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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 [Last 50 Posts]


๐Ÿšจ Live Happenings/Updates ๐Ÿšจ

โ€ข Al-Jazeera: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/6/11/israels-war-on-gaza-live-ray-of-hope-after-unsc-approves-ceasefire

โ€ข Middle East Eye: https://www.middleeasteye.net/israel-palestine-hamas-war-gaza-live-invasion

โ€ข The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/palestinian-territories

โ€ข Times of Israel: https://www.timesofisrael.com/topic/liveblog/ (trigger warning)


Our own wiki. Be sure to add to it and create branching articles:



โ€ข https://electronicintifada.net
From the UK, single issue long time Palestinian investigative and general reporting, critical source

โ€ข https://mondoweiss.net/
From the USA

โ€ข https://new.thecradle.co/
Regional news from an anti-imperialist perspective

โ€ข https://www.btselem.org/Isrsaeli
Premier Human Rights org

โ€ข https://www.972mag.com/
Left news and opinion webzine from Tel-Aviv

โ€ข https://decolonizepalestine.com/
A collection of resources for organizers and anyone who wants to learn more about Palestine

โ€ข https://www.normanfinkelstein.com/blogs/
Known anti-zionist academic Norman Finkelstein's blog



al-Qassam Brigades







โ€ข https://www.answercoalition.org/join_a_protest_near_you_free_palestine
โ€ข https://www.palestineaction.org/


(This includes blatantly obvious concern failtrolling/fedposting, painfully unfunny/nuclear misanthropic autism [ie. /pol/] and derailing/hyper sectarian schizophrenia)

Always remember to double-check your sources, as well as provide access to it.

ุงู„ู„ู‡ ุฃูƒุจุฑ
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Death to the zionist colonizers!


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How do they manage to keep one-upping themselves with their bizarro barbarism?





imagine if this was reversed, if hamas rescued 4 prisoners in israeli jails and killed 200 civilians in the process. they'd lose their minds, they'd be calling for gaza to be nuked like they were doing in october.


All I can say is if the U.S. did the same thing, botching a rescue operation that resulted in them bombing a civilian market and killing hundreds of people to clear the way for their evacuation route, it would be recognized as a total catastrophe and by itself would cause a president to lose re-election.


Iโ€™m certain now that Israel will not survive this war. The use of humanitarian aid as a pretext to slaughter women and children is just another step towards the abyss. Itโ€™s just Americaโ€™s choice if they want to follow them.


Donโ€™t be childish.


I wish I could say that having read more news coming out of Notreal's hostage rescue, that I could still feel sickened or angry, instead everything is just more and more "oh yeah, they committed a whole bunch of warcrimes as they ALWAYS do."
The Cradel and The Jazeera are reporting that Notreal used the Uncle Sam's "aid pier", hid themselves in a truck with humanitarian aid, and then on top of that, some of the assault was dressed as aid workers.
That makes a total of 3 instances of perfidy for any comrades paying attention, using humanitarian infrastructure, vehicles and disguising for military purposes. Notreal has of course done all of this before so I just can't bring myself to be surprised.
God willing, one day all of this and more will visited upon the garden and its puppets


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NYT publishes documents implicating U.S. and UK intelligence in mass murder of Palestinians in Gaza.


still thinking about how the entity could totally nuke the suez canal and no one could stop them.


South Africa can sanction Israel and stop ships going from Indian to Atlantic ocean, too. Madagascar can do such a thing as well,while seizing nominally French islands around Madagascar


>just cut the artery of global trade and capitalist profitability
Hello? Based?


the entity has a standing policy to launch nuclear weapons if they are ever defeated, and they are about to be defeated. samson is 100% real.


Nah, there won't be anyone who'd issue such an order because people who are supposed to issue such an order will have to live in a world after the defeat of Israel. In other words, Hague's noose awaits them. They'll run like rats to USA and won't touch the nuclear button, instead opting to seethe and cope like Rhodesians or South Africans did


I mean TBH they would probably just nuke all the arab countries.


it wouldn't be hard to find a few fanatic pilots or sub crews. also the system could be entirely automated. a fail-deadly nuclear system is absolutely possible.

we already know the russians have such a system, called perimeter.


>we already know the russians have such a system, called perimeter.

wtf they made Dr. Strangelove into a real thing??



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from Quds News Network
>Israeli media report that the soldier Eliran Mizrahci killed himself due to severe depression following his return from battles in the Gaza Strip. The soldier used to share videos and pictures of himself taking part in war crimes in Gaza.


this feels like it should be huge. confirmation of actual USA boots on the ground taking part in the genocide, but now that it's out i'm realizing nothing will change really. what's anybody gonna do about it?


So, did USSR fire nukes at everyone around them or not? No? Well then, I stand correct, Israel's "dead hand" will not work


meh USSR was a diploannex, it doesn't count…


Israel will be diploannexed by Palestine




early on I remember there were articles about the SAS and DELTA force involved in finding hostages with nationalities. but they got shut down in the media quickly.


I've not really seen many serious people saying this thing about disguised aid trucks fwiw, would appreciate it if you gave the AJ link because i didn't see it there or on AM either.
Again, resistance didn't mention it at all and I even seen today Justin Podur and John Elmer said that probably was not the case.
Maybe it is true but without the real evidence or even seemingly many sources saying it i am tending to think you lot just want it to be true because of spectacle-addiction.


>Bombs and starves ~100,000 people to death
>Loses thousands of its own soldiers, along with billions in military equipment in the process
>Economy and reputation tanked
>Facing potential war on Lebanese front
>Somehow rescues 4 hostages after killing 10 times as many in friendly-fire in the most cowardly manner
>Acts like it is a victory
Yup, their days are numbered. They're getting extremely desperate. Just hope Cuckrallah doesn't bitch out.


put your rainbow nazi flag back on, faggot


For most Western countries, things will go back to normal once the war ends. Netanyahu will be the fall guy and have all the blame pinned on him and they will try to return to the status quo.


>put your rainbow nazi flag back on, faggot
Looks like /uke/ is leaking again.
Go back to your containment thread, kid.


>Just hope Cuckrallah doesn't bitch out.
Same tbh. They have seemingly destroyed all they can at the border, they said they will not let Gaza fall, let's see if they commit to that.


>killing 10 times as many
over 50 over 50 times as many


he meant hostages


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Gantz is doing a big announcement this eve it will probably be his resiginition.
I assumed this raid was timed in part (on his deadline) to push him in to remaining in the war cabinet.


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>Source: Trotsky
I bet you believe the IOF when they tell you all the murdered children were nazis


child mind


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>>Somehow rescues 4 hostages after killing 10 times as many in friendly-fire in the most cowardly manner
They rescued 4 but killed 3 in the process. Also lost 1 of their soldiers. So 4 Jews for 4 Jews all in all.
Hamas releases video claiming three hostages killed in Nuseirat rescue mission - report

>Video circulating online Saturday shows an IDF helicopter taking off from the beach with the U.S. pier in the backdrop. Two U.S. officials told CBS News that the U.S. pier was not used in the IDF operation. It is offshore to assist delivery of humanitarian aid. A U.S. official explained that the helicopter landed south of the facility on a beach but not within the cordoned area of the pier.

>"The pier facility was not used in the operation to rescue hostages today in Gaza. An area south of the facility was used to safely return the hostages to Israel," a U.S. official said. "Any such claim to the contrary is false. The temporary pier on the coast of Gaza was put in place for one purpose only, to help get more urgently needed lifesaving assistance into Gaza."


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That is crazy tho they got one of the original viral kidnapped rave hotties. That's gotta be worth triple points.


>killed half the hostages



>That is crazy tho they got one of the original viral kidnapped rave hotties.
Not really, ciivlians, so not held underground.


>So 4 Jews for 4 Jews all in all.
I'm talking about total number of hostages killed since oct 7. That number is at 41.


<Israelโ€™s war on Gaza: The view from China | The Bottom Line


Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades:
In exchange for them [the four hostages], your own army killed 3 of your own captives in the same attack; one of them holds a USA citizenship

The ship that was targeted 80 nautical miles southeast of Aden, Yemen, had a fire break out on board after it was hit by an โ€œunknown projectile.โ€

The UKMTO reports a second attack on a ship in the Gulf of Aden, 70 nautical miles southwest of Aden, Yemen.

National Resistance Brigades (Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces) spokesman Abu Khaled:
Our fighters ambushed an enemy infantry force and seized one of the occupation army's drones.
Commander Abu Khaled, spokesperson for "Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces" (the military wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine), issued a military statement announcing the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forcesโ€™ seizure of an โ€œisraeliโ€ enemy drone and ambushing one of its infantry forces. Below are the details:
First: Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces seized an โ€œisraeliโ€ enemy SkyLark drone during one of its reconnaissance missions southeast of Gaza City, and our fighter to dismantled the information it was carrying.
Second: Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces targeted an โ€œisraeliโ€ enemy infantry force in a pre-prepared ambush near the Affairs Building on the axis of advance in the Sultan neighborhood west of Rafah City. Our fighters bombarded it with anti-personnel shells, hand grenades, and medium machine guns, resulting in casualties among the patrol members.
Abu Khaled, the spokesperson for Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces, stated: Our fighters are sending the โ€œisraeliโ€ enemy a message that it will always pay greatly for its crimes and massacres against our people, and it should not be too confident in itself. Withdrawal from the Gaza Strip is the only way to save its worn-out army from the mud and sands of Gaza.
Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces โ€“ Military Wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Military Media

American-British warplanes launched three airstrikes on the Al-Jabana area west of Hodeidah, Yemen.


China can't do shit. The war will go on so long as the USA wants it seeing as they now have USA soldiers on the ground doing the genocide.


<May 3
>Benny Gantz threatens Netanyahu with resignation from the cabinet if there is no post-war plan for #Gaza by June 8.
<Just now:
>Member of israeli war Cabinet Benny Gantz will shortly announce his resignation from the war governmentโ€”Kan Hebrew Channel.
He actually kept his word.


bomb the pier


anon. just use a real source. they literally would have become before this in your search.
also, see; >>1880705


Hezbollah confronts an Israeli F-16 plane with surface-to-air missiles..
The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon - Hezbollah, continues its military operations against the Israeli occupation on the occupied Lebanese-Palestinian border in the context of the โ€œAl-Aqsa Floodโ€ battle.

In its latest statements, the Islamic Resistance announced that air defense units responded with surface-to-air missiles to an enemy Israeli warplane that violated Lebanese airspace in the southern region, in support of the steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, and in support of their resistance.

The resistance confirmed that air defense units forced the Israeli plane to flee and retreat behind the Lebanese border with occupied Palestine.

Al-Mayadeen correspondent reported monitoring an air defense missile fired at an Israeli warplane that was breaching the sound barrier.


>just use a real source.
my source:
Are you brain damaged?


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Okay, I always like it when people go for broke. No half measures.


Maybe not the best optics but I fuck with it


>my source:
As always when explicitly un-sourced the source is either AJ, Al Mayadeen or Times of Israel.
Exactly the same as *every time* you ask.


Genny bantz just quit


No one cares you dumb faggot.


<acting like this much of a maladjusted weirdo


Literally everyone in this thread has told you to stop spazzing out at some point or another.


How about contribute instead of being a whining autistic?


why the fuck would you leave it unsourced if you have a perfectly good source to give? when i read something here with no source i automatically assuse it came from twitter or some shit and therefore can be ignored.



The Palestinian Authorityโ€™s traitorous and cowardly attacks on the resistance in Tubas has been escalating in the past few days.
Yesterday, the PA confiscated resistance explosives at the Tayaseer checkpoint that were prepared to confront occupation forces. The repeated acts of sabotage by the Palestinian Authorityโ€™s Security Forces show that it is a security force which acts to defend the zionist entity, never moving to act when the IOF invades the city.
Following the interview which details the PAโ€™s persecution of Tubas Brigade members, the Authorityโ€™s treacherous operations have only intensified with today marking one of the most blatant acts of disloyalty to the Palestinian people in Tubas.
The Security Forces have closed the Tayaseer checkpoint, with no one being able to cross in or out. PA ambushes have been reported by local sources, as well as the abduction of two people.
Today, the PA have besieged the Turkish Forest in Tubas, the same area where members of the Tubas Brigade were attacked prior.
During the ongoing treacherous operations across Tubas and the PAโ€™s attempts to end the resistance, Palestinians across the West Bank are expressing their solidarity with the Brigade, further showing that the nationโ€™s loyalty and popular support truly lies with the resistance. In line with this, Tubas has called for a state of alert and the closure of all streets in the city.

A surface-to-air missile was launched at zionist warplanes while they were breaking the sound barrier in the airspace of southern Lebanon, according to Al-Manar correspondent Ali Shoeib.
This is the second time in history that enemy fighter jets were targeted with advanced air defense missiles, with the first occurring only a few days ago.

The UKMTO reports that a ship was attacked in the Gulf of Aden, 89 nautical miles southwest of Aden, Yemen.
It is the third attack reported by UKMTO in the Gulf of Aden in the last 24 hours.

The UKMTO reports that the ship that was attacked 89 nautical miles southwest of Aden, Yemen was directly hit by a missile.

A security source told the Yemeni SABA News Agency that "a major and unprecedented strategic security achievement will be announced tomorrow."
This comes a month after Yemeni Security Forces dismantled a group of 18 spies ("Force 400") spying for America and the zionist entity in western Yemen.


German police yell at mother and child for waving Palestinian flag.


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>Recent footage from the Tal Al-Sultan neighborhood, west of Rafah city, reveals decomposed bodies lying in the streets after an attack by Israeli occupation forces.

>Efforts to retrieve these bodies are being thwarted, as ambulances attempting to enter the area are also targeted by Israeli drones and aircraft.


Yemeni Armed Forces:
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
The Almighty says: โ€œO you who have believed, if you support Allah, He will support you and plant firmly your feet.โ€
This is the Truth of Allah, the Almighty.
In support of the oppressed Palestinian people and in response to the massacre in Nusseirat camp in the Gaza Strip yesterday,
The missile force carried out a military operation targeting the British war destroyer โ€œDiamondโ€ in the Red Sea with several ballistic missiles, achieving precise hits, by the grace of Allah.
The naval forces, missile force, and drone air force of the Yemeni Armed Forces carried out two joint military operations against two ships belonging to companies that violated the ban on access to the ports of occupied Palestine, namely:
The ship (Norderney), which was hit directly, by the grace if Allah, causing a fire, and the ship (MSC Tavvishi) in the Arabian Sea, which was hit directly.
The operations were executed with several naval and ballistic missiles and drones.
The Yemeni Armed Forces continue to fulfill their religious, moral, and humanitarian duty towards the Palestinian people, and their operations, with Allah's help, will not cease until the aggression stops and the siege on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip is lifted.
Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs. He is the best protector and the best helper.
Long live Yemen, free, honorable, and independent.
Victory to Yemen and all the free people of the nation.
Sana'a, 3 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445 AH
Corresponding to June 9, 2024 AD
Issued by the Yemeni Armed Forces

Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades - Knights of the Night - Nour Shams Camp:
In the name of Allah, the Most High and the Conquerer, in the name of the ever-expanding resistance, in the name of the glory of our leaders Nayef Abu Sharkh, Fadi Qafeisha, and Bassem Abu Sariya, we announce the launch of our Brigade, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades - Knights of the Night Groups in the Nour Shams camp.
Note: The group carries the same name as the Nablus resistance group, which operated during the second intifada. The group was led by Nayef and Bassem (nicknamed "Gaddafi"), while Fadi was a founding member, who, despite losing his arm, continued to resist.

Government Media Office:
The severe consequences of the "israeli" occupation's crime in Nusseirat Camp double the humanitarian crisis and reveal its premeditated intentions to commit a horrific and unprecedented massacre.
In the context of the ongoing severe consequences of the heinous crime committed by the "israeli" occupation army yesterday, Saturday, in Nusseirat camp (central Gaza Strip), and its direct targeting of tens of thousands of civilians, children, and women in a historic massacre recorded in the dark history of the most despicable and dirtiest occupation known to humanity, we would like to point out the following:
The number of martyrs due to the "israeli" occupation's crime against civilians in the Nusseirat massacre yesterday reached 274, including 64 children, 57 women, and 37 elderly, while the number of injuries reached 698, including 153 children, 161 women, and 54 elderly, with the rest being civilians who were present in the Nusseirat market and its surroundings and in the neighboring homes.
Field reports indicated that the "israeli" occupation army used two civilian vehicles in the Nusseirat massacre, the first a small civilian car, and the second a transport vehicle carrying goods, mattresses, and aids, which was clearly evident in the video clips circulated by the media. In addition, the soldiers participating in the massacre impersonated characters as if they were displaced people and wearing civilian clothes, in the context of planning to commit a horrific massacre against civilians, children, and women. This tactic was repeated in previous instances, such as when the occupation committed a massacre months ago in the New Camp area north of Nusseirat camp, where the occupation army stormed the new camp dressed in civilian clothes in ambulances marked with medical and health signs. This criminal method completely violates all international laws that criminalize such tactics, where the occupation army killed more than 14 martyrs in the previous crime in the new camp.
Field reports indicated that the "israeli" occupation army bombed 89 homes and residential buildings populated with residents in the Nusseirat area during the hours of committing the horrific massacre, bombing many homes over the heads of their residents without prior warning. This confirms that the occupation had a premeditated intention to commit this massacre and cause this large number of martyrs and injuries as part of the genocide crime it commits against peaceful civilians, children, women, and passersby.
Field reports indicated that the "israeli" occupation army committed this massacre with the participation of dozens of warplanes and quadcopter drones, helicopters, reconnaissance and intelligence drones, and tanks from more than four axes and directions. This unprecedented military force used against civilians carried out more than 250 airstrikes in Nusseirat camp and central governorate areas simultaneously.
In the context of responding to the media which asked us successive questions since yesterday: we have not yet confirmed that the "israeli" occupation army enlisted soldiers from countries hostile to our Palestinian people in this heinous crime, nor have we confirmed the reports that speak of the use of the floating dock in this brutal massacre against civilians, displaced people, children, and women. We will announce this whenever information is available in this regard and at the appropriate time.
In light of the above, we would like to affirm the following:
First: We reiterate our strong condemnation of the "israeli" occupation's crime in the Nusseirat camp massacre, and we denounce this aggression against civilians, displaced people, children, women, and safe residential homes. We call on all countries and international organizations to condemn this heinous crime against humanity.
Second: We hold the "israeli" occupation and the American administration fully responsible for this catastrophic crime that spilled the blood of hundreds of innocent civilians, children, women, and displaced people. We demand the American administration to stop supplying the occupation with missiles and bombs to kill civilians, children, and women.
Third: We demand the international community and all UN and international organizations to pressure the occupation to stop this brutal aggression and the genocide crime that the "israeli" occupation army has been carrying out for the ninth consecutive month without stopping, and without genuine efforts being made to stop this continuous killing.
Fourth: The historic genocide crime taking place here in occupied Palestine confirms the principle of extermination and ethnic cleansing being executed against our Palestinian people in broad daylight. It confirms the involvement of the American administration in this crime, along with a group of European countries and others, supplying the occupation with weapons, supporting it, and encouraging it to continue the genocide. Generations cannot forget these crimes throughout history, and the end of these historic crimes will be liberation and salvation from the "israeli"-American occupation similar to what happened in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, and other countries that fought until they expelled the occupiers and their collaborators, achieving freedom for their land, principles, and sanctities.
Glory and immortality to our righteous martyrs.
A speedy recovery to our heroic wounded.
Immediate freedom to our brave prisoners.
Salute, all salutes, to our great Palestinian people.
Government Media Office
Gaza Strip - Palestine
Sunday, June 9, 2024



Especially if Hamas dressed up as civilians and used aid vehicles as camouflage. They'd never stop screaming about it.


The zionist war cabinet is meeting now for the first time without the participation of Benny Gantz and Gadi Eisenkot.
This absence comes in light of the expected resignation of both ministers from the same "National Unity" party from the war government, following the expiry of the June 8th deadline set by Gantz.
Eisenkot, a former hardliner and ex-IOF head, has repeatedly called for an immediate prisoner exchange deal alongside Gantz. Gantz is expected to announce his official resignation in the coming minutes.
This follows the resignation of Gideon Saar's party from the government at the end of March.
The withdrawal of National Unity does not dismantle Netanyahu's government (which still holds 64/120 Knesset seats), but is indicative of the deepening cracks within the fragile entity. With Ben-Gvir and Smotrich's threats of resignation, Netanyahu's government is at a higher risk of collapse. Ben-Gvir stated: "I need to return to being a leading force like I was before Gantz entered the government."
This series of resignations comes moments after the head of the Gaza Division of the IOF resigned from his position today, stating that he "failed in his life mission of protecting the Gaza envelope." Notably, the Gaza Division was overrun by the resistance in less than one hour on the glorious October 7th. This resignation follows the resignations of the head of IOF's Central Command, Yehuda Fox, and the head of the IOF's Intelligence Division, Aharon Haliva.

Benny Gantz officially announces his party's resignation from the governing coalition in the Knesset, calling for new elections.

Former chief of staff of the IOF, Gadi Eisenkot, has announced his resignation from the wartime government in conjunction with Benny Gantz.
Eisenkotโ€™s son and nephew were both liquidated by the Palestinian resistance as they took part in the aggression on the Gaza Strip.


So what does that mean for the people of gaza? Nothing?


holy shit the AI memes are outta control


Speculation on the Eisenhower attack


โ€ผ๏ธ USS Eisenhower Latest Position

>I follow MT Anderson, but, preoccupied with my gardens and chickens, I apparently missed this post from yesterday.

>If this grainy satellite photo is authentic and accurate (and I have no reason to believe it is not), then the Ike is still in the Red Sea, a couple hundred kilometers northwest of Jeddah.

>It is apparently accompanied by 1 destroyer and 1 cruiser, suggesting the other destroyer remains the only US asset presumed to be in the established battle zone much further south in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.

>Not surprisingly, the Yemeni continue to take pot shots at commercial shipping that offends its sensibilities.

>The heart of the carrier strike group withdrew towards Jeddah in the immediate aftermath of a Yemeni attack that purportedly targeted the Eisenhower.

>There is no persuasive evidence that any US warship was struck by this Yemeni attack.

>So why did they skedaddle from the "hot zone"?

>I've heard some suggestions they needed to replenish their weapons magazines.

>If true, this means they were either "running on empty" before the Yemeni attack, or they expended an extraordinary proportion of their stocks to defend against it.

>Either way, if replenishment is why they withdrew, why is it not yet completed? Has it even happened?

>Why are they still lingering on the sidelines?

>Are they reluctant to dock in Jeddah for fear of being more vulnerable while stationary?

>I don't even know if Jeddah has the necessary facilities and stockpiles to replenish Aegis-system cells.

>And, as is little understood, there is currently no means by which US Navy warships can have their missile stocks reloaded at sea.

>So, if the Eisenhower carrier strike group is fully stocked in terms of interceptors, why do they remain well clear of the danger zone?

>On the other hand, IF their Aegis cells ARE depleted, and IF they can't replenish them from where they currently sit … well, then they may have a problem.

>I think it is very possible that the Ike CSG encountered something new a few days ago.

>Something more formidable than they had seen previously being launched from Yemen towards them.

>And yeah, they probably managed to successfully intercept or luckily avoid any missile or drone strikes.

>But they may have been forced to push most of the "fire" buttons on their control panels to do it.

>And, if so, they probably aren't very keen on the idea of risking another such engagement. In which case, their only option is to transit the Suez, replenish in the Mediterranean, or simply head back to their home port.

>We should know soon. They can't just cruise in circles off the coast of Saudi Arabia for much longer. They either have to head south, back into the fray, or else go home without a ready replacement to relieve them.



why the link looks like this? because of arabic?


I will not use google translate, i am imune to the system, specially google tyrany. Commie bastard, you cant tell me what to do. O hate technology and hate stuff geting translated by a machine. It is destroying a bunch of works of hard working people. Etc, etc, etc.


I will not use google translate, i am imune to the system, specially google tyrany. Commie bastard, you cant tell me what to do. O hate technology and hate stuff geting translated by a machine. It is destroying a bunch of works of hard working people. Etc, etc, etc.


It's the demons trying to get into you through the internet.



>why the link looks like this? because of arabic?
Yes. It's just UTF-8 encoded which is standard for URLs, a quirk of western-centric technology and the DNS system, if you do use actal arabic for a URL that is (in my educated guess, could be wrong) procesed to UTF-8 in your browser, before sending it off, as this is all DNS can understand.
It's probably fixable but wouldn't work for all browsers, i think, and I use tor-browser which is an added layer of consideration.

Heres a simple explenation from a quick ddg search: https://istizada.com/understanding-arabic-url-uri-structure-encoding-for-arabic-sites/ (but i didn't rread it, sorry)


they should fugg already


Hezbollah operations 06/10/2024:
10:35: targeted the "Ramtha" site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills with rocket weapons, achieving direct hits.
Targeted the enemyโ€™s artillery positions in Al-Zaoura in the occupied Syrian Golan and the deployment of soldiers around them with a barrage of Katyusha rockets, in response to the "israeli" enemyโ€™s attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe homes, especially in the towns of Aita Al-Shaab and Maroun al-Ras.
Launched an aerial attack with a squadron of drones targeting the command headquarters of the artillery battalion in "Odem", targeting the positions of its officers and soldiers, achieving direct hits, in response to the "israeli" enemyโ€™s attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe homes, most recently on the attack on the town of Khiam.
12:50: targeted the Birkat Risha site, its defenses, and its espionage equipment with artillery shells and guided missiles, hitting it directly and destroying the targeted equipment.
13:50: targeted the espionage equipment at the Ruwaisat Al-Alam site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills with appropriate weapons, hitting it directly and leading to its destruction.
13:55: targeted the Al-Samaqa site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills with rocket weapons, hitting it directly.
The air defense units of the Islamic Resistance launched anti-aircraft missiles towards an enemy warplanes that violated Lebanese airspace in the southern area, forcing it to flee and retreat behind the Lebanese borders with occupied Palestine.


>they should fugg already
Anon. That's Illegal, twice.


Does anyone know what happened with the IDF sperm bank collecting operation for cloning? Video unrelated


Gaza is doomed. Only the West bank has a chance of surviving


i miss him bros



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I am le demoralized n such


Ugh, Zionists are so unlikable.



the entity is officially getting pounded from every direction at this point


>Thomas Pickering, a former US ambassador to the United Nations, says it remains anyoneโ€™s guess whether the upcoming vote on a UN Security Council resolution for a ceasefire in Gaza will pass.
<anyones guess
As if it wasn't his job to do exactly this veto nonsense.
I will one day murder an american and a zionist, i promise you all this.


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Maybe this huge bombing escalation is to precipitate a cease-fire, Israeli's tend to turn it up high before they stop, just like getting the last boot in when fighting.
4 Israeli soldiers were killed, two were buried under the rubble, and 18 others were injured when the Palestinian resistance detonated a booby-trapped house in Rafah.
The Palestinian resistance continues the Al-Aqsa Flood Battle in response to the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip for the 248th day, and continues to confront the occupying โ€œarmyโ€ forces penetrating on all fronts.

Today, Monday, there were violent clashes between the resistance and the occupation forces in the Al-Izba area on the Palestinian-Egyptian border and in the center of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, according to what Al-Mayadeen correspondent confirmed .

The Martyr Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, carried out a complex operation during which it detonated a booby-trapped house inside which an Israeli force was holed up in the Shaboura camp in the city of Rafah, confirming that its members were killed and wounded in the pre-prepared house.

The Al-Qassam Brigades added that immediately after the arrival of the rescue force, its mujahideen destroyed the surroundings of the house that had been blown up with mortar shells. Some time after the operation, Al-Qassam renewed its targeting of the surroundings of the house with mortar shells.

Al-Qassam also announced that it had targeted a D9 military bulldozer with an Al-Yassin 105 shell near Al-Awda Mosque in the center of Rafah.

The military media of the Al-Qassam Brigades published scenes documenting the targeting of crowds of occupation forces penetrating east of the city of Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip.

For its part, the Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad movement in Palestine, announced that it had sniped an Israeli soldier east of the Al-Shoka area in the city of Rafah.

The brigades confirmed that they targeted a position of occupation soldiers and vehicles on the supply line in the โ€œNetzarimโ€ axis, south of Gaza City.

In turn, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades confirmed that they had sniped at one of the occupation soldiers at the Al-Awda roundabout in the city of Rafah, and that they had targeted the occupationโ€™s command and control headquarters along the supply line in the โ€œNetzarimโ€ axis, with โ€œmortarโ€ shells.

The brigades published scenes of preparing and equipping โ€œAqsa 103โ€ missiles from within the field manufacturing workshops during the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood.

The Mujahideen Brigades, the military wing of the Mujahideen Movement, confirmed that they had targeted a position of the occupation "army" forces in the "Netzarim axis", south of Gaza City, with a missile salvo, causing direct hits at the site of the targeting. The brigades observed the occupation's rescue forces rushing to the place.

<Deaths among the occupation forces

Following the Al-Qassam Brigades operation in the Shaboura camp in the city of Rafah, Israeli media reported that 4 soldiers from the occupation โ€œarmyโ€ were killed in the building that was bombed.

The occupation media added an update stating that in addition to the dead soldiers, 18 others were injured and two soldiers were stuck among the rubble, in addition to firing mortar shells towards the rescue forces.

Yesterday, the Al-Qassam Brigades announced the targeting of the occupation forces stationed in the south of the Tal Al-Sultan neighborhood in Rafah, and the forces penetrating the vicinity of the Kuwaiti Hospital bombed them with mortar shells.

Al-Qassam military media published scenes documenting its targeting of occupation soldiers and vehicles in the Yabna camp, south of Rafah.

In turn, the Al-Quds Brigades bombed the occupation forces' concentrations in the vicinity of the "Karam Abu Salem" site, east of Rafah, with mortar shells and "107" rockets.


