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/draw/ - Original Art

"The strength of art is greater than that of a nuclear bomb" - Kim Jong-Un
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File: 1646790644769.png (110.76 KB, 424x553, R (2).png)

 [Last 50 Posts]



File: 1646791049933-1.png (62.2 KB, 318x408, Azov_Battalion.png)

File: 1646791049933-2.png (387.58 KB, 1080x589, 1646148110211 (1).png)

File: 1646791049933-3.png (173.66 KB, 800x1000, SUS BATTALION.png)

File: 1646791049933-4.png (664.37 KB, 1324x774, 1645829990941-4.png)



File: 1646791138850-1.jfif (55.85 KB, 1024x514, 1645921094977.jfif)

File: 1646791138850-2.jpeg (96.37 KB, 1024x985, 1646046374687.jpeg)



File: 1646791312386.mp4 (1.53 MB, 720x720, 582a7bf289314040.mp4)

wait one more


stop spamming unoriginal crap, you selfish ass. read the board topic.


File: 1646791712225.png (11.11 KB, 396x358, Oekaki.png)


This is OC from the leftypol OC thread, it's relevant, though more new stuff is needed.

I'd like more Medic-van stuff.


File: 1646792165315-0.jpg (Spoiler Image, 63.28 KB, 597x424, 1694419 - Russia Ukraine c….jpg)

File: 1646792165315-1.jpg (Spoiler Image, 191.34 KB, 988x988, 4890641 - America European….jpg)

File: 1646792165315-2.png (Spoiler Image, 572.61 KB, 942x622, 4893562 - Ghost_of_Kiev Uk….png)

File: 1646792165315-3.png (Spoiler Image, 599.82 KB, 1011x870, 4893588 - Marichka Ukraine….png)

File: 1646792165315-4.png (Spoiler Image, 964.14 KB, 896x724, 4894004 - Countryballs Map….png)

some shitty stuff that's memey enough.


File: 1646793143916-0.jpg (352.05 KB, 1600x1600, 1646782713354.jpg)

File: 1646793143916-1.jpg (84.29 KB, 1024x575, 1646780706605-3.jpg)

File: 1646793143916-2.png (2.93 MB, 1600x901, 1646768913670-0.png)

File: 1646793143916-3.jpg (294.5 KB, 1024x768, 1646762040110.jpg)

Some more


File: 1646793457052-0.mp4 (577.15 KB, 1000x542, 1646792889321.mp4)

File: 1646793457052-1.jpg (210.01 KB, 924x1084, 1646691877920.jpg)

File: 1646793457052-2.jpg (181.51 KB, 470x675, 1646708767516.jpg)

File: 1646793457052-3.png (281.9 KB, 470x675, 1646708344545-0.png)

File: 1646793457052-4.png (277.4 KB, 828x779, 1646685748482-0.png)


File: 1646793531473-0.png (646.28 KB, 704x1024, 1646777431323.png)

File: 1646793531473-1.png (279.68 KB, 603x780, 1646476584492.png)

File: 1646793531473-2.png (1.99 MB, 2000x2000, 1646476093365.png)

File: 1646793531473-3.png (68.14 KB, 261x457, 1646259815250-1.png)

File: 1646793531473-4.png (838.77 KB, 1280x918, 1646259815250-0.png)

More Z-force


File: 1646793571284.jpg (455.75 KB, 1800x1200, 1646676172044.jpg)

Needs a version for pic related too


File: 1646793660916-0.png (440.56 KB, 765x1280, 1646792453586.png)

File: 1646793660916-1.jpeg (96.37 KB, 1024x985, 1646788998067-0.jpeg)

File: 1646793660916-2.jpg (220.91 KB, 1600x1132, 1646786540261.jpg)

File: 1646793660916-3.jpg (187.49 KB, 938x750, 1646710082649.jpg)

File: 1646793660916-4.png (153.62 KB, 600x460, 1646476761396.png)



File: 1646793717480-1.png (274.75 KB, 640x468, 1646754419589.png)

File: 1646793717480-2.png (1.51 MB, 1080x2217, 1646732913930.png)

File: 1646793717480-3.png (233.06 KB, 1682x978, 1646158262299.png)

File: 1646793717480-4.jpg (129.21 KB, 1125x829, 1646618977099.jpg)


File: 1646793861000-0.png (271.6 KB, 405x438, 1646611515553.png)

File: 1646793861000-1.jpg (248.62 KB, 640x968, 1646481283263.jpg)

File: 1646793861000-2.png (133.15 KB, 312x438, 1646448161692.png)

File: 1646793861000-3.jpg (105.41 KB, 1080x889, 1646423564264.jpg)

File: 1646793861000-4.png (24.46 KB, 661x623, 1646318393697.png)


File: 1646793924273-0.jpg (396.38 KB, 800x2000, 1646501950368.jpg)

File: 1646793924273-1.png (660.72 KB, 824x1147, 1646493496517.png)

File: 1646793924273-2.png (3.13 MB, 1939x1945, 1646485636533.png)

File: 1646793924273-3.png (335.33 KB, 600x600, 1646482396935.png)

File: 1646793924273-4.png (60.66 KB, 255x151, 1646482434122.png)


Ok dump of Ukraine thread memes and related is done for now, hopefully this picks up and more stuff gets made, perhaps better than some of this.


