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al-Qassam Brigades









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الله أكبر
.الى جميع الكادحين في الشرق، ان مصيركم في ايديكم
!يا عمال العالم ويا شعوبه المضطهدة، اتحدوا
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>a senior US official told MEE, citing intelligence, and speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive report


if you are an american just get a psa ar


< REVIEWS: "But ENclip my XYZ-12 box fed autoloader has no bad reviews out there."
<No timanthony, it doesn't. Because that's the 27th renamed tacticool Turkish shotgun that has been imported this month. There are hardly any reviews for most of these guns because there are so many renames, remodels, and rebrands that it's hard to have any actual data, and if there is any it's someone who fired 50 rounds and gave it five stars. The fact of the matter is their quality control sucks and you are taking a chance. We generally have no idea what factories in Turkey are making them or what they are doing. And even if we do, it's still made under the same principle of cheap. Edit 2022: it should be noted that there is a theory that the importers rename the same gun every few months to specifically deceive people and avoid the negative reviews the gun might have had under the old model name.
This is like 99% of products sold on Amazon and even in stores as well. Bunch of name hopping fly by night Chinese imports.


Armed clashes have erupted between resistance fighters and the traitorous Palestinian Authority security forces after they stormed a home in Tulkarem.

Resistance fighters in Tulkarem are opening fire on the Palestinian Authority Security Forces headquarters in the city.
PA bullets resulted in a serious head injury and a second leg injury since the armed clashes broke out moments ago.

Tulkarem Camp Brigade:
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
"And all faces will be humbled before the Ever-Living, All-Sustaining. And those burdened with wrongdoing will be in loss."
This is the truth of Allah the Almighty.
We, in the Tulkarem Camp Brigade denounce the [Palestinian] Authority Security Forces' storming of the home of the comrade fighter Hakam Talib after midnight, in the manner of "israeli" special forces, dressed in civilian clothing and accompanied by gunfire, violating the sanctity of the home and terrorizing the neighbors and residents. From here, we affirm the following:
Firstly, the compass of our rifles will remain directed at the sons of Zion, but we will not allow anyone to attack our homes. By Allah, we have risen only to deter the cowardly occupier and to defend our people and their dignity.
Secondly, the blood of the betrayed martyr, Ahmad Abu Al-Ful, has not yet dried, and the perpetrators have not been held accountable or brought to justice. If you are men of the law who want to implement the law, hold yourselves accountable first for what your hands, stained with the blood of the fighters from our people, have committed.
Thirdly, we affirm that we are committed to our national position, which is keen on the unity of Palestinian blood, but we call on reasonable people, if any, to stop this farce, as our blood and our lives are not cheap, and the language of the sword and bullets should only be reserved for the enemy, the aggressing, usurping Jews.
Fourthly, if such actions are repeated, we promise you that the shooting at that time will not be an attack, but rather self-defense, and we will not show mercy on those who try to harm us or the dignity of the homes of the people of our camp. We are also always ready for good if the [Palestinian] Authority's Security Forces stop pursuing us and change the approach they are taking towards us.
Finally, we assure you, people of our beloved camp, that we are on the covenant of the martyrs, and that we will remain a shield and support for you, Allah willing, until Allah grants us victory or martyrdom.
Peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you.
Your brothers, the Tulkarem Camp Brigade.

Nine IOF soldiers were injured, 3 of them in serious condition, as a result of an explosive drone launched by Hezbollah towards the occupied Golan Heights, according to zionist media.



the dumb part is you can get a 100% reliable shotgun for $200 but it wont be TACTICAL.


Ex-IOF general describes ops situation in Gaza as 'Sisyphus complex'

Israeli army officials have underlined their dissatisfaction with the military operations in the Gaza Strip, emphasizing that the Palestinian Resistance movement, Hamas, can regain its power.

Giora Eiland, a retired major general, told Israel’s Channel 13, “Something is frustrating in all these operations. This is like a Sisyphus complex that pushes a rock to the top of the mountain and then it rolls back down," emphasizing that Hamas had the "ability to rise again."

