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/draw/ - Original Art

"The strength of art is greater than that of a nuclear bomb" - Kim Jong-Un
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Share tutorials, step-by-step processes, infographics about art, and art tips; in pictures, videos, PDFs, etc.

Pic 1:
>Visual Novel Background Tutorial by Sky-Morishita
Pic 2:
>Visual Novel Background Tutorial (Layout Distortion) by Sky-Morishita
Pic 3:
>KOF XII pixel art sprite development process
Pic 4:
>Learning Order to Human Character Drawing by Nsio
Pic 5:
>Ways to avoid same-face syndrome by Miyuli (deleted tweet)
She has a free book with art tips:

Pics 1-4:
more stuff by Miyuli

Pic 5:
>How to THINK when you draw Bird Wings by EtheringtonBrothers
They have free tutorials on their Twitter and Blogspot

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got a few tutorials on hand

What's the bare minimum that every human being should know about drawing?

I don't know, enough to be able to draw representations of certain basic things, I guess (symbols), for communicative purposes
Or maybe I'm misinterpreting your question

how to hold a pencil/stylus/mouse and make lines on the page/screen

start wherever you are and just go
everyone had to begin learning
you will be better at seeing if something looks good than making it look good, which means at first it's easy to see the mistakes and know what to work on
it takes practice and trying to get better at the things you're not good at

Ok, I think I did misunderstand after all. Hmm, I didn't mean for this thread to include books, but anyway.

Look at the 4th pic in OP, which level do you think you're on? 0, perhaps?
Probably not the best book for absolute beginners, but here's Fun With A Pencil by Andrew Loomis. You may get all his books in PDF here:
If someone could suggest a better book or tutorial with the most basic stuff, that'd be great

post your art

Does engineering drawing need that level of expertise or is it deep down just because it is unusual for hobbyists to draw anything other than big titty animu girls and furry porn?

I imagine it needs about the same amount of study as learning to draw human anatomy, but more focused on maths.
The thing is that, like your said, most artists don't start drawing machines and stuff (because they don't need to learn it) they learn to draw living things first. Few artists are going to focus on only drawing machines.

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What about technical illustrations in general? I just found this on Wikipedia and it looks really pretty!

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This guy has lots of videos about drawing nature and "nature journaling".

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Vector tracing guide: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xhj5d254zhui0tr/Vector_Guide_-_Inkscape.rar/file

It used to be browsable online but I can't access it anymore.

This tutorial is so old lmao, how nostalgic

Awesome, I miss drawing on Inkscape

I like technical drawing in general, yes. I'd like to practice it eventually.

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ah heck, here

There was a big collection of art books compiled by /leftypol/ drawfags some years ago, I have it saved as WIP.rar but I don't remember the password.

>There was a big collection of art books compiled by /leftypol/ drawfags some years ago
>I have it saved as WIP.rar
<but I don't remember the password.


was it a word at least ? if it was,you can use a dictionnary crack tool.
if you used like 8 symbols generated randomly,you're fucked.

I have no idea what it was, I was hoping some of you would remember it.

Do you think the thread was archived?

I know the archive itself,but I never knew it had a password.
did you already tried to crack it ? if not you could still give it so others can have a go at it.
are there archives from 8chan ? how do you navigate those ?

>are there archives from 8chan ? how do you navigate those ?
With lots of patience
I don't know if there's anything here web.archive.org/web/*/https://8ch.net/leftypol/* but the Wayback Machine are less reliable for 8ch archives than this:
https://archive.is/https://8ch.net/leftypol/* (here you get the title of the thread in the results list, so in a way it's easier to navigate, although you can't order them by any order other than newest to oldest)

Use the catalog page.

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Damn I (accidentally) wasted these satan trips just as Satan ought to

You're right, I always forget about the catalog.

>Password is "Zizek"
thank you so much anon!

anyone got tutorials for hands?

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Hands are hard
>t. Took highschool art

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The best "tutorial" (practice) I can recommend is drawing the bones of the hand
Copy drawings like these

Tutorials I found on my old PC

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found this looking for tutorials to help give some critique

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https://online-courses.club/ for all your video course needs
https://br1lib.org/ for all your book needs

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Umm, well, I was asked to repost this here from /siberia/, since these are things to avoid as a new artist.

>What's the materialist explanation for yaoi hands?

Small head = broader chest, taller appearance
Big hands and feet = manlier
Small/vertically narrow eyes = more mature
Defined jawline and chin = more masculine

That's why in yuri and SoL moeshit the girls often have ridiculously tiny hands and massive, round heads and eyes.