File: 1646794177807-0.jpg (57.6 KB, 543x671, azov poljak.jpg)

File: 1646794177807-1.png (638.99 KB, 1124x633, brave azov fighters.png)


File: 1646795707481.png (1.84 MB, 1250x1250, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1646797103668-0.png (352.04 KB, 615x1167, 5d6.png)

File: 1646797103668-1.png (1.51 MB, 1283x962, 1646796954158.png)

File: 1646797103668-2.jpg (94.34 KB, 828x981, 1646795090740.jpg)

File: 1646797103668-3.png (192.44 KB, 302x427, 1646755582373 (1).png)


File: 1646807017486-0.png (322.85 KB, 559x576, Z Group Ukraine.png)

File: 1646807017486-1.png (2.12 MB, 3464x1740, Z Grills.png)

File: 1646807017486-2.png (1.27 MB, 2000x1600, Z Girls.png)

File: 1646807017486-3.png (2.58 MB, 6000x2500, 1646259903087.png)

File: 1646807017486-4.png (2.58 MB, 6000x2500, 1646258885842.png)


File: 1646808106935-0.png (1.23 MB, 1024x680, 1646806623122-2.png)

File: 1646808106935-1.gif (124.43 KB, 340x340, 1646803181074-3.gif)

File: 1646808106935-2.png (484.24 KB, 774x1024, 1646803181074-2.png)

File: 1646808106935-3.gif (91.88 KB, 960x960, 1646803181074-0.gif)

File: 1646808106935-4.png (180.28 KB, 473x680, ClipboardImage.png)


who made these humanoid Russian vehicle girls originally


the wealthy want us to die in a nuclear war oof


Probably some random imageboard coomer



File: 1646942325022.jpg (113.84 KB, 1000x1047, MODS SEE YOU.jpg)


File: 1646966779421-0.png (580.63 KB, 1001x679, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1646966779422-1.png (94.32 KB, 1001x679, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1646970995008-0.png (Spoiler Image, 1.34 MB, 1444x1192, 4897065 - Asuka_Langley_So….png)

File: 1646970995008-1.png (Spoiler Image, 1.39 MB, 1280x720, 4897032 - Buhanka-chan Cou….png)

File: 1646970995008-2.jpg (Spoiler Image, 288.33 KB, 1720x968, Battle Plan.jpg)


File: 1647138710267.png (25.4 KB, 431x433, Oekaki.png)


File: 1647235056787-0.png (633.55 KB, 817x1024, 1647181811210.png)

File: 1647235056787-1.png (267.49 KB, 586x636, 1647226619319.png)

File: 1647235056787-2.gif (160.61 KB, 300x300, 1647228075043.gif)

File: 1647235056787-3.png (114.36 KB, 500x500, 1647228107303.png)

File: 1647235056787-4.png (224.6 KB, 428x428, 1647229762278.png)


File: 1647353122820-0.png (226.94 KB, 1200x800, 1647236033607.png)

File: 1647353122820-1.png (1.1 MB, 1287x2013, 1647235651833.png)

File: 1647353122820-2.jpg (109.64 KB, 617x1024, 1647234210625.jpg)

File: 1647353122820-3.jpg (86.83 KB, 1024x1024, 1647233723262.jpg)

File: 1647353122820-4.png (725.03 KB, 2000x1619, 1647232068007.png)


Embedding error.
I wonder how cheap it is to make these SoSorry satire videos, they're fairly smooth and there's a ton.


ROBLOX azov meme




File: 1647697715341-0.webm (203.9 KB, 640x352, 1647697069638-1.webm)

File: 1647697715341-1.png (73.01 KB, 1114x812, ClipboardImage (5).png)

File: 1647697715341-2.jpg (97.31 KB, 680x498, FM3Z6EUXMAIv3Vj.jpg)


The buhanka mp4 originally started as a flash file, so here it is for ya http://swfchan.com/49/244527/?Bukhanka-chan.swf


File: 1647814938780-0.png (188.15 KB, 758x676, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1647814938780-1.mp4 (21.39 MB, 720x720, 1647000353237.mp4)

I need sauce on pic related. I know its a parody of vid related but I'm seeking the origin of the pic specifically, danks


File: 1647815273049-0.png (Spoiler Image, 947.32 KB, 1430x1820, 4907351 - Buhanka-chan UAZ….png)

File: 1647815273049-1.png (Spoiler Image, 1.49 MB, 1539x2175, 4908699 - Buhanka-chan Dra….png)

File: 1647815273049-2.png (Spoiler Image, 1.33 MB, 1500x1939, take the tablet uaz.png)

File: 1647815273049-3.png (Spoiler Image, 168.26 KB, 850x859, 4914281 - Buhanka-chan Cou….png)

File: 1647815273049-4.png (Spoiler Image, 859.9 KB, 896x724, 4914295 - Buhanka-chan Cou….png)


File: 1647815317235-0.png (Spoiler Image, 1.6 MB, 1800x1684, 4908816 - Buhanka-chan Dra….png)

File: 1647815317235-1.png (Spoiler Image, 1.45 MB, 1800x1684, 4908817 - Buhanka-chan Dra….png)

File: 1647815317235-2.png (Spoiler Image, 751.59 KB, 1083x1020, 4908818 - Buhanka-chan Dra….png)

File: 1647815317235-3.png (Spoiler Image, 1.01 MB, 2000x1600, 4908819 - Buhanka-chan Dra….png)

File: 1647815317235-4.jpg (Spoiler Image, 611.17 KB, 1050x1575, 4914538 - Buhanka-chan Dra….jpg)

More buhanka


File: 1647815391033-0.png (842.97 KB, 3050x3500, 1646570932218.png)

File: 1647815391034-1.png (318.81 KB, 1129x1600, 1646563956028.png)

File: 1647815391034-2.png (507.57 KB, 1024x1280, 1646570618587.png)

File: 1647815391034-3.jpg (226.39 KB, 803x1070, 1646570696783.jpg)

File: 1647815391034-4.jpg (566.65 KB, 2011x1633, 1646570885222.jpg)

>22 33


File: 1647815441538-0.png (1.18 MB, 1080x1200, 1646753505629.png)

File: 1647815441538-1.png (1.07 MB, 2040x1472, 1646636929693.png)

File: 1647815441538-2.png (1.07 MB, 1080x1200, 1646640902566.png)

File: 1647815441538-3.jpg (798.69 KB, 1905x2020, 1646674128801.jpg)

File: 1647815441538-4.jpg (77.73 KB, 904x1024, take meds buhanka.jpg)


Requesting someone actually do a sketch of "the new Ukrainian baseball team, the Lviv Craters"


Anyone want to draw Russian girl from this >>2231 and I can color and shade it?
Want to do Russia with a fat dick drunkenly forcing it down some useles westerner boy's throat while taunting him


File: 1647998916029.png (Spoiler Image, 1.15 MB, 1000x796, ClipboardImage.png)

So something like pic related then?


