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TO WATCH FOR NEWS: https://liveuamap.com/
Live updates from Texan commie boomer in Donbass: https://www.youtube.com/c/RussellBentleyTexac
For Russiabros, analysis from Boris Rozhin:
https://colonelcassad.livejournal.com/ (has a telegram, lots of cool stuff there too)

"Modern Ukraine was completely created by Russia," Putin says in speech to the nation“

Putin: "We are ready to show you what true de-Communization means to Ukraine."“


Putin says Ukraine is a "U.S. colony" with a "puppet regime"

“Russia claims Ukraine invaded Russia and says 5 Ukrainian soldiers were killed and two APCs destroyed near Rostov.

Putin, in televised address on Ukraine crisis, talks about a "nationalistic virus" says 1991 collapse of Soviet Union saw Russia robbed

“Putin: "Why did we have to transfer the rights to the territories that had been part of the Russian Empire?"“


Russia & Syria officially recognize LNR and DPR

Syria recognizing LNR/DPR

Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua likely to recognize the Donetsk and Lugansk republics shortly

Putin Calls For Ukraine To Break Apart

"President Biden will soon issue an Executive Order that will prohibit new investment, trade, and financing by U.S. persons to, from, or in the so-called DNR and LNR regions of Ukraine," Jen Psaki says following recognition by Putin of regions as "independent."

>EU leadership @vonderleyen & @eucopresident say that bloc will react with sanctions "against those involved in this illegal act" of recognising Donetsk and Luhansk.

>Suggests individual, targeted sanctions: not the big ol' war package that everyone has been talking up for weeks.


Communist Party of Russia has just endorsed Putin's call to recognise the DNR and LNR.

Zyuganov: "Look how zealous the Americans and British are now. They forced Ukraine to send almost all its troops to the Donetsk-Luhansk region. More than 100k in a patch of 40-50km."

>The senior administration official offered a caveat that "Russian troops moving into Donbas would not itself be a new step," since it has had a military presence in the region for eight years. Though Moscow has denied this is the case, "Russia now looks like it's going to be operating openly in that region," the official said.

>The official, who requested anonymity in order to discuss sensitive issues, wouldn’t call the move an invasion, however, saying “Russian troops moving into Donbas would not itself be a new step. Russia has had forces in the Donbas for the past eight years.”

>Russian troops moving into the Donbas would not itself be a new step. Russia has had forces in the Donbas region for the last eight years," a senior administration official told reporters on a briefing call Monday evening.

EXCLUSIVE (Reuters) Biden administration has prepared export controls to hit Russian companies with alleged military ties and deny Russians access to global technology, including electronics and computers







ASB Military twitter account given 12 Hour suspension for "violating twitter rules" .



Lenin hats should be sent to siberia.


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Imagine my lack of surprise when Lenin-hat admitted he would love a revolution without a revolution.

How funny how all NATOuighur leftist squealing at NATO's enemies, so full of expectation of ideological purity, is simply to cover up their support of NATO's, and consequently their own, survival.


Putin, and United Russia, are and always will be a product of Boris Yeltsin's CIA backed coup and Slavic anxieties brought on by NATO bombings in Yugoslavia and Kosovo making Russians reach for anyone that can provide security against the west while still being willing to tax the oligarchs.

It's not a matter of "yikes, both sides are bad here" because you cannot have one without the other. Putin is a product of NATO aggression and without NATO being a persistent threat to the security of Russia, United Russia would be gone in a single generation. The communist party of Russia is still the strongest party outside of United Russia, even after decades of United Russia anticommunists astroturfing. Despite making some concessions and scheming required to survive post-coup, to call them controlled opposition is mostly a defeatist take and doesn't reflect the actual political sentiments among the Russian people. I suspect without the alienation and paranoia that comes with constant western containment and aggression leftism and Soviet nostalgia will begin to outpace United Russia's appeal toward stability and security. We all need to come to terms that just because Putin is a shitheel doesn't mean there's a both sides to this; one is a direct product of the other.


Lenintard sleeps on 21st Century Marxist theorists because he doesn’t want a 21st Century Marxist revolution, he sinks into the pleasant dream of past eras and past movements, farcically draping himself in the clothing of events from a century ago involving people that died before he was even born
In other words, a reactionary 😎


Good links op. Informative

Appreciate it


Why hasn't Yeltsin been executed yet?


That account is so clearly ran by super pro Russia people.

It doesn't have any name tied to it, an identity, a website, nothing

It just came out of nowhere posting pro Russia news angled stuff all the time.

I don't support them being censored tho, noone of any view should he censored to me


Burgeroids be seething, Dorsey be shaking


right sector affiliated militias are mobilizing, get ready for a wave of fascist terrorism in eastern ukraine


Ukraine Thread - Leninhat General

He's not even posted in this thread yet and you're all talking about him lmao


Yeah, here's a thought. What if we all just ignored leninhat?


So this is what fascists are like when they get power but have no neighbours to bully. They just tardrage and constantly fight their way into an ever smaller amount of territory.


>What if we all just ignored leninhat?
Doesn't mean he'll ignore us, unfortunately


>Instagram link
>Not Clipboardimage


So? Let the fucker waste their time.


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Critical support for National Socialist Germany in its invasion of Poland (Br*tish ally)
Remember socialism has nothing to do with workers, workers power or the DotP. It's all about geopolitics, supporting patriotic billionaires and backing one bourgeois state against another

If you disagree or don't soyface at the thought of millions of proles dying you need to go back to reddit


>Literally everyone and everything, post-1945, from the USSR, to Saddam Hussein, to Serbians, to Xi, to Putin, EVERYTHING IS THE NAZIS
Do Anglos actually?


They're pro-Russia but they have good intel. Almost always correct


First account on the job to report that the asbmilitary account was suspended for 12 hours is a Sputnik reporter (Russia state media)

Then their secondary account retweets it

All signs of this point to me that is a Russia ran account. That's fine! But it's not a random person reporting news, will speculate that's how it blew up so fast in size and viralness


NATO shills can't be leftists. They are eternal rightists. You're either FOR or AGAINST imperialism.


Millions of proles will die if Ukraine reconquers the breakaway Republics and gets revenge on the separatists
Millions of proles will die if America carves up and colonizes Russia
You cannot trust the Anglo, nor the Yankee

I eat soybeans for breakfast, I drink soy milk with my lunch, I have a soylent shake with my dinner, you are like an infant, I am like the Mountain


>"Modern Ukraine was completely created by Russia," Putin says in speech to the nation“
>Putin: "We are ready to show you what true de-Communization means to Ukraine."“
>“Putin: "Why did we have to transfer the rights to the territories that had been part of the Russian Empire?"“

Hmmm…sure sounds like fascist, pro-Russian Empire talk to me. I don't see why any person on this site should support him, regardless of whether they're a ML or not.


Why do I feel King Lear vibes too here


Anti-communist backed by CIA
Assuming you're talking about Milosevic: fascist gravedigger of Yugoslavia
Mostly alright


<Putin: "We are ready to show you what true de-Communization means to Ukraine."“
>immediately repreparing Ukraine for socialism


>You cannot trust the Anglo, nor the Yankee


The west just kept and kept trying to escalate the situation with their usual shitty little tricks. At this point Putin was forced to end it. He most likely realized that the sanctions were coming either way. By giving official support to the breakaway republics, he was able to stop the Cuckrainians' chimpout, thereby ending the conflict. This is a big "don't bother us, fuck off" to the west. Obviously it wasn't worth it for Russia at all, but again they didn't really have a choice. The USA had no intention of deescalating. The only parties who had a choice in this conflict were the EU countries. They could have grown some balls and said no to the US and promote Eurasian integration. This would have eventually lead to a break between the EU and the US, with the latter heading faster towards collapse and the former relegating itself to its own regional imperialism. Also it might have been possible to weaken or even break the alliance between China and Russia, especially if class struggle intensifies in the latter. Instead the EU preferred remaining tied to the US. The former will suffer more instability, although it's hard to predict where it will surface first. The imperialists stand united for now, but if they fall they will fall together. Russia will suffer in the short term but they can always count on China so the loss of Western markets won't matter that much in the short term. There will also be better conditions for a future communist takeover.


he's dead lol


>19 full threads about literally nothing
/leftypol/ everyone


>won't matter that much in the short term
*won't matter that much in the long term


The Donetsk People's Republic enforces capitalist private property, therefore it is OBJECTIVELY imperialist and just as bad as the United States. People here refuse to think dialectically, ffs


> if Ukraine reconquers the breakaway Republics
Which hasn't happened for 8 years


>Putin is an idiot.
He knows what's best however. Cope more


are you being ironic


Fizzlebros…I don’t feel so good…


Yes but he's mostly being your average unfunny Ukraine thread poster


fuggin PUTLER is colonizing the president's bridal property and leftypol still thinks it isn't happoonin'


>Ukraine is nothing
except that it makes NATO seethe so much and especially Burg’eristan


I don't really mind it too much when everything else in English is so anti-Russian. They posted some obviously fake propaganda and I wish they wouldn't do thay. But in many cases it's basically impossible to know the real truth, like where shells are dropping, so at least we have the pro-russian side.


Trump praises Putin


Trump argued that Russia is essentially grabbing territory without serious repercussions, which he said was due to Putin being a “savvy guy.”

“Here’s a guy who’s very savvy, I know him very well…,” Trump said. “Here’s a guy that says, ‘You know, I’m going declare a big portion of Ukraine independent’ he used the word ‘independent.’ ‘And we’re going to go out, and we’re going to go in, and we’re going to help keep peace.”

You’ve got to say, that’s pretty savvy. And you know what the response was from Biden? There was no response. They didn’t have one for that. Now, it’s very sad.

Asked by Sexton how the US strategy has gone off course Ukraine, Trump said, “What went wrong was a rigged election, and what went wrong is a candidate that shouldn’t be there and a man that has no concept of what he’s doing.”


>Guatemala enforces private property. Its LITERALLY as bad as the USA


>Trump implying the US should annex parts of northern Mexico


>we gonna do to Mexico what Putin is doing to Ukraine


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>“That’s the strongest peace force – we could use that on our southern border,” Trump quipped. “That’s the strongest peace force I’ve ever seen. There were more army tanks than I’ve ever seen. They’re going to keep peace all right.”


tfw this has just been a big election op to make biden go down in the polls so blump can win
Poor Hunter Biden, where will he get his money from now?


It already has, gringo.


Wtf Trump is good for worldwide socialism now?


>Trump said, “What went wrong was a rigged election, and what went wrong is a candidate that shouldn’t be there and a man that has no concept of what he’s doing.”
Get new material old man


Lmao. More holes in his brain than I remember. The right will probably love this


Pancho Villa never raided America, he only conducted peacekeeping operations in the temporarily occupied territories of Mexico.


What's different now compared to Georgia in 2008?


It was a nothingburger, even I, who was on that camp, thought it was a nothingburger until Putin decided to lose his mind and invade Ukrainian territory and now has his sights on Kiev.

I've switched over to the happening camp because I recognized I was wrong in doubting that Russia would actually make a move. I honestly thought it was just political maneuvering, "standing at the border menacingly" that kind of thing. But nope Russia actually crossed the border and is building bases and shit so it's definitely a happening. This is definitely bigger than that small one week conflict between Russia and Georgia because of the political implications. This is more than a border dispute, it's a national dispute.

