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 No.16960[View All]

I’ll start:
Pan’s Labyrinth
Blade Runner
Starship Troopers
The Thing
The Matrix
Pirates of the Caribbean
Paths of Glory
The Devil’s Backbone
Return of the Living Dead
Grave of the Fireflies
Princess Mononoke
Come and See
Children of Men
The Road
Mad Max
Star Wars
54 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



>Also, very implicit Zionism in the Matrix triology.
The human capital city is literally named Zion lmao


Literally this is the whole point ,the antifascist ressistance was sabotaged by the lib goverment


Although realistically the opposite will happen


This, the centrist libs in the capital banned the antifascist ressistance ,although it makes no sense for the new order to win



The Matrix isn't communist.

Children of Men is not communist, it is just anti-immigration and anti-fascism. Its antifa the movie.

Robocop just criticizes the police and privatization but not capitalism.

Pirates of the Caribbean is libertarian hogwash

Star Wars is pro imperialist and pro capitalism.


Star Trek: First Contact


>Children of Men is anti-immigration
How? It's literally pro open borders.


>Star Wars is pro imperialist and pro capitalism
LOL the entire plot of the original series is the struggle against a fascistic empire and the scumminess of merchants is also displayed. The Ewoks are literally based off the Viet Cong. The prequels are specifically detailing the fall of republican democracy into fascism and referring to the United States, Rome and Nazi Germany as their inspiration for this. See the Star Wars thread >>2737
>Pirates of the Caribbean is libertarian
Fucking how, the story isn't about free trade or some shit, the true antagonist of the 2nd and 3rd films is a British Imperialist Lord that seeks to control the sea literally to boost the British Empire. Jack Sparrow is merely a man hat, after having saved slaves from a slave as a youth, decided to live a life of freedom, living and enjoying life, going and doing whatever he wanted. That's more anarchist than anything you're saying.
The entire film exposes corporations and so capitalism as being filthy hypocritical and selfish, and this is further seen in the satirical advertisements that are shown, the second film expands on it even more.


>the true antagonist of the 2nd and 3rd films is a British Imperialist Lord that seeks to control the sea literally to boost the British Empire.
His role has more to do with being a merchant than a lord (which IIRC was only a recently attained status by the time of the movies), and given the time period (1720s, i.e. post English Revolution) he seems more like a bourgeois who just has the title.
> Jack Sparrow is merely a man hat, after having saved slaves from a slave as a youth, decided to live a life of freedom
The scene where it's revealed he freed slaves was deleted and not necessarily canon. It also strongly implies that freeing slaves is what got him branded a pirate, forcing him into that life rather than causing him to choose it. The scene was cut for removing a lot of the moral ambiguity from his character and making him less interesting.


Yes these films acknowledge capitalism, imperialism, etc as the big bad however, they never show a world where it is overcome. At least the implication here is that it's inevitable.


>more like a bourgeois who just has the title
True, my point is that regardless he's not a positive figure and is a representation of capitalism and colonialism.
>slaver scene cut
It's still heavily implied (100 souls sacrificed in return for 100 souls saved) and Jack is implied to have known he'd be forced into piracy by his action and chose it willingly.

True, but I'm not OP, I merely pointed out that calling these films pro-capitalist or imperialist is bullshit.


>Once Upon a Time in the West
Very red film. The screenplay was cowritten by a Marxist.
All the Sergio Leone westerns are dripping with anti-capitalism, but this one is the best film, and the most political.


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Air Force One if you see Radek as the good guy trying to save the Soviet Union from American market imperialism.


That's more a post to go on the Dindu Nuffin thread >>6555


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The Matrix is an anarchist critique of Marxism-Leninism.
Humans live in a communist society, ruled over by a benevolent machine party-state. The law of value is abolished, the humans contribute according to their ability (body heat and electricity) and receive according to their need (nutrients + the simulated dreamworld). It's outright stated that only reason the Matrix isn't a paradise is that the human mind wouldn't accept a perfect world, so they had to make it 90s-styled instead.

The human protagonists are individualist anarchists who are nonetheless discontented with the hierarchical machine-state, and the sequels are all about them trying to set up their own autonomous commune-city and survive the machines trying to Kronstadt them.


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>flesh and machine living in a mutually beneficial arrangement
>some heretical wreckers come along and ruins things
>get rightfully hunted down for it


George Lucas literally said that the Empire is America in the 60s-70s.


La dolce vita


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also the entire genre of noir including cyberpunk


Yeah. Dude is a criminal that gets dumped by Fidel and immediately shows that he's a hypercapitalist psycho who's willing to deal drugs and murder people for a big mansion and a decadent lifestyle.

