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TO WATCH FOR NEWS: https://liveuamap.com/
Live updates from Texan commie boomer in Donbass: https://www.youtube.com/c/RussellBentleyTexac
For Russiabros, analysis from Boris Rozhin:
https://colonelcassad.livejournal.com/ (has a telegram, lots of cool stuff there too)

"Modern Ukraine was completely created by Russia," Putin says in speech to the nation“

Putin: "We are ready to show you what true de-Communization means to Ukraine."“


Putin says Ukraine is a "U.S. colony" with a "puppet regime"

“Russia claims Ukraine invaded Russia and says 5 Ukrainian soldiers were killed and two APCs destroyed near Rostov.

Putin, in televised address on Ukraine crisis, talks about a "nationalistic virus" says 1991 collapse of Soviet Union saw Russia robbed

“Putin: "Why did we have to transfer the rights to the territories that had been part of the Russian Empire?"“


Russia & Syria officially recognize LNR and DPR

Syria recognizing LNR/DPR

Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua likely to recognize the Donetsk and Lugansk republics shortly

Putin Calls For Ukraine To Break Apart

"President Biden will soon issue an Executive Order that will prohibit new investment, trade, and financing by U.S. persons to, from, or in the so-called DNR and LNR regions of Ukraine," Jen Psaki says following recognition by Putin of regions as "independent."

>EU leadership @vonderleyen & @eucopresident say that bloc will react with sanctions "against those involved in this illegal act" of recognising Donetsk and Luhansk.

>Suggests individual, targeted sanctions: not the big ol' war package that everyone has been talking up for weeks.


Communist Party of Russia has just endorsed Putin's call to recognise the DNR and LNR.

Zyuganov: "Look how zealous the Americans and British are now. They forced Ukraine to send almost all its troops to the Donetsk-Luhansk region. More than 100k in a patch of 40-50km."
774 posts and 168 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Ukrainians are launching all out counterattacks as the night progresses. No progress seems to be made, but Russians are slowed


Well based for them but we should do it organized you dont understand that euro proles will suffer due to the sactions


apparently putin was promised kharkov by now and he's in a bunker seething while drunk, possible suicide or abdication in the coming days.


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Jesus, they almost have Kyiv.


I agree with this view, but you can argue with nato starting to conduct military exercise in the country it could have ended up as defacto nato before too long, and they can always sit on the no border conflict clause. if there was a good moment to act military it was probably it


>ukraine letting civilians die rather than surrendering to russia


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>when you can't afford to deal with your poverty or AIDS epidemic but you can give out thousands of rifles for everyone for a war you know you're going to lose in a couple days


Make a new thread uyghurs


Good thing Ukraine is a low crime place where those weapons won't later be used by criminals on Ukrainian citizens.

>It's easy to rob or hurt or kill somebody and get out of the country before this person even goes to the police. I can get out of Ukraine within 2 days, quick enough to avoid getting caught. I don't need to hurt them immediately, nice vengeance requires planning and time. People get killed for less than $1500, people get killed for lesser betrayals and for lesser insults, especially in 3rd world pisspoor countries like Ukraine, which is poorer than Turkey, Iran, China or Morocco. A couple of broken teeth is a lottery ticket in my view. If they stole $1500 from mafioso, they would be dead already. I had weeks to plan my vengeance, I can't love any woman even half as strongly as I loved the first one, and I don't experience strong attachment to anything but to the things I collect and the awards I inherited. Taking those things from me is worse than rape or stealing all my money and the apartment, they chose to spit in my face and take whatever dignity and self-esteem I had. I didn't draw because of some love for art, I was drawing to earn money. What for do I need money now if I love no one and I have nothing to cherish? There's only bitter taste of betrayal and hate.


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maybe the tactic is to just call it a war crime? depraved and bloodthirsty if so


Reminder that this isn't Ukraine itself, but the NATO puppets that are ruling Ukraine in the first place.
NATO is the one arming these civilians, Ukraine comes second on this.


holy fuck this is just embarrassing. was russia a paper tiger all along? how are they getting pushed back???


Yes armies suffer big morale problems after waves of victories


Can I get a rundown on the sanctions?


