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TO WATCH FOR NEWS: https://liveuamap.com/
Live updates from Texan commie boomer in Donbass: https://www.youtube.com/c/RussellBentleyTexac
For Russiabros, analysis from Boris Rozhin:
https://colonelcassad.livejournal.com/ (has a telegram, lots of cool stuff there too)

"Modern Ukraine was completely created by Russia," Putin says in speech to the nation“

Putin: "We are ready to show you what true de-Communization means to Ukraine."“


Putin says Ukraine is a "U.S. colony" with a "puppet regime"

“Russia claims Ukraine invaded Russia and says 5 Ukrainian soldiers were killed and two APCs destroyed near Rostov.

Putin, in televised address on Ukraine crisis, talks about a "nationalistic virus" says 1991 collapse of Soviet Union saw Russia robbed

“Putin: "Why did we have to transfer the rights to the territories that had been part of the Russian Empire?"“


Russia & Syria officially recognize LNR and DPR

Syria recognizing LNR/DPR

Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua likely to recognize the Donetsk and Lugansk republics shortly

Putin Calls For Ukraine To Break Apart

"President Biden will soon issue an Executive Order that will prohibit new investment, trade, and financing by U.S. persons to, from, or in the so-called DNR and LNR regions of Ukraine," Jen Psaki says following recognition by Putin of regions as "independent."

>EU leadership @vonderleyen & @eucopresident say that bloc will react with sanctions "against those involved in this illegal act" of recognising Donetsk and Luhansk.

>Suggests individual, targeted sanctions: not the big ol' war package that everyone has been talking up for weeks.


Communist Party of Russia has just endorsed Putin's call to recognise the DNR and LNR.

Zyuganov: "Look how zealous the Americans and British are now. They forced Ukraine to send almost all its troops to the Donetsk-Luhansk region. More than 100k in a patch of 40-50km."


Gonna be a BRRRRAAAAPP edition soon since Ukraine is getting shitted on 👌🏿😂




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Is Russia imperialist?


>In our work, we used the IMF data on net primary income flows between countries. These are cross-border flows of profit, interest and rent. We found that when these flows are netted out, there are about 10 countries at the most that fit the bill as imperialist. Indeed, nothing much has changed in the 100 years since Lenin wrote his analysis of imperialism: it’s still the same countries. No others have made it from dominated to imperialist status. Net primary income per head is concentrated in the G7 plus a few other small states and the tiny tax haven states). Every other country is an ‘also-ran’.

>The G8-plus countries own the vast bulk of all the foreign-owned assets. Even the so-called BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) own little abroad compared to the imperialist countries. The G8 has six times as much FDI stock as the BRICS.


This is the 7777⁷777 thread


Don't fuck it up


>Indeed, nothing much has changed in the 100 years since Lenin wrote his analysis of imperialism: it’s still the same countries.
But… Lenin deemed the Russian empire as imperialist.


Every epsorts team I check on Twitter changed their pfp to Ukraine colors lmao.

Why are gamers like this?


trips will the sexts


>posting fake video game footage in OP
great start


took two wrong turns, gamers and twitter


>why are people who sit on their ass all day playing Fortnite extremely susceptible to propaganda


>The year is 1937
>Leftypol simps for the Japanese Empire to own the West


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OP video is Air India flying Modi sir into Ukraine.


hell yeah, pimp


its not like we can do anything about this either way


Trot detected.


There is a war though.


No leftlypol would simp for the KMT and call Mao and ultra leftist that needs to be killed.


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Putin will declare a new USSR any day now! You anti-invasion libs will be seething and malding!


>the year is 2022
>flagfag gets mad at scenario he made up in his head


why u doxxing urself with reaction pic?


Who would leftypol side with in the Russo-Japanese war? Keep in mind this was an explicitly racist war between "holy white Russia" and the "yellow peril"



leftypol would probably just parrot the party line of the CPSU


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ur mom


Instead of shooting where I was, you should have shot where I was going!


The peasants that rebelled that year.


And the G8 did contain Russia. Confusing text


>Well, yea, your supposedly Maoist party is still battling, but what are they gonna do aside from being a nuisance to the KMT against japanese imperialism?
>That's the reason why the Soviet Union sent priced military advisors like comrade Vlasov (a really important soviet general loyal to the cause of Marxism-Leninism) to aid the Kuomintang in it's efforts.


Lol, well that changed pretty soon after. But Roberts is actually asking the question. He seems to think that the BRICS countries are a much lesser class of imperialist countries.


If there is a massive anti-war movement, with many communist will this show a disconnect from party leadership in places like Russia?
>Commie lead anti-war movement
>Overthrow Putin
>New socialist Russia pulls out of Ukraine
>Ukraine sides with new commie Russia after west isn't largely to blame for getting them in this

If ^ only


Russian "communists" are more pro war than Russian nazis.


Between the parties, given no other options, Russia was the worse imperializer and was carving up China at the time and participating in the Unequal Treaties. As such the Japanese would have been the lesser of evils.
Also, the defeat of Russia in large part lead to the 1905 and later revolution, so in a way the fact that the Japanese won was a great outcome.


>New socialist Russia pulls out of Ukraine.
That would be a bad idea anon, a socialist Russia would ensure that Ukraine also becomes socialist.


This is why you never listen to any westerner's thoughts on Russia


I've heard people claim the lead commie party of Russia, is united Russia fake oppression. this does make me wonder.


some think russia is justified on the geopolitical stage, but that doesnt mean they would bleed for it
and majority think nato is responsible for the situation, but still criticize russia for going so far. Which doesnt mean "supporting" the corrupt state of ukraine either just cause its a defensive war.
in the end, the loosers are ukrainians proles first, and all proles in europe and russia second due to energy prices.
the best outcome : nato cucks out (and dont sanction gas), russia take ukraine with minimal casualties and donetsk communist take control of the country, nationalizing everything to gain popular support


> Biden: "Putin want's to restore the Soviet Union"

Is this meant to scare the Ameriboomer?


There are communists besides Zyuganov, even within the Communist Party


Elaborate for me please?


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Do burgers really?


I do wish the Japanese Empire bombed more than one American harbor for real


Yeah, communism bad so we should call putin communism


Unless Putin comes to my house and personally takes away my Xbox and my internet, this whole thing is just a nothingburger.



Get out of here with this nuanced position shit, everyone I don't like is an evil /pol/ tankie in love with putin and supporter of Imperial Japan, the nazis, the confoderacy, lord voldemort, etc.


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>thread 28

How are you faggots not tired of this shit



If his handlers didn't pull him out sooner he would start condemning General Secretary Putin for beginning Operation Barbarossa against Poland


The year is 1914
Twitter and Reddit vote for war credits, support the SPD, French socialists and British Labour


Even if you accept that Russia is exploited (which Roberts seems to imply here, but again its confusing), that would mean that Russia's government has for decades been cooperating with the West to exploit their own country. So much for Putin being an "anti-imperialist."


The war started today literally.


They did, people just only talk about the one harbor.


I'm so glad this war happened because it produced this video https://twitter.com/IAMannalynnemcc/status/1496877541772062727


threads go so fast, i barely saw a third of them


Fuck the neoliberal status quo
change is good


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"No war but class war"/"neither sideism" in uneven geopol environment of entrenched unipolar hegemon vs up and coming global powers struggling against the strategic offensive of the hegemon in a war of survival amounts to support for the hegemon. You're the geopolitical equivalent of somebody shouting "Neither police nor victims of police brutality" in the west.

Not falling for your Satanic tricks. People like you & anybody siding with the Beast do not need struggle sessions or debate, you need an exorcism followed by 24 months in the countryside tending a garden, digging ditches and mending fences.

Reflect on your life choices, find Jesus & self criticize.


Oh no no no


Meanwhile leftypol supports the German Empire in their valiant struggle against world spanning British imperialism lmao


>no naval invasions or paratroopers
lol, what a newb



you know what I mean. It's no fun that the Japanese navy got owned so quick. It's certainly a bad outcome that most Americans didnt' see war on their own soil either and thus didn't need to recover afterwards. Japanese did some naughty shit, but I still critically support them in the US war.


all wars matter


Are they doing a Market Garden at the Belarus border to Kiev?


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burgerland never cease to impress me holy shit


What's some kino WW3 type games I could play to set the mood for these times? I've already played Metro and please don't suggest COD.


>Shilling the Russian chauvinist revision of Stalin’s actual politics
>Calling out the actual Leninist position in a war like this as wrong
>Shilling Jesus



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Over/under Ukraine is finished within 48 hours of it all starting


But Japan was explicitly anti-imperialist, liberation of Asia from Western colonial rule was literally their goal. But imperialists were too afraid and tried to suffocate Japan with sanctions. Japan has endured, so they enacted this "Pearl Harbor" ruse.
Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere was the greatest organized anticolonial movement in the first half of the century.


This can't be real right is this what idealism does to a mother fucker?


Over unless Kharkov falls tonight or the Belarusians link up near Kiev


>The Japanese Empire was literally anti-imperialist
It’s always hard to tell if it’s actual retardation or just a meme with leftcom flags


grinding civilians to red paste in the process however is not good. Idk if world walks out of this with accelerated decline of US imperialism and we will have less bloody interventions and wars in the future then this will have been an positive event.


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No russian ever called me 'Latinx'


She can be my mommy if you catch my drift


Fucking weebs go watch some anime or something, us smart retards are discussing geopolitics


what the fuck is this dr seuss shit? libs never cease to bewilder me


>Japanese did some naughty shit, but I still critically support them in the US war.