A number of soldiers were killed and wounded after a building fell on them in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip, according to zionist media. The situation has been described as โ€œvery difficult.โ€

Al-Qassam fighters detonated a booby-trapped house inside which a zionist force was holed up in the Shaboura camp in the city of Rafah, leaving the force members dead and wounded. Immediately upon the arrival of the rescue force, our fighters destroyed the vicinity of the house that was blown up with mortar shells.

Intense armed clashes are taking place in Rafah as the IOF attempts to retrieve its force from the rubble of the destroyed building.
Eyewitnesses report that the occupation army has increased its bombing of the area, coinciding with the firing of smoke bombs in an attempt to land helicopters for the evacuation of the wounded.

Al-Qassam Brigades resume striking the vicinity of the house that was detonated in the Shaboura camp with mortar shells.

Private sources told Al-Aqsa Radio that at least 7 IOF soldiers were killed in Al-Qassam's detonation of a rigged building in Rafah, with several others wounded.

Earlier today, a large fire broke out on an "israeli" commercial ship in the Port of Haifa in northern occupied Palestine. The source of the fire is under investigation.
This ship was reportedly carrying iron, and zionist sources reported preliminary deaths among the crew.

Yesterday, the US Navy withdrew its destroyer "USS Mason" from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea after 7 months in the area.
A Yemeni military source told Al-Akhbar that its withdrawal confirms it was severely damaged, and the purpose of its withdrawal is solely for maintenance. The source noted that the ship had been a target of Yemeni naval forces over the past weeks. The USS Mason has been targeted for months, and the Yemeni Armed Forces announced it was directly hit a month ago.
It is worth noting that the naval battle between the Yemeni Armed Forces against American and British forces have escalated in the last two days, as a direct response to the Nusseirat massacre. Yesterday, the targeting and direct hit of the British destroyer "Diamond" was announced, in addition to directly hitting "Norderney" and "MSC Tavvishi" in the Indian Ocean.
This is the third time that the "Diamond" came under attack, after it was reportedly attacked twice in the first quarter of the year. It was withdrawn from the Red Sea and replaced by the HMS Richmond, which was also withdrawn and replaced again with "Diamond."
American-British warplanes bombed the Al-Jabana area of Hodeidah in response, the former site of the Yemeni Naval Forces headquarters. Since it was bombed dozens of times before, it was empty and no human or material damage was caused.
The withdrawal of the USS Mason comes as the UKMTO reported three attacks on non-military ships in the Gulf of Aden in the last 24 hours alone. The withdrawal comes after a 48-hour-long clash in the Red Sea, following the withdrawal of the aircraft carrier USS Eisenhower, which was moved to the Saudi coast after being targeted repeatedly by the Yemeni Armed Forces. The ships join a quickly growing list of ships of the failed coalition that have withdrawn from the Red Sea in recent months.

"Ziv" Hospital in occupied Safad reports that it received 5 wounded "israelis" following the explosion of a drone launched from Lebanon.
In addition, zionist media reports that a fire broke out in "Yiftah" in northeastern occupied Palestine as a result of bombing from Lebanon.
The IOF also admitted that it failed to intercept two drones that made impact in the northern occupied Syrian Golan, and that its interception attempt led to a fire in Safad.
They also acknowledged that Hezbollah shot down an Elbit Systems Hermes 900 drone, which costs at least $6 million. It is the third Hermes 900 shot down by Hezbollah since October 7th, in addition to four Hermes 450s.

Over 20 branches of Barclays bank in England and Scotland were targeted by actionists today.
In the name of the martyrs, the banks were smashed and covered in paint due to their investment in Elbit Systems, the zionist entity's largest weapons manufacturer, as well as their $190 billion funding of fossil fuel companies.
Barclays remains heavily invested in Elbit Systems as Elbit seeks to increase weapons production to facilitate genocide. The activists, from Palestine Action and Shut The System, called for escalating action, also stating: "If you associate with Elbit, Palestine Action will become associated with you."




Please stay in your containment thread, thanks.


Yemeni Security Forces:
With the help and grace of Allah, an American-"israeli" espionage network has been arrested.
The American-"israeli" espionage network has carried out espionage and sabotage activities within both official and unofficial institutions for decades on behalf of the enemy.
The American-"israeli" espionage network is directly linked to the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
The American-"israeli" espionage network was equipped with special technologies and devices enabling them to carry out their activities secretly.
Members of the American-"israeli" espionage network and American officers exploited their positions at the American embassy to conduct their sabotage activities secretly.
After the American embassy left Sana'a, the espionage network's members continued their sabotage agendas under the cover of international and UN organizations.
This significant achievement was realized with the help and grace of Allah, through great efforts and joint cooperation among various security apparatuses.
The espionage and sabotage activities of the American-"israeli" espionage network extended to most aspects of life.
The destructive effects of the American-"israeli" espionage network's activities have accumulated over decades.
The American-"israeli" espionage network was the main arm for executing the American and "israeli" enemy's plans in the Republic of Yemen.
The espionage network provided hostile intelligence agencies with important information about various aspects of the official sector and beyond.
For decades, the espionage network has influenced decision-makers, infiltrated state authorities, and facilitate the passing of decisions and laws.
The American-"israeli" espionage network recruited many individuals and coordinated their visits to the United States to influence and recruit them.
The network recruited economists and oil and trade company owners, linking them to American and "israeli" intelligence.
The American-"israeli" espionage network engaged in sabotage and destructive activities in the agricultural sector. The network focused on undermining agricultural research institutions and seed multiplication centers, recruiting spies within the Ministry of Agriculture.
The espionage network implemented American plans by producing and spreading agricultural pests, aiming to damage local production.
The network executed projects and programs targeting the health sector, contributing to the spread of diseases and epidemics across various Yemeni provinces.
The American-"israeli" espionage network carried out destructive plans against the educational process and its constructive role, separating education from development.
The espionage network participated in executing plans targeting the faith-based identity of the Yemeni people and their authentic values and customs.
The American-"israeli" espionage network sought to spread vice and moral decay, managing hubs for moral corruption.
The espionage network conducted direct technical espionage operations for enemy intelligence to obtain sovereign confidential information.
The American-"israeli" espionage network eavesdropped on the privacy of Yemeni society, using it for its hostile schemes.
The espionage network provided the CIA and "israeli" Mossad with highly important, secret, and sensitive military and security information for decades.
After the triumph of the September 21st Revolution and the departure of the American embassy from Sana'a, the network continued its sabotage roles.
The network collected limited-access information about the state budget for American and "israeli" intelligence agencies.
The network gathered information for American and "israeli" intelligence agencies about the approved plans and policies of the Salvation Government.
The American-"israeli" espionage network sought to uncover the funding sources for military fronts for hostile intelligence agencies.
The American-"israeli" espionage network managed intelligence activities targeting the military and manufacturing capabilities of the Yemeni Armed Forces.
The network monitored military movements and strategic capabilities, providing coordinates and doing everything possible to achieve the enemy's goals.
We offer our thanks and praise to Allah Almighty for His help and assistance in achieving this accomplishment.
We appreciate and value the cooperation, vigilance, and awareness of the honorable Yemeni people, who have always been the impenetrable barrier against all conspiratorial projects.
We call on all our Yemeni people to be more vigilant and cautious.
As we reveal more details and information in the coming days, we reaffirm our commitment to facing all conspiratorial projects.

American-British warplanes targeted Al-Faza coast in Al-Tuhayta district in Hodeidah, Yemen.

A postal envelope containing what zionist reports are calling a capsule filled with suspicious powder was sent to the โ€œisraeliโ€ Minister of Health at the Knesset.
Zionist security guards and paramedics in hazmat suits were rushed to the scene after the office was closed off.


based smashies


Well that's a charge sheet. Sounds like execution material.
The fact that it is a bunch of oil and etc porkies is entirely unsurprising but i wonder if there will be strings pulled, deals made, and so on, to get them out.
This could be a big story.


What's up with the biden plan and UN just voting for it? I am not following the news.


Hezbollah operations 06/10/2024:
Targeted two buildings occupied by "israeli" enemy soldiers in the Manara settlement with appropriate weapons, hitting them directly, killing and wounding the soldiers. This was in response to the enemy's attacks on the resilient southern villages and safe homes, especially in the towns of Houla and Shebaa.
11:00: targeted newly installed surveillance equipment in the "Ramim" barracks with appropriate weapons, hitting them directly and destroying them.
10:30: targeted the Bayad Blida site with a precision drone strike, hitting the target accurately.
Targeted the "Radar" site in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms along with its guard and technical and surveillance equipment with artillery shells and guided missiles, hitting them directly and destroying the targeted equipment. This was in response to the "israeli" enemy's attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe homes, especially in the town of Shebaa.
Launched an aerial attack with a squadron of attack drones on the headquarters of the Golan Brigade 210 in "Shaโ€™al," targeting the positions of "israeli" enemy officers and soldiers, resulting in confirmed injuries. Part of the headquarters was destroyed and caught fire.
During continuous monitoring of the "israeli" enemy's movements in Lebanese airspace, Islamic Resistance fighters ambushed a "Hermes 900" armed drone equipped with missiles intended for attacks on our areas. Upon entering the circle of fire, it was targeted with air defense weapons, hit directly, and downed before it could carry out its attack.
17:25: targeted the Bayad Blida site with rocket weapons, hitting it directly.
Targeted a building used by "israeli" enemy soldiers in the "Yir'on" settlement with appropriate weapons, hitting it directly, killing and wounding those inside. This was in response to the enemy's attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe homes, especially in the towns of Houla and Shebaa.
Targeted a building used by "israeli" enemy soldiers in the "Avivim" settlement with appropriate weapons, hitting it directly. This was in response to the enemy's attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe homes, especially in the town of Aitaroun.
Launched an aerial attack with a squadron of attack drones on the newly established headquarters of the 146th Brigade east of Nahariyya (which had moved from the "Jaatoun" area after being previously bombed), targeting the positions and shelters of enemy officers and soldiers, hitting them directly and destroying them, killing and wounding enemy members. This was in response to the "israeli" enemy's attack on the towns of Aitaroun and Maroun al-Ras on Saturday, 08-06-2024, and the martyrdom of resistance fighters.
Targeted a building used by "israeli" enemy soldiers in the "Shtula" settlement with appropriate weapons, hitting it directly, resulting in it catching fire, killing and wounding those inside. This was in response to the enemy's attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe homes, especially in the towns of Aitaroun and Aita Al-Shaab.
Targeted a building used by "israeli" enemy soldiers in the "Evan Menachem" settlement with appropriate weapons, hitting it directly. This was in response to the enemy's attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe homes, especially in the towns of Aitaroun and Aita Al-Shaab.

The UN Security Council approved a US-drafted resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. All members voted in favor, except for Russia's abstention. The resolution follows Biden's announced three-stage ceasefire and prisoner exchange plan from last week.


i've been away from this site awhile avoiding any geo-politics but GOD I FUCKING HATE ISRAEL I HATE ZIONISM I HATE NATIONS KILL ALL NATIONALIST DESTROY ISRAEL


>The deaths in Gaza are being significantly undercounted, and may be as high as 200k.


Don't forget all the mass graves that haven't been found and probably never will be.


finally someone mainstream is calling it. the zogbots in the media love quoting the 30k figure like
>these are hamas's own figures
like the civil government didn't collapse under an onslaught of warcrimes a couple of months into the ethnic cleansing and before the zionazis started targeting hospitals and refugee encampments in earnest.


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>In a now-deleted post, an Israeli occupation soldier posts images showing the abduction of hundreds of Palestinian civilians in Gaza. Among them were children and elderly civilians.

>Many of these individuals were reportedly transported to Israeli detention camps, where numerous reports have emerged of systematic torture and deliberate health neglect, resulting in many casualties in these centers.

<Among them are literal children, & among them is a man who is forced to walk on the bone stumps of his amputated legs!

What a creative people! What will they think of next?


Maybe they will make camps but to put the elderly and young to work in. Then removing any valuables they have and even teeth! Maybe some chambers to put the people in and they die from poisoning. Then making the survivors incenerate the bodies.


Hopium addicts BTFO.

Hamas can't win this one. At all.


The Yemeni Security Forces revealed details of the American-"israeli" spy network that has been operating for decades in Yemen. What has been revealed is only a small part of what is called the first phase, and will be followed by more releases showing the scale of the espionage and sabotage carried out by the CIA and Mossad.
The confessions and documents seized from the spy network members clearly reveal their role in serving the American and zionist enemy in Yemen. After the US embassy left Sana'a in 2015, the spies pivoted to carry out their espionage under various pretexts in different fields, including agriculture and economy, using secret communication devices and handled by US officers.
Unlike Force 400, which began last October, the network revealed today has been operating for decades, with one spy working for the CIA since 1994.
The members of the network visited the US several times to attend training workshops and meetings with American officials.
Private sources also told Al-Mayadeen that American and "israeli" intelligence tried to kill some members of the spy network before arresting them for fear that they would leak information.
Below are details of the spies whose arrest was announced by the Yemeni Security Forces today, in a major and unprecedented blow to American-zionist schemes in the region.
Records of employment by US intelligence, and US embassy documents about the spies are featured, and the handlers of each spy were identified.

Spy: Amer Abdul Majeed Al-Aghbari
Recruited to the CIA in 1987. The spy targeted education and agriculture sectors, strengthened American influence over the National Dialogue Conference, worked on projects to destroy soil, promote American products, break barriers, reduce agricultural production, spread highly toxic pesticides, and transmit animal diseases.

Spy: Mohamed Salah Al-Kharashi
Recruited to the FBI in 2011. The spy provided the FBI with databases and maps of camps, weapon depots, security centers, hospitals, roads, and routes. He managed informant cells in civilian, economic, security, and military institutions, handing them over to the FBI.

Spy: Abdelkader Ali Al-Saqqaf
Recruited to the CIA in 1994. The spy collected various information and data on the country's political and judicial situation and supplied American intelligence with sensitive information about security and military operations. He was key in obtaining information for the CIA.

Spy: Jamil Abdu Mohamed Al-Faqih
Recruited to the CIA in 2009. The spy collected important information in various economic sectors and provided American officers with all related details. He helped the Americans control the Swift code operating the Yemeni Central Bank and transmitted information that contributed to shaping the American siege policy against Yemen.

Spy: Bassam Ahmed Hamad Al-Mardhi
Recruited to the FBI in 2012. The spy recruited several individuals within the security establishment and judiciary, managed informant cells that conducted espionage activities, and prepared reports and analyses on crimes, risks, and the security environment in Yemen.

Spy: Shaif Hefdhallah Al-Hamdani
Recruited to the CIA in 1997. The spy shared information with American intelligence, monitored ballistic missile launch sites, drone operations, and military and economic targets, and participated in implementing hostile American activities in the education, health, agriculture, livestock, and fishery sectors. He also transmitted the Central Bank's code to Aden.

Spy: Hesham Ahmed Ali Al-Wazir
Recruited to the CIA in 2009. The spy connected Yemeni commercial houses with the American embassy, recruited senior leaders, traders, and prominent figures in various fields to the embassy, and implemented agendas to divide Yemen at the National Dialogue Conference. He monitored activities aimed at dismantling national armament under the guise of USAID projects and provided Americans with political, economic, and military information. He has received numerous awards from the US embassy.

Spy: Mohamed Ali Ahmed Al-Waziza
Recruited to the CIA in 2007. The spy worked with FBI officers in hostile missions, extracted sovereign information from the Immigration and Passports Authority servers for the FBI, and operated under the cover of international and local organizations to undermine social values, including the Raneen Foundation.

Spy: Jamal Mahmoud Sultan Al-Sharabi
Recruited to the CIA in 2014. The spy conducted several intelligence operations for the CIA, including delivering political, economic, and security reports to American officers and providing reports on military developments in Yemen. He worked as a "political assistant" for the US embassy.

Spy: Abdelmaeen Hussein Ali Azzan
Recruited to the CIA in 2006. The spy also provided "israeli" Mossad and American intelligence with information on Ansarallah, spied on Yemeni military manufacturing and strategic capabilities. He recruited and attracted local institutions, organizations, and prominent figures for American intelligence. He provided Mossad officers with information, contacting them through the economic attachรฉ at the US embassy. He worked for the CIA shell company LAPIS, where information was transferred until 2018.


Onion site is being too slow for me to post the rest of the videos tonight. I'll post them tomorrow.


hamas has already won thoughever


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not even 1min and this hasbaratard already lying about pa wanting to destroy israel and hamas wanting to commit genocide


Why havenโ€™t mods banned?


>Why don't they just this-that
As a general rule, they are useless. Get over it.


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"With the downing of the third Hermes 900, one of Israel's most advanced drones, Hizbullah has now eliminated 12% of Israel's reported fleet of 25 such drones. It has now downed a total of 7 Israeli drones since October, resulting in a significant financial loss for Israel. However, the true significance lies in the fact that Israel's once unchallenged aerial supremacy is now under threat. In addition to downing drones, Hizbullah has challenged this superiority by targeting Israeli jets, compelling them to retreat from Lebanese airspace on two occasions last week, infiltrating Israel with its own drones without being detected or intercepted, and even striking Israel's Iron Dome.

Coupled with how Hizbullah has turned the tables by not only creating a buffer zone inside Israel for the first time in its history, forcing tens of thousands of Israelis to flee northern settlements, but also by using the Galilee as a research and development lab to test its weapons - a reversal of Israel's long-standing tactics against Lebanon - it's clear that Israel is now facing the most significant threat in its history and is fighting a new type of enemy.

Hizbullah's current approach marks a significant shift from its previous strategy, which focused primarily on preventing an Israeli occupation and achieving victory by simply surviving. No longer content with defensive measures, Hizbullah has now taken the offensive against Israel, engaging in a protracted war of attrition. The movementโ€™s goals have expanded far beyond mere survival and the liberation of Lebanese territory; it now seeks to compel Israel to change its behaviour and calculations by imposing unprecedented costs. Furthermore, rather than countering Israel's "complexity" with Hizbullah's "simplicity," as Nasrallah characterized the 2006 war, Hizbullah is now confronting complexity head-on with audacity and more advanced weaponry."



Nothing ever happens


dumb bitch look at gaza


Palestinians being genocided has been happening for over 70 years. Nothing ever happens.


nukes could be raining on the USA and you would still be saying this same shit. We're all wise to this shit already stfu.


See how you had to move the goalpost already. Nothing ever happens.


nothing has ever happened, "history" is a lie(USER WAS FORCED TO GO TO WORK TOMORROW)


He should be incinerating every last Zionist child in the occupied Golan and Sheba farms


Does Hezbollah have air defences? Did Wagner give them the S100 in the end?


>Does Hezbollah have air defences?
Yes. Which you'd know if you read the thread. A jet was shot at and forced to turn back just yesterday.
>Did Wagner give them the S100 in the end?
Lol. I severely doubt Hez has to go to fucking Wagner for it's weapons systems. Go back to your containment thread, Uke.


In the drone war.. How did Hezbollah shatter the theory of Israeli โ€œair superiorityโ€?
The success of the air defense of the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon (Hezbollah), in shooting down 7 Israeli drones (5 of the Hormuz type and 2 of the Skylark type), forcing the Israeli fighters to leave the skies of Lebanon, and the partyโ€™s targeting of the occupation sites with pounce and attack marches, constituted a qualitative change that brought about A difference in the course of operations during the battle that has been going on for 248 days.

This qualitative variable is represented in two parts. The first is the threat to the movement of the Israeli Air Force in the Lebanese sky, which is responsible for assassinations and aggression against civilians, which was a surprise to the occupation leadership and its intelligence and operational agencies, especially since the battle is taking place in the airspace after the occupation had monopolized this field since its occupation of Palestine. Occupied in 1948.

The second part relates to targeting the occupation sites with drones, which means that Hezbollah now has a qualitative weapon capable of destabilizing what the occupation used to call โ€œair superiority.โ€ What then are the implications of the qualitative development of the resistanceโ€™s weapons?

<Quality messages

The Islamic resistance in Lebanon succeeded in surprising the Israeli occupation and destabilizing its security in the โ€œAl-Aqsa Floodโ€ epic, especially with regard to the drone war, and its ability to target the occupation aircraft, including the most advanced ones, and in imposing serious restrictions on the operational margin of this weapon.

In the context of imposing restrictions on the Israeli occupation, the resistance undermined Israeli air superiority not only in drones, but also targeted aircraft control centers such as the Meron and Gibor bases, as well as in shooting down spy balloons.

Israeli drones play a major role in assassinations in Lebanon, Palestine, and elsewhere. They have a wide margin of detection, targeting, and maneuvering, and are characterized by a shortened time period between intelligence detection and operational targeting. Therefore, for years ago, the occupation considered them โ€œan effective weapon against the resistance.โ€

Earlier, Al-Mayadeen analyst for Lebanon and the resistance affairs, Abbas Fneish, said, โ€œThe resistance in Lebanon is trying to combat the occupation, especially in the airspace, on the principle of an eye for an eye,โ€ pointing out that โ€œthe harassment caused by the resistance toward Israeli fighters may turn into a danger.โ€

Therefore, the Israeli occupation fears that the escalatory reaction (targeting Israeli marches by Hezbollah) will lead to breaking the air equation that it imagined it had succeeded in imposing, which is what the Israeli media expressed as โ€œvery dangerous,โ€ and said that it โ€œgives a bad image.โ€ Very much about the Israeli army and the most powerful air force in the Middle East.โ€

Thus, Hezbollah has sent a clear message to โ€œIsraelโ€ that the resistanceโ€™s targeting of the marches and their control centers and neutralizing warplanes from Lebanese airspace dispels Israeli bets on โ€œair superiorityโ€ by establishing a counter-equation, the most dangerous of which is that it will extend beyond the end of the war. the war.

In addition, the resistance operations, especially the air, reflect a solid political will based on a realistic military capability capable of expanding the scope of targeting in the air as well as on land, even if the occupation considers these strikes a violation of some of the rules of engagement, most of which were destroyed by the resistance during the โ€œAl-Aqsa Flood.โ€

The military correspondent for the Israeli "Wala" website, Amir Bouhbut, commented on Hezbollah's targeting of Israeli marches, saying: "We will be in big trouble if we lose air superiority in Lebanese airspace, because that will greatly harm our intelligence gathering capabilities."

<Challenges facing Israel

โ€œIsraelโ€ faces many challenges in this context, which the โ€œAlmaโ€ Center for Israeli Research and Studies spoke about, saying that the most important challenge lies in โ€œHezbollahโ€™s activity in discovering loopholes in the Israeli defense system, deploying many camouflaged launching points prepared in advance, and the method by which it flies.โ€ The drone is heading toward its target.โ€

According to the Israeli Research Center, Hezbollah is implementing camouflage measures that make it difficult to determine launch sites in advance, in addition to shortening the duration of the attack it carries out against drones or their control centers. Hezbollah has also placed a large number of combat-ready drones near the border with occupied Palestine. , and hid it in open, built-up areas. This advance preparation saves Hezbollah a lot of time while preparing it for launch and makes it very difficult to thwart its attack.

Also, the Israeli occupation faces a challenge related to time, meaning that Hezbollah drones are located on the border between Lebanon and occupied Palestine, which greatly reduces the duration of the trip, which makes the operation of detection and interception systems more difficult.

Commenting on this reality, the Israeli โ€œCalcalistโ€ website quoted a senior officer in the โ€œArmyโ€ as saying that since the beginning of the war, Hezbollahโ€™s drones have been challenging the โ€œArmyโ€, which faces difficulty in discovering and identifying them as hostile means, and also faces difficulty in intercepting them quickly.

There is another difficulty mentioned by the โ€œALMAโ€ Center related to the method of directing the drone towards the target. One of the methods of flight is to pre-determine the target and the flight path, so that the flight to the target can be completed autonomously using the Global Positioning System (GPS) and the inertial navigation system. "INS".

The inertial navigation system is a method used to guide missiles, aircraft, and submarines, and does not depend on observation from Earth or space, or on radio and radar signals, or any information from an external source. This system relies on a computer and motion and rotation sensors to calculate continuously, by estimating position, direction, and speed, without the need to rely on external references.

Earlier, the Israeli army deployed GPS interceptors in the north to make operating drones and other precision weapons more difficult. According to Israeli estimates, Hezbollah often uses โ€œbarrier-bypassingโ€ techniques in this region, which Russia used successfully during the crisis in Ukraine.

There is another challenge as well, related to Hezbollah's ability to target sites such that there is an operator controlling the plane while it is flying. Although some Ababil drones are equipped with cameras that send images to the control center, there were drones used by Hezbollah last May that did not contain a camera, and the report suggests that the drone was piloted by an operator who was in visual contact with his target. Which makes GPS lose its effectiveness.

At the operational level, Israel faces a challenge related to the collection of intelligence information by Hezbollah, especially since its drones bypass Israeli air defense systems and conduct reconnaissance surveys of strategic and tactical targets.

Although Hezbollah has achieved achievements in deterring the Israeli Air Force, and that operations on the Lebanon front are escalating against the occupation, forming a support and support front for the resistance in the Gaza Strip, the results of the achievements will have their greatest repercussions in the post-war phase in terms of restricting the intelligence and operational activity of the drones. Israeli.


Wagner is more of an African thing


Zionist media admits that 4 IOF soldiers, including an officer, were killed in the Al-Qassam ambush in the Shaboura camp in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip, earlier today. Six other soldiers were wounded in the operation, five of them seriously, including an officer.
Al-Qassam fighters detonated a rigged building, and repeatedly targeted it with mortar shells, leading to its destruction and the killing and wounding of the zionist force.

The IOF has withdrawn from the central Gaza Strip (eastern Deir Al-Balah and eastern Al-Bureij), six days after beginning a ground operation in the area following an intense bombing campaign.

American tech giant Intel Corporation has halted construction of its $25 billion facility in the settlement of "Kiryat Gat," after receiving a $3.2 billion grant from the zionist entity to build it. While Intel's operations continue in the zionist entity (employing about 12,000 workers), the halt signals an increasingly unstable zionist economy and follows the withdrawal of a number of other tech companies in recent months.


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anyone knows what they are using to down these drones


German Idealism is not welcome here. Marx already disposed of it.


no he didn't at the end of the day "marxism" is just materialist hegelianism


>the halt signals an increasingly unstable zionist economy
Didn't their GDP just begin to recover again?


american tax dollars in action


Intel Israel factory expansion cancellation rumors unfounded according to official statements
On Monday, reports surfaced hinting that Intel may have canceled a planned factory expansion in Israel. Business news site Calcalist headlined its report โ€œIntel Global is stopping the expansion of the factory in Kiryat Gat,โ€ according to a machine translation of the article. However, it also cited senior government officials saying that there has been no change in Intelโ€™s planned investments in Israel. A canned statement from Intel was also published, hinting that evidence initial reports were based upon were merely indicative of a โ€˜schedule adjustment.โ€™

Intel outlined its plans to expand its Kiryat Gat factory as recently as December 2023. According to news at the time, Intel would invest a considerable sum of $25 billion into the project. To incentivize the expansion, Israel's government agreed to support the Intel project to the tune of $3.25 million. Furthermore, in March this year, a new $900 million power plant was commissioned, backed by a signed memorandum of understanding with Intel.

Calcalist's report began with news that several equipment and materials suppliers that were working on the Intel factory expansion in Kiryat Gat had had their contracts canceled. Concerns were also raised as business reporters in Israel became aware that several senior execs at Intel Israel recently relocated to Intel Ohio. The staff relocation was framed as being promoted by the CHIPs Actโ€™s aim to encourage more semiconductor industry development on U.S. soil.

In response to earlier reporting, Calcalist received the following statement from Intel: โ€œIsrael continues to be one of our key global manufacturing and R&D sites and we remain fully committed to the region,โ€ wrote a spokesperson. โ€œAs weโ€™ve previously noted, the scope and pace of Intelโ€™s manufacturing expansion at our sites around the world depends heavily on various factors. Managing large-scale projects, especially in our industry, often involves adapting to changing timelines. Our decisions are based on business conditions, market dynamics, and responsible capital management.โ€

We followed up with Intel, and the company said, "Israel continues to be one of our key global manufacturing and R&D sites and we remain fully committed to the region. As weโ€™ve previously noted, the scope and pace of Intelโ€™s manufacturing expansion at our sites around the world depends heavily on various factors. Managing large-scale projects, especially in our industry, often involves adapting to changing timelines. Our decisions are based on business conditions, market dynamics and responsible capital management."

Israelโ€™s Ministry of Finance also indicates that it has spoken with senior Intel officials. That particular conversation signaled that there has been a change of contractor at Kiryat Gat, which would explain the cancellation of existing contracts. Additionally, this source indicates that there will be no material delay in the $25 billion project.

Reading between the lines and weighing up the statements Calcalist shared from both Intel and local government, we think there could be some unintended delays, but there are no real signs of cancelation of Intel's Israel expansion plans.


Nah the PMC is retarded and state worship is even stupider than god worship.


Stay in /ISG/ jfc.


fuck oiff and leave bisan alone


Didnโ€™t Bisan scam people out of money?



Hez aiming at Haifa, notable!
Hezbollah targets the headquarters of the Israeli Artillery Regiment and Armored Brigade in โ€œYardenโ€ in the occupied Golan
The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon - Hezbollah - continues to target occupation sites, in support of the steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and in support of their valiant and honorable resistance, and in response to the Israeli attacks on Lebanese villages.

In its most recent operations, the resistance targeted a building used by occupation soldiers in the โ€œMetullaโ€ settlement with appropriate weapons and directly hit it.

The resistance announced that it had targeted the headquarters of the Artillery Regiment and the Armored Brigade of the 210th Golan Division in the โ€œYardenโ€ barracks with Katyusha rockets, in response to the occupationโ€™s attack on the Hosh al-Sayyid Ali border area between the northern Bekaa in Lebanon and the Qusayr countryside in Syria.

Israeli media reported that about 50 missiles were launched from Lebanon towards the central Golan.