Eiland detailed how after Israeli occupation forces (IOF) withdraw from a neighborhood, "they (Hamas’ fighters) resume their activity in that area anew."

Another retired commander, Israel Ziv, the former chief of the army's operations department, blasted the IOF's conduct in Gaza, saying there was "no one major victory and there is still no military decisiveness."

Ziv told Israeli Channel 12 that "Israel" is at a stalemate in Gaza. At the same time, there is a big escalation in the North that might lead to war, he added, warning that Hezbollah's rockets and projectiles constitute a serious threat to the occupied territories.


that's a bolt action retard, it's also the size of a fucking man.

if you want a cheap rifle you go out and buy a PSA AR-15 not a fucking antique mosin.


Why do they still call Hamas every armed soldier there? At this point in the invasion it's total war and everyone, islamist or not, is fighting for survival. Of course they still resume activity. It's like when Napoleon invaded Spain and was surprised every town had guerilla fighters.


oh i should mention that shotgun is a Mossberg Maverick 88. they are great guns and there's not much excuse to not have one.


Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades:
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
"Rejoicing in what Allah has bestowed upon them of His bounty, and they receive good tidings about those [to be martyred] after them who have not yet joined them—that there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve."
This is the Truth of Allah Almighty.
With the highest expressions of pride and honor, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades - Palestine, the Nidal Al-Amoudi Brigade, exalt to our steadfast Palestinian people:
The martyr commander / Ahmed Ibrahim Abu Sharia "Abu Al-Abed"
Commander of the Al-Aqsa Flood Battle in the eastern Gaza sector
Who was martyred as a result of a cowardly assassination operation by the zionist enemy's aircraft
The Al-Aqsa Brigades affirm that they will remain steadfast on the path of resistance until this oppressive occupier is expelled.
"And indeed, it is a revolution until victory"



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>a senior US official told MEE, citing intelligence, and speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive report
lol yeah the MEE article has those unnamed officials saying that, but the bulk of the article beneath the headline and first few paragraphs is a million reasons why Putin is not going to do that. A big one: Saudi Arabia if it really wanted to could hurt Russia badly by cutting oil production. (This is an interesting area where Russia's interests and China's interests vis-a-vis the Middle East are at odds because China benefits from lower oil prices while Russia benefits from higher prices.) It's not surprising though to see articles of various kinds, from multiple directions, by various players trying to encourage friction between states.

One week, you'll hear about why Saudi Arabia is getting rid of the petrodollar (didn't happen) and then the next week you'll hear about Putin giving ship-killing Kalibr missiles to the Houthis (not happening). Everyone wants MBS to be their friend and pull him away from the other kids on the playground. He's MINE. You can't hang out with him anymore!!!! They want him to move in one particular drection, but being MBS and having massive influence over OPEC, gets to maneuver in all directions simultaneously, and being the king (okay crown prince technically), gets to play with everybody.


wouldn't the saudis cutting oil production make oil prices higher


>that's a bolt action retard,
Could it be why the post has the words bolt action in it?
>not to mention a bolt action.


Stupid idiots with their magazine fed semi-auto shotgun, have you never watched Rambo and seen how many people he kills with a bow?


Oh yeah, I got it backwards.


honestly this is the first and best gun i have ever owned.
10 out of 10.


