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 [Last 50 Posts]


>Nancy Pelosi, who is conducting an extensive tour of multiple allied nations in Asia, has finally touched down in the breakaway province of Taiwan despite repeated threats to the speaker's safety.

First thread: >>>/leftypol_archive/561633.





>call it a 'crisis' so you can make 3 threads spamming this non-issue burgers-first-passport shit
fuck off you sliding, disingenuous faggot, jesus christ.


slay queen


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>Retards here actually thought China would shoot down her plane


>3 threads for a complete nothing burger "crisis"

mods ban these NEETS who stayed up all night to track a plane and now want to shit up the board with inane garbage posts


Anons here are DESPERATE for a happening and for the world to end. They're getting burned with Ukraine after it turned out that Putin isn't willing to destroy Russia and his riches for the lulz.


>>562257 (me)
Destroy in a physical sense at least


autistic netbrains thinking people are serious about wanting nuclear war lol


No you don't understand the mind of the zigger, they think Russia has already won in the first two days and since then has been conducting the most drawn out mopping up operation in human history


are you ridiculous? it's burger morning, and UTC+7 night.
I do not stay up all night, just so happens to post from UTC+7.


NTA but you uyghas acting like she just landed on the Moon


I know, right? They love sensation so much. I wonder what are their ages actually are?


Statement by China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Pelosi's visit to Taiwan
>BEIJING, Aug. 2 (Xinhua) - China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Tuesday issued a statement on Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi's visit to China's Taiwan region. Following is the full text of the statement:

>On 2 August, in disregard of China's strong opposition and serious representations, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi visited China's Taiwan region. This is a serious violation of the one-China principle and the provisions of the three China-U.S. joint communiqués. It has a severe impact on the political foundation of China-U.S. relations, and seriously infringes upon China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. It gravely undermines peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, and sends a seriously wrong signal to the separatist forces for "Taiwan independence". China firmly opposes and sternly condemns this, and has made serious démarche and strong protest to the United States.

>There is but one China in the world, Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory, and the Government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legal government representing the whole of China. This has been clearly recognized by United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2758 of 1971. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, 181 countries have established diplomatic relations with China on the basis of the one-China principle. The one-China principle is a universal consensus of the international community and a basic norm in international relations.

>In 1979, the United States made a clear commitment in the China-U.S. Joint Communiqué on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations – "The United States of America recognizes the Government of the People's Republic of China as the sole legal Government of China. Within this context, the people of the United States will maintain cultural, commercial, and other unofficial relations with the people of Taiwan." Congress, as a part of the U.S. Government, is inherently obliged to strictly observe the one-China policy of the U.S. Government and refrain from having any official exchanges with China's Taiwan region. China is all along opposed to the visit to Taiwan by U.S. congressional members, and the U.S. executive branch has the responsibility to stop such visit. Since Speaker Pelosi is the incumbent leader of the U.S. Congress, her visit to and activities in Taiwan, in whatever form and for whatever reason, is a major political provocation to upgrade U.S. official exchanges with Taiwan. China absolutely does not accept this, and the Chinese people absolutely reject this.

>The Taiwan question is the most important and most sensitive issue at the very heart of China-U.S. relations. The Taiwan Strait is facing a new round of tensions and severe challenges, and the fundamental cause is the repeated moves by the Taiwan authorities and the United States to change the status quo. The Taiwan authorities have kept seeking U.S. support for their independence agenda. They refuse to recognize the 1992 Consensus, go all out to push forward "de-sinicization", and promote "incremental independence". The United States, for its part, has been attempting to use Taiwan to contain China. It constantly distorts, obscures and hollows out the one-China principle, steps up its official exchanges with Taiwan, and emboldens "Taiwan independence" separatist activities. These moves, like playing with fire, are extremely dangerous. Those who play with fire will perish by it.

>The position of the Chinese Government and people on the Taiwan question has been consistent. It is the firm commitment of the more than 1.4 billion Chinese people to resolutely safeguard state sovereignty and territorial integrity. It is the common aspiration and sacred responsibility of all Chinese sons and daughters to realize the complete reunification of the motherland. The will of the people is not to be defied, and the trend of the times cannot be reversed. No country, no forces and no individual should ever misestimate the firm resolve, strong will and great capability of the Chinese Government and people to defend state sovereignty and territorial integrity and to achieve national reunification and rejuvenation. China will definitely take all necessary measures to resolutely safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity in response to the U.S. Speaker's visit. All the consequences arising therefrom must be borne by the U.S. side and the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces.

>China and the United States are two major countries. The right way for them to deal with each other lies only in mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, no-confrontation and win-win cooperation. The Taiwan question is purely an internal affair of China, and no other country is entitled to act as a judge on the Taiwan question. China strongly urges the United States to stop playing the "Taiwan card" and using Taiwan to contain China. It should stop meddling on Taiwan and interfering in China's internal affairs. It should stop supporting and conniving at "Taiwan independence" separatist forces in any form. It should stop its acts of saying one thing but doing the opposite on the Taiwan question. It should stop distorting, obscuring and hollowing out the one-China principle. It must take credible actions to observe strictly the one-China principle and the provisions of the three China-U.S. joint communiqués, deliver on the "five noes" commitment made by the U.S. leadership (i.e. not seek a "new Cold War"; not seek to change China's system; the revitalization of its alliances is not against China; not support "Taiwan independence"; not look for conflict with China), and not go further down the wrong and dangerous path.


tl;dr, chinese seethe

Xibros and HAPOONERS BTFO. LMFAO'ing at the guy who told me last night that said "NOW" is the time for China to "strike." Fucking dumb kids LOL


It's like the PRC always chimp out whenever a Western leader visits Taiwan. Why is it if they consider it to be their province? Why not treat it like as if they visited Guangdong and not something much more sinister?


>nothing ever happens


that's why it's "leftypol", it's the same stupidity as in the other site but with different people
all of the pepes and wojaks should've tipped you off


I get the impression they are rather hyperbolic.
Much like anons here desu.


It's not like she's going there as a tourist LMAO, she's obviously going to meet with the ROC's government.


hello and welcome to the new /pol/ meme : china


is hexbear down?




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Based and absolutely correct.


I thought the border stuff in Ukraine/Russia was a nothingburger too until the missiles flew.

I expected this one to be a nothingburger too…but u really never know in this clown world.


It's like
>Reagan visits Timor Leste
>Indonesia chills
>Nancy (not Prez) visits Taiwan
>China throws a fit
why is it a problem?


[Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference on Speaker Pelosi of the U.S. Congress

Statement on a visit to Taiwan, China] On August 2, the U.S. Congress held a public discussion

Chang Pelosi visited Taiwan, China despite China's resolute opposition.

This move is a serious violation of the one-China principle and the three Sino-US joint communiqué regulations.

It is determined to seriously violate the basic norms of international relations and seriously undermine the Sino-US relations.

It is a political foundation, which seriously damages Sino-US relations and is of great importance to China.

Political provocation. The Chinese National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference firmly opposes and strongly condemns this.

Another strongly condemn from the Chinese government


Now they'll be too busy talking about the no fly zone over whatever inane schemes they were going to talk about

My sides are in orbit




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Illiberalism BTFO





bring china back


>Blue-Yellow facemasks




But he visited while it was occupied by Indonesia, right? So the Indonesian government let him in. The difference here is that the PRC claims Taiwan but doesn't actually control it, meaning Pelosi didn't get the PRC's permission.



Chinese man thinking white man really really loves and cares for him.


So like the Donbass republics and Ukraine?


I've seen your scummy posts, imperialist shill. fuck off, scum.


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GOD EMPEROR Biden of the United States of the EARTH declared war on "president" Xitch of the people's "republic" of "china" (INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNIZED AS CHINA PROVINCE OF THE U.S.E. EMPIRE)




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D-Dengbros! What are we gonna do??


>But he visited while it was occupied by Indonesia, right?
Yeah, and that's a hypothetical comparison. (Reagan never actually stepped foot there)


They're fucking military exercises, stop being a hapooner until shit actually happens






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Post source for shooting down the plane? You smoking crack?


t. February ukrainian thread poster


oh god


I'm not sure what you're saying. This situation is like if an important French leader visited Confederate territory during the US Civil War and held talks with Confederate leaders without the US government's approval; it would be seen as at best a slap in the face to the US and at worst a declaration that the French government approved of the Confederate cause.


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based gang shit


I know it's bait but the USA would probably be shooting itself in the foot jeopardizing trade with China.
Russia was on the menu for heavy trade war because it was the Eurocuck minions who pay most of the price and will compensate the US for their part.

And this goes for China too. They gotta keep posturing but they are both porky co-dependent at heart.


the people's republic of cuckhina


China has an industry, USA has none. Economically China would win FREE


>Chinese man
*Taiwanese man


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I listened to Komm Susser Tod right as Pelosi was entering Taiwanese airspace, thinking shit would start popping off while the song was playing and it would be all kino.



