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>Nancy Pelosi, who is conducting an extensive tour of multiple allied nations in Asia, has finally touched down in the breakaway province of Taiwan despite repeated threats to the speaker's safety.

First thread: >>>/leftypol_archive/561633.
581 posts and 71 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


More like Xi destroyed by cucking out to some 80 year old white lady lol


you need to go back zoomer


this ended with russia invading :/


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Take a good look Democrats.. this is what life is like COMMUNIST China and SOCIALIST Venezuela. Wanna rethink your support for communism now?




Only zoomers use that useless term, youre not saying anything. You think geopolitics is about "cucking?" Oldskool uyghas dont use that zoomer garbage. Stop wanking to porn BTW, brain rot detected.
Half a decade ZOOM ZOOM


Yeah, 7 years after the US spent arming Ukraine to the teeth and training it's forces as essentially a crypto NATO force.
if Russia had balls and moved it's peacekeepers into the Donbass the moment it took Crimea, the US and Ukraine would still be seething today with little to no casualties, instead, 100 Russian lives are lost every day along with god knows how many Ukrainians.
China needs to show it's willing to show it can respond to IT'S OWN SOVEREIGN BORDERS BEING COMPROMISED BY THE US. Taiwan is part of China, the US just basically waltzed into China's borders, gave China a massive middle finger and shit on the Chinese flag. Kinmen needs a red flag waving over it. The Americans need to be spanked back to their side of the world.


If China was under your rule, they would have died in WWIII decades ago. I think they prefer development.


Russia spent 8 years building up gold reserves, remember? Preparing for the inevitable economic sanctions?




Taiwan has never been a part of the PRC


Enjoy watching China be surrounded by US aircraft carriers, Taiwan armed to the teeth and becoming a crypto NATO country and Japan and Korea rearming to "contain" China.
China will be isolated and crushed, while America laughs.
Taiwan is officially part of China.The US just entered Chinese borders and shit on the Chinese flag, that requires a bigger response than some military drills and frankly, cucked copium "Chinese warning" statements from Xi.


It's obvious by how hard you try and still manage to come across as a socially engineered redditor





Only zoomers and redditors assume reddit. In my days no one ever mentioned that website ever.


Lmfao at the Xisters complaining about muh /sp/ culture and muh reposting /pol/ memes as if that’s not what the Ukraine threads have been for 99% of the time.


>talking like a twelve year old that spends too much time on the internet
do you talk about cucking during christmas dinner, too? grow the fuck up and touch fucking grass.


>t-touch grass
Is that an epic 1997 oldfag meme? Do you talk about your epic oldfag memes when you're getting cucked, too?



xigods… we won


Taiwan severely limits China's Blue Navy ambitions and practically makes a stealthy Submarine operation for China impossible. Also it's not just Taiwan, Taiwan is just the beachhead, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, India, Australia, Philippines are all crypto being made into a Pacific NATO against China. Look at how Chinese efforts across the entire pacific completely imploded the moment Australia started giving a fuck. China's getting complete disrespect from countries like Samoa now.
The fact is, the world is ruled by Sociopaths and Sociopaths are always testing for and looking for weakness, and we see the US send one of it's most powerful people, into Chinese territory, have her take a giant shit on the Chinese flag IN CHINESE TERRITORY and the most we get is fucking seething statements and a 3 day military exercise that are actually smaller than the 90s "crisis"?
How is that not fucking weak? Is Taiwan part of China or not? How in fuck can any country accept it's territorial integrity undermined like this? The Chinese response is just another fucking "Chinese Final Warning" Xi and China are a laughing stock right now and the world is watching. Countries respect strength, not weakness, if China cannot defend it's own borders, how in fuck can other countries rely on it?
Kinmin needs a red flag over it. This is fucking ridiculous.


Is this dialectics


Man it is obvious that Ziggers/Xiggers absolutely CANNOT handle the bants a when it comes from the other side and thus have to come up with ridiculous mental gymnastics about how everyone clowning on them atm is a Reddit/Twitter/TikTok/Facebook/MySpace/Metroflog zoomer sleeper glowie agent out there to get them.


The world respects china and the chinese people


why are there bants from natoids on a leftist board though


Other side?


Funny, I messaged my noob layman brother about this whole ordeal and his response was "china is so calm and collective."
Even he understand you dont take the fucking bait.


Step one: say you are going to Taiwan
Step two: make up fake news about how china will literally shoot down your plane
Step three: go to taiwan
Step four: mock china for not following with your made up claims of violence

So this is how americans 'win' ,make shit up then mock the the other party when they don't follow along your schizo social media myths


They were. Right up until the war actually started.