Hezbollah operations 06/30/2024:
Targeting the headquarters of the “Sahel” Battalion in the “Beit Hillel” barracks with a Falaq missile, hitting it directly, destroying part of it, and causing confirmed casualties in it, as a response to the “israeli” enemy’s attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe houses, especially in the town of Houla.
Targeting a building used by “israeli” enemy soldiers in the “Metulla” settlement with appropriate weapons and directly hitting it, as a response to the enemy’s attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe houses, especially in the town of Taybeh.
Launching an aerial attack with a squadron of attack drones on the headquarters of the armored battalions of the 188th Brigade in “Rawia” Barracks, targeting its command building and the locations of its officers and soldiers and directly hitting it, which led to the outbreak of fire and causing confirmed casualties in it, as a response to the “israeli” enemy’s attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe homes, especially in the town of Houla.
16:40: targeting the military workshop of the “Beit Hillel” Barracks with a Falaq missile, hitting it directly, destroying part of it, and causing confirmed casualties.
Targeting a building used by “israeli” enemy soldiers in the “Yir’on” settlement with appropriate weapons and directly hitting it, as a response to the “israeli” enemy’s attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe houses, especially in the town of Kafr Kila.
Targeting the headquarters of the 91st Division in the “Branit” barracks with a heavy Burkan missile, directly hitting it, destroying part of it, and causing confirmed casualties in it, as a response to the “israeli” enemy’s attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe houses, especially in the town of Houla.
17:30: targeting “israeli” enemy artillery positions in “Khirbet Ma’ar” with rocket weapons.
18:00: targeting the Ruwaisat al-Qarn site in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms with rocket weapons, causing a direct hit.
18:30: targeting the Al-Samaqa site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills with rocket weapons, hitting it directly.

As the zionist entity faces a shortage of soldiers, ultra-Orthodox Jews continue their confrontations with zionist police in protest of the passage of laws that will force the usually exempt 1.3 million ultra-Orthodox to serve in the IOF.
Settlers blocked roads with fires, physically attacked police, and raised signs across Al-Quds readings: "We will not enlist in the army." Settlers chanted: "We will go to prison, and we will not go to the army!"
Dozens of attacks on police were reported today alone, as the weight of the zionist entity's contradictions begin to manifest in increasingly violent ways and internal divide.


New footage obtained by Al-Jazeera shows how the zionist army uses kidnapped Palestinians as human shields in the Gaza Strip.
The imprisoned Palestinians, intentionally dressed in zionist military uniforms and equipped with body cameras, are identifiable in the footage by a blue tag on their arms (1:04), identifying them as prisoners. They are forced to enter residential buildings and when tunnels are found, they are expected to enter tunnels ahead of the IOF soldiers themselves. The expectation is that if a home or tunnel opening is rigged to explode, the Palestinian prisoners will be killed rather than the zionist soldiers.
This blatant war crime is exposed in a set of videos. The first video (1:25) shows two Palestinians sent into a destroyed home to look for a tunnel opening. They report back to the soldiers supervising them that their digging only yielded dirt and concrete.
In another video (1:59), a Palestinian prisoner is forced into a tunnel found in Gaza. He is bound by a cable to the zionist soldiers above ground. “Guys, the army are using me as a lure,” he calls out, hoping the resistance fighters will hear him and not engage in combat.
In a third video (3:25), two Palestinian prisoners are forced into a residential building to confirm that there are no land mines or resistance fighters within it. Neither prisoner speaks, as they are monitored by a body camera and a small drone accompanying them. One of the prisoners is seriously wounded and is forced to carry out his task unclothed.


"We don't come face to face with Hamas … [the government] is blatantly lying to us."
Israeli army reserve general Yitzhak Brik says the military is not winning, and that claims of killing hundreds of Hamas fighters and of sealing off the tunnels on the border with Egypt are not true.

The Naval Forces of the Yemeni Armed Forces:
We renew our advice to the crews of ships from companies violating the navigation ban to the ports of occupied Palestine to abandon their ships, as they have become targets for us.
We affirm that our operations will continue to escalate against all violating ships and companies as long as the zionist aggression against the Gaza Strip continues.

With the highest expressions of pride and honor, Saraya Al-Quds, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine, exalts to our fighting Palestinian people and to the Arab and Islamic nations:
The martyr commander Saeed Ezzat Jaber (24 years old),
One of the leaders of the Tulkarm Brigade who had a prominent role in the resistance work in the West Bank, who ascended to martyrdom as a result of a treacherous targeting by the zionist warplanes of a residential building in the Nour Shams camp.

The number of wounded IOF soldiers as a result of Hezbollah's drone attack on the "Rawia" Barracks in the occupied Syrian Golan has increased to 21, with 3 in serious condition, according to zionist media.

