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TO WATCH FOR NEWS: https://liveuamap.com/
Live updates from Texan commie boomer in Donbass: https://www.youtube.com/c/RussellBentleyTexac
For Russiabros, analysis from Boris Rozhin:
https://colonelcassad.livejournal.com/ (has a telegram, lots of cool stuff there too)

"Modern Ukraine was completely created by Russia," Putin says in speech to the nation“

Putin: "We are ready to show you what true de-Communization means to Ukraine."“


Putin says Ukraine is a "U.S. colony" with a "puppet regime"

“Russia claims Ukraine invaded Russia and says 5 Ukrainian soldiers were killed and two APCs destroyed near Rostov.

Putin, in televised address on Ukraine crisis, talks about a "nationalistic virus" says 1991 collapse of Soviet Union saw Russia robbed

“Putin: "Why did we have to transfer the rights to the territories that had been part of the Russian Empire?"“


Russia & Syria officially recognize LNR and DPR

Syria recognizing LNR/DPR

Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua likely to recognize the Donetsk and Lugansk republics shortly

Putin Calls For Ukraine To Break Apart

"President Biden will soon issue an Executive Order that will prohibit new investment, trade, and financing by U.S. persons to, from, or in the so-called DNR and LNR regions of Ukraine," Jen Psaki says following recognition by Putin of regions as "independent."

>EU leadership @vonderleyen & @eucopresident say that bloc will react with sanctions "against those involved in this illegal act" of recognising Donetsk and Luhansk.

>Suggests individual, targeted sanctions: not the big ol' war package that everyone has been talking up for weeks.


Communist Party of Russia has just endorsed Putin's call to recognise the DNR and LNR.

Zyuganov: "Look how zealous the Americans and British are now. They forced Ukraine to send almost all its troops to the Donetsk-Luhansk region. More than 100k in a patch of 40-50km."

>The senior administration official offered a caveat that "Russian troops moving into Donbas would not itself be a new step," since it has had a military presence in the region for eight years. Though Moscow has denied this is the case, "Russia now looks like it's going to be operating openly in that region," the official said.

>The official, who requested anonymity in order to discuss sensitive issues, wouldn’t call the move an invasion, however, saying “Russian troops moving into Donbas would not itself be a new step. Russia has had forces in the Donbas for the past eight years.”

>Russian troops moving into the Donbas would not itself be a new step. Russia has had forces in the Donbas region for the last eight years," a senior administration official told reporters on a briefing call Monday evening.

EXCLUSIVE (Reuters) Biden administration has prepared export controls to hit Russian companies with alleged military ties and deny Russians access to global technology, including electronics and computers




562 posts and 136 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>defeat nazis and save ussr, leading it in the most bloody and large war that ever happened, managing to ready the union for war against the leading industrial superpower in europe
>committed revolutionary, well read, great contributions to theory, wanted more direct democracy
>people celebrate his achievements
<muh mindless worship
<muh personality cult
and then they gonna wank on one of their own national/personal hero without seeing the irony


"Consumer economy"
fuck off capitalist. Socialism isn't made for you to consume. You get what you need. And if you don't fucking like that you can have a bullet in the back of the head, or do labor. This is the problem and has always been the problem, it was the problem in the USSR with Kosygin, the tentacles capitalists use is consumerism. Fuck your consumption.


Okay my bad it's not your entire personality. Your entire personality is saying like three lines of complaining in the most pseud enlightened student way possible such as
>I don’t idolize or venerate mortal men
>*tips fedora*
Then you say LE SECOND AS FARCE to seal the deal


So, has the war started yet???


Westerners are used to such shitty leaders that they cant comprehend the idea of people honoring leaders that are actually great, it's yet another form of western chauvinism


Let's venerate great men!


Unironically yes. Without Stalin, the Russian people would not even exist and the world would be engulfed in Nazi darkness. Without Deng and Xi, America would fully dominate the globe and have everyone subject to neoliberal hell. We should take time to honor those who have saved our world


If this is a reference to the book "Let us now praise Famous Men" it's a good post
if it's a reference to the bible it's pleb shit.


Lmao I don’t give a fuck about any national “hero” of the US, not even the ones other socialists tell me I should like
I’m not an “anti-communist”
You can be a communist without being some dumbass LARPer soyfacing over the USSR every minute of every goddamned day
Like, look at how people are seething at the Russian communist party because, what, they said Stalin took the purges too far? This is the nonsense that riles you people up? Seriously?

Besides, since when was this a tankie board where we all get in a big faggot fap circle for the first two leaders of the USSR, whine about all the other ones, and then discuss almost nothing else? I know tankoids hate to hear it, but leftists actually do exist outside of your circlejerk.

Tankies aren’t “mean” or “evil”, they’re a joke
This the sort of shit that makes even third worlders not care for you


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>Let's venerate great men!