In november, the nationalists will take over China. This was Xi's only chance to do something.


Anime fags btfo


nothing ever happens man


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I'm more than happy with this outcome. Escalation is bad and I don't want any war where I or my friends will have to fight. Getting mad China isn't doing anything is retarded.


>real-life death and violence

touch grass


it still fits THO with xi's mandate of heaven TUMBLING DOWN


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Meaning what? They'll conduct flybys of some islands?
From St*lin's socialism in one country policy and cuckout in Greece, the future of socialism has been nothing but a cavalcade of humiliation and retreat.
I hope the Chinese proletariat rise up and hang the entire CCP.


Oh great another nothingburger thread that will be bumped for 13 iterations. the absolute state…


leftcom brained.


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>tfw Putin is less of a cuck than Xi


It did the Chinese erected a no fly zone around Taiwan moments after she landed

I'm impressed I mean I was kinda hoping China would just cuck out because provoking the rabid dog with nukes would be bad for my loved ones but this is even better


/lefteenpol/. agree?


Wow you sure showed me. Western thought just as bankrupt as their empire lol


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If only he was a commie


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the absolute state


Lenin shitting on leftcoms opened the door to revisionism.


>english sign
>ukraine facemasks
these retards are just going to be the next kleenex used up and thrown out like every other geopolitical pawn the US gets their hands on. its just fucking sad at this point. nobody ever learns from history.


Xi isnt nationalist? The fuck are you talking about?





PLA Eastern Theater Command to conduct military operation near Taiwan island


¬_¬ average NATO-shill poster


>Hmm…this page doesn’t exist. Try searching for something else.


No socialism by 2050, no socialism ever ever. You can forget about it, kid. Only harsh capitalistic realities from now on.


>page doesnt exist


China couldn't diplomatically impede Pelosi on the way in, but now that shes on Taiwan the ball is on China's court. Now Pelosi is in the position where the USA will have to ask permission to leave the island and be the initiator in a military escalation should their diplomatic means fail.

The turns have tabled


>b-but they depend on western markets, they need the west's magical numbers on a screen


China's Defense Ministry on high alert, to launch countermeasures
>China's Defense Ministry is on high alert and will launch a series of targeted military operations as countermeasures, and resolutely defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity, spokesperson for the ministry Wu Qian said on Tuesday, following the arrival of U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi in China's Taiwan region.


wait did they actually do that?


WW3 imminent?


Dogmatic turd detected. Leave China to China, they dont need your breadtube advice on how to govern their country.


The NFZ is only until August 7th


Your mum was on high alert to launch countermeasures last night but in the end she consented and let in


If WW3 actually does happen, I'm throwing up my hands and going full-on post-civ anarchist



it’s overloaded


FUCK xibros we just keep getting owned


panic in Taipei reuters live is offline WTF


You still have a chance to become a minor porkie, it's your only hope now kid…


If the CCP stays in power for 10,000 years, the most they'll accomplish is fattening Shanghai porkies with the sweat and blood of Chinese workers. Maybe they'll slaughter one or two that steps out of line to placate impressionable westerners like you that they're "still socialist" now and then.


Xi is locking Pelosi up!


Maybe they will take some of the islands by the PRC coast like Kinmen to save face.


Nothing will happen. Unless Pelosi does another gaff due to old age like the "good morning" moment, which would be a funny outcome and a good middle finger to the hapooners.




Serious post: Please no war. God, why can't the US just fucking die


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>"China's final warning" (Russian: Последнее китайское предупреждение) is a Russian proverb meaning a warning that carries no real consequences.

>“The last Chinese warning” is an allegorical idiom in Russian, meaning fruitless threats “in words”, about which it is known that no action will follow in the near future [1] .

>Relations between the People's Republic of China and the United States of America during the 1950s and 1960s were strained due to the Taiwan Strait issues. American military fighter jets regularly patrolled the straits, which led to regular formal protests being lodged by the Chinese Communist Party. In China, they issued over 900 "final warnings" to the United States for their fighter manoeuvres in the Taiwan Strait, albeit with no real consequences. Thus, it is a common sentiment in Russia that Chinese warnings are merely warnings without consequences. Eventually, "China's Final Warning" became a catchphrase and proverb in Russia as a result.[2][3]

>The People's Republic of China released their first warning to the United States for their reconnaissance flights on 7 September 1958, during the Second Taiwan Strait Crisis. At that time, the United States considered the Republic of China as the sole legitimate representative of China, and conducted reconnaissance flights in waters controlled by the People's Republic of China. The People's Republic of China recorded such incidents, and issued warnings through diplomatic channels for each incident. The precise number of Chinese warnings is difficult to be evaluated, but is considered to have occurred more than 900 times by the end of 1964.

>The Chinese government's "final warnings" were regularly broadcast by news outlets and became the talk of the town . Since then, in Russian, the expression "(last) Chinese warning" has become a household word. Various variants of this catchphrase are used, for example: "647th Chinese warning", "723rd, last, Chinese warning", etc. The expression "Chinese warning" was often used in other languages ​​of the former Soviet Union, in particular in Estonian, and is sometimes still used [4] [5] .




>Unless Pelosi does another gaff due to old age like the "good morning" moment, which would be a funny outcome and a good middle finger to the hapooners.

God I want this


this is honestly depressing desu. Are we actually going to have to delete the /prc/ thread? I actually liked seeing what the chinese were up to without the propaganda.


Stop mocking China


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If Xi doesn't do something based in the next 14 hours I am leaving team China


>why can't the US just fucking die
Overwhelming military superiority


Please yes war, ya fucking goof.


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>alienated af xiboos in this thread




ok So we still live. Fuck. Last time I was so scared when Azov bombed this uni reactor


This is your final warning. STOP right now or there will be serious consequences.


>China and the United States are two major countries. The right way for them to deal with each other lies only in mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, no-confrontation and win-win cooperation
I hate revisionists so fucking much


My fucking sides


Dogma Dogma. Where is Haz to take these breadtubers out?


You really think your fucking shut-in imageboard ass would be safe in a world war?

Touch grass. Other people aren't abstractions that exist to fill your own narcissistic need for a "happening" in order to feel something.


>without the propaganda.
When exactly did you see what China was doing without propaganda? Their entire existence is hyping themselves up as the big dog of the East and then pissing their pants the second the US calls them out on it. They're not even a real country, they're controlled opposition at this point.


How do non-English speakers deal with such nightmarish URLs


>China does nothing but bark at the west
>betrays the USSR and invades Vietnam
What the fuck is their problem?


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Already happened m8
No fly zone
Ahem I mean military excercises where flying is prohibited for safety reasons all around Taiwan now


Chinese Twitter users are absolutely pissed at their officals not doing enough.


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Yeap. Now the USA needs to ask permission to leave and tread very carefully. Or hey, maybe some unexpected circumstance turns out to prolong the exercises and Pelosi gets stranded onTaiwan for a few weeks.


Theres also still the chance of China attacking directly after Pelosi leaves, although my extensive hoi3 knowledge lets me add that this takes some preparation time usually


I don't need to be safe. WW3 will be progressive and it's the only hope for socialism.


The no fly zone is literally for 3 days.


Respect uygha


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>WW3 would be progressive

The absolute fucking state of this board.


is the CCP naturally incompetent? WTF I LOVE THE KMT NOW



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My position is that war bad, but global nuclear holocaust is good because death is swift for most and it (hopefully) leads to the merciful extintiction of the human race i.e. the end of suffering alltogether.

What does that make me


They just want to die, this isn't about socialism


I agree with you, but ypu post the wrong mf. Castro was ready to keep the nukes


calm down there rust cohle


An edgy teen


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T-thank you…


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>n-no you just want death and violence
>w-we need to peacefully reunify
>what about the nukes tho?!?
Holy shit hahaha the cucks have cucked out of the woodwork for this one


An anti-natalist dummy


China thinks in centuries, you and your buddies think in months. Thats how you make it to 5000 years of continuous civilization.




Yes we need to stop mocking China, we must support them. Not only they are helping fight american imperialism worldwide but are helping small countries develop.
We must support them in this moment of hardship and actually celebrate their restraint . The showed who's the bigger, better country



All these happening threads come off as just the most alienated people on this site being so desperate to feel something other than crushing emptiness under capitalism that they'll literally welcome mass death because "ermaghad it's big pretty colors on a screen just like muh movies"


>No fly zone
>Ahem I mean military excercises where flying is prohibited for safety reasons all around Taiwan now
Lmfao, they're just having a temper tantrum because nobody is paying attention to them while the adults conduct business.




are we actually getting pro-US shills in this thread now?


the left kmt was allright, but not nearly big enough. A few based cringies


all this cheering for the fascists will surely only attract the most reasonable people too, right?


