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/anime/ - Anime

Graphical arts and related topics
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i always wanted to make a /co/ thread for leftist discussion, but i have no idea where to put it? most people would shove it off as "cape-shit" or "not Japanese" how ever i think that's the problem, viewing manga as separate from other comics. I consider myself a comics fan but love alot of manga too. and would really enjoy if people didn't segregate just because it's right to left. and if you really don't want a /co/ thread then were go?


File: 1718767954674.png (891.66 KB, 752x514, ClipboardImage.png)

Anon, Comics and manga are separated because the way they developed is massively different and impacted by the cultures of America and Japan. While they have common roots, they are different things.
As to where
There are plenty of /co/ threads on >>>/hobby/
>>>/hobby/15233 (the old thread)
Also Western animation and capeshit threads too.

I frequent both there and here, but /anime/ was formed because people WANTED there to be separation.

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