Just because I'm a meme-loving fuck doesn't mean I can't be No Fun Allowed.


>when it comes from the other side
Excuse me?


This, though they shouldn't take the bait and get bogged down in a crisis with taiwan, but should instead do something against the united states and their own sphere directly, like selling nukes to Cuba and Venezuela


>China should be asserting it's dominance now, the fact Kinmen still has the flag of Taiwan over it, is ridiculous.
>If you've ever dealt with Sociopaths IRL, you know exactly what the US is doing here. It's a power play and probing China's willingness to response. If there is no meaningful response, the US will push further. Sociopaths are always probing for weakness.
You are not wrong with that sociopath analysis, the US will take this as a signal to escalate their hostile moves, because in their eyes China looks week. But Chinese strategical thinking is centered around choosing the time and place of battle. They might consider it weakness to let the US make that choice by reacting to a provocation. There is definitely a cultural difference at play, US preference for asserting dominance vs Chinese preference for only victory matters.
I thought that China would throw down because they have the military advantage and because the US is already caught up with the proxy war against Russia. But who knows their thought processes might be very different from ours. They completely reject game-theoretical thinking after-all, in the cold war Chinese strategist criticized Soviet strategists for making counter moves in response to US moves instead of focusing on creating outcomes regardless of what the US does. For China this might have just been the confirmation that a fight against the US is inevitable and they have calculated when and where they have the highest chances at victory for the lowest cost in lives and treasury, and they are going to pursue the route of optimal outcome no matter what.


Chinese black powder was the result of an emperor's attempt at eternal life and was being put in "fire stick" guns before any euro ever saw it.




Any news?


yeah they're such great strategic thinkers that's why they wholly created a situation where they get cucked on the world stage, my small western brain just doesn't get it


>they wholly created a situation
How? You mean americans made shit up and then mocked china for no reason? China never said it would shoot down the plane or whatever


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loser talk. /sp/ at its peak was the last time 4chan was actually fun and had tons of OC. Then Trump and /pol/ happened and ruined the site.


> China should be asserting it's dominance now […] If there is no meaningful response, the US will push further. Sociopaths are always probing for weakness.
Yep, exactly right.
All the US understands is immediate force, and both Russia and China have tried to be too clever and 'le strategic' for their own good.
The US watched multiple European nations try to cripple Russia's economy and then saw Russia reward these European nations by keeping the gas running instead of performing an immediate shut-off.
The US watched Russia issue one empty threat after another about targeting Kiev decision-making centers. The attack on the oil rig was supposed to be the final straw. The the latest attacks on Belgorod. Then the shelling in the east. What does US logic infer: "If Russia is too timid to follow through on its CONVENTIONAL threats, then we can dismiss its NUCLEAR threats."
As for China, the US saw the threats about "forceful measures" in response to Pelosi's visit and is now watching to see whether China has the balls to follow through. Some lame military drill won't cut it. China's panicked last-minute scramble to talk tough was an acknowledgment of US power psychology that came too late. China's primary fuck-up was its lukewarm response to the Ukraine conflict. It should've had Russia's back and started shipping out weapons and military tech the moment the West started doing so for Ukraine.


>China never said it would shoot down the plane or whatever
Right – that was some media editor who said China should do that – but China did threaten "forceful measures":


So now we get to see what China understands "forceful measures" to be.


>cucked copium "Chinese warning" statements from Xi.
< In China, they issued over 900 "final warnings" to the United States for their fighter manoeuvres in the Taiwan Strait, albeit with no real consequences. Thus, it is a common sentiment in Russia that Chinese warnings are merely warnings without consequences. Eventually, "China's Final Warning" became a catchphrase and proverb in Russia as a result.
Xibros, I don't feel so good…


> tripfag
It doesn't mean what you think it means.


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the least unhinged zyganoid lmao

enjoy you special military operation that will last for YEARS like a bleeding cut slowly weakening you while chinese enjoy trade with the west and development over some dick-measuring spooks


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Why are they celebrating the 4th of July in August?


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I, for one, am glad that the Communist Party of China did not give the US what it wanted today and didn't start ww3 over a geriatric clown show of dying empire. Time is on China's side. Military, technology, economic etc power of PRC will only increase in the coming years


>Anarchy or Death
How did that work out in Spain? :-/




Holy shit, you guys really aren't Westoids. You're leftists who unironically believe in the development meme. That's arguably even more naive than being a Westoid. At least Westoids know they're going to try pushing China's shit in eventually, no matter how much peaceful development it would rather engage in.



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