Yes, definitely
If space is kept for text bubbles all the better


>tfw no qt Russian lady to face fuck my throat and taunt me and then give me aftercare involving lots of cuddles
Why even live bros


Checked and based truth


File: 1648002785277.png (675.5 KB, 2100x2480, ClipboardImage.png)

I wonder if Shay (or any other resident drawanon) might take a shot at it. HardKoba kind of disappeared and so did the Oekaki dude.


I mean there's not exactly a shortage of artists who work for commission online.
More just a question of who's willing to take such in the current climate.


I meant more in relation to drawanons on this site, I'm aware enough that people outside this place are not likely to do it. Dahr might do it but I hate the fuckers style and his penchant for bdsm lolishit. I don't know if flickthethief takes commissions, and I doubt he does futa.


Gonna give 4/trash/ a shot, they usually don't give a fuck about politics but I can't guarantee it. the old 2ch drawthreads are dead too and I can't post there anymore because of the retardation of the internet sanctions making it unusable through Tor or VPN anymore.
I might even give it a shot, rusty as fuck though I am


If you try I'll do my best to color it anyway


I'll give 4trash some time then see other options (if another anon doesn't do it first here) and then maybe give a try.


File: 1648006431636-0.png (485.3 KB, 888x888, z pony1647998114148.png)

File: 1648006431636-2.png (141.86 KB, 952x528, ClipboardImage.png)

>bronies and furries being total cucks for ukraine like all the other liberals
>anyone not like them gets "le doonvoote"


This shit will pass eventually the same way all the pro-US simping passed eventually, to be honest.
Hopefully the more shit that comes up over time the more people who will get burned by this.


>shit will pass eventually
Hopefully, it's damn annoying to see. Before Ukraine they'd been crying about Syria and Assad.


Most people are just going to go along with what feels right and what is generally being discussed. As much as it sucks, most people aren't seriously going to delve into anything to try to find out decades-long histories of shit. And that's pretty true of anywhere I've looked. Even a lot of people taking the "anti-imperialist" stance their country holds is either because it's blatantly obvious (ie, direct oppression) or because it's, again, what they're just generally told.

We are weirdoes for looking into things. Shit sucks but that's life for you.


also the usefulness of the internet in being a means of communication and, increasingly, translation means hopefully some of this will get better over time. It's quickly becoming obvious that the internet is not going to stay secluded to western voices forever, even with the splittings happening now. It's part of why the moves to censor the net are getting as desperate as they are.


File: 1648008192634.png (Spoiler Image, 2.23 MB, 1670x1550, cringe antiukr.png)

Yeah at least that's true, though shit like pic related, for all its correct information is just as cringe IMO.
spoiler failed first time


well now you just have poor taste.


File: 1648008426793-0.png (647.76 KB, 622x973, furry shark azov.png)

File: 1648008426793-1.png (700.26 KB, 659x1027, ClipboardImage.png)

IMO the pic is just poorly formatted, not really the place for a buffed out shark anthro. I mean it's a funny contrast to pic 1 related but it could be done better. It's like a lo-effort version of aleone's stuff (pic 2).


I suppose. I think /leftypol/ has a general problem of conflating "fascists do X" with meaning "people who do X are fascist". It's not just furry, I've seen it happen plenty of times (internet was partly a DARPA project, therefore everything about the internet is bourgeois propaganda machine, etc)


Kek, that is true. I think this is because of some hobbies and activities lending themselves to reactionaries more easily, kind of like Otaku (ANIMETA on >>>/anime/ has a couple effort posts on this).
But back to anthro stuff, there's actually a theory that things like aeromorphs and other stuff is a psyop, partly because many people involved had relations to the US government or industries, like Dough Winger being an engineer that did stuff like work on the A-10 (first aeromorphs that got popular had been A-10s) or Mr.Hands being some other military-industry guy.


Possibly. Aeromorphs are also basically just mechanical shark-people too. And furs tend to just flat out make everything into a kink-related thing sooner or later, someone who has interest in/works with planes and is a fur is likely going to carry some of their biases over with them. Obviously I don't mean to claim that these biases can be overlooked, but it would be a bit odd considering that when aeromorphs were coming into play, furries were still relatively considered just a bunch of fringe weirdos and the US glow-ops hadn't really gone into full on "flood every littlest thing with propaganda" till a good few years later.
Is it worth looking into? Yeah. Of course it is. But there's also always other third-factors at play, causation-correlation, and so on and so on to tease out. The left's dogged determination to do exactly that is why we have people who come up with groundbreaking economic theories and not schizo raving methheads in bunkers for leaders.


>I don't mean to claim that these biases can be overlooked, but it would be a bit odd considering that when aeromorphs were coming into play, furries were still relatively considered just a bunch of fringe weirdos and the US glow-ops hadn't really gone into full on "flood every littlest thing with propaganda" till a good few years later.
True, but aeromorphs also didn't get really made until 2011 and only got popular some time after.
> The left's dogged determination to do exactly that is why we have people who come up with groundbreaking economic theories and not schizo raving methheads in bunkers for leaders.
Amen to that

On a side note
4/trash/ has a thread doing ERP of Ukraine dominating Russia and it's fucking hilarious
So it seems like a good time to revv up the memes and shitposters. Shay'd probably be good at it.


>Aeromorphs are also basically just mechanical shark-people too
It's kind of funny that sharks got so influential, sergals and aeromorphs both take physical cues off the popular design of anthro sharks for the heads and necks.


