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 No.353583[View All]

Thread dedicated to the discussion of Australian politics and events.

Come one come all to watch this island off the coast of Asia slowly slide into a workers paradise or a live-action version of Mad Max.

Previous thread: >>>/leftypol_archive/19690
559 posts and 109 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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>Why do Australians seem to hate China so vigorously
Because China is le communist and the US is locking horns with them???


Because they're unaustralian cucks
Any real Australian has a permanent grudge against the USA over the septics firing on our dockworkers in WWII our vassalisation and what they did to Whitlam and Assange
We demand Florida and all other alligator containing USA clay as reparations


b-but american is white!


>Sky news is on at work (half of my workmates have it blaring in the break-room all-day because 'it's the only one that gives a different opinion')


>Biden dosen't even bother saying / remembering ScoMo's name.
Absolute state lmao.


Based Biden


USA talking down to its client state


At least he's honest.


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It's amazing how /r/australia has spun around on its views on nuclear power since the announcement. The top voted comments are all pro-nuclear subs. Anybody that thinks reddit not run by sockpuppets is delusional by now.

What is the ACP's view on nuclear power? The CPA were massive anti-nuclear back in the day, they organised lots of anti-nuclear rallies.


Next week on friendlyjordies he will come out as pro-nuclear subs.


Watched the latest protest in Melbourne on TV. What is telling is the cop's comments at 2:29.

<Doing this does nothing to advance any cause. It's never been successful, here or overseas. Protesting gets you nowhere.


Shanks is anti China hysteria and was critical of the sub rorting already taking place pre-nuclear.


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>The video where he calls ScoMo 'ScoMAO' and even shops his face onto the helmsman's body.

That Pakistani guy that he livestreams with seems like a power level or two above him though.
That guy should just make his own videos instead of being a background character on a NeoLib's Parasocial relationship simulator.


I never said he was a communist, just that he's more on board with Keating and Rudd than Morrison.


Australia as a nation has the roots in its Identity as a Third/Fourth world periphery of the British empire whose purpose was to explicitly remove rebellious populations from the UK's own internal/Fourth world periphery's of places like Ireland and to a lesser extent the other Celtic nations and use them for what amounted to mass agricultural slave labour in (literally) the global south, In order to compensate the British burghers (Capitalists making their money primarily from private agriculture) for the loss of America which had previously served a similar purpose.

From this we can extrapolate that uprisings such as the Castle-Hill rebellion, Bathurst rebellion and Phenomena such as the Bushrangers up until Eureka weren't 'PATRIOTS SAYING NO TO THE BIG GUBERMINT' like how the Libs have desperately tried to paint it in the last few years, Or Lumpen-proletarianism but were basically slave uprisings and slave escapes.

After Eureka Australia more or less remained a Third-World periphery of the British Empire with its population mainly transforming into Urban proletariat and paid proletariat agricultural workers. Until 'ownership' More or less transferred to America after the events of the Whitlam Prime-Ministership.

Obviously we could also consider ourselves 'second world' (semi-peripheral) in the present tense as we do have the capability to perform imperialism onto other third world nations, which we do act on. But i believe as the US empire crumbles and the 'real' third world (as of this point in time) continues to develop, the US will likely become more brutal towards their 'five-eyes allies'


fuarkin oath m8


apparently this was once a common line of communist analysis for australia/nz's economy as a colonized part of the british (and perhaps later American?) empire, i think as late as the 1960s and maybe even 1970s, before it became more popular to self-flagellate for being first world. perhaps also due to Vietnam, where both joined America on the bad side.

unfortunately i don't remember the Australian analysis so well - the NZ one had an interesting little revival in the 1980s when there were some who thought it would head in the same sort of direction as Argentina, always caught in a crisis because they had to import fuel and manufactured goods to produce their agricultural exports, but as the value of agricultural products fell while the value of fuel and manufactures stayed steady they'd face constant crises and devaluation because they kept having to pay more for the same result each time, despite having less money to do so year-on-year.


My family migrated to Australia to mine gold - they came by choice, not as prisoners. They saw an opportunity to have a better life working on the land than in the slums of the UK.
How does that fit into this analysis?



>Sub-deal with US effectively cancels Aus-EU trade deal negotiations as France says negotiating with Australia 'Now Unthinkable' Will Veto any vote put to the EU parliament.
Lmao Based Biden.
Tricks us into spending even more useless fiat on the military equivalent of a guy with a small dick buying a big car.
Forgetting ScoMo's name.
And now fucking up a NeoLiberal trade deal in the process.


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>tfw this is what pushes the EU to join the sinosphere


Seems interesting, how do the Aboriginals fit into this? (Not Australian btw)


every country has immigrant concentration camps, it's true



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First wildcat strikes in decades are for tea breaks and against vaccines - sad!


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Is he an OP or just a useful idiot?


useful idiot - he's trying to launch a political career off harassing international students


Literally who tho


Drew Pavlou


Gonna need a QRD


<googles name
>Drew Pavlou is an Australian human rights activist and former university senator from the University of Queensland best known for his criticism of the Chinese government and Chinese Communist Party
yep, he's cringe


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All right what should be the next thumbnail for the new thread?


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More about him harassing int. students?


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Worth considering supporting/reading up on?


I mean, Australian workers are so cowed gotta start small.


Tradies are not my comrades. Best to stick with the underclass of migrant labourers getting fucked by the gig economy.



Here's him in a hazmat suit in front of UQ's Confucius institute - not really the best look.


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absolutely, we should all have some knowledge about what happens in our neighbourhood. Here are some good articles on Bougainville independence struggles:



>separatist movement
>that seeks to free East Timor from the Indonesian capitalist oligarchy back then


>Any real Australian has a permanent grudge against the USA over the septics firing on our dockworkers in WWII our vassalisation and what they did to Whitlam

The Australian people are responsible for what happened to Whitlam - they decisively voted the labor party and Whitlam out in the election that took place right after the dismissal


Is there any hope for the SDA kicking out it’s right wing leadership ?


>implying the optics of being the first PM to get sacked doesn't impact your electoral viability


>SDA ever being left wing


Being the victim of an abuse of reserve powers of the GG seem like an advantage if anything.

The Australian people consistently voted for the liberals for nearly 25 years prior to Whitlam and that economy was tanking (thought this was not all of his fault) with inflation tripling while unemployment rose.


One can hope, I mean it does represent one of the youngest demographics


That's not represented in their senior leadership, it just makes it easier for them to take advantage of young workers.


The Belarusians voted for Lukashenko decisively. Does that mean you are saying we should support Lukashenko also?


>not supporting based potato stalin

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