Kharkov is almost surrounded. It seems Ukrops concentrated at Sumy and Kharkov as Russians advance to Kiev almost unimpeded


Russian VDV brigade near Kiev is wiped out apparently


what the fuck is going on putinsisters???


they claimed that ten times today


It is for the spectacle to frame Russia. It is better for sanctions-purpose to paint Russia as le ebin imperialist.
With more reason, they should strike stronger.
Officially CIA uyghurs.


for the 100th time today?


what are you talking about
Holy shit, were they supposed to prepare the ground for the Kiev push that got delayed? Makes sense


Zelensky can't surrender or capitulate or they are going to Gaddafi him




The entire Russian armies is made up of thousands of VDV units


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ooof, that's enough to level a city
i wonder what prompted that much hardpower


t. americanoid
day 1 in iraq you were still eating sand


My first thought as well, the blowback from this war in general is going to be fucking insane for every party involved.



I'm in the process of joining the Communist Party of Canada, and I've been in touch with their organizers. If they organize an anti-war demonstration I will 100% be attending, as well as actively participating in any efforts to pressure our government to cease all intervention in Ukraine.
>To prevent more deaths.
The best way to prevent more deaths would have been to occupy Donbass and back the separatists with regular Russian forces. This is a dramatic escalation that will in all likelihood lead to more death.
What does any of that have to do with people in Russia and their suffering?


Merchant ship flagged to the Marshall Islands, it's fine


Are we seeing Deep Battle tactics?


It has been less than a day.


Anons I know this is tricky, I do wish for the fascist elements of Ukraine to be put down. I do wish for a more multi-polar world. I do wish for NATO to be weakened and destroyed. I do know this brings immense violence, violence the material conditions of capitalism have made necessary. We are at the whims of Capital in this. It's a sick irony that we know the mass violence of inter-imperialist conflict must occur to bring down capitalism. None of us are responsible for that, whether we wish for it to be over with or pushed off doesn't matter here. Anons whether your enthusiastic or down on this, history is back on the menu. All that matters is our hearts are connected to the needs of the prole, we can do no wrong with that!


Post this in the new thread, comrade


Caleb denying there's an invasion happening. Holy hell what a retard.


Analysis from a french general blog made yesterday

The probability of an open interstate conflict between Russia and Ukraine is now very high. This war will be part of the wider confrontation between Russia and the Atlantic Alliance, which has been going on for several years, and which is being waged on both sides with all possible instruments, both civilian and military.

Let us recall above all the rules of the game of the use of the military instrument. In the background, there is the nuclear weapon on both sides, which, like the queen on a chessboard, influences the whole game by its power even if it does not move. But nobody wants it to move. Nuclear powers that confront each other therefore avoid anything that could make it tremble, and first of all to confront each other directly with weapons. There may have been some friction in various places, but efforts have always been made to control these clashes very quickly.

Let us note some operational consequences of this rule. If we do not confront each other directly militarily, we can always attack those who do not benefit from this nuclear umbrella. As the enemy of my enemy can eventually be considered as my friend, the opposite side can also choose to militarily help the threatened state.

If the attack has not yet taken place, the first way to help it is to place the target state under its protection as quickly as possible, or else risk preemptively triggering the enemy attack that we want to avoid. The only way is to play the "reckless pedestrian" who suddenly crosses the road and forces all motorists to brake. In 1983, Chad, threatened by Libya, called France for help. A few days later, three French battalions occupied key points in central Chad and it was made clear to Colonel Gaddafi that crossing the 15th parallel would provoke a war with France.

If the attack took place, there was no longer any question of sending troops, except at best for "ghost soldiers", volunteers, lost leave-holders, private soldiers, etc., and even then only in small doses to avoid the rule of non-confrontation. In reality, it will be a matter of hoping that the attacked state will resist long enough to be helped by making the war a costly stalemate.