Eh I don't know about that, the Japanese were slaying the Chinese en masse and were a fascist anti-communist power. I think we probably should coordinate with liberals before we coordinate with fascists.



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>You know what, I'm done with this site
>still here



> EU unlikely to cut Russia off SWIFT for now, sources say


> New U.S. sanctions on Russia mainly hit banks, miss energy sector


The Western response is pathetic. Iran is under harsher sanctions for doing nothing.


Sucks but pretty big restraint from Russia at not causing civilian casualties. NATO would be nonstop bombing Kiev for the next two weeks


Agent Kochinski would look like the Nostalgia Critic if he were to have some weight loss


Why not support direct action and duel power attempts in Ukraine at that point. Declare a new election let Ukrainians decide if by vote they choose to be west cucks and Nazi degenerates they can do that. (Fair election overseen by new communisy Russia) (military leaves after) If commie Russia returns they will be looking at prosperity while they continue the maiden decline. The Ukrainian people will want to be socialist at that point. Pulling out would be a being pr win for Communism. Pro-war stances only favor McCarthist craze.


Flagfags love attention, they'd never leave this site.


Kek told you so. Wasn't until tomorrow, but until later.


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imperialism is when western interests and the westerner the imperialister


You would be the bootlicker of French/British/Dutch colonialists during the East Asian anticolonial struggles would you?


Yesss this, most of them are attention whores but in the lefty space, lol. of e-thots?, e-trots.




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Sire, this site has a Neko as a mascot.


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I don't care about consistency in my politics
I am a simple man and simply hate US-imperialism


Zizek comments
>It is easy to translate this situation into that of a rape. Russia, which is ready to rape Ukraine, claims it doesn’t want to do it — but between the lines it’s making it clear that, if it doesn’t get consent for sex from Ukraine, it is ready to commit rape (recall Putin’s vulgar reply). Russia also accuses Ukraine of provoking it to commit rape.

>The US, which wants to protect Ukraine from being raped, rings the alarm bells about the imminent threat of rape so that it can assert itself as the protector of post-Soviet states. This protectiveness cannot but remind us of a local mobster who offers stores and restaurants in his domain “protection” against robbery, with a veiled threat that, if they reject his protection, something may happen to them…

>Ukraine, the target of the threat of rape, tries to keep calm, nervous also at US alarm bells, aware that the uproar about rape can push Russia to actually commit rape


that word seems to be used for national bourgeoisies who want to take power for their selves from the hegemons, through capitalism/imperialism. I don't actually take too much offense to this ambiguity given that lower capitalism can actually be not imperialist (not "anti-" though.)
Russia is definietly exploited by other countries, Roberts or another economist had data that showed that they barely break even on net value extracted from other countries minus value extracted from them to other countries. The "imperialism is a world-system!" anon posted it once, but I haven't found it since then. China's net was very negative, the Western countries' was very positive.


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>Do burgers really?


These digits say Russia will take Poland next.


>Ignoring the USSR and Japan's rabid anti-communist
Kill yourself



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There's palm trees in Ukraine?


>No digits


Biden speaks


This uygha is something else lmao


Excellent take from Zizek as always


>raping Nanking to own the westoids


> Western intellectuals



Show me Soviet troops fighting French in Indochina.


>There's palm trees in Ukraine?
It's a video game (ARMA 3)


<10000 firearms distributed to civilians in Kiev
Sounds desperate


>OP uses fake coombait footage, which originates from ARMA 3
You are fucking braindead!


AAAA stop trying to co-opt the Yugoslav military doctrine, this is fucking suicide


Zizek is like if any of us decides to go public, but with the same edgyness edgorlordgastic rhetoric.


Zizek comin in wit da Freudian analysis ey yoooo sheeesh


he really just can't help himself lmao


> rabid anti-communist
And so what? Learn theory man. Iran is also very anticommunist but all anti-imperialist leftists support it because of it's positive role, Axis of Resistance fucks imperialists hard.


Where are the front lines at? I've lost track since this morning.


That's why the VDV should capture Zelensky and twist his arm until he orders all Ukrainian forces to stand down.
But westerners want their atrocity porn so he's arming volkssturm grannies in Kiev right now


Check liveuamap


If you read this in his voice it's just perfect


You mean the Viet Mihn?


Russia State Duma says it may confiscate money from it's own citizens to offset sanctions




Think this is the original.


Show me based IJA troops fighting with Chinese Red Army troops against the West.


No he is right.


Russian gambit to snag Kiev is finished. Ukrainians managed to retake the airport and capture the VDV elements there per Ukrainian sources

Russians will probably be forced to start taking the velvet gloves off now, they've only used a fraction of their forces and capabilities so far


Care with LUM, they report official Ukrainian things and they are recurring to falsification.


fuckin kek




It sounds like you need theory and much history. But the better course for scum like you is a trip down a well


CNN talking head nearly called the Ukrainian military "Afghan" lol. Same shit over and over


thanks for translating


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I'm so proud that the CNN headquarters is right here in atlanta georgia where i live!


The revolution will be televised just enough so you have a little idea of what is happening but no info about any specific details


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Russia is imperialist
Ukrainian proles will be murdered at cold blood from a drone.
Ukrainian right-wingers will intensify it's persecution of communists, lgtb and russian people.
Russian proles will be dragged to a war that might last months.
To fight for oligarchs.
Meanwhile Ukrainians will be forced to fight for the country with the ideology of a nazi collaborator.
Meanwhile western media pumping out hate towards russia and china, paving the road towars a nuclear war.
We're trully living in the blackest reaction.


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>psh I was only using 10% of my power kid…


They were literally funded by the US to help the region to return to colonial exploitation. It backfired later of course and I support their efforts in liberating Vietnam, but Japanese would do the same eventually if they succeeded.


Zizek is just Agent Kochinski with a PhD.


Have seen no evidence of this, just that national guard elements are counterattacking


You glow so much lol. Do you grieve for poor Israelis bombed by evil Palestinians?


Friendly reminder that the communist movement in Russia has no interest in backing putin here. The only real call is class war from all sections of the proletariat against the national and international bourgeoisie. Right now the west is tuning up the McCarthism on how this is a revival of the "Soviet Empire" what do commies get from backing Putin's aims here? NATO expansion will have to be deterred communist Russia or capitalist. Still if the time is right for Communist to make the move on Putin THEY SHOULD.


I doubt he's a pedophile so not too sure that comparison adds up


He's much funnier than Voosh could ever hope to be


Become a misanthrope and you'll no longer have to be stressed out at humanities need to destroy itself as quickly as possible.


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>48 hours later
>just chillaxing after stopping a genocide


>Russia is not imperialist
>The sham of Ukranian nationalist identity will be swept aside
>Russians and Ukranians will unite as brothers under one flag again
>No war because NATO is a paper tiger
>Ukranians no longer begging for scraps from imperialist west that doesn't care
>Western media seethes as always
>Xi and Putin become best bros
the future is bright lads


leftypol dont care as long as at least 1-3 NATO soldiers die


RIP to Ukrainian civilians if true. That was their only chance.


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I just want you to know that I despise people like you, and I can't wait until the war at home kicks off so you can be punished like the filth you are.


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He's just an edgelord.


Lmao. If this happened, all of western media would be spamed with images of defeated Russian soldiers


BASED anti-imperialists holding rape and decapitaiton competitions in liberated Nanking


Most of us are aware the question is if the situation will eventually develop in a way that can benefit potential mass organization, mobilization, and eventually a takeover hopefully


I wonder if Zizek regrets his protest in Yugoslavia and is unhappy with the result. Or if Zizek instead doubled down and said that the break up of Yugoslavia was a good thing even despite the genocide and death and suffering.


>probably devolve into World War 3
First worlders are so fucking stupid


t: doesn't have reading comprehension.


How is ukrainian identity a sham? They have a language and culture just like russia….


<no socialism mention anywhere

Dogshit idea of bright future


Ukraine is the crib of Russians, dipshit


tfw my porn artist is ukrainian and has to take a break to survive


I can't get the damn thing to work


The communist party in Russia supports the intervention in Ukraine tho, with the caviot that they wanna limit Russian intervention to Donbass alone


I read it exactly right faggot


Iranians and Russians are doing similar things and so what? In the end they all fight for the greater good, destroying the hegemony of Western powers. NATO does war crimes, USSR does war crimes, everyone does war crimes, that's just how the life goes.


Ok, then explain what he meant with that.


I want zizek to watch utena


We were warned dude and it's happening.


You can say furry here anon. It's ok


i tried watching that show once but it got boring. last thing i rmemeber there was some dance and gaybaiting stuff. is it actually good or just weeb filler content?


Pol thinks this is a psyop to shift focus from that canadian trucker convoy lmao


Didn't expect to see Ukranian nationalists here kek
they have a slavic and their culture is also slavic
The idea that russians and ukranians should be separated is a lie to break up the slavic world




100,000 Ukrainians have fled the country according to our national news, supposedly the numbers are sourced by the UN


It never even began for /pol/fags


Post thread themes


No they aren't.
The Communist Party of the Russian Federation proceeds from the need to dismantle the results of many years of banderization of Ukraine. The real policy on its territory is largely dictated by rabid nationalists. They terrorize the Ukrainian people and impose an aggressive political course on the authorities. “Caving in” under this pressure, Zelensky betrayed the interests of his fellow citizens, who elected him president of peace in the Donbass and good neighborliness with Russia.
The pressing imperative of the time was to force the Kiev provocateurs to peace and to curb the aggressiveness of NATO. Only the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine will ensure sustainable security for the peoples of Russia, Ukraine and all of Europe.