I want make it clear I ain't Pro-NATO in fact I'm anti-interventionist all the way. In any case Russia is basically doing an imperialism and playing into US imperialist efforts to isolate Russia so this move hurts Russia more than the US.


>drump a russian agent confirmed. zomg!


These pro Russia right wingers that HATE china are so desperate to imply that china and Russia can be divided and create a usa/Russia alliance that they don't even read what they tweet

I guarantee he skimmed this and thought it said that china is siding against Russia

Literal retard lol

They are unable to COPE with reality they stand with Soros practically on all foreign policy



You got to hand it to Putin, between Syria and now, he's way more enthusiastic about backing proxies than any Soviet politician


>now has his sights on Kiev.
this is what happeningfags actually believe


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you guys remember this fag


I answered you in the other thread? Georgia attacked Russia first.
>“In the Mission’s view, it was Georgia which triggered off the war when it attacked Tskhinvali (in South Ossetia) with heavy artillery on the night of 7 to 8 August 2008,” said Swiss diplomat Heidi Tagliavini, who led the investigation.



About to unleash blood magick on the Russkies.


Quick rundown?


And the right wing coup in 2014 kicked off this war, making Ukraine the aggressor


Podesta and his pedo shit in the Clinton email leak.


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He's getting jailed for pushing this, kek.
It was always implicitly implied. king schizo praising navalny was epic, too.


He's either playing into the narrative or he's totally oblivious


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I have said in the past that the left should permanently be on the lookout to murder in Minecraft any fashoid leaders before they reach any kind of fame Well I don't want to issue fatwahs or anything but the Atlantic Council in the recent past has fit this description to a disturbing degree.


>And we’re going to go out, and we’re going to go in
Yep, Trump definitely said this .


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You don’t see this often, but here’s a letter from 43 lawmakers in both parties — from Gosar and Gaetz to AOC and Bush — urging Biden to receive authorization from Congress before involving US armed forces in the Russia-Ukraine conflict



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>race traitor
>wears Angela Davis shirt


How do we get Iran to issue a fatwa against them? Do they respond to petitions?


This guy has a name that sounds like a really disgustingly tasting medicine.


t. Hermann goering


This is why they canceled the meeting


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Do you support or oppose the U.S. sending troops directly to Ukraine to prevent a Russian invasion, but only as part of a NATO coalition?

% Support/Oppose
Total 59/26
Dem 68/21
GOP 55/32
Ind 53/26
Men 65/26
Women 55/27
Lib 71/19
Mod 59/24
Con 56/36

Feb. 19-20


Do you support or oppose the U.S. sending troops directly to Ukraine to prevent a Russian invasion, even if other countries do not send troops?

% Support/Oppose
Total 33/53
Dem 42/47
GOP 33/56
Ind 22/58
Men 42/49
Women 26/56
Lib 46/43
Mod 26/58
Con 32/59


Write Satanic Verses 2 under their names
I hate them with a deep passion
So funny. Good post


American who was 1/128 ukrainian who went to Donbass to fight for blood and soil and got killed by DPR forces. Texas laughed about it during a VICE interview


It’s proof that they’re Feds. The “both sides are a fed talking point” meme is true.


One thing i have to hand biden on this whole mess, they certainly got one thing i think they wanted out of it: narrative reset.
All the screaming about a russian invasion began right after the Dems voting rights bill got killed in congress. That was basically their last chance at passing any kind of major legislation (Build Back Better had already died weeks earlier). They had nothing left domestically and Biden was facing down the rest of 2022 and upcoming midterms being a lame duck, unable to do anything amid an increasingly negative news environment and angry public. If this Ukraine thing didn't kick off when it did, the last two months of media coverage, and probably the rest of the year, would have all been about how Biden's approval was in the toilet, inflation was rising, all of the pandemic assistance programs were ending (more bills for all!) and all of Biden's domestic agenda was dead. Instead, we got a foreign crisis and a complete reset of the narrative, now it's 24-7 Ukraine and Biden facing down the evil Vladimir.
I guess we'll see how much it helps turn things around, but gotta hand it to him for decisively changing the topic.



The essence of the matter is that Kochinski detaches the politics of imperialism from its economics, speaks of annexations as being a policy “preferred” by finance capital, and opposes to it another bourgeois policy which, he alleges, is possible on this very same basis of finance capital. It follows, then, that monopolies in the economy are compatible with non-monopolistic, non-violent, non-annexationist methods in politics. It follows, then, that the territorial division of the world, which was completed during this very epoch of finance capital, and which constitutes the basis of the present peculiar forms of rivalry between the biggest capitalist states, is compatible with a non-imperialist policy. The result is a slurring-over and a blunting of the most profound contradictions of the latest stage of capitalism, instead of an exposure of their depth; the result is bourgeois reformism instead of Marxism.


>42% of Dems compared to 33% of R's support sending US troops not as part of NATO
Dems are aggressive but this post-Trump isolationist affect is real. Never would have predicted it as a kid during Bush years.


The feds just co-opted that moronic talking point. These idiots do it for free.


Le Synthetic left does it for free


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Both sides are bad. Fuck USA/NATO, fuck Russia. There's only one true choice: China.


There is 435 members in the house in the USA

43 signed that letter. It can manifest into we shall see but a lot of those names are people who typically break from establishment in some form.

Let us see if turns into a vote


I mean Putin is making good of the US's election/ran-out-of-wars sperg and Trump knows that Republicans do not support this particular instance of warmongering, for partisan reasons. So it's on brand for him, really. And an easy sell to anyone who hasn't regressed into a frothing russiagate frenzy, that all that could have been done and can still be done is stop playing chicken with Russia and the problem goes away instantaneously, Russia does their annual posturing military exercises, next. Just the sort of thing he could pass for "deal making", you know the deal of not kicking the beehive or stopping to kick the beehive at some point before the tanks roll over Ukraine.

He's just going over the same script as before, "I'm an outsider and I wouldn't do the extremely unpopular and offbrand warmongering the current administration is doing" except instead of Obama it's Biden. Is it sincere? Of course not they are politicians and this being the US, particularly clowny, but his position wouldn't be so outlandish if not for the assumption that there can't be any ,if completely cynical, opposition to the warmongering once the US revs up the propaganda.



>Russia is based
>China is… le bad
why are republicunts so predictable, he's going to spark a pogrom against Chinese people one day


Republicans have racial solidarity with le based right wing Fascist Russia


>does he eat dogs
Jesus Christ. Yet Twitter doesn’t care because racism towards Chinese is ok.


Already has. Trump and the democrats did exactly that. It’s been occurring since 2019 and the moment you call it out, the Hanjian screech.


Putler the dog eater.
He will also invade your house and steal your gf.


Red brown alliance.


People here are soft on Putin and Russia because of its counterbalance to NATO, but make no mistake if the communists strung him up everyone would instantly drain their balls, drag his name through the mud, and ban anyone that disagreed.


Candace Owens agrees with you more than any democrat


you actually took five screenshots of this? i'm sorry but LMAO


Yeah i post screenshots in these Ukraine Russia threads of tweets all the time


yes i know, you're one of the rightoids who comes here during happenings. no, i will not subscribe your own dumb conservatoid viewpoint. nice trips tho


And who gives a fuck about candace owens


You cared enough to reply to me about it


No I'm not


>He still thinks it’s the nineties
China has overtaken the US in innovations and scientific discovery, btw


Compete as in find jobs? Well we can blame the US oligarchs for moving jobs to cheaper areas, as well as neoliberal economics. China is competing by keeping costs down with good policies


Post Tulsi next, specially the reactions


It takes little effort to reply to something this colossally galaxy-brained


What the fuck does that have to do with Cucked Carlson lmfao


I posted photos of tweets which is what is done in these threads all the time. I didn't do anything "galaxy brained"

You are trying to shame for the post instead of address anything she said there


niqqa when we're talkign about Ukraine or Russia, why the fuck would you care about the opinion of Candace Owens? find a Eastern Europe specialist or something at the very least


>niqqa when we're talkign about Ukraine or Russia, why the fuck would you care about the opinion of Candace Owens?

Her post are specifically about Russia in those tweets. If you want someone else posted go find the content and make the post here


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progressive democrat tulsi gabbard also agrees w us


It was the meme lady from tpusa in a thread about the Russia Ukraine situation. How much of a burger are you?


no thanks, i'm going to sleep. enjoy shitting up the thread with astroturf-tier posts.


And who the fuck cares about TPUSA lady’s opinion?


Some of the most obvious shit-tier bait I've ever seen


Don't you know, leftypol is supposed to simp over random talking heads that right-wingers on not even /pol/ thinks is cool. WE CARE ABOUT THESE CELEBS OPINIONS ON THINGS!!!!!



Hasn't addressed anything Candace said in her tweets instead post off topic things to avoid it change topic


Why would I need to or want to? She’s a nonperson when it comes to Russia and Ukraine. It’s like asking Albert Einstein about the bees


This thot is probably riding some REMF while 18 year old femboys are being conscripted and sent to the meatgrinder.


You instead choose to keep posting about her in replies instead of anything regarding what she said. You obviously want to discuss her but only to deflect away.

You don't decide to post another topic or discuss something else just reply that she's dumb and no one should read what she tweeted essentially


I feel like the dems may put troops in Ukraine. They won't fight but it will look like their tough on Russia. They need something to get reelected and they got flak for pulling out of Afghanistan. It would also help wip the base in line, think Bush 04.


The Dems could make Ukraine a MNNA


>I want to discuss this person because I’m continuing to ridicule them
This sort of logic is for simping teenage boys


>I want to discuss this person because I’m continuing to ridicule them

This is literally what is happening. I posted tweets of Candace you could just ignore it like any other tweets posted here if you don't like it. Instead choose to keep replying about it, but not about any of the content in it just "how could you post her bro??? Don't you know are better here than to post tweets of such a person?"


> Don't you know are better here than to post tweets of such a person?
Yes, don’t you know?


They're definitely not going to do that because Russia would probably fight them and that would actually mean WW3. The people in that poll posted higher up are either ignorant or completely unhinged


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>Fondly do we hope—fervently do we pray—that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue, until all the wealth piled by the bond-men’s two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash, shall be paid by another drawn by the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said “the judgments of the Lord, are true and righteous altogether.”


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Why should I fight for America when America never fought for me?


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I feel like that wouldn't work at this point. If they did that before russia went into donbas it would look strong; but now it will just look like something done after the fact.

Would the Russians fight? My guess is it end up like China and India, just mocking each other and throwing rocks. No one want ww3 to happen but no one want to back down.


when you're right you're right


who cares lmao


credit where credit is due




The Russians have hypersonic nukes. I think there is a nonzero chance that they would fight, which means there is a zero percent chance Americans would risk it. And I think the Russians know this. I also think they won't go very far into Ukraine, because they're not insane.


Who’s “you?”


burgershart politics can go to >>>/usapol/


>Is he teaching your kids to embrace racial discrimination?
>Does he eat dogs?
Pure class


Tulsi Gabbard should be a warning to any "Leftist" who embraces the Dengist/Duginist "Multipolar" crap. Eventually, you will turn into a Pro-Corporate, MAGAtard, Republican, who is fine with the Safety net being wiped out for the Proles, Tax cuts for the Bourgeoisie and their Corporations, the mass incarceration of the Proles eliminated by the 4th Industrial Revolution and Outsourcing, an invasion of Iran to save "Muh chosen people", and the creation of a De-facto One-Party Crypto-Fascist state in the U$, all so the corrupt Zionist Oligarchs of Putinist Russia can have a sphere of influence for "Much holy Russia" where they can LARP about how important their Gas Station and Brothel with Nukes is, LOL. In the name of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, all the millions who have died fighting for Communism (including those in the ongoing PPWs in India, the Philippines, Turkey, and Peru), and all the Billions of Workers and Oppressed Nations of the World, Don't be like this Bitch.


