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>not a single frieren thread could be found
Someone just has to do it, right?


slop for posers. at this point just go and watch netflix


see >>373


It's popular therefore we have to pretend to dislike it.


when anime is "popular" it is, more often than not, because it is not anime. like, just from looking at this shit I can tell you that it is probably about some sob story where the characters are "realistic" (this is, disgusting), they don't follow the well established anime tropes, and there is no fanservice
western slop that just happen to be made by a japanese studio


I like the artstyle. Hard to get an idea of what it's about from the clips I've seen, unless it's a Space Dandy sorta deal but fantasy instead of sci-fi, which could be fun but that's a tall expectation I don't wanna impose in case that isn't it.


I keep seeing people talk about it, but haven't seen a reason to watch/read it.


it's "to your eternity",but with a less interesting premise,and with a boring fantasy worldbuilding.


>Hard to get an idea of what it's about from the clips I've seen
An elf mage goes on a big LOTR type quest to kill their Sauron (the Demon King). The anime opens with the party returning from the quest. Elf then spends the next 80 years wandering around gathering magical knowledge as her friends get old and die, while she stays young due to being immortal. Eventually she takes the adopted daughter of one of her original companions on as a magic apprentice, and they decide to travel to the northern tip of the continent where dead souls gather to say a final goodbye to her deceased friends. Adventures and some hijinks ensue.

Overall I'm really enjoying it so far. It's missing a lot of the retarded anime tropes (fanservice, cutesey UwU bullshit, constant fight scenes) and it's got a really laid back sort of feel. It's kinda slow, but in a pensive, bittersweet sort of way that reminds me of Ghibli. It lets the animation and artwork to a lot of the heavy lifting in the earlier episodes, but the characters are likeable and have good chemistry, it has some interesting concepts (I like their portrayal of demons), and the action scenes are pretty good. So far I'm enjoying it a lot.


>hello I have terrible taste in anime and I’m mad that other people don’t share it


Weeb shit


why even come to the anime board and post this rofl


sorry man the side boards arent used for actually talking about things anymore


brother you are the one trying to co-opt anime, not me. you are the newcomer complaining about the status quo instead of just leaving


It would've been better if Frieren had to deal with her hypothesis being incorrect. The demons aren't "good" in a human sense but neither side would want an eternal war, and them having to coexist with each other would be more interesting. I've been told there's a later arc that actually addresses this so I hope it's good.


what would make it interesting? at most you will get the opinion of the author, who probably hasn't read a single real book in his life. speaking of real books, you should check those if you want to waste time thinking about hypothetical ethical platitudes. artists should stick to sports


I'm so fucking tired of imageboards man.


must be tiring to be always wrong. try to improve


You'd fit in more on 4chan making blanket statements about things you haven't even watched.


I'm not the one seething in frustration


Why do channers piss their diapers and then accuse others of "seething"?


>everyone I don't like is a channer
>reeeeee go away!!!
you look calm and in control


>is so mad he clicks the OP
>has to project
Calm down and try to quote properly next time, rofl.


you got me, sometimes I click the op to open threads from the overboard


>The demons aren't "good" in a human sense but neither side would want an eternal war, and them having to coexist with each other would be more interesting.
I'm not sure that would work in the context of the show. Frieren is apparently older than most of the demons they encounter, so it would require her 1000 years of experience dealing with them to be wrong. Not impossible of course, but it would be awkward if they didn't address that. Also there's the fact that demons literally eat humans, so I'm not sure how any kind of coexistence would be possible.


Idk, the flashback with the demon child was perfect for that because the child LITERALLY says she just wants to live in peace. It's a tragic misreading of human morals, she's not doing it for fun.


>the child LITERALLY says she just wants to live in peace
She also said that after literally eating a child, and then proceeded to murder somebody else once their guard was down. I suppose you could argue that it was part of an attempt to make amends for her original killing, since she then "gifts" the child she just orphaned to the couple who's child she ate as a replacement. It might be an interesting angle to say this was a peace making attempt filtered through demonic morality and logic which is meant to be totally alien to humans. Still though, other scenes make it pretty clear that demons constantly lie to humans to make them easier to kill and eat. Consider Aura's subordinate who lied about burying his father to gain sympathy, even though demons don't even have a concept of family.


