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So you think you are a worthless NEET? Let's see what uncle Ted has to say:
>The people whose behavior is fairly well under the control of the system are those of the type that might be called “bourgeois.” But there are growing numbers of people who in one way or another are rebels against the system: welfare leeches, youth gangs, cultists, satanists, Nazis, radical environmentalists, militia-men, etc.

NEETs are rebelling against the system! We are part of the rebellion! Ted is based!!!
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>nationalist anarchist


i can if i wipe out of all humanity glown


you know anarcho fascism is a thing right


>following the isis example, large muslims do not follow the label isis. And reject it
Most muslims are not mujahideen / jihadists either. However it is necessary for primitivism to use violence and combat tech in order to exist. If you want more examples then look at Warzone Distro:


I will, thanks for the links


I don't like anarchists but I'm not going to pretend anarcho-fascism is something worth even thinking about.


>I don't like anarchism*



They literally just use the word anarchy for the military chic. There were nazis not too long ago who used the Antifaschistische Aktion logo called Autonome Nationalisten.


fuck off retard, not every book is worth reading (arguably most arent)


bored college students love their useless philosophizing


you wound me


Friendly reminder, that technophiles had dismantled 2.5 million years of primitive-communism. Reactionaries are leading history since 4000 years.

We already had communism and we lost everything!


😘 read marx thx xoxo


youre a fucking retard. we have capitalism so technology is led by capitalists instead of the proletariat.


There are worse hobbies.

What if capitalist hegemon starts anti-terrorist operation in your shitty forest? Are you going to fight them with sticks or where do you draw the line on technology?


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What was up with Ted? He was a pretty smart guy and he correctly pointed out problems we face in modern industrial society but he never connects it to anything else, the conclusion he seems to come to is just "technology bad," it doesn't seem to occur to him that a lot of modern technology is designed that way for a reason, people get addicted to their phones because they're specifically designed to make as much profits as possible, but he never critiques capitalism, just technology in general.


It's not about capitalism vs socialism. Lenin was a big fan of taylorism and he actively used it, to oppress the working class. He used technology, but in the name of socialism off course!


Ted was a reactionary brainlet stemlord and you are a retard if you think anything he wrote is worth reading.


Ted's |Q is 167. U sure he was a brainlet?


autism score is a 1 dimensional metric of intelligence, Ted had high IQ, and very high intelligence, in some areas, but in others, much less. It's not a surprise


Just because you get good grades doesn't mean you're smart.


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>but he never critiques capitalism, just technology in general.

Yes, because he correctly identified technology as the driving force of history. Technology > mode of production


You can say exactly the same thing about Marx! Btw I have great respect for Marx AND Kaczynski! They are both great minds and there is no fundamental contradiction between their theories.


>Yes, because he correctly identified technology as the driving force of history. Technology > mode of production
Pretty shallow statement, the mode of production is technology, and technology is in general developed to advance the profitability of the mode of production, it's a dialectic. how can technology be ">" the very mode of production that developed and produced it..?


>You can say exactly the same thing about Marx! Btw I have great respect for Marx AND Kaczynski! They are both great minds and there is no fundamental contradiction between their theories.
youre really going to put ted on the level of marx? im sorry but give me a break. yeah, there is a fundamental contradiction.


The system is guided by technical necessity. This is why Lenin endorsed the state machine, secret services, tailorism etc. As soon brainimplants will be invented, communists will be forced to use it, to be able to compete with capitalism. Even if capitalism will be overcome, technology will guide the system into total immersion. This is when the era of posthumanity begins.


>communists will be forced to use it, to be able to compete with capitalism. Even if capitalism will be overcome, technology will guide the system into total immersion. This is when the era of posthumanity begins.
compete with capitalism? anon, this sounds like liberalism, im not sorry to say that I will NEVER get the brain transplants. i think youre watching too much elon musk scifi sister


>Kaczynski's original goal was to become self-sufficient so he could live autonomously. He used an old bicycle to get to town, and a volunteer at the local library said he visited frequently to read classic works in their original languages.

<That summer there were too many people around my cabin so I decided I needed some peace. I went back to the plateau and when I got there I found they had put a road right through the middle of it … You just can't imagine how upset I was. It was from that point on I decided that, rather than trying to acquire further wilderness skills, I would work on getting back at the system. Revenge.


How technology is utilized socially is absolutely guided by ideology.
The "system" is guided by the accumulation of surplus value. Lenin's endorsement of a state machine was less an endorsement and more of the historical inheritance of what already existed in the Russia Empire.
>as soon as brain implants etc
Do these serve to reduce the intensity of work by increasing productivity? What is the social utility provided? You greatly overestimate what drives technological application in capitalism. Just because some silicon valley mavericks and Muskrat fantasize a cyperpunk dystopia, doesn't mean they will get it. Why is a brain chip needed when social control today is entirely autonomous already?


>I will NEVER get the brain transplants

You will, it is necessary to overcome capitalism. It is a material necessity. Imagine you can fight against reaction without modern technology! It's like refusing a rifle in the 20th century!