In turn, the occupation army spokesman claimed that the sound of the sirens in Haifa was due to โ€œan incorrect diagnosis of an air target, and the sirens went off after the interceptor missile was launched.โ€

Shortly after the sirens sounded in Haifa, tens of thousands of settlers entered the fortified places.

In this context, Israeli media announced the launch of a march from Lebanon towards the coast of Haifa, describing the event as โ€œexceptional.โ€

The Israeli Channel 12 correspondent in the north said that Hezbollah "is expanding the firing range as well as the distances to reach Haifa," noting that "Hezbollah's introduction of a march into Haifa for the first time since the start of the war is considered a very exceptional event."

A broadcaster on the Israeli Channel 12 asked about โ€œHezbollahโ€™s goal in sending a march to Haifa,โ€ pointing out that โ€œit seems as if Hezbollah has risen 14 levels on the scale of war.โ€

The Israeli media pointed out that the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, โ€œdeleted the red line set by the Israeli Minister of Security.โ€

Al-Mayadeen's correspondent in southern Lebanon reported on the launching of intense missile salvos from Lebanon towards the Galilee, while Israeli media reported that the sirens did not stop in the north.

She also indicated that this day was particularly โ€œtenseโ€ in the north, with rockets falling in open areas in โ€œRamit Hillโ€ and the โ€œAl-Manaraโ€ settlement.

In the Upper Galilee, the Israeli media reported that a missile had fallen in the "Ayelet Hashahar" settlement, and also reported a direct hit in the "Kfar Haneseh" settlement after a missile fell in the settlement.

She said that a heavy salvo of rockets was launched in the direction of the Katzrin settlement in the north, and that sirens were heard in settlements that had not been evacuated.

As a result of the recent missile attacks, fires broke out in the north at several points, according to what the Israeli media admitted.

In addition, today, Tuesday, Israeli media reported estimates in the Israeli โ€œArmyโ€ that Hezbollahโ€™s capabilities, as shown in the past 8 months, and especially in the past month, โ€œ may allow it to strike the Air Forceโ€™s air defense formation . โ€

She also stated that the past 24 hours โ€œwere strong in the north, especially with Hezbollah launching a large number of drones and anti-tank missiles.โ€

In parallel, Israeli attacks on southern Lebanese villages and towns continue, and Al-Mayadeen โ€™s correspondent in the south reported the martyrdom of a civilian following the Israeli raid on Naqoura.

The Israeli drones targeted an uninhabited house in the town of Kafr Kila, and artillery shelling also targeted the town of Khiam.

In addition, the resistance married the mujahideen Hadi Fouad Musa โ€œAlaaโ€, born in 1983, from the town of Shebaa in southern Lebanon, Bilal Wajih Alaa El-Din โ€œBasselโ€, born in 1984, from the town of Majdal Salam in southern Lebanon, and Abbas Muhammad Nasser.โ€ Abu Haidar, born in 1979, from the town of Tirfalsiyeh in southern Lebanon, who rose as martyrs on the road to Jerusalem.


>muh PMC
opinion disregarded


Wikipedia understanding of philosophy, classic leftypol.




>Hez aiming at Haifa, notable!

this gon be an everyday ocurrance if the idf goes into lebanon


American-British warplanes bombed the Salif area of Hodeidah in western Yemen with 3 airstrikes.

Sources to Al Jazeera:
Haniyeh and Nakhaleh handed over the response to the "israeli" ceasefire proposal to the Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Qatar.
The response that was handed over included amendments to the "israeli" proposal, including a ceasefire.
The amendments included a withdrawal from the entire Gaza Strip, including the Rafah crossing and the Philadelphia crossing.


Slovenians stand by the wall


Again: wikipedia-tier understanding of philosophy.


Sorry, I'm here to kill gods, not facilitate their reproduction. Anyway, carry on with your mysteries; they'll all be fuel soon enough.


>this gon be an everyday occurrence if the idf goes into Lebanon
I don't even think they will personally. Could be wildly wrong but feel like they'd get so wildly BTFO they would really not be able to put up the facade of progress for any manner of time, let alone winning.
Maybe they'll try a really heavy bombing blitz but that does not even seem likely now as they keep getting their drone shot down.


>The response that was handed over included amendments to the "israeli" proposal, including a ceasefire.
>The amendments included a withdrawal from the entire Gaza Strip, including the Rafah crossing and the Philadelphia crossing.
Right.. so the ceasefire as weritten was the same old trash, then; no ceasfire, no withdraw, give the hostages back.
Brilliant strategy.


damn, gods better watch they ass. you're so smart anon




Incorrect use of rhetoric. In fact you "moved the goalposts" by asserting, indefensibly, that life in Gaza 1 year ago and life today is identical, without anything "happening" between now and then. Since it's such a stark difference, it's reasonable to assert that you will also treat other extreme case scenarios as nothing happening. After all we've been at nuclear war for 80 years, right?


Genocide has been happening for this long. Not just things. Zionazis accelerating their genocide is not new. Kids have been murdered and people have been tortured before October 7th as well.
>After all we've been at nuclear war for 80 years, right?
Correct. Nothing ever happens.




>Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom by Norman Finkelstein
>The Hundred Years' War on Palestine by Rashid Khalidi
Total Zionist Death


Hezbollah operations 06/11/2024:
The air defense unit of the Islamic Resistance confronted a hostile "israeli" aircraft that violated Lebanese airspace at midnight on Monday-Tuesday, 11-06-2024, and fired a surface-to-air missile at it, forcing it to retreat towards occupied Palestine and immediately leave Lebanese airspace.
09:00: a gathering of "israeli" enemy soldiers in the vicinity of the "Netua" settlement was targeted with appropriate weapons, hitting it directly, killing and wounding its members.
Targeting the headquarters of the artillery regiment and the armored brigade of the Golan Division 210 in the Yarden barracks with dozens of Katyusha rockets, in response to the enemy's attack on the Bekaa region.
13:06: a building used by "israeli" enemy soldiers in the "Metulla" settlement was targeted with appropriate weapons, hitting it directly, in response to the enemy's attacks on the resilient southern villages and safe homes, particularly in the town of Aita Al-Shaab yesterday.
Targeting buildings used by "israeli" enemy soldiers in the "Misgav Am" settlement with appropriate weapons and hitting them directly, in response to the enemy's attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe homes, particularly in the town of Aita Al-Shaab.
16:00: a gathering of Israeli enemy soldiers in the "Baram" forest was targeted with rocket weapons and hit directly.
Targeting the "Gesher HaZiv" settlement with dozens of Katyusha rockets, in response to the enemy's attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe homes, particularly in the town of Naqoura, resulting in the martyrdom of a civilian.
Targeting the location of "israeli" enemy soldiers in the Birkat Risha site with appropriate weapons, hitting it directly and killing and wounding its members, as part of the response to the enemy's attack on the Bekaa region.19:45: the Ramtha site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills was targeted with rocket weapons and hit directly.
Targeting: the "Kfar Blum" settlement with dozens of Katyusha rockets, in response to the enemy's attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe homes, particularly in the town of Kafra and the injury of civilians.


If it's correct, then why did you dismiss the apparently valid interpretation of your position as goalpost moving.


I don't care about the hostages




>Nothing ever happens
<But this did happen very recently!
>It's been happening for forever stop moving the goalposts
Seems like a closed case to me


>enters thread
>refuses to read any posts
>asks uninformed question
>gets answer
>goes on deranged rant
why does this happen whenever a /ukraine/ poster shows up


We didn't start the fire. It's been always burning, since the world's been turning.


Land and wealth redistribution, let those who wish to go to America and Europe go and those who stay can be reeducated and integrated into one democratic state


Biden isn't going to do anything. The UN isn't going to do anything because the US will veto.


Breakkking news from Amerikkka:

People's Tribunals are being held in front of the White House
United Socialist States of America have been declared


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The UN just released its first actual investigation into October 7 and ongoing Gaza genocide by Israel. It concludes that though there was violence against women (SVGB), there is no proof of any rape, let alone "mass rape", or that it was "ordered by Hamas"


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>zionists change the definition of antisemitism in order to protect a genocidal state entity and its minions
>progressive "leftists" come out of the woodwork to enforce such malicious change
Remember to vote harder this November


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Reading https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Israel/Nuclear_Weapons#cite_ref-44

What in the fuck is wrong with zionists? I've never even heard of these quotes until today.


imo, the palestinian resistance has so far proven themselves to be an extremely disciplined and ideologically trained fighting force, this alone convinces me that there was very little if any rape. The IDF on the other hand…


its projection, just like how the systemic rape accusations came from ZAKA, an organisation which the leader of was systemically raping women and covering it up. these people are sick in the head.


Every accusation and so on and so forth…


Remember the hostages who were pressured to tell horror stories of their captivity yet they maintained that they were treated humanely? It's not that I believe every al-Qassam solider is sweet little boy but everything points to them being, like you said, extremely disciplined so if they are instructed to treat prisoners humanely they do. They're not a gang of psychotic thugs like they are portrayed. (Which can not be said of the IDF and certain other Islamist militias, which coincidentally the west happens to support.)



Martin Van Creveld is an Israeli military historian… who's also a Nietzschean. He is most known for a history of the Israeli military (which opens with a quote from Nietzsche). An interesting book published in the late 90s, it was more critical of the Israeli army than most works that are available in English. It challenged the myth of Israeli super soldiers and focused more on their problems.

He's definitely pro-Israel and pro-army though. I wonder though if he's being taken out of context there. He said "Palestinians should all be deported. The people who strive for this are waiting only for the right man and the right time." Which implies he's referring to other people? He also used to say (I looked this up) that Israel should withdraw from the West Bank. "Let's get out of the West Bank, they can have it and do what they want … they can build a zoo there, I don't care." That definitely shows an indifference to the Palestinians bordering on contempt for them… and I expect that he wouldn't get in the way of ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. (He also doesn't support withdrawal anymore so it's a moot point). But this was also him dooming during the Second Intifada:

>Byrne: What options does the Israeli army have, do you think?

>Van Creveld: Nothing will work.

>Byrne: Nothing at all? Do you think there's no change of strategy?

>Van Creveld: No. There is one thing that can be done–and that is to put and end to the situation whereby we are the strong fighting the weak, because that is the most stupid situation in which anybody can be.

>Byrne: And how do you do that?

>Van Creveld: Exactly. How do you do that. You do that by A, waiting for a suitable opportunity… B, doing whatever it takes to restore the balance of power between us and the Palestinians… C, removing 90% of the causes of the conflict, by pulling out… and D, building a wall between us and the other side, so tall that even the birds cannot fly over it…. so as to avoid any kind of friction for a long long time in the future History proves that walls work. The Roman wall worked for hundreds of years… the Great Chinese Wall worked, not forever, but for hundreds of years… the wall in Korea has been working for fifty years… the wall between Turks and Greeks in Cyprus is working…. the Berlin Wall worked beautifully…. Unfortunately, the Israeli army insists against all military logic on being present on both sides of the wall. We could formally finish the problem at least in Gaza, in 48 hours, by getting out and building a proper wall. And then of course, if anybody tries to climb over the wall we kill him.

>Byrne: What about the many thousands of extremely belligerent Israeli settlers that would be on the wrong side of the wall?

>Van Creveld: If it were up to me, I would tell those people–and you're quite right, many of them are quite belligerent–look, ladies and gentlemen, you have been magnificent, you have served us well, you have protected us all those years, but this is coming to an end. If you choose to stay, it's your problem–you are on your own. My guess is that 95% of them will come home.

>Byrne: What about another scenario, which has been much discussed in recent months–which is one of full military solution? Basically, the Israeli army just goes in… it doesn't build a wall–it basically blows up the Palestinian home… razes the camps…stops, as it might say, pussyfooting around, and it's "curtains"?

>Van Creveld: Look… a home that has been demolished offers even better shelter than a home that stands intact. The Americans in Vietnam tried it. They killed between two-and-a-half and three million Vietnamese. I don't see that it helped them much.

>Byrne: Martin, just personally… can you bear the thought of living in Jerusalem behind a wall–as the only way to be safe?

>Van Creveld: Quite to the contrary–I came to live in Jerusalem in 1964… three years before the 1967 war. There actually was a wall, and life was wonderful. Nothing ever happened. Jerusalem was the quietest, safest place on earth. More than that, between 1957 and 1967 the number of Israelis who lost their lives as a result of enemy action was just thirty-five. Now we pray for a week in which we shall not lose thirty-five people.



I remember he advocated for an alliance with Assad, always found that a bit funny.


Very big and serious attack. It's not looking good for Israel on the Northern front:
The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon targeted several occupation sites and a military factory, as part of its operations in support of Gaza and in response to the Israeli aggression on the southern town of Joya, yesterday.

The Islamic Resistance, in a series of statements, announced the targeting of the โ€œBlasanโ€ factory for military industries, which specializes in armoring and protecting machinery and vehicles for the โ€œarmyโ€ of the occupation in the โ€œSasaโ€™โ€ settlement.

The resistance stated that the targeting was carried out with guided missiles, confirming that direct hits were achieved.

The resistance stated in another statement that it targeted the reserve headquarters of the Northern Legion at the Galilee Division reserve base and its stores in "Am'ad" with dozens of "Katyusha" rockets.

It also announced the targeting of the Northern Corps headquarters at the Ein Zeitim base with dozens of Katyusha rockets.

It also targeted the headquarters of the Air Control Unit and the Air Operations Department in the northern direction at the Meron base with dozens of Katyusha rockets and artillery shells.

The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon also announced the targeting of several occupation sites, distributed among โ€œRuwaisat al-Qarnโ€ in the occupied Shebaa Farms, and โ€œRamthaโ€ and โ€œAl-Samaqaโ€ in the occupied Kfar Shuba hills, confirming that the attacks were carried out with missile weapons, causing direct hits there.

The resistance also targeted โ€œRamia,โ€ โ€œAl-Rahib,โ€ and โ€œZaraitโ€ barracks with artillery shells.

Hezbollah targeted the spy equipment at the โ€œRuwaisat Al-Alamโ€ site in the occupied Lebanese hills of Kafr Shuba, with appropriate weapons, confirming direct hits there. โ€

In another statement, it announced that it targeted a movement of occupation soldiers inside the โ€œAl-Malikiyahโ€ site with artillery shells, confirming that a direct hit had been achieved.

โ€œThe missile salvo on the north is the largest in number and type since the beginning of the war.โ€
Al-Mayadeen correspondent reported earlier today, Wednesday, that โ€œthe intense missile salvos that were launched from Lebanon, towards the north, are the largest since the beginning of the war in terms of number and type,โ€ saying: โ€œWe are facing an exceptional missile salvo that we have not witnessed since the beginning of the war.โ€ the war".

Our correspondent confirmed that the rocket firing operation lasted about half an hour and included dozens of rockets, noting that โ€œthe targeted area is very wide and is located deep inside Israel in the north and includes Tiberias.โ€

<Fires break out and settlers flee

In this context, the Israeli media reported recording attacks with more than 200 rockets fired towards the northern settlements during the past hours. Pointing out that the entire north is under missile attack.

Israeli media confirmed that the missile barrages do not stop from southern Lebanon towards the north, explaining that the missile barrages launched from Lebanon are the largest since the start of the war in terms of number and type.

The Israeli media reported that sirens were sounding in more than 32 settlements, and that the echoes of explosions were well heard in Tiberias, Safed, and its environs, and in a large number of Galilee settlements. It also confirmed that the sound of explosions was heard in Haifa, Acre, and Hekeriot.

Israeli media indicated that this is the first time since October that sirens have sounded in Tiberias, confirming that the "Blasan" weapons factory in "Sa'sa" in the Upper Galilee was directly targeted. (Noting that the โ€œBlasanโ€ factory is affiliated with the Rafael Military Industries Company.)

The Israeli occupation "army" admitted to firing about 70 missiles in the latest missile series in the direction of "Meron" and the Western Galilee.

The Israeli media reported that electricity had been cut off in many places in the north as a result of the recent salvo of missiles fired by Hezbollah. Meanwhile, fires broke out in a number of areas as a result of rockets fired from Lebanon.

He said that there are "21 fire and rescue teams working, with the help of 8 firefighting aircraft, to put out fires in all of the northern district." He continued, " Firefighting operations are mainly focused on Amiad and the city of Ein Zeitim near Safed and near Beit Jan."

The Marom Galilee Regional Council called on the settlers in the north to โ€œstay near the shelters until further notice,โ€ while the Israeli media confirmed that โ€œresidents of towns 10 kilometers from the Lebanese border have been asked to enter the shelters and not leave them.โ€

The head of the Mateh Asher Regional Council, Moshe Davidovich, commented on the events, saying: โ€œThe residents of the north are trembling in fortified rooms, and on television stations they are broadcasting recipes for pancakes for the Feast of Weeks. It seems that the north does not belong to Israel. The Israeli government is disconnected from reality.โ€

The Israeli media quoted the Executive Director of the Israeli Security Forum, Lieutenant Colonel Yaron Buskila, as expressing his fear of attacking infrastructure in Lebanon due to the fear that Hezbollah would target long-term targets.

An Israeli political official said in this context, โ€œIsrael is not interested in escalation in the north.โ€

<The Israeli media acknowledges 4 targets attacked by Hezbollah today

The Israeli media acknowledged that Hezbollah targeted 4 targets:

- Northern Corps Command Headquarters at Ein Zeitim base.

- The reserve headquarters of the Northern Corps at the reserve base of the Galilee Division in โ€œAmiadโ€.

- โ€œBlasanโ€ factory, affiliated with โ€œRafaelโ€ Military Industries.

- Headquarters of the Air Control Unit and the Northbound Air Operations Department at Meron Air Base.

<Israeli attacks on Lebanon

Al-Mayadeen's correspondent in southern Lebanon reported that warplanes targeted the outskirts of the towns of Siddiqin, Shihin, Zibqin, and Taybeh. He pointed to the bombardment with phosphorus shells on the outskirts of Adaissa.

Today , Wednesday, the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon - Hezbollah, mourned a group of martyrs on the road to Jerusalem, who rose as a result of hostile Israeli targeting on the southern town of Joya yesterday. The martyrs are: the Mujahid leader Talib Sami Abdullah, โ€œHajj Abu Talib,โ€ and the Mujahid. Muhammad Hussein Sabra "Baqir", the Mujahid Ali Salim Soufan "Kumayl", and the Mujahid Hussein Qasim Hamid "Sajid".


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I don't think I've seen this pew poll posted in this thread before.
It's from the end of May.


>The Israeli media quoted the Executive Director of the Israeli Security Forum, Lieutenant Colonel Yaron Buskila, as expressing his fear of attacking infrastructure in Lebanon due to the fear that Hezbollah would target long-term targets.

>An Israeli political official said in this context, โ€œIsrael is not interested in escalation in the north.โ€

How cute


So a big scandal just happened to Germany:

Leaked Internal emails are proving that on the insistence of the Federal German Minister for Education and Research the ministry, currently held by the liberal party, was advised to examine whether federal funding for universities could be withdrawn based on their reactions to the Gaza protestors, specifically it's about a letter signed by over 100 Berlin university professors in support of the students' freedom of speech and protests, note that the letter itself wasn't even pro-palestine, just pro-protest based on the supposed 'anti-constitutionality' of the letter (anti-constitutionality is how curtailing of fundamental rights are justified in Germany).

This is quite a big deal because at least on paper the autonomy of universities and the freedom of research enjoy additional protections due to the Nazi's capture of the universities, so an act like this would at least in theory constitute a huge violation of Germany's constitutional guarantees.

Today up to 3 journalists were grilling the spox of the ministry of education for 10 minutes on the same point where she kept repeating the same pre-written statement.

Germany is not only sacrificing the world's so called liberal world order in favor of Israel but also its own self-professed liberal principles. Big mask-off moment.

German source:




It almost as if the world is taking away West's favorite toy (Israel), and they are doing all kinds of retarded shit to keep it in their hands. I have no other description for the utter humiliation Westoids are imposing on themselves with this one


wallahi the lines between national bourgeoisie in the west have blurred or vanished completely. to slay the many headed hydra means the destruction of the american state


Need to escape from this shithole


"I'll wear your granddad"


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==Lebanon: Hezbollah confronts a warplane… and continues to target the occupation barracks and settlements
The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon - Hezbollah announced, on Wednesday, that it had carried out several operations within the framework of its support for Gaza, the resistance and the people, and within the framework of its response to the Israeli attacks on Lebanese villages, especially the assassination carried out by the Israeli occupation in the town of Joya yesterday, which resulted in the death of a number of martyrs. .

In its most recent operations, the resistance launched an air attack with a swarm of assault drones on the โ€œHabushitโ€ barrack (the headquarters of a company belonging to the 810th Hermon Brigade), targeting the positions and stability of the barrackโ€™s officers and soldiers and hitting its targets accurately. โ€

As for the air defense unit, it announced that it had confronted an enemy Israeli warplane that violated Lebanese airspace, and fired a surface-to-air missile in its direction, forcing it to retreat towards occupied Palestine immediately.

With artillery shells, the Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance targeted the sites of Jal al-Alam, Hanita, al-Raheb, Ramia, and the โ€œZaraitโ€ barracks, confirming direct hits.

They also targeted the Hadab Yarin and Birkat Risha sites with โ€œBurkanโ€ missiles, hitting them directly.

In addition, the resistance announced the targeting of occupation artillery positions in Khirbet Maar and the deployment of its soldiers in its vicinity with Katyusha rockets.

After monitoring and following up the occupation forces at the Al-Malikiyah site and monitoring the movement of the soldiers inside it, the Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance targeted them with artillery shells and wounded them directly.

Using appropriate weapons, the resistance fighters targeted the spy equipment at the Ruwaisat al-Alam site in the occupied Lebanese hills of Kafr Shuba and hit them directly.

With dozens of Katyusha rockets and artillery shells, the resistance bombed the headquarters of the Air Control Unit and the Air Operations Department in the northern direction of the Meron base.

The resistance announced the bombing of the Northern Corps' reserve headquarters at the Galilee Division reserve base and its stores in "Am'ad" and the Northern Corps' command headquarters at the "Ain Zeitim" base with dozens of Katyusha rockets.

It also targeted the "Blasan" factory for military industries, which specializes in shielding and protecting machinery and vehicles for the occupation "army" in the "Sa'sa'" settlement, with guided missiles, and hit it directly.

Using missile weapons, the Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance targeted the Al-Samaqa and Al-Ramtha sites in the occupied Lebanese hills of Kafr Shuba and the Ruwaisat Al-Qarn site in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms, and hit them directly.

<"An exceptional missile link"

Al-Mayadeenโ€™s correspondent reported earlier on Wednesday that โ€œthe intense missile salvos launched from Lebanon, towards the north, are the largest since the beginning of the war in terms of number and type ,โ€ saying: โ€œWe are facing an exceptional missile salvo that we have not witnessed since the beginning of the war.โ€ .

In this context, Israeli media confirmed that the missile barrages do not stop from southern Lebanon towards the north, explaining that the missile salvos launched from Lebanon are the largest since the start of the war in terms of number and type.

The Israeli media reported that sirens were sounding in more than 32 settlements, and that the echoes of explosions could be heard well in Tiberias, Safed, and its environs, and in a large number of Galilee settlements. It also confirmed that the sound of explosions was heard in Haifa, Acre, and โ€œHakeriot.โ€

The Israeli media reported that electricity had been cut off in many places in the north as a result of the recent salvo of missiles fired by Hezbollah. Meanwhile, fires broke out in a number of areas as a result of rockets fired from Lebanon.

In turn, the commander of the Northern Fire Brigade, Yair Alkaim, said that the fires spread and exposed settlements and strategic installations to โ€œdanger . โ€

<"deserted area"

In this context, Merav Zonszin, the chief Israeli analyst at the International Crisis Group, spoke in an article in the American newspaper The New York Times on Wednesday about the impact of Hezbollahโ€™s operations in the north, which has become a deserted area since the beginning of the war.

She said that it was increasingly clear that without a ceasefire in Gaza, the situation in the north โ€œcould quickly deteriorate into a full-scale warโ€ between Israel and Hezbollah, adding that โ€œthe two fronts have been linked since the beginning of the war and since it entered Hezbollah was in a support operation on October 8 when it targeted Israeli military sites in the Golan Heights.

The developments also indicate that Hezbollah โ€œis accumulating strategic gains as the situation has created for it a terrible laboratory, where it has had the opportunity to carefully study Israeli defense and surveillance systems for a long time. It is clear that it is searching for and finding Israelโ€™s weak points, in order to penetrate its defenses and sink it through attacks.โ€ Multifaceted and diverse,โ€ says the Israeli analyst.


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It's telling that the most "credible" story involving rape was that one hostage who felt insulted that they didn't rape her.


Hamas Political Bureau member, Izzat Al-Rishq:
The response of Hamas and the Palestinian factions is responsible, serious and positive.
The response is consistent with the demands of our people and our resistance, and opens a wide path to reach an agreement.
The "israeli" mediaโ€™s incitement to Hamasโ€™ response is an indication of attempts to evade the agreementโ€™s obligations.

Double Strike Precision - Hezbollah's Arsenal Expands:
Today, Hezbollah released a video of its operation targeting the Birkat Risha garrison on June 9th with an Almas-4 guided missile, which made a direct hit on the site.
On June 4th, Hezbollah released a video of the same garrison being targeted on May 13th, where a direct hit was also achieved. Soldiers are clearly seen running from the missile, yet, they returned to the exact same room a month later to be targeted again, where damage from the previous operation can be seen.
However, there is something understated about the most recent operation which makes it markedly different from the previous one. For the first time, Hezbollah announced the use of the Almas-4 missile.
The Almas guided missile has been witnessed by the entire world in Hezbollah's operations. It is a Russian system that was modified in Iran, revealed to be in Hezbollah's possession for the first time at the end of January (targeting "Shlomi" and Ras Al-Naqoura). The known versions of the missile use electro-optical guidance, as opposed to laser, and can hit invisible targets (beyond the line of sight) that drones cannot, with an explosive warhead attached. It locks onto its target or can be manually navigated, as previously demonstrated by Hezbollah.
Up to this moment, the Almas-1, Almas-2, and Almas-3 missiles were known, each with an upgrade in the range, warhead, camera quality, performance, and guidance. The Almas-1 has a 4km range, while Almas-3 has a 16km range. Almas-1 is 130mm, weighs 15kg, and can penetrate 600mm of armor, while Almas-3 is 170mm, weighs 34kg, and can penetrate 1000mm of armor.
Based on today's video, we can infer that the never-before-seen Almas-4 has a higher camera quality, a better seeker, and may not be wire guided as its predecessors were. Based on the trend, we can assume that it also has a higher range and larger warhead.
Hezbollah's introduction of the Almas-4 represents an enhancement of its publicly announced capabilities and is a message to the enemy that it is prepared to escalate if needed.

The maritime security company Ambrey reported that a ship was targeted 67.7 miles southwest of Hodeidah.

The UKMTO reports that the ship that was targeted in the Red Sea about 66 nautical miles southwest of Hodeidah, Yemen was directly hit by a "small craft" about 5-7 meters in length, likely a naval drone.
The ship began taking on water and required the assisstance of other militaries. Then, the ship was hit a second time by an "unknown airborne projectile."

According to zionist media, over 21 crews are now attempting to contain the fires that have started in northern occupied Palestine as a result of Hezbollahโ€™s numerous artillery and rocket operations this morning. The road from occupied Akka to Tabariyya in northwest occupied Palestine has been completely closed due to the fires and bombardment.
Since this morning, Hezbollah has launched over 170 rockets and artillery shells, causing sirens to ring in 80 separate locations as it responds to the assassination of a commander in Jwayya and the injury of civilians.

Zionist media reports that 215 rockets were fired by Hezbollah since this morning. Shelters in Haifa were reportedly opened for fear of more rockets.


We still getting hung up on this CIA asset?


Lots of people still refusing to admit she is just female Fettermann



Khazar milkers don't work on muslim men.


She's better at hiding it than la creatura tbf.


National Resistance Brigades (Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces) spokesman, Abu Khaled:
Our forces continue to bombard enemy positions on the axes of advance and have destroyed one of their troop carriers.
Commander Abu Khaled, spokesperson for the Martyr Omar al-Qasim Forces (the military wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine), issued a military statement confirming that the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces bombarded enemy forces on the axis of advance in Rafah, destroying one of their troop carriers and injuring those inside. Here are the details:
First: The Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces detonated an explosive device on one of the "israeli" enemy's troop carriers, causing a direct hit, resulting in the killing and wounding of those inside, at the Abu Saber junction in the Shaboura camp in Rafah.
Second: The artillery unit of the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces shelled enemy soldiers and their vehicles with heavy mortar shells around the Awda Roundabout in Rafah city, hitting their targets.
Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces โ€“ Military wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Military Media

Hezbollah operations 06/12/2024:
09:30: targeting the Ruwaisat al-Qarn site in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms with rocket weapons, achieving a direct hit.
09:30: targeting the "Ramtha" site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills with rocket weapons, achieving a direct hit.
10:30: targeting the Samaqa site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills with rocket weapons, achieving a direct hit.
10:35: the Ramia site was targeted with artillery shells.
10:35: the Al-Rahib site was targeted with artillery shells.
Targeting the "Zar'it" barracks with artillery shells, in response to the assassination carried out by the "israeli" enemy in the town of Jwayya and the injury of civilians.
12:15: targeting the reconnaissance equipment at the Ruwaisat al-Alam site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills with appropriate weapons, achieving a direct hit.
The Islamic Resistance air defense unit confronted a hostile "israeli" warplane that violated Lebanese airspace by launching a surface-to-air missile at it, forcing it to retreat towards occupied Palestine and immediately leave Lebanese airspace.
Targeting the positions and quarters of officers and soldiers of the Habushit Barracks (headquarters of the 810th Hermon Brigade) with an aerial attack by a squadron of attack drones, hitting their targets accurately, in response to the "israeli" enemy's attack and assassination in the town of Jwayya and injuring civilians.
Targeting the "Plasan" military manufacturing facility specializing in the armoring and protection of machineries and vehicles for the "israeli" enemy army in the "Sasa" settlement with guided missiles, achieving a direct hit, in response to the assassination carried out by the "israeli" enemy in the town of Jwayya and injuring civilians.
Targeting the headquarters of the Northern Corps Command in the "Ein Zeitim" base with dozens of Katyusha rockets, in response to the assassination carried out by the "israeli" enemy in the town of Jwayya and injuring civilians.
Targeting the reserve headquarters of the Northern Corps in the "Amiad" base, where the Galilee Division's reserve forces and their depots are stationed, with dozens of Katyusha rockets, in response to the assassination carried out by the "israeli" enemy in the town of Jwayya and injuring civilians.
Targeting the Air Control and Air Operations Department on the northern front at the "Meron" base with dozens of Katyusha rockets and artillery shells, in response to the assassination carried out by the "israeli" enemy in the town of Jwayya and the injury of civilians.
14:15: after monitoring and tracking the Israeli enemy forces at the "Malikiyah" site, and upon observing the movement of soldiers inside, the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted them with artillery shells and hit them directly.
17:00: the "israeli" enemy's artillery positions in "Khirbet Ma'ar" and the deployment of its soldiers around it were targeted with Katyusha rockets, in response to the assassination carried out by the enemy in the town of Joya, injuring civilians.
17:05: the Hadab Yarine site was targeted with Burkan missiles and hit directly, in response to the assassination carried out by the "israeli" enemy in the town of Jwayya and the injury of civilians.
17:30: the Hanita site was targeted with artillery shells and hit directly.
17:35: the Jal Al-Alam site was targeted with artillery shells and hit directly.
17:40: the Birkat Risha site was targeted with Burkan missiles and hit directly, in response to the assassination carried out by the "israeli" enemy in the town of Jwayya and the injury of civilians.


