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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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(This includes blatantly obvious concern failtrolling/fedposting, painfully unfunny/nuclear misanthropic autism [ie. /pol/] and derailing/hyper sectarian schizophrenia)

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الله أكبر
.الى جميع الكادحين في الشرق، ان مصيركم في ايديكم
!يا عمال العالم ويا شعوبه المضطهدة، اتحدوا


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At least we can see Tel Aviv burn when chaddam bombed it


The IOF admits to 26 casualties among soldiers in the last 24 hours.

On the morning of June 9th, "some anarchists" started a fire at the Portland offices of Parker-Hannifin, a key supplier of the US F-35 fighter jet squadron, located at 6458 N. Basin Ave in the Mocks Bottom industrial area. The mainstream media did not report on this fire. The full extent of the damage is unknown.

Sources for Quds News Network revealed that an upcoming meeting of the Palesitinian factions in China was cancelled due to Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas' refusal to include Fatah in the meeting. This comes after a meeting of the Palestinian factions in Moscow in February, as well as a meeting between Hamas and Fatah that was mediated by China in April. These meetings made progress on reconciliation and unity between factions.

A new poll conducted by zionist media finds that, among settlers who previously lived in northern occupied Palestine, 28% of those surveyed said that they would never return. 46% said they would only return if there was a "clear solution."
Nearly all of them stated that "the state has abandoned them." Some settlers have taken it upon themselves to attempt to secede from the zionist entity, while others formed a refugee camp.
Over 230,000 settlers have been displaced from the northern settlements for the last 9 months as a result of the strikes of the resistance.


>Sources for Quds News Network revealed that an upcoming meeting of the Palesitinian factions in China was cancelled due to Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas' refusal to include Fatah in the meeting. This comes after a meeting of the Palestinian factions in Moscow in February, as well as a meeting between Hamas and Fatah that was mediated by China in April. These meetings made progress on reconciliation and unity between factions.
This was supposed to be Hamas joining PLO talks and i've been waiting patiently for this scheduled meeting for months. Abbas is such a huge faggot holy fucking shit why not just have the talks without him anyway?
In a just society he would have been taken out and summarily axecuted decades ago.


The Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced its participation in South Africa's genocide case at the International Court of Justice.
This comes "in line with its unwavering and sustained commitment to supporting and contributing as much as possible to legitimate international efforts to put an end to the genocide committed against the Palestinian people.
The Foreign Ministry stated: "Genocide, apartheid, forced displacement, and collective punishment cannot have a place in today's world, and the international community cannot tolerate them."
Cuba joins joins Nicaragua, Colombia, Libya, Maldives, Egypt, Ireland, Belgium, Türkiye, and Chile as countries that intend to or have formally intervened in the case in favor of South Africa.



>and Chile
Boric is finally on the right side of history for once? Good for him


The UKMTO reports that a ship was attacked 126 nautical miles east of Aden, Yemen.


How long is this fucking case going? It is pretty obvious to everyone with eyes that the zionazi entity is committing genocide. There is more than enough evidence


They usually take years. Some cases have taken decades. Don't expect a quick resolution.


I'm hearing the Zionists have approved plans to invade Lebanon now? When do anons think they're gonna go in?


Read the last thread. Most of the discusion is about if rather than when.


>genocide joe keeps the shipments going until they can make trump drag america in a war by october.
Aipac sisters… we did it




Armenia officially recognizes state of Palestine

Armenia announced recognizing the state of Palestine, as confirmed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs informs.

In a statement, the Foreign Ministry said, "The catastrophic humanitarian situation in Gaza and the ongoing military conflict is one of the primary issues on the international political agenda that requires resolution. The Republic of Armenia categorically rejects the targeting of civilian infrastructures, violence against the civilian population and the hostage-taking and capture of civilians during the armed conflict and joins the demands of the international community for their release without preconditions."

It further declared joining the resolutions of the UN General Assembly for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

Following the Caucasus nation's decision, the Israeli Foreign Ministry said it summoned the Armenian ambassador for a “stern reprimand”.


all basketabll teams are owned by jewish investors duh


Basketball was literally invented by Jewish guys so they could chest pass to each other


Al Jazeera is reporting it's a matter of when. Israeli cabinet has already signed off on an offensive


They're really stupid and suicidal for this, even David Ben Gurion literally wrote that Israel couldn't handle a long hot war with continuous mobilization


Good. Now they just need to drive into the Hezbollah minefields. They did mine the border, right?


Do the Lebanese have a war pact with other countries to help them when they're attacked?


They don't need to produce their own mines, they can just use unexploded Israeli bombs


Not sure about Lebanon, but Hezb has hundreds of thousands of missiles and hundreds of thousands of soldiers in Syria ready to join the shitstorm if needed.

They don't really need to fuck the Israeli army. If a couple of missiles fall into Haifa and Tel Aviv that's enough to make the civilians flee this shitty entity.


>actually caring about professional sports


>Basketball was literally invented by Jewish guys so they could chest pass to each other
The biggest Jewish gathering in the United States? New York Knicks games.


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>If a couple of missiles fall into Haifa and Tel Aviv that's enough to make the civilians flee this shitty entity.
I think you're getting over your skis on this one, Hezbollah did hit Haifa with rockets in the 2006 war. This is a map showing some of the strikes (apparently). Hezbollah is probably going to fire a hell of a lot more of them if there's another war though.


>tfw over half of leftypol


Well now it is


> They don't really need to fuck the Israeli army. If a couple of missiles fall into Haifa and Tel Aviv that's enough to make the civilians flee this shitty entity.
What makes you think they won’t just return?


Zionism is a political movement. This is like doing
>You can't destroy democracy - democracy is an idea
>Destroying Nazism


Nazism was never destroyed though. Fascism is capitalism in decay.


zionism the idea doesn't need to be destroyed, only the colonial project it spawned. just like how nazism the idea wasn't destroyed, but nazi germany was.


cringe post


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>but nazi germany was
No one tell him


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You can totally destroy both of those things, though?


I don't care if Great Israel exists forever in lalalland. I just want the Israel state gone.


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holy habbening


Retard tweet


The Palestinian resistance will still exist, same with Hezb, same with Houthis blocking the red sea. That makes the zionist uncomfortable, and their army lost deterrence. Everything indicates that this time is very different, even their generals are pessimistic.

If this war lasted for a month, then yeah, however they can't stand long attrition wars

>Hezbollah is probably going to fire a hell of a lot more of them if there's another war though

Probably. It all depends if the IDF strikes Beirut.


<my source is a conversation that happened in the white house heard by someone called 'OSINT Defender'.
Can you retards really not?
Where do you simps even fucking come from? How do you find your way here?


>stop doing OSINT


Nothing ever happens


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Shut up bitch


>OSINT being something either a twitter user read but didn't source or made up to get more likes to sate his addiction
You people are so outstandingly dumb. I thought the rest of us on the internet have made very clear we don't want you. Stay on your gay twittoid website and fuck off.


>give me the pure news, you addict


>the rest of us
>actually just one faggot having a teary because he has nobody else to talk to


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Finally some trustworthy REAL news from our comrades at CNN
>give full sapport for israel to invade lebanon
>piss your pants a lil bit and make a pathetic request for them to explore off ramps


mines are mid atgms is where its at


it's not hamas is the resistance wich can't be destroyed


Hamas has become a synonymn for the resistance in the Israeli/western press. Just remember to habitually s/Hamas/Resistance subconsciously when you read their shit.


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Did all the stress give him dementia?


No, not really. The Israeli leadership has no concept of "guilt" of "penalty", like a child of a wealthy family that never heard "no".
It's not really about him, most of the politicians would behave the same.

There's also the "brainwash" variable. They genuinely think they're invincible and superior to arabs, so they'll win no matter what.


He knows the moment the war stops he's going down, so he'd rather turn the entire middle east into rubble before that.


Hell yeah. Bring in some Vietnamese, and the zioamerican empire is bound to be embarrassed yet again


Good idea for the Taliban even outside of duty or whatever, pawn all those unemployed bored soldiers/insurgents and angry young men off into a conflict somewhere. There were even articles about them complaining about being stuck doing desk jobs lmao


people have already made up that story twice over this war, i'm not believing some rando on twitter who says it's happening for real this time.


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>i'm not believing some rando on twitter who says it's happening for real this time.
It's not unlikely though that in case of war Israel will heavily bomb and perhaps even invade Syria, which if there is an international movement to fight it will probably be coming in from here.
Generally it seems an not unrealistic scenario that if Southern Lebanon is invaded Syria is also invaded under the logic that Syria will be the future of Southern Lebanon problem today.
I still will not believe the invasion campaign until I see it though, The Hezbollah border network in terms of defense infrastructure and postur, for example having tunnel networks that make Gaza's look like a pit in the ground, is incredibly sophisticated.


>is incredibly sophisticated
Can you rate it on a scale of 1 to Hoxha?


Is not fake but Hezbollah rejected their help because they already got enough men

And also probably because it'd be a hassle to get them into Lebanon


I doubt they would invade Syria. Israel barely has the troops to invade Lebanon and why give up a great defensive position on the Golan Heights to invade Syria? I doubt any serious attack can be mounted on Israel through Syria because of that strong defensive position.


>three more weeks


That's true. It is a strong defensive position, I was more thinking that people will be entering Lebanon through Syria to fight as well as potentially organizing and operating logistics from there.


Right. The Taliban can say that but it's probably more aspirational. Wars do attract all kinds of people though, and going to Lebanon is an opportunity for people from other countries who want to take shots at Israeli soldiers. I was reading part of a book about the Lebanese civil war and the Israeli invasion, and the journalist who wrote the book ran across a black guy from America who was a religious schizo who went over there and joined up with the PLO and dressed like an American soldier from the Vietnam War which made him look completely weird… and that probably wasn't very wise. I think he died.

I was skeptical because I expect an invasion would be so gnarly for Israel, but I saw the other day that the religious affairs minister said on Israeli T.V. that they're preparing (the ministry handles burials of dead soldiers).

Israel has also wanted to attack Hezbollah for awhile. Time has been on Hezbollah's side to help them build up their forces, build up an organization, train their people, gain experience, build up their rocket arsenal. And Hamas really caught the Israelis by surprise because their attention had been so focused on Hezbollah.

I don't think they'd invade Syria but they'll do air strikes, and have been doing them. Israeli drones killed a Syrian army officer a few days ago.


Its likely. The Syrian government let Iraqi insurgents and foreign volunteers use their borders during the height of the Iraq war. Israel's going to try and disrupt Iranian arms shipments by attacking facilities in Syria. In fact, they hit airports in Syria in the immediate aftermath of Oct 7. As for attacking Israel from there, Syrian rebels have tried this before and failed. The Golan Heights offer the IDF a superior defensive position that makes them difficult to dislodge even with heavy weapons. Hezbollah is capable of launching raids into the Golan Heights from Lebanon but they are smart enough to know you should never attempt to attack IDF positions there head on.


kims favorite generals called it "good"


I reckon people who want to join the fighting from Syria will enter Lebanon from the north and northeast into the Beqaa Valley, which is in the northeast part of Lebanon around Baalbeck. That's out of the reach of the Israeli army. The Israelis can bomb the area and carry out (extremely risky) commando raids (they did in 2006 in Baalbeck looking for a Hezbollah commander to take hostage but they didn't find him) but they're not going to be able to cut it off the Lebanon-Syria border with ground troops. It's not possible. This religious map of Lebanon isn't a precise thing but Hezbollah's turf overlaps with Shia majority areas. Their strength is concentrated in the south, in densely populated suburbs of south Beirut (which was bombed heavily in 2006) and in the Beqaa Valley.


>And Hamas really caught the Israelis by surprise because their attention had been so focused on Hezbollah.
It was that their attention was focoused on the West Bank. The North was actually pretty quiet, Lebanon obviously having it's own problems and Hezbollah having a real chance at consolidating it's power in the country.
>I don't think they'd invade Syria but they'll do air strikes, and have been doing them.
Yes if they don't send guys an armor parts of Syria will be Hezbollah territory for all intents and purposes within the truely awesome bombing campaign we will doubtless see.
What I fail to understand is how even if Israel takes South Lebanon and levels Beruit how this would be even a victory. To root Hezbollah from the South will cost countless lives, importantly IDF lives and take a very long time only for Hez to inevitably re-group and operate from within it's 'secondary base within Lebanon the beqaa valley but also in the surrounding Syrian territory.


Hezbollah operation 06/21/2024:
13:12: targeting the Ruwaisat Al-Qarn site in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms with rocket weapons, causing a direct hit.
13:26: targeting the Ramtha site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills with rocket weapons, hitting it directly.
Targeting the “Samaqa” site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills with rocket weapons, and hitting it directly.
Targeting the Zebdine site in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms with rocket weapons, hitting it directly.
Launching an air attack with an attack drone targeting the “israeli” enemy artillery position in Al-Zaoura, hitting its target accurately.
Targeting the positions and locations of the “israeli” enemy’s officers and soldiers at the Ras al-Naqoura naval site through an air attack with a squadron of attack drones that hit their targets accurately, inflicting confirmed casualties on them and destroying part of the site, in response to the attack carried out by the enemy in Deir Kifa.

A settler has been killed after resistance fighters opened fire on a settler's vehicle in Qalqilya.
Zionist sources reported that the settler entered the city by mistake, was killed by gunfire, after which Palestinian youth set his vehicle on fire.


Oh, sorry, and a very large issue is that these are mountinous areas, not condusive to air-campaigns. In either South or East resistance will never, ever, ever be even close to rooted out by bombing alone, personally I doubt it will have really any affect on the actual armed resistance despite probably being awesomely, totally destructive to the civilian population and infrastructure and the Lebanese state.
The civilian toll has every ingredient to be one of the great crimes of modern history, not to sound melodramatic.


If you look at Israeli military think tanks and their publications before the Al Aqsa Flood, it was all "Hezbollah this, Hezbollah that" and them reworking their military doctrine after they failed in 2006. The Israelis have been preparing for war with Hezbollah for years and I think that's where they expected to fight another war.

Hezbollah emerged as a resistance force to expel Israeli troops from southern Lebanon during a prolonged occupation. So even if Israel didn't just invade but reoccupied the area (and I don't even think they're crazy enough to do that again), a bunch of grunts driving around southern Lebanon isn't going to work, because they'll just get blown up here, ambushed there, over a period of years until they give up and withdraw. And you're right, bombing from the air doesn't work, and they bombed a lot in 2006 but the ground forces were just not prepared to go up against Hezbollah.

So I don't really know how they could "win" really unless their goal is to force Hezbollah north of the Litani River, but… when they withdraw, Hezbollah will just come back. I think you're right the Israelis will try to be extremely destructive. There are some articles about the Israeli doctrine change called the "Tnufa" (or "Momentum") program and "Decisive Victory" (some P.R. spin with that name) which their think tanks describe as combining aggressive ground maneuvers with disproportionate destruction from the air "far in excess of [the enemy's] expectations of the IDF's capabilities and intentions."


It seems Israel hasn't abandoned the Dahiyah Doctrine as we can see from their air campaign in Gaza. If large numbers of volunteers and supplies start coming in from the north, Israel will try to suppress those movements with air power. As we know from previous wars, this will almost certainly fail to stem the flood of supplies and troops. So Israel will begin expanding its bombing campaign into Syria and Iraq. Its highly likely that the opening salvo of an offensive into Lebanon will coincide with a heavy air campaign over Syria anyway. The US will be slowly dragged in to deal with IDF's air failures and the conflict will spiral. Al-Qaeda and ISIS will try to do their thing as spoilers too.


I think most people here are not aware of the capabilities of Hezb. Their missile stock is in the 100s of thousands. If a conflict blows up in the north it won't last months like it is in Gaza.

It'll be a fucking meteor storm in Israel


Nasrallah, stop posting and launch some of those missiles.


Soon trust the plan


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It's not *that* many, and most of the weapons including in their list of missiles/rockets are actually short-range mortar rounds which can't strike deep into Israel. But it is a lot, larger than many conventional armies in the world, and they have a larger and deadlier arsenal of missiles than in 2006 including GPS-guided ballistic missiles like the Fateh-110.

The other wild card are exploding drones which Hamas has not really been able to field in many numbers. You saw how Hezbollah destroyed that Iron Dome launcher with a drone. That clears the way for the missiles.


any new good epic music vids like this?


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Missed this post but weird you were making the exact same point i was trying to make >>1892182 >>1892182 heh.

>It'll be a fucking meteor storm in Israel

It'll be a Meteor storm in Lebanon too though.
I'm thinking it'll be kind of like the American campaign of bombing on Korea, that is, attempt of complete destruction of all productive property.
Hez knows this too, i'm sure, they even have the DPRK connection thankfully.


Sources in the Islamic Resistance in Iraq told Al-Akhbar that Kataeb Hezbollah in Iraq and the Nujaba Movement have declared their readiness to participate alongside Hezbollah in Lebanon, if it agrees, in facing any potential zionist aggression against Lebanon.
The sources indicated that these two factions made this stance known during a meeting between Iraqi resistance factions and the Acting Iranian Foreign Minister, Ali Bagheri Kani, who visited Iraq before Eid al-Adha. The sources noted that Kani was cautious about the participation of Iraqi factions, in order to avoid expanding the theater of war in the region at this time.
Meanwhile, the spokesman for the Sayyed Al-Shuhada Brigades, Kazem Al-Fartousi, confirms that "Hezbollah has high capabilities, full preparedness, qualitative armament, and large numbers of fighters, all of which are sufficient to repel the largest aggression regardless of the enemy's capabilities." He added, "Nevertheless, if it becomes necessary for the fighters from Iraq to be present in southern Lebanon, we will be at the forefront in confronting the zionist aggression, as this is an Islamic and Arab cause that transcends all particularities and borders."
It is noteworthy that the US carried out an attack against the Iraqi factions this week, where martyr Abdullah Al-Safi of the Sayyed Al-Shuhada Brigades ascended on the Syrian-Iraqi border.
In a recent meeting, the Iraqi resistance factions discussed the end of the truce period that they granted four months ago to the American forces, at which point they halted operations against US bases. They are waiting for the results of the American-Iraqi talks on the withdrawal of those forces from the country. The sources pointed out that the attendees talked about a tendency to break this truce due to Washington's insistence on keeping its forces in Iraq, especially after the statements of President Joe Biden's nominee for the position of US ambassador to Baghdad, Tracy Ann Jacobson, which the Iraqi government and political forces considered interference in the country's affairs.
Kazem Al-Fartousi confirms that "the Iraqi resistance looks at the interest and the circumstances in which it operates, and therefore whenever there is an interest in confronting the Americans at this time or another, it will decide that on its own will." He told Al-Akhbar that "there is a deadline for the Iraqi negotiation committee with the United States, and so far the people have not been informed of the results of these negotiations, whether they have ended or stopped. Therefore, after the specified deadline, it will be up to the resistance."
He also confirmed, "We will be ready to respond to any American aggression or disregard for Iraqi sovereignty and blood," considering that "the statements of Washington's nominee were interference in Iraqi affairs and disregard," adding that "the nominated ambassador is laying the groundwork for a process that is neither diplomatic nor based on respecting Iraqi sovereignty." Seeking to reject her appointment, he stated: "We will not care about her and her statements, just as we did not care about others before her."

