rod and has armor plates, but their thickness is unknown. The robot control range is up to 10 km, autonomy is up to 72 hours. The robot weighs 250 kg, is equipped with an asynchronous electric motor with a power of 6 kW and can reach speeds of up to 35 km/h.
>Военный робот Курьер начал применяться Россией


Not quite a drone but a fairly useful RC transport.
>Russian military personnel of repair and restoration units showed a homemade remote-controlled transporter. The transporter has no name, it has four motor wheels and is capable of speeds of up to 20 kilometers per hour. In the future they plan to install small arms on it, perhaps then they will also install cameras on it. Technical details in the video.


As I mentioned before, drones are being used to take out other drones now, in the air as well as against those on the ground.
>footage of drone air battles in Ukraine, filmed with an external camera, has been published. The video shows two attacks by Russian FPV drones on Ukrainian drones. The drone models are unknown, and the location and date of the attacks have not been exact.

A little earlier a similar incident occurred where an FPV drone tracked down and took out a Baba Yaga drone and its operator. Vid 2 rel
>FPV дрон против "Бабы Яги"
>Уникальное видео - оператор 150 дивизии уничтожил над Георгиевкой вражескую "Бабу Ягу" с помощью своего FPV-дрона.


Although there have been incidents of FPV drones hitting helicopters in Ukraine since the beginning of the war, they have shown surprising effectiveness in avoiding drones in general, both in Ukraine and elsewhere. The US Navy however has been using helicopters to attack Houthi attack drones fairly successfully. Part of the reason helicopters have been good at avoiding small suicide drones, despite operating in the same combat air-space dimensions, is because helicopters today are very fast, even when cruising and the immense backwash caused by their rotors can send a drone tumbling out of the sky. Vid related is a Ukrainian FPV drone that failed to hit a Ka-52 for that reason.

Video source: https://t.me/robert_magyar/618


Russia captured a US drone supplied to Ukraine
>Российские военнослужащие провели осмотр посаженного украинского БПЛА RQ-20 Puma американского производства. БПЛА RQ-20 Puma разработан компанией AeroVironment на основе БПЛА FQM-151 «Пойнтер» в 2007 году. БПЛА RQ-20 запускается с руки и предназначен для патрулирования, разведки и корректировки огневой поддержки. Двухосная, гиростабилизированная многосенсорная система дрона объединяет в себе обычную и тепловизионную камеры. Каждая из них имеет 6-кратное увеличение. Система позволяет обнаруживать противника днём и ночью. Дрон имеет влагозащищенный корпус и может быть оборудован солнечными панелями, с ними дрон может летать до 9 часов, без них до 3,5 часов. Интересно сделана конструкция дрона, от удара о землю он разваливается на части в строго определённых местах, благодаря этому его легко собрать и ремонтировать в полевых условиях. При размахе крыльев в 2,8 метра и длине 1,4 метра, максимальная взлетная масса БПЛА не превышает 5,9 кг. БПЛА RQ-20 развивает скорость до 83 км/ч при радиусе действия до 15 километров, на высоте до 15 метров. Примерная стоимость БПЛА RQ-20 Puma 250 тысяч долларов или 23 миллиона рублей. БПЛА отправят на изучения специалистами.

>Russian military personnel inspected the landed Ukrainian UAV RQ-20 Puma of American production. The RQ-20 Puma UAV was developed by AeroVironment based on the FQM-151 Pointer UAV in 2007. The RQ-20 UAV is hand-launched and is designed for patrol, reconnaissance and fire support adjustments. The drone's bi-axis, gyro-stabilized multi-sensor system combines conventional and thermal imaging cameras. Each of them has 6x magnification. The system allows you to detect the enemy day and night. The drone has a waterproof body and can be equipped with solar panels; with them, the drone can fly for up to 9 hours, without them for up to 3.5 hours. The design of the drone is interesting; when it hits the ground, it falls apart in strictly defined places, making it easy to assemble and repair in the field. With a wingspan of 2.8 meters and a length of 1.4 meters, the maximum take-off weight of the UAV does not exceed 5.9 kg. The RQ-20 UAV reaches speeds of up to 83 km/h with a range of up to 15 kilometers, at an altitude of up to 15 meters. The approximate cost of the RQ-20 Puma UAV is 250 thousand dollars or 23 million rubles. The UAV will be sent for examination by specialists.


>The MQ-25 may be used for direct combat purposes
I should have predicted this.