Friendship ended with PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA
is my
best friend


>China thinks in centuries, you and your buddies think in months.
"Just a few more centuries of humiliation. Then it'll be our time."


Status quo enjoyers scared for their hides, I see.


based biden revealing chinas true colours (yellow for cowardice, not red)


of course since china pussied out despite their strong rhetoric; if they didn't wanna do anything, they should just be quiet


>freedom to do meaningless inconsequential shit
Every country has this
Ask Julian Assange how much he is enjoying his freedom


Pretty sure it's trolls trolling trolls, this whole thread is buried under 8 layers of irony and despair


>are we actually getting pro-US shills in this thread now?
Relax, it's a happening thread. The (you) collecting takes over in the gaps between the events.




Over what, media spectacles?


>happening posters immediately doing the "IF YOU DON'T WANT MY MASS MURDER FANTASIES TO COME TRUE THEN YOU'RE A RIGHTOID" thing they always do when people call them out on their shit

The absolute FUCKING state of this board


There's not a single source of China ever saying they will shoot down the plane or whatever other than chinese twitter screencaps


usa unironically has more potential for socialism than China, prove me wrong


It was some chinese state media guy with little to no real power. It's the equivalent of the russian propaganda talking about nuclear tsunamis


not saying about shooting down; saying about how it is unnaceptable and how they will not stand for this move and yadayadayada; and now that they ignored their words, what are they gonna do? issue another strong worded statement while USA does as it pleases on chinese soil?


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America is back, jack. These celestials have had it too good for too long


BRI is literally the best thing to have happened in decades. Exporting national development instead of countries having to rely on exporting real wealth for useless fiat dollars in return. Nation development >>>>>>>>>> export for dollars. The West is so fucking mad.


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anon it's


There are ways to shorten the links.


Yeah well sweaty right now China is fucking mad.


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bros someone explain to me why china is a nation of cucks

like is it a cultural thing, or is cuckoldry built into their genes somehow? I don't get it


I hope they do something meaningful such as brigade taiwan or otherwise fuck with the microchip markets. Shooting down Pelosi is retarded




Cant hear you over my 5000 years of basedness LOLOL


In case you're not trolling that's the URL English speakers end up with when they go to an internationalized (ie non-English) domain. The locals just type it in their own language and end up in the same place.


look I know this board has people who can't read, but if you can't count then just leave


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my tea's gone cold I'm wondering why I
got out of bed at all


The future of China now that Xi doomed it.




I obviously mean all of the """"""""ironic"""""""" pro-US posts, I don't want war dumbass
but keep it up, you're doing your part contributing to the cesspool


is coffee good for you


You better sauce that my guy


Okay, so I'm really out of the loop as I ignored leftypol for the past half a week, so I don't know how the discussion around this visit played out but… is there a reason why people seem a bit more anti-China than before?


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image board users are obsessed with looking cool. China lost face in their eyes and so they jumped on the bandwagon against them.


China dindu anyffin on Pelosi, they never took active countermeasures


Maybe smoke some opium and relax a bit.
Its over for chinacels


People want based (no) communist (no) country to start WW3


ah that's sexy siberia tier post


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"We've had one, yes. But what about Second Century of Humiliation?"


It was a tweet from a nobody chinese bureaucrat


Really makes me think

Can China become a fascist state

Or is the CCP incompetent and capital-ridden by this day


A commentator working for Global Times tweeted it out, but the tweet was removed. There were a bunch of articles about it 3-4 days ago
That's just one article, you can google Hu Xijin and find 100 other articles


They are a socialist state, led by the proletariat


anon people have decided against china on this. It doesn't matter what the facts are now.


Seriously? My bet was that anti-China shit was precisely BECAUSE China threatened to do the dumbest move in history. Well, I guess tge average user really is that retarded here that they wanted what very well cought have been WW3.


So nothing is actually going to happen/


This is the final time I will say this: Stop cheering on military intervention in Taiwan



Can someone itt please explain to me China now having a casus beli for anexing taiwan is them cucking out?




I really cannot overemphasize how seriously Twitter has distorted Chinese foreign policy by giving “Chinese State Media” label out to every single person they can.

GT is not Chinese State Media. I think this should be stated unambiguously. The details are just confusing and irrelevant.

There is one actually Chinese State Media. People’s Daily. This is the official media for the Chinese state.


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Ideally he'll get gulaged along with the other petty bourgeois dengoids.


We will see in the coming days. For now it just adds to the pile of escalation.


how about xinhua???


>All of these faggots insulting China
Fuck you! You dumbasses don't realize that this is part of the plan. China had to back down not out of weakness but as a silent maneuver. For all we know they may have already taken out Pelosi. So how about you faggots grow up and think.


Best post ITT


anon, i…


They don't have a casus belli for annexing Taiwan because they already claim Taiwan is a part of China.


China is a socialist meritocracy. They will win.


do i continue wasting my life wageslaving but be able to pay rent or waste my life shitposting but lowkey rebelling against being a wageslave





how autistic are you to think people are serious about this lmao
It was always going to be a nothingburger ppl are just having a laugh


<Whispers toward Chinese pedestrians:


Yeah, they're just mad their markets are down today.


What's the difference


Speaking of Haz, did he put out any reaction that based and redpilled Russia (good) was sponsoring Black Hammer ultralefts (bad), and not patsocs (good) like him?


>Do you think people are serious
They wanted to shut down the /prc/ thread over this.


They needed a casus beli to militarily topple the taiwan governement, and pelosi just gave them one


>silent maneuver
to? They could have routed Pelosi off their airspace if they consider Taiwan to be a province. Indonesia still would have welcomed Joe Biden to Timor-Leste even if it still occupies that place. Why is China scared?


If I survive WW3 I will have a gf


Gloabl Times is my uygha
Mouth piece of the CCP really


>We were just pretending to be retarded


Who is "they?" Did /prc/ really talk about shutting themselves down? Lmfao


Christ man no wonder communisms impossible for westoids ur all socially stunted


Yeah, whether or not they get to vote, proletarian democracy matters. Not only has the CCP lost the mandate of heaven, they've also lost the democratic mandate of the people cheering on an invasion of Taiwan. Nobody wants a fucking cuck as their president.


>"all part of the plan" "may have already taken out pelosi"

a dengposter slowly loses touch with reality


Oh, then I'm sure they'll take the opportunity to attack any minute now.


Xi needs to send a plane to Puerto Rico or something


Ummm sweaty, actually, people know this is a something burger, they are just pretending for it to be a nothing burger pretending to be a something burger


File: 1659455820221.png (615.56 KB, 1200x800, ClipboardImage.png)

Pelosi-sama, I GENUFLECT.


China is gonna have is own Qanon lol


cant tell if those are B cups or F cups




Time for some news, babies
>China has branded a landmark visit to Taiwan by US Speaker Nancy Pelosi as "extremely dangerous". It accused Mrs Pelosi - the most senior US politician to visit the island in 25 years - of "playing with fire".
>Global markets fell on Tuesday as investors feared US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's expected visit to Taiwan could severely escalate tensions with China.
>At lest five U.S. warships, including the San Diego-based USS Tripoli, were positioned in waters near Taiwan Tuesday on what the Navy called routine deployments amid Chinese anger over House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's visit the island.


With nuclear armaments? Sure, we'd love that!


It shows the difference between a he zeitgeist in the US and China.

The US is an extremely anxious, unhappy and violent place where there is a palpable sense of worry and decline. They don’t feel the have a peace and they don’t treasure this. They demand endless spectacles, spectacular violence, wars, air raid sirens, mass shootings, global catastrophe. They can’t bear to endure their lives, and anyone who won’t satisfy their bloodlust is a coward.

China on the other hand, is a peaceful and optimistic country that doesn’t actually want war. They have every real right to continue the war with the RoC, if they want. They simply don’t want to. This lack of desire for war is baffling to a USian.


Everything written here is a work of non-fiction, only a fool would not believe everything written here


I'm glad CPC is intelligent enough to not start a war over a delegation visit.




LOL. If China had lost the mandate, a revolution would have happened already. Chinese will always fucking revolt, 5000 years of history proves it.


Isn't that what Xi cargocultists already are? The only differance is China didn't have a (publicly noticable) fuckup yet, for which they'd have to invent a cope. And when Xi (inevitably) gets replaced by an identical CCP conservative, a good chunk will believe he's the puppetmaster still.


still the escalation is worrying
>China's Defense Ministry on high alert, to launch countermeasures







American, already bored or the Ukraine war they created and intensified, attempts to create a war in China, and expressed anger and disappointment when their hateful warmongering is diffused.


