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Noticed a lot people talking about Tolkien’s works and philosophy. So, I created a thread specifically dedicated for that and other things related to it, like the movies and games.
336 posts and 62 image replies omitted.

The haradrim reads to me as more garden vs the jungle chauvanism (sublimated racism) than outright racism. I don't recall Tolkien ever dwelling on the physiognomy or anything like that.

This. No amazon show can be bad enough to be a worse legacy for Tolkien than his cheap imitators.

Varg's love of LotR in particular surprises me. Chances are he either read it so long ago he forgot the message or just remembers his MERP games more than the actual books. Tolkien's message is typically christian about the humble little people triumphing after enduring hardship. All the heroics are either futile like the last ditch assault on mordor or downright counter-productive in Boromir's case.

>The haradrim reads to me as more garden vs the jungle chauvanism (sublimated racism) than outright racism. I don't recall Tolkien ever dwelling on the physiognomy or anything like that.

I don't know if that kind of paradigm makes sense in this case. The dichotomy for people in Tolkien's stories seems less like "civilized v barbarian" than "honest vs deceived." Like the haradrim aren't evil because they're a different color and culture, they're evil because they've been deceived by Sauron and are doing his bidding. In the books, the big victory over evil wouldn't have been possible without the help of the gondorian pygmies that iirc are implied to be more related to the original humans rather than the human/elf hybrids of Gondor. They've got their own ways and customs and are implied to be "primitive" but they're not evil.

Personally I think the lotr show should have just ignored all the parts of middle earth that we saw in the movies and instead gone off the edge of the map and made up their own stuff. There's those blue wizards we know nothing about, and it would give us a chance to see what was going on with the haradrim and rhun or whatever to flesh them out beyond "scary foreign bad guys."

>Personally I think the lotr show should have just ignored all the parts of middle earth that we saw in the movies and instead gone off the edge of the map and made up their own stuff. There's those blue wizards we know nothing about, and it would give us a chance to see what was going on with the haradrim and rhun or whatever to flesh them out beyond "scary foreign bad guys."

I was hoping for something like this too, but then again it would probably be too far removed from what the general public considers "Lord of the Rings"

Main character has to be somebody recognizable while also not re-treading the stories that people have already seen adapted. So the hobbits, humans, and dwarves are right out.

This basically leaves the wizards and elves, and nobody wants to have their MC compared to giants like Ian McKellan and Christopher Lee. Plus the wizards don't work well as protagonists since most of what they do is act like plot devices.

That leaves the elves, and who among the elves is memorable and makes sense as a protagonist outside of the existing adapted stories? You are looking at two options: Galadriel and Elrond. And between Elrond being less interesting and the girlboss zeitgeist it's obvious they'd choose Galadriel.

Sure, there's a million other things to adapt that could be more interesting, but Amazon isn't in the business of being Fox Searchlight. They are fishing for a flagship prestige TV show that will blow people away. They were planning to spend a BILLION DOLLARS producing it.

Or you can make Gollum the main character


>Warner Bros. to Release New ‘Lord of the Rings’ Movie ‘The Hunt for Gollum’ in 2026, Peter Jackson to Produce and Andy Serkis to Direct

>"For over two decades, moviegoers have embraced the ‘Lord of the Rings’ film trilogy because of the undeniable devotion Peter, Fran and Philippa have shown towards protecting the legacy of Tolkien’s works, and to ensure audiences could experience the incredible world he created in a way that honors his literary vision,” De Luca and Abdy said in a statement Thursday. “We are honored they have agreed be our partners on these two new films. With Andy coming aboard to direct ‘Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum,’ we continue an important commitment to excellence that is a true hallmark of how we all want to venture ahead and further contribute to the ‘Lord of the Rings’ cinematic history.”

>Jackson, Walsh and Boyens added: “It is an honour and a privilege to travel back to Middle-earth with our good friend and collaborator, Andy Serkis, who has unfinished business with that Stinker — Gollum! As life long fans of Professor Tolkien’s vast mythology, we are proud to be working with Mike De Luca, Pam Abdy and the entire team at Warner Bros. on another epic adventure!”

>"Yesssss, Precious,” Serkis said. “The time has come once more to venture into the unknown with my dear friends, the extraordinary and incomparable guardians of Middle Earth Peter, Fran and Philippa. With Mike and Pam, and the Warner Bros team on the quest as well, alongside WETA and our filmmaking family in New Zealand, it’s just all too delicious…”

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Was this pulling strings in contracts or did they willingly sign up for this.

