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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Multipolarism, in its most basic form, posits a world where multiple powers (countries or entities) exist in a state of relative equilibrium, challenging the unipolar hegemony led mainly by the United States post-Cold War. The emergence of China, the reassertion of Russia, the rise of regional powers like India, Brazil, and South Africa, among others, suggest a move towards this multipolar world.

BUT is it rly just Capitalism 2: Electric Boogaloo - Neo-Dengism Edition? To what extent is multipolarism just capitalist nationalism for people not in green on this map? If the whole thrust of socialism is now just "America bad" what becomes of the classical socialist goals of workers control of the means of production, and abolishing class society?

🇧🇷 • /brg/ - Brazil general >>>/leftypol/1793453
🇷🇺🇺🇦 • /ukr/ - Russia-Ukraine war general >>>/leftypol/1867900
🇮🇳 • /subcontinental/ - India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Buthan general >>>/leftypol/1828924
🇨🇳 • /prc/ - People's Republic of China general >>>/leftypol/211384
🇿🇦 • /africa/ - Africa general >>>/leftypol/1831758
450 posts and 82 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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>accusing your opposition of liberalism while championing the left liberal worldview
<literally the next sentence
>cooperation and trade with BRICS
You unironically are a liberal. BRICS is just another capitalist bloc, this isn't me throwing shade, its just a fact. You have adopted a left liberal eastern worldview. This is campism and frankly neo orientalism. All the things you just put forth, liberals do these things too. You are literally asking for a G7 but eastern. You a for capitalist development, but eastern. Voting for capitalist politicians who are, pro-eastern. Cooperation on who gets to further exploit Africa but instead of the US its China or Russia. This is liberalism. This doesn't stop the US from exploiting, just more opportunities for other capitalist nations to exploit. None of what you said has anything to do with socialism. Actually organizing the revolutionary proletariat, reconstructing communist parties, forming a correct line against global imperialism that doesn't involve bending over backwards for foreign capitalists or emergent compradors. Being against NATO is fine, but this does not make you unique.
>all this is bad and campist because it doesnt imply immediate communism
All this is stupid and campist because it is pro-capitalism masquerading as "left" anti-imperialism. When you are arguing in support of a bloc welcomed a fucking gulf monarchy into its fold, forget about socialism, you are actively fostering reaction just not "western" reaction.


You're the Campist. As you said, BRICS is a third world G7, but bigger than the G7 in size, and with 40% of the world's economy participating, and with over 50% of the world's population living in BRICS countries. You say BRICS is nothing but a capitalist trading bloc. But why dont third world countries deserve the right to trade on equal and fair terms compared to western monopolists? What's wrong with a little economic competition bloodgasm?


Maga communism is going to save us by letting Trump sanction even more developing countries while reducing taxes on the bourgeoisie. Just wait and see.


Lmao, "economic competition". Libshit


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>You're the Campist.
>You say BRICS is nothing but a capitalist trading bloc.
It is. It literally is. Are you saying they do not trade or are literally connected by their economic attachment to China?
>But why dont third world countries deserve the right to trade on equal and fair terms
<implying trade under advanced capitalism is or can be in any remote way equal
liberal idealism
>What's wrong with a little economic competition bloodgasm?
Everything? I mean you are asking if a little capitalism is wrong. Yes it is. We already have capitalism, it fucking sucks. Why do you want more of it?


Unlike you, i happen to believe in free trade and the fair economic competition of communist and industrialist economies against neoliberal ones. I am also a left agorist.


Economic competition of one country to another country. The USSR participated in international commerce and competed for markets, as said in
<But why dont third world countries deserve the right to trade on equal and fair terms compared to western monopolists.
The difference is that the west relies on the use of force and intimidation to keep its partnes obedient, but BRICS treat nations with mutual respect and cooperation.


Bro just say you are a socdem


"economic competition" in the international level is not preferable, on the contrary. But it is inescapable. BRICS countries cannot impose full economic blockade, the ones that can do it are the West and its allies, as demonstrated in the economic embargos for Russia, China, Cuba, Palestine, North korea, venezuela, and many more countries that are targets of the west war crime machine.


but social democrats don't believe in collectivizing all industry, abolishing fiat currency and promoting democratized workplaces in all workplaces like i do.


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>i happen to believe in free trade
No such thing exists.
>fair economic competition of communist and industrialist economies against neoliberal ones
Are you saying industrialists and neoliberals are not just two sides of the same capitalist coin? If so, you are fucking stupid.
>I am also a left agorist.
You are fucking stupid.


i should also say that i believe in a democratic form of stratocracy through means of conscription, collectivizing national security in a way that abolishes both policing and the military industrial complex. i believe peaceful, non-violent economic warfare will purge the impurities of our status quo and create a brighter future for everybody, assuming the economic warfare doesn't devolve into nuclear warfare. we just need to ensure that strategy accomodates for economic warfare.


