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/hobby/ - Hobby

"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
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ITT "villains" who did nothing wrong.
343 posts and 107 image replies omitted.

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This unit of a guerilla


Except Captain America is a super-soldier, h has the physical capability & the tactical skill to use a fairly limited piece of gear in inventive ways (using it as a bludgeon, blocking insane attacks like Mjolnir & using it as a reflector for lasers, not to mention an ad-hoc sled etc.) A gun is a gun, unless its is utilized by a similarly strong character, it's not going to make a big difference from the mass of arms already out there. A more powerful gun is not a big deal because the importance is the person using it.

with the sauce???

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Gods wanted to eat meat, Promethus tricked them into only accepting animal fat as offerings so that humans could eat the good parts of the animal.
Gods wanted physical sacrifice in exchange for favour, Promethus tricked them into taking oaths and words as payment.
Gods got fed up with humans and decided to take fire as punishment, Prometheus said "fuck that" and stole fire back.

superhero movies are moralist fables, turns out moralists only want to change the appearance of things, not how they actually are

See >>13193

Oh, huh. I wonder if /pol/ noticed and had a field day over this in "muh jooz" circlejerking.

>Dindu Nuffin
What are those, do they taste good?

>I wonder if /pol/ noticed and had a field day over this in "muh jooz" circlejerking.
2 months later and I can confirm that yes, 4chan took the mickey out of Bowser destroying the Jewish Penguins.

I wish they'd get Zack Snyder to do a shot for shot remake of Miracle Man where he personally kills a bunch of Nazis and then personally tells Margaret Thatcher to shut the fuck up because it's Full Communism Time.

>a shot for shot remake of Miracle Man
The Chinese could do it. Big Chinese movies are now god tier for technical capabilities.

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>Post about Xenomorphs discussing anti-colonialism and sexo
checked and keked

Why does mythology generally portray humans attaining fire and such as some kind of theft against the gods done through trickery?

It seems obvious that these stories have a common origin, but where does the idea come from that fire was stolen specifically or that humans having fire is against the natural order?

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In part I'm guessing because the first fires would have been a result of natural occurrences, lightning strikes, heat-based wildfires etc. Then when humans learned to created fire through accident or effort, it was essentially a power of nature taken under control creatively by the hands of man, so now mankind could create what was previously jurisdiction of the gods.

Secondly the idea of stealing it from the gods also comes from the the narrative of intelligence and creative thinking overcoming even divinity and nature - thus the weak, mortal humans, taking from the immortal, all-powerful gods.

Apply League of shadows philosophy to all of America today and not just 1 city and he's 100% vindicated

anime christopher dorner?

sooo much sauce

Soviet Grievous Theme (I'd love a silly Russian Isekai book where Grievous gets transported to the USSR with a droid army and basically brings the USSR into absolute tech dominance over the USA)

cooking food with fire was literally one of the first technologies, possibly the first so the entire human species has it as a collective myth that

>the first fires would have been a result of natural occurrences, lightning strikes, heat-based wildfires etc. Then when humans learned to created fire through accident or effort, it was essentially a power of nature taken under control creatively by the hands of man, so now mankind could create what was previously jurisdiction of the gods.

I often think about how the first Superman comic involved him arresting a war lobbyist and torturing him. It was like they couldn’t deal with Superman dealing with real problems at home so they needed him to fight aliens, both literally and figuratively, instead. The first couple years of his comic history had a working class slant.

>sells weapons on the black market to fund a mansion on a private island and get revenge on a capitalism-sabotaging boss-battering volunteer social worker who rejected them after their recklessness nearly killed themself or man-slaughtered a bunch of train passengers
Mr. Incredible did more damage to his boss in one conversation than your union has done to your boss in ten years.

Su Daji
>Promised Godhood by the Great Master in return for binding her fox clan to mortal people and starting a war that would unite the 3 Kingdoms
>Played consort with an insane tyrant king
>Was then betrayed by the Gods and instead waged war on as a demon
>The Fox Clan was genocided and was stuck in hell, never able to move on or be reborn, along with the souls of those people they were bonded to.
>The Hero Jiang Ziya was told to execute her, even as the Great Master had linked her life with that of an innocent girl, meaning that her execution would kill the girl as well.
All She wanted was revenge against the heavens and the world that spurned her and her people.

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Checked trips

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The Peacemaker (1997)

lmao, Syndrome is a classic example.

I remember one article on The Anarchist Library about how The Dark Knight trilogy is just Christopher Nolan projecting his political opinions ("Radicals bad, police good").

He would sell his inventions in a co-op with a reasonable price so people can afford it in order to finance his revolutionary efforts.

>breaking toys is like killing people
You heard them, folks. GTA makes you psychopathic. Oh, and those who watch hentai are pedophiles. And also playing Call of Duty gives you real PTSD. This is it, guys, their armchair psychology is too strong.

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>>breaking toys is like killing people
<Look guys, I strawmanned again!
Practicing cruelty on animals and toys is literally a sign of psychopathy in children you retard. Nobody said it's just like killing an actual person, moron.

Your other examples are retarded non-sequiturs but which I will address:
GTA is a game with an age limit for a reason. There've been multiple instances of children/teens that played the game, taking this out into real life to look cool, because children are easily influenced. Also you do realize GTA stands for Grand Theft Auto, an official name for a fairly common felony type, especially in the 90s.
See Yin, Jennifer, "Aggression and Driving: Separating Ourselves From the Games" (2016). Pop Culture Intersections. 15.