>They'll run like rats to USA and won't touch the nuclear button, instead opting to seethe and cope like Rhodesians or South Africans did


What gets me is when she was being presented as a shoeless left hope _nobody_ who was aware of the pattern of her background spoke out.


a pattern that is very similar to BJG tbh


*tips fedora*


every day I am overcome with boiling rage at america


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Always On Camera glows brighter than the sun


so is hezbollah gonna do something?


Shut the fuck up, CIA monkey.


wtf lol


Israel will consider โ€˜expelling senior UN officialsโ€™
<Israel will consider expelling senior UN officials, the countryโ€™s ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan has said.

<โ€œWithin days, Israel will study the possibility of expelling senior United Nations officials from its territory,โ€ he told Israeli public radio. โ€œThe time has come for Israel to seriously consider the pros and cons of withdrawing from the United Nations.โ€


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Since October 7, Israel has doubled down on its efforts to build and arm a quasi-military force of settlers in the occupied West Bank. But the creation of an ideologically driven militia of settlers could backfire dangerously.

Clad in either sandals or sneakers alongside Israeli army fatigues, carrying automatic rifles and ferried around the occupied West Bank in militaristic cars with yellow flasher lights, the Settlement Emergency Squads โ€” known as Kitat Konenut in Hebrew โ€” are not a new invention. They have been around since the 1970s.

But a new report from the political violence monitor Armed Conflict Location and Event Data (ACLED) suggests that the October 7 attack has increased Israeli and international pro-Israeli support for the settler militia, leading to a surge in their violence against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank.

The line between militia and military in the West Bank is now blurred. "Following October 7, members of emergency squads have increasingly exploited the situation and engaged in violence against Palestinians with much less restraint. They have been increasingly wearing IDF [Israeli army] uniforms, oftentimes making it difficult to identify the perpetrators of violence," the ACLED report states.

The report goes on to say: โ€œEmergency squads [settler militia] are dressed as civilians but carry military-grade weapons, such as M16 rifles that are issued by the IDF [Israeli army] and cannot be purchased by civilians. Emergency squads often drive cars with yellow flasher lights. Since October 7, ACLED records several dozen events that have involved violence perpetrated by settlers in uniform who may be part of the civilian security squads.โ€

ACLED writes that, since October 7, โ€œthe army has distributed a considerable amount of additional weapons and munitions, including thousands of pistols, M-16 semi-automatic rifles, and machine guns to the squads.โ€

There are signs that automatic rifles, drones, and door breach gear are just the start for the Settlement Emergency Squads. In January 2024, Haaretz reported that the Israeli army is considering a plan to provide anti-tank missiles to the Settlement Emergency Squads, for use in the case that terrorists attack in vehicles.



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bro they armed a midget.
Zionism ain't right…


If you think about it this is a good metaphore for the whole situation.
Think of the amped up midget as Israel, the man pointing him to a target the USA and the other parted from them wishing he was the man pointing being the UK.


like the IDF retarted children's brigade


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>like the IDF retarted children's brigade
I've been thinking about them a lot recently. It has to be only a matter of time until they are sent to the front, especially if there is a war in Lebanon.
Zionism is fucked, Kind of sad for them. Except the guy on the far left. he's been on the front since the 8th. He was first into the Kibutz. He killed the hostages for surrendering. he lives to kill Arabs.


that's pretty cynical on behalf of the occupation: arming irregulars may increase stochastic terror against palestinians, but it also means that there's a bunch of poorly trained and disorganized loons disrupting and confusing IDF operations while arming partisans with the expensive precision weapons that will inevitably be lost, sold, or stolen.




I also thought hezbollah were pussying out at the start of the war but if you pay attention they are doing impressive work


Although there have been some news about a potential invasion of south Lebanon I'm positive they don't want that smoke right now. If Netanyahu does it anyway they're gonna be humiliated.


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I imagine a not insignificant amount of this will find it's way in to Palestinian hands also, as much of the west ban resistance weaponry comes out of IDF stocks anyway.


>Although there have been some news about a potential invasion of south Lebanon I'm positive they don't want that smoke right now. If Netanyahu does it anyway they're gonna be humiliated.
Same tbh, i really doubt Israel would try it, i think they have at least that much self-preservation.


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The whole of Israeli propaganda efforts vs the open genocidal fantasies of dedicated zionists


lol not happening


We've seen these pigs fill mass graves with civilians and medics, barely 18 hours ago new footage emerged of IOF executing civilians with their hands up. I don't consider any atrocity too great for them or the stooges that back them.


That is not the point anyone is making.
The point is the Isarelis are physically unable to assault Lebanon via a ground invasion in any significant way that could possibly be span in to a win for them. They will take huge losses both on the front and deeper into israel. Hostages will be taken and it will almost certainly collapse the government.
You have to remember that not even a lot of the far-right base care about Lebanon to the same degree, their project where all their attention goes is the colonisation of the west bank and now Gaza and are happy to abandon the northern settlers cries.


David and Goliath but David is a manlet and Goliath is just a normal guy.


>barely 18 hours ago new footage emerged of IOF executing civilians with their hands up
missed this, link?


So both the UN and ICC think the Zionazi entity is committing crimes but still nothing ever happens. Great.


Nothing happens until everything happens. Israel lives and dies by foreign aid and they are becoming a pariah state. You do the math.


It's still a significant sign that Israel is becoming more and more of a pariah. ICC and ICJ cases, condemnations from UN and all major (western biased) human rights organizations like HRW and Amnesty, recognition of Palestine by a bunch of countries, massive protests all over the world and so on and so on. Of course the west will keep supporting Israel with weapons and diplomacy until it finally becomes untenable but there is gonna be a point where the juice isn't worth the squeeze anymore (and then suddenly they will have always been against it). Call it hopium but I believe the apartheid regime will fall within 15 years.


they have an infinite supply of american bombs and "advisors" biden will cuck for them whenever they provoke justified retaliation and every peace negotiation is a delay tactic or a show for the press. the cost to carpet bomb beirut doesn't matter because the point is for US reps to hand trillions to arms companies, collect billions in political kickbacks, and exterminate some third worlders. Amero funbux are the global reserve currency so they can pay the troops and manufacurers with beer tickets they print for free.

the squeamish are more than happy to placate themselves complaining to the UN if it means avoiding direct conflict with the machine.


>The โ€œHasmonean state lasted only 80 years, and we needed to exceed thisโ€, Netanyahu was quoted by one of the attendees as saying, the Israeli Haaretz newspaper reported.

they were saying nothing Netanyahu says he believes in, so why did he say this?
we will see the regime fall in our lifetimes.


The entity does show a capacity for learning. They could pause while they let all the censorship legislation finish baking, then once the Western information space is locked down they can simply do the genocide and dare anyone to commit "blood libel" in calling them out on it.

But that is only going to help them as an exit strategy, in shaping the West for total professional-managerial class domination.

<Raytheon calls back retirees to build Stingers
<The West is running out of 150mm shells, has to send cluster bombs to Ukraine
>they have an infinite supply of american bombs
Kys larping drama queen.


>large bombing campaign
Maybe they're dumb enough to try this, but ask yourself why Israel did not bomb the airport at the start of hostilities? Why even now it is cautious to bomb Beruit?


Middle East Monitor: Attacking Lebanon is a disaster for Israel
The Zionist propaganda machine does not stop creating slogans to try to deceive the world about the supposed military and moral power of its armed forces. They have already invented that the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) are the โ€œmost moral in the worldโ€, โ€œthe best-trained army in the worldโ€ and โ€œan invincible beast of steelโ€.

However, these Zionist lies have been demoralised, day after day, by the resounding failures of their military machine in Gaza and on the Northern front, in which the Palestinian Resistance and Lebanese Hezbollah have been imposing successive defeats on โ€œIsraelโ€ and promoting the exhaustion of operational plans based on excessive military force, destruction of infrastructure and tens of thousands of deaths and injuries.

Note that Hezbollah declares that its actions in Occupied Northern Palestine are to distract the enemyโ€™s forces and pressure it to stop Zionist aggression in the Gaza Strip through the use of a modern military tactic with high operational flexibility and a constant pace of combat, according to the objectives outlined in the speech of Secretary-General, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on 3 November.

โ€œIsraelโ€ accounts for an unmeasured misfortune, failing to achieve the total victory promised by Netanyahu. It neither drove Hamas out of Gaza nor recovered the Israeli hostages. On the contrary, in addition to the military, political and moral defeat in Gaza, โ€œIsraelโ€ has been losing the North of Occupied Palestine with the destruction of its military posts and the massive evacuation of Jewish settlers.

For exactly eight months, โ€œIsraelโ€ has been waging a genocidal war against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, using all its capacity and all kinds of internationally prohibited weapons, ammunition and bombs, indiscriminately bombing schools, hospitals and areas protected by international humanitarian law.

The Palestinian Resistance humiliated โ€œIsraelโ€ with the actions of 7 October, when it took unprecedented control of Zionist settlements and military bases for an entire day. The โ€œAl-Aqsa Floodโ€ is the confrontation that needed to be done against the enemy and happened at the right time โ€“ the answer that had to be given after 76 years of Occupation. The war in Gaza is a situation where there is no way out for the Zionist regime. It was a decisive blow, a wound from which โ€œIsraelโ€ will not be healed and even imperialism will not be able to save it.

In recent weeks, there has been criticism from former Zionist military chiefs and analysts about the inability of โ€œIsraelโ€ to respond adequately, neither to Hamas nor to Hezbollah, to the point that the former deputy head of the Zionist Security Council during the 2006 war, Haim Tomer, declared that โ€œIsraelโ€ hardly wins a war against Lebanon, โ€œnot quickly, not everโ€.

While the Lebanese Resistance has the capabilities to defend Lebanon independently, with its thousands of precision missiles that can destroy strategic targets anywhere in โ€œIsraelโ€ in seconds, the Zionists do not have in their arsenal the weapons necessary for a war with Hezbollah, which depends on the shipment of weapons by the United States, both for the war in Gaza and Lebanon.

The Zionist regime seems to have neither learned nor drawn lessons from the failures of 7 October nor solved the problems within the troops, with the alarming decline of an exhausted army with a low enlistment rate, lack of discipline, perspective or political strategy, as well as the international isolation of โ€œIsraelโ€, which is rejected and expelled from all forums and parts of the world.

โ€œIsraelโ€ knows that a massive adventure against Lebanon could spell its end. Several Israeli media outlets have criticised the Zionist army for prolonging the war in Gaza and its inability to confront Hezbollah in the North, missiles from Yemen and Iraq and increased attacks from the West Bank.

The Zionist leaders know that there is no hope of absolute victory in Gaza. And that the situation is becoming worse in the North, in which the Israeli army continually loses its military capacity with the destruction of surveillance and espionage devices and numerous batteries of the Iron Dome anti-missile system installed in the numerous military bases along the extensive border with Lebanon.

In addition to all this, there is a current crisis faced by the Zionist cabinet which, in a single day, had the death of four members, including the head of the War Cabinet, Benny Gantz. He had called for elections to form a new Zionist government, which represents a severe blow to Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, who has been celebrating the victory of Pyrrhus in the rescue of four Israeli prisoners in the Gaza Strip.

Several dangers to the continuation of the Zionist Occupation are in gestation. An โ€œIsraelโ€ adventure on Lebanese soil would cost a huge price in human and economic losses, leading to the collapse of the Zionist economy if Hezbollah attacks industrial facilities, especially technology companies, which generate billions of dollars annually.

An attack on Lebanon will cause a disaster for the existence of โ€œIsraelโ€, which has already proved incapable of waging a full-scale war against an enemy more formidable than Hamas, with great military capacity, and with Muslim and Christian fighters willing to sacrifice their lives for a cause based on justice and the fight against oppression.


>The entity does show a capacity for learning.
It doesn't matter if they are materially stopped from doing things. Like if Netanyahu can't enter certain countries due to the ICJ ruling. Or if companies stop sending resources Israel needs to wage war.


israeli troops have been cycling in and out of gaza for 8 months straight, they don't stand a chance against ideologically motivated defenders. even back in 06 they lost


are there outlets publishing footage of israeli war crimes other than Al-Jazeera, socialist party blogs and zionazi gore telegrams?



Israel could literally kill every single man, woman and child in Gaza, resurrect them and kill them again, and western liberals would still call you anti-semitic for criticizing it. This shit is actually breaking my brain, I can't comprehend a) the indifference to seeing videos of dead children everyday, and b) the absolute vitriol against people having the audacity to question whether this is really necessary. If there's any justice in the universe we will all burn in hell for not stopping this.


their tactic would be airstrike and run, rotating in american pilots as required.


That's how you should treat any filthy Poolack. Based


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Don't worry anons, you will yet have war, David Mencer is on the case.
Hezbollah, Iran and Lebanon bear responsibility for border flare-up: Israel
Israeli government spokesperson David Mencer said has alleged that Hezbollah, its Iranian backer and the Lebanese government are responsible for the spiralling violence across the Israel-Lebanon border and hinted that escalation could be in the works.

โ€œLebanon and Hezbollah, under the guidance of Iran, bear full responsibility for the deterioration of the security situation in the north,โ€ Mencer said.

โ€œWhether through diplomatic efforts โ€“ or otherwise โ€“ Israel will restore security on our northern border,โ€ he added.


I fucking hate the obligatory "Iran backed" and "Iranian proxy" shit as if Hezbollah, Iraqi militias etc don't have free will and their own motivations for resisting Israel/US


>Netanyahu can't enter certain countries
I seriously doubt any of the countries he's ever visited would follow the rome statute and arrest him. he knows he's a butcher.


>It doesn't matter if they are materially stopped from doing things
True enough. But
1) Henry Kissinger was banned from several countries as well. All Bibi needs to do is make it to Florida or Virginia, and he's got free DoorDash for the rest of his life.
2) Other countries have complicated relationships with Israel and Judaism. Russia, for instance, may wish for the entity to remain, in a more tranquilized state if possible (and sure as hell not on their southwestern border tyvm). Their control over the US veto in the UNSC also remains, and a world war may be necessary to reorganize the UN in order to get rid of it.


germany promised they would


Israeli foreign policy revolves around making the American evangelical seals clap. I'm surprised they're not blaming Russia and China more


What? Weren't they the most pro-zionist country in Europe?


The Zionazi colonial entity will progress with or without Netanyahu. It's a systematic thing.


a fascist dictatorship like israel would collapse without their strongman netanyahu to rally behind.


Lol, lmao


germans love following rules. there's also a bit of precedent with bush and cheney famously having not stepped foot in europe since their iraq adventure


losing strategy form the get go


A defective, mechanical trait in a defective, mechanical people who should not be emulated. Instead, listen to the Moor.


Any confirmation on the alleged ship sinking, anons?


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An American official: We are very concerned about the escalation in Lebanon… and we are seeking to prevent it from developing into a war
A "senior" official in the US administration expressed, in a press briefing, today, Thursday, his country's deep concern about the escalation on the front with Lebanon, during the past two weeks.

He said that Washington held โ€œconsistent and urgent talks, at multiple times, between Israel and Lebanon, in order to prevent matters from developing into a war,โ€ noting that this war may have repercussions and effects that lead to escalation in other places in the region.

The American official indicated that the agreement to release prisoners and ceasefire, which is on the table, could affect the Lebanon front, pointing out that simply reaching a ceasefire in Gaza โ€œis not enough,โ€ as โ€œthere must be specific arrangements.โ€ With Lebanon."

<Continuing Israeli attacks

The Israeli occupation continues its attacks on Lebanon, especially on southern villages, targeting civilians and homes, which leads to the rise of martyrs. Today, Israeli media spoke about the Israeli โ€œarmyโ€ using โ€œa weapon from the Middle Ages, as in Rome,โ€ to carry out its attacks against agricultural lands in southern Lebanon.

The military censorship allowed the publication of the statement that โ€œthe Israeli army is using a device similar to a catapult to carry out arson operations in southern Lebanon,โ€ according to what the Israeli โ€œChannel 12โ€ reported.

<The resistance responds

In response to these attacks, and in support of the Gaza Strip and its resistance, the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon carried out operations against targets belonging to the Israeli occupation in northern occupied Palestine.

Earlier today, Israeli media reported that an attack that included 150 missiles, drones, and anti-tank missiles , lasting half an hour, was launched from southern Lebanon towards northern occupied Palestine.

The resistance announced that it had struck a series of military targets of the occupation, as it launched a joint attack with missiles and drones, and targeted, with โ€œKatyushaโ€ and โ€œFalq 6โ€ missiles, barracks and military sites of the occupation, namely: Al-Zaoura barracks, โ€œKilaaโ€ barracks, โ€œYoavโ€ barracks, and โ€œKatsaviaโ€ base. Nafah base and the Sahel battalion in Beit Hilal.

She added that at the same time, the Mujahideen of the Air Force, through several squadrons of attack drones, launched an air attack on the โ€œDadoโ€ base (the headquarters of the northern regionโ€™s command), the โ€œMicharโ€ base (the main intelligence headquarters of the northern region responsible for assassinations) and the โ€œBarracks.โ€ Katsavia" (headquarters of the 7th Armored Brigade of the 210th Golan Division), and it hit its targets accurately.

Subsequently, the resistance announced that the Air Force had launched, for the second time, an air attack via a squadron of attack drones on the โ€œMisharโ€ base, targeting the intelligence centers inside it. The Mujahideen also launched, for the second time, an air attack via a squadron of drones on the Katsavia barracks, and they hit their targets accurately.


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UN now finally stating what we have heard and seen. Zionazi are raping and sexually harrassing palestinian women and children


haven't been on leftypol for months, what's the current war status? what land gains did israel make or lose?


I mean, if they're proudly posting themselves sniffing Palestinian women's underwear on TikTok…


The maritime security company Ambrey reported that a ship was hit with a missile 129 nautical miles east of Aden, Yemen.

The UKMTO reports that a ship was hit by "two unknown projectiles" in the Gulf of Aden, 98 nautical miles east of Aden, Yemen.

The UKMTO reports that a second ship was attacked, this time in the Red Sea, 82 nautical miles northwest of Hodeidah, Yemen.

Sirens rang 6 times in occupied Safad and 5 times in "Katzrin" in the last 20 minutes, with zionist media reporting the fall of projectiles and wounded settlers. Zionist media reported that over 100 rockets and drones were fired from southern Lebanon in recent hours.
The municipality of Safed decided to stop education immediately and the closure of all business.
At least 15 fires broke out in the Golan and Al-Jalil in the last hour.

A source in Hezbollah to Al-Jazeera:
We attacked 15 โ€œisraeliโ€ military sites simultaneously in Al-Jalil and the occupied Golan.
We launched 30 attack drones towards the targeted โ€œisraeliโ€ military sites.
We launched 150 rockets towards โ€œisraeliโ€ sites in Al-Jalil and the occupied Golan.
The attack we carried out today is the largest and most comprehensive one since October 8th.
The complex attack aims to deter โ€œisraelโ€ and respond to the assassination of military commander Taleb Abdallah.
We attacked the northern command headquarters in the Golan, known as the โ€œDavid Base.โ€
We attacked the โ€œisraeliโ€ intelligence headquarters in the northern region responsible for assassinations in Lebanon.
We attacked the headquarters of the 7th Regular Armored Brigade in the occupied Golan.

Today's resistance attack targeted 8 "isareli" military bases from the Golan to Safed. This is the first time the resistance has carried out an attack of this scale simultaneously. It coincided with a series of airstrikes conducted by hostile warplanes on areas in southern Lebanon.

American-British warplanes carry out 3 airstrikes on the Salif area of Hodeidah in western Yemen.

A number of settlers are reportedly wounded as a result of a vehicle being targeted with a guided missile in "Margaliot" in northeastern occupied Palestine.

The number of wounded IOF soldiers as a result of Hezbollah's guided missile attack on a military vehicle near "Yiftah" has increased to 4, with 2 in a critical condition.

The IOF admits that an IOF soldier was wounded during the armed clashes in Qabatiya, south of Jenin.


Good to see Hamas not willing to accept yet another ceasefire deal written by zionists, for zionists, that wouldn't ensure Palestine's freedom. Juicy ammo for the libs to continue smearing Palestinian freedom fighters as the aggressors, but we're far past the point of even considering to care about the opinions of the zionazis


>Good to see Hamas not willing to accept yet another ceasefire deal
Which one? It's a little difficult to keep up with, but the latest Biden one I heard about was almost immediately shot down by the Israelis because they won't accept anything but the total destruction of Hamas.


What happened was, hamas requested it in writing, hamas sent it back, Israel as usual said they cannot accept a cease fire before they get all the hostages and they will not guarantee to leave the strip.


Realistically they have the developmentally-disabled brigade prepare sandwiches and then they give them participation ribbons so they feel included in such a militarized society. It's like the kid in Starship Troopers: "I'm doing my part, too!"

It's a good question. I think there was a real debate within the Israeli war cabinet at the beginning about whether to just go all out and attack Lebanon, but the people who didn't want to do that won out. The U.S. also sent two carriers into the Mediterranean, and while I don't think those carriers would actually be of much use against Hezbollah, it was kind of like…. you saw these U.S. officials and Biden and Blinken flying to Israel and bear-hugging Bibi? The Americans knew the Israelis were going crazy, and I think they were letting them go crazy but also trying to get some control over them so they wouldn't go TOO CRAZY for their own good.

But now it seems like the Israelis are really pushing it. Their people are in Washington trying to build up support among their allies in Congress to back going into Lebanon. But they'll phrase it like "restoring peace and security" and "we stand with Israel and express our full commitment to any effort…" which implies they'd back an invasion.

Also back in the beginning, the U.S. said that if Hezbollah went to war with Israel, the U.S. would join the war against them. So what Hezbollah did is something smarter, which is to wage a "war of attrition" along the border. Hezbollah is being careful to target military sites. They launch some rockets or fire an anti-tank missile, Israel drops some bombs, Hezbollah launches some more rockets, but there's no real line they've crossed that would give Israel a clear trigger or the casus belli to go all-out on them. It's not clear whether if Israel suddenly escalated it into a real war there, the Americans would feel obligated to join the fighting (hence this diplomatic campaign that they're doing right now).


>Realistically they have the developmentally-disabled brigade prepare sandwiches and then they give them participation ribbons so they feel included in such a militarized society. It's like the kid in Starship Troopers: "I'm doing my part, too!"
…Yea, that's how it started with the US in Vietnam too.
It would cause real strains with the French and British, both who have a colonia-protectivel view of Lebanon, plus it's they would very likely not join in on any adventure. Maybe the Germs would though, that would be notable.


Hezbollah releases an infographic summarizing their operations as part of the battle of Al-Aqsa Flood from October 8th, 2023 until June 13th, 2024 at 02:00 PM, marking 250 days of battle.
The graphic is summarized below, with the corresponding statistic for Day 200 (April 24) in parentheses.

The average number of daily operations is now 9, up from 7 in January.
The enemy's human losses: more than 2,000 killed or wounded.

2,125 military operations, targeting:
- 304 settlements (up from 186)
- 1,373 border sites (up from 1,112)
- 79 rear sites (up from 55)
- 200 border points (up from 176)
- 59 aerial targeting (up from 51)
- 110 bases and barracks targeting (up from 70)

The enemy's internal front:
- 230,000 displaced settlers
- 5km: the distance of evacuation from the northern border
- 43 settlements evacuated
- 35km: the depth of targeting (up from 23km)

The enemy's losses:
- 114 military vehicles (up from 92)
- 122 command centers (up from 67)
- 493 bunkers and fortifications (up from 344)
- 409 technical equipment (up from 328)
- 930 settlement units (up from 722)
- 3 military factories (up from 2)
- 50 artillery positions (up from 33)
- 10 Iron Dome platforms (up from 5)
- 2 military balloons/airships
- 7 drones (up from 5) - Includes 3 Hermes 900, 2 Hermes 450, and 2 Skylark

The weapons used (numbers are a measure of the number of operations, not shells/rockets used):
- 442 artillery operations (up from 352)
- 925 surface-to-surface rockets (up from 727)
- 82 sniper or machine gun (up from 77)
- 59 air defense (up from 50)
- 100 aerial (drone) attacks (up from 55)
- 682 guided missiles (up from 546)
- 162 direct weapons (up from 136)
- 23 engineering weapons (up from 17)

The UKMTO reports that the ship that was hit in the Gulf of Aden earlier today was hit by a third projectile, which further damaged the ship and resulted in a fire.
It is the first of two ships that were reportedly targeted in the Red Sea or Gulf of Aden today.


I'm out of the loop. Why is Lebanon now attacking the Zionazi entity?


because based


They have been doing this for the past eight months in support of Gaza.


"Lebanon" is not attacking


Hamas growing more popular among Palestinians amid war

The Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PCPSR) conducted between May 26 - June 1 a new poll regarding the war on Gaza, surveying Palestinians on several issues, including support for the Resistance and its actions in Gaza.

The poll revealed an increase in overall support for the Palestinian Resistance's operation against the Israeli occupation on October 7, with 73% of Palestinians expressing approval, up from 71% three months ago during the previous survey, which coincided with the five-month anniversary of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood.

Furthermore, 82% of Palestinians believe that the October 7 operation brought the Palestinian issue into the spotlight, ending years of regional and international neglect. This marked a 6-point increase from the previous survey, with many respondents hopeful that this could lead to greater recognition of the Palestinian state.

The survey also indicated a rise in support for armed struggle, particularly in Gaza, where there was a 17-point increase. Support for Hamas has also risen, with a 6-point increase over the past three months.

A significant majority of Palestinians (67%) expect Hamas to emerge victorious from the war, a 4-point increase from the last survey. Additionally, support for Hamas governing Gaza post-conflict has risen to 61%, while satisfaction with the movement stands at 75%. Yahya Sinwar, Hamas' leader in Gaza, enjoys a 65% approval rating among Palestinians.

Opposition to the deployment of an Arab security force in Gaza has grown to 75%, up from 70% in the previous survey.

Regarding regional dynamics and the broader Resistance Axis, the poll highlighted widespread Palestinian support for allied Resistance operations. This comes as Hezbollah continues its military actions against Israeli forces in northern occupied Palestine and the occupied Syrian Golan Heights, as Yemen expands its military operations against vessels linked to the Israeli occupation in solidarity with Gaza despite renewed American and British aggression against the country, and as Iraq continues to bombard Israeli sites in occupied Palestine.

The sharp contrast between the Palestinian sentiment toward the war and the Israeli sentiment was evident in a May opinion poll conducted by the Israeli Midgam Institute, which indicated that about two-thirds of the Israeli public does not believe in the entity's ability to achieve the objective of "eliminating" Hamas.

Since day one of the war on Gaza, the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared that, along with bringing back the captives, the main goal of the war is to end Hamas and achieve an "absolute victory" against the Resistance in the Strip.

But eight months into the genocidal war on Gaza, "Israel" has yet to reach the captives, defeat the Resistance, reduce its influence, or effectively harm its capabilities. Meanwhile, political and social rifts are widening, risking the collapse of the emergency government and paralyzing the war cabinet.

Meanwhile, the dire Israeli situation on the northern front with Hezbollah has left tens of thousands of Israeli settlers unable to return to their settlements, as the Lebanese Resistance continues its daily operation against military bases and sites at an escalatory rate.

Published by The Wall Street Journal, the Midgam report showed that 62% of Israelis no longer believe that the entity is capable of achieving "absolute victory", while 27% still consider it realistic.


Airstrikes won't win a territorial war, but they don't have to. The west always intervenes so there's no reason not to pick fights they can't win. Every time they hold themselves hostage they're rewarded. No meaningful action has been taken to disarm Bibi the Butcher.


>the french
would they block thales from selling arms to the americans to use on lebbos? probably not

>the british

would they quit their intelligence and logistics base on cyprus over it? probably not.

As much as I want to see the Israelis being made to sit and spin I don't see it happening. Nobody sets a red line for them because both parties know doing so would be an embarrassing farce.


any action west jerusalem takes in lebanon will be done alone, there is just no way there will be american boots on the ground taking casualties against hezbollah. everyone knows its a losing battle


I don't think it matters how futile it would be. The Americans have been getting into futile meatgrinder wars since before I was born. Beyond the Eschatology they need to keep the region from pivoting to BRICS and protect the nuclear arsenal and their tech investments. If they can't entice volunteers with the opportunity to murder without consequence they'll bail their children into vans and throw them into the meat grinder to sink or swim. If they won't fight the war they'll definitely secure the northern border and let offensive airstikes fly over their lines.