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had to be just WB handing them a fat stack of money to revive one of their beloved Franchises™. The time is right too - the trilogy is over 20 years old so it has the nostalgia factor, plus Rings of Power was mid so people want a return to the Peeta Jickson version of Middle Earth. I'm expecting more Hobbit-tier schlock though.

Also why the fuck is the obsession with Gollum? First that awful game, now this? Do they want him to be the memeable mascot or something?

it probably got focus grouped and he's the most memorable character lol.

>I'm expecting more Hobbit-tier schlock though.
That's what you're going to get, because Andy Serkis was the 2nd unit director on those movies, and those were all the parts that people hated the most (the stuff without Bilbo).

I'm glad Tolkien isn't alive to see what his work has become. If he knew what would become of it I'm sure he'd have burned it all.

Gollum as a property has the benefit of being big enough to be immediately recognizable but also have enough blank spots in his narrative that you could conceivably do something with him. Also as a grey little gremlin weirdo he doesn't have any racial or gender aspects to navigate, like black hobbits or whatever.

But you'd think after that fucking video game they'd know better.

I love how every fucking thing must become its own MCU now.

Middle Earth Baby Yoda.

Yeah that really is what it is, isn't it

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wtf this already exists
>The Hunt for Gollum is a 2009 British fantasy fan film based on the appendices of J. R. R. Tolkien's 1954–55 book The Lord of the Rings.[1][2][3] The film is set in Middle-earth, when the wizard Gandalf the Grey fears that Gollum may reveal information about the One Ring to Sauron. Gandalf sends the ranger Aragorn on a quest to find Gollum.[4]

How fucking stupid do you have to be to think Gollum could be like Baby Yoda?


I'm gonna be honest, I don't really want more Peeta Jickson LOTR. The Hobbit trilogy kind of burned any enthusiasm I had for his take on Tolkein. I'd rather see someone else taken the reins (but not have it be some bland, watered-down Jackson like Rings of Power either). Maybe that animated Rohirrim movie will be cool, idk.

Or alternatively just fucking stop making sequels and prequels and reboots altogether

>tfw we never got the Guillermo del Toro Hobbit

>no Tom bombadil movie

so are we getting Viggo and Ian McKellen back? need to get McKellen back and filming now before, I hate to say it the inevitable

obviously they are recasting which will make it extra weird for serkis to be doing gollum

it's incredible that JRRT never once in any passage in any of the hundreds of tomes he wrote on his fantasy world did he ever address the reason as to why the eagles didn't just fly the hobbits into mordor. mediocre writer tbqh

Sauron has air defences obviously, Tolkien predicted Ukraine.

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Viggo didnt want to come back for the Hobbit and he was critical of the CGI use in the LOTR trilogy, I doubt he wants to come back for this.
Eagles get hungry, they would have ate them.

I don't know if this is sarcastic or not, but he wrote why the eagles didn't just fly the Fellowship to Mordor in Lord of the Rings itself.

I know the LOTR movies made some changes, but for the most part they were great and probably the best theatrical adaptations we'll ever get. Then you have the Hobbit, which took a 300 page kid book and bloated it into three films filled with CGI schlock and completely butchered the tone and story.

Now we've arrived here, where they just get to make shit up and do spinoffs focused on a single character. They've MCU'd Tolkien now.

Eagles were corruptible by the ring. One of the humans in the fellowship tried to take it from Frodo. Imagine if it was an eagle instead. Also the whole plan hinged on stealth. Eagles would give the game away and Sauron couldn't have been baited to send his forces elsewhere (which was the whole reason why Frodo and Sam didn't face much resistance sneaking through Mordor). Sauron could have easily stuck an army at Mt Doom if he saw the ring coming like that. The whole point is he got blindsided by the sheer audacity of sending a sneaky hobbit.

No, the real reason is because Tolkien thought not using eagles would make for a more interesting story. If we want to look at it realistically, whatever the risk of eagles, its clearly outweigh by trekking across entire Middle-earth while pursued by nazguls and goblins. You dont have to fly all the way to Mount Doom on them, they could have dropped fellowship off at whatever convenient location.
In fact this got me thinking, what was the original plan? Like if everything went smoothly and fellowship never slip up, how did Elrond and Gandalf plan to get to Mordor? Did they always plan to create some sort of distraction and then send the hobbits alone across Gorgoroth with pat on a back and kiss on a cheek, hoping for the best?

Sauron has birds as spies and Sauron's forces are hardly grounded themselves, if you've forgotten the fell beasts the Nazgul ride on.

The whole point was to be somewhat stealthy. Riding the eagles anywhere would not have been stealthy.