Yemeni Armed Forces:
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, Most Merciful,
The Almighty said: "O you who have believed, if you support Allah, He will support you and plant firmly your feet."
In support of the oppressed Palestinian people and in response to the American and British aggression on our country.
The naval forces of our Armed Forces carried out a qualitative military operation targeting the ship "Transworld Navigator" in the Arabian Sea with several ballistic missiles, resulting in a direct hit on the ship, thanks to Allah.
The targeting of the ship came because its owning company violated the decision to ban entry to the ports of occupied Palestine.
The missile force in our Armed Forces also carried out an operation targeting the American aircraft carrier "Eisenhower" north of the Red Sea with several ballistic and cruise missiles, successfully achieving its objectives.
By the grace of Allah, the Yemeni Armed Forces will continue to carry out military operations in support of and victory for the Palestinian people until the aggression stops and the siege on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip is lifted.
The Yemeni Armed Forces will not hesitate to target hostile foreign warships in the Red Sea and Arabian Sea in response to the aggression on our country and in defense of dear Yemen.
Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs, the best patron, and the best supporter.
Long live Yemen, free, dignified, and independent.
Victory to Yemen and all the free people of the nation.
Sana'a, 16 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445 AH
Corresponding to June 22, 2024
Issued by the Yemeni Armed Forces

For the first time in five months, following the expiry of the deadline for withdrawal of US forces from Iraq, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq has launched a drone attack on the US occupation’s military base in Al-Tanf in eastern Syria.


Commander Abu Khaled, spokesperson for the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces (the military wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine), issued a military statement announcing that the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces bombarded southern "Ashkelon" in "israel", destroyed an enemy troop carrier, and shelled its positions with rockets and mortars. Abu Khaled confirmed that these operations are in response to the enemy's crimes and massacres against our people in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. The details are as follows:
1. The artillery unit of the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces bombarded southern "Ashkelon" with "Al-Qasim" rockets in response to the occupation's crimes against our people.
2. The artillery unit of the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces bombarded the settlement of "Netiv HaAsara" with a barrage of "Al-Qasim" rockets in response to the occupation's crimes against our Palestinian people.
3. The Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces targeted an enemy troop carrier with an anti-armor shell in the Lafa Badr area in Tal Al-Sultan neighborhood west of Rafah city in the southern sector.
4. The artillery unit of the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces targeted a gathering of occupation forces at the "Kerem Shalom" military axis with mortars and short-range rockets, and the shells and rockets hit their targets.
5. The artillery unit of the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces bombarded a gathering of enemy forces at the Kir intersection in Rafah city with heavy-caliber mortars, and the shells hit their targets.
6. The Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces targeted a concentration of enemy forces around the Rafah land crossing with 107 mm rockets, and the rockets hit their targets.
Martyr Omar al-Qasim Forces – The military wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Military Media
June 22, 2024

The IOF admits to the death of an officer during battles with the resistance in the southern Gaza Strip.

After the American military's USS Eisenhower aircraft carrier was transferred from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea earlier this week, it was ordered to return back to the United States today, according to US officials.
This comes after three separate operations targeting it in the Red Sea by the Yemeni Armed Forces in the last month using ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and drones.


Hamas' power growing; 80% of tunnels in Gaza usable: Foreign Affairs
The failure to defeat Hamas has been proven after nine months of Israeli aggression in Gaza, and according to Foreign Affairs, the occupation is far from achieving that goal because it backfired and instead Hamas has only grown stronger.
Despite global condemnations of "Israel's" actions, the occupation continues to prioritize defeating Hamas and argues that punitive measures against Gaza's population are critical to achieving this goal.
According to Haaretz in January, Israeli occupation forces launched the war on Gaza with the following objectives: "to destroy Hamas' capabilities, disarm it, achieve security control of the Gaza Strip, establish a civilian institution similar to the Palestinian Authority model in Area B, and secure the contributions from moderate Arab states to rebuild the Gaza Strip."
Due to "Israel's" military campaign, Hamas has actually grown stronger, according to Foreign Affairs, which compares the situation to the Viet Cong's resilience during the "search and destroy" missions in South Vietnam from 1966 to 1967 as US troops were deployed to sway the war.
The main flaw in "Israel's" strategy lies not in the tactical faults or restrictions on military force, but rather in the significant misunderstanding of the sources pertaining to Hamas' power. With that, "Israel" continues to fail in recognizing that its shortcomings and destruction imposed on Gaza and its population have only strengthened Hamas and further pushed itself back.
Further highlighting "Israel's" failure and exposing its lies of destroying most of the Resistance's underground infrastructure, 80% of Hamas' tunnels remain operational for planning and storing weapons and are successful in avoiding Israeli surveillance, radars, and attacks.
As a matter of fact, Hamas remains in de facto control of large swaths of Gaza, despite Israeli claims of taking control and finalizing operations in those same areas.
Furthermore, Hamas now has more fighters in the northern areas of Gaza, which the IOF invaded in the fall at the cost of hundreds of soldiers and claimed it had "cleansed", than it does in Rafah in the south, Foreign Policy revealed.
Just today, CBS News reported, citing a US official, that "the Israelis haven't come close to achieving their objective of destroying Hamas." The American official considered that "Israel's" lack of a post-Gaza war plan makes the current strategy "a recipe for continuous war."
The US official's remarks echo those of the spokesperson of the Israeli military, Daniel Hagari, who acknowledged that the goal of "eradicating Hamas" is unattainable.

Gaza, Lebanon devastating 'Israel's' agriculture sector
Operation al-Aqsa Flood and the subsequent war waged by the Israeli occupation on Gaza have inflicted severe damage on the Israeli occupation's agricultural sector, particularly in the southern and northern regions, which are crucial for fruit and vegetable production, leading to urgent financial needs for farmers and causing significant shortages and price increases in essential produce.
According to the Agriculture Ministry, the crisis afflicting the Israeli occupation's agriculture is the most severe workforce crisis since its occupation of Palestine.
The shortage stems from a combination of factors: many settlers have been called up for reserve service, others are too fearful to report to work, foreign workers have requested to return to their home countries, and workers from the occupied West Bank are under lockdown.
Prior to October 7, there were 29,900 foreign workers in Israeli agriculture, mostly from Thailand. Upon the beginning of hostilities, around 9,948 workers returned to their home country, and approximately 10,000 to 12,000 workers from the West Bank were unable to work, leading to a shortage of about 20,000 workers.
Back in January, the Israeli Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper said fear of Hezbollah's firepower has caused extensive financial damages to northern settlers, mainly to farmers, because they are unable to work on the farmland they had usurped from the people of northern Palestine and southern Lebanon. According to the Israeli outlet, the losses amount to 500 million shekels ($131 million).
"Farmers in the north complain of the difficulties to reach the farmland alongside the border area, with there being losses on two fronts: the unharvested fruits and the damages done to the next harvest season," the website said.
It also noted that no one has thus far contacted the northern farmers regarding any compensation scheme as their crops rot on the ground.
Yaron Belhassan, CEO of the Fruit Growers Organization in "Israel", told Ynet that extensive damages were done to the functional continuity of farming on the northern border, as the farmers cannot tend to their farmland and take care of their crops as part of the necessary preparations for the 2024 season.
Israeli Farmers Federation President Dubi Amitay called for not sowing any open area that is visible to the Lebanese side, adding that while the damages cannot be precisely assessed, it is estimated that the losses amount to 500 million shekels between al-Jalil and the occupied Syrian Golan.
Joseph Gitler, founder and chairman of Leket Israel, the Israeli occupation's Food Bank, noted that thousands of farmers had been impacted, particularly in northern occupied Palestine where it’s too dangerous for them to work in their fields due to bombardment from Lebanon. The production of fruits and vegetables has dropped by 80% in the months following the war.
To add to the woes faced by Israeli settlers, many farmers did not even receive government support as they face paramount financial burdens as their infrastructure is dealt blows from both Gaza and Lebanon, adding to the sense of abandonment northern settlers are experiencing.

US State Dept. official on Israeli-Palestinian affairs resigns: WashPo
A senior State Department official who disagreed with the Biden administration's "bear hug" strategy toward "Israel" has resigned, The Washington Post reported, citing three people familiar with the situation - marking yet another in the long list of resignations in the US government amid the war on Gaza.
The deputy assistant secretary for Israeli-Palestinian issues, Andrew Miller, announced his resignation to coworkers on Friday, citing family reasons. He indicated that he would have wanted to stay and continue advocating for his beliefs, even in areas where he disagreed with administration policy.
Miller is the most senior US official to resign to date whose work has focused on Israeli-Palestinian issues.


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Wtf bros I thought islamists were authentic revolutionaries.

Plebbit told me killing all those commies and workers was worth it because empty rockets??


Seem pretty easy to make.
What music would you recomend?


israel is very close though and there are many places you can bomb with rockets with less than 100km range


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jidf mad


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Have they always been using these wheeled APC's anons? Or is it potentially an indication many of the standard tracked ones have been damaged.
Thank you Based News Anon!!!
Why did you post this 3 times anon? It isn't even a good post and you're interrupting based news anons flow!


>kims favorite generals called it "good"
>Can you rate it on a scale of 1 to Hoxha?
Research Department director Tal Beeri of the Israeli Alma Research and Education Center, the country’s leading center for the study of Hezbollah-related security challenges, more recently highlighted that the hundreds of kilometers of underground fortifications were at the core of the Lebanese militia’s ability to wage war with Israel. “In our assessment, these polygons mark Hezbollah’s staging centers as part of the ‘defense’ plan against an Israeli invasion of Lebanon. Each local staging center (‘defense’) possesses a network of local underground tunnels. Between all these centers, an infrastructure of regional tunnels was built, interconnected [with] them,” he observed in an interview with the Times of Israel.

With these facilities able to accommodate trucks, they allow Hezbollah to provide security to its mobile ballistic missile launchers much as North Korean forces do. As Beeri stated: “subterranean infrastructure enables a truck to transit to the place where the missile is to be fired. In theory, at the launch site, a platform can be constructed, or a slope leading up from the tunnel. The truck exits the tunnel, fires and goes back down.”

The tunnel and bunker network in the region south of Lebanon’s Litani river alone was by 2006 estimated to have over 600 ammunition and weapons bunkers fortified eight or more meters underground – alongside better fortified command bunkers constructed to a depth of 40 meters using poured concrete. By that time there were at least ten Korean-built tunnel and bunker networks in southern Lebanon – each with dozens of command bunkers, which in turn were each divided into several rooms.

When war broke out that year, Hezbollah’s rocket artillery systems were often deployed from firing pits five meters deep, with foot-thick poured concrete frames reinforced with blast walls and covered with sandbags and thermal blankets, minimizing positions’ heat signatures and making them highly resilient to Israeli air or artillery strikes. North Korean-style tunnels thus served as a force multiplier, which was at the core of Hezbollah’s ability to achieve military success.


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Absolutely. I don't know if they actually have Scuds or not but they could strike pretty much anywhere. It'd be a real shock to Israel if they hit Israeli air bases. But I'm just saying different weapons have different ranges, and most of those mortar rounds are being counted in their rocket arsenal when those are tactical weapons for relatively close combat with Israeli troops. A mortar round has a range of several kilometers (which is fairly close) and they can fire those into Israel's northern settlements, but they have to get practically right up on the border to do it. But if Israel invades, a Hezbollah squad can hide behind a hill and then fire mortar rounds over the hill.

Mortars are very deadly weapons that probably kill a lot more soldiers in wars than small-arms fire. But they're not "strategic" weapons that strike at the source of the enemy's military, economic or political power (like bases and infrastructure well inside Israel).

There's some "propaganda" around this. The Western press when they talk about it, will say "they have a gazillion rockets" and they're including mortar rounds which are the majority of the number being printed in the paper, and so I detect a little bit of threat inflation. Like they are trying to play up Hezbollah as this scary threat and therefore they're bad. It's not an objective look at Hezbollah's capabilities. On the other hand, it's true that Hezbollah has a big and capable rocket arsenal that is equivalent of a well-organized conventional army so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You know I used to be pro west most of my life but recent gaza war completely changed my perspective. The west supports Israel's genocidal war against gaza completely. I think the only fair resolution to what's going is a world war, and major western cities (Europe, north America) get nuked to oblivion. These hypocritical evil pieces of shit deserve nothing but hellfire.


The Eitan AFV at 2:32? Nope, those are brand new.

>First new Eitan armored vehicle delivered to the IDF Nahal brigade

>MAY 28, 2023

I don't know what that is at 2:12, but it's not an APC.


Hezbollah operations 06/22/2024:
Targeting a building used by “israeli” enemy soldiers in the “Manara” settlement with appropriate weapons and directly hitting it, as a response to the “israeli” enemy’s attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe houses, especially in the town of Mays Al-Jabal.
Targeting buildings used by “israeli” enemy soldiers in the “Metulla” settlement with appropriate weapons and directly hitting them, causing them to catch fire, as a response to the “israeli” enemy’s attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe houses, especially in the town of Khiam yesterday.
17:15: targeting the Zebdine site in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms with rocket weapons and hitting it directly.
17:15: targeting the “Ramtha” site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills with rocket weapons, hitting it directly.
Targeting buildings used by enemy soldiers in the “Metulla” settlement with appropriate weapons and hitting them directly, as a response to the “israeli” enemy’s attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe houses, especially in Yaroun, Ramia, and Kafr Kila.

Over 150,000 settlers are reportedly demonstrating against Netanyahu in “Tel Aviv” today, demanding the government reach an agreement with the Palestinian resistance to release the captives who remain in Gaza. Tonight marks the largest demonstration since the start of Al-Aqsa Flood last October 7.
Protestors chanted against Netanyahu’s “massacres,” in reference to the large number of settler captives who were bombed by the zionist army since the start of the aggression on the Gaza Strip.

Yemeni Armed Forces:
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
The Almighty said: "And Allah will surely support those who support Him. Indeed, Allah is Powerful and Exalted in Might."
This is the truth of Allah Almighty.
In support of the oppressed Palestinian people and in response to the crimes committed against our brothers in the Gaza Strip,
The Yemeni Armed Forces, in cooperation with the Iraqi Islamic Resistance, carried out two joint military operations as follows:
The first operation targeted four ships in the Port of Haifa, including two cement carriers and two general cargo ships belonging to companies that violated the decision to ban entry into the ports of occupied Palestine, using several drones.
The second operation targeted the ship "Shorthorn Express" in the Mediterranean Sea on its way to the Port of Haifa, using several drones.
Both operations successfully achieved their objectives, with precise and direct hits, by the grace of Allah.
The Yemeni Armed Forces, with the help of Allah Almighty, will continue to carry out joint military operations with the Iraqi Islamic Resistance in support of and victory for the Palestinian people until the aggression stops and the siege on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip is lifted.
Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs, the best protector, and the best supporter.
Long live Yemen, free, honorable, and independent.
Victory to Yemen and all the free people of the nation.
Sana'a, 16th Dhu al-Hijjah 1445 AH
Corresponding to June 22, 2024
Issued by the Yemeni Armed Forces

Hezbollah Military Media releases a video titled "To Whom It May Concern" and asserts that it showcases the most vital targets in "israel" with locations which are only known to the enemy's security system, and that their targeting would return "israel" to the Stone Age, according to Al-Mayadeen.
We have provided some of the known locations below:
0:22 - "Hadera" (occupied Khodeira) Port.
0:25 - Haifa <br /> 0:31 - "Ben Gurion" airport.
0:34 - The "HaKirya" complex which houses the Ministry of Security, the General Staff, and many senior military leaders.
0:41 - Asdod port.
0:44 - Oil reservoirs in Asqalan.
0:47 - Asqalan electricity station.
0:53 - Dimona.
Other targets included a military satellite base and military bases in the “Yahud” region and others in the occupied Naqab and Al-Jalil.
Sources to Al-Mayadeen stated that the video intentionally employed deliberate ambiguity.
Hezbollah also listed maritime coordinates for three gas extraction platforms as potential targets:
Karish Field: 33.258784, 34.336591
Leviathan Platform: 32.598825, 34.805993
Tamar Platform: 31.761650, 34.307529


Offering Israel peace in exchange of allowing more foreign capital flow into your country is peak revolutionary anti-zionism


I expected more of an explosion from the last clip. Anyone knows what happened exactly?


Guessing but it could have been a dud, it could have been to close to the target.


>a big and capable rocket arsenal that is equivalent of a well-organized conventional army
Worth pointing out that Hezbollah seems to be well-trained, ready and willing, where as the IOF is notorious in military land for being incompetent all the way to their supposed elites. Not to say every boot is a goon, just that it is a typical conscript army with few convictions and a lot of frustration.


>Worth pointing out that Hezbollah seems to be well-trained, ready and willing,
Also fought an actual hard war for a decade in Syria in various enviroments.


>and willing


>why don't Americans understand that there's a difference between Iranians and Arabs
lol, and it's no different almost 20 years later


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The most prominent news channels in France are all owned by Zionists.
They're also the biggest backers of le pen.
What did they mean by this?


Class solidarity trumps race.


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"The statements of Hassan Nasrallah, leader of Hezbollah, against the Republic of Cyprus, are unfortunately not unfounded… on the contrary, it is a result of the position that the Cypriot government has consistently taken…"

The Communist Initiative of Cyprus (CIC) issued on Thursday a strong statement condemning the Cypriot government's cooperation with the Israeli occupation amid the ongoing war on Gaza.

The statement, titled, "Cyprus is directly involved in the Gaza massacre: Every cooperation with Israel must stop," calls for an immediate cessation of all forms of support to the Israeli occupation.

The CIC's statement aligns with recent comments made by Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah, who accused the Republic of Cyprus of facilitating Israeli military operations through the use of its airports and bases. The CIC contends that Nasrallah's accusations are valid, reflecting Cyprus' unwavering support for the occupation since the onset of the Gaza war.

The statement strongly criticizes President Nikos Christodoulides and his administration for being "complicit in the crime" against the Palestinian people. It highlights the role of British bases in Cyprus as strategic points against Palestine, Yemen, and other regions targeted by NATO.


What are the Taliban's relations with the "resistance axis" like?


They're too busy trying to make things work in Afghanistan, also they're too far away. I'd say they don't have direct relations to them, but they feel empathy for this battle for obvious reasons.


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If you are British, remember to vote for the only candidate who ever stands up to Israel.


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Boy oh boy, i sure do love living on an illegal israeli settlement for jews only built with tax money from overseas, nothing will ruin this day


Does anyone have a video of israeli police and IDF shoving / pushing orthodox jews protesting for Palestine? I need it urgently.


<t. Not british
That's not how a General Election works, anon.


You see if the Worker's Party of Britain is running a candidate in your area. If they are you put a little cross in a box next to their name. If enough of them win then George Galloway becomes the Prime Minister.
Not sure how you think general elections work.


With abt 150 candidates?
Delusional but okay.
All you micro parties and indies are going to do is cancel each other out except a half dozen perhaps.


wtf i love ken starmer now


The UKMTO reports that a ship in the Red Sea was directly hit by a drone, causing damaging to it, 65 nautical miles west of Hodeidah, Yemen.

The UKMTO reports a distress call from a ship 96 nautical miles southeast of "Nishtun," Yemen.

The UKMTO reports that the ship 96 nautical miles southeast of Nishtun, Yemen, has been flooded and abandoned.