File: 1648014654532.png (Spoiler Image, 1.62 MB, 1488x1488, 4897058 - Propaganda-chan ….png)

Propaganda-chan (pic 3) getting railed


>True, but aeromorphs also didn't get really made until 2011 and only got popular some time after.
I believe I remember them from before that but getting popular is relatively more recent yes.
That said, I do wonder how glowies have gotten into the fur community. I'm sure it's happened, it's happened everywhere and that's one possibility, but I want to see more on where and how it happens.


>I want to see more on where and how it happens.
It's honestly such a tangled pipeline that I think that it'll only get fully revealed a decade from now, kind of like the reveal of psyop shit in anime, "modern art" and gangsta rap.


Rap was a pretty visible one happening though, going from people talking about the struggle on the streets growing up to people bragging about "success" with money.


requesting more of T72-chan


File: 1648094201782-0.png (624.56 KB, 1700x1600, 1647993492941.png)

File: 1648094201782-1.gif (200.5 KB, 560x420, 1647654207005-1.gif)

some more

True, but the proofs were and remain fleeting.



File: 1648099516882-0.jpg (1.03 MB, 3915x4096, FNQYtgzX0AQCNE6.jpg)

File: 1648099516882-1.jpg (3.08 MB, 2500x2500, FOh7e01XIAYTfeT.jpg)

found these on twitter


Excellent, here's УАЗ-2206 "Buhánka" by lonesomnia Source
Translation of the text: UAZ-2206 aka Buhanka
eats a lot - hardworking - tough - has many talented sisters - likes fishing and hunt


Anyone have a source for vid related? I think the artist is the same guy as pic 1 and 2


Ok who made this, fess up.

Also pic 2 and buhanka in general reminds me of Cherno Alpha


File: 1648139492148-1.png (192.23 KB, 534x468, GLOWIE.png)


File: 1648140550319-0.jpg (2.81 MB, 990x3560, putin monke hq.jpg)

File: 1648140550319-1.jpg (37.11 KB, 318x360, 1646888186074.jpg)

File: 1648140550319-2.jpg (105.41 KB, 1080x889, 1646423564264.jpg)

File: 1648140550319-3.jpg (203.09 KB, 1080x1278, 1646240976993.jpg)

File: 1648140550319-4.jpg (363.38 KB, 1350x764, 1646925602621-0.jpg)

Mor OC and memes


File: 1648141119966-1.jpg (167.87 KB, 1000x974, Durka pig.jpg)

File: 1648141119966-2.png (265.28 KB, 460x337, 1647965508363.png)

File: 1648141119966-3.jpg (306.57 KB, 2048x1788, 1647796519438.jpg)


File: 1648141200014-0.jpg (334.6 KB, 899x990, 1647233933578.jpg)

File: 1648141200014-1.jpg (103.09 KB, 724x1024, 1647233057395.jpg)

File: 1648141200014-2.png (595.06 KB, 680x431, 1647228145201.png)

File: 1648141200014-3.png (1.3 MB, 2163x1163, 1647202283801.png)

File: 1648141200014-4.jpg (485.65 KB, 2472x828, 1647130879038.jpg)


File: 1648141275590-0.jpg (872.89 KB, 2958x1392, 0fb.jpg)

File: 1648141275590-2.png (3.87 MB, 3300x2800, 1647235497505.png)

File: 1648141275590-3.jpg (289.83 KB, 1280x1596, 1647233972852.jpg)

File: 1648141275590-4.jpg (129.21 KB, 1125x829, 1646618977099.jpg)

more mem(don't post rightwing idpol memes here)


File: 1648141547567-0.png (187.33 KB, 1001x887, UNITED SUS.png)

File: 1648141547567-3.png (103.1 KB, 1001x679, SUSburger .png)

File: 1648141547567-4.png (52.35 KB, 1001x679, SUSTO.png)


File: 1648141574631-0.png (166.33 KB, 1001x887, SUStrot (1).png)

File: 1648141574631-2.png (69.71 KB, 1001x679, SUStrot.png)

File: 1648141574631-3.png (168.85 KB, 1001x887, nazbol sus.png)



so much unironic nazi shit in this thread

also weeb brainworms


>unironic nazishit
LMAO no liberal
>weeb brainworms
Zeethe or make better.


File: 1648172392496.png (Spoiler Image, 416.04 KB, 957x1500, katyuri1648152643120.png)



I'm ML, not a liberal

i just don't think >>2285


shit like this, which is a recreation of an actual nazi propaganda poster (see pic) is based or leftist at all. it also really identitarian. it uses people's identities as insults. while ironically claiming to be above liberal idpol, it engages in a weird sort of nazbol reactionary idpol. It's cringe as fuck, and a lot of shit in this thread is just like it. Shit like the american "mutt" memes and all the weird rape stuff. It doesn't make good propaganda, it's just edgelord shit for nazbols.


File: 1648253920582.png (618.71 KB, 740x808, ClipboardImage.png)

>recration of nazi propaganda
Hello mr "ml" have you ever heard of satire and parody. It's intentional.
> really identitarian
No, it MOCKS identarianism, rightly so.
>uses people's identities as insults
Blacked porn, streamer traps, America First and gay furry reactionaries are identities? You're projecting.
Also Just so you realize the "Nazi poster" you posted is from 1944 pointing out the hypocrisy of the United states, a group of murderous, self-righteous, slave owning bankers and gangsters, and they are correct. The only problem in the poster is th fact that Germany ignores itself being as such.
>ironically claiming to be above liberal idpol, it engages in a weird sort of nazbol reactionary idpol.
No it does not, you're being a lib, if you're an ML you'll get over your projection and analyze it for what it represents - self-righteous liberals that pretend to be leftist or democratic but are just horrendous people.


you're just doing reactionary "anti degeneracy" bullshit and draping it in communism


I agree for the most part.
Certainly equivicating trans people with identity politics like "blacked" racial fetish porn and the far right political organization patriot front is false, misleading and delusional. Furries are tacked on as well as a fandom that the person whom drew the comic has some personal aversion to presumably, and the inclusion of the lgbt flag suggest some further false equivication with lgbt people. Furthermore the suggestion that China as a state entity has any interest in stopping any of these things is also delusional and extremelyidpozzed™.