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Recently the US Air-force simulated the first drone fighter vs human-piloted fighter dogfight with the X-62A, a robotized F-16 controlled by an AI from the Skyborg program, facing off against an F-16. SkyNet Hunter-Killers anyone?




Recently the US Army has accepted the Leonidas Microwave system as an experimental, Microwave based anti-drone weapon.

However there's already a way found around it - a layer of copper around the drone blocks the directed electro-magnetic pulse from disrupting the drone by 100 times.

There's an interesting video by Mark Rober that he just released that covers this and other anti-drone measures as well as stuff he and his friends came up with. His ad for a robot-constructor product he made is also actually informative as to the current states of autonomous systems and how EASY it would be to make autonomous turrets a la Aliens.

>Vortex Cannon vs Drone


Here's some video


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A new super-low drone detecting RADAR was released in Russia, we'll see how effective it'll be. Paired with specialized anti-drone MANPADS could make this a viable defense, comparable to current infantry anti-air against helicopters and CAS attack aircraft.


To add on, while this is true, it's not a permanent measure, as drones are developing rapidly, so Helicopters will probably need to adapt with specialized anti-drone weapons or attack measures, as well as defenses.


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The Mini-gun armed Mojave drone has been successfully tested in CAS trials recently. It kinda reminded me of the Hunter-Killer drones from Terminator (yes that's been brought up before ITT, it's relevant given the advent of AI). The drone aspect is the only new part of this, despite the hype about the Mini-gun equipped DAP-6 system, it's not new either. The USA had such mini-gun pods on UH-1 attack modifications in Vietnam and the USSR had special pods for the Mi-24 and for attack aircraft that had THREE rotary-barrel machine-guns.





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A drone mounted flame-thrower… looks like something out of a B-grade sci-fi movie about machines taking over.



An analysis of the X-62A and how it's still far from true AI vs Human combat (simulation). The AI is essentially using existing commands for the basis of its responses and actions, which means its reactive and not creative.



An analysis of ground-based drones in future conflicts, in light of the fight in Berdychi.



>The French 'Parade' anti-drone system mixes up the sounds of Air Conditioners and Drones


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A concept for a Tilt-rotor jet drone has been introduced called the Razor P100. It's got a striking resemblance to something I just can't place my finger on it… hmmm Hunter-Killer Aerial from Terminator in case it isn't obvious.


Under barrel grenade launchers are getting use as anti-drone weapons, with proximity-fuse grenades and net-gun ammunition for short-mid range combating of drones.



Prior to this another such modified light-aircraft drone conversions hit a civilian building in Yelabuga, Tatarstan (close to Bashkiria)



Video of said launchers (v1)
>Russian gunsmiths have developed a device for the GP-25 Koster under-barrel grenade launcher that allows you to effectively hit drones at close range. The extension insert is inserted into the grenade launcher and is designed for a 12-gauge hunting cartridge loaded with buckshot. The device can be used with Kalashnikov assault rifle grenade launchers with a caliber of 5.45 mm and 7.62 mm; when used, the effective range of destruction of drones can reach up to 50 meters. The grenade launcher insert allows you to successfully hit FPV drones at close range and eliminates the need to carry an additional shotgun

New anti-drone shotgun round (v2)
>The Russian company Tekhkrim presented new “Interception” cartridges designed to intercept drones. The tests were shown by journalist Alexander Rogatkin. Anti-drone cartridge 12/70 caliber, has 6 lead segments connected by Kevlar thread, the cartridge device is on the screen. When firing this cartridge, a strong Kevlar thread is revealed, which, when it hits a target, instantly gets tangled in the drone and disables it. The maximum diameter of the opened net of the Intercept cartridge is one meter; the net opens completely at a distance of 15-20 meters from the barrel cut. This solution will be especially effective against FPV drones, which have begun to attack infantry. According to the manufacturer, the effective firing range of the cartridge is up to 100 meters.


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A TheMIS (UGV) has been captured by Russian forces in Ukraine

Yemen guerillas have downed a 4th Reaper Drone

Hezbollah jury-rigged a drone with old Soviet S-5 57mm unguided rockets and used them to barrage Israeli ground-forces. (vid rel)


Bolo shotgun rounds aren't exactly new


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Sure it's not the newest thing, but this is a new set of ammunition with a specific target in mind. Before shotguns chainshot was used by black-powder ship cannons to take down masts and rigging, pic rel.

BTW Bolo-shotgun rounds are illegal in the USA if I remember correctly.


Practically nothing is banned gun wise except automatics, federally, in the USA.