Zionist sources report an "unusual security event" in the north, following the sounding of sirens.
Preliminary reports indicate injuries due to a drone explosion in the "Ayelet HaShahar" area northeast of occupied Safad.
Additionally, fires broke out northeast of occupied Safed a short while ago, following a resistance drone strike, according to zionist media.

Zionist sources report that an IOF soldier was severely injured in "Ayelet HaShahar" after a Hezbollah drone hit a soldiers' housing in the settlement.

Last Wednesday, a 42-year-old Jewish American woman in Texas attempted to drown two Palestinian children, three and six years old, in their apartment complex's pool.
The woman asked the mother where they were from and if the children were hers before attacking them.
When the mother came to rescue the children, the attacker ripped off the mother's hijab, beating the mother and attempting to keep her away as the attacker continued trying to drown the 3-year-old daughter. The 6-year-old was able to escape but was lightly injured.
A neighbor attempted to rescue the children as the attacker was taken away while screaming "Tell her I will kill her and I will kill her whole family."
Remarkably, the attacker was released on bail despite the attempted double murder and assault.
The mother stated: “My country is facing a war, and we are facing that hate here. My daughter is traumatized; whenever I open the apartment door, she runs away and hides, telling me she is afraid the lady will come and immerse her head in the water again.”


You have to start somewhere. How do you think the existing parties were built in the past? Just appeared by magic?
Whether he wins or not he is the only one explicitly trying to split the left wing vote to destroy the Labour party. He's the only one who dares to point to Starmer's disgusting endorsement of genocide. Just having a few WPB seats would be better than nothing.
Then you love a genocide enabler. Congratulations.


>He's the only one who dares to point to Starmer's disgusting endorsement of genocide.
There are a slate of independence doing this.
In the UK being against the genocide in Gaza and for Palestine Solidarity isn't the Stunning And Brave position you seem to think it is, its pretty uniform among the left.


What Hezbollah have made very, very clear with the video and message that if Israel wants war it is going to have to accept total destruction of its Energy sector and industry.
>Last Wednesday, a 42-year-old Jewish American woman in Texas attempted to drown two Palestinian children, three and six years old, in their apartment complex's pool.
The woman asked the mother where they were from and if the children were hers before attacking them.
>When the mother came to rescue the children, the attacker ripped off the mother's hijab, beating the mother and attempting to keep her away as the attacker continued trying to drown the 3-year-old daughter. The 6-year-old was able to escape but was lightly injured.
>A neighbor attempted to rescue the children as the attacker was taken away while screaming "Tell her I will kill her and I will kill her whole family."
>Remarkably, the attacker was released on bail despite the attempted double murder and assault
Jfc thats next level madness… horrific and sadly not even an isolated incident.. One day I will kill an American.


I mean the only one with a serious platform and a good chance of winning at least one seat.
>pretty uniform among the left
Only the serious hard left. Hence destroying the Labour party should be goal #1 if you care about Palestine.


An IOF soldier was killed, and 6 others were wounded, as a result of the resistance targeting a military vehicle in "Metulla" in northeastern occupied Palestine, according to zionist media.



>is he /ourguy/




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Name of artist and song? Thanks.

Brigadier General Saree: The Yemeni armed forces targeted two ships in the Red Sea and Indian Ocean
The spokesman for the Yemeni Armed Forces, Brigadier General Yahya Saree, announced in a statement that the “Transworld Navigator” ship was targeted for the second time with a drone boat, which led to it being directly hit.

Yesterday, Saturday, the armed forces targeted the ship with a number of ballistic missiles, and achieved a direct hit on the ship, according to Saree.

It was also announced that the Yemeni missile force targeted the ship "STOLT SEQUOIA" in the Indian Ocean with a number of winged missiles.

Brigadier General Saree said that the targeting of the two ships comes because the companies that own them violate the decision to ban entry to the ports of occupied Palestine.

Meanwhile, the Armed Forces renewed their warning to companies dealing with the Israeli occupation, and confirmed that their ships will be targeted, regardless of their destination.

On the other hand, Saree praised the companies that stopped shipping operations to the ports of occupied Palestine and dealt positively with the Yemeni armed forces.

Saree pointed out that the withdrawal of the US aircraft carrier "Eisenhower" from the Red Sea was the result of its repeated targeting operations, in addition to the ongoing operations in the Red and Arabian Seas, as well as in the Indian Ocean.

Brigadier General Saree confirmed that the Yemeni armed forces will continue to prevent Israeli navigation or navigation heading to the ports of Palestine until the aggression stops and the siege on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip is lifted.


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Lol@No Healthcare Country.


deeply deeply serious people fighting a deeply unserious enemies makes things like this twice as hilarious


Hezbollah operations 06/23/2024:
Targeting the positions and quarters of officers and soldiers of the Sahel Battalion at the "Beit Hillel" barracks through an aerial attack with a attack drone, hitting them directly and causing deaths and injuries. This was in response to the assassination carried out by the "israeli" enemy in the town of Al-Khayara.
Targeting the positions and quarters of officers and soldiers at the newly established headquarters of the 91st Division in "Ayelet HaShahar" (northeast of Safad) through an aerial attack with a swarm of attack drones, hitting them directly and causing deaths and injuries. This was in response to the assassination carried out by the "israeli" enemy in the town of Al-Khayara.
17:15: targeting the Ramtha site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills with rocket weapons and hitting it directly.
17:25: targeting the Samaqa site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills with rocket weapons and hitting it directly.
19:10: targeting the Ruwaisat Al-Qarn site in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms with rocket weapons and hitting it directly.
After close monitoring of the "israeli" enemy forces at the "Metulla" site and upon spotting a military vehicle moving around the site, and after it reached the ambush point, the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted it with guided missiles, hitting it directly, destroying it, and causing deaths and injuries to those inside.

Yemeni Armed Forces:
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
The Almighty said: "And Allah will surely support those who support Him. Indeed, Allah is Powerful and Exalted in Might."
This is the truth of Allah Almighty.
In support of the oppressed Palestinian people and in response to the crimes committed against our brothers in the Gaza Strip,
The naval forces of our Armed Forces carried out a second targeting operation against the ship Transworld Navigator in the Red Sea, using a naval drone, which led to the ship being directly hit.
The missile force in our Armed Forces carried out an operation to target the ship STOLT SEQUOIA in the Indian Ocean with a number of cruise missiles, and the operation achieved its goals successfully.
The two ships were targeted because the companies that owned them violated the decision to ban entry to the ports of occupied Palestine.
As part of the response to the American-British aggression against our country, the operations of the Yemeni Armed Forces led, thanks to Allah, to forcing the American aircraft carrier Eisenhower to leave and withdraw from the Red Sea as a result of operations targeting it by our forces in the Red Sea during the previous period.
The Yemeni Armed Forces renew their warning to all companies continuing to do business with the “israeli” occupation through maritime shipping that their ships will be directly targeted in the area of ​​operations of the Yemeni Armed Forces, regardless of their destination.
The Yemeni Armed Forces praise the companies that stopped sea shipping operations to the ports of occupied Palestine and dealt positively with what was stated in their previous statements.
The operations of the Yemeni Armed Forces will continue, with the help of Allah Almighty, until the aggression stops and the siege on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip is lifted.
Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs, the best protector, and the best supporter.
Long live Yemen, free, honorable, and independent.
Victory to Yemen and all the free people of the nation.
Sana'a, 17 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445 AH
Corresponding to June 23, 2024
Issued by the Yemeni Armed Forces

Four children were martyred by the zionist weapon of famine and malnutrition at Kamal Adwan Hospital in the northern Gaza Strip this week.

Palestinian Ministry of Health:
The Ministry of Health in Gaza announces the martyrdom of Mr. Hani Al-Jaafarawi, Director of Ambulance and Emergency Services in Gaza, as a result of the "israeli" occupation targeting the Al-Daraj clinic in Gaza.
The Ministry of Health, represented by Undersecretary Dr. Yousef Abu Al-Rish and all its staff, proudly and honorably mourns its martyr, Mr. Hani Al-Jaafarawi, Director of Ambulance and Emergency Services in Gaza. Along with his fellow paramedics, he represented a strong model of steadfastness, determination, and sacrifice while performing their humanitarian duty of evacuating the wounded and martyrs around the clock despite the "israeli" bombing and threats that disregard all international covenants and treaties.
The Ministry of Health, along with all health service providers, reaffirms its determination to continue its humanitarian medical duty despite the systematic targeting and direct killing of 500 health personnel so far and the arrest of more than 310 others in harsh and inhumane conditions.
The Ministry of Health renews its call for the international community and its UN and human rights institutions to stop the brutal Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip, protect the health system and its staff, and hold the "israeli" enemy accountable for the crimes of genocide against our people and its deliberate killing of health and humanitarian workers.




another yemeni banger


Come let me make you human,
you, Your Honor, who wipe guilt from your beard
you, esteemed journalist, who tout death
you, philanthropic lady, who pat children’s heads without bending down
and you who read this poem, licking your finger—
To all of you I offer my body for genuflection
Believe me
one day you will adore me like Christ

But I’m sorry for you sir—
I do not negotiate with chartered accountants of words
with art critics who eat from my hand
You may, if you desire, wash my feet
Don’t take it personally

Why do I need bullets if there are so many words
prepared to die for me?

Quoted from: https://thetricontinental.org/newsletterissue/israel-international-law/


>Name of artist and song?
Ship ship by Mustafa Al-Mumari.


"They Not Like Us" by Kendrick no longer the best diss track released this year 💀


I know you meant to type "Hind's Hall" by Macklemore



There's an article in the British newspaper The Telegraph with a purported "whistleblower" saying Hezbollah is using Beirut International Airport to stage huge quantities of Iranian weapons and explosives at the airport. Lebanon vowed to sue the paper for the story, saying it's false. I'm less interested in whether that's true or not (although I probably doubt it), rather than how it set off my psyop alarm. The Telegraph is notorious for taking money from foreign intelligence agencies that want to plant stories. Basically, once the war really get going, Israel is going to bomb the airport, and the story was planted in advance to create a reason for it.


Where is this from. Sounds so algerian


Are we gonna have a seperate loli thread for Lebanon?


Jannies broke the website two days in a row. Why are they like this? Why do we get the bluntest tools in the box to run the place?
>ere's an article in the British newspaper The Telegraph with a purported "whistleblower" saying Hezbollah is using Beirut International
That's a comical take seeing as airports are traditionally the first thing Israel bombs.
> and the story was planted in advance to create a reason for it.
Why on earth do you think they need to float a reason?
Come on, it wasn't even very good, it wasn't even a top 10 pro Palestine song. White Burgoids just like it because it's a rare piece of okay-ish cultural output from them.


Jannies know nothing

Dugin is a crypto fascist and a satanist. Anyone who has read his books know this.


infrared more like well fed


>the bluntest tools in the box run the place
I regret to inform you this is no longer the case.


That was a good tune, thanks anon.


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What happened? Why was it down?



I dunno. Whatever interests you.


They're too busy rebuilding while dying under US sanctions. There is definitely a lot of Taliban that would go fight because many of them do not like the reconstruction phase and just want to go back to being resistance fighters. I don't blame them because trying to build hospitals with no medicine is probably soul crushing.


Is antizionism antisemitism?



Tao of Zionism blow up a hospital


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That's not a hospital it's a PLO squad!


some glowuyghur is spamming the thread with pr0nz. wtf are the jannies doing? if this was 1936 they would be shot for their failures.


Israel spends a lot of energy to make it so.


lolno. It doesn't even make any sense how the hatred of a genocidal, ultranationalist government is somehow also the hatred of an entire religion


Some of the strongest opponents of Israel are Jews, and before consent got manufactured the mainstream opinion within Judaism was that a return to the holy land wasn't supposed to happen before the messiah arrived.


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in this book israel evacuates west jerusalem and the west bank settlements to the 1967 UN demarcation line which provoke the haredi ultra orthodox to start an israeli civil war


>Literally 0.1% of jews are anti-zionists


honestly while i like the book its obviously written by someone who is the at the time equivalent of an office drone lib
east germany somehow having more nazis than west germany,south africa solving apartheid in the zombie war by being nice to africans and the government being conflicted in letting so many people be eaten when it would have just evacuated the boers and left the africans to die,the chinese having a civil war because thats just what you do when youre entire country is being eaten by zombies,cuba choosing capitalism because amerikkkans brough money and the idea of freedom or some such shit and so much more


The UKMTO reports that a ship was attacked in the Arabian Sea, 246 nautical miles southeast of Nishtun, Yemen.

The zionist army admits that another one of its officers was killed during the initial Al-Aqsa Flood operation on October 7.

Sirens in Cyprus: Why did Hezbollah threaten Cyprus?
In Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah's most recent speech, he issued a threat against Cyprus, marking the first time that Hezbollah threatened an entity besides "israel" or the US.
This threat did not come out nowhere, but is rooted in long-standing cooperation between Cyprus and the zionist entity, such as several joint military exercises since 2014 in support of the entity's military actions.
In 2017, 700 IOF soldiers trained in the Troodos mountains in Cyprus, which are "similar to Lebanese terrain." A 2022 exercise saw the IOF run exercises in Cyprus simulating a ground attack on Lebanon; this included soldiers from naval units and the 98th Division, which participated in the Nusseirat massacre and withdrew from Gaza two weeks ago. In May 2023, the IOF again conducted exercises in Cyprus to simulate an attack on Lebanon. All of this is well documented in zionist media, whose military experts stated in 2019 that "Cyprus is a copy of Lebanon: mountains, plants, and the necessity of working between civilians." Cypriot military leaders have also visited occupied Palestine to meet with soldiers and conduct trainings.
A large-scale IOF attack on Lebanon would likely involve a naval landing operation on Lebanon's shores launched from Cyprus, coinciding with a ground and air aggression.
Further, Cyprus serves as a launching pad for imperialist aggression against the region. There are two British military bases on Cyprus, which occupy 3% of the island. These bases are 185 and 240 kilometers from Beirut, closer than the zionist entity's "Dimona" nuclear facility in southern occupied Palestine and well within the range of Hezbollah's precision missiles.
As of May 8th, the British military has flown over 200 spy missions over Gaza in support of the zionist entity. Presumably, all of these missions took off from the Cyprus bases.
Nasrallah's threat coincided with a visit by a Cypriot intelligence delegation to Beirut to discuss immigration. Following the speech, the delegation quickly pivoted to meet with Lebanon's General Directorate of General Security, to assert that Cyprus would not permit its territory to be used to threaten Lebanon. However, the two British bases on Cyprus are completely under British control, and not considered Cypriot territory.
Hezbollah's stance is backed by popular calls within Cyprus to sever cooperation with the zionist entity, withdraw from imperialist interventions, and close foreign military bases on the island, underscoring deep opposition to Cyprus' complicity in imperialist aggression in the region.
Thus, Hezbollah's threat against Cyprus is a direct response to its cooperation with the zionist entity and its role in facilitating imperialist military actions in the region. The critical question is: Who is the aggressor? The entity that offers its land and airspace to a genocidal military for increased aggression, or the nation rising in defense of Palestine and firmly asserting its sovereignty? It becomes clear that the warning was an obligation, not a choice, in the face of Cyprus' actions threatening regional stability and the zionist entity dragging it into matters that do not concern it, jeopardizing its own security.

The "Barzilai Medical Center" in occupied Asqalan reported receiving 5 injuries following the firing of rockets by Saraya Al-Quds.

Hezbollah operations 06/24/2024:
Targeting a gathering of "israeli" enemy soldiers between the "Manara" and "Margaliot" settlements with appropriate weapons, resulting in a direct hit.
Targeting the deployment of "israeli" enemy soldiers around the Samaqa site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills with artillery shells.
Targeting a building used by "israeli" enemy soldiers in the "Manara" settlement with appropriate weapons, in response to the enemy's attacks on the steadfast southern villages and civilian homes, most recently in Blida, Maroun Al-Ras, and Aitaroun.
Targeting a building used by "israeli" enemy soldiers in the "Yir'on" settlement with appropriate weapons, resulting in a direct hit, causing a fire and causing those inside, to be dead and injured, in response to the enemy's attacks on the steadfast southern villages and civilian homes, most recently in Blida, Maroun Al-Ras, and Aitaroun.


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How do they determine that someone is ultra-orthodox


They have already been exempt from conscription in respect of their religious laws unlike everybody else who is conscripted into the IDF.


Makes sense. I read that 500,000 people have left Israel since the war started. That's a big chunk of their population. When you add that up with the people who've been drafted or are internally displaced its a big hit to their economy. Some 20,000 IDF terrorists are injured which means Israel has massive manpower problems. They don't have enough people and now they are beginning to scrape the bottom of the barrel.


Repost from >>1894221

God this shit is so damn vomit inducing.
History of Vietnam gives inspiration, hope to Israel: Israeli ambassador
>As a small country in the Middle East, surrounded by a harsh environment, Israel has to always defend its right to exist but the country has still thrived as a democratic and prosperous nation thanks to its efforts, Mayer told the ceremony.
Lol fuckin clown
>Israelis have found inspiration and great hope in Vietnam's history of struggle and victory over adversity in the past, the diplomat commented.
What part of history are you learning from? The removal of the chams?!?!
It's disgusting that faggots like this got the right to speak. And even worse that the government is letting them.


How the fuck are they already at this point when Khamas is so tiny compared to them. What a shit country lmao


Something like 200,000 have been evacuated from the north too, and the state has to pay for them to live in hotels etc


Eh its not necessarily qn Indication on the state of the war. They've been wanting to do this for years qnd the war gives the political power to push it through with limited resistance.


labor force? destroyed. tourism industry? evaporated. export market? shrinking every day. now IDF soldiers rotating in and out of gaza for 8 months straight are expected to cross the lebanese border? total hamas victory in my eyes


the libs are wilin out


A fight isn't over until its over. Israel got exposed in 2006 and this war has exposed them again. Israel is a small crusader state with a small population and a small military. It depends on supplies from abroad. It cannot sustain a long war on multiple fronts. Israel's founders knew this. Israel is now surrounded by hostile Axis forces who can pressure it endlessly. They know that Israel must be bankrupted to be defeated.


You can kill an idea. Like Nazism. You shoot the people who believe in it. Whats known is that more Israelis have to die for Palestine to live.


>I read that 500,000 people have left Israel since the war started
Source? That's a huge number, considering they have a population of around only 9,5 million people. If it's true, then Israel is truly fucked, specially considering a lot more will leave the country when they start the invasion of Lebanon.


It's true, it's been reported in a few major outlets.
Flood detected; Post discarded.


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>“I am personally proud of the ruins of Gaza, and that every baby, even 80 years from now, will tell their grandchildren what the Jews did,”

>The Minister of Social Equality in Israel, Mai Golan…

Doesn't she know you aren't allowed to say what the Jews did, only what happened to them?


>80 years from now they will tell their grandchildren what the Jews did
is the slogan of Israel "be the Jew the nazis think you are"


People would probably get sick of hearing about it for 80 years


>absolute majority of jews are like this

They arent, pol


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>sees 1 example
>a politician actively involved in the state apparatus doing the genocide
>hmmm this must be because of the race


The only reason the ayatollah exist is because of Israel


80 years and twenty wars later
> We deliberately made their life hell and now they're out to kill us HOW COULD THIS BE HAPPENING TO US?



it's kinda hilarious to me how so many of the mortar videos that get released have the guys firing the mortars just sitting in a lawn chair or lying on the ground while doing it. yesterday one of them had a guy firing a mortar while lying on his back on a matress with a blanket and a pillow.


