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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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Thread on the Indian Peninsula and Surrounding Areas Closely Tied to the Country
To unite various Indian topics that cropped up: Post historical and modern geopolitical discussion, memes, photos and pdfs on the topic. Keep it civil and no bad faith dogma, spam or bait, keep that to /siberia/
Contribute to Leftypedia: https://leftypedia.org/wiki/India >>3780 thread
Articles on Britain, Pakistan and more needed.

Important Topics
>Pre-Colonial Indian History
Indian history that isn't just British colonialism. Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs warring over each other sounds way more exciting but you rarely hear anything about the era and the place. Recommend any books to easily get into the settings of the culture(s).

>Colonial India

History of British colonialism and it's exploitation and impact on the country(s). British humanitarian crimes such as the Black Hole of Calcutta are welcome to be posted.

>Modern India

Modern political, social and economic issues of India ranging from international conflict to internal turmoil. Environmental issues also welcome.
An Indian Dentist that does political writing on the state of the country and has soviet sympathies: http://bill-purkayastha.blogspot.com/

>Socialism in India

Leftist movements and areas of India and it's efforts to bring about socialism in the country and the 90s privatization and neo-liberalist arrival.
- A book from 1985 about the Indian Big Bourgeoisie: https://archive.org/details/IndianBigBourgeoisie/page/n5/mode/2up
- Kerala: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communism_in_Kerala
- Indian Maoist party links: https://bannedthought.net/India/CPI-Maoist-Docs/index.htm
MLM thread >>310


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>Pre-Colonial Indian History
This book is sort of related. Tamerlane was the progenitor of the Mughal dynasty. I can't vouch for this book because I haven't read it yet. but I intend to order it with my next paycheck. It's not a history of empires and states though, it's just focused on the biography and myth that surrounded Tamerlane in his own time and the time after he died. Might be of interest to you as it represents the stories of a culture that was very influential over India before the British came.


Here I attaching 3 books written by Indian marxist historians. Hope it helps


>90s privatization and neo-liberalist arrival.
2 videos about it
1 - The C-Word – Episode 1 – 1991: The Silent Coup (Embed)
2 - The C-Word – Episode 4 – The myth of falling poverty in India since 1991


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The Indian Navy Strike 1946
I was reading a book by Laal Khan on the history of proletarian and communist struggle in pre-Partition India and I was baffled at the fact that I had no idea about this event. This has to be the greatest rebellion/revolution in India before Partition. Only the MLM CPI supported them apparently.
>On the eve of February 19 1946, much wider layers of the Naval personnel had joined in this revolt. The union jacks on most of the ships of the Royal Indian Navy in the Bombay harbour were torn down and the rebel sailors hoisted red flags along with the flags of the political parties that were involved in the struggle for independence.

Within 48 hours the British imperialists were faced with the largest revolt ever of their Naval units. The message of this rebellion started to spread by word of mouth and then over the radio (the radio station had been taken over by the rebels) to military garrisons and barracks across India. Some of the leaders of the sailors broadcast the message of the uprising and revolutionary songs and poetry were also broadcast round the clock. The revolt spread to 74 ships, 20 fleets and 22 units of the Navy along the coast. It involved Bombay, Calcutta, Karachi, Madras, Cochin and Vishapatam. On February 20 only 10 ships and 2 naval stations were not in complete revolt.
>One of the effects of this uprising was that the British Prime Minister Clement Atlee was forced to announce that the British would leave India before June 1948.
>On 19 March, a strike wave penetrated the police force throughout the major centres of the country. At Allahabad, the police went on a hunger strike. The Delhi police joined them on 22 March. On 3 April, 10 000 police personnel in Bihar joined the strike movement. Soon the workers also joined this mass wave of strikes. On 2 May 1946, the workers of the North Western Railway went on strike. On 11 July, more than 100 000 postal workers started an all-India strike. Industrial workers across the subcontinent joined the movement with massive strike action. The whole of India was engulfed in these mass uprisings, revolts and strikes. The British were losing control over the armed forces. The first to come to the rescue of the imperialist Raj were the political leaders of all religions.


So, though it wasn't mentioned in the OP, I've once read the wikipedia page of Sri Lanka, which stated that they were a socialist country until socialism was vooooted out in the 70's. How true is this?

Fun fact, the country is still officially called 'Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka'.


>'Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka'.
Doesn't /pol/ like to LARP about Sri Lanka being "muh free market' or am I thinking of Singapore? Also as OP, yes Sri Lanka is also a welcome discussion.