Also Sosa is literally a glowie-backed international drug lord who conspired with his "friend from Washington" to kill a dude who was planning to tell the world about the operation.


oh man, i always have some good examples but i forget :(
guys please keep the thread until 2024 until i find some plox


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The Saw series in general is pretty communist Tbh
>Saw V explicitly shits on capitalist bitches as any socialist would have easily passed the tests with ease
>Saw VI dunks on the head of an insurance company, along the way punishing proles complicit with porky
>Main colors are red and black obviously symbolizing Left Unity
>Frequently dunks on labor aristocrats
>Uses abandon buildings(capitalist shortcomings) as bases
>Main villain initially started foundation to low income housing and helped support wife with clinic for the poor
>radicalized after cancer diagnosis and takes war to corrupt society of whores
>Casually kills cops and explicitly corrupt cops with little to no distinction,as in the end they are just the tools of the bourgeois
>Doesnt discriminate against lumps as well, frequently using them to his own end both by manipulation and radicalization
>Kills American doctors casually nuff said
>Series concludes with the Feds getting slaughtered


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Not exactly communist
But this scene perfectly encapsulates the porky to wageslave dynamic

>golden god dines in fruits

>follower starves to death
>There is no eternal reward (capitalist propaganda where you'll get rewarded for being a good little wagie and get a house, own business what not)
>i renounce you! golden cuck immediately goes violent
>your only purpose is to suffer (generate profit)
>if you die, more will replace you (insane number of workers to exploit in the current world)

only way he gets defeated is behading
Marx failed to consider the necrosword


>Saw V explicitly shits on capitalist bitches as any socialist would have easily passed the tests with ease
could you explain? i have not seen it
what's the test exactly


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>could you explain? i have not seen it
each test could have been solved with no deaths /minimal maiming. Will post some clips before describing
>1st test required a key to unlock their collars in time or they would be decapitated, with each person leashed to one another
>instead of thinking of sharing/testing one the keys, each fumbles for their own key directly in front of them
Kinda obvious, would probably have tested/asked/given a key to see if it fit any other collar
>2nd test required them to find 3 keys to gain access to 3 separate areas which would protect them from the room's bombs. For reason they dont think they can share these areas that can easily more than 1 person and instead immediately betray each other
Tbh this one was really obvious
>3rd test required persons to electrocute themselves to connect power to gain access to the next room before current room blows up. u can guess what happens
>final test required many pints of blood via hand thru circular saw blade. theres 2 person instead of the 5 or so…
probably the most clever film of the franchise, not my favorite however.
sauce? looks interesting as fuk


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you know what, this saw series can also be a commentary on "muh nature argument"

like people don't turn into barbarous savages just because, being put in conditions like these where resources are limited like capitalism

i would be so dead if i was in saw 5, riddles and math are not my strong suit
i hated all folk stories with it, just smarmy ass stuff

>sauce? looks interesting as fuk

Thor Love & Thunder, believe it or not, it's the same movie
Taika drops in some redpilled stuff between the jokes

The last Thor had stuff about imperialism and how empires are built on blood and then covered up in nice sounding fairy tales


White maoist hands typed this post.


we should start a website like that

not sure what we would do tho


nope am black, also not well read enough about maoism to kno whatever the fuck that entails, tho i do like seein hwite cunts put in cages getting the fuck getting tortured out em
do it bitch, i like to semi shit post
>can also be a commentary on "muh nature argument"
>like people don't turn into barbarous savages just because, being put in conditions like these where resources are limited like capitalism
Yep actually thought that once about some of the absurd situations applied to the contestants and alot of circumstances we find ourselves in are purely arbitrary. Nice read,anon thanks for the sauce too



The whole plot of the movie is that the rich kid stops a revolution by mediating between the "heart and the hands"

I'd consider it hard core liberal at most


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the beginning was, probably the ending 2


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b movies can be indirectional considered communist

because they're
a) unproffessional
b) low budget (lol)
c) scare normies




zombie lake is actually z movie tb h, but the difference is little


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>Pan's Labyrinth
>Soyjak OP image
This OC needed to be made.


oh damn they actually hung the kid. no deus ex machina



>almost any social critique
<wow! communism
I disagree.


humanity reaches apotheosis in a technological singularity


Same argument as "The Borg are communism!"


They were in their initial appearance, before they introduced dumb shit like borg queen and made them generic evil alien swarm.


No, they really weren't. That is literally a right-wing narrative about "le gommie hivemind"


Collective decision-making is good actually.


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Alright fam time to prove your convictions by getting into the pod.


I dont remember Matrix working like that. But in all seriousness, if there was an actual option to join a cyborg hive-mind, I would take it, why not?


Thea von Harbou, author of the novel and wife of Fritz Lang, later worked for the Nazis and wrote a bunch of propaganda films for them. The extent to which she was really a Nazi gets disputed, but I'm not trying tl dispute it. The thesis of the film, how the heart must unite the mind with the muscle, seems pretty clearly more fascist than communist. It's not about the destruction of class, but the process of getting classes to work towards a common aim.


You're correct, but that's what it was. The Borg were written near the end of the cold war, and they were a metaphor for the soviets. You can find TNG writers talking about it. The fact that Star Trek as a franchise has earlier positive portrayals of collectivism doesn't change this.


The borg are (or were) about consumerism and yuppie culture.

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