That the invasion will result in a significant and permanent shift in global dynamics that will create enough tensions for one of them to result in WWIII
And it's wrong


>57 Ukrainians killed, another 169 were injured in the Russian invasion of Ukraine - according to the Ministry of Health



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oh shit even i forgot that whole thing existed til now


And why is it wrong?


Did the invasion slow down? We got a lot last night but this day it seems so slow.


If the Japanese had won against the US in WWII the world would be way less dystopic than now.


>they all fight for the greater good
greater good = torturing/killing communists?
>destroying hegemony of Western powers
just to establish a new one?
whatever - what any of us think about this won't matter
it is out of our hands
first step of leftypol is to accept helplessness


my sides



>We are ready to support the decisive measures of the government to protect the security of Russia and our fellow citizens in the People’s Republics in the Donbass region. And we insist on the immediate recognition of their independence and sovereignty. Since 2014, we have consistently and steadily called for official recognition of the DNR and LNR. The voice of millions of their inhabitants was clearly expressed in a referendum in May 2014. They must be heard.


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It worked.



<Ukranians took back the damn airport near Kiev
>Its like the fourth time they break this news today

Lol, LMAO even


They can't let the libs outcompete them, they have to make it about themselves even harder


It's 10:48 pm in Kiev. The invasion started a bit before dawn.


If the communist line in Russia after months of a dragging war is "screw it let's support Czar PUTLER" then some Western CIA backed lib astroturf color revolution will take the anti-war movement over there. If they correctly analyze this they can overtake the anti-war movement in the name of both the Ukrainian and Russian proletariat. Win massive international PR and show that this Russian military act is for the revival of czarist white army Russian empire desires.


TBH why would the russians even do this. To intimidate Zelensky or some shit?



I am not a nationalist


that absolutely depends on how long the war will go


Listen you fucking faggot I made fun of a retarded image, you accused me of poor reading comprehension, I proved you wrong, I'm not gonna turn this into an hours-long discussion about geopolitics when you're not even saying anything substantial. Kill yourself


> greater good = torturing/killing communists?
No, communists would eventually take up arms and destroy Japanes fascistic monarchy. Destroying colonial hegemony would fuel liberation movements and bring communism to the neglected countries of Asia.


It was 40 a few hours ago along with 50 ruskies also dead


They wanted to rush Kiev, and I wouldn't exclude that the 2nd wave of paratroopers will succeed.


What makes Ukrainian national identity any more of a sham than Russian, German, Italian…?


So you admit you're wrong and can't explain your reasoning?



Probably to hit the government buildings, end the war quickly by taking the ministries and capturing Zelensky
If this is the one place Ukrainians actually win, this war will fucking drag on and way more people will die


>Western CIA backed lib astroturf color revolution will take the anti-war movement
No the FSK doesn't fuck around, the russian anti war movement is organic and will stay that way.


I am reading the minsk deal and it seems like the biggest cuck out by Putin, why was it so bad?



TBH this tactic looks like some sort of shit you would pull out in an African country with no material, not a country with explicit NATO support and an actual military (somewhat, At least it doesn't shit itself like the Iraqi one)


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More exactly the ops started exactly at 5:00AM, their time zone.


Maybe he honestly thought diplomacy could work back then. Now we're here.


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pay up, consumers


Not sure what you mean, but all he wanted was the republics to be able to veto NATO expansion, which is why people thought there would be no huge invasion, just protection of the Donbas, but maybe full invasion was just more effective


This is so sad, Alexa play Sacred war by the red army chorus


Haz shows again his retardation because the argument Rosa is doing here is today rendered invalid by a century of existence of an Ukraine nation thanks to Lenin.


Question, why does the Ukraine really need to take DNR and LNR? It's not like they're filled with tons of resources and they're relatively small compared to the rest of Ukraine, so what's the deal? What is NATOs opinion on the two republics? Do they recognize them? Does the UN recognize those republics? I still don't agree with the invasion but FFS why doesn't the UN actually have the balls to police Europe to actually protect and threaten war against ANY nation that undemocratically attempts to seize another nation?


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It's hilarious how all these hypocrite warmongers are coming out of the woodwork. lmao


It is organic right now and the Communist movement can ensure it stays that way. Prolonged though and we get liberalism and the chance of western co-optation.


Omg just go away obama pls


i can't believe tsar putin is invading ottoman ukraine


Ukrainian government is ultranationalist and borderline nazi while these regions are (were) highly industrialized thanks to the Soviets.


>Japan winning would be good because uhhhh the exact same scenario that occurred when they lost would happen


what liberalism does to a mother fucker


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they're just upset that their shitty event is immediately overshadowed by real news. either that or they really can't conceptualize anything happening without it relating to a grand conspiracy orchestrated to stop whatever it is they care about.


>The japanese defeat the americans.
>The soviets defeat the nazis.
>The soviets attack Japan (weakened because of the fighting against the americans)
>Soviet Waifus.


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Oh no the Gandi bomber was shot down



>I'm at the beach, and I want to show you guys the beautiful view


The nationalist line was that the rebels arent a real force and are all russian agents , despite the minsk deal not mentioning russia( i guess that was the cuck out on ukraine's side)


They don't actually need to but the US/NATO calls the shots
If Zelensky was allowed to do what he want he might have just let the eastern part go


If WWII Japan could defeat America you’re suddenly talking about a country with a decent chance of defeating the USSR, not the actual Japanese Empire





Ukraine win’t side with new commie Russia, but would let Nato pass through it to destroy it. And in the current conjuncture, while a commparty is welcome, you’re more likely to get a half-assed color revolution


<Yemen map guy is going to make Ukraine maps

Absolute W


Zelensky is literally jewish….


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>White women


he is right
this is ukraine's historical moment either literally to be made or to be broken


So are the people who orchestrated Maidan. And?


The church up in flames is absolute war time KINO


Facebook is temporarily permitting users to praise the neo-Nazi Azov regiment of the Ukrainian National Guard if it defends against the Russian invasion https://theintercept.com/2022/02/24/ukraine-facebook-azov-battalion-russia/ Azov forces were previously banned from free discussion under the Dangerous Organizations policy

According to Facebook materials I reviewed, you can now post "Azov movement volunteers are real heroes," but you still can't post “Goebbels, the Fuhrer and Azov, all are great models for national sacrifices and heroism”

When I say "temporarily," I should have said "indefinitely"—there's no expiration date for this policy change. FB spokesperson told me "For the time being"

The Azov regiment is classified as a "Tier 1" dangerous organization under FB policy, alongside the likes of ISIS and the KKK. The group will still be barred from using FB to recruit


>Nazi is when you don't like jews


tThe USA can't be racist because they elected a BLACK MAN as president, twice!


You do know the nazis were also going to wipe out Ukrainians right? Going on and on about how they can't be fascist because they have 1 jew means nothing. Fascists are retards


The meme thing is that the minsk deal never mentioned indepedent repubics just autonomus regions who whould have their own legal system not even a millitary


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>Libs are against war
>Libs are against war
>Libs are against war
<Libs are actually pro war
Fucking idiot bootlicker! kys


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Lol, apologies white women. It wasn't you today. A FUCKING TRANSHUMANIST PULLING THE YOU AREN'T A REAL MAN LINE



rent free tbh


Bros, we are all just libs larping as leftists


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war never changes


critical support for retard haz


People in Ukraine's Kharkiv sleeping in the subway as battles rage above ground


Their will never be a good time for communism to come to power, their will always be Western intervention. Either opportunities are takes are get passed up on this is a potential opportunity.


It's been like that for a while. Why so still?


>Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Thursday pledged UK support for a Ukrainian government “in exile,” adding he had personally told President Volodymyr Zelensky that he and his cabinet may need to find a “safe place” to go amid the Russian attack on his country.


um, based?


pretty much


You'd think trans people would be the last people in the world telling others how their physical characteristic determine your gender.


SPD moment.


>The Association of German National Jews was a German Jewish organization during the Weimar Republic and the early years of Nazi Germany that eventually came out in support of Adolf Hitler.


actual leftists have very serious opinions!




This is old, Russians are in Melitopol


hmm maybe that was the deal dorce the paramillitaries to subjugate to ukraine but make it so ukraine isnt in nato


Biden: Putin wants to "reestablish the former Soviet Union"


Gas in Europe +60%, already $1636


yes, libs are against wars that the US & allies are losing and for wars that the US is likely winning


And? at present they want to murder the Russian hordes more than they want to murder one of the few jews who hadn’t left Ukraine. The Nazis left their tiny afro-german population alone before their, but that don’t mean they weren’t planning on getting to them next. It’s a question of priority


It's been like 12 hours
they nomming


Eastern Europe seriously needs a political revolution of the Latin American kind in order to escape this cycle of ultra nationalism or liberal puppet. They need an independent leader or leadership who could maintain sovereignty while also not being conservative ultra nationalists and at least being progressive "left wingers" of the Chavez or Morales type, that would be the greatest thing that could unite Europe and help them move on from this crap. But NATO would absolutely attempt to assassinate real opposition in Eastern Europe.


but hitler himself was not a jew….zelensky is the leader of his country


wtf based


lol, thats actually not too bad if you forget the retarded rape analogy, it kinda forget the regime change though
some would say, nato sanctions dirtied the balls of russia


Does the red scare still work in burgerland?


This is even more of reason to think he was afraid that the far right could coup him if he signed with Russia for peace in the east and never entering NATO. The day he said he opted out of Minsk 2 and said he wanted Ukraine in NATO and nuclear weapons the rubicon was crossed and armed confrontation inevitable. The whole point of Russia flexing their military was to present the alternative to Ukraine staying neutral, and of course some people here didn't believe they would invade because they are contrarian retards who don't understand geopolitics


I hate this shit so damn much!