Previous reports stated that 69% of the IOF's weapons come from the United States, while 30% come from Germany. Italy came third with 0.9%. However, new countries have emerged to facilitate the genocide of Palestinians: Morocco has begun manufacturing military drones in cooperation with the zionist entity and India has begun manufacturing Elbit Systems Hermes drones as of a few months ago.
This week, US officials reports that the US has sent 14,000 highly destructive 2-ton bombs 3,000 Hellfire missiles, 6,500 500-pound bombs, 1,000 bunker-buster-bombs, and 2,600 small-diameter bombs to the zionist entity since October 7th.
Now, Serbia has begun exporting weapons to the IOF, according to a new report from two weeks ago. After 8 months of systematic genocide, the destruction of hospitals and schools, and the ongoing siege, Serbia shamelessly facilitates Palestinian bloodshed and land theft.
In light of this revelation, a Serbian Muslim yesterday attacked the zionist embassy in Belgrade, Serbia and was seriously wounded.
So, what are the details of these arms exports?
The joint investigation identified seven IOF flights between "Nevatim" airbase in the occupied Naqab and Belgrade, Serbia between February and May 2024, coinciding with a spike in Serbian arms exports to the zionist entity worth 16 million euros.
The weapons were exported via the state-owned Serbian arms company "Yugoimport." The largest transfer in years took place on March 18th, comprising 14 million euros worth of weapons. Three more IOF flights arrived on May 26th, comprising 1.17 million euros of weapons.
These exports to the zionist entity coincide with the support of Serbian president Aleksandar Vučić to the zionist entity, who sought to increase "bilateral relations" with the entity following a call with Netanyahu in February. Exports to the entity were previously low, but Vučić seeks to use these arms deals to bolster his position with Western powers.
Serbia insisted on its arms despite evidence that "israeli" military actions in Gaza constitute genocide, and in light of calls from UN experts and bodies to halt arms transfers due to the risk of facilitating violations of international law.
These transfers are a clear violation of international law, as they facilitate genocide. The zionist entity, however, disregards all international decisions. The report added that the IOF seeks to obtain Serbian ammunition in light of their own ammunition and vehicle shortage, due to the strikes of the resistance; these include 155mm artillery shells, explosive components, guided and unguided bombs, air defense missiles, and small arms.
Arms traders continue to profit off of Palestinian blood with the zionist entity in an unholy alliance. As the resistance continues to inflict casualties on the enemy, and as the enemy finds itself further isolated on the international stage, the desperately seeks means to continue its genocide. This unlimited supply of weaponry underscores the moral bankruptcy of the profiteers, but the resistance remains steadfast no matter how many planes, bombs, or weapons the enemy has.

On June 30, an autonomous group targeted the world's 25th largest weapons manufacturer, Rolls-Royce and MTU America, headquartered in Novi, MI.

Iraqi Resistance Coordination Committee:
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,
The Iraqi Resistance Coordination Committee convened following the threats by the zionist-American enemy to launch a full-scale war on Lebanon and its valiant resistance.
The Coordination Committee decided that if the zionists carry out their threat, the pace and quality of operations against them will escalate, and the criminal American enemy's interests in Iraq and the region will be legitimate targets for the men of the resistance, "Indeed, thus do We deal with the criminals."
The massacres and genocide that our people in Palestine are facing necessitate taking firm stances against the normalization states, rather than supporting them with Iraq’s oil and money. Perhaps the Aqaba-Basra oil pipeline, which drains Iraq with huge amounts of money without economic benefit to the country, is the starting point for involving Iraq - the country of Ali, Hussein, and the pure Imams (peace be upon them) - in a malicious project that paves the way for normalization with the zionist entity, "And you will see the criminals that Day bound together in shackles."
Iraqi Resistance Coordination Committee
June 30, 2024
Corresponding to 23 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445 AH



>Saraya Al-Quds, military engineering unit eliminates a zionist force inside a building with a tunnel opening rigged with explosives in a pre-prepared ambush in the Shuja'iyya neighborhood on the night of June 28
reduce, reuse, recycle