>All socialist system further living conditions, but the inverse is not true.

Capitalism has a roof over what it can achieve in furthering living conditions. That's in the nature of capitalist production and distribution. That's an insurmountable obstacle to it's development. The most obvious one - workers not interested in the product they make, not enough willingness to work, too much risks of such productions causing price inflation, etc etc. In short, without socialism it's impossible to have Chinese levels of growth. Or Soviet levels of growth. Or Eastern Europe restoring itself faster than Western Europe. Fascist Spain lost an edge over Eastern Europe during that time, ffs.

>Imperialist plunder for example can further your living condition

No, it cannot. All the profits go to the bourgeoisie. Whatever you win from them is furthering your living conditions not through imperialist plunder.

Workers fight for bigger compensation for their work, they fight for bringing price of goods equal to the costs of producing those goods. When all goods are produced like this, it will be full socialism. If there's no profit whatsoever, it's a fully socialist production.


But the book is referencing the bible…


personally im praying that Baloch socialists blow up more chinese oil thieves in their occupied land and keep sending the bodybags back home to xi


Really reminds me of
>socialists resisting bolshevism
mentioned earlier in this thread, huh


we need war to help the hecken gayerinoes


Go to ukraine thread with your off-topic posts


i'd unironically support a joint NATO-Russian campaign to kill all Chechen warlords, the torturing of gay guys is just the tip of the iceberg if you know what i'm sayin fam




Based as hell if true


The Chinese are not communists. President Gonzalo was right to target them, along with "Soviet" scum that thought they could trespass in Peru, and the fat Korean revisionists that sold guns to their enemies.


ngl i just hate Kadyrov and i hate the online retards who think he's based. i wouldn't mind if he and his supporters (including his online Westoid ones) get thrown down a very deep mine shaft


Chinese and Russian soldiers should and deserve to die as much as US ones.



Nobody will ever admit fault or apologize for such blatant disinformation, it's fucked up. Instead I see redditors and stuff mad when someone shushes them over their bloodlust
It's the same thing with "le ruskis are gonna shell Kiev and rape all the womens"


Kadyrov is still better than cluster bombing and hostage crises.


before you bring up the boiling water bullshit. they deserved it. I don't care if gonzalo poured scolding water on toddlers himself. each of the families and families like them learned really quick what happens when you are an anti communist. Just bullets don't work. Anti communists need to be burnt alive. If Stalin literally burnt people alive they would have thought twice about being deviationalists


we laugh but this is literally what maoautists believe


he sends gays to canada.


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kill yourself

he should send your ass down a mine shaft lel


i really wish there was a Maoist equivalent of the Islamic State.




>No, it cannot.
Then why is the Western standard of living higher than the third world?


Now we have gonzaloites.
The thread just got more ultra zest lmao.
Is there some news? The only ones I saw was that bombardments are increasing in the republics


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Russian anti-ukrainian propaganda is something else. Well, it's not official propaganda, it's some artist doing it, but come on.

Higher development of productive forces + job distribution ala all the higher paying jobs existing in the West and those jobs paying better for services provided, while all the low paying jobs are "transferred" to the South.


homosexuality is incoherent with their way of life, thus it is rational for one to be sent to canada for such tendencies.


That's why you shouldn't let any strain of maoism take root


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bernie would be tried at nuremberg for what he did to yugoslavia






Those things couldn't be gains from/expressions of imperialism? Also we outsourced our productive capacities, but that was much more recent than imperialism


I thought he oppose Serbian genocidal projects, he didn't?


>The only ones getting nuked are European nations without their own nukes.

This. Nuclear war is a given, it's going to happen in the near future but that doesn't mean MAD → Armageddon. It just means shorter range nukes to trim the population, establish DMZ's, and counterbalance the falling rate of profit by destroying enormous swaths of land and capital and keeping production focused on war.

Oh no chapobros how can we ever recover.


>emily chinlety


>Also we outsourced our productive capacities, but that was much more recent than imperialism

And before that… well, let's look at India. Britain straight up destroyed Indian industries, everything competitive to the British industry was undone, everything's left was farming, mining and such, aimed at supplying Britain with resources. Since India consumed a lot of those products before getting it industries destroyed, since demand didn't vanish, Britain also started selling to India those products as well.

Come to think of it, in a way, Britain STOLE jobs from it's colony. What I am talking about is a similar steal - West stealing all the programmer, professor, doctor, lawyer jobs from the Global South. I think it's a way better way of portraying it, isn't it?


My hope is, and I know this is wishfull thinking, that some junior officers on both sides realize how pointless all of this is and join some sort of communist party.


They’ll break ranks and fight no more


Their working conditions are better than Australia. This is according to statistics that don’t favor China.


Of course it’s the Pink Imperialism. We’re trying to do it right now with China, unfortunately for Burgerstan, the allies who want to fight China are extremely homophobic.


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