> happen to believe in free trade and the fair economic competition of communist and industrialist economies against neoliberal ones
> Communists and capitalists vs capitalists
Revisionist nonsense promoting class collaboration, a split of the nazi understanding of social-economics where there are good capitalists and bad capitalists


""Industrialists"" is not a real ideology, and so compare them to communists and neoliberals is silly.
An industrialist is just another name for bourgeoisie, owners of the means of production. Neoliberals are politicians that serve the class interests of the bourgeoisie and aim to change the state to better suit their own interests. In this sense, they are the two faces of the same coin. Yet their interests not always correlate or are compatible, for they are cannibals of one another. At least industrialists invest, by definition, in industry, the means of production. Neoliberals are focused much more in their own acumulation of capital, keep the state aparatus for themselves, use the system to maintain themselves on top, and sell their national resources and commodities for cheap prices in exchange for foreign protection. One palpable example of this is Mileis Argentina today.


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>My special brand of imperialism is better
Sure buddy


What's good for Cuba, North Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Nicaragua, Algeria, Belarus, Palestine, the PRC and Bolivia is good for global Socialism and i fully believe this.


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> The difference is that the west relies on the use of force and intimidation to keep its partnes obedient, but BRICS treat nations with mutual respect and cooperation.
I would mind fascists less if they didn't try to cloak in red


Your pic does not contradict anything said. Show something material instead of your Reddit memes.


Don't scale this comversation, keep it civil.


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>What's good for Cuba, North Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Nicaragua, Algeria, Belarus, Palestine, the PRC and Bolivia is good for global Socialism
More capitalist "free trade" is good for "global socialism"?



Free trade doesnt exist and is not good >>1885753
Just a abandon this point, they will not leave you alone until you abandon the free trade instance


1)russia imperialist meme, go to/ukraine/ if you want to talk about it
2) coincidentally, Africa is finally having a period of fast industrialization and economic growth, thanks tô BRICS and specially China support for massive infraestructure projects, hospitals, universities, schools, in Africa. But that is bad somehow.
3) same thing
4) same thing
5) same thing. Mining and extraction are necessary for our current economy. China is the country that most close coal and oil usage industries, and is the country that produces an insane ammount of clean renewable energy.
6)" Wagner group in Africa"
7) cant believe venezuela is doing oil extractions in their own territory.


Bro is literally doing the meme 8 posts above, lmao


What is the
>meme 8 posts above


> Muh development
Capital export is one of the main traits of capitalism-imperialism, you see it with Lenin complaining about french-financed railways in russia and with how european imperialism began by investing heavily in africa



So should Africa stay poor forever so it isn't tainted by the evil of capitalism?


Só basically, china will force africans to have high education, better living conditions, literacy, increase the life expectancy, make Africa independent of West exports, make african produce their own computers, and they will like it. No matter how many debt pardons China needs to no, africa will become better, more developed, and more happy.


I already made my point, your reddit meme does not disproves anything that was already said.


>tankies when they learn the life expectancy in Africa was almost multiplied by two between the beginning and the end of the colonial period


Source? In what, a timeframe of 50 years like China or 500+ years of literal genocide and slavery?


>tankies when they learn Japan built trains in Manchuria


Proportion and scale. A leaf is not the same as a forest. A stone is not the same as a planet. Building some trains in some country is not the same as, like mentioned befote, having more than 10 000 chinese business investing in Africa


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>fascists when they learn that slavery made most white southerners homeless


go back to reddit


It's really like trying to teach philosophy to children. Hate children, imagine how much I hate overgrown children


Those "muth both sides suck" bots would be indifferent to Hitlers conquest, because they would say the British empire was imperialist as well, and that Lenin hated the capitalist powers like France and Britain. They would be upset communists were "collaborating with industrialist capitalists", saying they betrayed their ideals or whatever.


Children can learn philosophy pretty well if you strip out all the aristocratic social theory it's intended to transmit. They'll quickly find it useful in arguing against their parents!


>believing we should care about and mimic the emotions of the ruling class
Absolutely retarded.


Point is, it's annoying beyond what is tolerable and if me and a both-sideist retard end up in the same room, you are going out the window


Yeah, nah, anyone who thinks Capital is an instruction manual will not live to see the end of the revolution because they will have given their lives in the vain attempt to stop it.


lmao tough boy


If you're not here to cut up rightoids for meat, you're the meat.


> You are the rightoid liberal!!?!
> No you are you fascist class collaborationist??!!!!!?!
> China is Imperialist in África you labor aristocrat!!?!

If no one has nothing more to add to the discussion table, you may have the right to remain silent. No point in repeating the same discussion points. Those childish insults are a waste of time that are polluting the thread quality. No point in discussing with keyboard larper warriors online.


>support dialogue, cooperation and trade with BRICS, acknowledge their growing importance and support their institutions, shit on nato, support dedollarization, call out new cold war propaganda.
Kind of telling that your only concept of "actually doing something" is shitposting online and engaging in "discourse".


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Come here, meat boy


that photo is from like 70 years after slavery ended. most white southerners were yeoman farmers during the slave era. this is around the dust bowl and great depression era.


>most white southerners were yeoman farmers during the slave era
The Owsley argument is still under contention by historians to this day but it's undeniable that slavery caused great white wealth inequality even among yeomen while crackers were forced to compete with slaves.


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Is your body ready?

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