50 Palestinians who were abducted by zionist forces from the Gaza Strip have been returned to Gaza, among them the director of Al-Shifa Hospital, Dr. Mohammed Abu Salmiya.
Dr. Abu Salmiya was abducted while carrying out his medical duties eight months ago in November 2023, when the occupation first invaded Al-Shifa Medical Complex. He was subjected to torture for months, and his exact whereabouts were unknown until today. He is one of 310 medical personnel who have been abducted by the IOF from Gaza.
There were widespread calls calling for his release, including from medical cadre outside the zionist embassy in Amman, Jordan.
In his first statement since his freedom, Dr. Abu Salmiya spoke about the conditions of the prisoners. He said: “The prisoners are going through the worst situation our people have experienced since 1948… There must be a clear, decisive word from the resistance and the Arab peoples for the freedom of all of the prisoners from the prisons.”
When asked why the IOF abducted medical staff, he said: "The occupation arrests everything. There were medical staff martyred in the prisons… There are prisoners martyred through torture… The occupation destroys everything: medical staff, journalists. They are killers of women and children. They target everything, but we will rebuild the Gaza Strip from scratch, and we will return Al-Shifa Medical Complex, from where we were arrested, to as it was and better."

Along with Dr. Mohammed Salmiya, the director of Al-Shifa Hospital, a number of other medical staff were released from zionist prisons, including the head of the Orthopedic Department at the European Hospital, Dr. Bassam Miqdad.
Dr. Abu Salmiya embraced his family for the first time since November 2023. He delivered a press conference, where he stated: "I am astonished by the statements from parties within the occupation government claiming they were unaware of my release, as I was released in an official manner. The occupation did not charge me with any crime despite being tried three times… For two months, none of the prisoners had more than one loaf of bread per day… The occupation forces amputated the legs of prisoners suffering from diabetes instead of providing them with treatment."
Meanwhile, Dr. Miqdad, who was abducted in January, stated that he was moved between prisons—Asqalan, "Ofer," and "Nafah"—and abused and tortured. "I could write books about this matter." He spoke about the sexual abuse that the prisoners faced at the hands of the criminal zionists. He states that his torture was not to the point of death like other prisoners, but highlights the case of his colleague, doctor Adnan Al-Bursh, who was martyred in the zionist "Ofer" prison, which Dr. Miqdad states has horrible conditions.
One prisoner who was freed spoke about the brutal torture he was subjected to. The occupation first accused him of belonging to PIJ, and then claimed that he was Yahya Sinwar. Some of the other 50 prisoners released today also spoke of the brutal conditions in the zionist concentration camps.

The zionist public comments on the decision to release 120 Palestinian prisoners from zionist concentration camps, including the director of Al-Shifa Hospital, Dr. Mohammed Abu Salmiya.
Netanyahu and Gallant were reportedly shocked upon learning of Dr. Abu Salmiya's release and claim to be investigating the matter. Gallant accused the Shin Bet of mishandling the situation. Zionist ministers demanded an explanation from Gallant.
In turn, the Shin Bet said that it was not responsible, and in an official statement, blamed Itamar Ben-Gvir for the release of the prisoners. Meanwhile, the "israeli" Prison Service, in an official statement, blamed the IOF and Shin Bet. While the Shin Bet claimed the reason for the release was overcrowding, this was denied by the Prison Service. Avigdor Lieberman called the release a "moral, security, and value downfall."
Leaked messages from a WhatsApp group of zionist government officials witnessed a heated discussion. In the group, Ben-Gvir demanded the head of the Shin Bet be fired due to the "security negligence" and blamed Gallant.
Netanyahu then stated that the release came due to pressure from the zionist Supreme Court to investigate the horrific conditions of prisoners in the "Sde Teman" concentration camp.
The zionist opposition, including Lapid and Gantz, stated that the "behavior is illegal and irresponsible," while Gantz stated: "This government does not deserve to manage the war and should resign. Whoever decided to release Abu Salmiya should be immediately dismissed. Netanyahu cannot continue to manage the war in this manner."
Even the families of zionist captives held in Gaza weighed in, contrasting Dr. Abu Salmiya's release to the fact that their sons are still held by the resistance in Gaza due to the zionist government's obstinance in reaching an exchange deal.
Dr. Abu Salmiya confirmed after his release that no charges were ever brought against him in the 8 months that he was abducted. He is not a security threat, but a long-time doctor who was previously the director of Al-Nasr Hospital in 2007, the director of Al-Rantisi Hospital in 2015, and the director of Al-Shifa Hospital from 2019 until his abduction on November 23, 2023.
The zionist regime's conflicting, chaotic reactions contrast starkly with the steadfast unity and resolve of the resistance, again highlighting the enemy's disarray in the face of a united people resolute in their cause.