Would you retards rather have people post about it in every other thread? Hide exists for a reason


source: my gigantic cavernous hedgehog asshole


There are ALREADY posts on weibo saying that they're going to invade on August 8th. It's unironically fucking over.


Worrying for what, your stock portfolio?



Putin didn't harden his heart… he failed these guys


You are an honorary East Asian uygha.
Harmony > strife.
China will rise peacefully.


You jest, but leading Chonese political theorists are reciting same tier of idealist historical exceptionalism to explain why China is special and doesn't need to consider materialism.


File: 1659456065741.jpg (101.27 KB, 720x1204, onion.jpg)

so we can all agree the onion is now a legitimate news outlet right?


are you stupid? for people dying




i have to wait until fucking monday??? fuck this


No you don't understand when they said reunification they meant through decades of tireless negotiations and an eventual peaceful referendum endorsed by the ROC government.


Ok schizo.

The problem with Angloid China dreaming is it’s completely made up from a standpoint of total ignorance, so they just project like crazy.


File: 1659456142215.jpg (3.29 MB, 2657x1772, original.jpg)

Apologize. Whatever you think of him, he isn't a cuck.


is this satire


man will you shut up


>an eventual peaceful referendum endorsed by the ROC government.
We get Tsai today.
How is it possible?


vladolf cuckler is still a cuck, its just that xitler cuckping is a bigger one


Bro he's a bigger cuck than Xi shut the fuck up


His country is fucking garbage.


Now this is cope.


>The problem with Angloid China dreaming is it’s completely made up from a standpoint of total ignorance, so they just project like crazy.
You're talking about dengoids who are overwhelmingly anglo right


Taiwan is 10x more sensitive and important to USA than Ukraine.


>how autistic are you to think people are serious about this lmao
Yeah, it's all just for fun! And when you can't tell the ironic posts from the real ones you'll know this place is a lost cause.
Oh wait, that's right now with these threads.


America won. China lost. Maoists BTFO


>He isn't a cuck
But why did he cuck out from bombing me when we started (economically) genociding the poor innocents of Königsberg? I thought concequences will never be the same?



Why the fuck should everything be framed in terms of how Americans respond? Are Americans the fucking main character?


Nah bro the communist chan board has real revolutionary potential
Go outside


China is idealist at heart. You can not into China,


We managed to make "X Gang" Such as nazbol gang, weed gang memes back in 2015. I believe that image boards still have power.


> Are Americans the fucking main character?
Yeah. Until who ever becomes the next super power.


>China is idealist at heart
And Americans are hereditary settlers suffering from white surprise, right?


Is that even possible?


It's unironically better than the US if you aren't PMC





Embedding error.
(source potentially reliable?)


>until who ever
China, the superpower is China


File: 1659456488423.jpg (81.45 KB, 675x498, evil.jpg)

guys i just figured it out - xi was playing 4d chess by provoking china's citizenry in response to aggression by the usa; actually china is planning to use this humiliation to engage in economic and diplomatic moves against the usa while the usa is busy focusing on ukraine, thus forcing the usa to attempt to deal with both chinese sanctions and the war in ukraine and helping weaken the us economy! we're gonna make it xibros


I’m talking about you left and right.


USA is pretty much third world tier at this point lol. Russia should copy more from China and less from USA. Russia is fucking garbage.


File: 1659456531373.gif (979.06 KB, 400x266, laugh-harder-oh.gif)


Alright but does this actually still fix the US's economy. It seems like this might actually be the thing that will get the US "Back on track" apparently. According ot the people here.


i just put it together. you're tiny faggot from the pire trudank fbi. god you never stopped being an insufferable retard. this guy actually used to brag about watching Agent Kochinski lol. lmao.


this tweet pretty much sums up the ethos of the democrat party


They will revolt in two weeks.


Apparently to the copers ITT this is nothing


Which country isn't 'fucking garbage' according to you?


who knows. Could be US' Afghanistan as well


Absolutely not reliable.

How many times are you morons going to fall for this FLG shit?

There’s something you should understand by Chinese liberals, and FLG, and all anti-China constituents within the Chinese speaking world: they are unrepentant liars.


Yes yes, all according to plan, the fatass and the ricemuncher is fighting, but the anglo is winning!


Until next time,



>b-but the allies! we need to stop them - too!


China won


Infer? Look it up.


i'm not a dengoid nor am i anglo


i was told there would be a happening


>There’s something you should understand by Chinese liberals, and FLG, and all anti-China constituents within the Chinese speaking world: they are unrepentant liars.
If these videos were on Weibo first place how come that they are still intact to the point that they are able to post the video to Youtube? China's censors are known for its strictness, where are they now?


People like you complaining ITT are the same stick in the mud types of people who were complaining asking for those memes to be banned at the time. If you can't handle people cheering on invading Taiwan you would have been shitting your pants hyperventilating and writing threads announcing your departure if you were around when the nazbol gang memes were.


Turu dulu ya dek


File: 1659456730184.jpeg (109.91 KB, 700x394, fetchimage.jpeg)

What? Who? Why? Because I shat on Settlers and on Chinese idealism I'm some sort of boogeyman d*scordite?


It’s literally nothing and not what’s being described and most likely not even from this year.

I invite you to recall early Covid and all those videos you saw of people collapsing and dying in the streets from Covid, which were absolutely not Covid, but just relabeled videos of an old man having a seizure or something like that. From the exact. Same. People.


I wouldn't because I was basically a rightiod when i came to leftypol.


you can't fool me pollack rad lib. i remember.


Breadtube is very stronk on this website. Do not want.


Economic sanctions are coming


If you'd have paid any attention to my posts on leftypol for the last two years, you'd know how much in contempt I hold eceleb debater shitters.


put me in the screencap


It actually is not. You're a tourist clearly


They wanted to know USA's true intentions. They now know USA wants to go to war with China at all costs.


>If these videos were on Weibo first place how come that they are still intact to the point that they are able to post the video to Youtube? China's censors are known for its strictness, where are they now?

This isn’t how it works. Firstly, Chinese censors are not nearly omniscient, even things that will end up censored stay up for days or weeks, or forever, because they’re really just mods and they actually don’t completely crush discussion as people think, and actually they do allow discussion to occur and mostly try and control the “temperature” of the discourse. Second, just like the US cannot remove disinformation even though they have complete mandate and powerful tools to do this, China can’t do that much about falsely presented videos circulating in WeChat.


File: 1659457003848.jpg (442.84 KB, 2048x1536, 173955752_90381b19c2_k.jpg)

This looks like Taiwan, you can see what looks like a bing-lang stand with the funny spindly lights. There are usually scantily clad women who work there, selling weird caffeine-like nuts to truck drivers who work late.


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>Vow on live 4K TV with billions of witnesses that Pelosi will never take foot in Taiwan and that he will shoot down the plane with no survivors if it gets anywhere near the island
>Pelosi lands in Taipei
>absolutely nothing happens
what did he mean by this?


Everyone sounds like Agent Kochinski on here and everyone hates China. Yes its breadtube 2.0


Xisters. Our back is against the wall.


The 4d chess is they aren’t going to go to war for this, why would they. Think about it. They don’t need a reason to go to war. They always have one.

This is their timetable, not yours. Pelosi’s a visit is a nice gift to them, and give them a little more control over how things proceed.


That's just burger hours
You just have to wait them out and They'll go to bed eventually


you were a kochinskite rad lib four years ago, i know it. unless there's just a bunch of you identical sounding faggots over there in poland, in which case i now wish putin would nuke you.


time to turn around and bend over. I trust Xi. This is socialism with chinese characteristics


Those nuts are actually extremely carcinogenic.


So what is zhongguo going to do? I wanted to see Pelosi shot down but knew that was unlikely. Surely Xi has some response planned


Hes lying we are all based NATO lovers here now



>nazbol gang was funny we need to unleash the memes like nazbol gang xd
>but also you all need to stop cheering on the invasion of taiwan because it's hurting my feelings and irony isn't funny
<these are two incompatible ideas
>actually they aren't because i was a rightoid when nazbol gang was started


Wild card, Vietnam will invade Taiwan


Fuck it, China failed me. I'm Soros gang now.


File: 1659457352514.png (7.04 KB, 420x46, ClipboardImage.png)

what did he mean by this


most people here are (or were?) Pro-China. they are just venting their frustrations about China not saving face.


You can see 買 which is the traditional form of 买, so it's most likely Taiwan.


Why Great Britain of course!


usa so fat it takes up both spots


Increase in military exercises, eventual overflight, closing the median line etc. War isn’t going to happen for many years, if at all. It would be ridiculous to start one now. China will give Taiwanese every opportunity to a path to peaceful reunification. Only once they have completely forsaken it, like Hong Kong, will they military come in.

It’s not up to the US to decide the fate of China.