It also looks like most of these shitty vintage yaoi artists (who definitely had just started drawing, I can't imagine any other explanation) learned how to draw hands and possibly the entire body from the same shitty tutorial, since yaoi hands always looked like alien claws, and the overall style was pretty similar between artists.

I meant to avoid disproportionate overemphasis, but thanks for reposting anon.

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Chubby stuff from >>545

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There's at least one book on drawing fat people:

Morpho: Fat and Skin Folds: Anatomy for Artists (Morpho: Anatomy for Artists)

Color tutorial by Naoki Saito (an official Pokémon TCG artist)

A pretty neat step-by-step tutorial for city backgrounds using perspective rulers.

Actually, I just remembered that he's now done art for a couple of main Pokémon games.

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From HardKoba, some more color stuff: >>664
>Hey art-twinks;
>They are a great way of making sure your colors look good without too much worrying!
>It's basically just a 'mask' you put over your color wheel that blocks out most of the colors and forces you to pick from a small selection. This helps your colors tight and your choices deliberate.
>The technique was formalised by James Gurney, who's books are absolutely brilliant guides for realistic painters and drawers (anime artists too).
>Krita already has them built in if you enable the docker in the setting tab!

<I don't know, using those tools kind of feels like cheating, I wanna learn to use colors the traditional way. Am I just being a dumbass and should stop worrying about it so much?

>If you're worried about relying on it as a crutch, don't worry, these are more like training wheels to get you to think about using colors in a way that you're not used to but makes for more interesting colors overall.
>When you've internalized this you'll find that you are much more bold in your colors than you were before, and you can start to experiment with weird combinations and start to have real fun while not having to worry about screwing up.
>Also here's a grass tutorial I found.

I recently found this vid that I haven't watched

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fuck drawing hands
all my homies hate drawing hands

damn that's pretty cool

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Damn, anon dangled a treasure before our eyes and then vanished.
Could you possibly upload that file again? Thank you very much.

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Good source of pics for muscular grills https://www.tumbral.com/blog/justsexytumblin

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for books: http://z-lib.org/
for videos and courses: https://online-courses.club/

Thanks :)

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I want to start practicing making pixel art, specifically in rather confined size formats because I have a dream of maybe making an indie game someday. First attempt, might do more if I get bored. Would appreciate some tips on what I could do better.

You need to economize your details a lot for pixel art since you're not working with much. Details should be more exaggerated, like making that magical fire bigger or making the staff taller relative to the body (within that size limit make the body smaller). You don't have a lot of room for subtlety and things look better if you lean into a more stylized/cartoon aesthetic. Also protip if you are planning on doing animation you want to give yourself a buffer zone around the character for any movement they do. A character with a staff that they would extend or swing around at all needs a larger canvas so you can do that while keeping the sprites a consistent size.

And you don't have to do this, but it can be a good limitation to give yourself a small number of colors. Pick a color scheme with about 4-6 colors and practice making sprites within those limits. Here's a helpful site for color schemes.

Is there some sort of standart for what should be the ideal sprite size? From what I saw, it usually varies from 32x32 to 64x64. I chose 48x48 as a middle-ground, but I'm not sure if that's the best.

Depends on what you're using it for. Fighting games for example have very large sprites so you can have more complex movement. IME with any skill like this it works best to start simple and small. Do as much as you can with as little as possible and then move up from there is my advice.

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Build hand skill first. Start by practicing drawing circles and then practice drawing two dots and then connecting a straight line between them. Then when you master that, start with perspective and practice drawing ellipses on a grid. Practice drawing boxes in perspective grids.

Once you can draw 3dimensionally you will be able to draw anything because you can make any object out of boxes and spheres.

>From what I saw, it usually varies from 32x32 to 64x64. I chose 48x48 as a middle-ground, but I'm not sure if that's the best.
The reason they are 32 and 64 is because it's better for performance to use powers of 2. As for sprites, standard textures start at 512 or 1024 nowadays. You really don't have to go less pixels unless you want to stylistically. So yeah, you're doing low res because that's what you like stylistically, just pick the size and resolution that looks best to you and pick a power of 2 if you want the gains.

wanna make pixel art. anything specific for that.


I think this Krita tutorial by David Revoy belongs here as well
>Tutorial - an illustration from A to Z with Krita
<A long 1h22min Krita video tutorial fully commented. A real full lenght course suited to beginners, but also advanced digital painters. It starts from scratch with default set of brushes, preferences and break-down all the process. The repetitive parts while painting were all accelerated and can be skipped easily (a timer in overlay appears on display) Check the Timeline codes under to navigate in the video.