Hezbollah operations 06/13/2024:
9:30: targeting the Ruwaisat al-Qarn site in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms with rocket weapons, achieving a direct hit.
A joint attack was launched with missiles and drones, as 6 barracks and military sites were targeted with Katyusha and Falaq missiles: "Zaoura" batteries, โ€œKeilaโ€ Barracks, โ€œYoavโ€ Barracks, โ€œKatsaviaโ€ Base, โ€œNafahโ€ Base, and the โ€œSahelโ€ Battalion in โ€œBeit Hillel.โ€ Simultaneously, the Air Force fighters launched several squadrons of assault drones in an air attack on โ€œDaduโ€ base (northern regional command headquarters), โ€œMisharโ€ base (the main intelligence headquarters of the northern region responsible for assassinations) and โ€œKatsaviaโ€ barracks (the headquarters of the 7th Regular Armored Brigade of the 210th Golan Division), and hit their targets accurately, as part of the response to the assassination carried out by the โ€œisraeliโ€ enemy in the town of Jwayya.
16:00: targeting the Ramtha site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills with appropriate weapons, hitting it directly.
For the second time today, an air attack was launched with a squadron of attack drones on the โ€œMisharโ€ base, targeting the remaining strategic centers inside it. At the same time, the fighters also launched, for the second time, an air attack with another squadron of drones on the โ€œKatsavyaโ€ barracks, and they hit their targets accurately, as part of a response to the assassination carried out by the โ€œisraeliโ€ enemy in the town of Jwayya.
17:30: After monitoring and tracking the โ€œisraeliโ€ enemy forces, and upon the arrival of a Hummer military vehicle to the Qadas ("Yiftah") Yushu' Triangle, the fighters of the Islamic Resistance targeted it with a guided missile and hit it directly, leading to its destruction and leaving those in it dead and wounded.
17:50: targeting the Ruwaisat al-Qarn site in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms with rocket weapons, hitting it directly.
19:30: targeting a deployment of โ€œisraeliโ€ enemy soldiers in the โ€œDovivโ€ Forest with rocket weapons, hitting it directly.
20:00: a deployment of "israeli" enemy soldiers was targeted in the vicinity of the Ramtha and Al-Samaqa sites in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills with rocket weapons, and it was directly hit.
Targeting a position of โ€œisraeliโ€ enemy soldiers in Wadi "Yir'on" with guided missiles and directly hitting it, leaving them dead and wounded.
20:41: targeting a deployment of โ€œisraeliโ€ enemy soldiers in the โ€œNetuaโ€ forest with rocket weapons, hitting it directly.
20:41: targeting a deployment of โ€œisraeliโ€ enemy soldiers in the โ€œAdatherโ€ forest with rocket weapons, hitting it directly.
21:05: targeting a deployment of โ€œisraeliโ€ enemy soldiers in the โ€œAdamitโ€ Forest with artillery shells, hitting it directly.



Israel has pushed south so that most of Palestine's population is in Rafah. They are continuing to bomb civilians and other such war crimes there. Meanwhile they are having a hard time holding the rest of Gaza since there are still insurgent actions happening there and killing Israelis. Fog of war is making it hard to know how badly Israel is being hit there. In Israel's north, they are now trading fire with Hezbollah in earnest and likely going to war with Lebanon (at least they are saying that's their intention) so it's about to turn into a regional war officially.


>Mortar and Machine gun distance
Practically begging IDF to invade.


If they haven't mined the border, I will be extremely upset.


>they'll definitely secure the northern border and let offensive airstikes fly over their lines.
doubt it and realistically it doesn't matter because it just put idf on a possition wich is easier to attack while also not eliminating the rocket threat to the settlements

a half assed invassion won't work and will most likely not even be attempted this will not be another 2006


>They'll run like rats to USA and won't touch the nuclear button, instead opting to seethe and cope like Rhodesians or South Africans did
And they will be replaced by more efficient, less fanatical and retarded toadies. The PA or whatever is gonna become the official government of Palestine, the virtual state with zero autonomy or means that is gonna exist only in paper. And bleeding heart libs are going to love it and immediately switch to denouncing those who "prevent the peace" AKA "Iran backed Xs and Ys" while all the NATO compradors enjoy their new concessions. And yes, China is gonna sign on it.


IDK the whole "Israel is by nature a genocidal settler colony" is getting a lot of traction. The libs who sign off on a less fanatical government are gonna be mostly the same people who are already carrying water for Israel.


>And they will be replaced by more efficient, less fanatical and retarded toadies.


Resistance is winning


why do the ones in the left image have pneumatic lines attached to them?


Israel always wins, they're going to turn it into a holiday when it's all said and done.



guy in the black mask is playing cnc generals


Hezbollah already displaced 230.000 settlers, retard. Israel is already crumbling.


>Additionally, support for Hamas governing Gaza post-conflict has risen to 61%
Ey, I thought it would be bigger. Good new for socialists there. I think hamas is like the Communist partisans of WW2. Everybody is supporting them and joining even tho they don't follow their ideology.


coca cola bangladesh is tanking and decided to address the boycott head on. unfortunately they shit the bed and bought a tv spot full of national celebrities and in it the bloke in white harangues people for boycotting and says (paraphrased)
>everyone drinks coca cola, there's a coca cola factory in palestine
referencing the factory that coke built in an illegal settlement.

if there is anyone that speaks the language (hindi?) can they give us a full transcript? most outlets are lifting quotes and I wanna revel in the full disaster. auto translate didn't even try so probably google translate won't do shit.


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>guy in the black mask is playing cnc generals
Once again showing which side has vibrant and healthy culture.


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>And they will be replaced by more efficient, less fanatical and retarded toadies. The PA or whatever is gonna become the official government of Palestine, the virtual state with zero autonomy or means that is gonna exist only in paper. And bleeding heart libs are going to love it and immediately switch to denouncing those who "prevent the peace" AKA "Iran backed Xs and Ys" while all the NATO compradors enjoy their new concessions. And yes, China is gonna sign on it.
Yes. Anon already said it will be like South Africa.
Let us hope they learn the lesson of Economic Freedom not simply Political Freedom, so to speak.


Israel confronting Hezbollah โ€˜a very different calculationโ€™ than taking on Hamas

Itโ€™s the third day of rocket barrages from Lebanon into Israel. Israel has characterised this as the most serious attack on its borders since the war started in October.

Since the start of those increased hostilities along the border, some 28 towns and villages on the Israeli side have been evacuated. Thatโ€™s some 60,000 people who live in them have been living away from there now since October.

Netanyahu is under increasing pressure from far-right cabinet ministers who keep him in power to take a stronger line against Hezbollah to try to push them further away, deep into Lebanon, so they canโ€™t target these northern areas.

But for Israel to take on Hezbollah itโ€™s a very different calculation than taking on Hamas.

Hezbollah has thousands of โ€“ a vast array of โ€“ rockets that could easily hit many Israeli towns and cities and cause significant damage. In retaliation, Lebanon would also be catastrophically damaged by Israel, so thatโ€™s why both sides have managed to avoid all-out confrontation


Rescue under way for crew of Greek-owned vessel hit by Houthis
The crew of a Greek-owned vessel that was damaged by a Houthi attack in the Red Sea should be rescued within the day although one sailor is still missing, the Philippines has said.

The attack near the Yemeni port of Hodeidah on Wednesday caused severe flooding and damage to the engine room and left the Tutor, a Liberia-flagged coal carrier, unable to manoeuvre. It was taking in water and was in need of rescue.

The Houthis have made repeated drone and missile strikes on ships in the shipping channels of the Red Sea, the Bab al-Mandeb Strait and the Gulf of Aden since November, saying they are acting in solidarity with Palestinians in the Gaza war.

Israeli army proposes redirecting focus to Lebanon
Israelโ€™s Channel 12 is reporting that the army has recommended ending its military offensive in Rafah, southern Gaza, and redirecting its efforts towards a new offensive in southern Lebanon.

Israeli defence minister rejects French plan towards defusing border tensions with Lebanon
Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has ruled out joining an initiative promoted by French President Emmanuel Macron in which France, the United States and Israel would form a contact group to work on defusing tensions on Israelโ€™s border with Lebanon.

โ€œAs we fight a just war, defending our people, France has adopted hostile policies against Israel,โ€ Gallant said in a statement. โ€œIsrael will not be a party to the trilateral framework proposed by France.โ€

โ€˜All signs are forโ€™ regional escalation as Lebanon-Israel fighting flares
Speaking to Al Jazeera, Lorenzo Kamel, a professor at the University of Turin, said the latest increase in cross-border attacks raises the likelihood of regional escalation.

โ€œObviously, all the signs are for an escalation,โ€ he said.

He added that this has been heightened by Israelโ€™s use of white phosphorous in southern Lebanon, which Human Rights Watch has warned violates international law and can cause disproportionate civilian suffering.

โ€œWe know that Israel is using white phosphorus. This is putting civilians at risk,โ€ Kamel said.

โ€œAnd of course, we know that white phosphorus is there to make a place unlivable. And we know that in the long term, the use of white phosphorus causes a lot of malformations and so on. So all these elements are there to remind us that an escalation is getting closer,โ€ he said.


>France has adopted hostile policies against Israel,โ€ Gallant said in a statement. โ€œIsrael will not be a party to the trilateral framework proposed by France.โ€
israel is isolating itself and that's why any offensive in the north will jeopardize the israeli existence as a whole


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>so is hezbollah gonna do something?



lol this is hilarious because france has been really pretty fucking zionist, basically only said they recognize ICJ legitimacy and might one day recognize palestine, while keeping up the trade, weapons delivery, helping in defending their airspace against hezbollah and boats against houthis, condemning and criminalizing all public support of palestine.
But they really want to lay waste to lebanon apparently, and although I feel for the people there, I bet the settlers will take large losses and might even get pushed back bloodied, which would be a joy.


Historical record is honestly not encouraging
Fucking Irish separatism was a radical idea that Lenin espoused, now they're a full-blown imperialist tax haven marching in lockstep with the rest of NATO.


Hamas was created by the mossad??!



Funded, to keep the PLO from being the strongest Palestinian faction. It's a US-mujahideen situation, where it ended up biting them in the ass.


this isnt true either

israel mostly ignored the muslim brotherhood organizations that would become hamas because they where against armed resistance, once hamas was born along with its armed wing israel supressed them so hard they almost disapeared during their first years


>Hamas was created by the mossad??!
No. There's a weird narrative about this.

>this isnt true either
It appears the Israelis took a divide-and-conquer approach to the Palestinians by indirectly strengthening Hamas, allowing funds from Qatar to flow into Gaza while starving the Palestinian Authority. I highly doubt Israel gave Hamas money, but rather looked the other way as money flowed in, with the bet that Hamas being strong (but not too strong) would balance them against the PLO and also buy some "quiet." And then this blew up in their face last year.

But I've seen people online (pro-Palestinian people) when responding to someone saying Hamas is bad, they'll say "well Hamas was created by Israel." But Hamas is not a result of a 5D Zionist plot, it's a resistance organization and their aim is to fight Israel.


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>Reserve Major General in the "Israeli Army", "Yifthah Ron Tal":

>Hezbollah has established a security zone inside the country. Instead of it being in southern #Lebanon, it is now in northern "Israel". We are losing the Galilee. Most people will not return. I was In Kiryat Shmona yesterday, it's a ghost town, it's an abandoned war zone, the only thing you can see there are animals, you just want to cry;


There are a lot of people that quite haven't grasped by now that Israel's borders have effectively and significantly been moved, for the first time in decades.


Well then tell us dear anon


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Lol of course she has the VSCO girl bottle.


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So now that the worldwide recognition of a Palestinian state is pretty much inevitable given that this war accelerated it, is it smart to keep supporting Hamas as the main force for Palestinian independence or should we hope for an actual non-reactionary force to be Palestine's party?


While all the Middle eastern oil kingdoms and Iran keep existing, it will be difficult. But Hamas has entered the status of the communists partisans of WW2, people join them not because of ideology but because they are fighting.


Hamas' popularity is at an all-time high, even within the West Bank. Good luck.


The PFLP and its allies will decide this. Then, whatever choice they make, we should criticize them for it


Support for Hamas will stop as soon as the zionist entity has fucked off and Palestinians can rebuild their homeland without fear. Some countries saying "Yeah you're real" is worthless without international pressure.


Yeah, Hamas has pretty much reached a uMkhonto weSizwe status in Palestine, they finally got the whole world to notice them and it wouldn't have happened without them.


Then Hamas should not commit the same mistake as the ANC, they should not stand down after Palestine gets a seat in the UN


Reconquista is only a matter of time


yeah keep hoping buddy


normal looking israeli kid taking happy snaps in fatigues while someone's grandma is cuffed and blindfolded in the background is unironically teaching people more about fascism and the banality of evil than every libtard holocaust film ever.


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It's literally just this but in the modern day


An anon having seeing thst pic but from whats in it decides to have a little sperg about a *water bottle* of all things is amazing.
Leftypol has been pretty bad lately in a not funny way but this kind of weird autism is why I come back.


You wrote a paragraph of sperg over a joke.


Yes because it was funny and weird autistic just like leftypol instead of bitter and try hard autistic like you are now demonstrating.
I thought I was perfectly clear, TBH!

BTW I'm begging you to touch paper and ink. :)


>When you are in an infantry company, in an isolated environment like this, the rules of that company are foremost. They are the things that really count. The laws back home do not make any difference. What people think of you does not matter. What matters is what people here and now think about what you are doing. What matters is how the people around you are going to see you. Killing a bunch of civilians in this way, babies, women, old men, people who were unarmed, helpless was wrong. Every American would know that. And yet this company, sitting out here isolated in this one place, did not see it that way. I am sure they did not. This group of people was all that mattered. It was the whole world. What they thought was right was right. And what they thought was wrong was wrong. The definitions for things were turned around. Courage was seen as stupidity. Cowardice was cunning and wariness, and cruelty and brutality were seen sometimes as heroic. That is what it eventually turned into.
– a soldier of Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 20th Infantry



How many hards do you think you are being on a scale of try, right now?


Worldwide recognition won't bring safety to Palestine if the USA doesn't respect the terms, and they've said multiple times that a Palestinian state needs to be done through 1-on-1 negotiations (i.e. Israel gets everything that they want while the US bullies Palestine into accepting unfavorable terms). Hamas would be needed more than ever without America's blessings, and they might also need nukes just to be on the safe side


The IOF claims that an Elbit Systems Hermes 900 drone ($6 million) crashed north of Jenin in the occupied interior due to a "technical defect."

Al-Qassam Brigades:
The IOF killed two captives in an air strike on the city of Rafah a few days ago.

An occupation soldier was wounded after being run over in an apparent resistance operation near Rantis, west of Ramallah.

Zionist sources report that at least 60 rockets have been fired from southern Lebanon today.

The UKMTO reports that the ship "TUTOR," which was directly hit at least three times by the Yemeni Armed Forces two days ago, is at risk of sinking after the crew abandoned the ship. The ship is drifting in the Red Sea and reportedly "unlit."
The operation that targeted it used drones, ballistic missiles, and for the first time, a naval drone, which directly hit the engine room and caused it to fill with water.
The ship was targeted due to its company violating the Yemeni ban on entering the ports of occupied Palestine.



85% of Palestine is Salafist Sunni and Hamas would be treated as heroes if that was to occur so there's no chance for a revolutionary government. Salafism is the opposite of non-reactionary, revolutionary potential. Most """scholars""" from that trend are educated directly in Saudi Arabia which directly teaches anti-communist ideals, even calling it the worst sin you can do on par with shirk.

There's revolutionary potential in the Shia and Ahmadi sects. Both are severely persecuted and I don't know much about Ahmadi but Shia engrain self-defense into the religion. It's why they survive despite being openly the target of genocide since the first fitnah and have performed revolutions (that weren't organized by the British empire).

One route I see to a better outcome than just some heavily sanctioned place ran by oppressive wahhabists.
>two-state solution, Hamas becomes the leadership because of course they would
>they'll get sanctioned to hell and possibly face even more deaths than the active bombings
>Hamas will keep sucking off the Sunnis that have betrayed them since the very start due to the ideological alliance (rather than material)
>shia, ahmadi and "progressive" sunnis grow discontented with Salafi leadership being a bunch of sellouts
>Iran, Yemen, Houthis ect aid political takeover
>new leadership sees the failures of liberalism and the puppet states like Saudi Arabia and find some new philosophy like Khomeinism was in Iran
That's autistic worldbuilding but I'm 100% serious when I say if Salafis are in charge, it doesn't matter if Hamas changes its name to Homos it won't change a thing it always be an oppressive shithole that will ultimately sell out to western capitalists. The biggest problem I see is brain drain post-war. Intellectuals built the Iranian revolution and Israel is just killing everyone so it would be hard to find a figure like Ali Shariati. Even more if Hamas remained in power and built the schools to teach Salafi-Wahhabi regressive propaganda.

And the no-state solution or secular state solution are fake psy-ops not worth talking about. It completely ignores their culture and conditions. I'm sure there are communist groups in Palestine but they don't have the manpower and after a genocide from Israelis, they're going to want a strong, religious state.


Hezbollah operations 06/14/2024:
08:50: the "Metulla" site was targeted with appropriate weapons, and it was hit directly.
08:55: a gathering of "israeli" enemy soldiers in Khallet Wardeh was targeted with rocket weapons.
09:30: the Ramtha site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills was targeted with rocket weapons, and it was hit directly.
09:45: the Samaqa site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills was targeted with rocket weapons, and it was hit directly.
Dozens of Katyusha and Falaq missiles were launched at the "Kiryat Shmona" and "Kfar Sold" settlements in response to "israeli" attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe homes, the latest of which was the attack on the town of Jannata, which resulted in the martyrdom and injury of civilians.
Buildings used by "israeli" enemy soldiers in the "Metulla" settlement were targeted with appropriate weapons and hit directly, in response to "israeli" attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe homes, the latest of which was the attack on the town of Jannata, which resulted in the martyrdom and injury of civilians.
13:20: the espionage systems in the "Misgav Am" site were targeted with appropriate weapons, destroying them.
14:00: the espionage equipment in the Jal Al-Deir site was targeted with appropriate weapons and hit directly, destroying them.
14:15: a deployment of "israeli" enemy soldiers around the Ramtha site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills was targeted with rocket weapons.
14:50: a technical system in the "Metulla" site was targeted with an attack drone and hit directly, leading to its destruction.
15:17: a deployment of "israeli" enemy soldiers around the Baram forest was targeted with rocket weapons and hit directly.
18:10: a gathering of "israeli" enemy soldiers in the "Karantina" forest was targeted with artillery shells.
18:10: a gathering of "israeli" enemy soldiers in Khallet Wardeh was targeted with rocket weapons and hit directly.
Buildings used by "israeli" enemy soldiers in the "Margaliot" settlement were targeted with Katyusha rockets in response to "israeli" attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe homes, especially in the town of Kfar Kila.
Buildings used by "israeli" enemy soldiers in the "Misgav Am" settlement were targeted with Katyusha rockets in response to "israeli" attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe homes, especially in the town of Rab Thalathin.
19:25: the "Ramim" barracks were targeted with rocket weapons and hit directly.
Buildings used by "israeli" enemy soldiers in the "Metulla" settlement were targeted with appropriate weapons in response to "israeli" attacks on the steadfast villages and safe homes, especially in the town of Houla.
After monitoring and following up on the "israeli" enemy forces and observing the drone launch crew in the "Metulla" site that attacks our villages and people, the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted them with artillery shells, achieving confirmed hits.

The American military announced that they are moving the so-called "floating aid dock" from the Gaza Strip to occupied Asdod, thus halting the transfer of aid from the dock. The "temporary relocation" to the occupied interior comes in light of the port breaking away from the sea two weeks ago and its alleged use as part of the Nusseirat massacre


Is that Yemen? Jesus christ that is one of the biggest gatherings in solidarity I've seen in recent times.


>85% of Palestine is Salafist Sunni
no it ain't



Yes, it's Yemen. It's in Sabeen square in Sana'a, but they hold rallies across the country. They say they have turnout in the millions and hold them every week.


Hamas aren't Salafists, stop lying. They aren't even reactionary; they've moved far from their roots in the Muslim Brotherhood.
They're a revolutionary anti-imperialist force, allied with all the communist Palestinian groups btw. If you don't support them to the hilt, you're no better than the rest of the zionists


Source? I don't care about the exact percentage, and it depends on where exactly you're taking census but it's predominantly Sunni anywhere you look and Hamas is officially a Sunni organization. It came from the Muslim brotherhood, who also were anti-communists which is my ultimate point about their ideology. Hamas has no revolutionary potential, nor do I see any evidence any Salafist movement would have any either due to what I said about anti-communism being a pillar of it. In fact, the zionists propped Hamas up because they rejected the Palestinian Liberation Organization, which included leftist groups. They wanted that ideology in charge.


They literally came from the Salafist Muslim Brotherhood. Their Salafist views is why Israel propped them up. Israel openly admits they helped propped them up, this isn't a conspiracy. You don't know what you're talking about. I do.


>They're a revolutionary anti-imperialist force, allied with all the communist Palestinian groups btw
Also you can't read. Those groups belong to the PLO who are not Hamas, Hamas rejects them, and they're overshadowed by Hamas in manpower, weapons and politics. I already said this.

This isn't discrediting the Hamas aligned freedom fighter, or the fact pretty much anyone fighting is going to get lumped up with Hamas so who knows the real demographics. The ideology doesn't much matter since they're fighting for survival, but the question was what comes after. This is why talking about this is so annoying because you point out basic facts about them and some crybaby acts like I want every Hamas soldier killed.


>. Those groups belong to the PLO who are not Hamas, Hamas rejects them
Hamas will be part of the PLO by the end of the year.


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>allied with all the communist Palestinian groups btw
Source? I don't doubt there's unironic critical support, but as far as I'm aware the PFLP is still in the PLO


These groups are not cohesive single units, btw between civil and armed wings as well as best west bank and gaza.
That's besides the point. Just important to know.


If you read the statements either group puts out it's pretty clear that they work together, unity of the fields, etc.


Getting propped up by Israel turned them into a big tent, which most likely fucked up their identity a bit.


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Final spam because this apparently needs to be said. The baked in anti-communism in in fundamentalism like salafi or wahhabi comes from the rulings on the "Khawarij" who's blood is halal, meaning it is not a crime to kill them and is actually a good deed to kill them. What are "khawarij?" They're rebels and rebellion is known as "khurooj" and the UAE, Saudis, ect exploit this to kill any political dissidents. I can quote some hadith they use for you.
>Ibn Abi Awfa reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, โ€œThe khawarij are the dogs of Hellfire.โ€
>The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, โ€œNone of the people rebel against the ruler by as much as a handspan and die but that he will have died a death of ignorance.โ€
That's not all, it means even minor criticism is forbidden.
>โ€œO Prophet of Allah, what do we do if we have rulers over us who demand their rights yet they withhold our rights?โ€ He replied: โ€œListen to them and obey them [regardless]. Upon them is their burden and on you will be your burden.โ€
This is what is taught in Medina University. Hamas for decades has been moving to restrict women's rights and ban music ect. I don't care what they say they are, they're fundamentalists who believe in the anti-revolutionary scholars. This leads to no chance of progressive reforms moving forward without a massive redirection. This leads to some people (like above) idealizing Hamas and pretending they're the PLO. This is not helpful.

Just look at history, when looking for leftist trends in the Islamic world, you don't find it in Sunni fundamentalist nations. It happens in Iran and there's a reason because you can find revolutionary aspects in Shiism, like their remembrance of all the atrocities committed against them by the proto-Sunnis. It's not perfect, obviously, but it's a far cry from what's happening in the other parts of the Islamic world. Hopefully I'm proven wrong and some leftist Sunni comes out, or even better a non-sectional Muslim comes out and gets a following.

And once again, I don't want Hamas to lose and Israel to win. Ideology is not very important when fighting for survival. I just don't believe afterwords they'll succdem Hamas into become leftist despite decades of history pointing to the opposite.


What do you think the PLO looks like with Hamas in it?


You're living 10 years ago, lol. You been paying attention to any recent developments at all?


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>Israel propped them up
this is not true btw


>Hamas rejects them
not really hamas is allied to the other factions specially their armed wings they simply view themselves as the leaders of the resistance because in fact they are


Whoever runs that account is a massive retard. "Yeah let's start dehumanizing Gaza civilians even more at a point where the whole mainstream world knows we're doing genocide but is still too afraid to say it"
They still post like October 7th happened yesterday


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What is this trash meme?


This true?


Bro can we get 3 picrels and 3000 words on how >>>/leftypol/1885468 affects your worldview


Cope of the highest degree. At least know what you are supporting.


dunno. but if it is… it's big


>Salafist Muslim Brotherhood
tell me you don't know shit about middle eastern politics without telling me you don't know shit about middle eastern politics


>Salafist wah wah Salafists!!
Why does this nonsense matter to you autistics at all let alone to spend 12h arguing it?
To me this feels like glowie nonsense to detract rom genocide. Fuck off faggot.


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because salafism is a saudi glow-op and hamas is not salafist by any definition
this kind of ignorance is why reactoids can frame the arab-israeli conflict as a battle of le enlightened civilized west vs them damn savage muslim ayraps


Egypt is multipolar gang


I can't bring myself to even care enough to commit this stuff to memory.
Maybe I'm just wrong and this silly made up nonsense is actually important. Idk
He does have a nice hat though that's the o ly thing I'll take away from this.


You're acting like this isn't official Israeli policy


zionists live in an info bubble and you see so many going mask off recently.
hasbara used to be slick, but nowadays its just terrible.


Another days of drone swarms at Israeli air and personel bases.
Hez are really tightening the screws on the IDF atm.
>hasbara used to be slick, but nowadays its just terrible.
It feels like a purposeful choice. look how all their western representatives were replaced with settler insane people with no polish or filter.


multipolar drip.


Zionist sources report a very serious incident in Rafah, southern Gaza:
As fierce clashes continue, it appears that an anti-tank missile was fired by the resistance at an IOF "Namer" armored vehicle, causing it to explode immediately and catch fire.
8 zionist soldiers belonging to the engineering unit were killed instantly and burned inside the vehicle, which was completely ablaze, according to zionist media.
Evacuation of wounded zionist soldiers from the Gaza Strip to "Beilinson" Hospital has been reported.

Al-Qassam Brigades:
On the morning of the Day of Arafah, our fighters executed a complex ambush against enemy vehicles advancing in the Saudi neighborhood area of Tal Al-Sultan, west of Rafah city.
A "D9" military bulldozer was targeted with an Al-Yassin 105 shell, causing it to catch fire and resulting in the killing and injury of its crew.
Upon the arrival of the rescue force, a Namer armored personnel carrier was targeted with an Al-Yassin 105 shell, leading to its destruction and the killing of all its members.

The zionist army admits that eight of its soldiers have been killed after the explosion of an engineering armored vehicle in Rafah, in southern Gaza.
Zionist sources report that among the dead in Rafah is the deputy company commander of the 601st Engineering Battalion.

The UKMTO reports that a ship ("VERBENA") that was attacked on Thursday in the Gulf of Aden is at risk of sinking after being targeted at least three times by Yemeni missiles, leading to a fire on board. The ship is still on fire as it sinks.
This is the second ship reportedly at risk of sinking in the last two days, following the crew of "TUTOR" abandoning ship yesterday in the Red Sea after a naval drone hit its engine room.


UKMTO says crew of ship evacuated after Houthi attack
The United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) says the crew of a Palau-flagged cargo ship have been evacuated after the ship caught fire and sunk, referring to an incident that happened close to Yemenโ€™s Aden earlier this week.

Yemenโ€™s Houthis struck the Verbena in the Gulf of Aden on Thursday, sparking a fire and severely injuring one of its crew, US Central Command said.

The Houthis have launched dozens of attacks on international shipping in the Red Sea since November, in what they said was in solidarity with Palestinians.

Israel says 8 soldiers killed in Rafah
The Israeli military confirms that eight soldiers have been killed in a blast in Rafah.

Hind Khoudary, reporting from Deir el-Balah in central Gaza, says the confirmation comes after earlier reports from Palestinian fighters of an โ€œambushโ€ in the area, which has been under heavy bombardments since this morning.

==Palestinian groups say Israeli armoured personnel carriers targeted, 8 soldiers killed
The Israeli government has not yet responded to the news of eight Israeli soldiers killed in a blast in Rafah, likely because it is shabbat there, the day of rest each Saturday, according to Al Jazeeraโ€™s Hamdah Salhut.

โ€œWe are hearing reports from Palestinian fighter groups who say that they targeted an APC, an armoured personnel carrier, of the Israeli military with several weapons, causing it to go up into flames and ultimately explode, which is how those eight soldiers were killed,โ€ Salhut said from Amman. She is reporting from Jordan because Israel has banned Al Jazeera from working inside Israel.

Israelโ€™s operation in Rafah is a ground invasion where the military has stated it is looking to get rid of remaining Hamas battalions there โ€“ but the operation has been condemned by much of the international community, she added.

โ€œWhile the Israeli army says itโ€™s not on a full scale just yet, they have taken over key positions in southern Gaza, like the border crossing where no Palestinian is now allowed to leave the Strip,โ€ said Salhut.


how about another loaded question, Murray


>The UKMTO reports that a ship ("VERBENA") that was attacked on Thursday in the Gulf of Aden is at risk of sinking after being targeted at least three times by Yemeni missiles, leading to a fire on board. The ship is still on fire as it sinks.
Looks like it's been abandoned and going down. In response the American navy has apparently attacked a radar araay used for targeting:
<CENTCOM said the US military destroyed seven radars in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen, which had allowed โ€œHouthis to target maritime vessels and endanger commercial shipping.โ€



Two IOF rescue planes landed on the "Netzarim" axis to evacuate wounded soldiers, south of Gaza City, as zionist vehicles fire smoke bombs south west of the city.
An IOF helicopter carrying wounded soldiers was also observed landing at "Beilinson" Hospital in "Tel Aviv."