Yes, all they really care about is nato, whether those areas are independent or not. The border between Russia and Donbas was open anyways, it was already de facto Russian


"uniting" europe means appeasing bourgeois class interests ultimately


That military footage is fake, it is from the video game Arma 3.


>Vladimir "Stalin was a totalitarian" Putin wants to restore the USSR


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photos of Ukrainen Su-27s


It's always about rape or coffee without cream with this nibba


As of one minute ago, official Ukrop sources confirm Russia still has Hostomel despite reports the Ukrops captured it about ten times now


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> The seemingly ironic fact that a Jewish association advocated loyalty to the Nazi programme gave rise to a contemporary joke about Naumann and his followers ending their meeting by giving the Nazi salute and shouting "Down With Us!".[7][8]


Success is when preparation meets opportunity. Measure seven times and cut only once


good for him and completely irrelevant


Trotskyist Putin

Trotskyist Putin


Hey I know what will combat this narrative Russian communist supporting Russian invasion! Certainly can't oppose NATO and putin nope no can do!


Yeah, as I said, they don't support THIS kind of intervention, but they do support the government in supporting Donbas, if that makes sense.


Probably internalized all that you aren't man enough shit and then bought into the "just become a woman" meme.


Why people take this fat slovenian pervert seriously, I do not know


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Spanish press:
<Putin, the Postmodern Stalinist.
Cancel all critical support, from now on, uncritical support for comrade Joshimir Statin.


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>Thinks white people are capable of that


So we're pro Haz now? You know what? I'm gonna take this as just one retard samefagging.


And you know what happened to Trotsky, don't you?


>So we're pro Haz now? You know what? I'm gonna take this as just one retard samefagging.



I guess words have completely lost meaning in 2022


>The church up in flames is absolute war time KINO
Church Burning appreciation thread now.


What the communist wanted was the Serbian intervention but Russia style, not straight out bomb and occupy all of Ukraine in order to "decommunize it" and bring it back as it was during the Tzarist times.


Wrong. There is exactly one true leftist, me. :)


Do we have actual russians or ukrainians ITT that can tell us what's up? What's the general sentiment among people like? I really don't believe that the entirety of russia agreed to this just because putin said so, beyond cucked.


>10+ victories already
neo nazi chads stay winning. how could putin hope to compete?


the only Ukranon we have already left the country


Igor Strelkov claims there is no resistance at all at Crimean front.
This is insane


Cockshottian Egoist with Maoist characteristics CHAD…. I KNEEL


When I say unite I mean no wars over borders crap that happens I'm Eastern Europe.


Yes, that's what I said initially.


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Their air force took the L hard
This is from the one that defected to Romania


The education level of the president of the United States, ladies and gentlemen.


His legacy survives trough dozens of internationals, dozens! Can you say the same stalinist?


he has a point though, the Russian empire at the time was known for intervening in Eastern and central Europe to strike down the revolutions of the 1840s, such as the Hungarian one. Marx and Engels saw clearly that any Revolution in Europe was going to fail if a powerful russia could just intervene and crush it.


I mean, it's probably gonna get cleared out tomorrow morning.
There's literally no supplies, and they will get out of ammunition soon enough, even if they're the most experienced Spetnaz, you can't do shit if you don't have supplies.
Quite a retarded move by the russian military tbh, this is the shit that France does to under-developed countries in Africa, not a country which have had NATO training and supplies for years.


I am American living in Russia, most Russians I've talked to today think it's pointless but a lot also say Russia is in the right, even if they don't really support the war (if that makes sense). It's a very Russian stance.


They don't want war because war sucks, it's that simple. Human beings aren't that suicidal.


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>Gomunism is, when you invade country as Russian gubbermint. The more you invade, the gommunister it gets
I hate this framing so much! Libs will eat it up and ultimately we will be losers of this whole ordeal.


This was still a part of the "Holy alliance" established by Russia, Prussia and Habsburg Monarchy


40% of Russians opposed the recognition of the republics, thousands were detained during the anti-war protests.


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I thought at was a Balrog from first glance at the thumbnail


How does that happen? Shouldn't they have mobilized as soon as Putin recognized the republics?



>you can't be nazi unless u kill jew


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>It is easy to translate this situation into that of a rape.
Stop reading there.


Holy based!


But if you state this as a good thing, then it makes you based instead of a lib or an ultra.


who tf cares if Zelensky is jewish and russophone? Zemmour is a literal Algerian Jew, Israel literally does fash shit as a hobby,…

being jewish or part of a minority is in no way a disqualifier


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Calm down, it's just one Russiaboo Putin Duginist imperialist dick sucker. It's always like this in leftypol, there's always just one guy or two making it seem like this entire website has become pro imperialist or PatSoc or whatever schizo crap is trending.


pretty unhappy iirc


When will the Ukrainians surrender?


>Bringing out the Katyusha's
Shit's fucked bruhs.


The rusanons I know of don’t like Putin and certainly aren’t willing to die for him, but also recognize NATO aggression against them and the liberals in Europe all cheering for their blood. They’re stuck between a hard place and a rock

The one possible outcome that I hope to happen, NATO backs down, Ukraine stays neutral, and this all happens with as little bloodshed as possible, depends on the as of now confirmed consumption that no one is willing to die for Ukraine


<Tos are Katyushas

Oh you're so naif anon


This. One of the most successful fascist states today is Israel, so yeah.


Give it 2 months, or maybe even 4.
The more prolonged this conflict becomes, the more possibilies there is of a communist revolution in Russia.


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Started reading here


Ok then what the fuck are they.


some of my regions also do, they're still not a nation
but tbf, no idea on this particular issue, just that "language and culture" is far from the only thing relevant


Kayusha's that literally suck the air out of your lungs and use it to burn you alive.


Dengists/Duginists/Vlasovites better enjoy their high while it lasts, LOL. Because, This is the last gasp of Great Russian Chauvinism and the beginning of the End of Putinist Russia, 🤣. Hopefully, the Workers of the Ukraine and Russia will use this Bourgeois Imperialist Russian aggression and the resultant collapse of Putinist Russia as a opportunity to wage a Protracted People’s War against their Bourgeois governments and embrace Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, the highest stage of Marxism!


Bros is Zelensky the worst president ever


Kekking at this Arma vid tbqh, find it really funny it gets passed off as real for some reason


Thermobaric bombs launchers





im gonna go ahead and wait for that to happen


oh shit uygha


When Putin deploys his catboy battalion. Ukraine will surrender immediately.


They fucking asked for it
Either the VDV takes Zelensky or Kharkov is leveled as an example
Putin has shown restraint thus far but his patience is finite.


Russia is going to take over Kiev in a week or less, they will replace Zelenski and his people with Russia dick sucker puppets and hopefully NATO won't do shit but seethe to themselves and impose toothless sanctions.


Any other anarcho-putinists here?

NO KINGS NO RULERS! (except putin)



Macron is pathetic


Schindler was a jew, worked for the nazis.




I said Mariupol by tomorrow evening but it could happen by tomorrow morning


King lear while I agree with this in principle how will guerrilla warfare work in countries that are mostly urban with little mountainous terrain?


If that is the ultimate outcome of all of this, everyone wins


more like the education level of the nation, most people here think russia is still the USSR


I really don't get why you guys aren't getting this. Their is no push in Western Media to blame Putin for his whitist Russian empire reactionary desires. This is all neo-soviet aggression, the narrative is this is occuring as the fallout of socialist violence. This is a primer for a nationalist McCarthist red scare. Watch how the libs back a fascist push over imagined enemies? Watch as they ignore Putin's real efforts and ideology. Oh and commies of Russia oughta let themselves be smeared by it right? Horseshoe autism at work no the Soviets didn't defeat the Chauvinist white fascist no they continued czarist Imperial needs. Its the molotov-ribbentrop pact all over again


Russia has plenty of hinterland you can escape into


People who think that are either 50 years in the past or 50 years in the future.


Am I the only one who is really fucking sad by how this is developing?
War's fucked up, man.


Yeah this correlates with the reports of no resistance on the Crimea front


What "they" you bloodthirsty piece of aborted placenta?


he only wanted guarantee of no nato in ukraine. And he really tried


That only works when you have people living there


yeah cause this site is mostly burgers

>What the fuck is wrong with you you moron


The Ukrainian government who wants to recruit grannies into a Volkssturm so CNN reporters stationed throughout Ukraine's cities can get their Nielsen ratings porn


This is so going to happen.


There are some other actual human beings on this site, friend!


what is he, fucking darth vader? write better apologia


>for a whlie
bitch it took the Germans a week to punch through initial Polish defenses and even a weakened Iraqi army took a month to subjugate


word salad


Ukrainian Army vs Afghan Army
who would lose fastest?


Here’s a demo of this weapon system, wouldn’t wanna be there. Impact at 0:29


Embedding error.
Thoughts and prayers for the burning church


by here, I meant in the US, not leftypol


oh shit, that's a big hammer


Kill yourselves you fucking amerilards. Churches as an architectural patrimony are invaluable.


PPW doesn't work in countries fully incorporated into the capitalist economy, with few rural areas and with modern surveillance systems, even Mao himself admitted this. It's critical for communist to get some new warfare tactics.



Yeah, it does hit kinda weird. I totally get the liberal instinct to get outraged. It does sadden me that it's come to this.



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Quick rundown on what's happened in the past 8 hours?


If that happens, it certainly pushes down NATO, but how will it make communist revolution happen?