>Practically nothing is banned gun wise except automatics, federally, in the USA.
Eh, depends on the region/state. Sure there's loopholes but the way its made means only some of the poorest people have them (through criminal ties) and richer people, because they can afford the cost, everyone else is in between where they MIGHT be able to get a firearm but are unlikely to train often or get proper gear, because it's too expensive or a proper range and store are too far away.


>Eh, depends on the region/state
Do you know what the word federally means?


Yes, asshole, I do. Federal law over-rules state law… on paper… it doesn't do jack shit IRL because you need the money to argue against state courts about these sorts of things.


Bro… I wasn't saying anything about overriding state law. I was just saying they aren't illegal in America as you said, only in certain states as you later said.


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Ah, alright then. Sorry, this board is slow so its usually me and a few other anons posting with most other responses being seething 4/k/opers with terminal Contrarian's Syndrome, means I'm always ready for someone to pick a verbal fight here. Sorry.


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>The AI is essentially using existing commands for the basis of its responses and actions, which means its reactive and not creative.
To add onto this, the USSR created a similar thing for the Buran Space Shuttle decades earlier - it had a computer with several hundred (or even a thousand I don't quite remember) preprogrammed automated responses for different situations including emergencies, taking off/landing procedures and so on.


I was nitpicking too but it is an important distinction I think.


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>Yemen guerillas have downed a 4th Reaper Drone
Make that a 5th drone - it was done using Home-Made versions of the Buk M1 missiles they have.


Fair enough.


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6 Counter Drone Methods and their solutions at the moment:
1 - Jamming (over loading the drone with false radio-signals so it can no longer 'hear' instructions from the remote controller).
2 - Hacking (riding the radio signal and exploiting holes in the software to take over and reroute control)
To get around these 2, using different radio frequencies and having firewalls or even using drones that don't require frequencies to begin with.
3 - High Power Lasers (damage cameras and burn outer casing of the Drone if its plastic)
This can be countered by using a reflective metal material held at an offset from the drone which means that it will take much more energy to burn through before reaching the drone.
4 - Focused Microwave EMP (induces an extremely high electric current within the drone that would cause short-circuiting and fries its electronics).
This can be avoided simply by using copper tape lining the drone's body, muffling such microwave signals
5 - Drone to drone net-guns (Drone chases enemy drone and fires net, tangling and downing it)
Nets are bulky and require larger, less maneuverable drones, so they can be avoided
6 - Physical Force (using physical impact as a direct anti-drone action)
The flaw is obvious; being able to actually hit the drone. Automatic trackers would definitely help (Anduril Anvil for example) but enemy drones will probably mount counter-measures at some point.

Magneto-weapons against drones:


New anti-drone air-defense system:
>Type-625E Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun Missile System SHORAD, is China's cutting-edge air defense gun-missile system engineered to tackle drones and various aerial threats. Featuring six 25mm gun barrels and eight surface-to-air FB-10 missiles with a maximum range of 10 kilometers, the Type 625E represents a formidable asset in modern warfare. With the increasing threat of drones, this system offers rapid response capabilities and can fire air-burst 25mm rounds for enhanced effectiveness. Equipped with a 360-degree scanning radar mounted on the turret and augmented by thermal imagers, the Type 625E ensures comprehensive aerial surveillance and defense.

This feels like a take from Soviet gun-missile Air-Defense systems, Western militaries are only just reaching this idea. China's design reminds me of the Kashtan CIWS visually and conceptually. It's equipped with a six barrel 25mm rotary cannon, Eight FB-10 surface-to-air missiles possessing a 10-kilometer missile range. The important part is its Air-burst 25mm rounds, basically it's combining a machine-gun with controlled shot-gun buckshot/slug , making it immensely deadly, and effective against drones. It has 360-degree radar scanning and uses thermal imagers for enhanced detection and back-up.


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China's joint Golden Dragon 2024 exercise with Cambodia recently included drone dogs with armament: https://topwar.ru/243371-v-odnom-stroju-s-bronevikami-kitajskaja-armija-pokazala-kadry-primenenija-sobak-robotov-na-uchenijah.html


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On a similar note, US troops did training with special drones during African Lion 2024 which were used in assisting the clearance of tunnels. Considering how this came out relatively soon after this recent Israel-Palestine war began, I have a feeling the USA may be preparing for involvement or for similar combat situations and opponents.




because the actual purpose of >muh cucklege protests is for the protestors to mentally distance themselves from final exams, and drones do not help with that


What is this responding to?

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