Thinking about the future of warfares, drones and UAVs, got me thinking about DIY. Would it be a good idea to create something like a Guinness Record of distant striking Tel Aviv?

At first record holders would be of course Palestinians and then people in Lebanon/Jordan/Egypt etc. But then the record could motivate people from Turkey or Greece or Germany to send a bomb to Israel.

Theoretically UAVs could fly across the world. But in any case, range of 200-300 km is easy today. 500-1000 can be very viable DIY project. Just set GPS and send it there.

Thank you for reading my shitpost.


Islamic Resistance in Iraq:
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
"Permission [to fight] has been granted to those who are being fought, because they were wronged. And indeed, Allah is competent to give them victory."
In continuation of our path of resisting the occupation, in support of our people in Palestine, and in response to the massacres committed by the usurping entity against Palestinian civilians, including children, women, and the elderly, the fighters of the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, at dawn on Saturday 15/6/2024, attacked a target in occupied Haifa using an Al-Arqab advanced cruise missile.
The Islamic Resistance in Iraq confirms its continuation in striking the enemy's strongholds.
"And victory is only from Allah. Indeed, Allah is Mighty and Wise."
Islamic Resistance in Iraq
Saturday - 8 Dhu Al-Hijjah 1445 AH


Kek, no healthcare.
Navy is down $1B in munitions from ops in Red Sea, says SECNAV
>โ€œWe currently have approaching $1 billion in munitions that we need to replenish at some point in time,โ€ Del Toro told the Senate Appropriations subcommittee on defense. โ€œSo, therefore the over $2 billion thatโ€™s provided for in the supplemental is direly critical to our Navy and Marine Corps to be able to replenish those munitions and continue to provide the types of defensive measures that we have this past six months now.โ€


Even Bibi still tries to put on an act that this war will help save Palestinian lives, though I guess it's because he's the fuhrer and he needs to do it.


God damn these retards really wanna see the US go bankrupt.


Israel killed a Hezbollah commander (said to be the equivalent of a brigadier general) recently so they're pissed. His image is at 0:52 in the first video here: >>1886105

I've been saying I think Israel will invade Lebanon, but then I saw this article in the Times of Israel saying it'd be a bad idea. That's noteworthy to me there's pushback to the idea coming from a paper to the right of Haaretz. Basically the argument is that it's too risky.


Yep the americans are putting a hard no on invading afaik.


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I hope this guy survived although I find the odds quite low…



Fundamentally, this time Israel is trying to bite off more than they can chew. They are stuck with an attempt to "eradicate" Hamas from Gaza and that's being going on for eight months now. And they have "eradicated" fuck anything, while suffering losses they didn't expect, aside from the fact the October attack caught them completely unprepared and erased once and for all the myth of them being some sort of invincible super army. They are taking losses and damages from the rocket and drone attacks by Hezbollah in the north too. They had to evacuate large areas both in the north and the south, and the resistance manages too strike very deep nonetheless. Their economy is on life support, tourism is gone and shipping is disrupted by based Ansarullah, plus the political situation is untenable. If they try to go into Lebanon like in the eighties, Hezbollah could retaliate launching quick "invasions" that would deal a devastating psychological blow to the zionists. Let's remember Hezbollah is made by battle hardened people that have been fighting in Syria and Iraq for more than a decade now, it's not some tik tok nineteen year old larping with very expensive military gear in front of a camera.





Hezbollah operations 06/15/2024:
Targeted the headquarters of the Air Surveillance unit and the Air Operations Management unit in "Meron" base with guided missiles, hitting and destroying part of its equipment and radars.
10:37: targeted a position of "israeli" enemy soldiers in the Hadab Yaroun site with a guided missile, hitting it directly and causing those among them to be killed and wounded.
Targeted the headquarters of the artillery battalion of the western brigade and the positioning areas of its officers and soldiers in the "Khirbet Ma'ar" base, accurately hitting it, leading to the destruction of part of it and the outbreak of fire, and casualties among those present, falling between killed and injured, through an attack by swarms of attack drones. This came as part of the response to the enemyโ€™s attack and assassination in the town of Jwayya.

According to zionist media, all of the eight soldiers inside the "Namer" armored personnel carrier that was targeted by Al-Qassam west of Rafah today were killed.
A powerful explosive device reportedly detonated under the fifth or sixth "Namer" in a convoy at 5:00 AM this morning, indicating that it may have been remotely detonated. The "Namer" was hit while it was moving, not stationary, according to zionist reports.
Zionist media reported that it took two hours to reach the burned and destroyed vehicle.

Zionist settlers have begun a large protest and blocked a main road in the settlement of "Tel Aviv" to demand their government conclude a prisoner exchange deal with the Palestinian resistance. The families of killed and captive zionist soldiers stated: "Our sons were killed and Netanyahu's government abandoned them."
Simultaneously, hundreds of settlers organized a protest in northern occupied Palestine to protest against escalating the war on the Lebanese front.

Al-Qassam fighters were able to trap an armored zionist force in a minefield prepared in advance at the Nabulsi Junction, southwest of Gaza City. Immediately upon the armored forceโ€™s arrival at the place, it was detonated, leaving the force dead and wounded, and our fighters monitored the helicopter landing to evacuate them.

IOF soldiers were subjected to a third deadly ambush today, following those in Rafah and south of Gaza City earlier today. An explosive device was detonated in the central Gaza Strip, killing two soldiers and wounding two others.
This brings the number of IOF soldiers killed in the Gaza Strip today to 12, with 8 being killed in the Rafah ambush.

The Council of Ministers in Lebanon has decided to demand that French authorities release Lebanese revolutionary figure Georges Abdallah, who has completed his sentence in French prisons and whose continued detention is deemed illegal.
This was revealed in decision number 3 by the council which listed in its second article that the council has appointed the Ministry of Justice to request the release of Georges Abdallah to the Lebanese authorities.
The first article of the decision mentions that the ministers in the session on June 14 agreed to issue a draft decree to surrender a wanted Algerian-French citizen held in Lebanon to the French authorities.
Abdallah completed the minimum portion of his life sentence in 1999, but French authorities denied his eight parole requests. The judiciary agreed several times to these requests, given that the French Interior Ministry planned on deporting him, but that decision was never taken.

In an unusual break from the typical line, the IOF spokesman stated today, "It must be said frankly: we cannot return all the captives through military operational means."
As pressure mounts on the zionist entity's leadership on all sides due to their failure to achieve their stated goals, prominent zionist journalists have also broken from the usual script.
Zionist journalist Hallel Biton Rosen wrote a personal message after speaking to IOF officers in Rafah: "8 months and 8 days I have been covering the damned war. More than once I have heard from senior officers, some very senior, criticism of the conduct of decision-makers in the political and security echelons - what I heard tonight is completely different. It is a major crisis of trust, real anger, and frustration."
Before publishing the true feelings of the IOF officers, he stated: "It is time to bring the truth to light. Whoever thinks there is an operation in Rafah is wrong. As for those who know that there is not and briefs that there is, they are lying."
As for what the officers themselves said, it is a mix of exasperation, admission of failure, disillusionment, desperation, resentment, and deep distrust.
What did the senior officers say?
"We have no more children left for intermediate situations. The cost of indecision is too high for us. The lack of leadership hurts us too much."
"The bluff of conquering Rafah is not working. On the other hand, there aren't enough munitions and not enough engineering tools…It's really unclear what the forces on the ground are doing right now."
An officer outraged at the little humanitarian aid getting into Gaza said of the people of Gaza: "They are not breaking and we are dying!"
"They are deceiving the public when statements are released saying that we have advanced in another neighborhood and another area, these few more meters are a joke โ€“ the Rafah Brigade [of Al-Qassam] is still standing on its feet."
252 days have passed since Al-Aqsa Flood launched, and Yahya Sinwar's promise has been fulfilled: "We will make Netanyahu curse the day that his mother gave birth to him." In light of these revelations, it is evident that the crisis afflicting the IOF is not only logistical, but also one of trust and leadership, impacting not only the military, but also the crumbling zionist society.



>They are taking losses and damages from the rocket and drone attacks by Hezbollah in the north too. They had to evacuate large areas both in the north and the south, and the resistance manages too strike very deep nonetheless.
They evacuated 60,000 civilians from the north. There's around 120,000 internally displaced Israelis, roughly half split between north and south. A lot of these people are sitting around in hotels or wherever the government could put them, and the longer this goes on, the more political pressure there is to do something, but also the chances more people will permanently resettle elsewhere (which is not something they want).

I don't think the situation is so bad for the Israeli military in the north. Hezbollah is firing at them but the bulk of the army is dug in behind slopes which makes observation difficult. There has been 29 Israeli deaths in the north after seven months of skirmishing for 344 Hezbollah from what I'm reading. You gotta keep in mind the Israelis have destroyed a bunch of villages in southern Lebanon already and forced tens of thousands of Lebanese to flee north. But if they invaded it'd come at a heavy cost, and they couldn't defeat Hezbollah, nor stop Hezbollah from launching rockets – they have bases for them up in the Beqaa Valley. Hezbollah is spread all over Lebanon. Then you also have to factor how many troops are being worn out from both fighting and repeated call ups. I suspect they just don't have the numbers to do it. I think they could invade southern Lebanon, but they'd pretty quickly bog down in the thicket of Hezbollah ambushes and have to withdraw, which would be a defeat.



Also been reading about a collapse in morale on the Israeli homefront. It really seems to have picked up in the past two months, and from what I could tell looks like a weird mix that is coming from both the left and right. The left wants a deal to return the prisoners and the right is frustrated because Bibi isn't going hard enough. Also Bibi isn't talking to the Israeli press. He may have given an interview once or twice in the months since the war started but he's basically nowhere to be seen and nobody trusts him. Then Benny Gantz left the coalition that was like a temporary emergency war-time government.


Not to be rude but sometimes i think you're a bot.
Not for the content of your posts only that they always feel partially or completely disconnected to the replyee or surrounding conversation, like they're directed at someone who isn't there.
It's always very uncanny.


The Israeli economy has contracted more than 20% yoy.


Why all the anger at anti-Zionist Jews? Arenโ€™t they supposed to be on our side?


you are forgetting about material losses like the burning of many of the settlements and the loss of their crops as well as the constant erosion of the border defenses that have lost everything from cameras up to radars and even iron dome batteries


>This was revealed in decision number 3 by the council which listed in its second article that the council has appointed the Ministry of Justice to request the release of Georges Abdallah to the Lebanese authorities.


Ukes and Poles working together to deny the blockade. typical.
CENTCOM reports carrier targeted by Houthis abandoned by crew
Yemenโ€™s Houthis struck a Ukrainian-owned, Polish-operated bulk cargo carrier in two separate missile attacks on June 13, the US Central Command (CENTCOM) said today.

The crew on board the carrier said earlier today they were abandoning the ship โ€œdue to continued fires and an inability to control themโ€, CENTCOM stated.

โ€œThis continued malign and reckless behavior by the Iranian-backed Houthis threatens regional stability and endangers the lives of mariners across the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden,โ€ it added.


Bros, it's fucking going down. The pigs are following me


kill them


Care to explain whatโ€™s going on here?


This number can't be correct and the sources mentioning it are bullshit. I think it derives about a 20% decrease on certain trimester. As much as I you like it to be true. And yet, Israeli economy is certainly hurt and will continue to be hurt forever even if happening stop today.


>Ukes and Poles working together to deny the blockade.


>1 hr 10 m ago
uhhhh … maohead are you ok?


I hope the pigs have worse luck than the Keystone Kops.


The Iron Dome battery was a juicy one. I just looked it up and they only have 10 of them. But I don't know how much the fighting up north has an impact on the overall force structure on either side that much. Just the grunts on the ground, both Hezbollah and the Israelis have their armies intact. Just the scale of both armies compared to the material losses is not much. But you have a lot of Israeli soldiers in Gaza that will need to be redeployed to the north if they invade, because that will require a lot more than the numbers they have in the north skirmishing, and those guys have been involved in strenuous fighting for months. But people wear out fast. Then there's also the general exhaustion of the domestic population.


Come back


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>I don't really get people who are pro-Ukraine and pro-Palestine at the same time
t. western


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This is J.N.S.-TV [Jewish News Syndicate-TV], An English language Pro-Israel YouTube channel aimed at Jews living in western country's.


Within the first minutes of this video alone, The presenter claims that the 'only' way to secure Israel's security is to firstly deport the entirety of Gaza's roughly ~2 million Arab inhabitants to either other Arab country's or to western-states whose government's have been supportive of Palestine such as Spain as some form of retribution.
And secondly for Israel to "ANNEX large parts of southern-Lebanon' up to at least the 'Litani' river and perhaps even further north towards the 'Awali' river to seize natural defensive geography from Hezbollah and other Iranian proxies." [.png is a map of Lebanon and its river system for reference of how much land she's speaking of taking.]
<"It WOULDN'T just be a 'security zone' inside of Lebanon, Israel would seize as part of its sovereign territory this territory of Southern Lebanon."



>saved from Hamas
That's an Islamic Jihad fighter not Hamas.


Theodor Herzl:

"We should there [ in the Middle East ] form a portion of a rampart of Europe against Asia , an outpost of civilization as opposed to barbarism."

Max Nordau:

"We intend to come to Palestine as the emissaries of culture and to expand the moral boundaries of Europe to the Euphrates."

Vladimir Jabotinsky:

"We , thank God , belong to Europe , and for two thousand years have helped to create the culture of the West . We have nothing to do with the East."

David Grรผn/Ben Gurion:

"We have no connection with the Arabs. Our regime, our culture, our relations, is not the fruit of this region. There is no political affinity between us, or international solidarity. We don't want Israelis to become Arabs. We are in duty bound to fight against the spirit of the Levant."

Golda Mabovitch/Meir when asked about being a โ€œMiddle Easternโ€, she replied:

"That's the last thing we want to be !, We are and must remain a European nation."

Benzoin Mileikowsky/Benjamin Netanyahu:

"We are part of the European culture. Europe ends in Israel. East of Israel, there is no more Europe. Donโ€™t undermine that one European, Western country that defends European values and European interests and prevents another mass migration to Europe."

Issac Herzog:

โ€œThis war is a war that is not only between Israel and Hamas. Itโ€™s a war that is intended, really, truly, to save Western civilization, to save the values of Western civilization.โ€

In 2005, Israeli ambassador to Australia Naftali Tamir said in an interview:

"Israel and Australia are like sisters in Asia. We are in Asia without the characteristics of Asians. We don't have yellow skin and slanted eyes. Asia is basically the yellow race. Australia and Israel are not - we are basically the white race. We are on the western side of Asia and they are on the southeastern side."

The same dudes telling you its their ancestral homeland btw


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Average zi*nist lutheran
Cathcom pope chads we stay winning, non nobis domine


Boers convert to judaism to settle in the West Bank


Good to know. Absolutely based guy anyway. Hope he is alive.


more people of the land!


Not that guy but i'm a muslim non-westerner and i've never seen or spoken to a pro-ukrainian person irl ever. Polling is weird, I think it only captures people who are likely to participate in them (nerds and squares) and not the broad masses. If some schmuck asked me to participate in a poll I'd likely tell the person that i'm busy.




You will give to the palestinian people a nuclear wasteland. Remember when this is over who will be in charge of those lands are Palestine.


The UKMTO reports that a ship was attacked in the Red Sea, 40 nautical miles south of Al-Mukha, Yemen.

The IOF announced a so-called "tactical ceasefire" in Rafah from 8 AM to 7 PM along the route where aid is transported from the "Kerem Shalom" crossing/
The IOF claimed that they will not attack this route during these hours to allow the passage of aid trucks. Despite this declaration, the IOF repeatedly bombed aid trucks during the course of this war, as well as Palestinians gathering to receive aid amidst famine.
The decision was reportedly made without Netanyahu and Gallant's knowledge, not with the approval of the security or political cabinets, and it comes against the backdrop of extreme discontent among IOF officers regarding the "operation" in Rafah. The unilateral move highlights a stark disconnect between the political and military levels of the crumbling entity.

Zionist media reports yet another security incident in the Gaza Strip. At least one soldier has been killed, and several are wounded, currently being evacuated by helicopter to "Shaare Zedek" hospital in Al Quds.

In addition to one killed soldier, at least three other soldiers were wounded as a result of the security event in Gaza, according to zionist sources.
Helicopters transported several wounded soldiers, with reports of soldiers stuck under a collapsed building after the resistance detonated explosives in it.


Colonizers are OPPRESSED all around the world!!


poor South Africans were unable to practise apartheid any longer in their land and had to go somewhere else to do it.


>poor South Africans were unable to practise apartheid any longer
that's cultural genocide


>poor South Africans were unable to practise apartheid any longer in their land and had to go somewhere else to do it.
They still own everything in SA and even have 'whites only' town.
It's more that they want more apartheid.


The IOF admits to the death of a soldier as a result of a rigged tunnel opening in Rafah, and the death of a second soldier during battles in the southern Gaza Strip. They also admit to the serious wounding of a third soldier.

Yemeni Armed Forces:
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
The Almighty said: "Indeed, Allah will defend those who believe. Indeed, Allah does not like every treacherous deceiver."
This is the Truth of Allah Almighty.
In support of the oppressed Palestinian people and in response to the crimes committed against our brothers in the Gaza Strip, and in response to the American-British aggression against our country,
The missile force and naval forces of our Yemeni Armed Forces carried out two military operations in the Red Sea as follows:
1. The first operation targeted an American destroyer with several ballistic missiles.
2. The second operation targeted the ship "CAPTAIN PARIS" with several appropriate naval missiles due to the company that owns it violating the decision to prohibit entry to the ports of occupied Palestine.
The Drone Air Force carried out a third military operation targeting the ship "Happy Condor" in the Arabian Sea with several drones. The targeting of the ship came after the company that owns it violated the decision to prohibit entry to the ports of occupied Palestine.
All three operations achieved their objectives successfully, thanks to Allah.
The Yemeni Armed Forces, with the help of Allah Almighty, will continue to support the Palestinian people and respond to the American-British aggression until the aggression stops and the siege on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip is lifted.
Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs. Blessed is the Master and the Helper.
Long live a free, noble, and independent Yemen.
Victory to Yemen and all the free people of the nation.
10 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445 AH
Corresponding to 16 June 2024 AD




Very cool new soundtrack, i love it.


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the funny thing is quite a few boers in poor areas are joining the EFF now since no other political party gives a fuck about making things better for the poor.

One of the EFF's most successful strategies has been going into rural areas, called townships, and just fixing things. filling in potholes, fixing water and sewer problems, all sorts of stuff. they do it in white and black neighborhoods and towns.


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There are some but sadly many whites in SA would rather side with the white ruling class than than the black working class. You notice a lot of them tend to come out of the jewish community.
Kim Heller is pretty prominent, she's great and makes the worst people seethe endlessly.
She was also on the EFF podcast pretty recently, last few months, worth a watch/listen.



Zionist Holocaust denialism gets crazier every year


Gives me 2014 femminism vibes ngl


Israelโ€™s Netanyahu dissolves war cabinet

>Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has announced the end of Israelโ€™s six-member war cabinet.

>Reports on Monday said the Israeli leader had announced the decision at a meeting of the political security cabinet the previous evening. Netanyahuโ€™s far-right coalition partners have been pushing for a new war cabinet to be established after the more centrist Benny Gantz quit the emergency government.

>Nationalist-religious Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, who have demanded Israel must continue its bombardment of Gaza despite calls for some restraint from allies including the United States, had called for a new war cabinet to be formed featuring coalition party leaders.

>However, Netanyahu has reportedly turned them down.

>โ€œThe cabinet was in the coalition agreement with Gantz, at his request. As soon as Gantz left โ€“ there is no need for a cabinet any more,โ€ Netanyahu said, according to a report in The Jerusalem Post.

>The Israeli premier is now expected to hold consultations about the Gaza war with a small group of ministers, including Defence Minister Yoav Gallant and Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer, who had been in the war cabinet.



>Hitler claims that Israel won't be where the Zionists stop.
>Disowns Theodore Herzl and that jews are not Gods chosen people
Wow truly riveting stuff no one else could have thought of, we need to start an anti vegan campaign right quickly too.
>Hitler rounded up zionists
And? They were jewish, did they expect him to let them continue to be there watching other jews get taken instead potentially becoming a threat inside the nation?


>I'm sorry for being white!


>Ziggas that were rightoids one year ago when they see an actual socialist


Why is race a large topic in SA. I wonder.


Why didn't they double tap, when all the Zionazis bunched up at the IED explosion site? Even a few mortar shells could have inflicted a lot of casualties. Big missed opportunity.


kys retard
kys obsessed retard


>production should be socialized (abolish private property!)
>but also lannbacc (the wrong people have private property!)


<arguing with geists
Fun fun.


Thanks for your concerns. There was a very chill, not super crowded, non-violent gathering for Palestine in a local park. A helicopter came a little later on and started flying circles low over the park and harassing us. When I went to my car, it expanded its path and started flying over me towards my car.

I am good now though, and didn't have any direct interaction.

It seemed towards the end like some of the people were planning on entrenching, so I wasn't sure what was gonna go down, but it was gone by the time I returned. To call it even an act of civil disobedience would be a stretch, and had any other group done it, they wouldn't have even bothered.


Glad you're safe.


I want to see total zionist death and I hope it will be achieved in our lifetime.


I'm Israeli btw



Too risky for me

But I get my tzd fill from hearing about dead IDF soldiers daily.


>Too risky
Okay. Go and organize and act legally or within civil disobedience framework.
Being edgy on the internet is not a substitute for action and it is actions that make ones politics not words.


or join the most disgusting zionist org you can find get a gun and kill their leaders
in minecraft obvs


'in Minecraft' doesn't work btw


>or join the most disgusting zionist org you can find get a gun and kill their leaders
They literally just said they considered violence (or i assume extremely illigal) actions are 'to riskty', anon. Why not try to direct people in to being actual poliitcal actors instead of just saying edgy shit we all know he will not follow.


tbh theres not much you can do as an "israeli" a part from violence or sabotage if you really dont wanna do either just give up your citizenship and go back to europe


Don't tell people that


Did anyone ever think it was a valid defense? There are ways to play around with language to say things and not incriminate yourself, but that's not it.


depends on the modpack


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Spotted in gaza


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Since this is the zionist entity palestine thread, is the idf made krav maga overrated? I mean their training is decent, but most of their gun knife disarming techniques, they Iook like detroit self defence techniques with better PR, your attacker will have to carry the world worst trigger finger to be beaten by this


yeah but is also not really a "martial art" is a mix of a bunch of things idf people knew and taught their recruits at the time
then when they exported it as a commodity they changed that mix again and nowadays you will rarely find 2 schools of krav maga that teach the same things at that point you are better just going to some mma classes or whatever since all disarming techniches are 90% bs


Krav Magic is just an hapazard collection of techniques taken from a multitude of different combat disciplines. Some boxing, some judo, some aikido, some silat, some eskrima… And apparently, depending of the fad of the moment, they emphasise one or the other. Btw, if you don't do any kind of physical conditioning - strength, cardio and, above all, some form of contact sparring, even if with protections - technique can only bring you so far… But what about when some fucker come at you with 100% of his aggression, fighting dirty, and the only things you've only "trained" are "if he does x, you do y, z, j and k and hope he stays still"? I mean, I know 99% of the "self defence" industry is a fraud like that, but these fuckers even claim it as "battle tested" and shit like that. Really vomit inducing, considering what they "battle test" are weapons provided by amerikkka on defenceless civilian, not some kind of Jackie Chan wrist lock to strip some mugger of their knife…


It's the same as any other self defence shit. It's not special. The gun disarms are not really a big part of it, or at least they weren't what we went over because they would be useless. All these military self defence martial arts are rubbish, they just teach basic shit and are made to be learned en masse by random soldiers rather than properly trained. In the end all self defence is limited, you need to study martial arts as an actual thing rather than just self defence in this particular way, because I can attest Krav Maga is just normal stuff mixed with some not very useful fancy bits. It will stop a drunk guy but not a trained opponent. Wing Chung is more practical as a short time to learn martial art and I am not joking.


Yeah, this too. If you find some ww2 era army training manual or even older "jiu-jitsu" books, it's basically those kinds of things they taught to recruits in a very short time, just as motivational/psychological thing, but since thousands of years, 99.99% of the time any soldier always relays on some kind of weapon and actual hand to hand combat is stuff you only see in Hollywood movies or James Bond stuff, really.
You definitely need some kind of sparring, even if you wear protections, but you need to experience in training someone coming at you for real. Then you know you don't freeze when you face violence and after that you can experiment what techniques work, when, how and why. And you need at least a minimal level of fitness. As far as weapons are concerned, just give them what they want or it's gonna end very bad. For you.


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Yeah this. It seems like a quick-and-dirty way to do physical fitness and teach IDF recruits some tricks so they're not completely clueless when they get jumped or someone goes for their gun. It apparently (I know nothing about martial arts, you seem to know a lot more than I do) teaches escapes as a big thing, which for a soldier or a cop would be done so they can draw their gun. But it's marketed for civilians as DEADLIEST ISRAELI WARRIOR tactics, but a Krav Maga specialist would probably lose badly in an organized MMA fight.


>But it's marketed for civilians as DEADLIEST ISRAELI WARRIOR tactics, but a Krav Maga specialist would probably lose badly in an organized MMA fight.
That's not really different from most martial arts. They generally overhype themselves massively. Something taught by a modern military just has the ability to pretend that it's more valid because allegedly it's being used by actual soldiers and valid within the current warfare "meta." Kind of ridiculous to say things like this about a military most known for shooting children from a safe 500 yards or via remote controlled drone.


Now that I remember it, Sasha Baron Cohen did a parody of an Israeli Krav Maga instructor.


Remember that the most important thing in martial arts is knowing when to run away.
Usually as early as possible.


Your opponent can kill you by drowning if he has the whispering canal curse stone.


Based kid



last time i heard soldiers weren't morally equivalent to children


the child is Hamas and an antisemite


>When it comes to jews

Why peole think palestinians are not human? Has the world literally gone mad? Wtf is this shit calles Twitter you guys use?


Children were killed on Oct 7th though.


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can you stop reposting this literal who


Sheโ€™s an important Israeli influencer. Sheโ€™s actually Syrian and Uzbek on her fatherโ€™s side and talks a lot about the struggles of Mizrahi Jews.


This is literally "i am the most opressed group, people dont have morals anymore, i am sad liberal" IDpol stuff. If she had any empathy she would care not only about jews, but all human beings, specially the ones that are being target of genocide, famine and complete destruction.


who the fuck cares, also i'm pretty sure this hoe is a total nonentity anyway


Yes, children died. the majority of casualties were military and many of the civilian casualties were by the idf's own admission the result of their hannibal doctrine. I'm sure a handful of children were killed, by palestinian groups, on october 7th. but they weren't the target of the operation. meanwhile the idf targets gaza and kills tens of thousands of children and tens of thousands more civilian adults and this instagram retard doesn't give a single fuck.


Looking it up, 30 or so children died, out of some 1200 total. that's 2.5% of the deaths. meanwhile in gaza nearly 50% of the deaths are children. it would appear that hamas is about 20 times better at avoiding the murder of children than israel is, even assuming all the children were killed by hamas and not by the idf.


I don't think I would care if some elite academy got blasted.



given what we've seen of the kibbutz, it's safe to say the kids were killed by the IOF. There's no way Hamas brought down those reinforced concrete houses (built specifically to act as bunkers against small arms) on top of the settlers inside with AKs and M4s (where did they get M4s btw…?)


suspicious post ngltbqhwufam


THe whole bit probably was the funniest pieces of american TV in the last decade.


> it's safe to say the kids were killed by the IOF. T
The one baby recorded as killed was shot through a security door when militants were attempting to breack in to take hostages. I don't think it's unreasonable to assume some of the other children were also killed by resistance fighters.
>where did they get M4s btw
Smuggling. It's a gun even used in the Egyptian military, iirc. It is at least used by the Jordanians, and Lebanese too but I have no idea about Syria, it's also smuggled out of Israeli army bases, iirc we have also seen smuggling tunnels that go directly in to Israel.
But yea it is a very gun in common supply regionally.
>who the fuck cares, also i'm pretty sure this hoe is a total nonentity anyway
One day that anon is going to be arrested for stalking her for months before cutting her up, having sex with her and hiding her under a pool tarp. He's going to take selfies with the top half and even go to the police interview claiming to have been her boyfriend.


The sooner it becomes trendy to openly disdain against zionists the better.
<Ok Zionist.dancinggirl
Can't happen soon enough.

I mean, half the time, it's like one has to hide behind a trenchline of Palestinian gore and state backed pogroms to even imply that something untoward may be going on with the explicitly Jewish supremacist movement. And that keeps lending credence to the idea that the moment the MSM closes the faucet of atrocity porn, the problems go away with it.

It's insane how Zionism coexists with liberal humanist PR or how hasbara can deploy rancid century old colonial tropes side by side with woke trend chasing stuff.


>The sooner it becomes trendy to openly disdain against zionists the better.
It literally is. You don't have to even see them if you don't search them out to hate watch/read them.


Actionists cut through 3 security fences to get inside Elbit's 'highly secure' compound and break into Kent's Israeli weapons factory.
Once inside Instro Precision, they begun dismantling machinery, tech and parts used to arm the Gaza genocide.

Palestine Action locked down all entrances into Scotiabankโ€™s London office.
Despite slashing their stake in half, the bank still invests over $230million in Israelโ€™s biggest weapons firm, making them the largest foreign shareholder in Elbit Systems.

The IOF admits to the wounding of 16 soldiers in Gaza in the last 24 hours.