Sison being based? More likely than you think


capslock gang


Yeah I felt bad, but they I got blind-sided by an Applebee's advert, and now I don't know how to feel


I really hope Zelensky surrenders before this gets really serious for Ukrainian civilians. Their bloodthirsty government really wants Russia to do a highway of death, what with the CNN reporters pre-positioned throughout their cities.


the itg shit is leaking


File: 1645737780706-0.mp4 (4.62 MB, 480x360, videoplayback.mp4)

Christcuck moment. The Spanish Red Terror didn't go far enough.


Should be sent to another board


Tell that to LatAm, liberal soy


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Nothing really important, just some fighting


Holly katyuskas.


please keep that two retweet moron in ITG


CNN person says America will help the civilians to fight back? lmao
ukraine army on suicide watch


He actually yelled it out loud on stream as he wrote it so it's an accurate translation. https://tv.leftypol.org/r/bloodcast


LOOK AT THE PICTURE!!! See the skull, the part of bone removed, the "master-race" Frankenstein radio controls, the Brain-thoughts Broadcasting Radio, the Eyesight Television, the Frankenstein Earphone Radio, the Threshold Brainwash Radio, the latest new skull reforming to contain ALL Frankenstein Controls, even in THIN skulls of WHITE PEDIGREE MALES! Visible Frankenstein controls! The synthetic nerve-radio directional antennae loop! Make copies for yourself! There is NO ESCAPE from this worst gangster police state, using ALL of the deadly gangster Frankenstein controls!


Loooool Hakim's take is absolutely reasonable. Haz, a communist should never actively root for nationalist war lel


real francis e dec esq hours


The fact that is reasonable is literally the problem Haz has with it.


I write DEMANDING a re-hearing of my worse-than-lowest Deadly Gangster police state Criminal Conviction which appeal case was in your farce Deadly Gangster ghetto-Communist Gangster Computer God-manipulated Gangster Court! Below, I state some of the many REASONS for said re-hearing, plus all of my evidence the Attorney General chicanerously forwarded to the Bar Association Grievance Committee for prosecution of felon Gangster mafionic negroidic the BLACK Frank Gulotta - a Gangster Judge, therefore un-prosecutable! The blackish menial negroidic-in-apperance-and-demeanor felon vicious Parroting Puppet ex District Attorney Nassau County with NO private law experience, DETESTED by all factions. In spite of this, SOLELY because of his many year secret gangsterization and crucifixion of ME,


Mass deception of narrative is already occuring. The narrative is this, Russia is renewing the old Soviet Empire. Their is no discussion on Putin's reactionary ideals. Basically the Western Media is purposely acting like the czarist Russian empire and the USSR, where the exact same with the same Russian gene for conquest. This is a dangerous lie like Nazis and Soviets being the same is. The white reactionary and Nazi are simblings of each other. They are doing more horseshoe theory to push more red scare fears.


Haz is a leftist lol cow a funny one don't get me wrong but I would hope that he stays out of important shit like this.


where is the lie in hakim's tweet ?, this emotional putinbitch boy is not thinking with his head, and i'm with russia in this one.


He just deleted it because he's afraid of getting reported. He's coming up with the second attempt RN.


it is milquetoast moralising and this use of "oligarchs" screams jimmy dore succdem discourse, looking to branch out? i saw that he now has a podcast with popular leftist youtubers. whats next, a patreon?


A Russian victory would be better than a NATO victory. No war would be the best outcome, but we don’t have that luxury anymore.


watch haz rage & backtrack, lol


Critical support


those shockwaves though o.O


Haz Karl Kautsky confirmed.


>Haz calling Hakim, an Iraqi, a Baizuo


Does he live in Iraq?


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Get ready


This guy lived through the occupation of Iraq and continues to work as a physician, do you think he supports NATO 94 something?


They got so far in just half a day. Why not finish this in 3 days?


Watching the HAPPENING is fun, until the HAPPENING comes to your doorstep.


>I'm a communist guys I promise!



I think no matter who you think is the aggressor, it is accurate to say that the fact that it has come to this and that workers are being pitted against each other is a tragedy, even if it is a necessity. I should be seen as a failure of organization ultimately.


As far as I'm aware, yeah, although I think he did some studying abroad, but you'd have to ask him


Rolling for 2029 KPRF uprising and end of Russian capitalism.


no i just think its a boring take
haz is advancing the dialectics


Ukrainian Interior Ministry prohibits men between ages 18-60 from leaving country


Nice digits


Dude here a communist who unironicly has been putin translator talks about russian oligarchs




>man that had a missile hit his house doesn't like war
wow shocking, what a baizou


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malding that fucking carabineros catholic church of all places gets burned down because
> Churches as an architectural patrimony are invaluable.
Are you really?




Afghans. At least the ukrops are putting up a fight


Rolling for Maoist uprising russia 2024


you Uyghurs disappoint me how about by 2024?


>I'm totally not a sophist retard


shoot yourself and stream it retard


Tragedies happen every day, man.
>Advancing the dialectics
Why is this phrase used the most by pseuds?


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You can't escape.


Hakim speaks Russian? Very cool




Iirc his father was a member of the Iraqi communist party and studied in the USSR.


Will Ukraine be seething about this for the next 100 years just like they do with the hololomorz?


Welp, sorry Russia comrades, y'all won't be able to dodge this draft. Prepare to die for nothing.


but one is real and the other aint


Not hakim a commie writer in my country who is considered pro russian, so no advocating against imperialist wars isnt the same with being a cia uyghur


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>Tragedies happen every day, man.
I think Hakim knows that given that he grew up in Iraq. What happens everyday is middle class Americans like Haz or Voosh shilling for senseless violence they never had to experience in a far away country from their comfy suburban homes.


how many people had died?


>Russia comrades
uh, bro, this is from the ukraine…


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but muh evil ruski


13k over the last eight years, if this kills 1/10th to end it, it might be worth it


>draft of enemies:slave soldiers
>draft of alies like Ukraine: glorious defence of the nation
that how it is in the burger mind


never trusting you guys ever again. i was told everything was just propaganda by you faggots, now i look like a retard because i told everyone that putin would never invade and that the intelligence reports couldn't be trusted. think i'm just going to stop caring about politics, find a wife, work at a bank, have 1.9 kids and then talk to other boomers about the weather while riding a golf cart, and then die at 82.


touch grass lol




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War result: Ukrainazis get their throtes clogged with literal shit!




What would happen if capital succeeded in smashing the Republic of Soviets? There would set in an era of the blackest reaction in all the capitalist and colonial countries, the working class and the oppressed peoples would be seized by the throat, the positions of international communism would be lost.
sad posting hours, just praying to god (if there's one) that civilians and forced conscripts don't get slaughtered because of inter-imperialist infighting.
War's truly the worst thing there is, and the reason why we must fight against capitalism, so our kids and grandkids don't have to watch all of this shit, so that we can achieve what the soviet time-capsule thought we would have nowadays.
No glory, no liberty to opress the other.
Just one country, one in which humans are both free and safe in a global republic of friendship and labour.
The labour of today is the one that Lenin took, not because we wanted it, but because it's our historical necessity.
Sorry for being melodramatic, but this is serious, it's our life, and it will be one of struggle and injustice.
btw rolling for a communist take-over of the European Union because of quality of life getting into the gutter in 2032.


USSR 2.0 within 10 years




If you want to understand the situation better, come read Lenin's The Right of Nations to Self-Determination with us.


vladolf putler moment


suomi :DDDDDD


do you guys think if we called the communist parties co voosh would support them





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did i get it? :^)


This is the end of NATO. Taiwan is next. Russia probably wont survive the next 20 years. Interesting times are coming. I love the 20s.



The most based thing you can do tbh


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you stole my GET



defeating nato is class war




congrats on the get!


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File: 1645738730442.jpg (20.65 KB, 480x193, 777777.jpg)

congratz man




KEK that's on you
epic bro




Is there any way for Russia to avoid an extended occupation of Ukraine? An extended occupation would be a repeat of all the US' mistakes of the last 20 plus years and be a huge boon to Ukranian Nazis.



Only good post here.



Holy based


File: 1645738778986.gif (1.26 MB, 320x240, based.gif)

Extremely blessed get



Super ironic since Ukraine has child soldiers.


>>518988 fdfhdf




File: 1645738802933.png (50.36 KB, 1008x397, 34285.PNG)

Russia already falling flat.


da get


Not yours, bitch.


Yeah, but is this violence senseless or inevitable?

Putin literally was willing to cooperate with NATO and had done so multiple times in the past, provided NATO left the Russian sphere of influence alone. And NATO did not. Putin’s an anticommunist reactionary, but NATO has no one but itself to blame for the violence that’s happening



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Based, opportunists and chauvinists BTFO. May all bourgeois wars between nations be transformed into civil wars between classes.


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tenth time this airfield got captured and recaptured.


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don't insult me like that please


why didn't they salt it?
(metaphorically, you jerk)



>just a regular bourgeois alliance, and not the modern Antikomintern paktum
pseud moments


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To defeat NATO we gotta defeat capitalism imperialism and the violence it brings won't stop till then


CONVINCED! this board would support the national bourgeoisie in WW1 over the international proletariat.




Shut the fuck up already.


bruh there were still some of us saying shit was going to go down regardless of if you think it's le baysed or not


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I don't know if anyone has posted this yet, but I've seen a few people asking why the Russians have a white "Z" on their vehicles. It's because the invasion day has been known as "Day Z"
Here's Texas with an example, but I've seen it used in other places too


>to defeat NATO we have to defeat NATO's enemies


>this board will
post discarded


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What are the betting odds on who will win?


Volunteers like the Azov and Right Sector guys will fight till the bitter end, the conscripts are already surrendering.