The Israeli Supreme Court ruled unanimously on 25 June that ultra-Orthodox Haredi men must be drafted to military service:
In the ruling, the court says funding cannot be provided to Yeshiva students, who study the Torah full-time at the government's expense unless they enlist in military service.
The ruling also states that the government cannot continue to instruct the military and War Ministry not to draft such men into military service.
There are an estimated 67,000 Haredi males who are eligible for service.
Leaders in the Haredi community argue that Yeshiva students contributed to Israel's security, no less than soldiers fighting in the war and that their spiritual devotion is Israel's defense.
Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef famously said his flock would leave the country if a draft was imposed on them. Another prominent rabbi said death was better than military service.

The Secretary-General of Asa'ib Ahl Al-Haq in the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, Sheikh Qais Al-Khazali, warned the United States against its continued support for the zionist entity if it attacks Lebanon and Hezbollah.
In a speech yesterday, he said, "If America continues to support this usurping entity, should it expand its operations by attacking beloved Lebanon and the victorious Hezbollah, America should know that it would make all its interests in the region, and specifically in Iraq, a target and at danger."
Regarding the aggression on Gaza, Sheikh Khazali stated, "After nearly nine months of the zionist entity's aggression on Gaza, we do not observe any real pressure towards stopping the series of killings and destruction. Iraq's stance on the events in Gaza is clear, whether at the level of the religious authority, the Iraqi government, the Iraqi resistance factions, or the Iraqi people."
In addition, Ashab Al-Kahf in the Islamic Resistance in Iraq issued a statement on the occasion of Eid Al-Ghadir, affirming: "We do not forget our constant demand from the Iraqi government to end the American presence in Iraq and proceed with the scheduling [of US withdrawal].
Any zionist attack on Lebanon with American approval will be met with targeting all American and 'israeli' interests in Iraq and the region.
We also affirm that we are committed to targeting the zionist enemy until the war on Gaza is stopped, and the pace of operations will increase as the enemy's target area expands."
These affirmations echo the firm stance of Sayyed Al-Shuhada Brigades, who asserted that the fighting will be at zero distance, if the zionist entity wages war on Lebanon, as well as the stances of the Nujaba movement and Kataeb Hezbollah in Iraq, who declared readiness to enter the larger battle in the event of war with Hezbollah.
Collectively, these factions of the Iraqi Resistance include over 60,000 fighters who would fight alongside the Lebanese Resistance in the event of a war launched against Lebanon.


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>Mai Golan
Is that? Oh, it IS! Look who showed up again!
>Minister of Social Equality


The weapon used by the Al-Qassam Brigades in the second video is an HJ-8, which is, interestingly, the first time it has been used in the conflict.


Yemeni Armed Forces:
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
The Almighty said: "O believers! If you stand up for Allah, He will help you and make your steps firm."
This is the truth of Allah Almighty.
In support of the oppressed Palestinian people and in response to the crimes committed against our brothers in the Gaza Strip,
The naval forces of the Yemeni Armed Forces carried out, with the help of Allah, a qualitative military operation targeting the “israeli” ship “MSC SARAH V” in the Arabian Sea, and the impact was precise and direct, thanks to Allah.
The Yemeni Armed Forces announce that this qualitative operation was carried out with a new ballistic missile that entered service after the successful completion of trial operations.
The missile is distinguished by its ability to hit targets accurately and over long distances, as this operation demonstrated.
The Yemeni Armed Forces continue to develop their military capabilities to enhance their jihadist role to support the Palestinian resistance militarily and to defend dear Yemen in the face of American-British aggression.
The operations of the Yemeni armed forces will not stop unless the aggression is stopped and the siege imposed on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip is lifted.
Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs, the best protector, and the best supporter.
Long live Yemen, free, honorable, and independent.
Victory to Yemen and all the free people of the nation.
Sana'a, 19 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445 AH
Corresponding to June 25, 2024
Issued by the Yemeni Armed Forces

A massive fire has broken out in Al-Issawiya, east of Al Quds.
The fire spread near an occupation army camp and in the area surrounding the Hebrew University in east occupied Al Quds, according to local sources.


Hezbollah operations 06/25/2024:
An aerial attack with a squadron of attack drones on the headquarters of a brigade belonging to the 91st Division in the “Nahal Gershom” area, targeting the positions and quarters of enemy officers and soldiers. This resulted in several injuries among them and fires breaking out inside the headquarters, in response to the “israeli” enemy’s aggression which reached the Bekaa region.
15:10: targeting the Bayad-Blida site with artillery shells, hitting it directly.
15:10: targeting the Birkat Risha site with appropriate weapons, hitting it directly.
18:30: targeting the “Ramtha” site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills with rocket weapons, hitting it directly.
18:30: targeting the Zebdine in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms with rocket weapons, hitting it directly.


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Gonna be funny as fuck when these things get blown up as soon as the war starts


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Jeremy Corbyn, former Labour leader says that the UK is ZOGed!!!

>Jeremy Corbyn says during a meeting with the Parliamentary Labour Party Committee he was confronted and asked to give assurances that as Labour leader - and potentially prime minister - he would automatically support any military action Israel undertakes


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>“I have ordered a complete siege of Gaza. No electricity. No food. No fuel. No water. We are fighting human animals and we act accordingly”

>This is Yoav Gallant who ppl are protesting outside of Willard Hotel now. THIS is the human animal U.S. is hosting


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>Iran Observer


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I think the exemption was specifically for yeshiva students which starts at a young age and which goes on for years, and the exemption is for those students in lieu of serving in the IDF starting at age 18, and it just happens that they're ultra-orthodox because studying the Torah all day is their thing and then have ripping parties when they level up in the Torah game.


this should be a future model for communism where scholars study theory all day like celibate maoist monks


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Shiksa nooo!


fizzleuyghurs still have the gall to post


Critical sapport for Zionist hindutvas?


3 or 30?


>fucked up shells
>fucked up rifle
>fucked up tank
What the fuck is wrong with Indians


Anti-Indian bias in American media, mostly


Its literally an osint account on twitter anon.
It's probably an uneducated American teenager who thinks it makes him look more official.
Just report this trash.


The anti-Indian bias made them develop a shitty rifle and tank?


It made Americans report Indian rifles and tanks as shitty. Remember when USA tried to present Russian weapons as bad, unsophisticated and super underperforming?


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If you say so


plastic magazine moment


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so called brics nation smh


BRICS isn't a specifically anti-western pact.


Is that really it? Indians are so pro israel because if some war I never heard of?


It's because they're exterminating a Muslim-majority nation


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Horrifying. Siccing dogs on unarmed people is one of the wretched forms of colonial violence. Literal conquistador shit.



One of the craziest things about this is the POV camera because you know these fucks watch this stuff for fun.


How brave of them after *checks notes* literally nothing happened 😂


what do you think the threshold is for "something happened"


I hate dogs even more


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jesus fucking christ. I have a directory for of evidence of israeli war crimes (starting to seem pointless though), but I am not sure if I will be saving this one.


It's because I think we need to preserve evidence of injustices of future generations. I wish I had been a human rights prosecutor.


cope cages, lol


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Haaretz: The army needs 8,000 soldiers immediately to cover its losses during the war on Gaza.
The Israeli newspaper "Haaretz" reported that the occupation "army" needs "8 thousand soldiers immediately to cover its losses during the war on Gaza."

The head of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Security Committee, Yuli Edelstein, affirmed his independence from the coalition regarding the issue of military recruitment, as he postponed voting on the law supported by the Ministry of Defense, due to what he said was the failure to reach a “broad consensus” on this issue. .

Edelstein explained during the discussion that he "refused to mobilize the coalition," adding, "Either we all reject the Israeli army's request, or we all agree on something."

A few days ago, Israeli media revealed that the army is currently working on establishing a new reserve division , in light of its urgent need for thousands of additional fighters.

Also, the Chief of Staff, Herzi Halevy, informed the occupation government of the “Army’s” need for 15 new battalions, according to the occupation “Army” Radio, due to the severe shortage of forces that the “Army” is suffering from.

For his part, the head of the National Unity Party in Israel, Benny Gantz, said that Israel's security requires more soldiers, while the head of the Israeli Labor Party, Yair Golan, called for everyone to be obligated to undertake military and security service.

The occupation Army Radio reported that the army reserve units began searching for volunteers to fight through advertisements on the WhatsApp application, as the war entered its ninth month.

In a joint operation.. Yemeni forces and the Iraqi resistance target an Israeli ship in Haifa
The Yemeni Armed Forces, in cooperation with the Iraqi Islamic Resistance, carried out a joint military operation, targeting an Israeli ship in the port of Haifa, inside the occupied Palestinian territories.

The spokesman for the Yemeni Armed Forces, Brigadier General Yahya Saree, confirmed that the Israeli ship "MSC Manzanillo" was targeted in the port of Haifa, with a number of drones, and the joint operation successfully achieved its goals.

Saree stressed that the Yemeni Armed Forces will continue to carry out their joint military operations with the Iraqi Islamic Resistance, in support and victory for the Palestinian people, until the aggression stops and the siege on the Gaza Strip is lifted.

For its part, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq confirmed the implementation of a joint military operation, in conjunction with the Yemeni armed forces, against the same ship.

The resistance said that its operations to destroy enemy strongholds will continue at an increasing pace.

Yesterday, Saree confirmed the implementation of a qualitative military operation targeting the Israeli ship “MSC SARAH V” in the Arabian Sea.

He revealed that the operation was carried out using a new ballistic missile , which entered service after the successful completion of experimental operations. It is a locally-made hypersonic missile that possesses advanced technology, is accurate in hitting, and can reach long ranges.

The spokesman for the Yemeni Armed Forces stressed the continuation of “developing military capabilities,” explaining that this comes “within the framework of strengthening our jihadist role to support the Palestinian resistance militarily, and to defend Yemen against the American-British aggression.”


>Haaretz: The army needs 8,000 soldiers immediately to cover its losses during the war on Gaza.
The absolute state, I don't even really get how that's possible


And have big stadium gatherings where everyone sings the Internationale and other songs when they master different levels of the dialectic.

Ehh that looks like some Pakistani nationalist fake news account

A big part of it is that India is a huge bureaucratic mess that is trying to leapfrog technologically without having done the groundwork to do so (and there's also corruption). India really, really likes to manufacture things domestically but doesn't have the capability for a lot of high-end military equipment, so they'll spend a lot of money on developing an engine for a fighter jet but which, turns out, doesn't work so good and slows down the project until they eventually just buy foreign engines.


Nta. What am I seeing here?


>Nta. What am I seeing here?
NTA but Evacuated regions.


Evacuated zones I think, or at least areas of conflict. I know the northern red zone is evacuated.


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>The absolute state, I don't even really get how that's possible
Israeli official numbers are 373 soldiers KIA on Oct. 7 and 300+ since the Israeli invasion. That doesn't include wounded which is usually a multiple, and that multiple is greater the better the medical care and how fast soldiers are evacuated, so I'd reckon the number of Israeli wounded stands to be in the thousands. Then there are soldiers simply burning out from exhaustion and stress. Human beings will psychologically "collapse" because of war. The U.S. Army estimated the average soldier's breaking point on the front line was somewhere between 60 and 240 days depending on the intensity and frequency of combat.


I’m getting blackpilled on this whole thing.

On one hand, I want all Zionists out of Palestine.

At the same time, I don’t want Zionists anywhere in America given how they continually buy elections and force their pro-genocide propaganda everywhere.

Since we can’t throw them all in gulags what do we do? They run from America and go to “Israel” but if they leave “Israel” most of them will come to America and make America worse.

I’m hopeless.


They all have dual passports so we will have millions of jewsanos enter our countries


And that’s the problem. I don’t want Zionists in America. I don’t want them in the UK or France. I want them all in gulags where they will be punished for participating in a genocidal settler-colonial project. I want all their assets taken and their kids replaced with new families (preferably anti-Zionist Muslim ones). But that will never happen so what can we do?


doxxing and swatting.


>At the same time, I don’t want Zionists anywhere in America given how they continually buy elections and force their pro-genocide propaganda everywhere.
It's like pissing in a sea of piss, it really doesn't matter.
Remember, like a third of the US population still supports Israel, that's like 100 million Zionists in the US alone.


I’m getting blackpilled on this whole thing.

On one hand, I want all boers out of South Africa.

At the same time, I don’t want boers anywhere in America given how they continually buy elections and force their pro-apartheid propaganda everywhere.

Since we can’t throw them all in gulags what do we do? They run from America and go to South Africa but if they leave South Africa most of them will come to America and make America worse.

I’m hopeless.


You sound like a massive retard


How will that solve the problem? There are hundreds of thousands of not millions of Zionists in America who are continually spreading their propaganda and doing whatever they can to destroy Palestine from afar. Doxxing all of them is impossible.


Israelis were sharing this or something and it got to Al Jazeera? An attack dog clamped in to an elderly Arab woman? Horrific. This seems like significant video.


Boers are a tiny group and have zero power anywhere except South Africa. They tried going back to the Netherlands but the Dutch government was smart and refused to let them in.


You don't have to SWAT all of them, just enough for them to go paranoid and start chimping out and go back to uyghur statut in the Burgerrreich racial hierarchy.


So how many did they actually lose? They mobilized 360k out of 465k reservists. They extended service for regulars and reservists. They even revoked the exemption for Haredim. And these 8k are just to cover for the regulars?


People can always do more damage from America, because that's where you form connections and funnel money to people. Better that they stay in Palestine. If you want to help you can always send aid to the Palestinians.


Here's an interview with the woman


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Official Israeli numbers:

3,895 wounded + 314 KIA since the beginning of ground operations. Add 373 from Oct. 7 and that is 4,582 battle casualties (687 KIA). This does not include non-combat injuries (which are common) or psychological exhaustion cases who are not longer fit to fight and have to be pulled off the line.

Most of their regulars are kids doing their mandatory military service. Their units get filled up by reservists when they go to war. It's a lot like the Prussian army.


Prussians were shit at war, btw. Every time they fought a war, it resulted in Prussia's depopulation. They had basically legalized polygamy at one point because they've run out of men


so it seems like Israel really is hurting more than the official stats say they are.


>what do we do?
Deal with them like any other reactionary.


I think their KIA/WIA numbers are accurate (I don't agree with people who think they're hiding deaths), but simply going by KIA doesn't get the full picture because a lot of wounded soldiers can't return to fight because they have been shot or hit with shrapnel. Their war is over. There's also a whole lot of physical and mental exhaustion which isn't being accounted for. It adds up. This is why armies "rotate" units in and out because they physically cannot keep fighting after so much time. Speaking of Prussians…


Such as?


Im sure the ajc would never lie


>What do we do?
Keep protesting and shaming them for supporting their government's barbarism.


Fair evaluation IMHO. Most harassment from Zionists in the US and Europe is by non-Jews because almost nobody is a Jew. So what's a couple thousand Israelis moving to the West or even a million. Like the other guy put it: pissing in a sea of piss (wasn't that phrase originally about posting on 4chan?).

And consider that people are strongly shaped by their surroundings. I think there is a good chance the ex-Israelis will lose a lot of their craziness (not in the short term tho).


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The UKMTO reports that a ship was attacked with a missile 52 nautical miles south of Aden, Yemen.

The "Palestinian" Authority's traitorous operations in #Tubas continue after they kidnapped two resistance fighters and confiscated their weapons in the town of Aqaba.
This is as part of the PA's intensified campaign of pursuing the resistance in Tubas.

Freelance journalist Hiba Abu Taha was jailed for a year under Jordan’s draconian Cybercrimes Law for exposing the government’s covert trade with Israel, marking yet another instance of the kingdom’s severe crackdown on dissenting voices.

Yemeni Armed Forces:
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
The Almighty said: "O believers! If you stand up for Allah, He will help you and make your steps firm."
This is the truth of Allah Almighty.
In support of the oppressed Palestinian people and in response to the crimes committed against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip,
The Yemeni Armed Forces carried out, in coordination with the Islamic Resistance in Iraq with the help of Allah, a coordinated military operation targeting the “israeli” ship “MSC MANZANILLO” in the port of Haifa with a number of drones, and the operation successfully achieved its goals, thanks to Allah.
The Yemeni Armed Forces - with the help of Allah Almighty - will continue to carry out their joint military operations with the Iraqi Islamic Resistance in support and victory for the Palestinian people until the aggression stops and the siege on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip is lifted.
Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs, the best protector, and the best supporter.
Long live Yemen, free, honorable, and independent.
Victory to Yemen and all the free people of the nation.
Sana'a, 20 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445 AH
Corresponding to June 26, 2024
Issued by the Yemeni Armed Forces

Yemeni Armed Forces spokesman, Brigadier General Yahya Saree:
The Yemeni Armed Forces reveal for the first time the identity of the missile that targeted the "israeli" ship (MSC SARAH V) in the Arabian Sea.
It is a locally-made hypersonic missile with advanced technology, high accuracy, and long-range capabilities.

Freed prisoner Walid Anwar Al-Khalili to Al-Arabi:
More than 20 "israeli" soldiers took turns beating me when I was arrested.
The occupation army killed the injured people who were with me.
The occupation targeted a building I took refuge in, despite me wearing medical crew attire.
Occupation soldiers told me and the other prisoners that our fate is death in "Sde Teman" prison.
The detainees in "Sde Teman" prison scream hysterically from the intensity of the torture.
Prisoners in "Sde Teman" prison are hung by their legs for long hours during interrogation.
Three prisoners were martyred in "Sde Teman" prison while being hung from the ceilings.

Yesterday, a zionist newspaper reported that a shortage of soldiers have led to significant reductions in intelligence units such as Unit 8200 and 81, in order to transfer them to ground forces.
According to a zionist military analyst, IOF ground forces have used up more ammunition and equipment than expected, which forced the "israeli" army to adhere to a strict economy in the field of ammunition.
Zionist military analysts also fear that if the war enters a combat scenario, its army bases, defense industries, and infrastructure will be primary targets for Hezbollah's precision missiles and explosive drones. A settler in "Shlomi" was quoted as saying: "We never imagined we would reach the horrific reality of homes burning and being destroyed by rocket fire. Who would have thought that we would become refugees in our own country? We live in a continuous nightmare and no one is waking up from it soon."
Zionist Channel 12 also reported: "In the event of a war with Lebanon, the Air Force will not be able to provide close air support to all forces and in every combat event. Additionally, the threat faced to aircraft, especially drones and helicopters, will be much greater than it is in Gaza."
The analyst added that IOF soldiers and leaders are in a state of complete despair and exhaustion. The psychological toll experienced by its soldiers has been very difficult and concerning amongst the "israeli" army, as they have been on the ground without breaks, some of them for 200 days and with deep psychological issues.
As the zionist economy continues to suffer, many foreign airlines have not yet returned to serve the entity, while those that have have significantly reduced their flights.
In zionist media, settlers in despair have commented that "the size of the state is shrinking," because of their displacement from the north and south due to the strikes of the resistance.