There's no number 2, he just put china third to keep hurting the feelings of the chinese people, fucking dickbag


I like how my nationality continues to bamboozle dipshits like you. Anyway…
>You were Kochinskiite!
No? I started from a tripple combo of Cockshott, Chapo and Adam Curtis. That was and still is my foundation, with only Curtis getting somewhat pushed asside and Phil A. Neel taking the spotlight as my ideological idol.


Traditional Chinese characters are such a bitch. SIMPLIFIED FOR LIFE.




They’re psychopathic American warmongers in the end— most Americans are. It’s cultural.



Respectable if controversial position, cool
>Adam Curtis
I mean yeah I like his stuff but it's kinda pop-critique at the end of the day
Okay come on I like them too but it's the fucking daily show for burger leftists


Something amusing about this is that this phrase is also frequently used in Taiwan, because Taiwan is Chinese.

They actually said this about Pelosi’s visit. That she hurt their feelings, and all the Anglo handlers had to politely shush them because they didn’t know they use this phrase to mock and belittle Chinese.


>russia is losing the war
It isn't and that' NATOshit
>gay people monkey pox
because idpol is for siberia, nobody on leftypol can reeliably keep up an objective analysis of LEGBT that doesn't get derailed by radlibs, so its a topic avoided altogether to prevent shittery.


>It isn't and that' NATOshit
Even if it isn't why would you ban people for saying it?


Most Americans want someone to kill their politicians. They just cannot say this. They don’t have free speech. They can say, however that they want a foreign country to do this, because any talk that promotes war is allowed and encouraged, not matter what.

So non-USians should know this is just how they blow off steam. They are extremely politically repressed people.



Ah I see. The confusion here is that you think random comments on WeChat are representative of Chinese policy. They aren’t. I hope we remember this lesson.


>Pop critique
Yeah, that is why I pushed him more asside the further I went, but he was very important at the start
>Chapos are just a daily show
Yeah, but everyone needs a hookpoint that got you in. Chapos were that for me. And as of today, Matt Christman, in my view, legitametly is one of the best leftwing thinkers, at least on the internet sphere, even if he has his own spiritual excentricities here and there. I think he is a good counterbalance to Cockshott's mechanism.


Fair 'nuff


I can not express how disappointed I am.
It would have been so funny.


I think they are just generally confused but sounds plausible


I am formulating a new idealist theory of empires, and that theory is simple - the middle class shitters that form the backbone of support for American, Russian and Chinese governments are all the exact same bloodthirsty schizophrenics obsessed with national chauvanism. Be it Bush, Putin or Xi, these wild pigs follow and squeel in support of their beutiful countries divine right to be the top dog.

This is partially satire, but also partially quite true in my view.


Critical support for the Confederate States of America in their struggle against Yankee imperialism!





So China cucked out, didn't they?
Literally watching while shit happens.


My guess China is going take this provocation as an excuse to tell all domestic suppliers to raise the prices of their export goods and pass it on to western consumers. Inflation is going to skyrocket this winter.

If China really wants to make the West bleed, the PRC could implement something I call the “Lithoyuan”, Rare Earth Minerals only exchangeable for RMBs.




Weird strawman. I oppose America but support China. I don't have an idealistic view of either.




<List of funny posters:
>QAnon but it's China posters
>Newly converted Democrat shills
>Reunification NOW posters
>Pretty much everyone else too
<List of unfunny posters:
>The sincere scolds trying to make the thread into an anti-war emotional support group


real shit?


being american is a disease lol


this is pretty good bait but needs a little work


thats old (couple of hours old) and those are flares



File: 1659458499701.png (220.73 KB, 1686x1649, divine order.png)

it's on


Yeah, they didn't do anything. What did you expect.
Criticism != racism. Hell, in a lot of these posts people are just expressing disappointment, if anything.


The US speaker of the house visited Taiwan 25 years ago.

3 threads about a “crisis” that’s not a crisis.

This is one of those things that makes you think, isn’t it.


File: 1659458519927.png (113.56 KB, 720x381, BTFO HAHAHAHAH.png)

sweetie thats already been deboonked by the roc's ministry of defense. just another xi cope as usual hahaha lololol


>critical support for nazi germany against czech and polish imperialism


Gonna cry?


One of the funnier things about RoC is their messaging, down to the specific language and tropes used, is identical to the PRC.


The chauvanist bloodfrenzy of Russian middle class is quite open and apparent. Meanwhile with China, well, there aren't that many sourcess, but its not the first time I see shit like that deleted post, and to me it all is just the same "NUKE THE MIDDLE EAST" schizophrenia exemplified first by the Bush voters.


File: 1659458640691.png (292.57 KB, 1866x1090, AMONG US.png)

Because people that claim this us bad faith arguments, shit post and generally make thread unusable, often going into tantrums or turning on bots that literally repost social media CIAshit


It’s a completely invalid criticism that’s based in a fundamental devaluation of Asian lives, in my opinion.


File: 1659458664700.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 216.67 KB, 1136x1177, 1666D3D8-486B-4D28-A61C-5….jpeg)

Why does Xi not simply glass Taiwan and the US



Are you okay? Do I need to call a mod?


This, but unironically.


I don't think that post was ironic


Once again, the USians deep ignorance of China and Chinese, not just of their politics, but their society and the zeitgeist of actually living in their country, results in projecting of their own mindless bloodlust. China is a peaceful and safe place. In fact, it’s one of the most peaceful and safest places on the planet, and Chinese value this immensely. They are not a pro war country.


why does xi not simply glass his masters? a question for the ages


I know :)


Well, finding out that the dozen of retards in one shed that was Black Hammer got sponsored by Russia glowies, I'm actually more open that perhaps even our microscopic shithole of a board is getting glowed up. However, I don't think that's sinister, more just very funny if any glowie from any side is wasting resources here.


I'm sorry, but did China already lose? Oh, that's right. The visit isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only the first day. Does not winning on the first day count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the crisis is still unfolding? China is still preparing right now and they have been the best military in the world for how many years now? They're against one of the worst militaries in the world who just happen to have a lead because they're feeding off the energy of an official visit. But you know what? They still fucking suck. China has one of the best fucking militaries in the world, they went 50-0 last year barehanded in the mountains against India and would of won if they brought guns. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when China wins and someone bumps this topic. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-China topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the country because they're good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking countries on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.


>cultural exceptionalism


No. I don’t see how “the PRC and RoC didn’t start a war that would kill millions of Chinese” over the prideful whims of zombie everyone hates is a valid criticism without also understanding that millions of Chinese lives are not too important.


This is a years old /sp/ pasta. The question I have is why is /pol/ and americans more generally so boring?



Sounds like pussy talk to me
Xitch folded. Move on


Intercepting the plane would hardly start a war. There would be a lot of butthurt from officials all over the U.S. sphere of influence, but not a war. That is exactly what people, or I at least, was hoping for.


Not at all. Chinese value peace and safety more than Americans. Much, much more. Which is extremely evident.

But to dismiss this argument this way is absurd, since it again just says that your narrow, parochial view of the world as an American is actually universal.


I love this woke anti-racist racism of homogenizing the feelings of an entire multi-billion nationality as if their ethnicity is deeper than, oh, I don't know, the material conditions of becoming a middle-class consumer society? But I guess this is where you call me a xenophobe for not subscribing to idealist hogwash from Chinese rightoids that formulate the national-exceptionalism ideology for their country.


Intercepting the plane for what reason?


Your right, why don’t we just train cops to shoot for the shoulder.


Xinhua is authorized to release the notice: from 1200 (Beijing Time) Aug. 4 to 1200 (Beijing Time) Aug. 7, 2022, the Chinese People's Liberation Army will conduct important military exercises and training activities


>I believe the only way to remove the bourgeoisie is violence
>I believe that Taiwan is part of China
>I believe that reunification is inevitable
<I also believe that reunification by any method other than referendum will kill bazillions of people
No contradiction!


File: 1659459244590.jpg (96.36 KB, 756x771, 264.jpg)

Konichiwa dude! I'm here to visit Taiwan


How many days before we decide that nothing is going to happen?


Wait so did anything actually happen?


You just did exactly that you fucking moron. I’m sorry to say but not everyone is the American middle class. You are uniquely fucked up.


Because they said they would?
Because it would be a clear signal that the US can't just do anything it decides to?
If nothing else, because it'd be funny?


something is currently up yeah


File: 1659459370470.png (554.36 KB, 598x599, ClipboardImage.png)


There are countless ways to handle the RoC/PRC split that don’t involve war. The party that wants war very evidently the American party. You can tell me why.


They didn't?



Does sizzlegang have anything up their sleeves or have fizzlechads won again?


Explain how to reunify China without the use of military force


>Because they said they would.

But they fucking didn’t you moron. Should me the MoD statement. Show me the MoFA statement.