I was thinking about this too. This national humiliation will be the backbone of Ukrainian identity for the next century lol


I thought it was a friend or foe visual cue since both sides use the same equipment.


$5 on Estonia


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I hope you realize that prior to Barbarossa it was literally the Comintern's position that the Anglo-German war was an inter-imperialist conflict that communists should not take sides in.



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If Maradó was still alive none of this would have happened.


Talk is that Azov has been decimated already


I'm good sorry you sleep around with campism!


>nazis die and normal citizens flee
well thats kinda cool in this shit situation


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>prior to Barbarossa
it's almost as if almost 100 years have passed, pseud king


at the start probably 90 russia 10 ukraine, but after the recent russian humiliations i'm thinking it's 50/50


Samefagging Putinists.


🇵🇱 🤝 🇺🇦
national identity built around losing


Not sure, other sources say that's to identify the equipment. The V in some means they are coming for Belorrusia, apparently.


based and humanpilled post



>le appeal to current year


> if this kills 1/10th to end it
Look at the casualties in the last years


I have talked to exactly zero people about this.

Its not happening until normies bring it up in conversation.




now if it were chucky D or flavor flav


yeah, Marxism stopped in 1883 when Marx died


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Azov Battalion BTFO


>those shockwaves though o.O
It uses thermobaric explosives. When it blows, it first sprays a fine mist of liquid explosive fuel that "breathes" the oxygen in the air, and then the fuel mix is detonated a few moments later. This type of explosive is a lot more energy dense because it does not contain it's own oxygen supply. The fuel mist is sprayed over a large area and that couples the kinetic energy from the explosion more efficiently with air around it. In other words this kicks a lot harder, and that's why those small boy missiles make big boy shockwaves.


Petition to filter the word "pseud" to "communist comrade".


Nice change of vpn




>Nice change of vpn
Your IP doesn't affect the (you)s it's based on the browser.


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russia has already lost more planes and helicopters than the US did in 1990 and 2003 combined. not looking good


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You're the one who brought up the anti-comintern pact, as if that's somehow relevant to this situation.


I just want you to shut the fuck up already.
You're crearly a schizo who argues in bad faith.


Soleimani has been seen in the Donetsk-Ukrainian border coordinating coming offensives with DPR militias


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After having a dump, I realize what I said here is way too harsh, still, Zelensky order the Ukrainian armed forces to stand down or your mother dies in her sleep tonight


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Ukraine has a functioning anti air system, so was to be expected.


That's called "being trolled", anon. The cure is to stop feeding.


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>bad faith


putins talmudic empire is collapsing. he'll for sure rope himself within the next month, kyiv was supposed to be captured by now.


epic number oh em gee


what a joke


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Nice dubs
If we're really lucky the Azov Battallion gets murdered and also Putin loses the war, making him lose legitimacy, causing the communist party to once again be the dominant within Russian politics.

That would be a super win-win


The Ukrops are the Jew puppets though


but there are indeed pseuds. sabotard is one, lenintard is other, king lear is another.


excuse me? Putin Khan is clearly a Pan-Mongolist


The cure to it is for the faggot to be banned on sight. Literal CIA handbook on psyops


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Pajeet is absolutely fearless.



putinsisters what the fuck is going on???? why are we struggling so hard with kharkiv????




do we have an update on that flight? it's been hours


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burgers are hopeless


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its a new decade anon


another win is he winning, but he loses enough support to keep up on the government, the Communist party becomes dominant, win and use the puppet status of Ukraine to put communists in power.


Shot by multiple SAMs but very light damage, the Hindustani warriors and their planes are protected by Shiva


I think you meant to say Kharkov


The only pseuds are the people who come up with ridiculous contrived excuses for why we should take sides in conflicts between the two factions who jointly murdered the USSR.


Watch the Ukrainian resolve melting down live on this reddit post


Hasta la victoria Comandante!


Except for the fact that Mao wanted to ally with Chiang and Chiang was overthrown in a coup by another member of the Kuomintang so they would ally with Mao.


what a shitty scenario


See, that's why you are a pseud.


Destroyed Russian armored vehicle near Sumy Ukraine


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>take sides
how? by shitposting on a message board?
grow up kid


=Holy fuck guys Zelensky just quoted Adolf Hitler==


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Not surprised


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When an Indian man needs to go somewhere he goes. He doesn't concern himself with your soy "safety protocol."


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when will ukraine surrender?


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Great stuff, Vlad.


putinsisters what the fuck????? this was supposed to be a steamroll


>a handful of pows for several hundred square kilometers
Good chance Kiev will be reached by March


why are there no bodyparts


Did anything significant happen during the last 6-7 hours? I haven't been paying attention


>It's only a joke bro
>I'm only pretending to be retarded bro

Go to /siberia/ then


>NATO = Russia
>the people who imperializes Syria = the people who defended Syria



Literally all the civilians have been drafted




>hashtags can change the world
>words are violence


As of right now there still is no Ukrainian resistance on the Crimean front. All of the fighting on the East and North is basically irrelevant


I support a multi polar world, I support defeating NATO! I don't have to support white anti-communist like Putin seethe about it. I critically support Russia to get this multi polar world but I'm not under any illusions on the state of post Soviet Russia. When you back this dude you back the people that sold out the Soviet people and brought this darkest reaction. So no I'm not apologizing. Go ahead take Ukraine Putin take Taiwan Xi good! let's not act like this isn't catastrophic for the world proletariat. If communism grows from the ashes of war we shouldn't wish for ashes cynically. I'd would have thought that's be common sense. I understand capitalism is behind this violence we sit at spectacle. Still have to support the prole form this violence accelerationism is broke without organization.


Yup, this is gunna take a few months as others have said before. The Russian army may have lost steam.


Heh…nice try Ukrops…but I only used 10% of my powers…..KAMEEEEEE HAMMEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAAA


they wont
they just issued a draft
fucking retarded gay "country"




In this picture is communism


the people who imperialize ukraine aren't any better than the ones who imperialize Syria.


Based post on the left, stark video on the right.
Morontard will rant about muh sides.


Great. So the conflict will last many months and kill tens of thousands of people.


Khokhols have declared they would send all Russian citizens living in Ukraine to concentration camps


Its sinple in the west we focous against the nato not for the russian bouj


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europeans really out there bombing each other while us americhads are comfy and playing ELDEN RING


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Neither Russia nor Ukraine are based, but war is.


ukraine fans does not have much to be happy so ciclejerking over a single battle is enough huh.


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So Ukraine's Ministry of Defense is on fire


All fronts matter and the necessity of the russian army is to conquer Kiev (the capital) and Kharkov (the second most important city of Ukraine behind Kiev)
Meanwhile the advances at the Crimean frontier have been quite excellent for the russian army, it's nonetheless not that important for the great scheme of things.

As said, don't fall for the hype. The war is going to be 2 to 4 months in length.






Do people think that Putin wants to militarily occupy the entirety of Ukraine or something? Or that it would be a straight route to Kiev?

How much time has even passed?


only good take in 20 some threads


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>NATO = Russia
Not what I said, but neither are our friend.
t. Opportunist


>Still hasn't been banned.


war does not decide who is right but who is left
and proletariat are base of society
so total war would only leave proletariat


jerking off to his corpse. what a pathetic retard, imagine dying for no reason. rot in hell you zoglet


the capture of the black sea coast halts ukrainian wheat exports, putting a massive strain on their economy, it might unironically force them to the negotiating table as oligarchs start to kvetch


>t. Opportunist
it is not you who suffers this shit.
You cockless pseud.


intredasting, is it cookie/session data or something


they will be linking up with the Donbass front by morning at this rate


Russia needs to occupy the most important places in roder to force the ukrainians to surrender.
It's goverment is put in place to resist as much as possible by NATO's request.


Russia's current ruling clique and NATO worked together to destroy the USSR. They are governed by fundamentally the same forces. Any conflict between them in the long term amounts to nothing more than a redivision of the world between profit hungry porkies.


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Reports from Ukrainian defence officials that a Russian bombing raid will hit Kyiv at 3AM


time for Volkssturm already?


>It's goverment is put in place to resist as much as possible by NATO's request.

correct, so they can do a shitshow of what happens next. Russia gonna hammer hard tonight.


You're right, it's innocent proles in both Russia and Ukraine who suffer. For some reason you seem to enjoy their suffering, and are happy to see their bourgeois regimes to wage wars from which no worker can benefit.



Uh no lol. Kiev is going to fall before the weekend is over. If anything, the Russian offensive has not begun in earnest.


>Russia's current ruling clique and NATO worked together to destroy the USSR.
It's almost as if it turned out that NATO will not have Russia among its ranks and now Russia is allied with China, lead by a communist party, while Russia itself has the communist party as second, supporting denazifying Ukraine.

But sure, "both sides are wrong".



vpn saves memory on the browser you use, which is mostly gonna be chrome, which is often signed in with ur google account


so it's really happening, huh… next weeks gonna be a doozy


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Ok liberal


As long as Russians can fight Their bourgeoisie too? Of course we need a anti-war movement in the west to dismantle NATO. I support anything that fucks up NATO! NATO decline means war, that war should be done by the international proletariat not inter-imperialist conflict. Tell me where do the proletariat jump in? how much inter-imperialist conflict is enough to say it's time? If we can't seize the opportunities of the multi polar world and only get its inter-imperialist violence what's to cheer?


not going to lie i didn't expect russia to face this much resistance. ukraine hasn't even initiated operation KXV yet. not looking good for us putinsisters……. trust the plan…. we will get through this!