Hezbollah operations 06/26/2024:
Targeting buildings used by enemy soldiers in the settlement of “Metulla” with appropriate weapons, hitting them directly, causing a fire in them and causing those within to fall between dead and wounded. This was in response to the enemy's attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe homes, particularly targeting buildings in the towns of Khiam and Kfar Shuba.
16:30: targeting surveillance equipment around the Birkat Risha site with appropriate weapons, hitting it directly and destroying it.
Targeting a building used by enemy soldiers in the settlement of “Even Menachem” with appropriate weapons, hitting it directly. This was in response to the enemy's attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe houses, especially in the town of Aita Al-Shaab.
Targeting a building used by "israeli" enemy soldiers in the settlement of “Avivim” with appropriate weapons, hitting it directly. This was in response to the “israeli” enemy’s attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe homes, especially in the town of Bint Jbeil.
19:30: targeting the Al-Assi site with rocket weapons, resulting in a direct hit.
19:45: targeting the Zebdine site in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms with artillery shells, resulting in a direct hit.

IOF helicopters landed twice at the site of the resistance ambush north of Jenin to transport wounded IOF soldiers. Ambulances were seen rushing to the site.
Local sources stated that IOF reinforcements left from the Muqeibila crossing towards Jenin. As the occupation forces arrived near the Al-Ahmadin roundabout, an explosive device was detonated on a military vehicle, luring the occupation soldiers from their vehicles.
At that moment, another explosive device was detonated on them. Intense clashes then took place around the Marj Ibn Amer plain near the ambush site.
Zionist media reports that three helicopters have landed in Jenin so far, and evacuations of wounded soldiers are still continuing following the resistance ambush north of the city. A number of soldiers are seriously wounded, in addition to 3 in critical condition.
Zionist media admits that 17 IOF soldiers were wounded in the resistance's ambush targeting IOF vehicles headed to Jenin by two explosive devices. Several are severely wounded.

Syrian Ministry of Defense:
Around 11:40 PM on June 26, the "israeli" enemy launched an aerial aggression from the direction of the occupied Syrian Golan, targeting several points in the southern region. Our air defense systems intercepted and shot down some of the missiles.
The aggression resulted in the martyrdom of two individuals, injury to a soldier, and some material losses.

Tor is being very slow, so I'll post the videos tomorrow (assuming things have improved).


>directory of war crimes
I've been doing that for both this and Ukkkraine.


only matters for real wars not inter imperialist squabbles


I know nobody asked but here's a friendly reminder that american millennarian evangelicals believe the apocalypse needs to be initiated by sacrificing a red heifer at the rebuilt third temple in jerusalem, incurring god's wrath upon the world and causing the biblical tribulations, where the earth is given to satan freely in the form of the antichrist to oppress two thirds of humanity after the other third dies in a massive war, leading to the new world order ruled by a one world government with a one world currency you cant buy or sell without, eventually culminating in the biblical battle of armageddon where jesus returns to the earth to reclaim the holy land and claim the throne of the kingdom of jerusalem. They believe the only way the apocalypse can start is if the jews entirely inherit israel by killing all palestinians to fully create the preconditions for it, because it will finally indicate that it is comprised entirely of god's chosen people initiating a worldwide attack on israel with Gog (Russia) and Magog (China) leading the charge to eventually culminate in the biblical battle of armageddon. And yes AIPAC is comprised mostly of evangelical loons, not even jews. Some protestant sects like the pentecostals and the quakers started out as relatively progressive christian sects as a consequence of some of the evangelicals' wild beliefs fwiw. Even the american government in its early days, as right wing as it was, was forced to implement explicit state secularism as a response to the sectarian violence that occurred in the pioneer era. That says a lot about the evangelicals imo. ESPECIALLY christian identity evangelicals. Baptists, mormons, jehovahs witnesses are all on the rightward end of the spectrum. The church of christ is usually aligned with christian identity nutjobs, who believe that nonwhites are descendants of Cain, (the son of the Serpent in the Garden of Eden who killed his brother Abel with a rock after God rejected his offering of grains compared to Abel's offering of meat, who was cursed by God for doing so by being branded with the Mark of Cain which made him never be capable of death as if that's a punishment and not just a badass backstory you tell bitches while snorting lines of coke at nightclubs like the movie shit it is) and Eve while white americans are descendants of Abel, (the son of Adam and Eve who Gnostics believe was in fact the true son of the Serpent, being that his parent was EXPLICITLY ADAM IN THE FUCKING BIBLE FOR GOD'S SAKE.) The Christian Identity Movement is best known for its association with the anti-Abortion perpetrator of the 1996 Atlanta Centennial Park Bombing, which some southerners contend was actually a ploy by the presiding Clinton regime to crack down on the american militia movement. Westboro Baptist Church. Evangelicals love to "witness" which basically means eternally blabbering about jebus to anybody they meet, which is why they send missionaries to third world countries all the time with boomer church donations causing a rise in its popularity in brazil and africa. Speaking of boomers, Evangelicals are an aging demographic, and many of its most influential members are boomers towards the end of their lives who sincerely believe that they want to party as long and hard as possible at everybody elses' expense because they truly believe that the world is ending and they're just aiding the inevitable advance quicker. So that's the type of religious guys who influence american politics and thus the policy of the american hegemony toward other countries.


>I want all Zionists out of Palestine.
They're not going anywhere, at least not in large enough numbers,


<such weak bait, and yet I answer it in the hope you pasted it here and intend to paste responses back to stomp some racist uncle or shill on another platform…

Israelis don't need to relocate to the US to corrupt American politics.

The Seppos don't need to be encouraged to support genocide.

Not curtailing/dissolving Israel has dire consequences:

>short term


>medium term

renewed cold war/ww3

>long term

breakdown of (the heavily compromised) global cooperation and consensus on avoiding climate disaster

We've already passed inflection points at which certain outcomes in regards to the environment, biodiversity, and the carrying capacity of earth are locked in over the next 100 years. On a more immediate timeline we've seen upheavals in diplomatic relations, and early game logistical moves indicating imminent widening of conflicts along the usual east/west, colonial/colonised, first world/third world axes.

If you think that any future war will be bloodless, diplomatic, and not hasten or trigger environmental disasters as a tactic you're not paying attention.

The Americans are clearly in the wrong, and there is a growing consensus against them. They should consider themselves obligated to humble themselves and back down. They are no longer in a position to issue edicts, but they are still in a position to burn the world down. I hope they choose to spare humanity.


i wept probably 5 times watching this and can't sleep. that is all.


>CIA trained nazi territorial defense units bombing donetsk for 8 years in a civil war isn't a "real war" it's "merely" an inter imperialist squabble


Most Zionists are protestant white people


zOMg the palestinions are usning msi gaming pcs as weapons. clearly teh chinese are behind this! NUKE DAIWAN NYAOW


If you think about it Israel is right up there with Argentina in terms of where all the nazis went after WW2 :^)


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>some people still haven't realized we're in WW3


I don't know what it is about Memri TV but every screenshot of it makes me laugh


this but unorically



most zionists are atheists. atheism is reactionary.


correct. scientific socialism is deviation. they are bourgeois. KILL EM ALL


Listening to this podcast interview an Israeli journalist and the subject of the wounded comes up at 23:00. There are thousands of wounded and serious injuries, Israeli soldiers with legs blown off, lungs burned, and psychological trauma. And this cumulative effect is sapping whole regiments and divisions that are suffering from erosion.




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WBBC is based. Total veteran death.


An IOF soldier was killed in the resistance ambush north of Jenin which left 17 wounded, according to zionist media.

An IOF soldier was killed by sniper fire in Rafah, according to zionist media.

This morning, Palestine Action occupied the inside of Grid Defence Systems, a military hardware supplier for Elbit Systems, Israel’s largest weapons firm.
From inside, arms components were dismantled and shipments destined for Elbit were completely shattered. This company, based in Buckinghamshire, also supplies parts for Leonardo, Thales and MBDA missiles.

The maritime security company Ambrey reported that a ship was hit by a shell 84 nautical miles west of Hodeidah, Yemen.

IOF vehicles are advancing towards the Shuja'iyya neighborhood in an attempt to infiltrate, east of Gaza City, in northern Gaza, amid heavy artillery and aerial bombardment.
Heavy artillery and aerial IOF strikes were also reported east of Gaza City, in northern Gaza.

Commander Abu Khaled, spokesperson for the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces (the military wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine), issued a military statement announcing the martyrdom of field commander Yousef Abu Tilkh from the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces, and the continuation of the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces in bombarding enemy positions with mortars and rockets. Here are the details:
First: Yesterday, the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces bid farewell to Yousef Abu Tilkh, who was martyred while heroically fighting alongside his comrades in the Tal Sultan neighborhood, west of Rafah city.
The Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces, while bidding farewell to Yousef, one of its field commanders who spent years on the battlefronts, pledge to our steadfast and heroic people in Gaza, the West Bank, Al-Quds, the diaspora, and within the fascist entity, to uphold the choice of resistance in all its forms, especially in confronting the enemy forces. This choice has proven to be the only one that ensures our people’s safe passage to achieving their goals of self-determination, independence, return, and ending the occupation and settlement in all its forms and manifestations.
Second: The artillery unit of the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces, in coordination with the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, targeted the "israeli" military base of "Zikim" with a salvo of short-range rockets, and the rockets hit their targets.
Third: The artillery unit of the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces bombarded the enemy soldiers and vehicles in the vicinity of Najma Square in central Rafah with heavy mortars, and the shells hit their targets.
Fourth: The Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces from the artillery unit targeted the enemy forces entrenched around the Burqa stadium in the Shaboura refugee camp in central Rafah with heavy mortars, and the shells hit their targets.
Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces – Military Wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Military Media

Violent explosions rock Safad and northeastern occupied Palestine following the launch of a large barrage of about 40 rockets from southern Lebanon.
Zionist media reports that impacts were made at the "Ein Zeitim" IOF base near Safad, where smoke is rising, and injuries were reported. Reports were also made of power outages in the city. At least two fires have broken out.
A combined missile and drone attack is suspected.


Why has Hezbollah been quiet for the past several days?


A zionist center in occupied Safad reported receiving injuries due to the fire that broke out in "Beriya" following the latest rocket strikes launched by Hezbollah.

A military source told Al-Akhbar that the Yemeni Armed Forces' deployment of hypersonic missiles has prompted several ships to flee to the Indian Ocean.
With the announcement of the Hatem-2 hypersonic missile (used to bomb the "israeli" "MSC SARAH V" in the Arabian Sea), Yemen joins China, India, Iran, North Korea, and Russia in possessing such a weapon, which is virtually impossible for air defenses to shoot down. Al-Aqsa Flood enabled a rapid pace of weapons development and testing opportunities for the Yemeni Armed Forces; the advancements that have been made in nine months would have taken years otherwise.
Accordingly, the Yemeni Armed Forces have intensified their operations, whether independently or in coordination with the Iraqi resistance, reaching as far as Haifa and the Indian Ocean.
Further, Saudi has explored mediation through China to "halt maritime escalation," according to intelligence sources. Once again, Yemen was offered enticing concessions, this time in exchange for exempting the targeting of ships headed to Saudi ports (which a number of previously targeted ships were, after violating the ban on "israeli" ports). Yet, Yemen has affirmed that its operations will not stop except with the halt of the aggression on Gaza.
Despite the Red Sea heating up, Yemeni military sources confirmed to Al-Akhbar that US forces have slowed their pace of hostile activities. Just two US destroyers remain in the Red Sea. The USS Laboon and USS Cole have only been monitoring, rather than attacking, in recent days, and American operations have decreased this week.
With the departure of the humiliated USS Eisenhower, the USS Roosevelt will soon come to the area from South Korea, the third strike group entering the region after the USS Ford and USS Eisenhower. The Head of the Revolutionary Committee in Yemen, Mohammed Ali Al-Houthi stated that "Failure is also the fate of the USS Roosevelt…The successful way to stop Yemeni operations is to stop the aggression on Gaza."
While several European military ships have exited the arena, a Greek frigate ("Psara") arrived to the area recently to replace a Belgian frigate that left this week, less than a month after its deployment. An informed military source told Al-Akhbar that this ship adds no value to the Western presence, but serves as a provocation and conformation of the West's intent to militarize the Red Sea. The source reaffirmed that the Yemeni Armed Forces will fulfill their duty against all hostile ships in the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, or Indian Ocean.

Yemeni Armed Forces:
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
The Almighty says: "And Allah will certainly aid those who aid His cause; indeed, Allah is All-Powerful, Almighty."
This is the Truth of Allah Almighty.
<strong>In support of the oppressed Palestinian people and their fighters, and in response to the zionist enemy's massacres against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, our armed forces carried out two military operations as follows:
The first operation was a joint operation with the Islamic Resistance in brotherly Iraq, targeting with several cruise missiles a vital target in Haifa. The operation achieved its goal successfully by the grace of Allah.
The other operation targeted the ship "SEAJOY" in the Red Sea. The ship was targeted for violating the ban on entering the ports of occupied Palestine. The operation was carried out jointly by the drone air force, the missile force, and the naval forces, with a drone boat and several missiles and drones. The operation resulted in a direct and precise hit on the ship, by the grace of Allah.
The Yemeni Armed Forces, with the help of Allah Almighty, will continue to carry out their joint operations with the Iraqi resistance and implement what was stated in their previous statements regarding "israeli" ships or those linked to the "israeli" enemy or affiliated with companies dealing with the "israeli" entity. The operations targeting the mentioned ships, as well as enemy ships in the Red and Arabian Seas and the Indian Ocean, will not stop until the aggression is halted and the siege on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip is lifted.
Allah is our sufficiency and the best trustee, the best master, and the best supporter.
Long live Yemen, free, honorable, and independent.
Victory to Yemen and to all the free people of the nation.
Sana'a 21 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445 AH
Corresponding to June 27, 2024
Issued by the Yemeni Armed Forces


Octopuses are hamas


Hezbollah operations 06/27/2024:
17:30: targeting the Ruwaisat Al-Qarn site in the occupied Shebaa Farms in Lebanon with rocket weapons, resulting in a direct hit.
Targeting the positions and locations of "israeli" enemy officers and soldiers at the Ras Naqoura naval site through an aerial attack with strike drones, resulting in a direct hit, causing fires at the site and casualties among those inside including dead and wounded.
Targeting the main air defense missile base of the Northern Command in the "Beria" barracks with dozens of Katyusha rockets, in response to the "israeli" enemy's attacks on the city of Nabatiyeh and the town of Sohmor.


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>israel has two types of dogs, ones that stand on four legs and ones that stand on two legs

And ones that stand on no legs


The media was saying that Israel is looking to wrap up the strip to move soldiers up north to Lebanon.


Link it, then.



>Yemen was offered enticing concessions, this time in exchange for exempting the targeting of ships headed to Saudi ports (which a number of previously targeted ships were, after violating the ban on "israeli" ports). Yet, Yemen has affirmed that its operations will not stop except with the halt of the aggression on Gaza.
I mean, The Yemeni has made very clear what to tell the Emir of Dubai and the Kings of Riyadh.
why even try? they're embarssing themselves.


Argentinian nazis is a meme, most nazis stayed in Europe or found safe haven in the USA or Canada


>Argentinian nazis is a meme, most nazis stayed in Europe or found safe haven in the USA or Canada
I mean, most of them got to stay in Germany and become the Judges, Cops, Bankers, and so on of west germany. It's hardly a secret at this point.


In a shocking admission last week, the zionist entity's representative announced to the United Nations Human Rights Council the killing of 150 settler colonizers and the wounding of 15,000 others as a result of Hezbollah's attacks in support of the people of Gaza and their resistance since October 7.
The video was posted by the "israeli" Consul General in Dubai and the statement was delivered in Arabic.
This is a drastic increase from the previously acknowledged toll of about 30 killed, and 40 soldiers wounded.
Despite the enemy's best attempts at concealing the losses it suffers at the hands of the resistance, this admission highlights the extent of their losses, reaffirming what the resistance has already told us.


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WBBC were actually a psy op to begin the process of imperialist pinkwashing whereby LGBT would be courted by the military apparatus due to decreasing recrootment numbers. that way they US empire could pretend to still be "progressive" and "LGBT" could be used as a scapegoat for imperialism. WBBC attacked both gays and soldiers simultaneously, thereby pushing them together.


>lawyers baiting lawsuits
Shut up.


They have dual citizenship and already influence American politics through AIPAC or media. They're already everywhere. You'll also never "get rid" of Zionists which is why I support the two-state solution as the most actionable solution. The problem is that the zionist government and also Hamas vehemently oppose the two-state solution, which is why Israel initially aided them in gaining political power. The PLO were at least open to it which is why they got subverted.

To the river and the sea is never going to happen, especially after we saw how stupid Hamas' military strategy is during Oct 7 where they achieved absolutely nothing. I don't want to hear some copium like "now people are aware!"


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Yes actually suing military families is based. What are you a babykiller? Fuck off.


I don’t care about optics fuck the American people and fake 1st world working class.


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>yes, how do you do, fellow Third Worlders?


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Since imperialist war apparently makes countries not capitalist anymore, I will be joining the US Army, or maybe Israel for having created communism in Gaza.


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Do the buttmad ""ultras"" at least get paid to post this stupid shit?


you can tell she's a checked out paid actor


Paid or not harassing/ suing the grieving family members of dead Amerikkkan terrorist scum is objectively a righteous act.


Westboro baptist church carry the protestant spirit alongside the jehovah's witnesses. Thats why the world hates them, as they hated Christ ✝️


I’m not an ultra at all. I’m a Russian nationalist.


Fire erupts in illegal Israeli settlement
A large fire has broken out in the illegal Israeli settlement of Kfar Etzion, south of Bethlehem, in the occupied West Bank.

Helicopters are trying to extinguish the blaze, which Israeli media says has spread to a military base.

No other information was immediately available.


That makes three fires in the last few days around west bank settlements


Not sure if this has been posted before. Repost from Reddit:

Interestingly, the American Jewish Policy Center, a researcher at the Council for Emerging National Security Affairs, claimed that the IDF found two People's Liberation Army (PLA) tunnel warfare experts from the People's Republic of China (PRC) in Gaza, and that the two engineers were repatriated back to the PRC after China put pressure on Israel to do so.
Senior Hamas leader Haniya is a graduate of Renmin University of China and may have received training in other security subjects.
"Dave, the commander-in-chief of Al-Aqsa Floods, came to Hebei Province as a cadet in the class of '96, attending the PLA Ordnance Engineering College in Shijiazhuang, specializing in artillery, rocketry and demolition.


>from reddit
most trusted news source


Based if true, although the "evidence" here is very weak. Mostly sounds like more desperation and cope from US-Israel think tank spooks. Like this part
>Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi described Israel’s response to the terrorist attacks on October 14 as being “beyond the scope of self-defense” and requested Israel to “cease its collective punishment of the people of Gaza.”
A milquetoast statement like "stop killing so many civilians pls" is evidence China is khkhamas… Just like university students protesting in favor of ceasefire are all khkhkhamas. Any tepid criticism of Israel's genocidal actions is khamas terrorism and of course that includes China too. In reality however wrt actual military assistance there was pretty much no evidence produced.

The link to the jewish policy center article is right there, just read it. Don't know why that anon even mentioned reddit.


