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"The strength of art is greater than that of a nuclear bomb" - Kim Jong-Un
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File: 1646790644769.png (110.76 KB, 424x553, R (2).png)

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131 posts and 230 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1652831141893.png (637.36 KB, 759x656, media_FShLzUvXIAAczDo.png)

Anyone know who made this edit? LMAO


File: 1653179407901.gif (788.55 KB, 320x320, 1653172315325.gif)

buhanka pics (almost) all of the arts


I still want more t-72-chan


There's at least 19 pics on the booru.


File: 1653410298712.jpg (Spoiler Image, 347.87 KB, 2500x2500, 5035559 - Buhanka-chan Rus….jpg)

Anyone have the 2 pics that are hidden by the currently unuseable Gold Account?


It's not enough though


Make some of your own then, I already posted a ton here that aren't on the booru.


Any account is enough.


File: 1654026286510.png (731.46 KB, 1182x774, zelenskyybackrooms.png)

Just some dumb idea I had




Another Azov-ch not on the booru.


File: 1656725643772-0.png (Spoiler Image, 2.81 MB, 4033x3825, 5099954 - Russia Ukraine p….png)

File: 1656725643772-1.png (Spoiler Image, 473.23 KB, 1280x960, 5099953 - Azov-chan Ukrain….png)

File: 1656725643772-2.png (Spoiler Image, 884.65 KB, 1029x1003, 5096813 - Azov-chan Ukrain….png)

Moar LIBERATE'D Azov.ch memz


File: 1656865675241.png (226.16 KB, 800x800, Five eyes.png)


File: 1658009099682-0.jpg (502.48 KB, 706x999, Ukr Russian Orc.jpg)

>Russia is totally WH40K
I mean between them being called and memed as Orcs constantly and the military church (pics rel) it at least seems Russia is embracing the image, if only to troll the fuck out of the liberal West.


she looks like shoeonhead.


Eyes don't match, not every girl that has long dark hair is shoe0nhead ya kno.


File: 1658889278920-0.jpg (85.15 KB, 706x1024, 1658705063954122.jpg)

File: 1658889278920-1.png (633.76 KB, 735x962, 1658867537627193.png)

File: 1658889278920-2.png (609.96 KB, 735x962, 1658879017195809.png)

File: 1658889278921-3.png (550.36 KB, 2048x2048, a26.png)

File: 1658889278921-4.jpg (667.53 KB, 2048x2048, Blood for the Z god.jpg)


File: 1658889359092-0.png (299.95 KB, 691x576, 1649466381991.png)

File: 1658889359092-1.jpg (108.81 KB, 1080x978, 1651664240704.jpg)

File: 1658889359092-2.png (348.54 KB, 871x957, 1653417291410.png)

File: 1658889359092-3.png (187.33 KB, 500x500, 1653421308769.png)

File: 1658889359092-4.png (235.54 KB, 484x687, Dahr An-225.png)


File: 1658892367869-0.png (190.96 KB, 520x387, 1653421898636.png)

File: 1658892367869-1.jpg (196.8 KB, 839x812, 1658891708768042.jpg)

Context for pic in pic 2


File: 1658892683158.png (1.01 MB, 770x769, ClipboardImage.png)


LMAO nice


File: 1659917350219-1.jpeg (709.11 KB, 2000x2200, f3d.jpeg)

File: 1659917350219-2.png (6.03 MB, 2287x2512, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1659917350219-3.jpg (3.08 MB, 2500x2500, FOh7e01XIAYTfeT.jpg)


File: 1661162513263.png (103.29 KB, 602x603, le_scary_reddit_face.png)

finally combined the masked wojak with le scary reddit face
>muh article 5


Lol, nice.


File: 1661247605123.mp4 (131.43 KB, 640x768, etwr.mp4)

>6 months ago


File: 1663743030205-0.jpg (2.82 MB, 4021x2141, natoid1.jpg)

File: 1663743030205-1.jpg (56.18 KB, 1024x689, natoid2.jpg)



File: 1664807790773-0.png (Spoiler Image, 3.04 MB, 3009x1609, Screenshot_1126-er.png)

File: 1664807790773-1.jpg (Spoiler Image, 738.29 KB, 4096x4096, rash0910a150814396b876be15….jpg)

File: 1664807790773-2.jpg (Spoiler Image, 665.87 KB, 4096x4096, rash328769046637f0d498af19….jpg)

On the topic of furries in regards to Ukraine the amount of support among furries for "The Ukraine" exeedingly leads me to confirm the idea that a large majority of "vocal" and "political" furries are vehemently supporting Ukraine, proving their liberalism for the umpteenth time it really is hysterical to see Ukraine themed cub diaper pr0n 'supporting Ukraine' (pic 1 rel)
So you could say the Psyop is functional in the USA… though that's not a high bar I suppose.

As an aside, regarding aeromorphs - pic 2 and 3 rel are one of the multiple "support Ukraine" aeroshit. Only I found this one particularly funny given the
A) Presenting rear position - as if unintentionally saying to fuck Ukraine's flaming (butthurt) ass
B) The creatively flaming fart
C) The "creator" being a scat and hyper fetishist.
It's just a perfect combo representing everything demented about Ukraine support in the liberal West, because I'm sure the refugees and/or Nazis of Ukraine are proud and happy to be exploited on patreon for airplane porn.