All the liberals that are now screaming about getting rid of Putin will regret it if as a result communists retake power and actually go about restoring the Soviet Union. They have forgotten that Russian communist throw down a lot harder than Putin.


Is that NANO sieverts per hour? Top kek fucking germs




Turkey to join the naz, I mean fellow NATO members.


Even in browsers with no sign in it's the same. It's probably a cookie or something.


>russia is not going to invade, it's all western lies!!!


Ok so now that I see what you are responding to, the unseriousness of your reply is obvious.


>For some reason you seem to enjoy their suffering
See what you do, cornered, you use this strategy, as always and last resort, ad hominems, weak arguments, and false equivalences.

>and are happy to see their bourgeois regimes to wage wars from which no worker can benefit

The only always happy to presume some intellectualism is you whenever you brought your revolutionary defeatism as some sort of weird 0 sum game for the people when these people suffered for the imperialist aggressor that NATO is and deserves siding.


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The westoid fears the maskirovka


russia fears nothing more than the BLACK TVRK WARRIOR. KARA BOGA.


A divided and weakened bourgeoisie is good for the communist movement


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That was true until they launched sanctions in spite of no invasion. They shot first and made Russia less to lose, it's their own fault.



big if true




Indeed, but this doesn't change the fact.


Naval is stupid as fuck. I seriously hate VC morons who think they are visionary geniuses. People just blow smoke up their ass for money!



if the west want a power play theyll get it


Turks are greeks in denial


You are at




>no u


>recognizing independence and mutual defense pact of part of another country's territory is not a declaration of war




you are at




Did I miss something why is Ukraine they/them?


liberals have one track minds, they hyper focus in one thing and forget everything else, if puting falls his party will lose relevancy to the second and third most relevant parties.


uKKKranians are the REAL stalinists


It's probably not so immediate. The US has made some serious strategic mistakes over a very long period of time and now is just the moment of reckoning with them.


because they are the woke kind of nazis


I tried to explain geopolitical science to you people but you only listen to your feelings. Now you have to go trough your grief and I wish you good luck.


Ofcourse no cheers for russian oligarchs the russian working class should decide its strategy to defeat Putin
The imperialists want to redistribute earth and with the blood of the peoples draw the borders


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because maximum burger lib cope


Because Ukraine army= side of NATO = America = they them army = libtards with pronouns.


Because homofascism has risen once again and Russia seeks to squash it: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/russia-making-kill-list-gays-26295204


>Libya, Iraq, Syria, Ethiopia
I sleep


its Agent Kochinski


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This literally happened to the entire Ukrop navy and air force in like half an hour, kek.
Can westoids ever stop projecting?


the funny thing is that if russians and ukranians just listened to bush (sr) none of this would've happened.



or if americans listened to Brzezinski




I absolutely don't want to know.


This apparently isn't authentic, as snow hasn't been on the ground there for over 2 weeks


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How long till mass defections occur?


this really is voldemorts last stand!


Exactly this is why I'm saying now is the time for Russian communist to really actually fight putin. This board seems to think Putin fights NATO better then Russian comrades could.



More likely on the Russian side.






What about the 14,000 that died over the last 8 years? Libs always do this shit where they pretend a bunch of deaths in a short period is worse than hundreds of times more deaths over a longer period. You are laying responsibility in one case and excusing it in another, the same as liberals excusing deaths under capitalism by upholding "natural order" implicitly blaming the victim when it dares to defend itself.


Massive use of artillery at the north of Kharkov


They'd be taking males in the 13-99 range sooner than enlist a single fucking woman.


>It's almost as if it turned out that NATO will not have Russia among its ranks
You're right. Russia attempted to join NATO in 2000, they were eager to join the imperialist bloc, and woild readily have done so. This indicates the real character of their state.
>now Russia is allied with China, lead by a communist party
Russia is not China. They don't even have a theoretical commitment to socialism, and Putin openly denounces communism.
>while Russia itself has the communist party as second, supporting denazifying Ukraine
The CPRF is notorious for being controlled opposition in Russia, pretty much any time they take a line in opposition to Putin he cracks down on them. To suggest that their presence in the Duma somehow changes the class character of the Russian state or that they have meaningful sway over Russian policy is absurd.
>when these people suffered for the imperialist aggressor that NATO is and deserves siding
And how will this war in any way alleviate their suffering? NATO will still be there at the end of it, pro-NATO forces in other non-aligned countries like Finland and Sweden will be dramatically strengthened, and these countries may now join NATO. If any part of Ukraine remains outside of Russian control then it will move even closer to NATO, if not join it outright. More people will flock to Ukrainian fascist movements, radicalized by the suffering of war and anti-Russian sentiment. Russian proles themselves will suffer from the effects of sanctions, will have their civil liberties curtailed in the name of national security, their sons and fathers will die in this idiotic war, and their tax dollars will he funneled into the pockets of Russian arms porkies instead of being spent on improving their lives. How does this benefit anybody except Putin and his clique of porkies, not to mention Western warmongers and arms dealers?


3 days when putin is deposed for getting btfo'd by ukranian zoomers and is pushed all the way to Volgograd (formerly known as Stalingrad)


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theyre saving the women to be spoils of war for the russians


This is why I don't see this working long term for Russia, surely the banderists will be galvanised by this and will have plenty of room to run an insurgency in Ukraine?


End of NATO, end of the second White Republic of Russia


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>He thinks the post was talking about russians and not Ukrainians


Is it? Seems no one's for my idea that commies in Russia should take advantage of anti-war sentiment.


>woild readily have done so.
And they were rejected, because they are forever considered part colony


While he hides on a bunker


Damn are they really beelining to Kiev?




If you drop paratroopers, you kind of need to go get them.


>First day of war and russia still hasnt taken Kiev


>What about the 14,000 that died over the last 8 years?
They were victims of imperialist warmongering and meddling on the part of NATO and the West, whom I hold principally responsible for things getting to this point.
>You are laying responsibility in one case and excusing it in another
Not at all. I blame NATO for the situation deteriorating to the point where Russia sees military action as a viable option, but I blame Russia for escalating the situation so dramatically. Frankly I don't see why this intervention was warranted now. Ukraine was unlikely to join NATO so long as the Civil conflict in Donbass was ongoing.




What details are there on the battle of Kiev (assuming it's taking place)? Who's winning?


Damn check this shit out, how the turn table


i think its more when ukraine explicitely said they would seek to join nato while still bombing dombass


He’s gonna trigger the libs because they like to jerk off to Rosa Luxemburg.


Time for Ukrainian men to learn from the South


I hope russia annihilates ukraine and this will be a mark in the history.


there have already been anti war protestors who have been suppressed by russian law enforcement. the country is at war, this isnt a virtue signalling session, you either get in line, or you get bashed. people on the board are just bbeing optimistic of the realistic outcome


Just read apparently forces guarding Odessa have finally made it to the Dnieper to fight at Crimean front, but still no. resistance as it pushes East


>NATO will still be there at the end of it
how many times this day have you went outside to protest the war? you've been calling based peaceful protestors in Russia "to weaken" the oligarch ruling class.
Fucking all day all fucking day and you haven't done what you say others should do, and when asked to support the ones freeing that old woman treated as a subhuman you behave like a pathetic worm.


Russia's defence of Syria isn't because of some moral character of the Russian nation/Putin but to curtail US influnce and their geopol interests. As we can clearly see from this war, Russia is perfectly capable of imperialist agression (No, I don't support Ukraine either). It's just a question of strategy and what they are capable of.


>Frankly I don't see why this intervention was warranted now.
To prevent more deaths. Just admit you are a succdem and think violence is unacceptable when its not done by a "legitimate" rules based order state.




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>End of NATO, end of the second White Republic of Russia
League of Nations moment?


Nothing will be same from this moment in history.


Can't accept it after condemning Russia for doing it


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ukrainian army to deploy freddy fazbear


like arabs are well armed enough to fight the us military, i'd know he'd run if there was fighting on his street


Most leftst orgs already organize protests for the coming days



>>519277 (me)
sabotard is a worm. confirmed has no fur and instead of walking just crawls.


No. The “lib” left is basically Pink Fash.
We can see it here with Ukraine and the Pink-Blue-Brown alliance.



>And how will this war in any way alleviate their suffering?
Russia is removing an out of control Nazi Junta that is occupying Ukraine and refuses to stop murdering civilians. It will alleviate suffering by removing the Nazis that are running the country so normal people can get on with their lives.


Has pootin said something?


comming days? libtards in Russia didn't take one single day.


shut the fuck up liberal. you're not fitting in


It's a sort of cynical sarcasm to get back to the far right types that constantly ask why the war refugees replacing whites didn't stay and fight for their country


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Ukrainians are launching all out counterattacks as the night progresses. No progress seems to be made, but Russians are slowed


Well based for them but we should do it organized you dont understand that euro proles will suffer due to the sactions


apparently putin was promised kharkov by now and he's in a bunker seething while drunk, possible suicide or abdication in the coming days.


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Jesus, they almost have Kyiv.


I agree with this view, but you can argue with nato starting to conduct military exercise in the country it could have ended up as defacto nato before too long, and they can always sit on the no border conflict clause. if there was a good moment to act military it was probably it


>ukraine letting civilians die rather than surrendering to russia


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>when you can't afford to deal with your poverty or AIDS epidemic but you can give out thousands of rifles for everyone for a war you know you're going to lose in a couple days


Make a new thread uyghurs


Good thing Ukraine is a low crime place where those weapons won't later be used by criminals on Ukrainian citizens.

