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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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363 posts and 56 image replies omitted.

So now that we are already in WW3 and it will get way worse, they will fully crack down with freedom of speech and shit and therefore ban leftypol.

Does leftypol has a pgp key so we know, whatever comes after it, it is legit and not CIA shit?

If it dies, it dies

It's good to think about this. How exactly do you think they can ban shit? China and Russia are planning their own starlinks. Are we gonna have blocs jamming each other's satellites?

I don't think they'd bother banning leftypol. They're not gonna bother banning lefty fedbook and reddit pages which is way simpler.

They've already established narrative control in those places by banning subs or mod takeover. If people get more disillusioned with that and look for less controlled alternatives, like here, they will do the same here. There's playbooks to take over sites like this, or to set up enough narrative control.


what happened to the lit thread, doesn't seem to be here or edu


I just deleted a comment, but I accidentally hit report in the process.

did jannies drove away the userbase?


Now expect the glow and liberals to move in

Sexts. Real Die Lösung hours…
Very well, let's get some Neue Marx-Lektur in here

Very good

File: 1718922321372.png (426.15 KB, 558x640, IMG_1001.png)

What’s your opinion on the COVID-19 shot?

Everyone should take three yearly booster shots or face execution for being a plague rat

>killing them inmediately
>not sending them to your enemies as bio-warfare

I'm just not getting it. Sorry.

Best political model is proletarian democracy. Democracy protects the workers from the state and ensures class control over the economy. We need updated marxism with this in mind.

"Updated Marxism" gal what


I'am brainlet. Can someone tell me how to access the leftypol chat through rizon please?

Are you asking how to use IRC? You download a client on your computer that is capable of connecting to rizon and join the room. I recommend Irssi.

Well I tried it from a web browser interface actually, and I dont think it worked. Do you know of any good browser clients I can use for it?

I wouldn't trust a web browser client Anon, all IRC clients I'm familiar with come packaged as binaries. You may try google to search for web browser based ones, but I have linked below the URL for Hexchat and a video guide. Not to call you an idiot, but its just the video with the most views. Hexchat can run on Windows.

>I wouldn't trust a web browser client Anon
Explain why.
it's literally being dropped from Linux Mint due to being unsupported, might as well just recc them Element (Matrix chat software rather than IRC chat software), rather than the IRC bridge, for better compatibility with the Leftypol chat rooms.

Irrelevant but are you guys active in the IRC ?

There is a main general chat Matrix room with an IRC bridge (unless that changed in the past year), but the other dozens of Matrix rooms like /read/, /λ/, etc. aren't bridged to IRC.
If you mean me personally, I don't use that main chat room. Too much noise, I have a life! If I wanted general chat with strangers, I'd use an imageboard.

What thread are you referencing? Those comments sound like they break this website's rules, do point them out.

Not sure if this conspiracy you're detailing truly exists, but if you feel some corruption exists amongst the volunteers, feel free to be vetted and behold your criticism on the Matrix chat: https://matrix.to/#/#leftypol-antechamber:matrix.org
From my experience, the volunteers are more than happy to assist.

see? It's so bad that even mentions of how the mods are literal, admitted putinites are censored and removed.

why do you go to such lengths to protect the far right and violent anti-communists while systematically silencing left wing voices?

btw if you think you can stop me from talking about this, i still have several hundred more proxies left on my list.

>see? It's so bad that even mentions of how the mods are literal, admitted putinites are censored and removed.
I imagine they removed your comments due to thread derailment. /meta/ would have been a better place for your comment.
>why do you go to such lengths to protect the far right and violent anti-communists while systematically silencing left wing voices?
I have no interest in that, I'm very much against the far right and violent anti-communists, as much as I am against thread derailers and any anarchist that types threats that you allege.
I'm not a mod.

>I imagine they removed your comments due to thread derailment. /meta/ would have been a better place for your comment.
As a mixture of fundamentally shit software and frequently careless staff, communication is atrocious and every time a post is deleted, merged, moved, saged or even just banned (because ban reasons also make no sense), users like us are left guessing what happened.
It fucking sucks.

>several hundred
You are like a little baby

Why is Haz allowed to openly post here?

Is he actually back at it? I thought it was a shitposter pretending to be him.

STFU /leftypol/ would be far funnier if Haz was actually posting.

Haz was posting on here before he was even a known name. Haz is an oldhead and none of you realize his power level.

File: 1722397839103.png (2.29 MB, 1568x1176, KratomHappy.png)

Have you fellas ever tried kratom?

It’s effects are like if you mixed the stimulation of coffee and the pain relief of tylenol together, it’s a southasian tree which leaves are powdered up which you drink as a tea of sorts

You can find it any head or smoke shop for pretty cheap, usually under ten dollars for a bag

You can find some good kratom tea recipes online but here is a brew that I personally use:
I go to my kitchen at 3PM
I get a mug
8 grams of green kratom powder
1 cup of warm water with a pinch of lime
1/4 teaspoon of olive oil
I mix thoroughly for 1 minute
I drink and try to ignore the bitter taste

Some states are trying to get this stuff banned despite its very low danger (probably actually because of tax reasons) so enjoy it while it lasts

shit's opiods

don't take this shit unless you're already an addict

>We are back
So, will the mods tell us what went wrong?

Lots of posts missing. This is not good.

Going by what I see in various threads it looks like last backup was from July 31.

August 1st but yes it's not good, we will keep trying to get the old version back but for now we will have to move on in the current state.

Im on some rn, def one of my favorite drugs but >>1942578 is right it is an opioid. Where would disagree is that you should only take if your a full on addict. As far as I'm concerned the existence of a cheap and legal plant opi means unless your tolerance is alr fucked there really is no reason to mess with scripts or street shit. I really like how the buzz lends itself to just chillin at home or socializing, just an all around feeling of warmth and content. That being said it is still an opioid so you need to treat it with the same respect you would a loaded assault rifle.

I suppose that's fair. I do have an extreme amount of caution when it comes to anything opioid-related, because I grew up with pill-head parents. So, I, uh, don't do anything related to opioids and pills, flat out. That said, beyond moralizing, there's really not much of a difference between you taking kratom and me taking mushrooms other than the effects. They're both plants, they both grow in the wild, and they're both fairly unprocessed

I always found it funny that Kratom is in the same plant family as coffee, one problem is actually unscrupulous vendors with bad QC that end up selling leaf powder with heavy metal and bacterial contaminants.

>because I grew up with pill-head parents

ik mulitple with the same rules for the same reasons. I had a pillhead step parent and popping some pills later in life simultaneously made me more and less sympathetic to there plight. On one hand I now have experienced the same feeling they ruined there life for and almost have a begrudging respect for a fellow geeker. I On the other hand I am now perfectly aware that pills don't just give you magic curse that immediately turns you into an addict and you can in fact experience opioid analegsia or amphetamine stimulation and not revolve your entire life around it, so some of the problem really is user error and in my specific case a complete lack of self-control,accountability,whats most likely clinical narcissism and a complete inability to introspect.

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