>No, it MOCKS identarianism, rightly so.
It doesn't. It is doing the same thing. What is even the message of the drawing? That China does not engage in identity politics? What is it's point as a piece of political propaganda? To make the viewer think that China is better than America? Why? What's the point?


File: 1648278394294.jpg (167.87 KB, 1000x974, Durka pig.jpg)

Instead of having a kneejerk reaction I suggest you open the image and look CAREFULLY at it. Not a single thing in it is even remotely related to reactionary ideas.
As for "muh degeneracy", capitalist bourg decadence is a thing in leftist theory, read Adorno for starters.

>trans people
It doesn't even mention trans people, you retard, the closest fucking thing to that is the trans thigh-high shits that LITERALLY are part of /pol/ and liberal idpol LARP, do you genuinely think any good faith trans person is parading around in those retarded thigh highs that are literally a memetic representation of OnlyFans porn streamers? You cannot in good faith claim this is not the same shit for trans people as Blacked shit is for Black people or anything else. YOU are delusional.
>the inclusion of the lgbt flag suggests
1) That's not the original LGBT flag, originally it had been the hippy peace flag and got coopted by liberal gay rights
2) You pointedly ignore the blatant FURRY symbol, y'know because furries tend to be liberal identarian faggots, that as a community have some of the worst behaviors and 'culture', outstripping even Comics-obsessed manchildren and weebs in terms of their blatant dependence and feeding into capitalism.
>suggestion that China as a state entity has any interest in stopping any of these things
It does, they block a large majority of this kind of content and do not permit it in their social media or culture.
>also delusional and extremelyidpozzed™.
Yes, yes you are.

>It doesn't
Yes it does, it's not pointing at races and identities, it's pointing at ideological capitalist exploitation of those identities that westoid "leftists" rabidly defend, Kinda like you are, yet again proving the point.
>That China does not engage in identity politics
<It's idpol!!!!
You are all collectively retarded, unironically to the point that you medically NEED to touch grass if this is your inane conclusion, that or you're being intentionally obtuse.
>To make the viewer think that China is better than America?
No shit, Sherlock, that is indeed the point, seriously do you realize the site you are on? This isn't reddit, gaslighting about "muh identities" and "muh China" is not going to get you social credit.


leftists: america is bad because of capitalism and imperialism

nazbols: america is bad because the trans people and the interracial sex and the gay furries




<trans people
>It doesn't even mention trans people, you retard, the closest fucking thing to that is the trans thigh-high shits that LITERALLY are part of /pol/ and liberal idpol LARP, do you genuinely think any good faith trans person is parading around in those retarded thigh highs that are literally a memetic representation of OnlyFans porn streamers? You cannot in good faith claim this is not the same shit for trans people as Blacked shit is for Black people or anything else. YOU are delusional.
<the inclusion of the lgbt flag suggests
>1) That's not the original LGBT flag, originally it had been the hippy peace flag and got coopted by liberal gay rights
>2) You pointedly ignore the blatant FURRY symbol, y'know because furries tend to be liberal identarian faggots, that as a community have some of the worst behaviors and 'culture', outstripping even Comics-obsessed manchildren and weebs in terms of their blatant dependence and feeding into capitalism.
Okay perhaps you and me had a different read on the drawing and what it is implying, perhaps your interpretation is truer to the intended message of the author, fair enough.

<suggestion that China as a state entity has any interest in stopping any of these things

>It does, they block a large majority of this kind of content and do not permit it in their social media or culture.
Do they? Why is that? Is it an aim of theirs? Why would China as a state entity or whatever be interested in blocking that kind of content outside of China? Perhaps I was taking this message to literally but it does not make that much sense to me and it additionally seems like "identity politics" as it were.


>Cunnilingus trough clothes
Do people actaully do that?


I am once again asking for more T72-chan OC




File: 1648304917050.jpeg (319.6 KB, 1536x1744, AA4-4.jpeg)

>america is bad because the trans people and the interracial sex and the gay furries
<being intentionally obtuse
Ok fag

>perhaps your interpretation is truer to the intended message of the author, fair enough
Given the creator isn´t nazbol and is a pro-China poster, I'd guess so. I'm not against trans people or black people, but I care little for the capitalist fetishizations of them, or the liberal identity politics that exploit them.
>Do they? Why is that?
i mean the Great Firewall of China and all. They also edit or ban all content that doesn't fit censure, pic related. The reason can be boiled down to "keeping out unwanted social influence"
>additionally seems like "identity politics"
Nah, it's just pragmatism to keep out subversive messages and consumer-culture out.


why are huge tits so good?


File: 1648438021420.png (192.29 KB, 640x384, heavy life boobs.png)

Because unlike small ones you can grope them, squeeze them, feel their weight, snuggle your face into them, suck on them comfortably and they're great pillows that look beautiful and womanly.


File: 1648474879173.gif (2.73 MB, 245x186, 1396176461387.gif)

>mfw they take the titties but leave the lolis


It's because the logic is, by default big tits are sexual, lolis are just LARPers.




File: 1648938289401-0.png (1.37 MB, 1280x833, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1648938289401-1.png (293.54 KB, 378x500, ClipboardImage.png)

>Putin and Russia are totally WH40K!
This can't be real LMAO
>Desc: I wish I could help more, I can't do much to protect my country at the moment . But there are people that do, Against all the odds they fighting back the puppets of crazy old man. While they fighting, I'll spread my word, how ,as much as I can. Today will be sunrise, just as our flag, for our country, we will stand. To protect Ukraine and whole world Hitler of 21st century. Everyone in the world are scared of bloodthirsty moron and can't help us fight, but we're not. Because we protect innocent from bloody murderers and hollow puppets, our cause is right. I can ask you only one thing please pray for us, for our victory, pray for fall of bloody fiend, pray for peace of all the world, because we're spilling our blood for all of you. If the duty will call, I will go, even knowing I might not come back.
Death to the false emperor! Glory to Ukraine! Слава Україні!
<Meantime: Ukrainian POWs admit to being reluctant to fight and forced by commanders that later abandon them. Azov Nazis are damned by the population and even those people that hated Russia before are at the very least neutral or positive about them in comparison to the Ukrainian Nationalists that hid behind them as civilian human shields.