>It's easy to rob or hurt or kill somebody and get out of the country before this person even goes to the police. I can get out of Ukraine within 2 days, quick enough to avoid getting caught. I don't need to hurt them immediately, nice vengeance requires planning and time. People get killed for less than $1500, people get killed for lesser betrayals and for lesser insults, especially in 3rd world pisspoor countries like Ukraine, which is poorer than Turkey, Iran, China or Morocco. A couple of broken teeth is a lottery ticket in my view. If they stole $1500 from mafioso, they would be dead already. I had weeks to plan my vengeance, I can't love any woman even half as strongly as I loved the first one, and I don't experience strong attachment to anything but to the things I collect and the awards I inherited. Taking those things from me is worse than rape or stealing all my money and the apartment, they chose to spit in my face and take whatever dignity and self-esteem I had. I didn't draw because of some love for art, I was drawing to earn money. What for do I need money now if I love no one and I have nothing to cherish? There's only bitter taste of betrayal and hate.


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maybe the tactic is to just call it a war crime? depraved and bloodthirsty if so


Reminder that this isn't Ukraine itself, but the NATO puppets that are ruling Ukraine in the first place.
NATO is the one arming these civilians, Ukraine comes second on this.


holy fuck this is just embarrassing. was russia a paper tiger all along? how are they getting pushed back???


Yes armies suffer big morale problems after waves of victories


Can I get a rundown on the sanctions?


Kharkov is almost surrounded. It seems Ukrops concentrated at Sumy and Kharkov as Russians advance to Kiev almost unimpeded


Russian VDV brigade near Kiev is wiped out apparently


what the fuck is going on putinsisters???


they claimed that ten times today


It is for the spectacle to frame Russia. It is better for sanctions-purpose to paint Russia as le ebin imperialist.
With more reason, they should strike stronger.
Officially CIA uyghurs.


for the 100th time today?


what are you talking about
Holy shit, were they supposed to prepare the ground for the Kiev push that got delayed? Makes sense


Zelensky can't surrender or capitulate or they are going to Gaddafi him




The entire Russian armies is made up of thousands of VDV units


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ooof, that's enough to level a city
i wonder what prompted that much hardpower


t. americanoid
day 1 in iraq you were still eating sand


My first thought as well, the blowback from this war in general is going to be fucking insane for every party involved.



I'm in the process of joining the Communist Party of Canada, and I've been in touch with their organizers. If they organize an anti-war demonstration I will 100% be attending, as well as actively participating in any efforts to pressure our government to cease all intervention in Ukraine.
>To prevent more deaths.
The best way to prevent more deaths would have been to occupy Donbass and back the separatists with regular Russian forces. This is a dramatic escalation that will in all likelihood lead to more death.
What does any of that have to do with people in Russia and their suffering?


Merchant ship flagged to the Marshall Islands, it's fine


Are we seeing Deep Battle tactics?


It has been less than a day.


Anons I know this is tricky, I do wish for the fascist elements of Ukraine to be put down. I do wish for a more multi-polar world. I do wish for NATO to be weakened and destroyed. I do know this brings immense violence, violence the material conditions of capitalism have made necessary. We are at the whims of Capital in this. It's a sick irony that we know the mass violence of inter-imperialist conflict must occur to bring down capitalism. None of us are responsible for that, whether we wish for it to be over with or pushed off doesn't matter here. Anons whether your enthusiastic or down on this, history is back on the menu. All that matters is our hearts are connected to the needs of the prole, we can do no wrong with that!


Post this in the new thread, comrade


Caleb denying there's an invasion happening. Holy hell what a retard.


Analysis from a french general blog made yesterday

The probability of an open interstate conflict between Russia and Ukraine is now very high. This war will be part of the wider confrontation between Russia and the Atlantic Alliance, which has been going on for several years, and which is being waged on both sides with all possible instruments, both civilian and military.

Let us recall above all the rules of the game of the use of the military instrument. In the background, there is the nuclear weapon on both sides, which, like the queen on a chessboard, influences the whole game by its power even if it does not move. But nobody wants it to move. Nuclear powers that confront each other therefore avoid anything that could make it tremble, and first of all to confront each other directly with weapons. There may have been some friction in various places, but efforts have always been made to control these clashes very quickly.

Let us note some operational consequences of this rule. If we do not confront each other directly militarily, we can always attack those who do not benefit from this nuclear umbrella. As the enemy of my enemy can eventually be considered as my friend, the opposite side can also choose to militarily help the threatened state.

If the attack has not yet taken place, the first way to help it is to place the target state under its protection as quickly as possible, or else risk preemptively triggering the enemy attack that we want to avoid. The only way is to play the "reckless pedestrian" who suddenly crosses the road and forces all motorists to brake. In 1983, Chad, threatened by Libya, called France for help. A few days later, three French battalions occupied key points in central Chad and it was made clear to Colonel Gaddafi that crossing the 15th parallel would provoke a war with France.

If the attack took place, there was no longer any question of sending troops, except at best for "ghost soldiers", volunteers, lost leave-holders, private soldiers, etc., and even then only in small doses to avoid the rule of non-confrontation. In reality, it will be a matter of hoping that the attacked state will resist long enough to be helped by making the war a costly stalemate.

This brings us back to Ukraine. When the crisis erupted at the turn of 2014, Russia responded immediately with a mobilization of forces on the border and the annexation of Crimea. The Atlantic Alliance, at the request of the new Ukrainian government, could have played a "reckless pedestrian" at that point. No one dared. In the next phase, while remaining masked, Russia supported the autonomist movement in Donbass and when it was threatened with suffocation, launched new military moves: deployment of an anti-aircraft force that chased Ukrainian planes and helicopters out of the sky, then bludgeoning of Ukrainian battalions along the border with drone-guided multiple rocket launchers -a battalion was destroyed in three minutes- and finally commitment at the end of August of joint battle groups (JBGs) -battalions grouping together tanks, mechanized infantry and above all artillery- on all the axes from Russia to Donetsk and Luhansk. Aggregated with local militiamen to provide infantry and a political mask, and followed by electronic warfare groups and very heavy artillery, these groups crushed the Ukrainian brigades encountered in their path. This resulted in the Minsk I agreements. In January 2015, the Russians did the same thing again, with even more groupings, and that gave the Minsk II agreements.

Today, a new Russian attack, regardless of its objective of conquest would take the same form. In the 1980s, taking up Russian operating principles from the 1930s, Soviet doctrine called this a "high-speed offensive". The principle is simple: to act on a whole chosen terrain in a minimum of time. In the farthest distance, infiltrating troops on foot, planes, helicopters, or ships; in the middle of the strikes, planes, helicopters, multiple rocket launchers or others, and behind the shells of the GTIA passing by all the axes. The Russians have around Ukraine and in the self-proclaimed republics of Donbass about 120 IWGs (for comparison the French Army is sure to be able to form six complete, after that it is not certain), but also 500 fighter aircraft, which unlike 2014 would be used this time. With these assets, they can launch up to eight high-speed attacks simultaneously, each on a major road along a rectangle 100 km by 200 deep to be conquered in a week.

There are only two things that could stand in their way.

The first is a "reckless pedestrian". Despite the progressive disorganization of European armies since 1990, one could have found some forces to deploy quickly, but only among the very few nations willing to put their soldiers at risk of course. In a rather unanimous way, we were quick to admit to the Russians that we would never do it. So let's forget about this option, unless we strangely consider that doing it in Romania will dissuade Russia from attacking Ukraine.

The second is of course Ukrainian defense. Militarily, Ukraine is somewhat in the position of NATO having to defend the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) against the Soviet Group of Forces in Germany. The working scenario was that of a high-speed offensive on five axes of attack seeking to seize the FRG before Western leaders even had time to consider the use of nuclear weapons. There were then only two modes of defense: the first was a mirror image of the Russian method from armored units in the first instance to deep strikes, the second was a surface defense - a techno-guerrilla to use Joseph Henrotin's expression - made up of small, well-trained and equipped infantry units each defending a given terrain, in the manner of the Finnish defense against the Russians in the winter of 1940.

Ukraine is currently capable of doing neither. In the air or, a little better, on the ground, there is nothing to prevent the Russians from having control of the sky with all that may imply. On the ground, the forty or so IWGs available are equipped with old Soviet equipment, inferior to that of the other side, and without stockpiles (note, in passing, the mysterious accidents that have occurred for some time in the ammunition depots in Ukraine and even among the few external suppliers). As for the techno-guerrilla, it is as little techno as guerrilla. There are 25 territorial brigades made up of reservists, but they are far from the Finnish fighter-skier battalions of 1940 or the Lebanese Hezbollah in 2006 against Israel. There are no fortified lines, no subterranean tunnels, no hidden depots, no companies of elite fighters, despite the undeniable courage of Ukrainian soldiers. One can receive anti-tank missiles at the last moment or buy excellent Turkish armed drones, but one still has to know how to use them.

All this is very little and very late, and this remark is valid both for the Ukrainian state and for the countries of the Atlantic Alliance, which often wake up only when they are slapped. So we do not see what could stop the Russian high-speed attacks, perhaps simultaneous aimed at conquering all of Ukraine at once, or successive ones seeking to gradually dismember the country. At most we can attack in the civilian field and prepare a little better militarily for the next move, in Ukraine if the initial Russian victory leads to an unstable situation, or elsewhere.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)




File: 1645743370568.png (244.02 KB, 1696x444, tfw no hoxha.png)

kek holy shit
It's like Albania in the 90s where the government just opened up the military armories to everybody and their dog.


File: 1645743917105.png (20.77 KB, 918x240, poroshenko.PNG)



Is he Hitler or recreating the USSR make up your minds







[Muffled Internationale in the distance]


>six digits


File: 1645753271968.png (541.75 KB, 640x490, check.png)


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