Two IOF soldiers committed suicide in the past three days after returning from Gaza.
One of the soldiers regularly took selfies of himself celebrating the death and destruction in Gaza, posting videos online of himself boasting while destroying property and vandalizing Palestinian homes.
Despite being ruled unfit to return to the war, the same zionist soldier received an emergency call up, causing him to commit suicide. Due to his death occurring while off duty, the IOF refuses to acknowledge him as a โ€œfallen soldier.โ€

In the middle of war, Netanyahu dissolved the "war cabinet" yesterday. This cabinet, formed in the days after October 7th, included Netanyahu and Gallant, who allied with their "rival" Benny Gantz.
With the departure of war cabinet member Gantz and observer Eisenkot last week, opportunities arose for others to join the decision-making room of the genocide war. Ben-Gvir immediately declared: "I need to return to being a leading force like I was before Gantz entered the government." With Ben-Gvir and Smotrich looming overhead due to Netanyahu's reluctant alliance with them, Netanyahu chose to disband the entire cabinet in favor of forming an "advisory council," stating that no new cabinet will be created.
The new "advisory council" will consist of Netanyahu, Gallant, former US ambassador Ron Dermer, Tzachi Hanegbi, and Aryeh Deri.
Opposition leader Yair Lapid commented: "We should have dissolved the entire government instead of the cabinet," underscoring the state of disarray and disunity afflicting the zionist entity and echoing the zionist public's statements condemning Netanyahu's illusory slogans.
This dissolution comes in light of apparent disagreements between the military and political levels of the zionist entity, where the IOF apparently took a unilateral decision yesterday for a "tactical ceasefire" in Rafah without Netnayahu or Gallant's knowledge. The political echelon spent the last 24 hours trying to remedy the outrage and appear united. It also comes a time when the IOF is frustrated and in desperate need of more manpower, having extended the age increase for reservist soldiers yesterday and passing various laws to include typically excluded ultra-Orthodox Jews in the IOF.
Further, this development follows a string of resignations from disillusioned zionist politicians desperate to end the war, admitting repeated military failures. The IOF itself has acknowledged that military pressure will not return the captives, with Gantz and many others acknowledging this failure.

American-British warplanes carried out 4 airstrikes targeting Kamaran Island off the coast of Hodeidah in western Yemen.

American-British warplanes target Hodeidah International Airport in western Yemen with 6 airstrikes.

The IOF admits that they failed to assassinate the commander of Al-Qassam's Rafah Battalion, Mohammed Shabana "Abu Anas" after they claimed to do so several weeks ago.
The IOF embarrassingly used a photo of an Egyptian sports commentator to "prove" their assassination, another example of the reality that the IOF's "precise" intelligence does not know who it is targeting.
Resistance sources confirmed at the time that the assassination had failed.

Armed clashes have intensified between the Palestinian resistance and the IOF Shaboura camp and near Al-Awda Roundabout in the center of Rafah, southern Gaza Strip. Zionist media announced that several soldiers were wounded as a result of an anti-tank missile hitting a military vehicle in the area.

Fierce armed clashes between the Palestinian resistance and IOF have renewed and intensified at Al-Awda roundabout in central Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip. The resistance has targeted another military vehicle, causing it to ignite on fire.

The IOF claims that one of its "Sky Rider" drones crashed in Quneitra southwestern Syria.

The zionist newspaper Haaretz published today: "Hezbollah has managed to increase its stockpile of missiles, shells, and drones by hundreds of percentages, either smuggled through Syria into Lebanon or produced locally, despite all attempts by the [IOF] Air Force in Syria and on the Syrian-Iraqi border to thwart and disrupt the entry of these weapons. In other words, 'israel' has failed in the battle between wars."
This claim is corroborated by Hezbollah's Resource and Border Affairs Official, Nawaf Al-Musawi, who told Al-Mayadeen in March 2024: "The work continues to open new warehouses and bring in more accurate missiles. What we usually used to store in half a year, we now restock in a month."
He added that new and more precise missiles are being added to the stockpiled, stating that any previous predictions of Hezbollah's capabilities must be significantly reassessed due to the increase in capabilities since October 7th.

Tens of thousands of zionist settlers are protesting in front of the Knesset in occupied Al Quds, demanding the completion of a prisoner exchange deal with the resistance and the overthrow of the Netanyahu government following the dissolution of the failed war council.
A new protest also broke out in front of Netanyahu's residence in Al Quds, which plans to join with the protest in front of the Knesset.

3 settlers were hospitalized, and 9 others were arrested, during confrontations with zionist police in occupied Al Quds in front of Netanyahu's residence.
The protestors broke through police barriers, chanting "Down with the tyrant!," demanding the overthrow of the government and reaching a prisoner exchange deal with the Palestinian resistance.


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These posts from Michael Young about Israel's bad options facing Hezbollah are similar to my thinking. Young is a weird guy, he's a Lebanese libertarian (maybe the only one… although there might be some rich businessmen who are like that) and a supporter of the March 14 coalition which means he does NOT like Hezbollah… but he doesn't like Michael Aoun either. He doesn't like sectarian politics. He's not pro-Israel either. From what I can tell, being hostile to Hezbollah in Lebanon doesn't make you pro-Israel because a whole lot of Lebanese don't like Israel.

There was also an article from Reuters last week which I missed about Israeli air strikes in Syria, and some of their sources include Syrian government people:

>Reuters interviewed three Syrian officials, an Israeli government official and three Western diplomats about Israel's Syria campaign. The officials asked not to be named to talk freely about sensitive matters. The Syrian officials gave previously unreported details of the targets of Israeli strikes around the cities of Aleppo and Homs in recent months, including the June 2 attack. All those interviewed said Israel's moves suggested it was gearing up for a full-scale war against Hezbollah in Lebanon, which borders Syria, that could begin when Israel dials down its campaign in Gaza.



This is a twitteroid and a lot of words to say what everyone here has been saying for weeks and months anon.



i'm infloooooooooencing


Alright I won't post stuff anymore.


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i called this on the literal first thread of this general but was called a retard and conspiracy theorist, weird


i dunno why since plenty of people were making that assumption on the very first week, i think mark ames rightly compared it to 9/11. ultimately it doesn't matter if they were incompetent, negligent or complicit, israel was going to carry out their genocide regardless.


literally the same as 9/11. They knew, but allowed it to happen because it's free casus belli.


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The only way he'd ever mock Israel is to punk conservative burgers.


>prevailing conceptions
The red heifer demographic wanted to enact their agenda before the US lost any more power. Every single Israeli narrative forced on the western media has been a psyop.


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A lot of people were saying it. Obviously some people would disagree.


thank god
i love how they gave the go-ahead to that cyber rave on the border just days beforehand, cynical af


The arguments we had back then was not if they knew of attack plans, it was if they let it or facilitate it.
I'm still on the side it was simply arrogance and racism. They thinked they would easily repel any such attack like they did at isolated parts of the border.


Not only did they know they purposely moved their EDM festival where the attack was going to be. I don't believe they knew hamas was going to take hostages though. I think they sent out those choopers to start gunning down their own people because they saw they were grabbing hostages and that wasn't part of the plan.


> I think they sent out those choopers to start gunning down their own people because they saw they were grabbing hostages and that wasn't part of the plan.
Their report explicitly says plan to take hostages and hostage taking has always openly been the plan, Gilad Shartit?


Doing a little trolling.


everyone knew about the plan but they thought hamas wouldnt risk carryng it out


they probably gunned down their own people because their military is bunch of retarded colonial cops who donโ€™t even consider their enemies human


>everyone knew about the plan but they thought hamas wouldnt risk carryng it out
This is my take as well, also considering that going over the border and taking hostages back in to the strip is the only viable strategy available to hamas and the resistance outside of rockets, idk why anyone ever thought it was special that Israel knew of this.

With regards to them potentially knowing the attacks would play out as they did I just cannot buy that elements of unit 8200 and the Gaza Division saying 'there is an serious attack that will happen and we're going to let it happen.' and then sitting in their bases to get entirely wiped out of taken prisoner, 8200 specifically being one of the hardest hit (and tbh probably an MASSIVE intelligence gain for the resistance).
The fact that the Israeli's famously stopped monitoring key comms is also proof of their complete arrogance, btw, as well as picrel wankery they spent their time on, convincg themselfs it had real utility because of the potential tech jobs and contracts it could land them in after service private sector.


Krav maga is so dirty and over the top, to the point where metalgear CQC was heavily based on it
Source: hideo himself


I'm pretty sure plenty of anons speculated that the IDF knew full well Hummus was planning an attack


Never tried it, but from what I gather, yes, it is overrated. It's not so much a martial art as it is a set of principles to abide by when engaged in lethal hand-to-hand combat. The problem is that IDF soldiers are armed and actually trying to kill people, and the average civilian isn't. On top of that, by the second generation of Krav Maga practitioners someone started trying to work Aikido into it, hence all the wrist locks (which is hilarious, because this is the version that the IDF uses). This is compounded by the fact that, because Krav isn't a martial art as such, instructors basically end up teaching a watered-down version of whatever their actual base is. You might get lucky and get trained by someone who did BJJ or Muai Thai, or you might get someone who trained in Aikido or some other useless martial art. Either way, you'd be better off just training BJJ or Muai Thai than Krav Maga.

It also only takes 5 weeks to become an instructor, compared to many, many years for any other martial art. That should set alarm bells ringing for anyone thinking of starting Krav Maga training.


How did Hezbollah become unpopular among non-Shia? My understanding is that after 2006, Hezbollah was celebrated as heroes by most of the Arab world for kicking Israel's ass but today they seem to be pretty unpopular among Christian and Sunni Arabs. The Syrian proxy war certainly has something to do with, I have a very good friend who is from Idlib and hates Israel with a burning passion, but also hates Hezbollah. I'm not sure if that can be the entire explanation though.


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> hence all the wrist locks (which is hilarious, because this is the version that the IDF uses).
IDK about any of this stuff but i would assume they incoperate restraints because the IDF plays an occupation-police role in the west bank and tend to get stabbed at, shot from minimal range, and etc. They're usually in groups so another shoots the assailant often but i at least imagine it was the rationale despite not being particularly useful.


that's how sectarian politics work anon. hezbollah getting popular in 2006 was only because they got to show themselves as defenders of lebanon, national heroes, etc. but that doesn't last forever, and hezbollah is very much a shia group. once the war was over, things went back to normal and hezbollah went back to being that shia party instead of that group that fought israel.


what does he think of hamas or pij?


She is a big fan


>All these military self defence martial arts are rubbish
What about sambo?


Not a sambo expert but the grappling element seems like a mix of judo, BJJ and greco-roman which is legit. Don't know about the striking part of it. But these Russians and caucasians have been dominating MMA for a while so it seems like a good base.


8 IOF soldiers were injured in the Tal Al-Sultan neighborhood of Rafah in the Gaza Strip, according to zionist media.

A number of injuries have been reported east of "Kabri," in Al-Jalil in northwestern occupied Palestine as large fires continue to burn, according to zionist sources.

A number of wounded soldiers were evacuated from Gaza via helicopter to "Beilinson" Hospital in "Tel Aviv" following a security event in the Gaza Strip.

Fires continue to burn and spread in northwestern occupied Palestine as a result of Hezbollah's operations. Settlers are reportedly wounded in "Neve Ziv," east of "Nahariyya."

US lawmakers, under pressure from the Biden administration, approved one of the largest weapons sales to the zionist entity, for 50 F-15 warplanes worth $18 billion in total. This sale took place despite Biden's false promises to "withhold weapons" if the IOF carried out a "major offensive" in Rafah.

The UKMTO officially reports that the "Tutor" ship has sunk in the Red Sea, after it was targeted by the Yemeni Armed Forces with a naval drone, as well as aerial drones and ballistic missiles.


what? but pij are massive islamic revolution stans maybe even moreso than hezbollah



>totally gay um akshully reddit take.
this is leftypol not the democrat caucus. we're allowed to say israel planned october 7 as a cassus belli: it's both punchier and more substantively true than pretending that if it hadn't happened they wouldn't be committing genocide.


>it's both punchier and more substantively true
no it isn't
it presents the resistance as pawns of israeli schemes taking away all the autonomy one might grant the palestinians and its also not true



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>What about sambo
Grappling skills are not inheritable. Reported for racism.
I imagine what the Biden Admin wants to say is ; 'Look, we have to send the weapons, Israel is in a fight for it's survival, this is actually serious.' but they are afraid of spoooking the markets and so on.
>this is leftypol not the democrat caucus.
I have no idea what you're referencing, sorry.
>t's both punchier
Debatable. Regardless, this isn't twitter for exclusively short-form simpletons, there's no need to be 'punchy'.
>and more substantively true
It's not though.
And like >>1888906 said, aside from being probably false it's just a - likely racist tbqh - assumption that the Arabs could never really make such a successful action without the Israeli's helping in some way or allowing them to.
Hubris and Racism is what caused this, they felt the Gazan's were 'suitably deterred' and anything the best they could muster would be delt with by 'advanced tech' and available staff on the border and in the Gaza Envelope (tbf true with the naval assault attempt). Even if we are to disregard the lives, Israel also gave up likely large amounts of intelligence information with the overrun of the base and unit 8200, some of this we seen when spies in the strip were killed over information gained in the raid, they did not hit that base unprepared.


Undetected, Hezbollah Hoopoe mission exposes sensitive Israeli sites

The Military Media of the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon - Hezbollah released Tuesday footage showing its reconnaissance drones flying over swathes of occupied Palestinian land, including Kiryat Shmona, Nahariya, Safad, Karmiel, Afula, all the way to Haifa and its port.

Titled "This is what the Hoopoe came back with," the nine-minute-and-a-half video captured footage and exposed sensitive Israeli sites. Hezbollah indicated that the video was only the first episode of more yet to come, highlighting that the drones bypassed Israeli air defenses and returned to Lebanese airspace undetected.

The published footage included intelligence about Israeli sites inside occupied Palestine and clearly showed that the drone arrived at the port of Haifa intact. Hezbollah's drones brought back footage and information about sensitive sites they captured over Haifa starting with the port itself to oil refineries and military factories, not to mention the locations of military battleships and important economic hubs in the port.

In detail, the video first shows Hezbollah's drones flying over a military-industrial complex belonging to Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, which includes numerous factories, warehouses, and testing fields in which components of air defense systems are manufactured and assembled, especially the Iron Dome and David's Sling.

Iron Dome and David's Sling platforms, rocket engine test tunnel and storage, air defense missile storage, missile component manufacturing facilities, control and guidance systems factories, company administrative buildings, and missile testing radars all appeared in the video.

According to Hezbollah, the area is highly vital and sensitive, occupies an area of around 6.5 km2, and is 24 km away from the Lebanese-Palestinian border.

The video also included an overview of Krayot, an Israeli suburb north of occupied Haifa, which includes six occupied cities with a population of 260,000 Israeli settlers. Hezbollah published a complete high-definition view of the urban conglomeration there, with a real-time tour detailing Krayot districts and neighborhoods, including residences of Israeli official residences and commercial complexes.

The scenes also filmed the Yitzhak Ben-Tzvi Street, Karti Square, Savyonei Yam complex, and Abraham Gardens towers.

In addition, the Islamic Resistance's drones reached occupied Haifa's port – the largest in the occupied territories – and captured footage of the Haifa port Bay area, a highly valuable economic and trade area that hosts massive military installations, industrial infrastructure, and commercial areas.

The area includes the Haifa military base, which is the main naval base for the Israeli occupation forces, which is responsible for the northern naval front, as well as Iron Dome storage and platforms, petrochemical facilities, oil silos, the Haifa power station, and Haifa airport.

The Haifa Port area includes ship maintenance hangars, the building of Unit 3800 at Haifa Naval Base, the main warehouse and supply section at the Haifa Base dockyard, the Yaltam Unit building, submarine unit buildings, submarine dock and mooring, and the Sheyetet 7 submarine unit command building.

In addition, Hezbollah's video filmed the Karmiel and Mizrahi piers, as well as container ships and port operations.

Warships filmed comprised military vessels, including the Bat Yam logistical support ship, Sa'ar 4.5, 5, and 6 boats, and the Dvora-class fast patrol boat.

Major General Wasif Arikat described what Hezbollah revealed in the latest video as the "most valuable bank of targets."

He told Al Mayadeen that the message behind the video has been received, adding that what is happening now is not a field war but a war of awareness that proved that the Israeli occupation army, once described as the "invincible army", has been defeated and retreated.

On his part, Brigadier General Mohammad Abbas said that Hezbollah's drones surpassed all air defense systems and returned without being detected by Israeli systems.

He highlighted to Al Mayadeen that the video unveiled dozens of "super vital" targets, demonstrating that the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon possesses highly advanced capabilities.

Brigadier General Abbas further explained that the name "Hoopoe", which is a type of bird, reflects the long distance that Hezbollah's drones traveled in occupied Palestinian lands before returning with such valuable scenes.

Israeli media described what Hezbollah's drones documented as "disturbing" and "very dangerous".

Experts decode messages in Hezbollah's Hoopoe mission video

Hezbollah's video ended with the phrase "and the birds as they soar," which suggests that the Lebanese Resistance group's drones are still flying in the airspace of occupied Palestine, expert sources told Al Mayadeen on Tuesday.

They highlighted that one of the most important things documented by the Hoopoe is the area of โ€‹โ€‹the military-industrial complex affiliated with the Rafael Company, which is an extremely sensitive area.

The sources explained that companies and websites specialized in aerial and industrial imaging refrain from publishing any updated images at the request of the Israeli government due to their sensitivity.

In the same context, the experts told Al Mayadeen that Hezbollah's video includes three types of potential targets: military (the Military-Industrial Complex and the Haifa Military Base), civilian (the Krayot area), and strategic (Haifa Port and its facilities).

They added that the three types of potential targets are meant to establish a three-dimensional balance of deterrence against "Israel", with each dimension relating to the type of target "Israel" may strike in any confrontation with Lebanon.

"Hezbollah wanted to say that [the equation is] military for military, civilian for civilian, and strategic for strategic," the sources pointed out.

Touching on the details of the video, the experts explained that the missile illustrated next to the target card has guiding fins at its front, symbolizing a precise missile, which is a message Hezbollah intended to convey in the video.

They noted that the red missile illustrated next to the identification card of Haifa Port indicates that Hezbollah treats this site with a high level of seriousness in terms of potential targeting.

According to the experts, this video is only the first episode in a series yet to come, with subsequent episodes showing how far the Resistance's reconnaissance drones have reached inside occupied Palestinian airspace.

Elsewhere, the sources told Al Mayadeen that the timing of releasing the video is undoubtedly linked to the visit of US envoy Amos Hochstein to Lebanon on a mission "of Israeli nature" even if it appears as part of a mediation effort.

Earlier, Hochstein called for an immediate de-escalation of tensions on the northern border between Lebanon and "Israel".


don't care about morality, gaza is still blockaded on all sides by the west so it's more effective to blame a Machiavellian fifth column than it is to claim a legitimate threat. actors with a material interest in israeli security won't be swayed but the political class might.

>high on their own supply

doesn't make sense. you can't cow people into inaction through fear. fear breeds loathing, the israelis should understand that: it's their only personality trait.





My completely unfounded schizo take is that, like Ukraine, everyone with stakes "knew" where things were going generally but their cards were only revealed at the end, as the months progressed and the situation unfolded.
IMO the USA sees the Zionist project as a liability. And Israeli society as a whole needs to be humbled off the supremacist delusional hubris, to last. So they'll have their hysterics then the catharsis and come to renewed awareness of their role in NATO as a cultural thing. New "peace" "accords", the compradors kiss the ring and the status quo is renewed, at gunpoint.

But then "the resistance axis" failed to escalate before Israeli society imploded and made NATO intervention too costly. So the USA are, ironically, actually stuck supporting the suicidal settler crazies as they run up every tab like there isn't a tomorrow to reckon with.


Sambo was developed by people training in basically every form of wrestling they could get their hands on. One of the two pioneers of the discipline happened to be a direct student of the founder of judo in Japan and one the first foreigners - if not the absolute first - to get a black belt - something that was invented by the very same Kano himself. The thing with grappling disciplines is that, once you learn to fall in a controlled way, you can go in for real with your techniques and you can experiment in the most realistic way both to be the aggressor and the one defending from the aggression. I mean, you can slam someone to the floor and be slammed to the floor, provided is some kind of tatami or wrestling mat and you apply your breakfall technique, but you are executing exactly the same movement you would do "for real", with the same strength, the same speed, the same depth, the same intention. That's a relatively great advantage over purely or mainly striking arts, where for example you can't just get a punch to the face or a kick to the stomach without suffering some kind of injury and certainly pain. Obviously we all know there will always be people doing boxing, kickboxing, taekwondo, muay thai and the like, but the price to pay to really experiment them "for real" is definitily higher than grappling arts. Or at least, the learning curve for the former is quite steeper than for the latter.


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Hezbollah operations 06/18/2024:
12:12: a Merkava tank inside the Hadab Yarin site was targeted by an attack drone, hitting it directly.
17:20: the Ramtha site in the occupied Lebanese Kafr Shuba hills was targeted with rocket weapons, hitting it directly.
17:20: the Zebdine barracks in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms were targeted with rocket weapons, hitting them directly.
After closely monitoring the "israeli" enemy forces at the Manara site and spotting a group of soldiers in the firing range, Islamic Resistance fighters targeted them with rocket weapons and artillery shells, achieving confirmed casualties in response to the "israeli" enemy's attack on the town of Borgholiyeh.
Targeting the command headquarters of the Sahel Battalion in the "Beit Hillel" barracks with a barrage of Katyusha rockets in response to the "israeli" enemy's attack on the town of Borgholiyeh.
Targeting gathering points of "israeli" enemy officers and soldiers at an artillery emplacement belonging to Battalion 411 (of the 288th Fire Brigade) in "Neve Ziv" with by an aerial attack with a squadron of attack drones, accurately hitting their targets and causing confirmed casualties, in addition to fires breaking out at the site, in response to the assassination carried out by the "israeli" enemy in the town of Al-Shehabiyeh.
Targeting the "Plasan" military industries factory, specializing in armoring and protecting vehicles and equipment for the Israeli enemy army in the Saasa settlement, with Falaq missiles in response to the repeated attacks by the "israeli" enemy on the town of Borgholiya.


Participate in anti-regime/anti-genocide demonstrations where you can, organize where circumstances enable it, and keep yourself safe(you are of no use to any movement as a corpse).



the widely acclaimed speaker, writer, journalist, and political analyst Caleb Maupin BTFO


That's a bingo


White Houses axes US-Israel meeting after Netanyahu video
The White House has called off a high-level meeting with Israeli officials after PM Netanyahu released a video lambasting the US for what he said was a delay in weapons shipments, according to US news outlet Axios.

President Bidenโ€™s senior advisers were โ€œenragedโ€ by the video and his team was โ€œshocked by Netanyahuโ€™s ingratitudeโ€, reported Axios, citing two US officials.

The cancellation of the meeting, while some Israeli officials were already on their way to Washington, โ€œmakes it clear that there are consequences for pulling such stuntsโ€, one of the officials told Axios.

Publicly, as we reported, the White House voiced confusion at Netanyahuโ€™s video statement, saying only โ€œone particular shipmentโ€ of munitions had been paused.

srael, Hezbollah trade threats as fears grow of wider war
What we understand from Hezbollah sources is that the US envoy, Hochstein, came with a message from the Israelis and that message was a threat that Israel is seriously considering widening this war and time is running out.

The US envoy made those statements to the parliament speaker, Nabih Berri, who is a close ally of Hezbollah. The US does not talk directly to Hezbollah, so Berri relayed the message to the Lebanese armed group.

The response was that drone footage.

Hezbollah released images from a reconnaissance drone that showed sensitive military and civilian sites in Haifa, Israelโ€™s third largest city. It was a message not just to Israelโ€™s political and military establishments, but to the public as well that Hezbollah is able to hit Haifa and has a bank of targets.

Itโ€™s really a message of deterrence because itโ€™s trying to tell the Israelis, โ€œWe can hurt you.โ€ What we understand from sources is that itโ€™s no coincidence that Hezbollah chose Haifa because it is approximately 28km (17 miles) from the border.

Israeli air attack in Syria kills army officer
Israelโ€™s military has carried out a series of air attacks on military sites in the Syrian provinces of Quneitra and Deraa, says Syriaโ€™s Defence Ministry in a post on Facebook.

The attacks killed an army officer and caused some material damage, it added.

Since the Gaza war began, Israel has regularly carried out air strikes in Syria, often targeting members of Iran-backed groups.

This year, such attacks have killed 171 fighters and 13 civilians, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.


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You are using the united farms workers flag, not the REAL nazbol flag.


>nazi thinks UFW flag is a nazi flag
top kek




Does /pol/ really have a consensus in supporting Palestine, or is it a meme? Are the "news" more informative in there, or something?
Idk, i never used pol.


/pol/ is just a bunch of reactionary schizos and Qboomers but I repeat myself.


>Does /pol/ really have a consensus-
look I don't browse the place either but you can end that sentence right there with a 'no'.
even neo-nazis are split between 'kill da jews' and 'send them to israel or madagascar'


You would think they would support dead zionists regardless of who's doing the killing, but that doesn't seem to be the case


National Resistance Brigades (Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces) spokesman, Abu Khaled:
Our fighters destroyed an enemy troop carrier and a bulldozer and bombard their positions with heavy mortars.
Commander Abu Khaled, spokesperson for the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces (the military wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine), issued a military communiquรฉ summarizing the combat operations of the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces during the blessed Eid al-Adha. He indicated that the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces destroyed an enemy vehicle and bulldozer and bombarded their positions with heavy mortars. Here are the details:
1. The Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces targeted an "israeli" enemy troop carrier with an RPG anti-tank shell in the middle of Shaboura Camp, west of Rafah city, hitting it directly and causing casualties among those inside.
2. The Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces blew up an enemy military bulldozer of the type "D9" with an explosive device south of Bank of Palestine on the axis of advancement in Tal Al-Sultan neighborhood, west of Rafah city, hitting it directly, causing significant damage, and injuring its driver and assistant.
3. The artillery unit of the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces targeted an enemy position west of the "Netzarim" axis south of Gaza city with heavy mortar shells, hitting their targets.
4. The artillery unit of the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces bombarded enemy positions on Tal Zorob in Tal Al-Sultan neighborhood, west of Rafah city, with heavy mortar shells, hitting their targets.
5. The artillery unit of the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces, in cooperation with a group from the Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades (the military wing of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine), bombarded enemy vehicles southeast of Al-Zaytoun neighborhood with heavy mortar shells, hitting their targets.
6. A group from the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces targeted the axis of advancement in the middle of Shaboura Camp in Rafah city, south of the Gaza Strip, with mortar shells, hitting their targets.
Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces โ€“ Military wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Military Media

American-British warplanes carried out 4 airstrikes on a government complex building in Raymah, Yemen, earlier today.

American-British warplanes carried out 3 airstrikes on the Taif area in Hodeidah, western Yemen.

Khaled Mahanja is the first lawyer to visit the "Sde Teman" concentration camp in the occupied Naqab, where over 1,000 Gazans have been kidnapped, tortured, and killed. After a short 35 minute long visit, Khaled returned and provided Al-Arabi with the harrowing details.
Khaled stated:
- Over a thousand Palestinians from Gaza are held in "Sde Teman" under dire conditions, with their hands bound and eyes blindfolded for 24 hours a day.
- The prisoners are split between 4 barracks, with dozens of prisoners in each barracks. The prisoners sleep on the floor without sheets.
- The detainees in "Sde Teman" are subjected to retaliation solely for being from Gaza, and are prevented from practicing their religious rituals. Prayer and takbeer are prohibited.
- Investigations in "Sde Teman" are conducted by special investigation units, not the "israeli" army.
- Palestinian prisoners do not receive fair trials in "israeli" detention centers. They do not have lawyers or rights. The goal is to extend detention and continue kidnapping them without rights.
- The prisoners are prohibited from standing and remain blindfolded even during sleep.
- "Israel" continues to torture the prisoners, holding them responsible for Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on October 7th.
- All prisoners in zionist prisons, whether from the West Bank, Gaza Strip, or occupied Palestinian interior, are abused and tortured, but this is intensified for the prisoners from Gaza.
- The situation witnessed is worse than any expectations.
Khaled mentions that journalist Mohammad Arab has been isolated in "Sde Teman" for over 100 days, with no known end to his detention. He was subjected to harsh interrogations twice, but refused to cooperate with the zionists. He is not allowed to speak to anyone, while he is blindfolded and bound for 24 hours. Khaled's visit was the first non-soldier that Mohammed has seen in 100 days.
Mohammed's message to the world: "We are steadfast, me and the rest of the Palestinian prisoners. Our morale is high, reaching the sky. We know that we will be liberated one day. However, we appeal to the whole world: The war on the prisoners are going through is no different in criminality or difficulty than the heinous, terrible, and criminal war on Gaza and what the people of the Gaza Strip are subjected to."
Mohammed is one of at least four Gazan journalists who have been subjected to enforced disappearance by the zionist entity, in an attempt to prevent them from amplifying the voice of truth. These include Mahmoud Aliweh, Haitham Abdel Wahed, and NewPress founder Nidal Al-Wahidi. He discusses cases of sexual assault and rape against prisoners. Mohammed told Khaled that 6 prisoners have been sexually assaulted in "Sde Teman" in the last month, in front of all of the prisoners.
Khaled also notes that at least 6 prisoners have ascended to martyrdom in the "Sde Teman" camp as a result of torture. >Over 36 Palestinians from Gaza have ascended to martyrdom in zionist concentration camps since October 7th, after 4,000 were abducted, with just 1,500 released.
Echoing the call of Mohammed and other prisoners, Khaled asks that that international institutions and the whole world must rally around the prisoners' cause, in light of the 24/7 blindfolding, shackling, and torture and prevention of any visit to the secret prisons until over 250 days after October 7th.

The zionist army admits that a resistance drone launched from the Gaza Strip made impact in the settlements adjacent to the Strip.