Zionist media reports that a number of IOF soldiers were killed and wounded as a result of the resistance detonating a booby-trapped building in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip.

The IOF has withdrawn humiliated from Nour Shams camp, Tulkarem, leaving behind the remains of its damaged and disabled vehicles that were targeted by the resistance in the hours-long stand off.

An IOF soldier was killed by the resistance in Nour Shams Camp, Tulkarem, according to zionist sources.
In a booby-trapped building in Rafah, one soldier was killed and 10 were wounded, 3 of them seriously.

The IOF admits to the killing of a soldier by the resistance in the southern Gaza Strip, and the serious wounding of another soldier.

Since the beginning of Al-Aqsa Flood, 900 IOF officers with the ranks of captain or lieutenant colonel have applied to begin the process of their resignation.
Typically, only 100-120 officers of this rank request resignation per year, and this increase underscores the crisis of confidence crippling the fragile zionist entity from within.


A number of Palestinians are wounded after the Security Forces of the traitorous Palestinian Authority opened fire on them in Tubas.
PA Forces attempted an assassination on the men of the Tubas Brigade, but failed. Local sources also reported that PA vehicles ran over a young man while chasing wanted fighters and that PA Forces stole a fighter's weapon. None of the fighters were abducted.
Popular calls are being made in Tubas now to protest against the disgraceful practices of the Palestinian Authority against the resistance fighters that protect the city.
This development comes in light of increasing attempts by the Palestinian Authority to quell resistance in Tubas, a goal that it shares with the zionist entity that it coordinates with.


Hey leftypol, I just violated BDS today by eating at a falafel restaurant owned by an Israeli. What’s my punishment?


If Palestine activists were smart they’d take pictures of everyone entering a Zionist facility and put them on blast.



Yemeni Armed Forces:
Statement of the Yemeni Armed Forces Regarding the Execution of Four Military Operations Targeting Four Ships Belonging to the Trio of Evil: America, Britain, and the zionist Enemy on 01-07-2024
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
The Almighty said: "O you who have believed, if you support Allah, He will support you and plant firmly your feet."
This is the truth of Allah Almighty.
In victorious support for the oppressed Palestinian people and their fighters, and in response to the massacres committed by the zionist enemy against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, and in response to the American and British aggression against our country,
By the grace of Allah, the Yemeni Armed Forces carried out four qualitative military operations targeting four ships belonging to the American, British, and Israeli trio of evil. These operations were as follows:
The first operation was executed by the missile force with several cruise missiles targeting the “israeli” ship (MSC Unific) in the Arabian Sea, achieving precise and direct hits by the grace of Allah.
The second operation was executed by the missile and naval forces with several ballistic and cruise missiles targeting the American oil tanker (Delonix) in the Red Sea for the second time this week.
The third operation targeted the British landing ship (Anvil Point) in the Indian Ocean, achieving precise and direct hits by the grace of Allah. The ship was targeted with several cruise missiles by the missile force of the Yemeni Armed Forces.
The missile force executed an operation with several cruise missiles targeting the ship (Lucky Sailor) in the Mediterranean Sea. The ship was targeted due to its owning company's violation of the decision to prohibit entry to the ports of occupied Palestine.
The operations of the Yemeni Armed Forces will not cease until the aggression is halted and the siege on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip is lifted.
Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs, the best protector, and the best helper.
Long live Yemen, free, honorable, and independent. Victory to Yemen and all the free people of the nation.
Sana'a, 25th of Dhul-Hijjah 1445 AH
Corresponding to July 1, 2024 AD
Issued by the Yemeni Armed Forces

The IOF officially admits to the death of one of its officers during deadly combat with the Palestinian resistance in Tulkarem, northern West Bank earlier this morning. They also admitted to the serious injury of another soldier.


commit burglary to steal back the money you paid


Go eat one from an arab place and tell whichever one is worse about the better one.


being born retarded is enough punishment for you


Zionist sources describe a “difficult security incident” underway on the “Netzarim” axis, north of Nusseirat camp in the central Gaza Strip. Occupation forces are deploying heavy flares and artillery strikes as they evacuate casualties, according to reports.