>Lenin's endorsement of a state machine was less an endorsement and more of the historical inheritance of what already existed in the Russia Empire.

Uhm have you ever read state and revolution??


anon with all due respect (not much is due) you have no idea what you are talking about


You have no clue of historical materialism. You have never read Lenin, this is why you don't understand, what I'm desperately trying to tell you.


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primitivism and marxism are opposed. you can't have both things. you can have one depending on how apocalyptic this century turns out:
>good ending: capitalism is destroyed, world communism established. space communism by 2080
>bittersweet ending: capitalist civilization collapses into a corporate dystopia without national states, but you survive and get to live as a hunter-gatherer outside their domain
>blackpill ending: global cataclysm. the world is so destroyed by capitalism that you can't even live as a caveman. you die from starvation, contaminated water or radiation.




>anarchism isn't deranged Malthusianism guys!


>Purely as a matter of strategy, racial and cultural blending must be promoted.

/pol/tards on suicide watch.



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I like nature and technology.
I like immortality only if God gives me superpowers.


god I wish


>I like immortality only if God gives me superpowers.
Never will happen. This is why religion opiates. It promises immortality in heaven while it neglects life on earth.

How is this dogshit thread still up and getting bumped while every other TedK thread got sent to >>>/dead/ ?


marx makes the point that capital produces both the proletariat and lumpen (reserve army of labour)
You cannot escape a global system


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How come these get sent to >>>/dead/ while this one stays up to shit up the main board for weeks? What's the difference mods? This entire thread is "technology bad", what the fuck does it have to do with leftism? It's not even a critique of anything precisely, its not a critique of how technology is being used against people right now, it just puts an ultimatum and then goes "yeah but subjectively life would be better this way". The only people cheering it on are literal LARPs who have been playing Rust on their computers and watching memes about primitive life. It is purely reactionary. The majority of people posting Ted memes are the same motherfuckers with black sun profile pics on their socials commenting about "muh tradition, muh heritage, evropa" and its futile to pretend otherwise.


This thread is proving it: Marxists fear Ted Kaczynski. The reason is simple. Kaczynski's theory is a direct attack on the core belief of marxism, the idea that economic growth and technological progress is good. In his main text, "Industrial society and its future", Kaczynski is delivering a concise and easy to understand analysis of the role of technology in human existence. In short, Kaczynski's theory can be boiled down to: Technological progress is undermining human autonomy. Although Marxists do recognize, that technology is undermining human autonomy (under capitalism), but they believe it has political reasons and therefore this issue must be resolved by changing the political system. But even when capitalism should be abolished and global communism achieved, marxists view the enslavement of humanity through the machine as positive. Marxists believe, that Sludge Content on TikTok is a progressive force, because it is a necessary step to achieve communism. Many Marxists believe, that being a mindless consoomer drone is actually the good life and they justify it with this quote by Marx: "The less you eat, drink, buy books, go to the theatre, go dancing, go drinking (…) The less you are."
In short, the principled and true communist is a docile consoomer. Since most people on leftypol are communists/consoomers, it is no surprise that they hate Kaczynski.


The advertisement/marketing industry. Why do marxists love it? Because it implants artificial needs into the brains of the people, it is necessary to cultivate the consoomer cattle. Braindead consoomers are necessary to facilitate endless economic growth and therefore technological progress. As technology is progressing, human autonomy is dissipating. The thing is, marxists believe this is good. You vill live in zhe pod and you vill like it. Fully automated luxury communism. Or as Kaczynski said: "These engineered human beings may be happy in such a society, but they most certainly will not be free. They will have been reduced to the status of domestic animals."


Ted on Marx:

>Many writers, beginning with Karl Marx, have noted the fundamental importance of technology in determining the course of society’s development. In effect, they have recognized that it is technology that rules society, not the other way around.



That is right, just like bureaucracy
"The bureaucracy is a circle from which no one can escape. Its hierarchy is a hierarchy of knowledge."
"Technology discloses man's mode of dealing with Nature, the process of production by which he sustains his life, and thereby also lays bare the mode of formation of his social relations, and of the mental conceptions that flow from them."


Ok, here is my take on Ted K. :
His ideology and his actions are just his personal way to cope with existence. You read it in his manifesto, he dedicated an entire section to "surrogate activities". In his view, these activities are fake and therefore bad. But since there is no truth and no meaning in existence anyway, there can't be fake activities. ANY KIND of activity is a surrogate activity. So no matter what you do, it doesn't matter in the end. You will die and the universe will also die someday. He did the same thing we all do: He created his ideology purely out of psychological needs in order to cope with existence! Nihilism says: There is no goal. Many people don't want to accept this and so they just create their own goals/meaning. For some people it is "god", for others "socialism", "community" etc. and for Ted K, he created his primitivist ideology. Or in other words:
Pomni: So, our entire existence here is just…LARPing?
Nietzsche (chad face): Yes.


based on what?

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