>Consider Aura's subordinate who lied about burying his father to gain sympathy, even though demons don't even have a concept of family.
Which just shows how retarded and thoughtless the whole concept is. You can't manipulate people without understanding their relationships. If demon doesn't understand the fuck is family is, how exactly he made a mental connection from seeing duke's son room to mentioning the buried father? It's just a stupid trope about "orcs vs humans" where the opposite side exists as some completely evil inhuman enemy that can be slaughtered without remorse.

It is doubly stupid since the same demons that are supposedly only imitating the human speech without understanding it are using it to communicate with each other even when people are not around. It just doesn't work.


>If demon doesn't understand the fuck is family is, how exactly he made a mental connection from seeing duke's son room to mentioning the buried father?
It could be a kind of cargo cult, ie know what to say to get what you want without necessarily understanding why it works. Or alternatively, they understand the concept in the abstract but don't feel any sense of familial attachment themselves, and thus dont understand it on a visceral level. It reminds me a little bit of Brave New World where concepts like motherhood are understood, but are considered taboo to speak of because of how alien they are to that society.
>the same demons that are supposedly only imitating the human speech without understanding it are using it to communicate with each other even when people are not around
I was under the impression that they understood speech, just not certain concepts about human relationships and psychology. I've just been watching the dubbed anime though so it may come off differently in the sub or manga.


>It could be a kind of cargo cult, ie know what to say to get what you want without necessarily understanding why it works.
Again, it doesn't work like that. You can't improvise a manipulation in an unexpected situation like that. Or improvise at all. You will sound like an NPC from some old game.
>but don't feel any sense of familial attachment themselves, and thus dont understand it on a visceral level
That is explicitly not what is happening there. The main character says they are imitating speech basically. The demon himself confirms it when the subordinate asks him what "father" is and he says that he doesn't know. Which makes the whole "asking" thing quite ridiculous too.


I watched a few episodes and its honestly pretty underwhelming. The basic premise (elf copes with the fact that she outlived all her friends) is interesting, but the execution is a bit meh. They don't really explore survivors' guilt all that well, or the existential dread of being virtually immortal, she just kinda have a new adventure with the occasional flashbacks. Which is a bit disappointing since i've consumed medias with similar concepts that managed to execute it much better.


That is so well edited lmao.
I just saw Freiren. I have to say that I did like it.
Yeah pretty much. It feels more like watching mushi-shi than watching some action anime. It is incredibly laid back and feels more a reflection on the passage of time and all that brings (death, highs, lows, knowledge) than about action or demons or anything else.


Yeah, the premise is kinda interesting, but the result is mediocre.
>medias with similar concepts that managed to execute it much better
Care to share?


Holy shit this series is bland as fantasy can possibly be. Are anime watchers really so vapid that just injecting a dumb "after the journey" gimmick and a bit of sentimentality makes them think this is some kind of masterpiece?


>getting this angry at slice-of-life


weebs, bro.
They'll watch anything


When the staple is "i reincarnated in another world with superpowers that make any potential conflict meaningless and have a harem" even bland shit like that gonna look better by comparison.


It's just got good vibes. Makes me feel nice.


Reddit anime confirmed


>Reddit anime
in this Reddit weather ?


You must not talk to many actual people irl if you think "good vibes" is a "reddit" expression.


it's an tiktok reddit normie space expression


Global warming has caused the weather to be very reddit lately.


I mean, the mere fact that it has a thread here should tell you enough. and this applies to media in general, you will never find anything good here (except maybe in my posts)


>when anime is "popular" it is, more often than not, because it is not anime
Maybe you're right, my favorite anime are FMAB and JoJo. Anime like this tends to leave a mark in my memory. But then again, those series aren't cozy and chill nothingburgers with the plot and drama barely being there if at all or mega-depressing wangstfests with """relatable""" mentally ill protagonists. Somewhere in the middle.

Maybe there are more stories like that in seinen but I dunno. Most of it is in the manga format.


>>23319 (me)
Then again, I actually find anime cliches part of the appeal of the medium. But FMAB and JoJo live in my heart rent-free.


Boring unoriginal slop with bland visuals and uninteresting characters, with a toxic and unfunny fan base of smelly weaboos who watch it just to goon and tradcath groypers who think that the demoms are ackshually meant to represent da joos


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The story idea is nice but I haven't read this yet, it sounds like a good exploration of the fanatasy genre while taking into consideration elf longevity.


Unfortunately they drop it pretty early for cool animay fights. It gets real uninteresting




I thought Frieren was pretty interesting, if not the best anime I've seen.


I think it's good but a bit overrated.

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