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He is the beneficiary of the social contract. His tax money and his law-abiding nature are supposed to create benefits for him, material benefits, to reward his side of the social contract. But the state has not kept their end of the bargain, and thus the social contract has been torn apart.


Whoever you want it to be :)


So have they or haven't they invaded?


I don't like this meme cause it implies we'd be down with imperialism if we weren't actively scapegoated. Makes sense for liberals, as long as they like what they hear, they'll turn into warmongers on the spot.


Any military action sizzle?


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in five minutes


so u guys want the west and NATO to just sit back and let Putin conquer Ukraine???????????????? wtf


They are currently "invading" the areas that were won years ago from Ukraine, but Ukraine doesn't recognize that. They will be pushing the front lines back to the edge of the oblasts pretty soon.


a normal American
its a good meme to share with normies, make them understand that Imperialism is not good for them


Would you prefer WW3? Based posadist


The fuck’s a normal american?


Putin: "This has nothing to do with NATO, Ukraine is a made up place no thanks to Lenin and the Bolsheviks; in fact it is all Russia"

Some USian Tankie: "COLD WAR! Putin is only responding to NATO aggression. Only one imperialist power exists, I know this because I live in it"


If you’re *actually* anti-war, you are against Putin invading Ukraine too.


>This has nothing to do with NATO,
Source where he said this? Or did you ignore all the rhetoric before today


Где и когда все это сказал? Покажи нам


a random dude on the street of an American town
The meme of "true decomunization" is to funny to not make, also none of this justifies America going to war with Russia, Ukraine is not my problem.
t burger


no shit retard


didn't read lol


Why does it matter


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Whether the government supports it is not what matters. What we have to do is poll every single citizen in both Russia and Ukraine asking if they're racist, after which we can determine which of the two countries is most deserving of the unimaginably cruel violence we're all currently hungry for


He is intentionally misreporting. Putin's rant about communists wasn't in any opposition to the narrative of NATO breaking treaties, it was more of a "US and NATO exploit Lenin's mistake of creating an Ukraine to threaten Russia" kind of a message


I’m aware. Wrote it in Russian specifically ti see if he’d post direct transcriptions from the language


"Freedom of speech" so much propagandized by the Western anti-communists dies the moment those propagandists don't get their way. Childish losers, those bitches are


how long ago was the first thread


5 minutes before invasion


crypto-right wing opportunists are right wing opportunists. mind blown


I enjoy a good buttfucking


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The absolute state of this thread.


Yeah but what he's saying is that questioning whether NATO should be allowed to do whatever it wants turns you into a conservative. So basically, he's your average liberal


the Russian state is a puppet of the Western bourgeoisie that keeps the other EE countries under check
it's not anti-imperialist in any meaningful way


Brooo that is such a fucking spot-on impression lolllll!


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>not reading a post from someone that believes navalny wants to "save" the caucasus.


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Anarchist try not to support NATO (impossible)


Then what do you call fighting NATO proxies in Syria? Yeah, whatever that is, is good


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Fucking disgusting. Spoiler that shit.


NTA but >>514578 never mentioned RUSSHIAAA.
Weird fixation.


Republicans are shitting all over Ukraine, medias coverage of Ukraine in past, on Putin opposition and Democrats desire for war with Russia


NATO is only a single, and dying, military instrument of the national booj of the west
yes they did


>potential anarchist turned away due lack of support for the american empire
was it richard spencer that said people were for the migrating to political extremes in name only, where "anarchists" are just liberals who want to sound cooler?


Then help it dissolve faster, you stupid fuck


why do i need to bother? i don't even have any power anyways


After reading a summary in English of Putin's speech, I couldn't find a single point where he was wrong.


>entire west
>national booj
intentionally reductive.
Supporting NATOs decline doesn't mean you support Russian oligarchy. Unless you are talking about doing something more than posting. Otherwise it's just moralism


and what collective power i could take in could be used towards more constructive ends


i mean the cartel of national bourgeoisies of western countries
NATO is just an extremely tenuous alliance, not an entity for itself


Such as?


Russia doesn't kill kids





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It quite frankly amazing where we are at. Repubs are upset that the US is not fash enough to have its own nazi battalions and embrace its own fascism, that is their only gripe with Ukraine. Well, fuck them all along with all the American nazbols like Haz and Maupin who sing this same tune.


It is a means with which they killed Libya, Syria, Iraq, Serbia, etc…. It would obviously be good for the greatest capitalist powers to be less united in their military interventions


These guys I swear, I need to know what's their endgame. If liberals can't fuck Russia, what makes them believe they can fuck China and even believe Russia will return to the west.
I am too triggered for that picture. Tell me is a lie.


and the unity is being destroyed internally by them already and they could destroy it themselves better than anyone else could. you just have to wait


How many more interventions do I have to wait through? Will they get all the way to Yemen before they die?


Ultras bust a nut when Russia has a proletarian dictatorship but cross their legs when the dictatorship is czarist or oligarchic.

We stan putin on this board. Oligarch or not.


screenshot has half of your text cut off babe


Go away Agent Vasily



I did the google search of the sc above and it is real. Too triggered man too triggered. And the guy has this weird-ass non-anglo name, like, fucking gusano from whatever country you are from, do you write that to get a visa or fucking what?


Bitch, shut up. You don't speak for anybody.




If he runs I'd vote for him, war is bad, American Imperialism is bad, long live peace


Tucker is right, this is an issue between Ukraine and Russia, America shouldn't be involved. We Americans should stay in our own country.


>Putin never did a white genocide by asking me my pronouns!


Tulsi Gabbard went on fox again to fight against Russia being sanctioned tonight



It is good they are sanctioned as it will drive them to China. America digs its own grave with sanctions





lol he says that because their politicians never address anything historically speaking in a deep manner.
This is a common thing in USSR/Russian politics from Stalin to the modern day.
Yeah, man, but they cause a lot of suffering with them.


Based Tulsi, based Tucker. I don't want to die in WW3.


Not to be all edgy but some form of suffering is inevitable given the contradictions in the premises


Holy shit lol. This is top comment on latest tucker video.

Boomers are too dumb to get it but this is widely posted on /Pol/ to say general Patton during ww2 said that they defeated the wrong enemy (Hitler)



What I am saying is that centering your entire ideology around taking sides in Inter-Imperialist conflicts and an Orientalist fetishization of "Muh Based Traditional Eastern Capitalists" against "Muh Degenerate Western Capitalists" will ultimately turn you into a Right-wing Liberal (ie. a MAGAtard Conservative Republican) or a full blown Fascist (the Alt-Right/Neoreactionary/NRx degenerates). That is what the entire Pro-Russian/Chinese "Alternative" media (ie. The "Moon of Alabama", "The Saker", "The Unz Review", etc.) is designed to do, take naive "Leftists" (usually demoralized Social Democrat Sanders supporters or Revisionist "Marxist-Leninists") who are vulnerable to the appeals of Vulgar "Anti-Imperialism", and slowly brainwash them, first to support Capitalist, Imperialist, and Fascist states overseas (ie. Dengist China and Putinist Russia), and eventually to support this same ideology at home, the Crypto-Fascist Republicans in the U$.

This is why Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and its strategy of World Protracted People's War (first in the Periphery and Semi-Periphery Countries, and once material conditions deteriorate enough, in the Imperial Core itself) is the only way forward, because it is the highest stage of Marxism that refuses to take sides in Inter-Imperialist Conflicts or place its faith in the scam of Bourgeois Democracy and is currently waging Protracted People's Wars in India, The Philippines, Turkey, and Peru. DOWN WITH CAPITALISM, LIBERALISM, FASCISM, AND REVISIONISM! DOWN WITH U$, EUROPEAN, RUSSIAN, AND CHINESE IMPERIALISM! LONG LIVE MARXISM-LENINISM-MAOISM! WORKERS AND OPPRESSED NATIONS OF THE WORLD UNITE!


did not read lmao


Didn't he deny the existence of Ukrainian nationality or some shit like that?


>not gonna read opinions from someone who supports navalny because he "wants to protect the people in the Caucasus" when he advocates the killing and Muslim ethnic cleansing.


Nationality is a spook


I'm an American, American Imperialism is my business so I call it out, Chinese and Russian Imperialism will never effect me. Its not my problem. I couldn't care less about it. If I have to fight the Russians in a war it is my business.
And he is right about that, their is one Slavic nation. Any other claim is CIA propaganda.


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they are only saying this to focus on china


Honestly, I am not much of an expert on Navalny, beyond knowing that he triggers the Tankie/Dengist/Duginist crowd, so forgive me if I made a mistake in my analysis of him. What do you think about my critique of Vulgar "Anti-Imperialism" and the Tankie/Dengist/Duginist to MAGAtard pipeline, along with my upholding of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism as the highest stage of Marxism?


You stood with the people of Benghazi under false threat of massacre in 2011


You stood with Uyghur people under false threat of genocide in 2021


You ignore vicious neo-nazi attacks on Russian speakers in Donbass


Imperialist propaganda has eaten your critical faculties


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Republican tv host Jesse waters against US using article 5 for NATO allies. Says we are not world police



Texas isn't a commie. He's a Nazbol. He's with Essence of the Time.


I am not saying that you can't oppose U$ Imperialism (All Maoists oppose U$ Imperialism), I am saying that you shouldn't support Russian and Chinese Imperialism as a "Solution" to it, as this leads to the outcome I described (turning into a Crypto-Fascist Reactionary). Also, If anyone who supports the Self-Determination of Ukrainians is "Muh CIA", then Lenin and Stalin were "Muh CIA", because they gave Ukrainians their own SSR, LOL.


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Charlie Kirk CEO of TPUSA on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: “Who cares? This is a family dispute between two countries. One (Russia) rather strong. And one (Ukraine) very corrupt and weak.”



But Donetsk was founded by literal neo Nazis. Like Girkin who was with a Neo Nazi detachment in Bosnia, they used to dig trenches in the Jewish cemetery and throw out the bones. He also raped and killed lots of people there. Then you have Gubarev who was a member of Russian National Unity, a literal Nazi party. The last guy in charge of the LPR before United Russia took over used to rant about the Jewish problem all the time. There's alot more tbh. It's russophile chinlets vs europhile chinlets.


That guy is completely confused and just thinks communists are anyone who fights Nazis. I like that he was recording shells being dropped and reporting from the ground.


For all of the Revisionists in this thread who don't understand how Vulgar "Anti-Imperialism" will turn you into a Crypto-Fascist Reactionary, read this highly informative article from Struggle Sessions https://struggle-sessions.com/2019/02/28/marcyism-is-crypto-fascism/ .


Fox the only anti-war MSM and rightards now more anti-war than democrats. welcome to the post trump/russiagate ralignment…


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I hope not, but then again he went all grayzone schizo on the well, grayzone.
At this point, with all the warhawk politicians in the states, the nazbol Putinites of the Patsoc Faux Left, the Neocon/state department-bred online "leftists", the neo-fascist far right of Maga world screaming their insane voices into the sky, the only way forward is to stand strong, organize on a local level to resist this wave of insanity and brace for the oncoming crisis wroth by these mad children of the dying capitalist age.