This pic is poetry, the dollar Ukrainian symbol in the upper left corner is an ironic representation of the USA dollar that funds the Ukrop regime and the Dragon's position, meant to be "protective" of the tiny stickfigures supposed to represent Ukraine's people instead mirrors the dragon from the symbol of Saint George a symbol of russia , pic 2 related. Finally the part that has Putin's mech shooting at Russian cities too is apparently a reference to the unironic propaganda claiming that somehow Russian forces have and do strikes on their own cities in the opposite direction of Ukraine, a propaganda claim as idiotic as it is false.


File: 1649179120957.png (630.08 KB, 811x1014, ClipboardImage.png)

Built For BBC (Big Bolhevik Cock)


This is a shitpost, as an FYI for any morons.


File: 1649352669257.png (359.73 KB, 889x1015, marusya YandereRus.png)

Translated >>>/edu/10136
Captioned >>>/edu/10146


Correction, it's


File: 1649366064409.png (4.44 MB, 2146x1541, ClipboardImage.png)

But y tho?


File: 1649366098739.png (Spoiler Image, 1.25 MB, 2048x2048, ClipboardImage.png)

This is exquisite political commentary. Ukraine pony’s buttcheeks having the shape and consistency of hamburger buns represents the West’s subtle influence over non-NATO countries, particularly the imperialist oligarchs of US-aligned corporations. The sudden shift into formless, noodle-like hind legs clearly shows the deterioration of Ukraine’s ability to stand on its own; the blasted-out landscape holds in stark contrast to the clean, pure coat of Russia’s noble and just pursuit of brutal assrape. See even, how the artist melts Russia’s ear into his forehead (clearly not a futa mare, that would be gay and gays only exist in the West), to display Russia’s superior military intelligence- the distance from ear canal to brain (Putin) is much shorter than in a standard pony, and thus more efficient and decisive. Furthermore, the borderline t-posing and aggressive, down syndrome like stare from the Russia pony is a perfect analogy for how Russia stands strong and united in the face of judgment (the viewer).
Also, their dick is radioactive or something I guess


More Buhanka and co


Read the file name


File: 1649975020402-0.png (Spoiler Image, 422.27 KB, 1192x1361, 4937288 - Buhanka Buhanka-….png)

File: 1649975020402-1.png (Spoiler Image, 3.78 MB, 2894x4093, 4937290 - Buhanka Buhanka-….png)

File: 1649975020402-2.png (Spoiler Image, 186.11 KB, 794x1214, 4937293 - Buhanka Buhanka-….png)

File: 1649975020402-3.png (Spoiler Image, 502.29 KB, 1193x1362, 4937300 - Buhanka Buhanka-….png)

File: 1649975020402-4.jpg (Spoiler Image, 71.81 KB, 724x1024, 4937303 - Buhanka Buhanka-….jpg)

more bun-mobile


Non-lood ones


This is just Nazi propaganda


>tHiS iS jUsT nAzI pRoPaGaNdA!
ZEETHE more projecting liberal. Nothing Nazi about it


It comes from similarity to the Wolfsangel of the 4th SS Polizei Panzergrenadier Division.


File: 1650758032765.png (308.2 KB, 1000x1000, ClipboardImage.png)

No it doesn't, A vertical Z has no relevance to a side-turned runic symbol, a symbol that AZOV uses on its flag (pic rel)


File: 1650761408301-0.jpg (Spoiler Image, 626.06 KB, 1488x1488, 4972340 - Katrusya Marusya….jpg)

File: 1650761408301-1.jpg (Spoiler Image, 953.05 KB, 2275x1736, 4972343 - Buhanka-chan Kat….jpg)

File: 1650761408301-2.jpg (Spoiler Image, 441.05 KB, 1275x1736, 4972344 - Katrusya Marusya….jpg)

Mor Katrusya loods


File: 1650761423253-0.png (Spoiler Image, 506.98 KB, 649x968, 4972345 - Katrusya Marusya….png)

File: 1650761423253-1.png (Spoiler Image, 1019.4 KB, 2238x2150, 4972346 - Katrusya Marusya….png)

File: 1650761423253-2.jpg (Spoiler Image, 840.91 KB, 1852x1852, 4972349 - Katrusya Marusya….jpg)


File: 1650762285627-0.png (1.04 MB, 1920x1080, ClipboardImage.png)

>Pic 2 &3
Reminds me of pic rel


File: 1650762991293-0.png (Spoiler Image, 1.03 MB, 1820x1221, 4977171 - marauder Azov-ch….png)

File: 1650762991293-1.jpg (Spoiler Image, 241.16 KB, 682x512, 4972654 - marauder Azov-ch….jpg)

File: 1650762991293-2.png (Spoiler Image, 615.65 KB, 1375x1102, 4977174 - marauder Azov-ch….png)

File: 1650762991293-3.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 42.43 KB, 720x481, Azov marauder chan sea 16….jpeg)

More Azov-chan


File: 1650763116048-0.png (Spoiler Image, 541.9 KB, 1350x2160, 4925351 - marauder Marichk….png)

File: 1650763116048-1.png (Spoiler Image, 287.3 KB, 1200x1600, 4925350 - marauder Marichk….png)

File: 1650763116048-2.jpg (Spoiler Image, 175.19 KB, 1000x636, marauder-chan 3.jpg)

File: 1650763116048-3.jpg (Spoiler Image, 173.47 KB, 1000x637, marauderchan 1648148912979….jpg)

File: 1650763116048-4.png (Spoiler Image, 244.94 KB, 1200x1600, marauder chan 164814816227….png)



>venting with rape fantasies
any day now. 4d chess


>A-any dey noy hue hue!
<muh rape fantasy!
I mean yeah, Ukraine is 'totally' playing 4D chess, it just keeps getting tossed on its back in the meantime.


in b4 someone adds Israel aiming at Palestine
with Israel represented by https://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_national_animal_of_Israel


File: 1651795833035-0.png (1011.01 KB, 906x1280, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1651795833035-1.png (351.24 KB, 371x500, ClipboardImage.png)

Imagine the arrogance to use the Soviet poster as a pose to make out Ukraine as a symbolic hero.


redviewer_55 did this recently, take it as you may. Mods, if this is too graphic, just spoiler it, though honestly its a pair of illustrated boobs.


