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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Did the default theme change or is it the NSA fucking with me?


Just don't worry about it it's fine


April Fool’s to switch to Leftychan’s theme. I’m still surprised it hasn’t been reverted yet.


Switching the site to a theme which has more legible color contrast as a joke, guess I'll have to keep paying the ban tax and changing it


Happy Birthday Vladimir Iljitš


Techno feudalism is increasingly becoming a bigger threat than fascism.


it's the same picture


>techno feudalism


Welcome everyone to all of the new peeps!


Bringing up the issue on feudalism is more an interesting point though because most of the people who use the term are already critical of capitalism.
The differentiation between a rentier and a profit-driven surplus extraction economy is actually pretty important.


You know, I'm so happy you're still here. Back when I was a mod on the board on 8chan, I thought this community was a bit insufferable. Mainly because I had to see and deal with all of the other 8chan bullshit. But I also saw Leftypol actually accomplish things through a coordinated effort, I saw the meme that originated on that fucking board pop up all over the fucking internet. And at the time I didn't think of it as significant. As time has gone on I have seen the wider effects of culturally spreading leftists and egalitarian ideas, and I'm not sure if leftypol is a symptom or a direct cultural contributor to these ideas but I see the need for this space to exist. Well, not just this space, but others like it. I think the world would be worse off without all of you, well most of you. I'm happy to have contributed to the existence of leftypol on 8chan, despite the mental strain and doxing from pol. And seeing this place continue, I hope to see more from it in the physical world.

The struggles of the world continue. As they always have. The means for creating a community worth having in the physical world, as sorely as it sounds, needs a place like this for as open a discussion as possible. Your expressions can and should be free for us all to eventually find ourselves in a world we want to live in rather than retreating to our bunkers for some small semblance of a haven and comradeship. As the world creeps on I am afraid of places like this just disappearing, where we will need to be fully underground like many of our ideological comrades around the globe.

Don't stop being yourself, comrades. Don't stop fighting for the world you want. Dont let leftypol die.


>kill yourself
no, anon, you kill yourself! now!! u add nothing to everyone in ur life except misery!!! i thought the message was vry sweet.


>well the thing i didn't read wasn't terrible, which i somehow know from not reading it
copium. anon let ppl enjoy things challenge (impossible). kys!!


>First, I will let you enjoy whatever you like and if it's not near me I do not give a fuck anyway.
this is not true, b/c u want to silence those u don't like (such as >>1842854) and put them down by saying kill yourself, u could've just.. not commented. if u rly believe this u should not comment anythin snarky, but yk this, ur bein coy.
>Second, I had not read it at the time of the first post.
dont post retarded comments then
>In the meantime I have read it.
w reading
>No, you kill yourself.
u first!!!


File: 1714750736262.jpg (39.06 KB, 600x631, CyberpunkSoyjack.jpg)

>Are you really gonna continue this charade?
yes (pic related). i take it u hve given up and realize u shouldn't post retarded comments to put ppl down. good job.
>Does "w" mean why. The standard way to shorten that is "y" and there is a reason for that.
no is short for "win" as in "[to] win [is the act of] reading"


Thank you for the support (and your past service!).
Feel free to hop on matrix if you want


Those are some lovely words, thank you for saying that and hope you are doing well.


As capitalism is in terminal decline it will resort to increasing violence as well as the methods of past modes of production because it is incapable of allowing history to progress. Insofar as capitalism is coming to resemble feudalism through increasing emphasis on rent, and cyberpeasant work from home jobs where the boss doesn't watch you as hard but you're expected to yield a certain amount of surplus value each week, it doesn't really matter because feudalism isn't coming back, capitalism is just getting more desperate. We're not getting Dune timeline.


Well that is good to know that we aren't going to be getting addicted to Worm Jizz I mean Spice. But Yeah Capitalism allowing History to progress means Capitalism will be in the dustbin of history, and would rather end the world than allow precious fictitious money to disappear.


Why does this site censor criticism of jews? Isn't is supposed to be a politically incorrect free speech site?


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source, chintard?


This site criticizes Jews a lot, are you lost?


I think you may be confusing israelis with jews in general


It's not specifically or just Israelis we criticize. We criticize zionists for their ethnonationalist beliefs. There are Israelis that are too young or poor to get out and there are zionists outside of Israel.


# Don't watch that video it's a raider


Projecting our scat fetish are we?


did nobody report it?


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So now that we are already in WW3 and it will get way worse, they will fully crack down with freedom of speech and shit and therefore ban leftypol.

Does leftypol has a pgp key so we know, whatever comes after it, it is legit and not CIA shit?


If it dies, it dies


It's good to think about this. How exactly do you think they can ban shit? China and Russia are planning their own starlinks. Are we gonna have blocs jamming each other's satellites?


I don't think they'd bother banning leftypol. They're not gonna bother banning lefty fedbook and reddit pages which is way simpler.


They've already established narrative control in those places by banning subs or mod takeover. If people get more disillusioned with that and look for less controlled alternatives, like here, they will do the same here. There's playbooks to take over sites like this, or to set up enough narrative control.




what happened to the lit thread, doesn't seem to be here or edu




I just deleted a comment, but I accidentally hit report in the process.


did jannies drove away the userbase?




Now expect the glow and liberals to move in


Sexts. Real Die Lösung hours…
Very well, let's get some Neue Marx-Lektur in here


Very good


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What’s your opinion on the COVID-19 shot?


Everyone should take three yearly booster shots or face execution for being a plague rat


>killing them inmediately
>not sending them to your enemies as bio-warfare


I'm just not getting it. Sorry.


Best political model is proletarian democracy. Democracy protects the workers from the state and ensures class control over the economy. We need updated marxism with this in mind.


"Updated Marxism" gal what



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