He's not a fighter anymore really. Ghost Brigade who EoT and alot of others were under mostly got disbanded over infighting. Their former leader was charged after his death in a Donetsk court for gunning down a family of 4 including kids for cash.


>Azon is Ukrainean self determination
>self determination was destroyed during Euromedian
What will happen is the US will become isolationist again, the rate of profit will tank, but Porky knows that their is nothing that can be done to stop that



How big do you think the azov battalion is? 40 million people live in Ukraine

You really write off the whole as being their motives and beliefs?

Give me a estimate of how large you think they are


Crazy that people believe Tucker is le based anti-war anti-interventionist whatever when he does as much fear-mongering about China as anyone else on the media, constantly talks about how they're the greatest threat to the American way of life and how they're to blame for BLM, covid and whatever the issue of the day is.


those 40 million elected a government, which was toppled by the CIA in 2014


The fact that the same people who cheered on the U$ Invasion of Iraq that killed a million people in order to destroy imaginary "WMDs", and who would cheer on a Invasion of Iran under a future Republican President to "Save Muh chosen people from Muh imaginary Nukes", are so "Anti-War" when it comes to Putinist Russia (these are the same people who wanted to Nuke the USSR), should tell you everything that you need to know about Putinist Russia. Which is that It's a Capitalist, Imperialist, and Fascist shithole run by Corrupt Oligarchs that overthrew the USSR, turning it's once proud citizens into beggars and Prostitutes through the Neoliberal "Shock Doctrine", and who hide behind "Muh Traditional Orthodox Christian Values", which is everything that Republicans look up to, LOL.


Somewhere around 15,000 maybe would be my current assumption. They're not really popular in Ukraine though. They never get more than 2, maybe 3 if they're lucky of the vote. Idk, the Nazi chinlets in West Ukraine though are using this to gain popularity though because the political establishment of Ukraine was trying to urge calm. Right Sector has sent out communiques already delegitimizing the libs for "calling them paranoid". Putins intervention is boosting them in a way they haven't been boosted in a while in terms of being able to recruit new people




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This shit is basically a dream though for Neo Nazis in West Ukraine. They're getting to call all of their political enemies libcucks that didn't take Russia seriously.


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Gubarev In the first three. There he is at a training camp with RNU.


Image all people in this thread overlapping with ukrainian nazis with muh Russian imperialism lmao.


Was this a recent post? These nationalists are delusional xd


Donetsk wasn't funded by a single man, mr. belling cat. An anon precisely pointed out some threads ago that Donbas had even a party itself waaay before all of this happened in, waaaaay before 2014.


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>Has Putin ever called me a racist?
lol is that his only grievance in this world?


This new age ultra nationalism is fascinating to watch unfold. The old liberal establishment is becoming increasingly schizo while the conservative ultra nationalists have already been schizo forever now and are just strangely becoming the "moderate" wing. Their attempt in co-opting populist anger has scared the liberal establishment because liberals are so ideological that they worship it like a religion. The liberals attempt to co-opt populist anger has totally failed and deflated in the face of the increasingly stratified and alienated society we're in to the point that all they have left is virtue signaling. We're fucked.


It's not one man though. Igor Politskny was another one. He led the LPR, and he would regularly call Euromaiden jewmaiden and rant about the Jews. Also, why does Sparta Battalion use the imperial flag?


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the only option left is dodge the draft and burn the flag


>Though never officially confirmed, the name and symbol of the battalion seem to have been taken as reference to fictional "Spartan Order" of the Metro universe science fiction series by Dmitry Glukhovsky.
Maybe they are epic gamers. Nazihood confirmed lol


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The "Anti-Fascist" DPR/LPR separatist openly use Swastika flags and Czarist flags, the literal symbols of Vlasov's Pro-Axis "Russian Liberation Army", 🤣. How will Dengists/Duginists defend this?


by burning American flags


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hello, I think someone is getting a call


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Borodai is another one he used to edit Zavtra which was a Nazi paper lol



The Russians and Chinese love Capitalist American culture, as seen by their love for Trump, the latter country being a Sweatshop for U$ Corporations, and all their mail order brides desperate to get to "Murica", LOL. This is what happens when you don't know that the Cold War is over and you still think its the 1980s, LMAO.


I posted this on patriots.win with the most overt pro Russia tone possible to gauge how much they really support putin

I'll check back to see if got upvotes or comments later


post link


Also the uprising was just a Russian backed color revolution from the start. Alot of these guys were from the NGO oplot in Kharkiv. They were some of the first ones that took hostages with bats and assault rifles.



Make a throwaway account and post whatever you want. It doesn't even verify email. Just type a random email and random password then you can lost whatever agit prop you want


Can post whatever*


The militia is dead at present I think but during the early days there was the Russian Orthodox Army that loved them some Nazism


Докажи, говноед


Pax Europaea might finally end, and it would be neonazi versus neonazi. An all-out war sounds more like the least worst scenario by the day.


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why come putler didn't invade ukraine for four years when they had their puppet in office and waited until obiden came back in and would thwart them? doesn't make sense unless putler is playing some kind of 9D chess


>neonazi versus neonazi
uhh +1 critical support for that


>neonazi vs neonazi
What's not to love?
Actually it will be RAF airstrikes vs neonazi now, much more effective


maybe he was giving Minsk a chance


Because America is evil


I mean, on the one hand, sure, Nazis killing each other.
On the other hand, the winners will inevitably be Nazis.


But that would still be true if they didn't fight, given the exaggerated premise of 'everyone there is a nazi'


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>Liberals during Vietnam
<Fuck this war it is bad
>Liberals today
<We gotta heckin help the Ukrainirinos!!
<Russia did me a frighten
<War war war!


>Liberals during *Iraq


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>To achieve lasting peace, we must study in detail just how the Russian character was formed—by invasions of Tartars, Mongols, Germans, Poles, Swedes, and French; by the czarist rule based on ignorance, fear and force; by the intervention of the British, French and Americans in Russian affairs from 1919-1921; by the geography of the huge Russian land mass situated strategically between Europe and Asia; and by the vitality derived from the rich Russian soil and the strenuous Russian climate. Add to all this the tremendous emotional power which Marxism and Leninism gives to the Russian leaders—and then we can realize that we are reckoning with a force which cannot be handled successfully by a 'Get tough with Russia' policy. 'Getting tough' never brought anything real and lasting—whether for schoolyard bullies or businessmen or world powers. The tougher we get, the tougher the Russians will get. . . .


Oh right
>Liberals during Iraq
<There are no WMDs
<This war isn't justified
>Liberals today
<Putin literally will personally strangle all my pets!!!


Plenty of liberals supported the Vietnam war actually. People just have a deformed notion that they massively opposed it.
He's a Pinochet simp, killing journalists and communists is what he do


You're both wrong. Liberals started Vietnam and most of them supported Iraq.


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Putin is bad because he is a capitalist. Do you think that communists support free speech or that they would let propagandists organize to overthrow them?


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Hazbots and all other forms of edgelords GET OUT


Communists societies actually need a healthy proletarian press structure to make people aware of what their representatives are doing and the stuff that's happening out there actually.



>Communists societies actually need a healthy proletarian press structure to make people aware of what their representatives are doing and the stuff that's happening out there actually.

You don't need adversial journalist starting problems which is what those guys are. They are usually backed by foreign nations too, to do their bidding


Which is not the same as free speech. No speech for nazis and their sympathizers. Public platforms are not for wreckers. Appealing to hypocritical western values and morality is not materialist.


They know what their representatives are doing because they nominate and vote for them themselves. What communist socieites need is to make sure that Communist Party is not revisionist. Govt structure and low rank Communist Party members were always good, high rank - Party functionaries and Central Committee - went revisionist in USSR. That's why Mao went cultural revolution on those folks, and that's why Stalin was purging those people and all the guys they've appointed while in office. Stalin just couldn't catch a break like China was able to do, otherwise we would be having stalinist USSR to this day.


Just like Assange. So what if they are backed by foreign influence, they just have to prove it with their intelligence agencies. Murdering them is a terror campaign against their exploited proles more than a gestion of external public opinion


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That's not true. Republicans are much more hawkish toward Russia than Democrats and also much more sympathetic towards Putin at the same time. This seems contradictory but it's like they see Putin as a strong leader and that's why America needs a strong leader to get tough with Putin. Trump for example talks about Putin this way and then says "this never would've happened on my watch" because he would be "tougher" on Russia. It's a strength/weakness dichotomy and it follows that America is weak under Democrats.

What depresses me are the liberals who are like "Trump loves Putin!" while forgetting Trump abrogated the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty which had been signed by Reagan and Gorbachev. That clears the way for the U.S. to reintroduce shorter-range nuclear weapons (which could be installed in Poland for example).

Yeah, that's another thing, I think there are some forces on the right in the U.S. that would prefer to strike some deal with Russia to turn them against China. That's basically Richard Spencer's viewpoint – he's actually pretty gloomy right now because he doesn't want the "white" countries divided between each other.

There was a book on this theme that got some attention in mainstream U.S. conservative circles called "Stalin's War" which argued the U.S. should've made peace with Hitler and formed a military alliance against the USSR. It didn't go as far as saying the U.S. should've allied with Hitler but did argue Mussolini and Eastern European fascist states were cool.


In the case of Putin that is true because he is a capitalist, just like it is true in the USA who also openly murders journalists. It has nothing to do with free speech, which is controlled by corporations. Proles do not have access to printing presses or TV stations or ownership over social media or the internet and "free speech" is not real in a bourgeois dictatorship and not something that is desired in a proletarian one.


>Just like Assange
Assange was never a foreign agent.



>What communist socieites need is to make sure that Communist Party is not revisionist.

Because the structure of communist societies is that "Party decided this - everyone is doing this", and representatives are there to both vote and to enforce. If Party is revisionist, if the only things that are brought up for voting are shitty anticommunist things, those representatives can only follow the Party line. Historically, this structure allowed communists to force all the trots and socdems to fall in line by forcing them into democratic voting, but when trots won the majority via coups and sabotage it was turned against communism itself - but even then it took decades to undo this structure.

So, look at China "tyrannically" eradicating corruption, and take notes.



>Yeah, that's another thing, I think there are some forces on the right in the U.S. that would prefer to strike some deal with Russia to turn them against China. That's basically Richard Spencer's viewpoint – he's actually pretty gloomy right now because he doesn't want the "white" countries divided between each other.

Yes that's a true observation. The idea that the semi-white Russians will unite to destroy Chinese, who are "pure" Asians, is not a new idea among American conservatives and the more explicitly racist ones will publicly state it.


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COPE, you keep posting that same poll whenever this comes up. Democrats want war much more

This was done 2 days ago


Do you support or oppose the U.S. sending troops directly to Ukraine to prevent a Russian invasion, but only as part of a NATO coalition?

% Support/Oppose
Total 59/26
Dem 68/21
GOP 55/32
Ind 53/26
Men 65/26
Women 55/27
Lib 71/19
Mod 59/24
Con 56/36

Feb. 19-20


Do you support or oppose the U.S. sending troops directly to Ukraine to prevent a Russian invasion, even if other countries do not send troops?