US-funded zionist warplanes are carrying out large-scale bombing and flaring raids above central Gaza as casualties among the IOF soldiers on the ground appear to mount. Details of the “security incident” in the area remain unclear.

Al-Mayadeen reports that the 99th Division of the zionist army called for massive air support in central Gaza earlier in order to provide cover amidst a large resistance ambush. Early reports indicate that at least 7 dead or wounded IOF soldiers have been evacuated from the Gaza Strip in recent minutes.

New reports on the “security incident” on the “Netzarim” axis indicate that a large number of resistance fighters carried out a precise ambush including rockets and mortar shells. Strict military censorship has been imposed on the event.


Gun ownership is a larp. Private firearms are just commodities you're not fighting a revolution without a logistics train from some external power. 9 times out of 10 it's some guy posting about it to be like "see, leftists aren't soy boys we also subscribe to cuckservative larping" but then they go buy some 80-year-old bolt-action and just get made fun of anyway.


larping is fun thoughever


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Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity. To seize everything you ever wanted in one moment. Would you capture it or just let it slip?


Hezbollah operations 07-01-2024:
16:10: the Samaqa site in the occupied Kafr Shuba hills was targeted with artillery shells, hitting it directly.
A building used by "israeli" enemy soldiers in the "Ramot Naftali" settlement was targeted with appropriate weapons, hitting it directly, in response to the "israeli" enemy's attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe homes, especially in the town of Houla.
17:40: the "Ma'ayan Baruch" site was targeted with artillery shells, hitting it directly, causing a fire to break out inside.
A building used by "israeli" enemy soldiers in the Metula settlement was targeted with appropriate weapons, hitting it directly, in response to the "israeli" enemy's attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe homes, especially in the town of Rab al-Thalathin.
Buildings used by "isareli" enemy soldiers in the Kfar Giladi settlement were targeted with appropriate weapons, hitting them directly, in response to the "israeli" enemy's attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe homes, especially in the town of Blida.
A building used by "israeli" enemy soldiers in the "Doviv" settlement was targeted with appropriate weapons, hitting it directly, in response to the "israeli" enemy's attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe homes, especially in the town of Kfar Kila.
Buildings used by "israeli" enemy soldiers in the "Granot HaGalil" settlement were targeted with appropriate weapons, hitting them directly, in response to the "israeli" enemy's attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe homes, especially in the town of Al-Bayada.

Two IOF soldiers were killed and 3 were wounded, as a result of the resistance's ambush on the "Netzarim" axis in the Gaza Strip today.


Here I will drop my answer on the Jewish question as an extension to Marx's work of the same name. Jews really are scum and I don't mean zionists, I mean the exact religion too. The only justification they have for belonging to Palestine today is brute force and conquest, but they are too pussy to admit that. Jews saying they have an unbroken ancestry to ancient Israel matters just as much as a white telling you he is black because of 1% African DNA. In fact, Jews have even less ancestry from that region compared to today's Arabs living in Palestine
Jews try to frame the discussion in a manner that paints them as special while appearing just like anyone else. But "jew" is not an ethnicity. The Hebrews are bred out of existence and are extinct, they can never be such a thing as "ethnoreligion". To imply otherwise is to say a Chinese Jew and an Ashkenazi (European) are the same ethnicity.
The wildest part of the whole thing is that the Jews are lying about what Israelite even meant, which is why so much of modern scholarship acts as if the Israelites were an offshoot of the Canaanites. There are large general groups that are more semitic but only small groups of specific Jews are reasonably semitic. This confusion over the term "semite" is itself a product of their retarded lying religion. Originally it means the sons of Shem. Even according to the Talmud, Jews were invaders and genocided Amalek to get the land. So why should October 7 be a "bad thing"? May there be a million more October 7's.