Syrian Ministry of Defense:
Around 7:00 AM today, the "israeli" enemy launched an aerial attack using drones, targeting two military sites of our armed forces in the countryside of Quneitra and Daraa. The attack resulted in the martyrdom of an officer and caused some material losses.


Hezbollahโ€™s Nasrallah: Israeli army appears defeated and collapsed
Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah has spoken in a video address. Here are some of his main points:

>The storming of the Galilee is a possibility that remains and is likely within any war waged by Israeli forces on Lebanon.

<The enemy (Israeli forces) fears that things will roll into a war, and this strongly affects the Gaza front and forces it to economise on ammunition.
>The great pressure from the southern Lebanon front, in addition to other fronts, affects the negotiations regarding the outcome of the war.
<The enemyโ€™s image of deterrence is collapsing, and the army appears defeated and collapsed.
>The Israeli enemy is unable to wage war on these fronts, as the British and Americans are taking care of the Yemeni front.
<The enemyโ€™s Ministry of Defense says there are 8,663 disabled officers and soldiers, and we ask what the number of wounded is.
>Part of the enemyโ€™s media and psychological war is not acknowledging its dead and losses.
<The resistance followed a strategy of blinding the enemy and deafening its ears by targeting Israeli technical equipment, radars, balloons, and others.
>The enemy evacuated many of its military sites on the border with southern Lebanon.
>We have a very large amount of information, and the drone footage we published on Tuesday is a small part of long hours that were filmed in Haifa.

Head of Hezbollah threatens Israel, Cyprus in televised address
The head of Lebanonโ€™s Hezbollah Hassan Nasrallah has warned that his group would fight with โ€œno rulesโ€ and โ€œno ceilingsโ€ in case a broader war with Israel erupts, and that nowhere in Israel would be safe from Hezbollahโ€™s attacks.

In a televised address, Nasrallah said that included possible targets in the Mediterranean Sea.

Nasrallah also threatened Cyprus for the first time, saying Hezbollah could consider it โ€œa part of the warโ€, if it continued to allow Israel to use its airports and bases for military exercises.


Why Cyprus?


Big NATO airbase there which is constantly helping Israel


/pol/ is overwhelmingly pro-Palestine, there aren't even competing generals like with the Ukraine war


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what >>1889497 said. There are multiple bases there, including A Germ base iirc. The British Akrotiri and Dhekelia alone are huge and tend to be the staging point for anything in the MENA region.
If you people like /pol/ so much go there. Honestly why do any of you freaks care.


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Do it fags! Press the Self-Destruct button!
Israeli defence minister meets with army chief on potential war in Lebanon
Yoav Galant, Israelโ€™s defence minister, has met with the armyโ€™s chief of staff for a โ€œsituation assessmentโ€ of the armyโ€™s northern command, reports Israelโ€™s public broadcaster.

โ€œWe have an obligation to change the situation in the north and return the citizens safely to their homes and we will find the way to do this actionโ€, Galant said at the meeting.

Last night, Israeli officials approved operational plans for war against Hezbollah in Lebanon, saying that the country is ready for an โ€œall-out warโ€.

โ€˜Always been ready for all-out warโ€™: Hezbollah
Ibrahim Moussawi, a Hezbollah member of the Lebanese Parliament, says while the group does not want an all-out war with Israel, it is prepared to fight one if it is โ€œimposedโ€ on them.

โ€œHezbollah has always been ready. Itโ€™s been more ready than any time in the past, he told Al Jazeera.

โ€œWe are under occupation. Parts of our country are still under occupation โ€ฆ we are the target of Israeli violence,โ€ he told Al Jazeera.

โ€œDid the Gazans want what the Israelis do or what they are doing? Itโ€™s under the eyes of the international community that is โ€ฆ a complete, full partner in whatโ€™s happening.โ€

Moreover, Moussawi said it was Israel to blame for โ€œescalatingโ€ the tensions with Hezbollah.

โ€œWe are on the defensive. We are doing the role of defending our people,โ€ he added.


Bets on when Israel is gonna suicide charge into Lebanon?


two weeks


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So, is Israel gonna invade Lebanon WHILE they are still busy in Gaza or are they gonna pull out first?


>Cyprus is not a NATO member state

Learned something new today.


What are our thoughts on Sinwar?


Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah in his speech during the memorial ceremony honoring the martyr leader Taleb Sami Abdallah, "Hajj Abu Taleb":
We extend our thanks to everyone who sent messages, called, or issued statements expressing their condolences. I also extend my congratulations to the family of martyr Abu Taleb individually on the martyrdom of Hajj and offer condolences for his loss.
We also extend our condolences to the families of the fighters who were martyred with Hajj Abu Taleb, and to these brothers from Hajjโ€™s team who were always directly with him.
The stance of the martyrs' families in terms of patience, satisfaction, and declaring determination to continue making sacrifices is honorable.
Martyrdom in the Islamic understanding is happiness, good news, divine selection, and a divine privilege. Therefore, martyrdom is a great victory and a decisive triumph.
Martyrdom is a victory and triumph, it is not defeat or death. This is the strength in the fronts of resistance and its arenas. The most dangerous thing the enemy faces is that those who fight in the fields carry this belief and faith. Therefore, we see this patience and satisfaction among the families of the martyrs.
Our path has the ability to endure in resistance, in the resistance environment, and in the fighting human masses. Despite losing these martyrs, our flag never falls, nor does any position or weakness infiltrate us. With these realities, Martyr Abu Taleb joined the resistance.
Martyr Abu Taleb began as an ordinary fighter like everyone else and quickly advanced due to his spirit.
Abu Taleb was a commander of the Siddiqine front in his early youth. In 1992, he was part of the jihad cadre that went to Bosnia.
Before 2000, he was responsible for the Bint Jbeil front in resistance operations and a front commander during the July War in 2006. After that, in 2016, he became the head of the Nasr unit until the moment of his martyrdom.
There is no doubt that our loss of Hajj is great, but we are consoled by the fact that they passed as martyrs and achieved their highest aspirations, leaving behind those who carry the same spirit, determination, and mind. Therefore, the resistance's response to the assassination was significant, to tell the enemy that this unit, which you killed some of its officials, has become more determined to confront the enemy.
Abu Taleb was the first field commander who opened the front in support of Gaza.
This battle on the Lebanese front played a major role in the broader confrontation, continuing to inflict material, moral, and psychological losses on the enemy while making sacrifices.
One of the clearest indications of the Lebanese frontโ€™s effectiveness is the screams, threats, and intimidation we hear from the enemyโ€™s leaders, officials, and settlers. If it were not effective, why would the world intervene to separate it from the Gaza front? We would not have heard their screaming and wailing.
Since the beginning of the Al-Aqsa Flood, there has been a media machine whose function is to belittle the support fronts and what is happening in Gaza.
42 settlements have been completely evacuated, and life has been disrupted in other settlements.
According to enemy leaders, the Lebanon front has occupied more than 100,000 soldiers and several brigades of the enemy forces, while the enemy is in need of forces in Gaza, the West Bank, and Rafah.
A senior "israeli" leader said that without this front, "there would have been enough forces to defeat Gaza."
We continue to inflict human, material, and psychological losses on the enemy.
The Lebanon front has prevented enemy forces from participating in Gaza, including elite forces, due to the enemy's fear of the resistance entering the Al-Jalil, which remains a possibility if a war is imposed on Lebanon.
The "israeli" enemy does not acknowledge its losses on the northern front in order not to put pressure on the government and Netanyahu, who considers the war on Gaza his top priority.
Part of the enemyโ€™s media and psychological warfare is not acknowledging its dead and losses, while the war media publishes the operations.
Achievements include displacing settlers and disrupting industry, agriculture, and tourism in the north, given its significance.
Another achievement is that, for the first time in the history of the occupation (since 1948), a security belt has been formed in the entity.
The enemy fears that things might escalate into a war, which strongly affects the Gaza front and forces it to economize on ammunition.
The image of the "israeli" army and its credibility have been shattered.
Our front and other fronts are strongly present at the negotiation table, where specific outcomes are sought.
The American fleets that came to the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea to prevent Yemenis from targeting "israeli" ships have failed to protect these ships or those heading to the entity, despite all their capabilities. This is a significant failure for the two most important naval fleets in the world.
The "israeli" enemy, unable to fight on these fronts, has left the Yemen front to the British and Americans.
The Iraq front significantly depletes "israeli" air defenses and regional air defenses, and the "israeli" enemy does not acknowledge the incoming missiles and drones.
The occupation has failed against the sacrifices of the honorable people and the resistance fighters in Gaza and Rafah.
The occupation considers that eliminating four brigades in Rafah constitutes an absolute victory. This is deceitful and not a true victory.
The enemy is chasing a false and fabricated victory that has no reality, merely to present it to its audience as a win.
We are witnessing a very significant truth being written by Gaza and the West Bank, causing enormous losses to the entity.
The enemy entity has suffered enormous human and strategic losses, which it will eventually be unable to conceal. There are 8,636 disabled individuals according to official statistics, so what about the number of dead and wounded?
I met with Haj Abu Taleb before his martyrdom, and he explained to me in exhaustive detail about the frontline positions we have extensive information on. The enemy knows this and has evacuated these positions, but not completely due to fear of losing control over them.
Striking these positions resulted in enemy soldiers being killed and injured, forcing them to spread out around the sites, which means gathering new information. The resistance was able to gather this information to the extent that we even know where their tent is located.
The enemy was forced to evacuate its bases and went on to establish new ones behind the mountains. They did not anticipate the drones, but by the grace of Allah, our "Hudhud" provides us with information, and we target them with "the soaring birds."
There are no electronic and technical barriers on the borders like those on the borders of Lebanon and Gaza. Therefore, in the past four months, the resistance in Lebanon has been working to blind the enemy and close its ears, and now we are capable of striking the "Meron" base whenever we want.
We will not spare anything we can reach, and we have a vast amount of information. What was published yesterday was selectively minutes from Haifa, while the drone flew for hours.
Some in the enemy entity claimed that Hezbollah has spies in Haifa to obtain the footage. But what will they say when the resistance later releases episodes from the second, third, and fourth cities?
We have long hours of footage of Haifa and its surroundings, before and after Haifa. Our resistance fights based on vision and information.
We have fought with a portion of our weapons so far and acquired new weapons that will appear on the battlefield. We have developed our weapons and used new ones in this battle. We have a large number of drones because we manufacture them. We also manufacture types of rockets that we require.
We have an unprecedented human force for the resistance. A few years back, we said 100,000 [fighters] even though they were more, now we have way beyond that.
A lot of our friends in the Axis offered to send tens and hundreds of thousands of fighters to Lebanon. We thanked them but informed them that there is no need. We have sufficient and motivated human capacity. The number of fighters that we have is beyond the number needed for this battle, even with the theory of an all-out war.
The enemy tried to wage for years a "battle between wars" in Syria, targeting our Syrian brothers, our Iranian brothers, striking what they think are weapons and technology convoys for the capabilities of the resistance. 8 months as of today, and our front says to the enemy: all of this "battle between wars" that you attempted over years has failed. All of the weapons intended to reach Lebanon have reached Lebanon.
All of the enemy and mediators' threats and warnings about a war on Lebanon do not scare us. They have sent over 200 threats over 8 months…The enemy knows well that we have prepared ourselves for the worst of days. The enemy knows well what awaits them. They were deterred for 9 months due to our unprecedented actions…
The enemy knows that there will not be a place in the entity forbidden to our missiles and drones. It will not be indicriminate bombing; every missile has a target, every rocket has a target, every drone has a target. And the evidence is the "Hudhud."
The enemy knows that what awaits it in the Mediterranean Sea is also very significant. It must await us on land, in the air, and at sea. If war is imposed, the resistance will fight without restrictions, rules, or limits.
The Cypriot government must be careful that opening its airports and bases to the enemy to target Lebanon means it has become part of the war, and the resistance will deal with it as such.
This is the greatest battle the nation has fought since 1948. It has a clear and bright horizon and will change the face of the region and shape its future.
We reaffirm the solidity of our stance and our readiness to continue this historic, humanitarian, and moral position until victory.

Yemeni Naval Forces:
The ship TUTOR was targeted after a ship belonging to its company "Evalendar Shipping Co SA" violated the ban and entered the occupied port of Haifa.
An email was sent to the company informing them that one of their ships, named SHIMANAMI STAR, violated the ban, and they were warned.
The ship TUTOR turned off the AIS international identification system while passing through the Red Sea.
Several naval weapons were used in the targeting and sinking of the ship TUTOR, including weapons used for the first time.
We urge all maritime companies to take our warnings seriously, or they will bear full responsibility for the safety of ships and crews.
We will not hesitate to use all means and naval weapons to support our brother fighters in Gaza, as part of the Armed Forces' operations.
The American-British aggressions will not stop our support operations for Gaza, and every aggression will be met with a stronger response and severe strikes, with Allah's help.

Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades - Knights of the Night have officially announced the launch of their Brigade in Nour Shams camp.


I aint reading that.
Back to ISG, addict!



Probably because Turkey, a NATO member, invaded, ethnically cleansed, and partitioned their country in 1973 and that situation remains unresolved. Cyprus is also the only nation state to have elected an outright communist to head of state through liberal elections, it didn't work out because he basically got defeated in the Turkish northern half of Cyprus.


You're gonna start a derail, when Turks come in and start complaining that Greeks started the cleansing first, etc. etc.


Either way the divide is artificial and is there to prop up British naval interests in the Mediterranean, along with the State of Israel


I don't see why Hezbollah would do this? If an Israeli invasion is imminent (which looks like it is) why give away the fact that you can target Israel's most sensitive locations? Your giving away the element of surprise.


Cyprus is a great example that old school European colonialism is alive and kicking.
inb4 some turkroach comes and spends 20 posts theatrically crying and speaking roach lies.


Having said that, it's always the Islands that show us the most naked of Colonialism today, isn't it. Cyprus, Haiti, Hawaii, New-Caledonia, Corsica.


To deter Israel from attacking? Psychological warfare? Something like that.


>why give away the fact that you can target Israel's most sensitive locations? Your giving away the element of surprise.
Likely what >>1889673 said but they also Hez seem pretty confident that Israel does not have the capacity to do anything about it if they know what Hez will target or not.


Weren't the Greeks ethnically cleansing the Turks there first?


Hezbollah rocketed Haifa in the 2006 war so it's not like they were giving away any secrets by flying a drone over the city. I think it's just a warning from Hezbollah. There's a kind of tit-for-tat signaling going on where Israel says "we're gonna invade u" and then Nasrallah says "bring it on bitch" and then Israel says "no seriously we're gonna do it we have the plans" and then Hezbollah flies a drone over Haifa.


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Hezbollah operations 06/19/2024:
An aerial attack with a swarm of attack drones targeted the positions and deployment of "israeli" enemy soldiers inside the "Metulla" settlement, achieving confirmed hits, in response to the repeated "israeli" enemy attacks on the town of Al-Borgholiya.
Bombing the command headquarters of the Eastern Brigade 769 (of the 91st Division) in the "Kiryat Shmona" barracks with dozens of Katyusha rockets and artillery shells, in response to the "israeli" enemy attacks on the towns of Yaroun and Al-Khiam.
15:30: targeting the surveillance equipment at the "Metulla" site with appropriate weapons, hitting it directly and destroying it.
16:00: targeting the Jal Al-Alam site with artillery shells, hitting it directly.
After monitoring and following the "israeli" enemy forces at the Al-Rahib site, and upon detecting the movement of a group of soldiers inside the site, the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted them with artillery shells, achieving confirmed hits.
Targeting the position of "israeli" enemy soldiers inside the Al-Baghdadi site with an attack drone, hitting it directly.
20:54: targeting the Al-Ramtha site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills with rocket weapons, hitting it directly.
21:07: targeting the Zebdine site in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms with rocket weapons, hitting it directly.
21:15: targeting the Al-Samaqa site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills with rocket weapons, hitting it directly.


The way Hezbollah pounded Israel for 3 days in the last week I really really cannot see the Israeli psyche being able to handle going back to 'peace' knowing an Arab neigbour can destroy them or at least cause serious damage to them. It completely kills their strategy in the region but also I can't see them winning a war against Hezbollah, sure they'll maybe beat Lebanon but that wont achieve anything.
What is the best move for the colonial zionist entity to make?


Pause while working the Western information structure to suppress unfavorable news or adverse actions. Once the information situation is more favorable, do whatever the hell you want.


Israeli-owned falafel restaurant in Montreal attacked today.



>bullet shot
lmao. that's escalation. hope they used good opsec.
>Pause while working the Western information structure to suppress unfavorable news or adverse actions. Once the information situation is more favorable, do whatever the hell you want.
HAving stronger propaganda control isn't going to change any of the real things i mentioned anon.


How do you beat Lebanon, when Hezbollah is in the way?


>How do you beat Lebanon, when Hezbollah is in the way?
Bomb Beirut to rubble. Systematically bomb civilian infrastructure.


So all of Lebanon becomes Hezbollah?


will only make hezbollah stronger


Wonder how many soldiers will defect to Hezbollah, and how much Lebanese military equipment will end up in their hands for a chance to have a go at Israel. All of them?


>While the elites who brought the nation to the verge of bankruptcy cannot agree on most things, they have found โ€œpolitical consensus in defence of a bankrupt economic system,โ€ according to the World Bank, which has dubbed the continuing Lebanese crisis โ€œthe Deliberate Depression.โ€
>European passivity has handed Lebanonโ€™s politicians and bankers โ€“ whose assets can be found all over the continentโ€™s capitals and marinas โ€“ a green light to continue to pillaging their country as it dies.
>The recent sanctions against Salameh notwithstanding, however, the US did nothing to address Lebanonโ€™s current crisis beyond threatening widespread sanctions but targeting just a handful of Hezbollah-connected individuals.
You'd think US would do something to fix Lebanon, instead of letting Hezbollah fester there, and threatening Israel.


Justin Bieberโ€™s manager is behind the โ€œNova Memorialโ€:


Should we boycott every artist managed by this guy?


>threatening Israel


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>While the elites who brought the nation to the verge of bankruptcy cannot agree on most things, they have found โ€œpolitical consensus in defence of a bankrupt economic system,โ€ according to the World Bank


That's the neat part: bombing Lebanon turn the entire Lebanese people against you which justify more indiscirminate bombing because they're all enemies.


Gotta love how they turned this hedonistic zoomer rave into a "peace festival" lol


There's a lot of ethnic cleansing been going on in Greece/Balkans/Anatolia. Cyprus is your typical post-Ottoman territory. Heavily mixed population thanks to Ottoman multiculturalism but nationalists on both sides want a pure "Greek" or a pure "Turk" state and claim all the land as their own.

>IDF knew of Hamas plans
I don't think this is true. Whenever you get a massive military failure, politicians and higher ups start going through the chain of command so everyone denies culpability or shoves it onto some other guy. One way they do this is by claiming they knew all along and the higher ups didn't listen while the officers try to blame the rank and file. You see a similar thing during WW2. Many of Hitler's generals claimed they knew all along their plans were wrong or invading the Soviet Union was wrong but that psycho Hitler didn't listen to them or that the Nazis were the bad guys and they did nothing wrong. They were of course lying to save themselves.

There have been news articles floating around claiming that female IDF soldiers noticed activity along the fence but were ignored for being women. I don't see evidence of that other than claims the claims of those women, who have a vested interest in lying about that because their asses are on the line.


Does anyone have good ideas for a picket sign? I was thinking "IDF = Death Squad" but I'm worried it might scare some of the less radical protestors


That's a perfectly fine placard.


Its short, to the point, and doesn't leave room for misinterpretation.


"death squad" describes every military. we should hope for dezionization to be carried out by death squads
pointing out shit the IDF has actually done may be more effective. rape, child murder, genocide


THE IDF RAPES PALESTINIAN KIDS should be good enough


anyone who'd have a problem with that sign is a zionist unironically


Another one that would work would be about the UN investigators saying "The IDF is the Most Criminal Army in the World"


what is the name of that cool artist that makes palestine protest art?


I don't think Zionists would have a problem with that sign. In fact, it's something of a point of pride for them.


I'm going to make one with a red triangle hovering over "Zionism" on one side and "Fascism" on the other.


The occupation army admits to the wounding of 6 soldiers over the last 24 hours, 3 of which were wounded during battles in the Gaza Strip.

Al-Qassam Brigades targeted two zionist Merkava tanks with Al-Yassin 105 shells in the Shaboura camp in Rafah city, south of the Gaza Strip. After targeting the two tanks, their crews fled into the alleys of the camp. Our fighters chased them and eliminated several of them at point-blank range.
Continuing the complex ambush prepared in advance for the enemy's soldiers and vehicles in the Shaboura camp, Al-Qassam fighters once again targeted two zionist vehicles of the "Eitan" type with Al-Yassin 105 shells. Our fighters observed the landing of helicopters to evacuate the dead and wounded soldiers in the ambush, where four zionist vehicles were targeted and several soldiers were eliminated at point-blank range.
Saraya Al-Quds targeted a zionist Merkava tank with an RPG shell and destroyed another tank with a high-explosive ground device in the Shaboura neighborhood of Rafah city.
Zionist media speaks of a serious security event in Rafah involving a number of wounded IOF soldiers, following a series of combat reports by the Al-Qassam Brigades and Saraya Al-Quds in the area.

American-British warplanes bomb the Al-Salif District in Hodeidah, Yemen.

Resistant youth in Qalqilya killed a settler during confrontations with zionist forces in the city.


there are a number of them. Are you talking about the one whost makes the PFLP posters?


File: 1718901528801.png (237.95 KB, 600x600, gybe!_yanqui_uxo.png)

My friend, if you were to boycott every performing artist managed/owned by zionists, you would have very little music left (but you wouldn't be missing much).


I remember he makes black and white art, and i believe he focus on caricatures making fun of US politics in general. He made a "portrait" of Biden looking like a cockroach. Others were about palestinian protesters.


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is it kinda this?


Oh no, he might have to listen to music from unmanaged bands doing it as a side gig or purely for pleasure! What a waste of economic value!




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nah, i don't think it is, but this looks interesting. What is the name of this one?
Nah, but this guy looks interesting too.


Or just pirate everything


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<Yankeee unexploded ordinance
Very based 10/10 album btw.


In the last 6 months, the zionist entity has reported 221 deaths from "traffic accidents."
This rate is more 40% of the average number of deaths in the same period for every year in the last 10 years (an average of 156).
The reason for this is suspected to be the zionist army lying about the causes of casualties in Gaza, the West Bank, and northern fronts.
We remember the words of the Lions' Den: "We leave the leadership of the occupation army to deny and obscure and to distribute their dead to accidents on the roads, mountains, and diseases."

The IOF admits that two of its soldiers were seriously wounded during battles with the resistance in the southern Gaza Strip.
Meanwhile, "Hadassah" Hospital in occupied Al Quds announced that it received 5 wounded soldiers today.

Thousands of zionist settlers have blocked off a main road in "Tel Aviv" in protest of the proposed conscription laws that seek to extend mandatory service and forcibly enlist 1.2 million ultra-Orthodox Jews into the IOF.
The zionist police have referred to the protest as a "riot," and have so far arrested 6 settlers.


The PFLP releases those through telegram


>but this guy looks interesting too.
He's like cat nips to solidarity movement boomers.


Only listen to furry music from the aughties.
You will be virtually 100% safe from Zionism.



France detains Iranian citizen for social media posts

According to The Guardian, French authorities have detained an Iranian citizen after he posted pro-Palestine remarks on social media pertaining to the war on Gaza, a police source claimed on Thursday, in a case his lawyer has condemned as "political."

Biazar was detained in Dijon, eastern France, and is presently in administrative imprisonment in Metz, further north, as a precaution against probable deportation.

In Paris, a police source who asked not to be identified told AFP that "expulsion proceedings" had been begun against Biazar "in particular because he publicly made anti-French remarks," without detailing what they were.

Biazar has been active on social media in recent months, making strong statements in support of Palestine during the war on Gaza.

Rachid Lemoudaa, a French lawyer representing Biazar, told AFP "There is nothing, in terms of law, that justifies this measure. Bashir Biazar expressed himself on his Instagram account, as anyone could do freely in a state governed by the rule of law," adding that he believes the issue is "political, and politics has no place in law."

Kazem Gharibabadi, president of the Iranian High Council for Human Rights, stated on X that the arrest of an Iranian citizen by French police for defending the suffering Palestinian people is a problem for France's human rights record.


People glaze their eyes over "death squad" because they've heard that so much and people really do believe the "well innocent lives are lost in war so… ยฏ\_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ"

I've been floating the idea of just posting pictures of those tiktoks of IDF stealing panties and shit, maybe even post photos of the piles of dead kids (faces blurred) from the hospital bombings with some rightoid-lolbert olive branch (I'm in a right-wing area) like "YOUR TAX DOLLARS." I think most leftists know what's going on already (except berniecrats who initially supported Israel) so I don't see the strategic advantage of saying "settler apartheid" over and over.

It's extreme but I've seen that strategy used for a different topic and it worked. I don't know the legality of it though. Maybe "GOOGLE NAKBA" or something because most libs don't even know that Israel is an apartheid state and they actually fall for the gay pride march propaganda, which seems to be the liberal west's general strategy for when they're arming nazis, is to have a gay pride parade.


It's been tested in MMA and is pretty OP so yeah it works. The other ones? Not so much and they always end up dipping into Judo to actually bodyguard/police work.


Today's been busy:
==Heavy losses for the occupation in the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood and Rafah after ambushes by the resistance.=
The Palestinian resistance continues to confront the Israeli occupation forces penetrating the Gaza Strip, inflicting heavy losses in lives and equipment, through direct attacks on its soldiers and vehicles.

The Martyr Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Hamas movement, confirmed that it had bombed the โ€œThird Eyeโ€ site in the Gaza Strip, with a missile salvo.

Also, its fighters were able to prepare a precise ambush for an Israeli armored force, and prepare a special mine with a large explosive power, which was planted under its passageway after monitoring operations that continued for several days on Al-Bahr Street, south of the Tal Al-Sultan neighborhood, west of the city of Rafah.

Al-Qassam continued that when the force passed in the first minutes of this morning, and the โ€œMerkavaโ€ tank was positioned above the mine, the Mujahideen detonated it, which led to its complete destruction and the killing of its crew. The operations to evacuate the remains of the dead soldiers and the tankโ€™s wreckage continued for several hours.

Likewise, the Al-Qassam Brigades targeted two Israeli โ€œMerkavaโ€ tanks with โ€œAl-Yassin 105โ€ shells in the Al-Shaboura camp in the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip. Their crews fled after being targeted inside the alleys of the camp, and while the mujahideen were pursuing them, they finished off a number of them from zero distance.

The Qassam Mujahideen were also able to target two occupation vehicles, of the โ€œEitanโ€ type, with โ€œAl-Yassin 105โ€ missiles.

Al-Qassam Mujahideen also destroyed the occupation forces located southwest of the city of Rafah with heavy-caliber mortar shells. Al-Qassam showed scenes of targeting the occupation vehicles and destroying its forces with mortar shells in the Al-Taqaddum axis in the Tal Al-Sultan neighborhood, west of the city of Rafah

The Al-Qassam Brigades showed scenes of the seizure of a Mavic quadcopter in the Shaboura camp in the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip.

The Al-Qassam Brigades bombarded the command and control site of the occupation forces east of the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza City with heavy-caliber mortar shells, causing direct hits among its ranks, as the Mujahideen monitored the landing of the โ€œBlack Hawkโ€ and โ€œYaโ€™sourโ€ planes to evacuate the dead and wounded.

Al-Qassam published scenes of the Zwari suicide plane being launched towards a gathering of Israeli occupation forces in the โ€œHoleitโ€ settlement.

fierce clashes with machine guns, canisters, and anti-armor shells with the occupation soldiers and vehicles penetrating the center of the city of Rafah.

It announced that it had targeted an Israeli Merkava tank with an RPG shell, and destroyed another tank with a high-explosive ground device in the Al-Shaboura neighborhood in Rafah.

The Al-Quds Brigades confirmed that they, in conjunction with the Al-Qassam Brigades, bombed a gathering of occupation vehicles and soldiers in the Shaboura camp in the center of the city of Rafah with a barrage of mortar shells.


Al-Qassam fighters set up a tight ambush for an armored zionist force and prepared a special explosive mine with a large explosive power, planted under its route after several days of surveillance on Al-Bahar Street south of Tal Al-Sultan neighborhood west of Rafah city.
When the force passed in the early minutes of this morning and a Merkava tank positioned over the mine, the fighters detonated it, destroying the tankโ€”completelyโ€”and killing its crew. The operations to evacuate the remains of the dead soldiers and the tank's wreckage lasted several hours.


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Hezbollah operations 06/20/2024:
15:20: a gathering of "israeli" enemy soldiers was targeted inside the Al-Samaqa site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills with appropriate weapons, and it was directly hit.
15:20: the Ruwaisat Al-Alam site in the occupied Lebanese hills of Kfar Shuba was targeted with heavy machine guns, causing direct casualties.
15:20: the Zebdine site in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms was targeted with artillery shells, and it was directly hit.
Targeting the "Zarit" barracks with dozens of Katyusha rockets, in response to the assassination carried out by the "israeli" enemy in the town of Deir Kifa.
16:00: the Ras al-Naqoura naval site was targeted with artillery shells and was directly hit.

The zionist army admitted to the death of two of its officers during combat in the central Gaza Strip as a result of mortar shells. They also admitted to the serious wounding of three additional soldiers in the same event.
[I believe this likely refers to one or both of the following operations]
The Al-Qassam Brigades bombarded the enemy's command and control site east of the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza City with heavy-caliber mortar shells, achieving direct hits.
Our fighters observed the landing of two "Black Hawk" and "Yasur" helicopters to evacuate the dead and wounded.
Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades bombarded gatherings of enemy zionist soldiers and vehicles in the advance axis east of Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza City with 120 mm mortar shells, achieving direct hits. Our fighters observed the landing of helicopters to evacuate the dead and wounded.


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>cheese on a raw burger


new thred?


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