% Support/Oppose
Total 33/53
Dem 42/47
GOP 33/56
Ind 22/58
Men 42/49
Women 26/56
Lib 46/43
Mod 26/58
Con 32/59





>33% support
The imperial propaganda machine ain't what it used to be.


If there was an Assange person in ussr gathering all that intelligence about Soviet union and exposing them they'd be put down, rightfully so

Assange is cheered on because of the target he went after

Stalin absolutely would have wrecked his ass


Confirmed, Putin sucks the life out of other world leaders. Dangerously based.


If the USSR did nothing wrong then they would have nothing to fear as there would be nothing to leak.




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>if enemy spies are making up complete bullshit lies and running around your country stirring up insurrections you should just let them or its a violation of their hyoomun rieeets


So Assange's intel on Amerika is made up?


A part from during special times like the purges the URSS didn't just go around and killed dissenting people. They had a more or less human gulag system for the ones who were put away. I don't agree with that by the way because that much control over information is I think one of the cause of their structural weaknesses. But anyway I was talking about how the fascists in Russia just send goons to execute noisy people wanting to expose the shady capitalists and how it's not a good idea to defend and equate that to what communists historically did


They're not trying very hard. Ukraine really needed to look at what the Taiwan lobby was doing.


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Why are you making up shit about Assange now?


Republicans are way against sending troops compared to Democrats. This was released one day ago by quinnipiac a great pollster



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>they would have nothing to fear as there would be nothing to leak


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based and danpilled


It's part of the reason he wanted to designate cartels as terrorists. It would have given the US the ability to launch operations without the approval of the Mexican government against them. Ironically, it would have also given refugees an additional claim on asylum forms due to terrorist groups.


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I suspect it has to do with them being contrarians than anything else tbh.


No doubt it's this.


Soon in Russian annexed Ukraine… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YN2j07UfGaI XD

Whose Russia going to invade after this? Poland?


sources indicate russia is planning to melt the arctic ocean with nuclear weapons, then cross the north pole and invade canada


Translation: Russia can invade anyone as they were once communist! REEEEEEE!


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Putinbros why is he saying things like that!??


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He didn't say totalitarianism is bad did he? ;)


Critical support for Pinochet style military dictatorship in Russia.


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>Americans bomb your village, leaving you with permanent scars that will never heal, and you become an iconic image of the brutality of the American occupation of Vietnam
>The scars aren't just numb, they constantly ache and throb, causing you near-constant agony
>The Vietnamese communists take over
>They send you to college
>They use your image as the symbol of the crimes against their people and the horrors of American imperialism
>They even let you go to Cuba to study pharmacology
>Convert to Christianity
>Marry another Vietnamese guy you met in Cuba
>The Vietnamese government offers you the opportunity to have your honeymoon in the Soviet Union
>Use the opportunity to defect to Canada at a Newfoundland airport
>Start parading around the United States preaching some "forgiveness" bullshit
>Take part in a ceremony at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial at Washington DC
>Literally hug the commander that ordered the bombing on your village
The more I learn, the more I realize that Stalin and Mao did nothing wrong. If anything, they were too kindhearted.


Stockholm syndrome.


How is it red brown? You know that term was created by Yeltsin right?


>Supporting literal Nazis and NATO over Russia
>questioning if anarchism is a failed ideology
Yep, this one glows in the dark.


What do you mean by this?


It's hilarious how many liberals think imperialism is just when you done a geopolitics, but don't think the United States and NATO are imperialist despite constantly doing geopolitics.


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In 2014 Ukraine created a "kill or capture" list of Ukraininas, Russians, foreigners, including even foreign journalists. Several people in the list, including widely admired Ukrainian writer Oles' Buzina, were brutally murdered. Their killers are still free.


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"On 7 May 2016, the website published the personal data of 4,508 journalists and other media members from all over the world who had worked (or had received accreditation to work) on the war in the uncontrolled government territory of Donbas…"


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"Andrea Rocchelli, an Italian journalist murdered by the Ukrainian army in 2014 during the Donbas war, has been filed on the site. In Rocchelli's file, on whose photo the Myrotvorets Center has applied the red writing superimposed "Liquidated".


In 2018, Svetlana Alexievich, Nobel Prize in Literature, received threats from local nationalists and had to cancel a visit to Odessa when her name was added to a list of "enemies of Ukraine" for "propagating interethnic fbi.gov and manipulating information important for society"


The website published a very detailed list of employees of the MT. Group involved in the construction of the Kerch bridge to Crimea, that included name, surname, date of birth, sex, place of birth, residential address and passport number of those working on the project.


Your brain on Christianity.


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Local liberals campaigned in favour of his killer btw


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Christianity is a hell of a drug.


This is basically the Agent Kochinski position. Unapologetic , uncritical support for NATO and full jingoist bloodthirst , but with a side of harm reduction, if they have to preach outside their choir.

It gets even creepier when they start hooting about the "right side of history" to defend US imperialism. But that's whatsocial media politics does to a motherfucker , all about having the right signifiers and belonging.


> For Russiabros, analysis from Boris Rozhin:
> https://colonelcassad.livejournal.com/
Are you trying to insult Russians with this link?


Patriotism will do that to leftists. It's not new, most socdems some anarchists and even a quite a lot of communists defended their respective state going to war when the situation blew up in 1914 with almost the same arguments you can find today in this kind of post or KRPF communiques defending democracy against the evil militarism of the other side


And its a rare moment when Yeltsin was right. Allying with literal fascists was a big 90s russian communists mistake


Almost every major news outlet I read, BBC or Guardian or even Al Jazeera, paint Putin as an invading aggressor. Are there any news outlets, barring RT, that take a more neutral stance or at best, not forget that NATO was the aggressor in this case? I feel like i'm getting too many brain worms from one side and not to the other. Too much justification for NATO to keep pushing East and intervene.


Not enough to the other*


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<According to UN figures, from 2018 to 2021, 81.4% of civilian casualties in the Donbas war came in rebel-held territory. 16.3% were in Ukrainian gov't-controlled territory.

<This is one key reality of the war that US media doesn't report. Too inconvenient.



Thing Is NATO didn't really break international law, in fact they tend to follow security council resolutions when doing violence and new countries join on their own. There is a case to be made for western support toward Euromaidan but interpreting this as NATO agression is anything but neutral. Annexion is the big nono in our times and Russia doing that messed with a lot of people and nations by breaking the law like that, even China was mad. So it will be almost impossible to find a neutral paper that paint things the way you expect


Israel regularly engages in annexation and westernoids cheer


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Stalin's only real error was persecuting leftists. Were it not for the Great Purge, he would have remained a legend to this day.

Mao fucked up in colossal magnetudes.

Speaking of which, pic related. Bonus Agent Kochinski humiliation.


Russia hasn't annexed anything, it's simply recognized the LPR and DPR. It's nothing different from the United States and allies recognizing Taiwan, yet you don't see a big fuzz all over mainstream media on how United States are planning an "invasion" or have annexed the country. I hate Putin btw so don't Putinbot me.


msm doesn't care about intl law. when's the last time you saw them complaining about the US and NATO countries invading and occupying syria and iraq? and i don't even mean in the past i mean right now, while they're complaining about Putler. They only care about intl law selectively when it serves the interests of the US and NATO to care.


Still looking for a Mearsheimer pilled news outlet btw. I mean where the hell do you guys read?


Apparently Russia entered troops into LPR and DPR? I don't quite follow the events. Also, Russia recognizes CONSTITUTIONS of LPR and DPR, and those claim entire Donetsk and Luhansk regions as theirs.

Also, China is rolling out sanctions onto US military manufacturers at this point in time, as well as China supported or at least not opposed Russia's actions, so communists are supposed to see this as a good development. Amongst the fucking obvious thing of protecting civilians against fascistic ukrainian military hellbent on eradicating separatism through the force of arms.



Western media was never much to begin with, but this is such an abyssmal display it can be considered a qualitative change. You could generally expect it to speak truth – with a million lies of omission and written abd presented in a manner designed to be as biased as possible, but at least you could generally expect it to not just plain make shit up. Now it's wworthless, no better than a banana dictatorship's State-owned news agency.


Is the GOP astroturf anon gone yet? I almost want it to kick off so I don't need to read any more stupid tweets or watch Cucker clips


Why the fuck are there so many jews in Right Sector?


Because Ukrainian fascists care more about genociding Roma and Russians than they care about Jews. Not all fascists have the same ideology. Which is part of the reason why we need to be so vigilant. Fascism is very adaptable.


But these exact fascists adopt imagery and slogans of those historical antisemitic fascists, a lot of them are openly antisemitic.


Yuan is gaining strength as capital leaves European markets for the safety of China.

This has almost all the makings of the kind of war which ends the dominance of a decaying empire for good, save for the presence of boots on the ground. So far.


True but Palestine is a partly recognized state. Note that I'm talking about international laws and power relations here not my feelings or my philosophy about that.

I was talking about Crimea


So America got Germany to kill the Nordstream for good then? GG krauts, you traded a wizened old technocrat for succdems as imperial viceroys, and yet it's impossible to smell the difference. America tells you to take a shit, and you reply is "what shape, sir?".


1) They have just halted it.
2) As a Russian I fully support this move, fuck these parasitic warmongering gassuckers.


Porkies tremble in fear, good job Scholz


They are engaging in farce, that’s why
They are adopting the SYMBOLS of historical fascists, that does not make them the historical fascists
Remember one of Marx’s oldest understandings, building off Hegel’s half formed understanding of historical figures and events appearing “twice”, Marx understood that, in fact, they do not, a historical event occurs only once, those people who come after, in a new series of events, in a new history, drape themselves in the costumes of what came before
America’s founders LARPed as Ancient Greeks and Romans and tried making a society that had an appearance similar to them, the Nazis LARPed teutonic knights and those same ancient societies to a degree, modern MLs (in the West) LARP as the bolsheviks, modern fascists LARP as the Nazis; yet these people are not who they dress up as


Based Chekist Putin


They literally talk about fighting with жидва who want to take their sweet ukrainian sovereignty.
Yes, leaders of "peoples republics" believe that Maidan was a Jewish plot to annihilate Russians but its irrelevant.


And this makes them the historical Nazis in what way?
I did not deny that they are fascists, I denied that they are who they claim to be, which they are not


They LARP as historical Nazis, they are vehemently antisemitic and somehow Ukrainian Jews prefer them over Russians.


It's irrelevant because your fascism hates AmeriKKKa. So a little fascism is okay as long as the fascists are against US imperialism and for Russian imperialism.


They support Tsarist shit and like the Russian Liberation Army. In that way.


Our fascists are less fascist then your fascists so i support them


Jesus motherfucking Christ, your support means nothing for any side unless you are going to pick up an AK and head for the front line. Stop with thus dumb shit.


I'm doing this since 2014 and I have no regrets


Why don't we just nuke all of Ukraine and settle the matter for good? Nothing worth saving there. Fuck the republics, fuck Kiev, fuck 'em.


burger suburbanite moment


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I'm a communist. Im not supporting fascists on either side in Ukraine. But hey, side with people that include Chetniks, who murdered and raped in the Balkans, and Don Cossacks that support the historical legacy of the RLA. Retard.


Who needs class struggle when you can support and ethnic and cultural war in Ukraine. Pick whatever fash weirdos you want. Because socialism doesn't matter, all that matters is owning the yanks or Russians. sure do remember when Lenin vocally supported the German Empire because they were heckin based in weakening the Russian Empire.


