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607 posts and 150 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Do soldiers usually get fed better quality grub before war?


reconsider how you use your time on this earth


Retard read what I posted again. Follow the arguments. I'm not in favor of war, nor invasion.


Russia suffered heavy loses, they are running out of fuel and ammunition. They are losing ground everywhere, Putin is slowly losing his sanity like Hitler in 45.


the conductor of Kyiv


We will never know for sure, the thing is, we have seen more ominous things don from the Ukrainian side to their own population, and their own soldiers, I wouldn't be surprised if they were just executed for leaving the city. Or some real marauder from the weapons going in…


I am going to become the sabotaeur


>Do as I say retard!


no, the shit food is part of the heroism(TM) experience, if you want the new playstation and sweets you have to upgrade your gov contract to PMC


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>Operators of Ukraine have disabled communication for phones with Russian numbers.


9th gen has the ugliest starters ever, which is particularly bad becausse 8th gen had the coolesst starters ever.

Narrative seems to be the one thing at which everyone againsst Russia is united, mememagic-style. It's all very performatic. The PR battle is the crucial part of this war now, the Wesst went all in with its propaganda.


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the ukranian cope batalions are in full force today huh.


Why do whites behave like this?


they have a problem




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>image shilling for george soros
go back


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There's a video of the shooting from inside the car in a thread or too back. I'll find it later.


200 years of capitalism relegated me and my whole race to proletroglodyte status


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ah, bring it, to see if it is the same.


I hope you grow 4 inches taller


Did you make this? Very nice




>That's why the USSR collapsed and Marxism-Leninism is a failure and always will be.
Oh yes, the USSR collapsed because people running USSR were stupid, not because of material reasons.


Who fired first?


I want a tacticool expert to explain to me the flaws with the Redditor's combat tips, it sounds good to me.


100% is. Same car, same German shepherd (the one that lived), same blood spot where the driver died(?). Give me a sec, I'll show you


excellent work anon


Awesome, send it to the Russian MoD.


I am reflecting now on the dismantlement of Cold War era US/Russian INF treaty, which was taken down by the US in order to (widely speculated and sometimes admitted) allow it to build prohibited armament to place them in Asia. Assuming, I suppose, there would never be a war in Europe again.



No, it's solid.


While I'm in this thread where the attention is, allow me for a moment to derail it. What were the "Polish operations" and order 00485? Whats up with this alleged polish ethnic cleansing?


From what I gather on reddit and twitter, Russian forces have been pushed back to Stalingrad, their lines are collapsing and Zelenksy is in the Iron Man suit and taking the fight to Putin himself.


Nazi apologist, create a fucking thread


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I see no contradiction here, mate
the enemy has always been the same and guys like you never stopped supporting him




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I seriously have no idea about this, just want a quick answer I didn't want to waste a thread please anon!


Israel started, but then Russia brought up the Golan Heights so they bitched out. SA realize they will make much more money off the oil hike by not submitting to NATO


Read Grover Furr, there were actual Polish spies and saboteurs, Poland was by no means a nice country, they were expansionists aiming for the conquests in Europe. They have created a wide network inside the USSR to instigate anti-soviet uprisings and conquer Belorussia and the Ukraine.


>You tankies can't really take any contradiction
mald radlib, this is not voosh twitter cargo cult
> you act like spoiled children
we are the spoiled for not repeating Western media talking points and swallowing ukranian war propaganda that openly stated shit that did not happen as real like the fucking ghost of kiev.
>You just can't face the truth.
and you can't face the fact that the entire ukraine is being steamrolled, just three days in an war entire armies are being circled in maripol and their capital is under siege when russia is using just a 1/3 of they army power, so you just cope with these shit that is not based in anything other than denial.
>That's why the USSR collapsed
the ussr got couped and illegaly dissolved, not because what your projection of what ML is.
>Marxism-Leninism is a failure and always will be.
at least we did something in the world to fail and not what other opportunist ideologies that try to use the fall of the USSR to grow, which is nothing in their history, what ever is your snowflake ideology you never had a country to call your own so they call the only ideology that trully challanged capital in the world.
remember this, a failure did more for the world than an nothing like you.


what the fuck, where did that voice over come from?


Different videos from the same shooting
During/immediate aftermath: >>539113
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FNCcxQaKxw

Warning: a dying dog is heard crying in the background, a man is seen dying (?) on the pavement

After >>539977
Warning: dead dog, blood on the pavement

Running the title through a translator, we get: "In the Kiev region, Russian invaders killed a father in front of his son. Ivankov region."
Caption says: "Киевский Движ / Kiev Movement"

Ivankov/Ivankiv appears to be a small town of Kiev an 80 minute drive north of Kiev.

Any thoughts on what happened here?


>Any thoughts on what happened here?
This is fucked. What thoughts can I have?

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