I think the original plan was for the whole Fellowship to sneak into Mordor, but with a definite "we'll figure it out when we get there" attitude. The war was already on when the Fellowship formed, so I think they were hoping that this would keep Sauron distracted.

But they were already being pursued by both Sauron and Saruman. Saruman knew their location pretty much entire time, while Sauron was at the very least aware of ring being in Rivendell. Eagles have speed, they couldnt have been followed, and Middle-earth is a big place, even if Sauron got some report about sightings of eagles flying south-east, that wouldnt really help him locate fellowships.

It's kind of incredible to me how much worse the Hobbit was than LOTR.

Saruman did not know their location. Both Sauron and Saruman only had a vague sense of where they were or even who they were.

It is something of a plot point that the Fellowship hadn't been spotted yet which at least informs their decision to go through Moria because they were surrounded on all sides by patrols and the way they had wanted to go through had become impassible.

There's also the fact that the eagles aren't Gandalf's pets. They're intelligent creatures that owe Gandalf a favor and would want an explanation as to why they're hauling a bunch of strangers halfway to Mordor.

I actually don't mind that they're making MCU fanfics.

That's clearly what they wanted to do with The Rings of Power. Let them make up their own little stories set in Middle Earth. There's actually a chance it might be good if they're basically just telling their own story instead of stumbling over existing material and butchering it.

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Well they had to come up with filler to turn it into 3 movies. Realistically the book only has content for 1. It seems like the studio was diving it hoping to make a shitload of money which they did btw. Collectively they made almost 3 billion dollars against a budget around $700 million. A big part of this was the sheer spectacle since they made a big deal out of shooting natively in 3D at 5k resolution and 48fps throughout. They made a really big deal of the format and charged more for tickets with 3D and HFR. A bunch of theaters even had to install new projectors just to be able to do this. It was part of a push to build on what Avatar had already done to try to make 3D really take off. Unlike Avatar though they did a lot of the cliche 3D movie thing of deliberately drawing attention to the 3D effects, shoving shit at the camera and doing a lot of excessive camera movements that felt really un-grounded in reality unlike the original. The result is the movies were very bloated and obnoxious instead of feeling more immersive.

They also had a lot of "growing pain" type of issues experimenting with the format, like having to redo a lot of makeup, props, and practical effects when they realized they don't look good in 3D/HFR/5k. They also completely abandoned the technique of forced perspective that allowed actors playing characters of different sizes to be in the same shot together (3D ruins the illusion by showing the depth), so they had to shoot these scenes on separate sets. This made it a lot harder for actors to convincingly do the scenes because they could no longer react to each other at all. This alone should have made anybody with a brain realize this was the wrong franchise to try this with. Do it with Star Wars or something.

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I dont think what we are heading towards Tolkiens Marvel, its gonna be more like LoTR Star Wars. Just Aragorn and Gollum and Gandalf forever and ever and ever. Universe composed out of 10 characters, because why waste a marketable name?

Endless suffering.

The endless hamster wheel of culture trash.

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damn maybe GRRM will live to see his dreams come true

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I know this quote is sometimes misconstrued as criticism of Tolkien, rather than simply contrasting his own approach to fiction, but it still is ironic considering how much GRRM clearly doesnt care about making his world "historically realistic" (or doesnt know enough about history to make it so) and designed ASOIAF like an Age of Empires game, while Tolkien was a world-building autist who clearly put lot of thought into things like Gondors levy system.

Yeah IIRC when the GOT show hired a guy to make conlangs for Dothraki, High Valyrian, etc and asked GRRM for his notes he was just like "yeah the four or five words in the books are all I came up with." Like it's fine to not be on Tolkien's level with that, but it's kind of a major thing to think about if you aren't just hand-waving language altogether. Especially if you're then going to pretend you are doing more homework on the worldbuilding than the all time champ. GRRM also notoriously has little grasp of math and when he saw how what the Wall actually would look like at 700 feet tall and wide enough for a dozen horsemen to ride side by side along it he was like "oh wow that's a lot bigger than I thought lol."

GRRM's point is really more about the political realities though, so it's more fair to criticize over that, like how the realm managed to last for thousands of years despite the irregular winters periodically causing mass famines.

Does the winter only affect Westeros? Like no one else really seems that concerned about it. With their stupid culture it seems like all it would take is a sufficiently long cold snap to wipe out the dothraki.

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Yeah it seems to be exclusive to Westeros, but part of that may be that a lot of the continent is just in a more northern latitude.

This is canon.

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>Hey im going to duel the Witch-King in Minas Morgul, anyone want to come with me?

>when you're too chivalrous to live

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