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There are some awful people protecting Russian people from genocide. So what?


None of that makes them historical Nazis, if it makes it easier to give full uncritical support to Russia in pretending that Azov are the historical Nazis the way Azov does then all power to you, but they’re still just farcically draping themselves in the cloaks and costumes of the past

Lear mostly sucks, but he had a good point when he pretty humorously called out the farce of some boozed up zoomer/millennial street punks with second-hand US arms pretending to be the Wehrmacht going to fight some equally boozed up boomers/millennials pretending to be the Red Army

The war is real, the costumes the two sides are wearing is a farce, and the reality is that, rather than a world spanning age defining conflict between fascists on the one hand and communists on the other that spans the whole of Europe and concludes in half the continent being communist and fascism being destroyed; for nearly a decade it’s just been a civil war in a single country where each side is a proxy for a larger imperialist entity and the battlefield itself is a puppet of the World Empire and if it actually DOES spill into a continent-wide conflict (unlikely) it will be between capitalist powers themselves all farcically referencing WWII with the end result not being communism and social democracy taking over the entire continent, but likely a contemporary form of fascism springing forward in most of Europe, and that’s assuming it wouldn’t become a world war which it probably would; and when it’s all over everyone (if anyone’s left) will look back and say “wow, that wasn’t like WWII at all)
And Israel arms neo-Nazis and has for decades, it’s all a farce mate


Also it's funny when Putin talks about genocide. He just met the other day with the Azeri leader and praised him for making steps for solving the conflict in Artsakh. In addition to upgrading relations to the alliance level. Weird how Russian troops weren't sent to stop Armenians from being raped and murdered by the Azeris like a year ago despite Armenia being a member of the Russian equivalent of NATO.


Azeris are protecting their territorial integrity from CIA-backed armenian ultranationalists.


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>What I am saying is that centering your entire ideology around taking sides in Inter-Imperialist conflicts and an Orientalist fetishization of "Muh Based Traditional Eastern Capitalists" against "Muh Degenerate Western Capitalists" will ultimately turn you into a Right-wing Liberal (ie. a MAGAtard Conservative Republican) or a full blown Fascist (the Alt-Right/Neoreactionary/NRx degenerates).
well, as long as i don't turn into a Democrat larping as a Maoist


God you need a bullet behind the ear. People like you remind me how right Stalin was. It's a shame he didn't kill more.


> when he advocates the killing and Muslim ethnic cleansing.
This isn't modern Navalny constantly preaching about national self-determination. Even his "don't feed the Caucasus" slogan was about "support common people, not the local elites".


I remember from the livestream of Medhurst yesterday, someone asked why Syria has a nazi party, and he laughed hard because the person asked they referred to a party with a symbol similar to a swastika, but he said that such thing is not the case in Syria. kek, fun annecdote.


>This isn't modern Navalny constantly preaching about national self-determination
In 2015 he was asked if he retracted the video and he said no. Cope your wannabe genocider that the west wishes be in power to finally balkanize Russia.


You know what happened to the party member that proposed the Russian SSR adopting a pan slav flag with a hammer and sickle in the middle? He got a bullet in the back of his head. Ukrainian chinlets and Eastern Russian chinlets need that. No need for a gulag. They should all be shot.



Am I the only one who didn't have a single problem with Putin's supposed "slander" of Lenin? All he did was point out a mistake he made in recognizing Ukraine, which is commonly recognized as such among actual socialists. To blindly praise everything Lenin did while slandering his successors for not being the man himself or for correcting his mistakes is the definition of ultra-leftism, which Lenin himself regarded as an infantile disorder.


So you're just anti communist, fun


I believe that we should stop this policy where we feed all these [North Caucasian] corpulent bloodsucking elites while local population suffers in poverty and turns to guerrilla warfare to fight these elites.
Navalny, 2012


In your dreams, I am going to open readouts apologetics for navalny, lmao.


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>So you're just anti communist, fun
I'm more communist than you. How many communisms have you even done kid? I've been communisming since you were in diapers. Take a seat kid, you could learn a thing or two.



How am I anti-communist? Communism is an ever evolving ideology, one that has evolved since Lenin and has been further refined by the likes of Stalin, Mao, Deng and Xi.


"I hate this antiputin man because of his islamophobia so I'm not going to read his thoughts about Muslims"


You're literally supporting blood and soil nationalism. Ukraine was the second highest developed Soviet Republic.


Deng and Xi. So yes, you support authoritarian glorified social democracy without socialism. It would be nice if you just dropped the aesthetics of communism.


My question at this point is:
Aside from the happening bullshit, will this shitshow change something for socialism anywhere?

My bet is not at all, and that's my blackpill for today.


>sure, let's call it 'islamophobia'


At best multipolarity, if Russia stands still. Ortega praises that, fyi.


> from someone who supports navalny
Are we talking about Russian leftists? Communists (both KPRF and non-estabilishment communists) are constantly harassed because of their critical support for Navalny.


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>critical support for Navalny
best be joking uygha


Multipolarity is beneficial to socialism.


He literally shows footage of Chechen Islamic terrorists, the likes of Al-Qaeda and IS.



Ortega is doing good indeed, one of the few countries for which I'm optimistic about (together with Bolivia).

We have literally 0 strong vanguard parties in anywhere on the planet at the moment outside of Cuba China Dprk Vietnam and Laos.
Not 3, not 2, not 1.


It's true. Because they have, uh, a common enemy and their goals overlap in some things? And Navalny supported KPRF in elections, they were working closely (especially on a regional levels).


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Sure they did, kiddo.


Well, let's hope they get stomped on.


They did.


Based blood and soil thought


> wanting socialists to be crushed because they support capitalist soclib over Putin
Yeah, this is what leftists should do.



Regurgitated talking points from 40 years ago and still nothing new that hasn't already been debunked


He generalizes to all of them, like pests, vermin, I know because I understand Russian. Not simply "chechen from alqaeda" you western puppet ballsucker retard.


liberals are right on the edge of being permanently neutered once people stop buying into virtue signalling-as-ideology, or at least realize how irrelevant and useless it is. It'll be interesting to see if they find some new rallying point, but in my heart of hearts i know itll only be mask-off schizo warmongering, far worse than the rightwing shit they supposedly were so against during the Bush years. No braincells to be found in any of them, I swear. Population-scale autism score decline is an unbeatable metric for future success of a society and I daresay we are rapidly shooting down past that threshold.




Said the future magatard.


Nine people and a NATO-man are sitting at a table in a restaurant. There are now ten NATO-men sitting at that table.


If you support the global neoliberal order then yes, you should be oppressed, I dont care if a "fascist" is the one doing so as long as he's on the side of socialism


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>as one of the responses to the Russian recognition of DPR/LPR the Rada has initiated the country's withdrawal from the agreement on perpetuating the memory of the courage and heroism of the CIS peoples in the Great Patriotic War


Are you trying to say something? Dont be shy, spit it out boy


Islamic terrorism was still a hot topic during the end of decade, you should view this video in context


But Russia supports the global neoliberal order. There's reason why Pinochet is the role model of Putin. Or do you think the German empire didn't support capitalism because it attacked anglo french colonial hegemony?


Just calling it as I see it. You'll drop the socialist aesthetics in a year or two and just become a weird national conservative. You won't be the first dengtard and you won't be the last. Because what dengtards like you support are authoritarian welfare states not socialism. Xi tells you that he has no intentions on returning to a planned economy and you still suck his dick. Because you're not a communist.


> courage and heroism of the CIS peoples
Will they recognize courage and heroism of USSR people?


But you have to support Austrian fascism against the Nazis!


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Italians and French really should have done it honestly


honestly a nuclear war that would wipe out the US, Russia and China would actually be good. It took the black plague to wipe out feudalism in Europe, if a nuclear war happened it would probably be able to create the conditions to wipe out capitalism as we know it. The mistake that was made in Cuba wasn't using the nukes against the US and bringing the class struggle into the nuclear era.


It would wipe out everyone you unimaginable madman.


> grey fins typed this post


I don’t see how you can possibly be a Maoist if you believe in Kautskyist nonsense like “ultra-imperialism”
I don’t see how you can believe conditions can degrade enough in the imperial core for people’s war to be possible if you also believe that the imperial core is not and will not lose their grip on neocolonized territories nor that ecological collapse either is occurring nor poses a threat to the imperialist order
Willpower is not enough


>Supporting some pro-American Russian neolib to own the tankies



it wouldn't. The estimates are on average 30 to 50 percent of the given population. Which is about the amount of Europeans the black death killed in Europe. There's also alot of evidence debunking the entire concept of nuclear winter. Humanity would recover just like it did from the plague. It would be a necessary sacrifice for creating a new world.


>There’s also a lot of evidence debunking nuclear winter
Pray tell, what evidence?
Is it the fact that nuclear winter didn’t occur from the only two automatic bombings to target civilian infrastructure?
That it didn’t occur due to nuclear tests which are incomparable to a nuclear war?
That blowing up fossil fuel plants in a single part of the world didn’t cause the skies to darken all over the world during the Iran-Iraq War?


And…why the fuck are you cheering on half of the proletariat dying anyway? Why do you assume socialism would proceed, what, because only socialism could follow capitalism in your deluded mind? Why wouldn’t society just start over from a new point of barbarism? Why would le working class take over following a full scale nuclear bombardment instead of military men to simply create a new feudalistic era among the ruins?
There is literally no reason to believe “socialism” follows nuclear war other than wishful thinking on your part.


When the ufo Anon is anti posadism


That justifies nothing


"The revolution isn't a dinner party" - Mao. Yes, a good deal of the proletariat would be sacrificed but it would raise class conciousness immensely. First, it would be impossible to maintain capitalist economic relations as they currently exist. The working class in the case of total nuclear war would see how capitalism caused their destruction. Not to mention, the ruling class would be destroyed on a global level. I had a lot of hope when the covid pandemic started but it's just not lethal enough to make social changes, it's pushed things in somewhat of a better direction in terms of accelerating the collapse of the political and economic system, but it's not enough. Chemical weapons would probably work good too.


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>liberals are right on the edge of being permanently neutered once people stop buying into virtue signalling-as-ideology, or at least realize how irrelevant and useless it is.
When was it ever supposed to be useful? They know it's a fashion statement. They'll just move on to the next one.


anyone who pronounces it as
has swallowed the cia narrative


The rulling class wouldn't be destroyed, their key members have contingencies in place and will retain power during and after the disaster. A nuclear winter will make competition for food fierce and nations will either attack or defend themselves along their borders while the proles are killing each others


Not while Putler is in power. Faggot is a high level anticommunist.


The only ones getting nuked are European nations without their own nukes. I personally support going full DPRK mode for my country.


The ruling class would lack the manpower necessary to maintain their authority. Most of their soldiers, especially in military bases would be destroyed in nuclear strikes. The proletariat wouldn't simply kill each other, they would most likely form the basis of a new society to manage the resources in the hard times after the war. I think it would be a very democratic society. I'm optimistic in humanity. If it did end up destroying the human race which is mostly fear mongering, we don't deserve to exist as a species. Nuclear weapons are nothing more than the new machine guns and bombs for the class struggle.


B-but he talks about how Stalin was great and makes funny victory parades….


Navalny is a unironical neoliberal and a racist. What more needs to be said about him. Still waiting for KPRF to get their shit together and guillotine Putin publicly in front of Lenins mauseleum.