As to your question, it is true but more like in Venezuela - Initially socialist leaning (but not quite socialist) and then after the initial leftism bourgs and foreign markets influenced the government to go for SuccDem policies. The result is also similar to Venezuela, as the capitalist aspects have impacted the economy and so the living conditions of people (and predictably the US media blames "de uthoritarian goobermint" for this.


>As to your question, it is true but more like in Venezuela - Initially socialist leaning (but not quite socialist) and then after the initial leftism bourgs and foreign markets influenced the government to go for SuccDem policies. The result is also similar to Venezuela, as the capitalist aspects have impacted the economy and so the living conditions of people (and predictably the US media blames "de uthoritarian goobermint" for this.
Thanks for the answer. It looked a bit strange to me, so i started thinking it was some sort of '1970's UK Labor was literallyrino socialist' all over again.

Also, i presume this policy change had some influence in the formation of the LTTE? As i also read the markets reforms made the population poorer.

>Doesn't /pol/ like to LARP about Sri Lanka being "muh free market' or am I thinking of Singapore?

No clue on that one, chief. Maybe the latter.


>the markets reforms made the population poorer.
Yes, don't have the sources on me at the moment, but it is comparable to the 90s neolib consequences in India.


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What about the Indian five year plans? Did they bring about any worthwhile results?

And the Kerala model. Why is it seemingly so functional?


>the Kerala model. Why is it seemingly so functional?
They are ML in ideology but because they are part of capitalist India, use something kin to Yugoslavia's Market-Socialism in practice. They retain planned economy and regulations and have high welfare - leading to better HDI.


Protectionism was something the Indian big bourgeoise itself sought in post-independence, it worked as intended: https://qz.com/india/1464869/the-story-of-jrd-tata-gd-birlas-bombay-plan-for-india/

The land reform prevented the accumulation of large landowners until the 1990s (which is why the BJP now wants to roll that back to allow for that) but at the same time they lacked the collectivization of socialist countries which basically just froze agriculture in time, where it remained atomized and labor-intensive. The worst of both worlds so to speak, from a purely economic point of you, but it did prevent the farmers from becoming urbanized proletariat which would have led to famine like in China.

Basically India now faces a deadlock where the solution can either be barbarism or socialism. A land reform that centralizes land and transforms peasants into workers is highly necessary, but there can be two ways of such centralization - the neoliberal (BJP) way of just introducing a new landlord class, or socialist collectivization. With that in mind, I think Indian communists should stop clinging to the past when the INC was still a progressive force, this goes to the CPI in particular and the CPI (M) to a degree, but just wanting to preserve the ban on land ownership accumulation and fixed prices for produce is not gonna be a long-term solution.

The farms are already large. What they need is mechanization. The problem (within capitalism) however is:
>tractors arrive
>now only 40% of the workers are needed
>they are urbanized proletarians npw
>massive unemployment and slumification ensues
Sure, if India would just turn into Dengist Market-'Socialism', that all could be mitigated, but neither the BJP or the INC are willing to do this.

India, economically would be what Pakistan is, without the Nehruvian economic programs, however weak they were.


>Welcome to episode 1 of The C-Word, a show where we ask questions like "Just what the fuck is wrong with capitalism?"


Anyone have a good book for learning about Indian (Hindu) mythology? Also I'd honestly like to read more on the Sikhs.


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India might unironically become a superpower when gene editing and embryo selection take off. India is one of the only countries where the majority of the population is in favor of using genetic engineering to make their children more intelligent. Indians might eventually genetically engineer themselves into 200 IQ Chads. What are the political implications of this?


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Can anyone explain the meme (and its accuracy)? I have a general gist but'd like to learn more.


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>The Indian and Russian governments are in consultation with each other to create the 'Ruble for Rupee arrangement' which will allow Russian and Indian exports between the two nations to use a mix of Indian Rupee and Russian Ruble instead of USD and Euro.
Dare I say… based?


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More at 10
>EAEU (Eurasian Economic Union) and China putting together draft proposals for the 'Independent International Monetary and Financial System' (I.I.M.F.S) as an alternative to the belgium based S.W.I.F.T international banking and finance system.

>It is expected the system will use a common currency (most likely the Chinese RMB) for trades between EAEU states and China with the potential for more states to begin using the system in the future.

>The EAEU contains five full member states, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan.
>Cuba, Moldova and Uzbekistan also hold observer status in the organisation.