File: 1651799356938.png (5.52 MB, 2048x2001, ClipboardImage.png)

Judging by the style, account and pic rel, I'd say its a slav or Eastern European.


File: 1652830386639-0.jpeg (137.83 KB, 700x931, ZOG.jpeg)

File: 1652830386639-1.jpg (115.02 KB, 578x800, Its OB3R.jpg)

File: 1652830386639-2.png (477.28 KB, 1280x706, azov symbol.png)


File: 1652831141893.png (637.36 KB, 759x656, media_FShLzUvXIAAczDo.png)

Anyone know who made this edit? LMAO


File: 1653179407901.gif (788.55 KB, 320x320, 1653172315325.gif)

buhanka pics (almost) all of the arts


I still want more t-72-chan


There's at least 19 pics on the booru.


File: 1653410298712.jpg (Spoiler Image, 347.87 KB, 2500x2500, 5035559 - Buhanka-chan Rus….jpg)

Anyone have the 2 pics that are hidden by the currently unuseable Gold Account?


It's not enough though


Make some of your own then, I already posted a ton here that aren't on the booru.


Any account is enough.


File: 1654026286510.png (731.46 KB, 1182x774, zelenskyybackrooms.png)

Just some dumb idea I had




Another Azov-ch not on the booru.


File: 1656725643772-0.png (Spoiler Image, 2.81 MB, 4033x3825, 5099954 - Russia Ukraine p….png)

File: 1656725643772-1.png (Spoiler Image, 473.23 KB, 1280x960, 5099953 - Azov-chan Ukrain….png)

File: 1656725643772-2.png (Spoiler Image, 884.65 KB, 1029x1003, 5096813 - Azov-chan Ukrain….png)

Moar LIBERATE'D Azov.ch memz


File: 1656865675241.png (226.16 KB, 800x800, Five eyes.png)


File: 1658009099682-0.jpg (502.48 KB, 706x999, Ukr Russian Orc.jpg)

>Russia is totally WH40K
I mean between them being called and memed as Orcs constantly and the military church (pics rel) it at least seems Russia is embracing the image, if only to troll the fuck out of the liberal West.


she looks like shoeonhead.


Eyes don't match, not every girl that has long dark hair is shoe0nhead ya kno.


File: 1658889278920-0.jpg (85.15 KB, 706x1024, 1658705063954122.jpg)

File: 1658889278920-1.png (633.76 KB, 735x962, 1658867537627193.png)

File: 1658889278920-2.png (609.96 KB, 735x962, 1658879017195809.png)

File: 1658889278921-3.png (550.36 KB, 2048x2048, a26.png)

File: 1658889278921-4.jpg (667.53 KB, 2048x2048, Blood for the Z god.jpg)


File: 1658889359092-0.png (299.95 KB, 691x576, 1649466381991.png)

File: 1658889359092-1.jpg (108.81 KB, 1080x978, 1651664240704.jpg)

File: 1658889359092-2.png (348.54 KB, 871x957, 1653417291410.png)

File: 1658889359092-3.png (187.33 KB, 500x500, 1653421308769.png)

File: 1658889359092-4.png (235.54 KB, 484x687, Dahr An-225.png)


File: 1658892367869-0.png (190.96 KB, 520x387, 1653421898636.png)

File: 1658892367869-1.jpg (196.8 KB, 839x812, 1658891708768042.jpg)

Context for pic in pic 2


File: 1658892683158.png (1.01 MB, 770x769, ClipboardImage.png)


LMAO nice


File: 1659917350219-1.jpeg (709.11 KB, 2000x2200, f3d.jpeg)

File: 1659917350219-2.png (6.03 MB, 2287x2512, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1659917350219-3.jpg (3.08 MB, 2500x2500, FOh7e01XIAYTfeT.jpg)


File: 1661162513263.png (103.29 KB, 602x603, le_scary_reddit_face.png)

finally combined the masked wojak with le scary reddit face
>muh article 5


Lol, nice.


File: 1661247605123.mp4 (131.43 KB, 640x768, etwr.mp4)

>6 months ago


File: 1663743030205-0.jpg (2.82 MB, 4021x2141, natoid1.jpg)

File: 1663743030205-1.jpg (56.18 KB, 1024x689, natoid2.jpg)



File: 1664807790773-0.png (Spoiler Image, 3.04 MB, 3009x1609, Screenshot_1126-er.png)

File: 1664807790773-1.jpg (Spoiler Image, 738.29 KB, 4096x4096, rash0910a150814396b876be15….jpg)

File: 1664807790773-2.jpg (Spoiler Image, 665.87 KB, 4096x4096, rash328769046637f0d498af19….jpg)

On the topic of furries in regards to Ukraine the amount of support among furries for "The Ukraine" exeedingly leads me to confirm the idea that a large majority of "vocal" and "political" furries are vehemently supporting Ukraine, proving their liberalism for the umpteenth time it really is hysterical to see Ukraine themed cub diaper pr0n 'supporting Ukraine' (pic 1 rel)
So you could say the Psyop is functional in the USA… though that's not a high bar I suppose.