You sound very dogmatic, as if to you a planned economy was supposed to be the end of history/last man shit.
You're thinking of "command economy" where a central body has direct control over production and distribution of goods, prices control being one method thereof. Planned economy means goods are produced and distributed according to a conscious will rather than a heuristic process. Corporations lobbying for favourable regulations or contracts are an example of conscious control of a liberal economy. Every economy is planned in a way or another, to a certain extent and in a more or less centralised fashion. Total anarchy of production and total command economy both only exist on paper. One can even argue that advanced liberal economy have more de facto planning thanks to modern bureaucracy and information technology.
China doesn't use a planned economy of the kind of the kind of the Soviets and other 20th century states, China has a reinvigorated conception of a planned economy. They have 5-years-plan. They plan around the market. It used to be less planned but nowadays it has gone back to almost Mao-era planning (not that that is a bad or extraodinary thing, as China has developed its means of production is making a transition to being a full-fledged socialist economy)
How does it differ? Well, the amount of state-owned enterprises would be a good starter. That and the fact that is being planned towards long-term plans (2020 moderate Socialist society, 2049 overcoming the primary phase of socialism and being a full-fledged socialist economy, etc)
Stay foaming at the mouth.


<Honestly, I am not much of an expert on Navalny, beyond knowing that he triggers the Tankie/Dengist/Duginist crowd
>I was just pretending to be retarded bro.
<What do you think about my critique of…
Yeah no. I didn't read it but it was retarded as well. Again I know you were only pretending.


I wish all the racists would support rights of Native Russian peoples, American anti-discrimination protests and Rohingya. World would be such a wonderful place filled with sweet sweet racism.


yes lmao
learn history


What the fuck is revolutionary about an inter-imperialist war with nuclear weapons in your mind?
This is literally Heaven’s Gate tier
You know who has the best shot of coming out unscathed in a nuclear war?
Hint: It definitely isn’t the people who don’t have access to bunkers, arms, mass grain storage, AI to run things, and military command structures

This is literally on par with evangelicals saying climate change is fake because the world can only end when Jesus comes back, is communism your Christ?


>Capitalist realism, the end of the world is truly more likely than the end of capitalism, buuuuuuuut communism can only be real in Heaven after the world ends 🤡
Leftypol really is a 🤡🎬


He simply should read more.
I think he just has got stuck in Gonzalo cringe.
He should read Sison to start.
(Assuming he wants to stay a Maoist)


"Hitler should have won" but officially, kek


KPRF and "non-establishment communists" are both getting increasingly glowed by the West. To the point of Navalny asking his supporters to vote for KPRF "tactically". Since liberal opposition doesn't exist anymore, US tries to weasel in through KPRF and such - hell, KPRF ('s branch office) said "hands off Memorial Foundation" when Russia outlawed Memorial Foundation - branch office of all the VOA and Victims of Communism shitters - as a foreign agent. KPRF is slowly going the Greens in Europe way


nazis gonna nazi


So what would be the alternative to Putin?More Putin?
Bleak as fuck.


Communism in Russia is CIA's plot, there is nothing to see here.


> KPRF ('s branch office) said "hands off Memorial Foundation" when Russia outlawed Memorial Foundation
Based commitment to principles instead of blind hatred towards the people who created the biggest project committed to Russian leftists killed by tsarists and bolsheviks.


>Tfw leftypol opposes the Russian communist party in favor of the guy that made an entire speech that began with denouncing communism, bolshevism, and Lenin two days ago


> leftypol is a sentient being with opinion


What? I just got here.


This is what being westoid online leftist does to you.


>nooooooo you should never make alliance with liberals

I would like to see proofs for you statement that they supported memorial but the reason why some people defended Memorial was that they were defending political prisoners and not because of their works repressions, lol


This is what happens when people get their theory from Twitter or reddit.


the people denouncing it arent communists. in a few years they'll be national conservatives.


based naïveté


they're patsocs who will turn into natcons in a bizarre twist of the old trot to neocon pipeline. except this time they will join death squads. i personally can't wait to see some patsocs get BTFO by a complex ambush.


It was Komi regional branch. Regional communists generally oppose political repressions (but communists opposing repressions is something unimaginable to leftypol i guess).


>This is literally Heaven’s Gate tier
The evacuation nukes will carry us off to communism. This is a known fact.


Memorial Foundation literally has a separate project aiming at debunking "left = death, sovok and repressions" myths.


I remember reading someone saying they did, as Mussolini didn't want Germany to border Italy as it would put Italy at risk.


Italy backed down after Angl*s signed naval treaty with Germany


>ultra who'd have run his country into the ground criticize the most successful revolutionary party in existence, responsible for lifting the biggest amount of humans out of abject poverty and challenging the US geopolitical hegemony
never change.




>Talks shit about ultras
<Praises Ultraright deviation

Never change


Read the first thing on the page jumping into my eyes

>socialists and anarchists resisting bolsheviks

Yep, seems about right.


lenin was a right wing deviant


>Not the good left!


Would you prefer they were in debt bondage to American capitalists after a structural adjustment program? Because that's what happened to Russia and everybody else


<Socialism is doomed, we need mild social democracy instead

Explain me the difference between you and a liberal.


Liberals like gays and blacks


I don't imagine that my condemnation changes anything like you and liberals do


Explain -with theory-
the difference betwee you and liberals.


Anti-stalinism is the thing tying them all together. Well, the obvious common trait of them all, apart from saving capitalism from Revolution in many different ways. Their hatred towards Stalin - and China - is the common denominator, and KPRF exhibits those traits "We outgrew Stalin's repressions", lol.


Yes, we are on leftypol and not on bolshevikpol.


>spoonfeed me to avoid my severe condemnation
No, I don't think I will.


So do commies.


> anti-stalinism
You surely aren't Russian.


<I refuse engaging because I'm a brainlet retard


Chinese Communist Party surely doesn't and it were North and South American MLMs debating if killing gays revolutionary.


>Memorial Foundation literally has a separate project aiming at debunking "left = death, sovok and repressions" myths.
<talks about leftists resisting bolshevism

See this shit? See? It's not debunking any myths at all.

> anti-stalinism

Yes. Zyuganov says this, every party functionary says this. And voters aren't ever taken into account.


Stalin Center operates under KPRF approval. KPRF often opposes slandering of Great Leader Joseph. But KPRF is surely anti-stalinist because they think Stalin killed too much communists.



>Cult of Personality is entirely made up!
<Also you aren’t allowed to criticize Stalin unless you’re saying he didn’t kill enough people!
Tankies irl


Russian Stalinists usually admit that the repressions were too severe and misjudged, but they still think Stalin was generally good. Western tankies are really out of touch with reality.


Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day.


Happy Red Army Day!


>TFW I'll never play in KPRF football club

Why even live?



i don't give a fuck about "lifted out of poverty". the only thing I care about is the dictatorship of the proletariat. I'm a communist. You use the same arguments as American conservatives justifying US capitalism.


>Nike kits
<Hammer and sickle



Personally I celebrate Kwanzaa.


>KPRF often opposes slandering of Great Leader Joseph.

How are they oppose slandering by admitting to everything Khruschev accused Stalin of, lol? Use your brain. Those people look like clowns, they don't defend Stalin at all, they just spread anti-stalinist myths under the guise of defending history.

Cult of personality claim was first used by stalinists against "dear Nikita Sergeevich" and then "dear Leonid Ilyich". Those fucks were writing in their names into history books at every opportunity, forced a cult of personality centered around themselves as a means of achieving political weight.


Its a thread about Ukraine not Russia lol


t. westoid who's never suffered


>Russian Stalinists usually admit that the repressions were too severe and misjudged, but they still think Stalin was generally good.

See this shit? That's the signs of a crazy. People praising Stalin as good and admitting he was killing innocents are the only kinds of stalinists KPRF wants.


BDE post ngl.


t. retard who didn't even read the manifesto


Killing innocents is how the state works, it is inevitable. This level of moral purism is unacceptable for a materialist.


>People praising Stalin as good and admitting he was killing innocents are the only kinds of stalinists KPRF wants.

I mean, go read Khruschev's secret speech. It has the exact same tune, lol. Khruschev also said about Stalin doing lots of good, and then goes on and on about mistakes and misjudgements. That's khruschevite, not stalinist, position. Funny how it works, isn't it?


And now modern western tankoids gleefully embrace a cult of personality for Stalin in which all criticisms of Stalin come from “liberals” or “fascists” unless the criticism is that he didn’t purge hard enough or didn’t try to conquer Western Europe
Why tf would I care if Russian Stalinists were originally against it regarding other people when western tankies give into blind worship and basically act like Stalin is a replacement father figure or religious symbol or some shit


Maybe they don't want Gonzalo followers tier cultists


>Anything other than blind praise is evil comrade
<No this isn’t a personality cult, I’m not an insane LARPer, stfu


You're such a fucking retard. Do you think Stalin cared about the excesses of collectivization? "Suffered" some need to suffer to achieve the dictatorship of the proletariat. Stalin didn't stop collectivization because "suffering". Fuck off anti communist


Do gonzalites really exist or this is just a meme?


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>mfw Putin said we'll show them what real decommunization is like


Westernoid suburbanites that think they’ll be the vanguard


When Russia lost communism it created the greatest drop in life expectancy in a nonwar situation ever recorded. When China did, life expectancy continued to rise. Understanding the difference means you're not a communist.
t. brainlet purists


Eastern Europeans just suffer


See this shit? Communists like this are the ones Western propaganda fucking craves. They just take spit on the chin and wears it proudly.

It's not me who believes in Stalin losing the war until Zhukov saved him, and that Stalin killed 700k people in 2 years via overzealous NKVD people. I mean, it's funny, isn't it? According to archival evidence, Stalin both didn't know about Yezhov killing innocents and in the folder we learn that Stalin was signing "raising the limits on shooting". Something doesn't add up, isn't it


The exist in:
>Peru (a few hundreds)
>Ecuador (a few dozens)
>Myanmar (apparently)

But most of all on Twitter, where they truly shine /s


you're literally just a socdem with a fetish for China.


Don't go breaking his heart. He's just trying to cop… explore new theory for the 21st century.


>wanting better quality of life makes you a socdem

how do you arrive at this shit from the "socialism is the solution to contradictions of capitalism and is the future"? I mean, how in the hell socialism IS NOT better living conditions for everyone?


>Stalin led the USSR in WWII
<Therefore you must literally worship him, defend him endlessly, and call it “not a cult of personality” when you seethe that Russian communists don’t turn to blind worship the way you do as an alienated western zoomer
Funny how actual Russian MLs who live in a society where Stalin is already venerated don’t worship him like a messiah the way alienated western zoomer tankies do


Chinese capitalism works better than IMF debt and USD-backed currencies. Admitting this means one is not a communist. OK, I would rather know things.


Name a long-reigning communist leader under whom no innocents have suffered.


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here we go


People need to die to sustain the DOTP. Look what happened in the USSR, Stalin gave these people breathing room and it allowed them to do the Kosygin reforms. The only way to maintain the dictatorship of the proletariat is murdering anti communist capitalist roaders for as many generations as it takes to completely destroy them. Not only should they be liquidated but their families should be too, just like was ordering with the Tsar and his family, the families are the ones that hold the same ideas.


Name a time when this is ever an argument in your favor
Oh wait, it’s when you gotta defend Stalin against *checks notes* actual Russian communists


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You show him who's coping Anti-Dengist-Aktion anon!