I have very limited artistic ability but I plan on practicing a lot and taking some low cost courses to get good. The goal here is to write and draw up 2-3 comic series of my own. How fucked am I?

You have a project idea, that's great! You have something to work towards. So many people go into hobbies saying they want to do x, the activity, but no idea of what they want that activity to create. Your comic will be awful, but don't let that stop you! Look at the amount of content chris chan put out, then imagine that he actually focused on getting better over time with sonichu. Can you imagine a hardgay sonichu drawn with photorealism? That would be neat.

Anyway, practice, practice practice with the intent of improoooving. Go watch the little lecture video by Ira Glass about THE GAP.

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Thanks, fam. Inspired AF now

What's a good tutorial/course for if I want to make actual art and not epic magical girl anime shit

Lumos and fundamentals are always a key and important because you need to re-create the actual world realistically before you can stretch and bend its parts.

>Lumos and fundamentals

Or just any raster image editor, pixel art is inherently rudimentary anyways


Auto correct. Sorry.

You mean Loomis, but I would recommend Hampton for learning construction unless you like those old timey bowling ball heads

I was drunk both times. I’m sorry.

What is construction? I looked up both "Hampton" and "Loomis", they look like Norman Rockwell type shit, very boring.

So, in order to draw anime and other cartoon shit, you have to know how to draw realistically before you can exaggerate. This is why when people copy anime without knowing art it looks like a soulless husk begging for the sweet release of death. These books and artists mentioned here are the regular suggestions in online communities. The faster you can draw a loomis body, the faster you’ll be able to get a DRAW HUGE TITS book and be able to do it correctly. When you learn guitar you learn the major and minor chords before playing barred jazz chords. Baby steps.

I don't want to draw anime, and technique and medium are always subjective. I still don't understand what is meant by "construction".

Im learning line work right now but as Im going should I be using straight edges and a compass or is that a crutch I shouldnt rely on?

anyone have any possible guides on constructivist art? want to try my hand at it.

Constructivist art encompassed a ton of different mediums and techniques. Do you want to make paintings, sculptures, montage, what?

i'd like to make a montage, blease

>Construction refers to the practice of breaking complex objects down into basic shapes. The artist then pieces these basics shapes together to form the more complex shape of the object that they wish to draw.

You should be getting all the reps in of freehand drawing you can. Every day. They are a crutch. But if you have something else you are working on and you can't quite do it by hand (like architecture drawing or something), then sure, use it.

I have some furry art books I have found on Library Genesis. Here is one that is authored by Japanese artists, my personal favorite.

Another one authored by Ryo Sumiyoshi, also published by Tuttle. Has tips for drawing taurs, monsters, mythical creatures and ordinary animal characters too.

Kind of cult-y and tries to sell you a million things, but the lessons section has a guide on how to practice basic drawing with pen and paper

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overview of 3 head drawing methods/guides:
They progress in complexity and nuance so you can develop from a beginner to an intermediate skill level drawing the head. You will still need to look into each of these independently to find the instructions for them.

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pix elunya

Loomis is such a 4chan meme recommendation
I can't stand his writing and his approach to teaching stuff
He's only recommended because it's le old and trad and le down to earth and professional
Maybe only his figure drawing book is redeemable but honestly an IRL course would better serve you for that

Very cute

I mean in person stuff is a lot less accessible

>I mean in person stuff is a lot less accessible
Not really?
I especially don't like Loomis because I'm traumatized from hanging around /ic/ adjacent online spaces and having a bunch of gruff technical nerds constantly throwing his name at me whenever I asked for basic advice
It's a very capitalist, technical approach to drawing pushed by people whose artistic ambition is limited to anime pin-up drawings and epic cool monsters

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>Could you possibly upload that file again?
I'll second that.

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Krita tutorial that is

that guy is a saint

anyone got a reference for a 3d model of anatomy? tired of sketching the same angles from textbooks. skeleton or muscles works fine both preferred if possible.

Skin tone cubes by puppsicle

This is gonna annoy people but are there any tutorials for people that aren't that passionate about drawing and don't wanna be great perfect artists but want to get into it for more practical reasons
I want to draw a dream journal (and maybe some porn) mostly for my own emotional satisfaction, I don't want it to be perfect or beautiful just to convey the important elements correctly, but I feel like if I took the usual route and forced myself to draw a cube every day for a year I would never get there

The simplest answer is just draw from reference. Practice whatever you want to improve on.

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Reposting guides since the drive crash wiped them.

Here's a playlist of Blender tutorials for beginners. They're curated to be the "next step" after completing the extremely popular Donut series by Blender Guru.

Intro video (same as the embed)


gold jules diamonds rat goo

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