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Who the hell is even the target audience for this cringeworthy shitshow these days? I'm seriously curious.
145 posts and 61 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


oh em gee le funny numbers :-DDDDD


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He was just like me


You do realize that GETS are some of the oldest parts of imageboard posting, yeah? Before it went to shit, that's what gave GETchan its name

Saying for offtopic


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fucking rip you glorious bastard


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Rest in peace Toriyama-sensei


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RIP, Toriyama-sensei.Dragon Ball was my childhood and an irreplaceable part of my life for the story and connections it gave.It feels too soon but you left us a legendary gift. I kneel to the GOAT.


my love for Dragon ball has been gone for a long time, but i will still cheerish it, thank you my uygha Toriyama for making a part of me.


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Apparently Vegeta being put down in the story over and over again is on purpose. Toriyama didn't like him (which makes me wonder why he kept reviving the Prince).


>which makes me wonder why he kept reviving the Prince).
To rob him of the peace of death and continue to torment him, obviously.


Does anyone remember the dbz fansite Planet Namek?


I remember it from a while back, I miss the days when big fandoms had their own self-made sites and forums, now it's all on larger forums and imageboards.


It may be stress induced by the industry.


Yes, Karoshi, I and others discuss it in the animator thread (See >>617 ), however Toiryama was pretty well off at this point, he's not as active a participant as he used to be and isn't on crazy schedules any more, he can afford it.


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How would communism work on the planet of Namek? How would such a society be organized? What other lefty idea would work well on Namekusei?


Heh, looks like you haven’t read your theory anon!! And you dare to call yourself a communist, well ignorance isn’t a crime, so I will forgive your transgression and educate you, but remember! I will educate you only once next time you will pay for your ignorance!
Namekian society has already achieved communism a loong time ago! In fact that is why they were able to create the dragonballs. You see the namekian society has been unified a long time ago, we don’t see it but they have interstellar travel and global world peace, namekian peoples also do not work for wages and don’t have private property!! They spend their free time for art.


I mean I think Namekians are sort of primitive communists already, they live in communities and other than the elders who are simply guides, most of them live in harmony, taking care of one another like a communal village.


Not even hate, they'd be beneath him, not even worth his time or hatred.

Man this scene was such a satisfying beat-down of Vegeta, especially with how puffed up he was throughout the arc and how much of a shit-head he was to his own son. Literally the encapsulation of Fuck around and find out. Made Android 18 even more attractive as a character.


Why does everyone here have a name


If they were communists they would have defeated freezer



namek do not have global peace nor interstellar travel tho. namekians are constantly oppressed by Frieza's Force because of the dragon balls lmao

the planet is an archipelago of islands so the villages have no communication with each other and live separately


They can fly though and communicate telepathically I think


yeah but only a small % of them can do it


I think they're all capable of telepathy because of their antennae, though the ability to fly is a Ki technique.


It's telepathy necessary for the formation of communism?


Yes. Under communism everyone is capable of telepathy


I think the antennas are for better hearing tbh


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Even humans can learn to use chi to do telepathy in DBZ.


I know that humans can learn it but I think its inherent in Namekians, but I may be wrong.


>Antennae on the forehead for better hearing
Where'd you hear that for Namekians?


Pilaf told Mai and Shu (his servants) that there was no point in whispering to him, since King Piccolo would hear anyway. Piccolo cut off his own antennae and ears so that Gohan could whistle to weaken Lord Slug as well. Also Piccolo told me himself


>gather all the balls of the dragon
>you have 1 wish
>ask for universal communism on all planets for all species


this weak ass dragon cant do that


>Also Piccolo told me himself
Where'd ya meet him?


Gay bar


But piccolo's Asexual or at least that's what Chichi tells Goku


Why did i met him in a gay bar then, huh?


He was looking for Vegeta on Bulma's request.


Frieza hands typed this post.


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It was for International Women's Day and extended a little while after March 8


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>He was looking for Vegeta on Bulma's request.
<at a gay bar
Makes sense lol


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I find it interesting that Toriyama himself called out the tired repetition in shonen anime today as taking from Dragon Ball or other older Shonen without being original. Naruto, One Piece and Bleach have some DBZ influence, but were clearly their own thing. Black Clover's beginning takes a lot from One Piece and Naruto (I'm going to be Wizard King! vs Hokage or Pirate King).


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Remember how People in Latin America aired DBS Episode 130 to the public in stadiums and theaters? I didn't know this but apparently there was a massive potential scandal because Toei not only prohibited it as a copyright violation but when Mexicans ignored them, sent a diplomatic note on the topic, demanding these screenings be criminally actionable.



That's fucked up.


Yep, good thing the Mexican people did not give a flying fuck.


Chad Mexicans watching anime on big stadium screens while in a traffic jam. Wish my country had those, such a based way to introduce more people to anime. Fuck copyright.



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>get into this series
Kids more often than not get one of the games and learn the plot through its story mode


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