>those who watch hentai are pedophiles

Funny how you exclude the specifics of "loli" in that statement. Regardless of if it is a fictional child or not, the appeal is the physical, clearly child-coded appearance, which means it is an attraction to child-coded imagery. Not to mention many lolicon illustrators use real children as model-bases. The fact that you got BTFO on /meta/ does not mean you get to mald on other boards. Fuck off back to reddit.

>playing Call of Duty gives you real PTSD

Retarded claim that nobody made. The closest claim is that realistic FPS games can make people aggressive and there is evidence of this.

All of these fall under Operant Conditioning Theory among other media influence theories, so TL;DR: read a book, liberal.

<sign of X
>one symptom = diagnosis
pseuds are so confident spreading pop psych bullshit around without understanding it themselves lol

just say youre incapable of separating fiction from reality and move on

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>More strawman fallacy
<Y-you don't understand
We get it, you have no argument, so take your butthurt projection back to reddit

Also: Children cannot separate fact from fiction until the age of 3 minimum, and cannot reliably do so until they're 12, which is why advertisements directed to children are heavily regulated and cannot exploit something called Pester Power. This also applies for age-limits in media regarding violence and sex, because, again the developing minds of children and teens are influenced by the media they are surrounded by, just as they are influenced by other things in their environment. This has been studied by behavioral science for a long time.

It isn't surprising that 99% of the time it's puritans with a layman's understanding of human behavior and clinical psychology that hysterically push these talking points and not actual psychologists, or even agencies that deal with crime, violence, abuse.

>It isn't surprising that 99% of the time it's puritans with a layman's understanding of human behavior and clinical psychology that hysterically push these talking points and not actual psychologists, or even agencies that deal with crime, violence, abuse.

Not really. It's the sort of thing where you're automatically a good person for doing it and anyone that tries to gainsay you can be dismissed by calling them a "pedophile," who very few people are willing to stick their necks out for.

It's like honey for the kind of people with actual problems that want to make themselves look good. Instead of having to do the hard work of dealing with child abuse or sex trafficking you just get to ride your high horse and complain about icky japanese cartoons. It's so fucking choice.

>The fact that you got BTFO on /meta/
Dude, I have not a single clue of who you're talking about.

>We get it
Who is this "we" you're referring to and who is a part of this "we?"

>>39160 (me)
Also, wtf was this discussion on /meta/? It's a mod board, it's not made for off-topic discussions. You go there, you complain about the site, you leave.

what the shit is this necropost repying to 2021 for?

There is no sense of time on the imageboard. Everything is in the present because old threads get bumped.

So the anon who necroposted was just reading through a thread from 2020 and bumped, including in their post a currently controversial opinion? Seems very unlikely.

It wasn't me who bumped this if you look at the posts above mine but yeah, basically this lmao.

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Ignoring the "muh puritans" brainlets above and getting this thread back on topic.

The 2019 version of Joker didn't really do anything wrong. The populism that came about from his actions was not his intention all he was trying to do was survive while dealing with mental problems and society's complete disregard for him. >>19416

>"muh puritans" brainlets
lmao youre getting mad over violence in fiction and then act offended youre rightfully being called a puriteen

>Fuck Zaheer
>Eggman a real hero
Checked for based takes

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>Be a Xenomorph Queen
>Be trapped for millenia underground in a metal clamp and spiked chains
>Get brought out of cryostasis once a century, only to be shocked by electricity and forced to produce eggs onto a conveyor belt
>Have her children would be born only for the purpose of being slaughtered hours later for sport by the Yautja that captured her
>Xenomorph queens are telepathic and feel every death of their hive
>This has been going on over and over
>Finally break free
>Is caught in a massive explosion that annihilated her newest brood
>Is buried under ice and snow
>Is then stabbed, slashed and attacked by the creatures that trapped her, tortured her, forced her to be a breeding sow and slaughtered her children
>Get trapped against a metal structure and dropped off a cliff into the icy depths of the Antarctic Ocean.
The Alien Queen from Bouvetøya island in AvP did nothing wrong

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The Gauls were lucky he was the one to conquer.
Last of the democratic reformers who almost won.

I suggest viewing Why Syndrome is an Incredible Villain by Rockotar. It's an interesting analysis of Syndrome and how his abilities, motivations, actions etc. were a product of jealousy, hatred and revenge obsession that in some ways drove him to become what he came to loathe the most… and all of it started from something that Mr.Incredible barely even remembers as a dismissible annoyance.

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>Wanted to live freely and explore the world with his friends and brother
>Forced into conflict with the World Nobles
>Fights the oppressors and defies them
>Betrayed and locked up by the equivalent of the CIA in the equivalent of a hell-prison
>Escapes and tries to continue his mission to eradicate the Celestial Dragon scum
>Targets the Shichibukai because they're Government lackeys and were coming after him to stop his righteous pursuit
Byrnndi World's only sin was forgetting his friendships and bonds because of the hatred of revenge and distrust from betrayal.

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>"Today, we rise again as one nation, in the face of betrayal and corruption! We all trusted this man to deliver our great nation into a new era of prosperity. But like our monarchy before the Revolution, he has been colluding with the West with only self-interest at heart! Collusion breeds slavery! And we shall not be enslaved! The time has come to show our true strength. They underestimate our resolve. Let us show that we do not fear them. As one people, we shall free our brethren from the yoke of foreign oppression! Our armies are strong, and our cause is just. As I speak, our armies are nearing their objectives, by which we will restore the independence of a once-great nation. Our noble crusade has begun. Just as they lay waste to our country, we shall lay waste to theirs. This is how it begins."
Saudi Arabia Redeemed

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His only mistake was fucking around with trunks instead of just killing him

they do be winning kinda since he got trunks universe killed

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