File: 1664808138600-0.png (828.95 KB, 860x1080, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1664808138600-1.png (1.32 MB, 935x1080, ClipboardImage.png)

You have Grace and Rodina rivalry. Now we have the Buhanka vs Marichka and the alpha1918 vs communism-chan rivalries.


The right one is better (pic 1)


The Nazi is better huh? Ok /uhg/



azovchan getting gang banged please


File: 1667195013803.png (420.59 KB, 1000x1000, shahed chan.png)

any more of Shahed-ch?


some fag called escargot IV is making pro-ukraine gijinka (pics rel) that is pretty laughable… the funniest part is that like the NAFO pepe shit, it's all commissioned stuff.

1) Moskva is a meme - debunking the "rocket holes" meme https://archive.ph/aeNFy
2) Crimean bridge - the retribution for this is well known and if anything it's literally like those comics mocking jihad suicide bombers for 40 virgins simping
3) Bayraktar - nothing to say, just funny in the face of numerous other kinds of drones and the annihilation of the Bayraktar fleet


File: 1667754185685.jpg (391.39 KB, 945x1200, baymedia_FUsEWl8X0AIEMRf.jpg)


File: 1667927170716-1.jpg (701.2 KB, 2283x2283, 7656.jpg)

File: 1667927170716-2.jpg (100.22 KB, 741x1000, zhdun'd azov.jpg)

File: 1667927170716-3.jpg (145.89 KB, 1280x1280, Zug.jpg)

File: 1667927170716-4.png (910.34 KB, 1165x1559, ukrop racism.png)



File: 1667934756491-0.png (4.35 MB, 3000x2000, 1667760592811-2.png)

File: 1667934756491-1.png (1.07 MB, 2040x1472, 1646636929693.png)


File: 1669736010040-0.png (Spoiler Image, 527.55 KB, 1004x1264, 5140369 - Azov-chan Lera-c….png)

File: 1669736010040-1.png (Spoiler Image, 660.71 KB, 1280x1216, 5207005 - Lera-chan Leroch….png)

File: 1669736010040-2.gif (Spoiler Image, 68.27 KB, 320x320, 5207004 - Lera-chan Leroch….gif)

File: 1669736010040-3.png (Spoiler Image, 612 KB, 1600x1558, 5051886 - Drawfag Lera-cha….png)

File: 1669736010040-4.jpg (Spoiler Image, 845.36 KB, 1414x1326, 5338183 - 4chan Buhanka-ch….jpg)

Lerachka-ch (pro-NATO Russian group moefication) & and rebuilt buhanka



File: 1677441667757.gif (398.99 KB, 600x871, 1677441391497417.gif)

Do people genuinely see reality like this?


File: 1678929500533-0.jpg (424.52 KB, 1280x942, 16788150915290.jpg)

File: 1678929500533-1.png (424.96 KB, 800x459, 16788144001310.png)

File: 1678929500533-2.png (485.56 KB, 970x739, 16788132886820.png)

File: 1678929500533-3.png (1.62 MB, 1024x996, 1678836056195147.png)

File: 1678929500533-4.png (134.6 KB, 898x424, ClipboardImage (3).png)

>Russian jet collides with US drone over Black Sea
That feel when your 32 million dollar drone failed against jet-wash& crashed, so you claim that le russkies crashed into it.


File: 1678929570076-0.png (775.57 KB, 800x600, ClipboardImage (6).png)

File: 1678929570076-1.png (325.42 KB, 1246x1002, ClipboardImage (5).png)

File: 1678929570076-2.png (259.29 KB, 586x586, ClipboardImage (4).png)

File: 1678929570076-3.png (3.48 MB, 3605x1591, 1678893324637.png)

File: 1678929570076-4.jpg (15.08 KB, 426x338, FrP_ct_aAAAyLNF.jpg)


File: 1678929763991-0.png (369.15 KB, 607x608, 765456765.png)

File: 1678929763991-1.mp4 (930.17 KB, 576x480, 487d4b48f0fa61a9.mp4)


File: 1678983716010.png (305.12 KB, 1500x1200, hohol down.png)


this actually is mostly retarded right wing propaganda
>le bad BLM
>le bad LGBT
he's a right wing "skeptic" "opposed" to both of those things, like the creator of this meme. Who's making these stupid fucking pics anyways?


>Muh BLM
Liberals are not our friends
>muh LGBT alphabet soup agency
Idpol is not socialist, it's liberalism see the /leftypol/ Manifesto
>mostly retarded right wing propaganda
Nah, you're just flake

>replying to a post almost exactly a year old only to start whining again
Get thicker skin my brother in christ.



File: 1713461874144.png (487.06 KB, 957x1500, Untitled2.png)

Mislinked a post, it's >>>/edu/10137


File: 1718764150426-0.jpg (Spoiler Image, 118.57 KB, 718x808, 1658902990936051.jpg)

File: 1718764150426-1.jpg (Spoiler Image, 93.91 KB, 640x869, 1658899680744907.jpg)

File: 1718764150426-2.jpg (Spoiler Image, 241.16 KB, 682x512, 4972654 - marauder Azov-ch….jpg)

File: 1718764150426-3.png (Spoiler Image, 697.05 KB, 1080x1080, 5005868 - Azov-chan Marich….png)


File: 1719869784962.pdf (515.5 KB, 67x118, Ukraine Pig1.pdf)

Printable pig

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