As an aside, regarding aeromorphs - pic 2 and 3 rel are one of the multiple "support Ukraine" aeroshit. Only I found this one particularly funny given the
A) Presenting rear position - as if unintentionally saying to fuck Ukraine's flaming (butthurt) ass
B) The creatively flaming fart
C) The "creator" being a scat and hyper fetishist.
It's just a perfect combo representing everything demented about Ukraine support in the liberal West, because I'm sure the refugees and/or Nazis of Ukraine are proud and happy to be exploited on patreon for airplane porn.


File: 1664808138600-0.png (828.95 KB, 860x1080, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1664808138600-1.png (1.32 MB, 935x1080, ClipboardImage.png)

You have Grace and Rodina rivalry. Now we have the Buhanka vs Marichka and the alpha1918 vs communism-chan rivalries.


The right one is better (pic 1)


The Nazi is better huh? Ok /uhg/



azovchan getting gang banged please


File: 1667195013803.png (420.59 KB, 1000x1000, shahed chan.png)

any more of Shahed-ch?


some fag called escargot IV is making pro-ukraine gijinka (pics rel) that is pretty laughable… the funniest part is that like the NAFO pepe shit, it's all commissioned stuff.

1) Moskva is a meme - debunking the "rocket holes" meme https://archive.ph/aeNFy
2) Crimean bridge - the retribution for this is well known and if anything it's literally like those comics mocking jihad suicide bombers for 40 virgins simping
3) Bayraktar - nothing to say, just funny in the face of numerous other kinds of drones and the annihilation of the Bayraktar fleet


File: 1667754185685.jpg (391.39 KB, 945x1200, baymedia_FUsEWl8X0AIEMRf.jpg)


File: 1667927170716-1.jpg (701.2 KB, 2283x2283, 7656.jpg)

File: 1667927170716-2.jpg (100.22 KB, 741x1000, zhdun'd azov.jpg)

File: 1667927170716-3.jpg (145.89 KB, 1280x1280, Zug.jpg)

File: 1667927170716-4.png (910.34 KB, 1165x1559, ukrop racism.png)



File: 1667934756491-0.png (4.35 MB, 3000x2000, 1667760592811-2.png)

File: 1667934756491-1.png (1.07 MB, 2040x1472, 1646636929693.png)


File: 1669736010040-0.png (Spoiler Image, 527.55 KB, 1004x1264, 5140369 - Azov-chan Lera-c….png)

File: 1669736010040-1.png (Spoiler Image, 660.71 KB, 1280x1216, 5207005 - Lera-chan Leroch….png)

File: 1669736010040-2.gif (Spoiler Image, 68.27 KB, 320x320, 5207004 - Lera-chan Leroch….gif)

File: 1669736010040-3.png (Spoiler Image, 612 KB, 1600x1558, 5051886 - Drawfag Lera-cha….png)

File: 1669736010040-4.jpg (Spoiler Image, 845.36 KB, 1414x1326, 5338183 - 4chan Buhanka-ch….jpg)

Lerachka-ch (pro-NATO Russian group moefication) & and rebuilt buhanka



File: 1677441667757.gif (398.99 KB, 600x871, 1677441391497417.gif)

Do people genuinely see reality like this?


File: 1678929500533-0.jpg (424.52 KB, 1280x942, 16788150915290.jpg)

File: 1678929500533-1.png (424.96 KB, 800x459, 16788144001310.png)

File: 1678929500533-2.png (485.56 KB, 970x739, 16788132886820.png)

File: 1678929500533-3.png (1.62 MB, 1024x996, 1678836056195147.png)

File: 1678929500533-4.png (134.6 KB, 898x424, ClipboardImage (3).png)

>Russian jet collides with US drone over Black Sea
That feel when your 32 million dollar drone failed against jet-wash& crashed, so you claim that le russkies crashed into it.


File: 1678929570076-0.png (775.57 KB, 800x600, ClipboardImage (6).png)

File: 1678929570076-1.png (325.42 KB, 1246x1002, ClipboardImage (5).png)

File: 1678929570076-2.png (259.29 KB, 586x586, ClipboardImage (4).png)

File: 1678929570076-3.png (3.48 MB, 3605x1591, 1678893324637.png)

File: 1678929570076-4.jpg (15.08 KB, 426x338, FrP_ct_aAAAyLNF.jpg)


File: 1678929763991-0.png (369.15 KB, 607x608, 765456765.png)

File: 1678929763991-1.mp4 (930.17 KB, 576x480, 487d4b48f0fa61a9.mp4)


File: 1678983716010.png (305.12 KB, 1500x1200, hohol down.png)


this actually is mostly retarded right wing propaganda
>le bad BLM
>le bad LGBT
he's a right wing "skeptic" "opposed" to both of those things, like the creator of this meme. Who's making these stupid fucking pics anyways?


>Muh BLM
Liberals are not our friends
>muh LGBT alphabet soup agency
Idpol is not socialist, it's liberalism see the /leftypol/ Manifesto
>mostly retarded right wing propaganda
Nah, you're just flake

>replying to a post almost exactly a year old only to start whining again
Get thicker skin my brother in christ.



File: 1713461874144.png (487.06 KB, 957x1500, Untitled2.png)

Mislinked a post, it's >>>/edu/10137


File: 1718764150426-0.jpg (Spoiler Image, 118.57 KB, 718x808, 1658902990936051.jpg)

File: 1718764150426-1.jpg (Spoiler Image, 93.91 KB, 640x869, 1658899680744907.jpg)

File: 1718764150426-2.jpg (Spoiler Image, 241.16 KB, 682x512, 4972654 - marauder Azov-ch….jpg)

File: 1718764150426-3.png (Spoiler Image, 697.05 KB, 1080x1080, 5005868 - Azov-chan Marich….png)


File: 1719869784962.pdf (515.5 KB, 67x118, Ukraine Pig1.pdf)

Printable pig

Unique IPs: 42

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