>according to Guermantes Lailari, a Scholar at National Chengchi University in Taiwan and retired U.S. Air Force Officer. Chinese tunnel warfare specialists helped design and build the Hamas tunnels. Lailari also told me that two tunnel engineers from China's People's Liberation Army were discovered by the IDF, meaning that China helped Hamas significantly in its construction of the massive tunnel networks under the Gaza Strip. (The engineers were returned to China after pressure on Israel.)
Im not saying the article is correct or a good source, or that reddit isn't dogshit, but try reading the two articles anon linked retard.


They could have only become experts at that after coming to Gaza.



US-British warplanes launched four air raids on Al-Dhahra in Taiz, southern Yemen.

American-British warplanes target Hodeidah International Airport in western Yemen with 4 airstrikes, and the flight of planes continues. These airstrikes took place during the weekly million-man march across Yemeni governorates in support of Gaza.

The zionist army admits to the death of one of its soldiers during combat in the southern Gaza Strip.

A car bomb exploded in the settlement of “Herzliya”, north of occupied Yafa and there are reports of casualties, according to zionist media. The details of the event are still unknown.

The UKMTO reports an attack 150 nautical miles northwest of Hodeidah, Yemen. The captain reported that 5 missiles landed near the ship.

Sources within the Islamic Resistance in Iraq revealed to Al-Akhbar that hundreds of fighters from various armed factions, especially the Iraqi Kataeb Hezbollah movement, are being trained in camps both inside and outside the country under the supervision of Iranian experts.
They confirmed to Al-Akhbar that the training is in preparation for a potential full-scale war in the region, particularly after the escalation between the Lebanese Hezbollah and the zionist entity. This comes as a number of Iraqi factions declared their readiness to mobilize and enter a larger war to fight alongside Hezbollah.
The sources indicated that "the training of Iraqi faction fighters is not new, but it has been emphasized after the Al-Aqsa Flood operation, especially since new advanced weapons, missiles, and high-tech drones have arrived in Iraq from Iran and Russia, which require training to operate." They explained that "there are more than ten training camps in various cities across the country, focusing on two main tasks: the first is training regular fighters, and the second is training individuals under the supervision of Iranian military experts, aiming to prepare them comprehensively at the level of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard or Hezbollah cadres."
They added that "there are groups currently receiving training in Iran, which are about to graduate and return to Iraq, including members of the Popular Mobilization Forces, Kataeb Hezbollah, and the Al-Nujaba Movement," noting that "the training is not only military but also aims to prepare individuals capable of ideological and jihadist mobilization."

IOF soldiers were forced to evacuate "Etzion" IOF camp north of Al Khalil following an outbreak of a fire set by revolutionary youth at the site. The fire has spread to the "Etzion" settlement.

Today, the IOF halted "resident" entry to "Metulla" in northeastern occupied Palestine until further notice, as a result of relentless attacks by Hezbollah on the settlement.
The head of the settlement, David Azoulay, stated: "The president has disappeared. Three houses were damaged and an entire street of yards was burned."
“Forty percent of residents’ houses have been damaged, almost 200 houses were burned in the last eight months.”
Just 34 settlers remain in "Metulla," which has turned into an IOF military barracks.
Today, the head of "Metulla" stated that he believes that the zionist government "has made an illegal and unofficial decision to abandon the Al-Jalil region."
He added: "We have decided to separate from the state of 'israel,' not because we want to, but because every day we see our communities torn apart and scattered. We see the incapacity of farmers and tourists, despair, ruin, and life fading away here in the north and in Al-Jalil. It has come to the point where people are dying of sadness. I have heard from families here in 'Metulla' that some parents have died of grief because they were evicted from their homes."
"After nine months of war, we in the north are in a much worse situation than we were on October 7th."
"If you contact the families of those who have been evacuated from 'Metulla,' they know that a phone call does not bring good news. Often, I call residents and immediately tell them that I am not calling to announce the destruction of their home, but for another reason."
Commenting on zionist leaders, he said: "Our leaders are number one in issuing threats in the Middle East, with astonishing statements like 'we will send them back to the Stone Age.' But when it comes to actions, they create a security zone within the state of 'israel' and leave 80,000 displaced people across the country." In reality, about 250,000 settlers have been displaced, if not more, and thousands killed and wounded.

The Palestinian resistance displays its capabilities and resilience in Shuja’iyya neighborhood.
Yesterday, as the zionist army began redirecting some troops to Khan Younis to continue its targeting of displaced Palestinians, it began a simultaneous operation on the Shuja’iyya neighborhood of Gaza City in the northern #Gaza Strip.
Zionist sources claim that the operation was launched due to “intelligence” indicating that the resistance had restored its presence in the area. In conjunction with heavy air strikes on the city leading to the martyrdom and injury of dozens of Palestinians, the IOF moved its tanks into the neighborhood for the first time since April.
Numerous times since October 7, the IOF has invaded the fierce Shuja’iyya neighborhood only to be swiftly repelled after taking casualties. Last December, ten invading soldiers were killed and numerous others wounded following a fierce ambush carried out by the resistance in the neighborhood. Nearly 10 months into Al-Aqsa Flood, the equation has changed little: Since yesterday, over 24 combat reports have been issued by various Palestinian resistance groups from the neighborhood, confirming that occupation soldiers have been killed and wounded in their bloody maneuver.
Shuja’iyya neighborhood has a long history as a stronghold of anti-colonial resistance: In 1987 during the first intifada, a qualitative operation there saw a zionist intelligence officer killed and others wounded. More recently, Shuja’iyya was one of the areas targeted by the limited ground invasion of the Gaza Strip in 2014. Despite the numerous massacres perpetrated by the IOF there, it was described as a “death trap” by the zionist soldiers who entered the neighborhood: after only three days of combat, the invaders withdrew humiliated, admitting to 16 dead soldiers and 56 wounded, including the colonel in charge of the invasion force. Oron Shaul, one zionist soldier, was captured, and he remains in captivity to this day.
Today, the Palestinian resistance returns to battle in Shuja’iyya and write new epics. Already, reports emerge of a “difficult security incident” in the neighborhood involving multiple dead and wounded zionist soldiers. As the resistance continues to advance, unite, and innovate, the occupation will continue to taste death and permanent injury in the streets of the neighborhood.


at least 150 nazis killed by hezbollah alone, zionist casualities are high.


Based let's get even higher


Zionist media reports a "difficult security incident" in the northern Gaza Strip. Several helicopters evacuated wounded soldiers to hospitals in the occupied interior, to occupied Asdod and Bir Al-Sabi'.

Zionist media reports three separate and simultaneous "difficult security incidents" under military censorship in the Gaza Strip.
Reportedly, a building that the resistance rigged with explosives collapsed on soldiers, and two rigged tunnel openings were detonated on zionist forces.

Zionist media reports that wounded IOF soldiers were evacuated from Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, in addition to helicopter evacuations from Shuja'iyya in the northern Strip.
Three soldiers have been killed so far, according to zionist media.

Unconfirmed reports suggest that a zionist unit was encircled and the “Hannibal Directive” was activated to prevent their capture. Occupation forces deployed heavy smoke and artillery shelling in Shuja’iyya neighborhood moments ago to evacuate numerous dead and wounded zionist soldiers as the resistance repels the invasion.


>at the current rate of smuggling from Jordan, Palestinian groups in the West Bank could be capable of launching rockets into "Israel" within a year.
yes yes yes yes


'Israel' greenlights West Bank settlement outposts, sanctions on PA
Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich revealed late Thursday that the Security Cabinet has approved the authorization of five West Bank settlement outposts and the imposition of additional sanctions on the Palestinian Authority.
Smotrich mentioned that the five outposts are Evyatar, Givat Assaf, Sde Efraim, Heletz, and Adorayim.
The announcement followed a break in the security cabinet's meeting during which Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu consulted with advisors due to concerns that the approvals might escalate tensions with the United States.
"The Security Cabinet authorized one outpost for every country that unilaterally recognized Palestine as a state in the last month," Smotrich pointed out.
The Israeli minister added that the so-called Higher Planning Council for the West Bank is set to meet to advance the approval of thousands of housing units in the settlements.
He indicated that "after weeks of discussions, the Israeli government promoted an appropriate response to the anti-Israeli measures led by the Palestinian Authority."
According to Smotrich, sanctions against the Palestinian Authority will include revoking exit permits for officials and increasing enforcement against what is deemed as "illegal" Palestinian buildings in Area C of the West Bank.
It is worth noting that the occupied West Bank was divided into three administrative sections under the 1993 Oslo Accords, with Area A managed by the Palestinian Authority, Area B under alleged shared sovereignty, and Area C – the largest area, accounting for around 60% of the occupied Palestinian territories – under full Israeli administrative and security control.
Smotrich considered that "the Palestinian Authority joined Hamas in trying to harm Israel in Israel and in the world and we will fight it."
"For those who needed proof, we got it on October 7. A Palestinian state in the heart of Israel is an existential danger, I will not allow such a disaster to be brought upon the State of Israel," he stressed.
Later, Israeli media reported that Smotrich will finalize moves to unfreeze tax funds withheld from the Palestinian Authority as part of a deal to gain cabinet approval for legalizing the aforementioned West Bank settlements outposts and implementing new sanctions on senior Palestinian officials.
Haaretz mentioned that the minister will also extend a waiver allowing Israeli banks to cooperate with their Palestinian counterparts.
Smotrich had initially vowed to withhold funds collected by "Israel" on behalf of the PA and let the bank waiver expire after June unless the Israeli government adopted a series of punitive measures against the PA in response to Norway, Spain, and Ireland's recognition of a Palestinian state, along with the PA's support for cases against "Israel" before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the International Criminal Court (ICC).
Smotrich's latest announcement comes a week after The Guardian revealed that the Israeli occupation military discreetly transferred substantial legal authority in the occupied West Bank to Israeli extremist groups ganging up under the Israeli finance minister.
A directive published by the Israeli army on its website on May 29 shifts the responsibility for numerous bylaws within the so-called "Civil Administration", the Israeli body governing the West Bank, from the military to public employees working under Smotrich at the Security Ministry.
In addition, The New York Times reported that Smotrich was recorded telling supporters of the settler movement that the government is involved in a covert effort to alter how "Israel" administers the West Bank.
The newspaper indicated that the recording was from an event earlier in the month where Smotrich told supporters that the aim was preventing the West Bank from becoming part of a Palestinian state.
A spokesperson for Smotrich confirmed the authenticity of the recording, which the newspaper said was provided by a researcher from the Peace Now anti-settlement group who attended the event on June 9.
In the recording, Smotrich detailed his intentions to shift authority from the Israeli military to pro-settler officials within the Security Ministry, leveraging the extensive powers granted to him through his Religious Zionism party's coalition agreement with Netanyahu's Likud.
Smotrich stated, "We established a distinct civilian system," noting that, to avoid international scrutiny, the government has permitted the Security Ministry to maintain its involvement in the process, as reported by the Times.
"It will be easier to swallow in the international and legal context," he went on to say. "So that they won’t say that we are doing annexation here."
Smotrich also revealed that Netanyahu was "full on" with the plan.

Israeli war on Gaza damaged more than 500 armored vehicles: Maariv
More than 500 Israeli armored vehicles, of various types, have been damaged since the war on Gaza was launched, the Israeli Maariv newspaper reported.
However, the extent of the damage that these vehicles were subjected to was not specified, meaning that the toll may also include completely destroyed armored vehicles.
The newspaper also reported that Israeli occupation forces have consumed much more ammunition than was initially expected in the Israeli military command's plans.
Moreover, it underlined that the world is currently witnessing an era of "long wars, without resolutions," saying that it is doubtful that the Israeli stockpile of munitions is sufficient enough to withstand such elongated wars of attrition.
Stressing that occupation troops are "physically and mentally tired," the newspaper said that in a war with Lebanon, Israeli forces "will not be at their best."
Recently, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has complained about the number of military shipments sent by the United States to the Israeli occupation, saying that the issue should be resolved. He also explained that Israeli authorities will work on procuring weaponry in a more diverse fashion.

West Bank rockets could be fired at 'Israel' in a year: Israeli media
Israeli media claimed, citing senior officials that, at the current rate of smuggling from Jordan, Palestinian groups in the West Bank could be capable of launching rockets into "Israel" within a year.
Sources speaking to the Israeli Kan broadcaster alleged that the rockets, expected to be developed by Palestinian groups in the West Bank within a year, would be comparable in quality to the more advanced projectiles fired from Gaza in recent years.
These rockets are significantly more sophisticated than the rudimentary ones launched from Jenin at the Afula and Bat Hefer areas multiple times over the past year, as per the report.
The report also claimed that both Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad are involved in the smuggling operation.
Explosives, funds, and bomb-making expertise are being transferred from Lebanon to the West Bank via Jordan, with guidance from Iran, as per Israeli media claims.

Reposted with the correct source in the subject.


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>Sources speaking to the Israeli Kan broadcaster alleged that the rockets, expected to be developed by Palestinian groups in the West Bank within a year, would be comparable in quality to the more advanced projectiles fired from Gaza in recent years.
Honestly the west bank could be utilizing drones to attack the settlements.
Although settlements sit up-hill often so i don't know how feasible it is to use drones to expose people in them.
Maybe they can find some crows.



Yemeni Armed Forces:
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
The Almighty says: "O you who have believed, if you support Allah, He will support you and plant firmly your feet."
This is the truth of Allah Almighty.
In support of the oppressed Palestinian people and their fighters, and in response to the massacres committed by the zionist enemy against the people of Gaza:
Our Armed Forces carried out several qualitative military operations, including a joint military operation with the Islamic resistance in Iraq targeting the oil tanker "Waler" in the Mediterranean Sea with a number of drones. It was on its way to the port of Haifa, and the ship was targeted for violating the ban on entering the ports of occupied Palestine.
With Allah's help, the missile force and naval forces carried out a military operation targeting the American ship "Delonix" in the Red Sea with several ballistic missiles. The operation resulted in the ship being directly hit by Allah's grace.
The missile force in our Yemeni Armed Forces, with God's help, also carried out an operation targeting the ship "Johannes Maersk" in the Mediterranean Sea with a cruise missile, and the operation successfully achieved its goal by Allah's grace.
This ship belongs to the "Maersk" company, which is one of the most supportive companies for the zionist entity and the most violative of the ban on entering the ports of occupied Palestine.
The operation was carried out simultaneously with another military operation by the naval forces in the Red Sea against the ship "Ioannis," which was targeted with several drones for violating the ban on entering the ports of occupied Palestine, and it was directly hit by Allah's grace.
The Yemeni Armed Forces salute all the struggling Yemeni people for their constant and continuous response to the call of Mr. Leader Abdulmalik Badr El-Din Al-Houthi (may Allah protect him) in the massive public rallies in support of the Palestinian cause and to confirm the rejection of the American-British aggression against our country.
The Yemeni Armed Forces will continue, with Allah's help, to carry out their religious, moral, and humanitarian duties on behalf of the great Yemeni people and all the free people of the nation in support of Palestine and in victory for its struggling people and brave resistance. The military operations will not stop except with the cessation of aggression and the lifting of the siege on the Palestinian people in Gaza.
Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs, the best Master, and the best Helper.
Long live Yemen, free, noble, and independent.
Victory to Yemen and to all the free people of the nation.
Sanaa, 22 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445 AH
Corresponding to 28 June 2024 AD
Issued by the Yemeni Armed Forces

Zionist sources report that two IOF soldiers were killed in two separate operations in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip.


The Israelis got their use out of it as a FOB.


>Guermantes Lailari, a Scholar at National Chengchi University in Taiwan and retired U.S. Air Force Officer
I don't know about this guy… seems shady. If he's a B.S. artist I suspect his main thing is being anti-China so with this motivated reasoning he's trying to "link" Hamas to China. The confusion and chaos of war is always an opportunity for various people to tell lies or plant stories and try to nudge things in a particular direction.

>Although settlements sit up-hill often so i don't know how feasible it is to use drones to expose people in them.
Pretty feasible I reckon. Having the high ground is a bit of a two-way street but if you're up high you can see far away and also shoot over things. There's also a concept called "reverse slope." So let's say you're attacking this settlement. The Israelis might position troops hidden in the buildings who are directly observing you, and targeting you with direct-fire weapons (rifles, machine guns) but also troops behind these buildings on the reverse, downward slope on the opposite side of the hill. So not only can they see you (and possibly shoot at you), you can't see the guys on the reverse slope of the hill. You won't be able to see those guys. Some of those guys might have mortars which they launch over the hill in an arc while getting instructions from the observers. If you did get into the settlement, you're now on top of the hill and they're on the reverse slope shooting up at you from close range.

Mortars and artillery are "indirect fire" weapons. The artillery or mortar crew will very rarely "see" the target they're shooting at, they're firing the weapon at a certain angle and direction so the round will land where it's supposed to go according to a math formula. Nowadays, armies have little tablet computers where you click on a map where you want to shoot and it'll give you the instructions on where to aim the gun.

But drones are a combination of both indirect and direct-fire weapons. The drone pilot is hidden, unobserved, and doesn't need to "see" the target with their own eyes but through the drone's cameras, and can fly a drone over the hill and then dive onto the hill, or on troops positioned on the reverse slope. So drones are eliminating some of the advantages of terrain nowadays.


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Here's a Hezbollah drone attack recently filmed by Israeli troops. One drone dived onto a target, and then another one got caught by AA and exploded in air. I can't hear an explosion from the first one but it looked like it dived behind a hill.

So imagine… instead of being Israeli troops, you're actually Hezbollah and trying to capture that hill. With drones, you can strike troops dug-in on the reverse slope. You can strike at indirect fire weapons that are beyond your own line of sight.


fast ass drone


>these are the people Haz and Hinkle want to win over


>retired US air force officer
no u read teh sauce retard. US officer is in the demographic of reddit mod and 8chins owners.


Welcome back but literally who and what does it have to do with anything? I would say go back to /isg/ but I like you too much


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Hezbollah operations 06/28/2024:
9:30: targeted the espionage equipment at the Birkat Risha site with appropriate weapons, achieving a direct hit.
Targeted a building used by the enemy’s soldiers in the settlement of “Shlomi” with appropriate weapons, hitting it directly in response to enemy attacks on steadfast southern villages and safe houses, especially in the town of Shihine.
Launched an aerial attack with a squadron of attack drones on the newly established headquarters of the 411th Artillery Battalion in Jaatoun, where it targeted settlement tents and the quarters of its officers and soldiers, hitting its targets accurately and leaving a number of them dead or wounded, and fires broke out there in response to the assassination carried out by the enemy in the town of Sohmor.
15:42: targeted a gathering of enemy "israeli" soldiers in the vicinity of Al-Tayhat Triangle with rocket weapons, achieving a direct hit.
20:00: targeted the Ruwaisat Al-Qarn site in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms with rocket weapons, hitting it directly.
20:05: targeted the Al-Samaqa site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills with rocket weapons, hitting it directly.
Targeted the headquarters of the Sahel Battalion in the "Beit Hillel" barracks with dozens of Katyusha rockets in response to the enemy's attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe houses, especially in the town of Kfar Kila.
Targeted a building used by enemy soldiers in the settlement of "Metulla" with appropriate weapons, hitting it directly in response to the enemy's attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe houses, especially in the town of Kfar Kila.