No one gives a shit about boycotting hole-in-the-wall falafel restaurants.


you live in germany dont you dipshit? you know who runs guns there? roma
talk to your local roma and ask em for a hook up ive got enough weapons that way to arm a small millita



so it's owned by an Israeli who moved to a different country? He's not occupying Palestinian land any more. That's a good thing.


Netanyahu slams report saying army wants Gaza truce
The Israeli prime minister, in response to a report by the New York Times, says his country will end the war only after achieving all of its goals

The report quoted anonymous security sources as saying that the Israeli army’s leadership wants a Gaza truce even if it keeps Hamas in power for the time being.

“I don’t know who those unnamed parties are, but I am here to make it unequivocally clear: It won’t happen,” Netanyahu said in a statement released by his office.

“We will end the war only after we have achieved all of goals, including the elimination of Hamas and the release of all our hostages.”

The Times report also said senior military officers believe that a ceasefire is the “swiftest way” to free the remaining Israeli captives held in Gaza.

“At least some tanks in Gaza are not loaded with the full capacity of the shells that they usually carry, as the military tries to conserve its stocks in case a bigger war with Hezbollah does break out, according to two officers,” the report said, with sources adding the army needs to restock before a potential war with Hezbollah in Lebanon.


Damnnn. Get fucked!


At least one settler is wounded in what appears to be a resistance shooting operation in the settlement of “Har Bracha” south of Nablus. The settler was sniped in the stomach from a long distance, according to zionist sources. The executor of the operation has not been identified.

The IOF admits that two of its officers were killed in yesterday's ambush in "Netzarim," while two other soldiers were seriously wounded. Over 200 mortar shells were fired at the IOF's headquarters in "Netzarim," which killed a deputy company commander and a platoon sergeant.

Hebrew Channel 12:
Head of the Shin Bet says that Israel is holding 21,000 Palestinian prisoners, although the prison capacity is only 14,500.
This number is much higher than the previously reported number of around 9,088.

IOF Reserve General Yitzhak Brik:
The stories from the "israeli" army claiming that we kill dozens or hundreds of fighters in every battle are a complete lie, as any fighter who has fought in the Gaza Strip will tell you they almost never encounter Hamas fighters face to face.
We destroy buildings, but we do not cause any harm to Hamas fighters, whom we do not fight face to face. Instead, we get hit by the explosives and traps they plant and the anti-tank missiles they launch.
The fighting in the Gaza Strip, which has lost its purpose, must stop immediately. Our soldiers are being killed and wounded in vain, and we are unable to bring Hamas to its knees because we cannot stay in the territories we have entered.
Netanyahu, Gallant, and Halevi should be stripped of their license to manage the war. This is akin to revoking the license of a drunk driver who has already run several red lights and caused a fatal accident. In such a case, the driver is immediately deprived of their license.


Red Cross:
The Gaza European Hospital in Khan Younis is unable to continue operating due to the evacuation of many employees and members of the medical, nursing and administrative staff following "israeli" evacuation orders.

In order to appease the International Criminal Court, the zionist Attorney General requested a criminal investigation into Itamar Ben-Gvir on charges of inciting violence against Gazans.
This morning, Ben-Gvir stated: "Since assuming my position as Minister of National Security, one of my highest priorities has been to worsen imprisonment conditions for [Palestinian] prisoners… I do not care about the international community’s anger regarding prison conditions."
The decision has been met with ridicule by zionist media. Ben-Gvir called it an "assassination attempt."
On a similar note, yesterday's release of dozens of tortured Palestinian prisoners from Gaza came in light of pressure from the zionist Supreme Court regarding the conditions of zionist concentration camps, in yet another attempt to appease criminal courts and whitewash genocide, despite the unabated shedding of the blood of tens of thousands of Gazans.

Fires have been burning for hours in "Kiryat Shmona" as a result of Hezbollah's large rocket barrage earlier today. Eight zionist firefighting crews have been working to extinguish the fires for several hours.


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