Hu Jixin is not a state mouthpieces. Straight up. He is not. Twitter is wrong.


it's gonna happen





Oh boy, military exercises that only start after Pelosi leaves. I bet those filthy American pig-dogs are super threatened!


Why must you take my hope away, Anon. I just wanted to laugh at burgers screeching.


As USA loses it's power eventually Taiwan will start cozying up to the CPC.


It's a display of power. I don't know why you idiots think China is going to directly threaten the USA and risk WW3


I think you might be right. There's got to be some response, and while shooting down pelosi's plans would have been the most immediately satisfying one, I don't think it would have been the one that most serves China's interests.

Currently the US is experiencing multiple crises that it's fundamentally unable to deal with. Covid is running rampant, and now monkeypox is out of control as well. Supply chain issues have been worsening since the the pandemic began, and the threat of the railroad strike nearly threatened to collapse it all. The Western half of the country is either on fire or gripped by drought, and gas prices are hammering the economy and driving record setting inflation. Couple all that with the fact that the US production capacity of any useful good is virtually non-existent, and that it's facing serious shortages of all types of goods, good especially, in the very near future, and you have a equation whose outcome stands very strongly in China's favor. Let the US continue to fail, and China's position improves by default. China imposing sanctions or even just adjusting trade relations not in the us favor hurts America much more than China, without the threat of nuclear war.

In the best case scenario, if the US economy collapses or otherwise fails as a market for Taiwan's chips, then China becomes their major trading partner and stock holder by default. Fighting over Taiwan, which produces half the world's computer chips, is the last thing they want. It would be cutting the neck of the golden goose.

Pelosi landing in Taiwan looks bad for China, but as Russia has been proving in regards to Ukraine, winning or losing the propaganda war isn't the same as losing the actual conflict. If they can maintain their zero covid/monkeypox policy, and continue to develop their economy in real terms while staving off disastrous effects of climate change, and avoid getting into a shooting match with Nato, then US's ongoing crises and internal decay will continue to eat itself to the bone.


Continue PRC/RoC relations as they were under Ma.


Sri Lanka tier economic crisis pushing Taiwan to crwl back to the mainland.


nothingburger gang absolutely coping right now lmao


File: 1659459774672.jpg (72.41 KB, 1000x707, FZK147oaMAAxO_H.jpg)

Map comparison of the "military exercises and training activities including live-fire drills" the Chinese have announced for Aug 4-7 (red) and the ones that took place during the 95-96 crisis (black)


Because now the US knows that they're a bunch of pussy bitches that are all bark and no bite. A paper tiger, if you will.


>it keeps happening
It physically hurts to be ethnically Han Chinese right now, although I guess it's a W for China that people keep mistaking a Taiwanese city for a Chinese city. Most Westoids believe all Chinese live like it's 1900 and the Boxers are besieging the foreign consulates.



They are gonna get as close as 9 nanometers from the island. Now that is a happening.


File: 1659459903640.png (310.7 KB, 850x661, 1659160442555.png)


based but true


That's what the Burgeria thought about Russia until the special military operation to clear out the burgers pet Nazis started


Yeah, and now Russia is beating itself to death against a NATO-funded meat grinder.


>beating itself to death
lol. lmao even


>Russia is beating itself to death against a NATO-funded meat grinder
I think you should consider other sources for your news.


Bros… Xi is not going to save the world from capitalism… is he?


Of course he will. Trust the plan, two more weeks.


Never was


I pray every day for the nukes, but they never come.


Capitalism has a near expiration date


File: 1659460343951.mp4 (542.77 KB, 720x480, evil and insane.mp4)

CPC masterplan (leaked plan details):
>suffer humiliation in taiwan at the hands of liberals and the democratic progressive party
>kuomintang nationalists feel absolutely ashamed of china cucking out to the libghouls
>cpc offers an olive branch to kmt nationalists - "we will reunify china and destroy the non-chinese"
>kuomintang nationalists accept
>cpc renames itself "maoist constitutionalist kuomintang"
>united front against libs, the kuomintang in taiwan cedes all controlled territory in taiwan to the mainland government, allowing a beachhead for retaking the island
>neo-china arrives from the future


i would have agreed with you 5 months ago, when it seemed like a week-long war rather than the most drawn out worthless shitshow eastern europe has seen in decades lmao
westoids killed itself with sanctions but kekraine fulfilled its purpose as a sacrificial lamb to draw russia into a new vietnam/afghanistan and maybe renew faith in NATO now that there's a boogeyman they can point to, even if ruskis win the damage has already been done


Is this how you do win-win cooperation?


Different anon, and I broadly agree with your analysis broadly. However, Russia's current economic plans are doing their work. This shouldn't be left out, as it puts Russia in a favorable position in terms of calling the operation a success.


Well, he’s not going to kill Nancy Pelosi for you, if that’s what you’re asking.


Would be cool if he did just saying


except Ukraine is nothing at all like Vietnam or Afghanistan and Europe's choice is between what is apparently useless military "aid" in the form of nato or absolutely essential resources from Russia.


Thread rundown : China WON


this but unironically


This is also slightly retconning the past here where, as annoying as it is to point out, it was the US side that was saying Russia was actually going to invade for months before they did.


I've heard capitalism could end in as soon as two weeks


It’s really does show Americans just want “happenings” not matter what lol. They get so so mad when they don’t get one.


XiChad has it all under control. Its part of his plan to wait until the right moment. You are all simply to impatient to understand this.


not necessarily untrue


yeah trust the plan just wait until 2050 lolololol


We Americans just hate our lives and want to die.


US knew exactly what it was doing pointing to regular military buildups and using it as an excuse to do soft sanctions and shelling with their "predictions"
Russia just figured the US was biting off more than it can chew and fucked their shit up



>ROC's official Ministry of Defense twitter account posts exclusively in english
Taking the Ukraine route, i see


this, american poor people only continue living due to crab mentality, the only thing that makes us happy is to drag other people down with us///


China not shooting itself over bravado in a complete fake “crisis”

I don’t think the US could have made the same decision.

My respect for Xi ^^^^^^^^^^^


What part of burger-mart should Xi visit?



when will you all apologize to me; I was right: NOTHINGBURGER


hahahhahahhaha cope bitch thats fake


Xi does the Yeltsin goes to America gimmick but instead of being impressed by the full shelves he's amazed at their freedom to shart in the mart and promises to liberalize the political process as a result




I can tell some of you are former libs falling for bullshit "respectability" politics but with red paint. Maybe China doesn't have to blow the bitch out of the sky but they need to do more than say "we don't consent". No playing with their toys in the water near Peolsi and making sure she doesn't get wet isn't anything.


What if he actually fucking did it? Would the US go to war over that?


From what I can make out the initial sweep of the special operation was a bit of a shamble precisely because the Russians didn't actually have a plan to invade Ukraine and it was a snap decision because the unthinkable occurred and the burgers wouldn't give an inch on restarting the Minsk accords to stop the ukranianIan civil war and let alone the door in face demands like NATO retreat that it can be assumed they were ultimately willing to back down on in exchange for an end to the 8 year ukranian civil war and a buffer state like Austria was between Warsaw and Brussels


stop playing with my heart, you bitch


So what were they supposed to do? They can't win a fucking war against the US, if they provoked them then that's it for socialism.


>special operation
stopped reading there


Read more Sun Tzu please.


Taiwan isn't the US tho, and the more China puts it off the more likely US recognizes it as independent and signs a defence treaty with them.


You can just call it an invasion, it's fine.


Sun Tzu is a fucking meme


Taiwan going to lift itself out of the ocean and move to lake Michigan? They aint going nowhere.


It's been 70 years, anon. The US along with everyone else already recognizes their independence, they just pretend not to so China doesn't get butthurt.


>They can't win a fucking war against the US
China would absolutely body the US in a localized war, China would get hurt, but they'd annihilate the USN


Thats why every Western manager studied it since forever. Sun Tzu is how the Chinese think, they dont care how you think.


this got a bigger laugh out of me than it deserved


Why would he though? Who really cares if Nancy goes there or not. It’s not actually unprecedented. Any Chinese action regarding Pelosi will yield the same response from the US. An increase in hostile posturing, differing only on justification. One to exploit weakness, one to restore credibility and deterrence.

This visit justifies so called pricetag operarions. In response to this visit, China will gain more latitude to conducted military exercises, which will matter many years down the line, and this visit will not.




Puerto Rico


Shay, where does Ba'athist Appalachia fit into your future plans for the USA?