This brings us back to Ukraine. When the crisis erupted at the turn of 2014, Russia responded immediately with a mobilization of forces on the border and the annexation of Crimea. The Atlantic Alliance, at the request of the new Ukrainian government, could have played a "reckless pedestrian" at that point. No one dared. In the next phase, while remaining masked, Russia supported the autonomist movement in Donbass and when it was threatened with suffocation, launched new military moves: deployment of an anti-aircraft force that chased Ukrainian planes and helicopters out of the sky, then bludgeoning of Ukrainian battalions along the border with drone-guided multiple rocket launchers -a battalion was destroyed in three minutes- and finally commitment at the end of August of joint battle groups (JBGs) -battalions grouping together tanks, mechanized infantry and above all artillery- on all the axes from Russia to Donetsk and Luhansk. Aggregated with local militiamen to provide infantry and a political mask, and followed by electronic warfare groups and very heavy artillery, these groups crushed the Ukrainian brigades encountered in their path. This resulted in the Minsk I agreements. In January 2015, the Russians did the same thing again, with even more groupings, and that gave the Minsk II agreements.

Today, a new Russian attack, regardless of its objective of conquest would take the same form. In the 1980s, taking up Russian operating principles from the 1930s, Soviet doctrine called this a "high-speed offensive". The principle is simple: to act on a whole chosen terrain in a minimum of time. In the farthest distance, infiltrating troops on foot, planes, helicopters, or ships; in the middle of the strikes, planes, helicopters, multiple rocket launchers or others, and behind the shells of the GTIA passing by all the axes. The Russians have around Ukraine and in the self-proclaimed republics of Donbass about 120 IWGs (for comparison the French Army is sure to be able to form six complete, after that it is not certain), but also 500 fighter aircraft, which unlike 2014 would be used this time. With these assets, they can launch up to eight high-speed attacks simultaneously, each on a major road along a rectangle 100 km by 200 deep to be conquered in a week.

There are only two things that could stand in their way.

The first is a "reckless pedestrian". Despite the progressive disorganization of European armies since 1990, one could have found some forces to deploy quickly, but only among the very few nations willing to put their soldiers at risk of course. In a rather unanimous way, we were quick to admit to the Russians that we would never do it. So let's forget about this option, unless we strangely consider that doing it in Romania will dissuade Russia from attacking Ukraine.

The second is of course Ukrainian defense. Militarily, Ukraine is somewhat in the position of NATO having to defend the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) against the Soviet Group of Forces in Germany. The working scenario was that of a high-speed offensive on five axes of attack seeking to seize the FRG before Western leaders even had time to consider the use of nuclear weapons. There were then only two modes of defense: the first was a mirror image of the Russian method from armored units in the first instance to deep strikes, the second was a surface defense - a techno-guerrilla to use Joseph Henrotin's expression - made up of small, well-trained and equipped infantry units each defending a given terrain, in the manner of the Finnish defense against the Russians in the winter of 1940.

Ukraine is currently capable of doing neither. In the air or, a little better, on the ground, there is nothing to prevent the Russians from having control of the sky with all that may imply. On the ground, the forty or so IWGs available are equipped with old Soviet equipment, inferior to that of the other side, and without stockpiles (note, in passing, the mysterious accidents that have occurred for some time in the ammunition depots in Ukraine and even among the few external suppliers). As for the techno-guerrilla, it is as little techno as guerrilla. There are 25 territorial brigades made up of reservists, but they are far from the Finnish fighter-skier battalions of 1940 or the Lebanese Hezbollah in 2006 against Israel. There are no fortified lines, no subterranean tunnels, no hidden depots, no companies of elite fighters, despite the undeniable courage of Ukrainian soldiers. One can receive anti-tank missiles at the last moment or buy excellent Turkish armed drones, but one still has to know how to use them.

All this is very little and very late, and this remark is valid both for the Ukrainian state and for the countries of the Atlantic Alliance, which often wake up only when they are slapped. So we do not see what could stop the Russian high-speed attacks, perhaps simultaneous aimed at conquering all of Ukraine at once, or successive ones seeking to gradually dismember the country. At most we can attack in the civilian field and prepare a little better militarily for the next move, in Ukraine if the initial Russian victory leads to an unstable situation, or elsewhere.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)




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kek holy shit
It's like Albania in the 90s where the government just opened up the military armories to everybody and their dog.


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Is he Hitler or recreating the USSR make up your minds







[Muffled Internationale in the distance]


>six digits


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