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 No.534786[View All]

Kyiv warned of toxic fumes after strike on oil depot

Germany to send weapons directly to Ukraine

Russia-Ukraine latest news: Russian troops enter Kharkiv; west cuts off banks from Swift system – live https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2022/feb/27/russia-ukraine-latest-news-missile-strikes-on-oil-facilities-reported-as-
Raid on twitter agsnts azov battalion

Russian broadcasts hacked to play Ukraine song on all channels https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZ0AYGSI9uQ
618 posts and 130 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


retards filled up 20+ threads before anything of substance happened


ah, okay. So it's basically fucking up your own gun to "own" the Muslims.




Nazis aren't the smartest people


>escalation is nothing


Unfortunately no. They’re the perfect glow op.


>noooo you can't just support the CIA that's imperialism
At this point I would 100% support the CIA assassinating Putin with a nerve agent or something. Threatening the world with nukes means you've overstayed your welcome.



The pope invited us to pray and fast for ukraine.


nukes are… LE BAD


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Literally the Five Eyes and Europe then would deserve the same treatment. What is this double-standard?


>️Council of the Federation: #Russia will be delivering precision strikes on individuals on #Ukraine's territory who transport arms to #Kiev



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more food for me, i guess


Yes global thermonuclear war is indeed le bad


>go to nazi country
>get treated badly
really makes you think


>b-b-but what about…
Shut the fuck up


Capitalism is worse. Nuclear war can destroy capitalism


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>global thermonuclear war is indeed le bad


Retard opinion


<Trump tears up INF treaty
>only Russia threatens with nukes


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Mi 28 carrousel formation on Kherson.
They are pretty much fucked in Kherson if these monters can go around like this.


In Ukraine:
>the train conductor is racist
>the police is racist
>civilian guard is racist
>the border guard is racist
>nazi troops are racist

…but it's not fair to call this a "nazi state"?


idk fam
we had capitalism for a while now and the majority of humans right now arent ash


>annihilating the planet to own da bourgs
You're a joke


>racism = nazi


Supporting death of this fucker isn't the same as really supporting CIA, honestly. Remember who supplied Ho Chi Mihn with weapons.


critical support for thermonuclear war to own the libs


By and large it doesn't really do anything but it's introducing a manner for which dirt to stick to your bullets and gum up your shit.


Crazy how western media barely mentions this.




Posadism used to be a popular ideology in these parts. Now suddenly nuclear war is le bad again. What's the matter, cold feet?


The people there were foreign students. Women and children I understand, but weren’t the men supposed to fight and defend the homeland, per the words of the Ukrainian state? You could at least let the students go before the men, they have no stake in the war, ffs



Everybody a gangasta until WW3 starts


Also all the pro-ukraine libs defending this with "WE DON'T KNOW THE WHOLE STORY!" shit.


yeah it seems like ukrop air capabilities are completely gone at this point


Will you cheer Kiev getting Sarajevo'd?


what the fuck is there to know apart from what's being denounced?



Yes because I am an epic cringelord who is coping


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>Zelenskyy wearing Russian uniform


>In 3° weather, they are only opening the gates for white Ukrainians and not allowing Black Africans in for shelter. The woman in the video is holding a two-month-old baby in the freezing cold.


new thread


new thread


new thread






Russians can be pretty racist, too, man


The USSR and PRC?


I'm not a p*tinoid but I want Novorossiya to happen just for the cool flag


>Ukraine is Nazi germany,
>Zelensky is Hitler inside the Fuhrerbunker
>Kiev is Berlin in april 1945.
Maybe history is truly ciclical.

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