>Step 1 Defeat Xi and Putin on /leftypol/

>Step 2 ???
>Step 3 Dictatorship of The Proletariat


Based leftypol making Pol Pot tier arguments by now


> Name a time when this is ever an argument in your favor
It isn't an argument in anybody's favor. That's an argument to reality.


Because he's a dogmatic retard who thinks that what you claim to 'support' on an anonymous image board makes you who you are, without any need to understand anything


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>the more we suffer the closer is salvation
t. christian


This is a more honest perspective, and I appreciate that.

All socialist system further living conditions, but the inverse is not true.
Imperialist plunder for example can further your living condition (on average, ofc there's a myriad of other things here but just to give a quick example) without constituting socialism.


>Stalin led the USSR in WWII

Yes, he led the USSR in WW2. He saved Soviet Russia under Tsaritsyn TWICE during Civil War, he was the one overseeing expulsion of Whites from Crimea through military means, he was the one who was successful in punishing poles, and then, when Tukhachevsky got himself into trouble, in saving entire Russian army from collapse by charging North. Why the fuck do you think Stalin, who led USSR in WW2, wasn't a fucking genius at war? He had a brilliant military past in Civil War, he had a brilliant track record in WW2.

>bu-bu-but it's a cult!!1

It's not a cult if it's factual history, kiddo. Sorry to break it to you, but you only repeat slander against Stalin.


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>Russian MLs who live in a society


When reality doesn't fit the theory it has to be reality which is wrong


>Wtf, “learn from history”? This board isn’t about LEARNING, it’s about REPLICATING history (not a farce, we are truly the bolsheviks) BUT WITH EVEN MORE BLOODSHED
t. Alienated zoomer suburbanite that gets their images of war from vidya


<Everyone disagreeing with me glows
Weak AF


>Basically argue Stalin was at his most useful specifically in war time
<This somehow is an argument in favor of mindless worship
<<This is some how proof you aren’t stuck in a personality cult for someone who’s dead and isn’t blindly worshipped by the communists of his own country
Westoids gonna westoid


Everyone. Innocents suffering under communists is such a fucking meme. Lenin first thing first outlawed capital punishment, and under Stalin prison population was lower per capita than under Czars, for fuck's sake.

>Look what happened in the USSR, Stalin gave these people breathing room and it allowed them to do the Kosygin reforms.

Stalin had no fucking time to cleanse the Party properly. It was half-measures all the time due to decade after decade of crisis-management. Whatever Soviets did was nothing short of a miracle.


When I see people like you is when I realize why it's been said that Stalin was the grave digger of the revolution


If the theory is that all capitalist production across different nations is the exact same, then yes the reality is certainly wrong
I was trying to be sarcastic. It's perfectly fine for communists to admit that. Doesn't mean it has to get your coveted 'support,' though.


Glowing is synonymous with being an Angloid/Redditor in this day and age. The talking points flow unchanged from Langley to radlib/socdem pipeline.


>you aren’t stuck in a personality cult for someone who’s dead and isn’t blindly worshipped by the communists of his own country

Again, retard, go and read Khruschev's speech and find qualitative difference from present day "stalinists". QUALITATIVE. It's literally the same message. "Cult of personality" you talk about is basically you trying to disregard facts by invoking a meme, a form of whataboutism.


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It's like many of us here have said repeatedly. America and the rest of the West has done this to themselves, by locking out and punishing countries they don't like, which only led to them not only thriving under alternative conditions but also being as shielded as possible from attempts to destabilize them.


>if you don't agree that Stalin killed 700k people it means you kill the Revolution

Where's the logic?


This is your entire personality lmao


Man I don’t give a fuck about Khrushchev’s speech because I don’t idolize or venerate mortal men to begin with, I don’t give a fuck about your LARP feud involving people that died before you were born and shit from, what, the 50s?


Contrarianism is a helluva drug


Nope, my entire personality is pointing it out, your entire personality is actually engaging in it without a hint of self-awareness
>DAE we alienated fringe imageboard using zoomers are the vanguard ackshually cuz we made a Soviet fanclub?


No offense but if you're an anti-communist why do you even bother to post here? Go back to twitter if you wanna circlejerk about mean evil tankies


Are you aware who Navalny is?


Well, take an L then. We started from this >>514925 >>514929 You started arguing against me calling those people not real communists and stalinists, that KPRF is, in fact, revisionist, khruschevite shit that's anti-Stalin. You just dropped down to pretending that you don't care about splits in communist movement, lol. No, you posted so many times about it that quite clearly you care


>defeat nazis and save ussr, leading it in the most bloody and large war that ever happened, managing to ready the union for war against the leading industrial superpower in europe
>committed revolutionary, well read, great contributions to theory, wanted more direct democracy
>people celebrate his achievements
<muh mindless worship
<muh personality cult
and then they gonna wank on one of their own national/personal hero without seeing the irony


"Consumer economy"
fuck off capitalist. Socialism isn't made for you to consume. You get what you need. And if you don't fucking like that you can have a bullet in the back of the head, or do labor. This is the problem and has always been the problem, it was the problem in the USSR with Kosygin, the tentacles capitalists use is consumerism. Fuck your consumption.


Okay my bad it's not your entire personality. Your entire personality is saying like three lines of complaining in the most pseud enlightened student way possible such as
>I don’t idolize or venerate mortal men
>*tips fedora*
Then you say LE SECOND AS FARCE to seal the deal


So, has the war started yet???


Westerners are used to such shitty leaders that they cant comprehend the idea of people honoring leaders that are actually great, it's yet another form of western chauvinism


Let's venerate great men!


Unironically yes. Without Stalin, the Russian people would not even exist and the world would be engulfed in Nazi darkness. Without Deng and Xi, America would fully dominate the globe and have everyone subject to neoliberal hell. We should take time to honor those who have saved our world


If this is a reference to the book "Let us now praise Famous Men" it's a good post
if it's a reference to the bible it's pleb shit.


Lmao I don’t give a fuck about any national “hero” of the US, not even the ones other socialists tell me I should like
I’m not an “anti-communist”
You can be a communist without being some dumbass LARPer soyfacing over the USSR every minute of every goddamned day
Like, look at how people are seething at the Russian communist party because, what, they said Stalin took the purges too far? This is the nonsense that riles you people up? Seriously?

Besides, since when was this a tankie board where we all get in a big faggot fap circle for the first two leaders of the USSR, whine about all the other ones, and then discuss almost nothing else? I know tankoids hate to hear it, but leftists actually do exist outside of your circlejerk.

Tankies aren’t “mean” or “evil”, they’re a joke
This the sort of shit that makes even third worlders not care for you


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>Let's venerate great men!


>All socialist system further living conditions, but the inverse is not true.

Capitalism has a roof over what it can achieve in furthering living conditions. That's in the nature of capitalist production and distribution. That's an insurmountable obstacle to it's development. The most obvious one - workers not interested in the product they make, not enough willingness to work, too much risks of such productions causing price inflation, etc etc. In short, without socialism it's impossible to have Chinese levels of growth. Or Soviet levels of growth. Or Eastern Europe restoring itself faster than Western Europe. Fascist Spain lost an edge over Eastern Europe during that time, ffs.

>Imperialist plunder for example can further your living condition

No, it cannot. All the profits go to the bourgeoisie. Whatever you win from them is furthering your living conditions not through imperialist plunder.

Workers fight for bigger compensation for their work, they fight for bringing price of goods equal to the costs of producing those goods. When all goods are produced like this, it will be full socialism. If there's no profit whatsoever, it's a fully socialist production.


But the book is referencing the bible…


personally im praying that Baloch socialists blow up more chinese oil thieves in their occupied land and keep sending the bodybags back home to xi


Really reminds me of
>socialists resisting bolshevism
mentioned earlier in this thread, huh


we need war to help the hecken gayerinoes


Go to ukraine thread with your off-topic posts


i'd unironically support a joint NATO-Russian campaign to kill all Chechen warlords, the torturing of gay guys is just the tip of the iceberg if you know what i'm sayin fam




Based as hell if true


The Chinese are not communists. President Gonzalo was right to target them, along with "Soviet" scum that thought they could trespass in Peru, and the fat Korean revisionists that sold guns to their enemies.


ngl i just hate Kadyrov and i hate the online retards who think he's based. i wouldn't mind if he and his supporters (including his online Westoid ones) get thrown down a very deep mine shaft


Chinese and Russian soldiers should and deserve to die as much as US ones.



Nobody will ever admit fault or apologize for such blatant disinformation, it's fucked up. Instead I see redditors and stuff mad when someone shushes them over their bloodlust
It's the same thing with "le ruskis are gonna shell Kiev and rape all the womens"


Kadyrov is still better than cluster bombing and hostage crises.


before you bring up the boiling water bullshit. they deserved it. I don't care if gonzalo poured scolding water on toddlers himself. each of the families and families like them learned really quick what happens when you are an anti communist. Just bullets don't work. Anti communists need to be burnt alive. If Stalin literally burnt people alive they would have thought twice about being deviationalists


we laugh but this is literally what maoautists believe


he sends gays to canada.


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kill yourself

he should send your ass down a mine shaft lel


i really wish there was a Maoist equivalent of the Islamic State.




>No, it cannot.
Then why is the Western standard of living higher than the third world?


Now we have gonzaloites.
The thread just got more ultra zest lmao.
Is there some news? The only ones I saw was that bombardments are increasing in the republics


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Russian anti-ukrainian propaganda is something else. Well, it's not official propaganda, it's some artist doing it, but come on.

Higher development of productive forces + job distribution ala all the higher paying jobs existing in the West and those jobs paying better for services provided, while all the low paying jobs are "transferred" to the South.


homosexuality is incoherent with their way of life, thus it is rational for one to be sent to canada for such tendencies.


That's why you shouldn't let any strain of maoism take root


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bernie would be tried at nuremberg for what he did to yugoslavia






Those things couldn't be gains from/expressions of imperialism? Also we outsourced our productive capacities, but that was much more recent than imperialism


I thought he oppose Serbian genocidal projects, he didn't?


>The only ones getting nuked are European nations without their own nukes.

This. Nuclear war is a given, it's going to happen in the near future but that doesn't mean MAD → Armageddon. It just means shorter range nukes to trim the population, establish DMZ's, and counterbalance the falling rate of profit by destroying enormous swaths of land and capital and keeping production focused on war.

Oh no chapobros how can we ever recover.


>emily chinlety


>Also we outsourced our productive capacities, but that was much more recent than imperialism

And before that… well, let's look at India. Britain straight up destroyed Indian industries, everything competitive to the British industry was undone, everything's left was farming, mining and such, aimed at supplying Britain with resources. Since India consumed a lot of those products before getting it industries destroyed, since demand didn't vanish, Britain also started selling to India those products as well.

Come to think of it, in a way, Britain STOLE jobs from it's colony. What I am talking about is a similar steal - West stealing all the programmer, professor, doctor, lawyer jobs from the Global South. I think it's a way better way of portraying it, isn't it?


My hope is, and I know this is wishfull thinking, that some junior officers on both sides realize how pointless all of this is and join some sort of communist party.


They’ll break ranks and fight no more


Their working conditions are better than Australia. This is according to statistics that don’t favor China.


Of course it’s the Pink Imperialism. We’re trying to do it right now with China, unfortunately for Burgerstan, the allies who want to fight China are extremely homophobic.


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