That is a diet cheeseburger


How can it be an invasion the Russians entered at the request of the Donbass Peoples republics

Ohmigosg so you're saying the USA just invaded China by landing a military plane in Taiwan

Guess China should just shell Taiwan like the Kiev regime was doing to the donbass for 8 years

I mean based on the precedent set here if Ukraine is well within its rights to do that so is China


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that wasnt me youre responding to but basically uncritical support for the revolutionary organization of labor


Where is the pic from


>multiple people using the same flag


If China invades Taiwan then the US can say "Well there is afterall only one China, though we condemn their belligerence". If China sits around fingering their asshole for another decade the situation could very well be "Well we have to act because we've signed a treaty with the ROC and if we don't act on it then it's ogre for us".
Sounds like you're the ones doing heaps of pretending yourself when you act like reunification is ever going to happen.


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this picture


1) They invaded a lot more the Donbass;
2) I'm not a proponent of the Ukranian mob; and
3) China muscling Taiwan would be good, although I do belief their current course is the wiser one.

Again, you can just call it what it is: an invasion. No need for this kneejerk reaction to a moralizing that is not relevant.


USA will die this century, China will be the uncontested number one soon. Taiwan will be back. Time, do you speak it? Goddamn impatient Westoids, no wonder your hegemony only lasted 2 measly centuries.


appear weak when you are strong, and weak when you are weak.

the supreme art of war is to submit to the enemy without fighting

the victorious politician knows when to fight, and when not to fight. and it’s always not to fight.

—sun tzu


<Yes, there is a Washington lobby dedicated to selling US arms to Taiwan, and they're even hosting a conference this week with the far-right Heritage Foundation. You know which side Pelosi is on!



I don't think the term used matters really, you can call it an invasion, a war, a special opeation. It remains the same thing.


You cant into Chinese thought, cracker. 5000 years >>>>> 1776 or whatever the fucking year was USA was born


Yes but if I'd called it an invasion I wouldn't have been able to take the piss so hard and bait the >stopped reading there response
>1) They invaded a lot more the Donbass
Ah yes western donbass around Kiev right?


Fair point.

Oh, definitely. The only things that matter are the aims and the Russians actually achieving those.


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>give arms to a foreign state


this is the price of freedom


China won


China is doing this so Dems win the coming elections and collapse america for good


You're supposed to say "taiwan" porky. Remember liberal fascism is now the hot thing.


Smartest rightoid


jfc FDR was president during the lives of some burgers but they act like the two term thing was ALWAYS law and it is a fucking cornerstone of democracy. Meanwhile Senators/Reps/Justices have no term limits.


Why do americans get so frustrated when war doesn't start every day?


NOO! You're not supposed to re-elect popular presidents!


please don't be stupidpol please don't be stupidpol please don't be stupidpol

aight anon i'm gonna check if it's stupidpol because i hate myself and want to cringe


Why does everyone on here hate stupidpol? Do they just hate AES countries or something?


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stupidpol has been vindicated, but christ i can't tell them apart from the rightoids these days


They're Klingons but get triggered really easily.


Xi should visit New York and tour the stock exchange.

everyone including us would be pissed lmao


>>562979 (me)
Burgers are a mix of a Klingon and a Pakled. Fat and timid yet aggressive at the same time.



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Klingons are awesome though. burgers are just incredibly mundane yet violent.


I'm guessing it's because there's shitlobs here that are still scared from being roasted on Stupidpol.


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>Copium level: Anyone annoyed America walks all over China is actually American
Oh no Chinasisters this isn't a good look


Hence >>562983
They're a combination of Pakleds and Klingons.


Until China actually does something, the Russians are right when they say "Chinese Final Warning".


Imagine letting fucking Nancy Pelosi punk you.


tbh i'm just getting tired of the copy-and-paste /pol/ memes. i'm lurking 4/pol/ as well and you can tell which anons are actively cross posting.


Maybe the sino-soviet split happened because the Chinese was tired of getting roasted by russians


China never said it was going to do anything to begin with


>i'm lurking 4/pol/ as well and you can tell which anons are actively cross posting
Zero self awareness


>this video again
where would modern misinformation be today if that gas station never blew up


stupidpol is a pretty big political community with relatively weak moderation so natoid "demsocs" and rightoids are frequent guests there, shitting on AES and Chynah

though their ukraine general is pretty chill and even less glowed than here


>invention of gunpowder
>china uses it for fireworks aka peak aesthetics
>west uses it to rape murder and pillage the entire planet for 2 centuries
Thats the main difference between these two cultures. One is Good, One is Satan.


Russia is a shithole compared to China. Great military might though shelling a bunch of poor neonazis. Impressive.


To be fair to the burgerbrained it's perfectly valid for them at least if they're actually a burger to feel frustrated that the Chinese didn't just kill Pelosi and co by shooting them out of the sky when they had a perfectly valid reason

If I was a burger I'd imagine I'd be pretty upset about it too


>invention of paper
>china uses it for philosophy and poetry
>west uses it to smear their feces all over their asses


at least we did something to own westoids lmoa


Nice variant, I LELLED


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it begins


Russia: Cuts Nazi nuts off
China: Gelded by Nancy Pelosi


They are just going to sit on their boats out there menacingly!!1!


Chinese invented toilet paper actually.


All this shit is just to make burgers forget how their country is literally collapsing before their eyes right?
This taiwan situation doesn't really affect their lives at all yet they somehow feel proud of it


>a bunch of red squares on a map
it's over taiwan is finished


/sp/ culture was a mistake


No one in Asia uses paper to clean ass though? Wtf you smoking.


I actually knew that, it made it all the funnier in my head. maybe in yours as well, blessed comrade


??? they clearly do though, have you ever been there?


Wtf are you talking about? I've lived in China and of course they do. Only some use the bidet.


read it again ya dingus, i'm lurking for the spectacle, not posting there like your dumb infantile ass lmao


I am not proud of anything on Earth.


There are only bots left on /pol/. And the occasional lonely retard who doesnt know that yet. GP2 baby.


Same thing with IdPol. No, you're supposed to talk about cultural appropriation in food trucks you pleb.


Anybody have any updates on Fujian? Has the build up stopped?


Yes, I have/ They use chopsticks.


Y, always



>you're the American 4chan lurker who thinks everyone else is an American 4chan poster
niqqa are you about to engage in a reading comprehension war with me? i said:
>you can tell which anons are actively cross posting
which heavily implies that *some* anons are cross posting. how did you get
<thinks everyone else is an American 4chan poster
from that? bitch i will bury you with your bad logic


Werent we all 4channers once? I mean it was alright in 2005. Are you that newfaggish?


this. there's already a public captcha solver and someone can buy residential proxies to basically flood the site with bot posts



Get ready for more feds and glowies in your cities. FBI is recruiting. Especially those under 35 and diverse.

FOX 6 Milwaukee: Milwaukee FBI now hiring, what it takes to be an agent.

Also cops on pace for the most kills on civilians this year. These are the only recorded kills.

Sauce: https://nitter.snopyta.org/samswey/status/1554164266281738241?t=_AOWzVX7WKUVZoRvCkhn-w&s=19


China's response is cucked af. Honestly if they don't push back now, the West is just going to take it as a sign of weakness and that China is another paper tiger like Russia.
Chinese troops should be landing on Kinmen and Penghu as we speak.


No, it's just /sp/ culture hype and shittalk. Because international relations is a spectator sport, apparently. It gets real quiet once something actually happens.


Komm Susser Tod is the My Little Dark Age before My Little Dark Age.


So what's next? More trade wars to whittle down the US?


They could actually be serious about retaking Taiwan, and actively avoid provoking USA directly, challenging them to intervene.


Time to infiltrate.


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Biggest blow to dengoid confidence ever since suicide nets posting and Sage calling them r/gensmalldong


>expand BRI until the entire planet is a nice place with proper infrastructure
>destroy dollar
>increase army in case USA invades eventually because you arent taking the bait
>innovation until proper semiconductors
>leader in AI and green energy
Wait patiently for USA to kill itself. Easy win.


Dude, the US will just use this as an excuse to push even further with Taiwan, expect US bases and shit opening up there in the coming years. It's Ukraine all over again.
China should be asserting it's dominance now, the fact Kinmen still has the flag of Taiwan over it, is ridiculous.
If you've ever dealt with Sociopaths IRL, you know exactly what the US is doing here. It's a power play and probing China's willingness to response. If there is no meaningful response, the US will push further. Sociopaths are always probing for weakness.


You're forgetting that Russian response occurred so fast because the build up occurred in March of last year, when Ukraine made the declarations first.

So I ask again, are there any updates on the build up in Fujian?


Yeah, too many people here are caught up in the moment. The current CPC has a calculating wait and plan approach. Look at the Hong Kong riots and the following national security law that stomped that fire out. A more recent example was the Solomon Island riots, where Chinese diplomats were able to persuade the SI government to form a security deal by convincingly blame the Australian security forces in the region while diverting any failure on the part of the SI government.

If I remember correctly there’s going to be a military exercise in Latin America this year with China, Russia and Iran. I think China is going to beef up its presence.


>Xi destroyed by random tripfag on an irrelevant image board
Grade-A moron.