After announcing its plans to join the case earlier this month, Spain has joined South Africa's genocide case against the zionist entity in the International Court of Justice.
Nicaragua, Colombia, Libya, Maldives, Egypt, Ireland, Belgium, Türkiye, Mexico, Chile, Cuba, and now Spain have formally intervened in the case in favor of South Africa or intend to.


only islamic jihad by the proletarian workers led by the brotherhood can defeat israel through continious peoples war. hezbollah understand this principal and will extend its fight. israel will be defeated through financial attrition and weakening of pops. whole areas of jizzrael have been cleared of settlers already and their economy is on ukkrain levels of financial aid crack.


We don't speak those names here.


I don't know who these people are nor how it relates to Haz and Hinkle. In fact, all I've ever seen Hinkle say about Palestine is fangirl over Hamas for being based le tradbros for spending time debating on 1 or 2 eyeholes in a burka while the people they represent starve to death.


westboro was based god hates america


Yes, we do, and we tell anyone who is adjacent to that bourgeois GOP gaffotry to neck themselves


We call this simpery round these parts


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>october 7th has its own online memorials now

and this is one of over twenty five similar websites



Don't think they'll be able to milk this as much as the 6 million


leftypol raid time?


Earlier, armed clashes broke out between resistance fighters and Palestinian Authority Security Forces in Qabatiya, south of Jenin. PA forces abducted one Palestinian.

Earlier today, a man shot an arrow and hit a security guard in front of the zionist embassy in Belgrade, Serbia. The guard opened fire in response, killing the man.


>a man shot an arrow and hit a security guard in front of the zionist embassy in Belgrade, Serbia
:O and arrowz?


Yes, with what looks like a crossbow.


woah so cool


American-British warplanes launched an airstrike on Hodeidah International Airport in western Yemen.

One zionist soldier has been confirmed killed following the fierce combat that took place in Shuja'iyya neighborhood, Gaza City yesterday. Notably, the soldier's family announced his death before it was approved for publication by the occupation's military censor.

The zionist army admits to the deaths of two of its soldiers during combat with the Palestinian resistance in the northern Gaza Strip. One of the soldiers killed was mourned publicly on social media earlier today [see above]. The IOF also admitted to the serious wounding of two other soldiers in the northern Gaza Strip.


well the ballsy hamas martyrs certainly deserve being remembered


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fun fact: Crossbows are legal to own, buy and sell in all 50 states, even if you're a felon, they are silent, they have an effective range of over 50 yards and they penetrate body armor.


Unfortunately you get one shot and it takes like 10 seconds to reload.


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>Israel's right-wing Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich:

>“For any country that unilaterally recognizes the state of Palestine, we will make a settlement.”



now i want a crossbow for christmasu


Hezbollah operations 06/29/2024:
13:45: targeting the espionage equipment at the “Miskav Am” site with appropriate weapons and hitting them directly.
15:40: targeting a Merkava tank and a "Namera" vehicle at the Ruwaisat al-Alam site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills with guided missiles, hitting them directly and leading to their destruction.
18:40: targeting espionage equipment at the “Metulla” site with appropriate weapons and hitting it directly, leading to its destruction.

Yemeni Armed Forces spokesman, Brigadier General Yahya Saree:
The naval forces of the Yemeni Armed Forces unveil a new boat featuring high destructive capability and advanced technology. The military media will distribute footage of this boat targeting the ship "Transworld Navigator" at 3:00 PM tomorrow, Sunday, Allah willing.

Settlers are protesting in northern occupied Palestine, Al Quds, and "Tel Aviv" in condemnation of the government's inability to return life to "normal" in the northern settlements, to demand a prisoner exchange deal with the resistance, and the overthrow of the Netanyahu government.
Clashes have broken out between settlers and police, and settlers also closed off various roads.
The families of zionist hostages held in Gaza called to not allow Netanyahu to thwart the exchange deal, which they stated is the "last hope to return" the captives. They stated that Netanyahu is prolonging the war in order to remain in office and for his own benefit at the "expense of the blood of our children," noting his continued obstruction of the deal.
They stated: "We are on the verge of a war breaking out on the northern front, and if that happens, there is no hope of recovering our sons. The continuation of the current war means the killing of our children."

US-funded zionist warplanes carried out mock raids over Beirut, Lebanon moments ago, breaking the sound barrier and firing flares over the city.


Larp, just buy a gun.


Obsessed & Rent Free.


not everyone can do that.



fortunately they are accurate enough that "don't miss" is valid advice with them.


You can find a way to get a gun even if you're a felon in America. If you're planning to assassinate someone you got a lot more to worry about then owning a gun with a felony. You can easily buy a gun without a background check in all red states. Person to person sales are completely legal in red states with no background check requirement.


yep. and not everyone lives in america.

also, guns are LOUD. crossbows aren't.


The guy screaming in pain is very loud


>yep. and not everyone lives in america.
Well your first comment you were talking about 50 states and felonies. You can also buy 80% receivers with no background check in a lot of states as well.


Your 'advice' is a joke, you're just going to get youself and anyone who follows it killed. Arm yourself to the peak of your legal means (guns & body armor).


also, crossbows are much, much more expensive than any normal and conventional gun. If you can buy a crossbow, you are probably a PMC, or worse, a liberal….


Pretty sure they're cheaper, you can get one for a few hundred dollars.


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You can get a semi-auto rifle for a few hundred even not to mention a bolt action.


Well that's not 'much much more expensive'.


Also that's second hand, I'm sure a second hand crossbow will be cheaper than retail too.


imagine how many /pol/ gremlins you could finish off with that


Dont fuck around with bolt actions thats almost just as bad. Just save up and buy a high quality AR15. Stop being so naive, you cant win a contemporary war with a fucking nagant.


You amateurs know anything about "war". What we really need to do is join enough money with your comrades and buy an artillery piece of weaponry. Artillery causes more than 98% of all casualties in war, we need that thing NOW!


>Dont fuck around with bolt actions thats almost just as bad. Just save up and buy a high quality AR15. Stop being so naive, you cant win a contemporary war with a fucking nagant.
What are we talking about here? Were talking about assassination or something because of the guy who shot some Israeli with a crossbow. A high rate of fire doesn't matter that much in that context because ideally you'd like to not be seen at all.

You aren't going to win any war period because you don't even have the people let alone the equipment.


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*obliterates everyone within a foot of the target*


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“Russia could already be thinking about how it would assist the Houthis.”

The MEE outlets get the point wrong, maybe on purpose, but IF Russia wants to arm Houthis it is a response for Ukraine support.

MEE: US defence and intelligence officials are concerned that an Israeli invasion of Lebanon could further ignite Iran's allies in the region and cement Tehran's military cooperation with Russia.

The fears of what current and former US officials described to Middle East Eye as "secondary" and "tertiary" effects of an Israeli ground attack on Hezbollah are being driven by US intelligence that claims Russia is considering stepping up its support for Iran's so-called Axis of Resistance.

In Yemen, Russian President Vladimir Putin has considered providing Houthi rebel fighters with anti-ship ballistic cruise missiles, a senior US official told MEE, citing intelligence, and speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive report."


>US intelligence
lol oxymoron


Look at that plastic piece of shit… I bet you won't even get one full magazine out of it before it jams or breaks


A semi auto shotgun combined with 1-buck 3inch shells is roughly the equivalent of having multiple people magdumping submachine guns



Shotguns are a meme, unless you are fighting an army of doors just buy a Rifle.


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>a senior US official told MEE, citing intelligence, and speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive report


if you are an american just get a psa ar


< REVIEWS: "But ENclip my XYZ-12 box fed autoloader has no bad reviews out there."
<No timanthony, it doesn't. Because that's the 27th renamed tacticool Turkish shotgun that has been imported this month. There are hardly any reviews for most of these guns because there are so many renames, remodels, and rebrands that it's hard to have any actual data, and if there is any it's someone who fired 50 rounds and gave it five stars. The fact of the matter is their quality control sucks and you are taking a chance. We generally have no idea what factories in Turkey are making them or what they are doing. And even if we do, it's still made under the same principle of cheap. Edit 2022: it should be noted that there is a theory that the importers rename the same gun every few months to specifically deceive people and avoid the negative reviews the gun might have had under the old model name.
This is like 99% of products sold on Amazon and even in stores as well. Bunch of name hopping fly by night Chinese imports.


Armed clashes have erupted between resistance fighters and the traitorous Palestinian Authority security forces after they stormed a home in Tulkarem.

Resistance fighters in Tulkarem are opening fire on the Palestinian Authority Security Forces headquarters in the city.
PA bullets resulted in a serious head injury and a second leg injury since the armed clashes broke out moments ago.

Tulkarem Camp Brigade:
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
"And all faces will be humbled before the Ever-Living, All-Sustaining. And those burdened with wrongdoing will be in loss."
This is the truth of Allah the Almighty.
We, in the Tulkarem Camp Brigade denounce the [Palestinian] Authority Security Forces' storming of the home of the comrade fighter Hakam Talib after midnight, in the manner of "israeli" special forces, dressed in civilian clothing and accompanied by gunfire, violating the sanctity of the home and terrorizing the neighbors and residents. From here, we affirm the following:
Firstly, the compass of our rifles will remain directed at the sons of Zion, but we will not allow anyone to attack our homes. By Allah, we have risen only to deter the cowardly occupier and to defend our people and their dignity.
Secondly, the blood of the betrayed martyr, Ahmad Abu Al-Ful, has not yet dried, and the perpetrators have not been held accountable or brought to justice. If you are men of the law who want to implement the law, hold yourselves accountable first for what your hands, stained with the blood of the fighters from our people, have committed.
Thirdly, we affirm that we are committed to our national position, which is keen on the unity of Palestinian blood, but we call on reasonable people, if any, to stop this farce, as our blood and our lives are not cheap, and the language of the sword and bullets should only be reserved for the enemy, the aggressing, usurping Jews.
Fourthly, if such actions are repeated, we promise you that the shooting at that time will not be an attack, but rather self-defense, and we will not show mercy on those who try to harm us or the dignity of the homes of the people of our camp. We are also always ready for good if the [Palestinian] Authority's Security Forces stop pursuing us and change the approach they are taking towards us.
Finally, we assure you, people of our beloved camp, that we are on the covenant of the martyrs, and that we will remain a shield and support for you, Allah willing, until Allah grants us victory or martyrdom.
Peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you.
Your brothers, the Tulkarem Camp Brigade.

Nine IOF soldiers were injured, 3 of them in serious condition, as a result of an explosive drone launched by Hezbollah towards the occupied Golan Heights, according to zionist media.



the dumb part is you can get a 100% reliable shotgun for $200 but it wont be TACTICAL.


Ex-IOF general describes ops situation in Gaza as 'Sisyphus complex'

Israeli army officials have underlined their dissatisfaction with the military operations in the Gaza Strip, emphasizing that the Palestinian Resistance movement, Hamas, can regain its power.

Giora Eiland, a retired major general, told Israel’s Channel 13, “Something is frustrating in all these operations. This is like a Sisyphus complex that pushes a rock to the top of the mountain and then it rolls back down," emphasizing that Hamas had the "ability to rise again."

Eiland detailed how after Israeli occupation forces (IOF) withdraw from a neighborhood, "they (Hamas’ fighters) resume their activity in that area anew."

Another retired commander, Israel Ziv, the former chief of the army's operations department, blasted the IOF's conduct in Gaza, saying there was "no one major victory and there is still no military decisiveness."

Ziv told Israeli Channel 12 that "Israel" is at a stalemate in Gaza. At the same time, there is a big escalation in the North that might lead to war, he added, warning that Hezbollah's rockets and projectiles constitute a serious threat to the occupied territories.


that's a bolt action retard, it's also the size of a fucking man.

if you want a cheap rifle you go out and buy a PSA AR-15 not a fucking antique mosin.


Why do they still call Hamas every armed soldier there? At this point in the invasion it's total war and everyone, islamist or not, is fighting for survival. Of course they still resume activity. It's like when Napoleon invaded Spain and was surprised every town had guerilla fighters.


oh i should mention that shotgun is a Mossberg Maverick 88. they are great guns and there's not much excuse to not have one.


Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades:
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
"Rejoicing in what Allah has bestowed upon them of His bounty, and they receive good tidings about those [to be martyred] after them who have not yet joined them—that there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve."
This is the Truth of Allah Almighty.
With the highest expressions of pride and honor, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades - Palestine, the Nidal Al-Amoudi Brigade, exalt to our steadfast Palestinian people:
The martyr commander / Ahmed Ibrahim Abu Sharia "Abu Al-Abed"
Commander of the Al-Aqsa Flood Battle in the eastern Gaza sector
Who was martyred as a result of a cowardly assassination operation by the zionist enemy's aircraft
The Al-Aqsa Brigades affirm that they will remain steadfast on the path of resistance until this oppressive occupier is expelled.
"And indeed, it is a revolution until victory"



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>a senior US official told MEE, citing intelligence, and speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive report
lol yeah the MEE article has those unnamed officials saying that, but the bulk of the article beneath the headline and first few paragraphs is a million reasons why Putin is not going to do that. A big one: Saudi Arabia if it really wanted to could hurt Russia badly by cutting oil production. (This is an interesting area where Russia's interests and China's interests vis-a-vis the Middle East are at odds because China benefits from lower oil prices while Russia benefits from higher prices.) It's not surprising though to see articles of various kinds, from multiple directions, by various players trying to encourage friction between states.

One week, you'll hear about why Saudi Arabia is getting rid of the petrodollar (didn't happen) and then the next week you'll hear about Putin giving ship-killing Kalibr missiles to the Houthis (not happening). Everyone wants MBS to be their friend and pull him away from the other kids on the playground. He's MINE. You can't hang out with him anymore!!!! They want him to move in one particular drection, but being MBS and having massive influence over OPEC, gets to maneuver in all directions simultaneously, and being the king (okay crown prince technically), gets to play with everybody.


wouldn't the saudis cutting oil production make oil prices higher


>that's a bolt action retard,
Could it be why the post has the words bolt action in it?
>not to mention a bolt action.


Stupid idiots with their magazine fed semi-auto shotgun, have you never watched Rambo and seen how many people he kills with a bow?


Oh yeah, I got it backwards.


honestly this is the first and best gun i have ever owned.
10 out of 10.


Hezbollah operations 06/30/2024:
Targeting the headquarters of the “Sahel” Battalion in the “Beit Hillel” barracks with a Falaq missile, hitting it directly, destroying part of it, and causing confirmed casualties in it, as a response to the “israeli” enemy’s attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe houses, especially in the town of Houla.
Targeting a building used by “israeli” enemy soldiers in the “Metulla” settlement with appropriate weapons and directly hitting it, as a response to the enemy’s attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe houses, especially in the town of Taybeh.
Launching an aerial attack with a squadron of attack drones on the headquarters of the armored battalions of the 188th Brigade in “Rawia” Barracks, targeting its command building and the locations of its officers and soldiers and directly hitting it, which led to the outbreak of fire and causing confirmed casualties in it, as a response to the “israeli” enemy’s attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe homes, especially in the town of Houla.
16:40: targeting the military workshop of the “Beit Hillel” Barracks with a Falaq missile, hitting it directly, destroying part of it, and causing confirmed casualties.
Targeting a building used by “israeli” enemy soldiers in the “Yir’on” settlement with appropriate weapons and directly hitting it, as a response to the “israeli” enemy’s attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe houses, especially in the town of Kafr Kila.
Targeting the headquarters of the 91st Division in the “Branit” barracks with a heavy Burkan missile, directly hitting it, destroying part of it, and causing confirmed casualties in it, as a response to the “israeli” enemy’s attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe houses, especially in the town of Houla.
17:30: targeting “israeli” enemy artillery positions in “Khirbet Ma’ar” with rocket weapons.
18:00: targeting the Ruwaisat al-Qarn site in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms with rocket weapons, causing a direct hit.
18:30: targeting the Al-Samaqa site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills with rocket weapons, hitting it directly.

As the zionist entity faces a shortage of soldiers, ultra-Orthodox Jews continue their confrontations with zionist police in protest of the passage of laws that will force the usually exempt 1.3 million ultra-Orthodox to serve in the IOF.
Settlers blocked roads with fires, physically attacked police, and raised signs across Al-Quds readings: "We will not enlist in the army." Settlers chanted: "We will go to prison, and we will not go to the army!"
Dozens of attacks on police were reported today alone, as the weight of the zionist entity's contradictions begin to manifest in increasingly violent ways and internal divide.


New footage obtained by Al-Jazeera shows how the zionist army uses kidnapped Palestinians as human shields in the Gaza Strip.
The imprisoned Palestinians, intentionally dressed in zionist military uniforms and equipped with body cameras, are identifiable in the footage by a blue tag on their arms (1:04), identifying them as prisoners. They are forced to enter residential buildings and when tunnels are found, they are expected to enter tunnels ahead of the IOF soldiers themselves. The expectation is that if a home or tunnel opening is rigged to explode, the Palestinian prisoners will be killed rather than the zionist soldiers.
This blatant war crime is exposed in a set of videos. The first video (1:25) shows two Palestinians sent into a destroyed home to look for a tunnel opening. They report back to the soldiers supervising them that their digging only yielded dirt and concrete.
In another video (1:59), a Palestinian prisoner is forced into a tunnel found in Gaza. He is bound by a cable to the zionist soldiers above ground. “Guys, the army are using me as a lure,” he calls out, hoping the resistance fighters will hear him and not engage in combat.
In a third video (3:25), two Palestinian prisoners are forced into a residential building to confirm that there are no land mines or resistance fighters within it. Neither prisoner speaks, as they are monitored by a body camera and a small drone accompanying them. One of the prisoners is seriously wounded and is forced to carry out his task unclothed.


"We don't come face to face with Hamas … [the government] is blatantly lying to us."
Israeli army reserve general Yitzhak Brik says the military is not winning, and that claims of killing hundreds of Hamas fighters and of sealing off the tunnels on the border with Egypt are not true.

The Naval Forces of the Yemeni Armed Forces:
We renew our advice to the crews of ships from companies violating the navigation ban to the ports of occupied Palestine to abandon their ships, as they have become targets for us.
We affirm that our operations will continue to escalate against all violating ships and companies as long as the zionist aggression against the Gaza Strip continues.

With the highest expressions of pride and honor, Saraya Al-Quds, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine, exalts to our fighting Palestinian people and to the Arab and Islamic nations:
The martyr commander Saeed Ezzat Jaber (24 years old),
One of the leaders of the Tulkarm Brigade who had a prominent role in the resistance work in the West Bank, who ascended to martyrdom as a result of a treacherous targeting by the zionist warplanes of a residential building in the Nour Shams camp.

The number of wounded IOF soldiers as a result of Hezbollah's drone attack on the "Rawia" Barracks in the occupied Syrian Golan has increased to 21, with 3 in serious condition, according to zionist media.