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TL;DR: Crude oil, weapons, bombs– you want it, it's yours my friend, as long as you have enough RUPEES


lol this must trigger the fuck out of a lot of people


As a sidenote its kind of amazing how longlasting some memes are. Back when that gimmicky squadala shit came out in 90s, the guys making it probably didn't think it'd produce memes people still talk about to this day, 30 years later.


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Bill the Butcher did an interesting piece on the sinking of the PNS Ghazi and how it sank.

A different article on the matter. https://archive.ph/B1S1N


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The Indian Bill by Karl Marx: https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1858/07/24.htm

This is a good work by Karl Marx that talks about Imperialism and how it functions in relation to India. Imperialism, capitalism based on finance-capital. Capitalism itself seeks to dominate over other nations, and grow the proletariat as large as it can. Thus when they invade and dominate over other nations, they integrate national people, to be apart of the proletariat, apart of the same bourgeois class, that buys the labor power of workers in other nations as well. Thus with the rise of imperialism, gives rise to the resentment of imperialism and the interests of the bourgeoisie using imperialism being made for more commodities to be made, and have a higher expression of value. Which entails more workers that are in these nations they take over. Imperialism is the epoch of the constantly increasing oppression of the nations of the world by a handful of “great” powers and, therefore, it is impossible to fight for the socialist international revolution against imperialism unless the right of nations to self-determination is recognized.

Taxation in India by Karl Marx: https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1858/07/23.htm

This is a good work from Karl Marx that talks about taxation and how it functions in capitalism. Taxation is a way to have commodities provided by the state be paid through a market exchange between it's citizens and to the state. The competition among the market then is able to act into specific motions and actions that is allowing for the bourgeois state to act as an abstract bourgeois, for them to allow the physical bourgeoise to then buy the private property for themselves, to increase the production of commodities. During the decades preceding the war, free competition, as the regulator of production and distribution, had already been thrust aside in the main fields of economic life by the system of trusts and monopolies; during the course of the war the regulating-directing role was torn from the hands of these economic groups and transferred directly into the hands of military state power.

The Revolt in India by Frederick Engels: https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1858/06/15.htm

Great work that talks about the Indian Revolution of 1857.










All of these are great works to read on India in the 19th century from Karl Marx and Frederick Engels.


Thanks anon.


Why did Marx say this:
>England has to fulfill a double mission in India: one destructive, the other regenerating the annihilation of old Asiatic society, and the laying the material foundations of Western society in Asia.


Engels is talking about Britain essentially uprooting India's culture and unlike prior conquerors (all of whom are Asian) The British had a completely foreign culture and developmentally surpassed India in all regards, permitting them to utterly dominate Indian culture. This and their selfish industrial development provided India the push to break off from its under-developed feudalism. Essentially Britain's power acts as a force to push the historical dialectics of India to the next level.


>On 17 October 2020, the Indian communist movement looks back on a century of courageous resistance against tyranny, oppression, and exploitation. This was a century of sacrifices by hundreds of thousands of revolutionaries of the Indian communist movement who pledged their lives to the dream of an egalitarian and a truly democratic society. Thousands of cadre were martyred on this path and many more continue to carry forward the dream and the fight in the face of state repression, violence, and infinite efforts at subversion.




Here's some major documents and material by CPI (ML) People's War


Also here's a detailed explanation of the history of Sri Lanka from a Marxist perspective by Comrade Shanmugathasan


A very detailed explanation of the history of the Indian state of Karnataka from a Marxist Perspective by Comrade Saki


Funny thing is that the Zelda CDi was animated in 90s Russia for cheap, that's why its so strangely animated and voiced.


He means England should make capitalism (the material base of Western society) the dominant form of production in India through their colonial policy and commerce


In case Embed dies
>The C-Word – Episode 1 – 1991: The Silent Coup
By BlackFlag India


Recommendations on Post Independence economic history of India.


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India's military development is a strange one. They primarily orient themselves towards Russian technology, but in recent times have been trying to develop their own armaments with limited success. The Arjun tank being a clear example of this problem, with poor performance despite excessive spending on it.

Recently India has been courting the idea of production of Stryker 8x8 APCs with licensing and collaboration from the USA but why is unclear. The Stryker's performance is abysmal and its price-tag is staggering, and the USA's position towards India is not at its friendliest so this move is confusing. India has, in the past decades, done dealings with the US military, but this particular instance is strange. The stupidest part is that the Indian government announced its reasoning as a need to replace their BMP-2s… never mind that the BMP-2 is an IFV and significantly superior to the Stryker in every capacity by default. The decision is not finalized yet, especially as the more successful indigenous APC production in India is pushing back on this.



So, how is the PPW going?

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