More like Xi destroyed by cucking out to some 80 year old white lady lol


you need to go back zoomer


this ended with russia invading :/


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Take a good look Democrats.. this is what life is like COMMUNIST China and SOCIALIST Venezuela. Wanna rethink your support for communism now?




Only zoomers use that useless term, youre not saying anything. You think geopolitics is about "cucking?" Oldskool uyghas dont use that zoomer garbage. Stop wanking to porn BTW, brain rot detected.
Half a decade ZOOM ZOOM


Yeah, 7 years after the US spent arming Ukraine to the teeth and training it's forces as essentially a crypto NATO force.
if Russia had balls and moved it's peacekeepers into the Donbass the moment it took Crimea, the US and Ukraine would still be seething today with little to no casualties, instead, 100 Russian lives are lost every day along with god knows how many Ukrainians.
China needs to show it's willing to show it can respond to IT'S OWN SOVEREIGN BORDERS BEING COMPROMISED BY THE US. Taiwan is part of China, the US just basically waltzed into China's borders, gave China a massive middle finger and shit on the Chinese flag. Kinmen needs a red flag waving over it. The Americans need to be spanked back to their side of the world.


If China was under your rule, they would have died in WWIII decades ago. I think they prefer development.


Russia spent 8 years building up gold reserves, remember? Preparing for the inevitable economic sanctions?




Taiwan has never been a part of the PRC


Enjoy watching China be surrounded by US aircraft carriers, Taiwan armed to the teeth and becoming a crypto NATO country and Japan and Korea rearming to "contain" China.
China will be isolated and crushed, while America laughs.
Taiwan is officially part of China.The US just entered Chinese borders and shit on the Chinese flag, that requires a bigger response than some military drills and frankly, cucked copium "Chinese warning" statements from Xi.


It's obvious by how hard you try and still manage to come across as a socially engineered redditor





Only zoomers and redditors assume reddit. In my days no one ever mentioned that website ever.


Lmfao at the Xisters complaining about muh /sp/ culture and muh reposting /pol/ memes as if that’s not what the Ukraine threads have been for 99% of the time.


>talking like a twelve year old that spends too much time on the internet
do you talk about cucking during christmas dinner, too? grow the fuck up and touch fucking grass.


>t-touch grass
Is that an epic 1997 oldfag meme? Do you talk about your epic oldfag memes when you're getting cucked, too?



xigods… we won


Taiwan severely limits China's Blue Navy ambitions and practically makes a stealthy Submarine operation for China impossible. Also it's not just Taiwan, Taiwan is just the beachhead, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, India, Australia, Philippines are all crypto being made into a Pacific NATO against China. Look at how Chinese efforts across the entire pacific completely imploded the moment Australia started giving a fuck. China's getting complete disrespect from countries like Samoa now.
The fact is, the world is ruled by Sociopaths and Sociopaths are always testing for and looking for weakness, and we see the US send one of it's most powerful people, into Chinese territory, have her take a giant shit on the Chinese flag IN CHINESE TERRITORY and the most we get is fucking seething statements and a 3 day military exercise that are actually smaller than the 90s "crisis"?
How is that not fucking weak? Is Taiwan part of China or not? How in fuck can any country accept it's territorial integrity undermined like this? The Chinese response is just another fucking "Chinese Final Warning" Xi and China are a laughing stock right now and the world is watching. Countries respect strength, not weakness, if China cannot defend it's own borders, how in fuck can other countries rely on it?
Kinmin needs a red flag over it. This is fucking ridiculous.


Is this dialectics


Man it is obvious that Ziggers/Xiggers absolutely CANNOT handle the bants a when it comes from the other side and thus have to come up with ridiculous mental gymnastics about how everyone clowning on them atm is a Reddit/Twitter/TikTok/Facebook/MySpace/Metroflog zoomer sleeper glowie agent out there to get them.


The world respects china and the chinese people


why are there bants from natoids on a leftist board though


Other side?


Funny, I messaged my noob layman brother about this whole ordeal and his response was "china is so calm and collective."
Even he understand you dont take the fucking bait.


Step one: say you are going to Taiwan
Step two: make up fake news about how china will literally shoot down your plane
Step three: go to taiwan
Step four: mock china for not following with your made up claims of violence

So this is how americans 'win' ,make shit up then mock the the other party when they don't follow along your schizo social media myths


They were. Right up until the war actually started.

Just because I'm a meme-loving fuck doesn't mean I can't be No Fun Allowed.


>when it comes from the other side
Excuse me?


This, though they shouldn't take the bait and get bogged down in a crisis with taiwan, but should instead do something against the united states and their own sphere directly, like selling nukes to Cuba and Venezuela


>China should be asserting it's dominance now, the fact Kinmen still has the flag of Taiwan over it, is ridiculous.
>If you've ever dealt with Sociopaths IRL, you know exactly what the US is doing here. It's a power play and probing China's willingness to response. If there is no meaningful response, the US will push further. Sociopaths are always probing for weakness.
You are not wrong with that sociopath analysis, the US will take this as a signal to escalate their hostile moves, because in their eyes China looks week. But Chinese strategical thinking is centered around choosing the time and place of battle. They might consider it weakness to let the US make that choice by reacting to a provocation. There is definitely a cultural difference at play, US preference for asserting dominance vs Chinese preference for only victory matters.
I thought that China would throw down because they have the military advantage and because the US is already caught up with the proxy war against Russia. But who knows their thought processes might be very different from ours. They completely reject game-theoretical thinking after-all, in the cold war Chinese strategist criticized Soviet strategists for making counter moves in response to US moves instead of focusing on creating outcomes regardless of what the US does. For China this might have just been the confirmation that a fight against the US is inevitable and they have calculated when and where they have the highest chances at victory for the lowest cost in lives and treasury, and they are going to pursue the route of optimal outcome no matter what.


Chinese black powder was the result of an emperor's attempt at eternal life and was being put in "fire stick" guns before any euro ever saw it.




Any news?


yeah they're such great strategic thinkers that's why they wholly created a situation where they get cucked on the world stage, my small western brain just doesn't get it


>they wholly created a situation
How? You mean americans made shit up and then mocked china for no reason? China never said it would shoot down the plane or whatever


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loser talk. /sp/ at its peak was the last time 4chan was actually fun and had tons of OC. Then Trump and /pol/ happened and ruined the site.


> China should be asserting it's dominance now […] If there is no meaningful response, the US will push further. Sociopaths are always probing for weakness.
Yep, exactly right.
All the US understands is immediate force, and both Russia and China have tried to be too clever and 'le strategic' for their own good.
The US watched multiple European nations try to cripple Russia's economy and then saw Russia reward these European nations by keeping the gas running instead of performing an immediate shut-off.
The US watched Russia issue one empty threat after another about targeting Kiev decision-making centers. The attack on the oil rig was supposed to be the final straw. The the latest attacks on Belgorod. Then the shelling in the east. What does US logic infer: "If Russia is too timid to follow through on its CONVENTIONAL threats, then we can dismiss its NUCLEAR threats."
As for China, the US saw the threats about "forceful measures" in response to Pelosi's visit and is now watching to see whether China has the balls to follow through. Some lame military drill won't cut it. China's panicked last-minute scramble to talk tough was an acknowledgment of US power psychology that came too late. China's primary fuck-up was its lukewarm response to the Ukraine conflict. It should've had Russia's back and started shipping out weapons and military tech the moment the West started doing so for Ukraine.


>China never said it would shoot down the plane or whatever
Right – that was some media editor who said China should do that – but China did threaten "forceful measures":


So now we get to see what China understands "forceful measures" to be.


>cucked copium "Chinese warning" statements from Xi.
< In China, they issued over 900 "final warnings" to the United States for their fighter manoeuvres in the Taiwan Strait, albeit with no real consequences. Thus, it is a common sentiment in Russia that Chinese warnings are merely warnings without consequences. Eventually, "China's Final Warning" became a catchphrase and proverb in Russia as a result.
Xibros, I don't feel so good…


> tripfag
It doesn't mean what you think it means.


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the least unhinged zyganoid lmao

enjoy you special military operation that will last for YEARS like a bleeding cut slowly weakening you while chinese enjoy trade with the west and development over some dick-measuring spooks


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Why are they celebrating the 4th of July in August?


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I, for one, am glad that the Communist Party of China did not give the US what it wanted today and didn't start ww3 over a geriatric clown show of dying empire. Time is on China's side. Military, technology, economic etc power of PRC will only increase in the coming years


>Anarchy or Death
How did that work out in Spain? :-/




Holy shit, you guys really aren't Westoids. You're leftists who unironically believe in the development meme. That's arguably even more naive than being a Westoid. At least Westoids know they're going to try pushing China's shit in eventually, no matter how much peaceful development it would rather engage in.



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