Previous reports stated that 69% of the IOF's weapons come from the United States, while 30% come from Germany. Italy came third with 0.9%. However, new countries have emerged to facilitate the genocide of Palestinians: Morocco has begun manufacturing military drones in cooperation with the zionist entity and India has begun manufacturing Elbit Systems Hermes drones as of a few months ago.
This week, US officials reports that the US has sent 14,000 highly destructive 2-ton bombs 3,000 Hellfire missiles, 6,500 500-pound bombs, 1,000 bunker-buster-bombs, and 2,600 small-diameter bombs to the zionist entity since October 7th.
Now, Serbia has begun exporting weapons to the IOF, according to a new report from two weeks ago. After 8 months of systematic genocide, the destruction of hospitals and schools, and the ongoing siege, Serbia shamelessly facilitates Palestinian bloodshed and land theft.
In light of this revelation, a Serbian Muslim yesterday attacked the zionist embassy in Belgrade, Serbia and was seriously wounded.
So, what are the details of these arms exports?
The joint investigation identified seven IOF flights between "Nevatim" airbase in the occupied Naqab and Belgrade, Serbia between February and May 2024, coinciding with a spike in Serbian arms exports to the zionist entity worth 16 million euros.
The weapons were exported via the state-owned Serbian arms company "Yugoimport." The largest transfer in years took place on March 18th, comprising 14 million euros worth of weapons. Three more IOF flights arrived on May 26th, comprising 1.17 million euros of weapons.
These exports to the zionist entity coincide with the support of Serbian president Aleksandar Vučić to the zionist entity, who sought to increase "bilateral relations" with the entity following a call with Netanyahu in February. Exports to the entity were previously low, but Vučić seeks to use these arms deals to bolster his position with Western powers.
Serbia insisted on its arms despite evidence that "israeli" military actions in Gaza constitute genocide, and in light of calls from UN experts and bodies to halt arms transfers due to the risk of facilitating violations of international law.
These transfers are a clear violation of international law, as they facilitate genocide. The zionist entity, however, disregards all international decisions. The report added that the IOF seeks to obtain Serbian ammunition in light of their own ammunition and vehicle shortage, due to the strikes of the resistance; these include 155mm artillery shells, explosive components, guided and unguided bombs, air defense missiles, and small arms.
Arms traders continue to profit off of Palestinian blood with the zionist entity in an unholy alliance. As the resistance continues to inflict casualties on the enemy, and as the enemy finds itself further isolated on the international stage, the desperately seeks means to continue its genocide. This unlimited supply of weaponry underscores the moral bankruptcy of the profiteers, but the resistance remains steadfast no matter how many planes, bombs, or weapons the enemy has.

On June 30, an autonomous group targeted the world's 25th largest weapons manufacturer, Rolls-Royce and MTU America, headquartered in Novi, MI.

Iraqi Resistance Coordination Committee:
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,
The Iraqi Resistance Coordination Committee convened following the threats by the zionist-American enemy to launch a full-scale war on Lebanon and its valiant resistance.
The Coordination Committee decided that if the zionists carry out their threat, the pace and quality of operations against them will escalate, and the criminal American enemy's interests in Iraq and the region will be legitimate targets for the men of the resistance, "Indeed, thus do We deal with the criminals."
The massacres and genocide that our people in Palestine are facing necessitate taking firm stances against the normalization states, rather than supporting them with Iraq’s oil and money. Perhaps the Aqaba-Basra oil pipeline, which drains Iraq with huge amounts of money without economic benefit to the country, is the starting point for involving Iraq - the country of Ali, Hussein, and the pure Imams (peace be upon them) - in a malicious project that paves the way for normalization with the zionist entity, "And you will see the criminals that Day bound together in shackles."
Iraqi Resistance Coordination Committee
June 30, 2024
Corresponding to 23 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445 AH



>Saraya Al-Quds, military engineering unit eliminates a zionist force inside a building with a tunnel opening rigged with explosives in a pre-prepared ambush in the Shuja'iyya neighborhood on the night of June 28
reduce, reuse, recycle


50 Palestinians who were abducted by zionist forces from the Gaza Strip have been returned to Gaza, among them the director of Al-Shifa Hospital, Dr. Mohammed Abu Salmiya.
Dr. Abu Salmiya was abducted while carrying out his medical duties eight months ago in November 2023, when the occupation first invaded Al-Shifa Medical Complex. He was subjected to torture for months, and his exact whereabouts were unknown until today. He is one of 310 medical personnel who have been abducted by the IOF from Gaza.
There were widespread calls calling for his release, including from medical cadre outside the zionist embassy in Amman, Jordan.
In his first statement since his freedom, Dr. Abu Salmiya spoke about the conditions of the prisoners. He said: “The prisoners are going through the worst situation our people have experienced since 1948… There must be a clear, decisive word from the resistance and the Arab peoples for the freedom of all of the prisoners from the prisons.”
When asked why the IOF abducted medical staff, he said: "The occupation arrests everything. There were medical staff martyred in the prisons… There are prisoners martyred through torture… The occupation destroys everything: medical staff, journalists. They are killers of women and children. They target everything, but we will rebuild the Gaza Strip from scratch, and we will return Al-Shifa Medical Complex, from where we were arrested, to as it was and better."

Along with Dr. Mohammed Salmiya, the director of Al-Shifa Hospital, a number of other medical staff were released from zionist prisons, including the head of the Orthopedic Department at the European Hospital, Dr. Bassam Miqdad.
Dr. Abu Salmiya embraced his family for the first time since November 2023. He delivered a press conference, where he stated: "I am astonished by the statements from parties within the occupation government claiming they were unaware of my release, as I was released in an official manner. The occupation did not charge me with any crime despite being tried three times… For two months, none of the prisoners had more than one loaf of bread per day… The occupation forces amputated the legs of prisoners suffering from diabetes instead of providing them with treatment."
Meanwhile, Dr. Miqdad, who was abducted in January, stated that he was moved between prisons—Asqalan, "Ofer," and "Nafah"—and abused and tortured. "I could write books about this matter." He spoke about the sexual abuse that the prisoners faced at the hands of the criminal zionists. He states that his torture was not to the point of death like other prisoners, but highlights the case of his colleague, doctor Adnan Al-Bursh, who was martyred in the zionist "Ofer" prison, which Dr. Miqdad states has horrible conditions.
One prisoner who was freed spoke about the brutal torture he was subjected to. The occupation first accused him of belonging to PIJ, and then claimed that he was Yahya Sinwar. Some of the other 50 prisoners released today also spoke of the brutal conditions in the zionist concentration camps.

The zionist public comments on the decision to release 120 Palestinian prisoners from zionist concentration camps, including the director of Al-Shifa Hospital, Dr. Mohammed Abu Salmiya.
Netanyahu and Gallant were reportedly shocked upon learning of Dr. Abu Salmiya's release and claim to be investigating the matter. Gallant accused the Shin Bet of mishandling the situation. Zionist ministers demanded an explanation from Gallant.
In turn, the Shin Bet said that it was not responsible, and in an official statement, blamed Itamar Ben-Gvir for the release of the prisoners. Meanwhile, the "israeli" Prison Service, in an official statement, blamed the IOF and Shin Bet. While the Shin Bet claimed the reason for the release was overcrowding, this was denied by the Prison Service. Avigdor Lieberman called the release a "moral, security, and value downfall."
Leaked messages from a WhatsApp group of zionist government officials witnessed a heated discussion. In the group, Ben-Gvir demanded the head of the Shin Bet be fired due to the "security negligence" and blamed Gallant.
Netanyahu then stated that the release came due to pressure from the zionist Supreme Court to investigate the horrific conditions of prisoners in the "Sde Teman" concentration camp.
The zionist opposition, including Lapid and Gantz, stated that the "behavior is illegal and irresponsible," while Gantz stated: "This government does not deserve to manage the war and should resign. Whoever decided to release Abu Salmiya should be immediately dismissed. Netanyahu cannot continue to manage the war in this manner."
Even the families of zionist captives held in Gaza weighed in, contrasting Dr. Abu Salmiya's release to the fact that their sons are still held by the resistance in Gaza due to the zionist government's obstinance in reaching an exchange deal.
Dr. Abu Salmiya confirmed after his release that no charges were ever brought against him in the 8 months that he was abducted. He is not a security threat, but a long-time doctor who was previously the director of Al-Nasr Hospital in 2007, the director of Al-Rantisi Hospital in 2015, and the director of Al-Shifa Hospital from 2019 until his abduction on November 23, 2023.
The zionist regime's conflicting, chaotic reactions contrast starkly with the steadfast unity and resolve of the resistance, again highlighting the enemy's disarray in the face of a united people resolute in their cause.


Zionist media reports that a number of IOF soldiers were killed and wounded as a result of the resistance detonating a booby-trapped building in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip.

The IOF has withdrawn humiliated from Nour Shams camp, Tulkarem, leaving behind the remains of its damaged and disabled vehicles that were targeted by the resistance in the hours-long stand off.

An IOF soldier was killed by the resistance in Nour Shams Camp, Tulkarem, according to zionist sources.
In a booby-trapped building in Rafah, one soldier was killed and 10 were wounded, 3 of them seriously.

The IOF admits to the killing of a soldier by the resistance in the southern Gaza Strip, and the serious wounding of another soldier.

Since the beginning of Al-Aqsa Flood, 900 IOF officers with the ranks of captain or lieutenant colonel have applied to begin the process of their resignation.
Typically, only 100-120 officers of this rank request resignation per year, and this increase underscores the crisis of confidence crippling the fragile zionist entity from within.


A number of Palestinians are wounded after the Security Forces of the traitorous Palestinian Authority opened fire on them in Tubas.
PA Forces attempted an assassination on the men of the Tubas Brigade, but failed. Local sources also reported that PA vehicles ran over a young man while chasing wanted fighters and that PA Forces stole a fighter's weapon. None of the fighters were abducted.
Popular calls are being made in Tubas now to protest against the disgraceful practices of the Palestinian Authority against the resistance fighters that protect the city.
This development comes in light of increasing attempts by the Palestinian Authority to quell resistance in Tubas, a goal that it shares with the zionist entity that it coordinates with.


Hey leftypol, I just violated BDS today by eating at a falafel restaurant owned by an Israeli. What’s my punishment?


If Palestine activists were smart they’d take pictures of everyone entering a Zionist facility and put them on blast.



Yemeni Armed Forces:
Statement of the Yemeni Armed Forces Regarding the Execution of Four Military Operations Targeting Four Ships Belonging to the Trio of Evil: America, Britain, and the zionist Enemy on 01-07-2024
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
The Almighty said: "O you who have believed, if you support Allah, He will support you and plant firmly your feet."
This is the truth of Allah Almighty.
In victorious support for the oppressed Palestinian people and their fighters, and in response to the massacres committed by the zionist enemy against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, and in response to the American and British aggression against our country,
By the grace of Allah, the Yemeni Armed Forces carried out four qualitative military operations targeting four ships belonging to the American, British, and Israeli trio of evil. These operations were as follows:
The first operation was executed by the missile force with several cruise missiles targeting the “israeli” ship (MSC Unific) in the Arabian Sea, achieving precise and direct hits by the grace of Allah.
The second operation was executed by the missile and naval forces with several ballistic and cruise missiles targeting the American oil tanker (Delonix) in the Red Sea for the second time this week.
The third operation targeted the British landing ship (Anvil Point) in the Indian Ocean, achieving precise and direct hits by the grace of Allah. The ship was targeted with several cruise missiles by the missile force of the Yemeni Armed Forces.
The missile force executed an operation with several cruise missiles targeting the ship (Lucky Sailor) in the Mediterranean Sea. The ship was targeted due to its owning company's violation of the decision to prohibit entry to the ports of occupied Palestine.
The operations of the Yemeni Armed Forces will not cease until the aggression is halted and the siege on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip is lifted.
Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs, the best protector, and the best helper.
Long live Yemen, free, honorable, and independent. Victory to Yemen and all the free people of the nation.
Sana'a, 25th of Dhul-Hijjah 1445 AH
Corresponding to July 1, 2024 AD
Issued by the Yemeni Armed Forces

The IOF officially admits to the death of one of its officers during deadly combat with the Palestinian resistance in Tulkarem, northern West Bank earlier this morning. They also admitted to the serious injury of another soldier.


commit burglary to steal back the money you paid


Go eat one from an arab place and tell whichever one is worse about the better one.


being born retarded is enough punishment for you


Zionist sources describe a “difficult security incident” underway on the “Netzarim” axis, north of Nusseirat camp in the central Gaza Strip. Occupation forces are deploying heavy flares and artillery strikes as they evacuate casualties, according to reports.

US-funded zionist warplanes are carrying out large-scale bombing and flaring raids above central Gaza as casualties among the IOF soldiers on the ground appear to mount. Details of the “security incident” in the area remain unclear.

Al-Mayadeen reports that the 99th Division of the zionist army called for massive air support in central Gaza earlier in order to provide cover amidst a large resistance ambush. Early reports indicate that at least 7 dead or wounded IOF soldiers have been evacuated from the Gaza Strip in recent minutes.

New reports on the “security incident” on the “Netzarim” axis indicate that a large number of resistance fighters carried out a precise ambush including rockets and mortar shells. Strict military censorship has been imposed on the event.


Gun ownership is a larp. Private firearms are just commodities you're not fighting a revolution without a logistics train from some external power. 9 times out of 10 it's some guy posting about it to be like "see, leftists aren't soy boys we also subscribe to cuckservative larping" but then they go buy some 80-year-old bolt-action and just get made fun of anyway.


larping is fun thoughever


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Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity. To seize everything you ever wanted in one moment. Would you capture it or just let it slip?


Hezbollah operations 07-01-2024:
16:10: the Samaqa site in the occupied Kafr Shuba hills was targeted with artillery shells, hitting it directly.
A building used by "israeli" enemy soldiers in the "Ramot Naftali" settlement was targeted with appropriate weapons, hitting it directly, in response to the "israeli" enemy's attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe homes, especially in the town of Houla.
17:40: the "Ma'ayan Baruch" site was targeted with artillery shells, hitting it directly, causing a fire to break out inside.
A building used by "israeli" enemy soldiers in the Metula settlement was targeted with appropriate weapons, hitting it directly, in response to the "israeli" enemy's attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe homes, especially in the town of Rab al-Thalathin.
Buildings used by "isareli" enemy soldiers in the Kfar Giladi settlement were targeted with appropriate weapons, hitting them directly, in response to the "israeli" enemy's attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe homes, especially in the town of Blida.
A building used by "israeli" enemy soldiers in the "Doviv" settlement was targeted with appropriate weapons, hitting it directly, in response to the "israeli" enemy's attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe homes, especially in the town of Kfar Kila.
Buildings used by "israeli" enemy soldiers in the "Granot HaGalil" settlement were targeted with appropriate weapons, hitting them directly, in response to the "israeli" enemy's attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe homes, especially in the town of Al-Bayada.

Two IOF soldiers were killed and 3 were wounded, as a result of the resistance's ambush on the "Netzarim" axis in the Gaza Strip today.


Here I will drop my answer on the Jewish question as an extension to Marx's work of the same name. Jews really are scum and I don't mean zionists, I mean the exact religion too. The only justification they have for belonging to Palestine today is brute force and conquest, but they are too pussy to admit that. Jews saying they have an unbroken ancestry to ancient Israel matters just as much as a white telling you he is black because of 1% African DNA. In fact, Jews have even less ancestry from that region compared to today's Arabs living in Palestine
Jews try to frame the discussion in a manner that paints them as special while appearing just like anyone else. But "jew" is not an ethnicity. The Hebrews are bred out of existence and are extinct, they can never be such a thing as "ethnoreligion". To imply otherwise is to say a Chinese Jew and an Ashkenazi (European) are the same ethnicity.
The wildest part of the whole thing is that the Jews are lying about what Israelite even meant, which is why so much of modern scholarship acts as if the Israelites were an offshoot of the Canaanites. There are large general groups that are more semitic but only small groups of specific Jews are reasonably semitic. This confusion over the term "semite" is itself a product of their retarded lying religion. Originally it means the sons of Shem. Even according to the Talmud, Jews were invaders and genocided Amalek to get the land. So why should October 7 be a "bad thing"? May there be a million more October 7's.


No one gives a shit about boycotting hole-in-the-wall falafel restaurants.


you live in germany dont you dipshit? you know who runs guns there? roma
talk to your local roma and ask em for a hook up ive got enough weapons that way to arm a small millita



so it's owned by an Israeli who moved to a different country? He's not occupying Palestinian land any more. That's a good thing.


Netanyahu slams report saying army wants Gaza truce
The Israeli prime minister, in response to a report by the New York Times, says his country will end the war only after achieving all of its goals

The report quoted anonymous security sources as saying that the Israeli army’s leadership wants a Gaza truce even if it keeps Hamas in power for the time being.

“I don’t know who those unnamed parties are, but I am here to make it unequivocally clear: It won’t happen,” Netanyahu said in a statement released by his office.

“We will end the war only after we have achieved all of goals, including the elimination of Hamas and the release of all our hostages.”

The Times report also said senior military officers believe that a ceasefire is the “swiftest way” to free the remaining Israeli captives held in Gaza.

“At least some tanks in Gaza are not loaded with the full capacity of the shells that they usually carry, as the military tries to conserve its stocks in case a bigger war with Hezbollah does break out, according to two officers,” the report said, with sources adding the army needs to restock before a potential war with Hezbollah in Lebanon.


Damnnn. Get fucked!


At least one settler is wounded in what appears to be a resistance shooting operation in the settlement of “Har Bracha” south of Nablus. The settler was sniped in the stomach from a long distance, according to zionist sources. The executor of the operation has not been identified.

The IOF admits that two of its officers were killed in yesterday's ambush in "Netzarim," while two other soldiers were seriously wounded. Over 200 mortar shells were fired at the IOF's headquarters in "Netzarim," which killed a deputy company commander and a platoon sergeant.

Hebrew Channel 12:
Head of the Shin Bet says that Israel is holding 21,000 Palestinian prisoners, although the prison capacity is only 14,500.
This number is much higher than the previously reported number of around 9,088.

IOF Reserve General Yitzhak Brik:
The stories from the "israeli" army claiming that we kill dozens or hundreds of fighters in every battle are a complete lie, as any fighter who has fought in the Gaza Strip will tell you they almost never encounter Hamas fighters face to face.
We destroy buildings, but we do not cause any harm to Hamas fighters, whom we do not fight face to face. Instead, we get hit by the explosives and traps they plant and the anti-tank missiles they launch.
The fighting in the Gaza Strip, which has lost its purpose, must stop immediately. Our soldiers are being killed and wounded in vain, and we are unable to bring Hamas to its knees because we cannot stay in the territories we have entered.
Netanyahu, Gallant, and Halevi should be stripped of their license to manage the war. This is akin to revoking the license of a drunk driver who has already run several red lights and caused a fatal accident. In such a case, the driver is immediately deprived of their license.


Red Cross:
The Gaza European Hospital in Khan Younis is unable to continue operating due to the evacuation of many employees and members of the medical, nursing and administrative staff following "israeli" evacuation orders.

In order to appease the International Criminal Court, the zionist Attorney General requested a criminal investigation into Itamar Ben-Gvir on charges of inciting violence against Gazans.
This morning, Ben-Gvir stated: "Since assuming my position as Minister of National Security, one of my highest priorities has been to worsen imprisonment conditions for [Palestinian] prisoners… I do not care about the international community’s anger regarding prison conditions."
The decision has been met with ridicule by zionist media. Ben-Gvir called it an "assassination attempt."
On a similar note, yesterday's release of dozens of tortured Palestinian prisoners from Gaza came in light of pressure from the zionist Supreme Court regarding the conditions of zionist concentration camps, in yet another attempt to appease criminal courts and whitewash genocide, despite the unabated shedding of the blood of tens of thousands of Gazans.

Fires have been burning for hours in "Kiryat Shmona" as a result of Hezbollah's large rocket barrage earlier today. Eight zionist firefighting crews have been working to extinguish the fires for several hours.


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