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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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When the revolution comes, bigots will be shot in the knees.


Special snowflake disorder strikes again. Unable to accept the reality and place it in a historical context, the confused anonymous poster projects their emotional revenge fantasies by eliciting a description that has no factual basis!

Many such cases!


When they aren't spending time online ranting about how certain sections of comedy are instead 'inherently fascist', the anonymous user begins his fiftieth or sixtieth reading of his collected works of Mao, angrily refreshing 'neoliberal' subreddits, decrying other socialists through whatever fantastical appellative comes to mind.

Of course this user accomplishes nothing, not even in their understanding of the world. Because they are stuck at a stage of psychological development in which they cannot succesfully sublate difference, they will spend the rest of their days shackled to chains they never see which are as clear as day to anyone they talk to.


that's a lot of psychobabble to defend an obvious fascist whose fans are 90% fascist


But, we must have empathy for this poor creature.

In their mind, like the antisemitic Nazi, or the pure-blooded of liberals, they are the saviour of their own broken system of thought, to which no one else can compare.


>I will deliberately not read the argument made and retort with a conclusion to which it already answers


I have zero respect for freaks who have to try psychoanalyse others to defend their argument


I have zero respect for people who can't understand obvious satire.


But then retards like you can't even understand basic comedy.


Can somebody turn this into an mp4?



Thank you, I love this song.

If I'm lucky enough to die on my own terms in this world, I will go listening to this.


File: 1717122378345.mp4 (9.45 MB, 640x360, American Pie.mp4)


>explaining wealth inequality with food
post this in the burgerpunk thread


anything but metric


It's pretty shocking to me that this is a surprise to average people.


The average burger has no fucking clue about their own country.
I mean it when i say the average burger is basically brainwashed.




Vid related
Americans are more brainwashed than they believe North Koreans to be


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>how many slices would you put on the middle class
This guy must have thought they were looking for a popultion distribution lol. He gave them a fucking bell curve.


>leftypol is a Hyde board
The decline continues
>his life advice helped you
Glad you found an e-daddy


the way he licks his lips is so fucking revolting lmao


File: 1717962883309.webm (5.39 MB, 640x360, zeropoosie.webm)

>A lot of it and his life advice I found helpful
it was this wasn't it?


>The average burger has no fucking clue about their own country.


Anyone got the webm which was a compilation of /leftypol/ers reacting to Agent Kochinski having his porn folder leaked?


File: 1717979153619-2.webm (750.65 KB, 640x360, vooshfolder.webm)

no but i got deez


his life advice stuff is pretty solid though


File: 1719288251277.mp4 (17.48 MB, 1280x720, 1707829155006.mp4)

Here ya go.


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Sam Hyde is historically progressive. His antisemitism is rooted in an anti-imperialist analysis, basically that antisemitism really isn't a big deal because Israel is a part of the Bourgeoisie.


>the antisemitism isnt a big deal


Leftists try not to be antisemitic challenge: IMPOSSIBLE



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Fuckin' legend! Now we should all talk about GigaKenya and not GigaChad anymore!


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>National Bolshevik eagle with Sorel quote at the end


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meme potential


That eagle only became a symbol of National Bolshevism in the 1930s, well after its original inception in the 1910s for the Sorelian group Cercle Proudhon


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You're right, but that's even worse though lol. At least National Bolshevism is associated with memes and the Russian punk scene, the only people still unironically identifying as National Syndicalists in the twenty-first century are outright fascists (if there was ever a version of national syndicalism that wasn't fundamentally proto-fascist in the first place)


>National Syndicalists
You are equating National-Syndicalism with Sorelianism, the two are not the same
>the only people still unironically identifying as National Syndicalists in the twenty-first century are outright fascists
That might have some truth to it, but diminishing an ideology based off of a generalization of its adherents is a bit of a cop out. I could just as easily say that all Ultras are larpers and discard the ideology from there, but thats disingenuous. I think it is also important to note the numerous modern ideologies in one way or another influenced by Sorelianism, Neo-Marxism, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo thought etc.
>national syndicalism that wasn't fundamentally proto-fascist in the first place
calling national-syndicalism "proto-fascism" is as idiotic as calling nazism "proto-nazbolism", one should not define an ideology by what other ideology it influenced or became, because ideologies can be interpreted and misinterpreted in whatever way someone wants, regardless of the intention or character of the original ideology.


>That eagle only became a symbol of National Bolshevism in the 1930s
>only in the 1930s
You are using imagery that has been associated with fascism for 90 years and act surprised when people think you are a fascist?


>National-Bolshevism is Fascism
Not everything is Fascism, Niekisch directly condemned and critiqued Fascism


yes, the eagle is the symbol of fascism


Ok and? That doesn't change anything about the modern association of this image with fascism. You can try to reclaim it, if you think it is that important. Just be honest about your intentions and don't whine about shit that happened decades ago, when people think it is a fascist symbol.


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tbh, i think the "united farm workers" should change symbol. But the eagle is just an animal, it doesn't posses any ideology.


>You are equating National-Syndicalism with Sorelianism, the two are not the same
They aren't, but we were talking about Sorel specifically in relation to the Cercle Proudhon, an explicitly National Syndicalist group with deep connections to the French monarchist and fascist movements of the interwar.
>one should not define an ideology by what other ideology it influenced or became
This is true, but National Syndicalism in its theory and practice is largely analogous to that of Fascism and its history is extensively intertwined with that of Fascism (the Italian and Spanish branches mostly, the NSDAP broke with it on the Night of the Long Knives). If there is a desire to separate National Syndicalism from those associations and retrieve something of value from its ideology, the right medium for that would be some sort of theoretical paper. Memes just don't allow for the sort of nuanced understanding necessary to achieve that.

I actually hold quite some fondness for Sorel as a theorist, for what it's worth. But one has to make sure to untangle Sorelianism from its unsavory associations, and presenting one of his quotes in combination with the symbol of the Cercle Proudhon just isn't a good look.


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I was unaware the symbol had any association with Fascism, only National-Bolshevism, and that ideology is so small and niche that a stolen symbol (especially one they only sparingly use) cannot be so definitively linked to them. In my original post I even linked it with an additional Sorel quote, further clarifying its use. The eagle is a Sorelian symbol, and as one of the few such symbols I would rather it remain Sorelian.
>group with deep connections to the French monarchist and fascist movements of the interwar.
Maurras, a prominent organizer and philosopher of the principle monarchist group Action Francaise had a generally bad opinion of them, he condemned how they met with non-royalists and non-nationalists and invited them to join the group. Georges Valois, the leader of the group, took part in the French Resistance.


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>Georges Valois, the leader of the group, took part in the French Resistance.
I know, he also died in the camps for his part in the Resistance. But that doesn't change the fact that the man was for much of his life either a self-described fascist or a sympathiser (see picrelated). It's good to know that the inclusion in the video was in good faith though, but it's just a little racy to include references to this particular ideological tendency without context.


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