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>Ted Kaczynski, known as the Unabomber, was found dead in his prison cell Saturday morning, according to a Federal Bureau of Prisons spokesperson. He was 81.

>Kaczynski was previously in a maximum security facility in Colorado but was moved to a medical facility in North Carolina in December 2021 due to poor health.

>Kaczynski, who went nearly 20 years without being captured, was considered America's most prolific bomber. His 16 bombs killed three people and injured two dozen others, the FBI said, until his arrest in 1996.

Uncle Ted might've been a meme, but I'm still somewhat sad to see him go. Rest in Power, King
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Get a new joke.
Of course the CIA MK-Uktra'd incel Yankee sees over a socialization in a tremendously atomized society.


Salient point but aren't yankies socialized to their own propaganda or some shit?


What’s worse is that she ended her career by saying that the only way to change society is through liberal political campaigning, not even defending her prior anger to the public and implicitly admitting it was an act of rage. Ted was a joke through and through


Does anyone have the image of Ted in the Gawr Gura hoodie? It used to be my Twitter profile pic before I got banned for telling some liberal to kill themself and now I can't find it.


yea seems like people are emotionally attached to him and his memes




Goodbye, Uncle Ted
Though I never knew you at all
You had the grace to hold yourself
While those around you crawled
They crawled out of the CIA
And they whispered into your brain
They set you on the treadmill
And they made you change your name

And it seems to me you lived your life
Like a hermit in the woods
Never knowing who to blow up
When the rain set in
And I would've liked to know you
But I was just a kid
Your brainworms burned out long before
Your nail bomb ever did


You aren't progressive. You are just a conservative reactionary who hasn't got his "good ol' days"


Its a pity, if he could have avoided doing something so cataclysmic stupid for a few more years he could have gotten his message out on the Internet, have a podcast and at very least become a fringe Alex Jones-esq personality, where if nothing else he could feel his ideas were being discussed. Being stupid enough to just blow shit up and hurt random people trying to "bring down society" basically ensured that would be his legacy. He saw some legitimate problems with society, but went about responding to them in moronic, asinine ways.


On the other hand, he lived as he spoke, "retardededly". Blowing up random pipe bombs to bring down society is pretty strongly retarded, in line with her writings.


I like how this is sonehow important enough to get a sticky.


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To that anon, minimizing threads you don't like is easier than spamming about he was actually a she, ("because those silly, nasty trans, amirite!!"), and that the thread is an sticky.
Normal users in fact i would be as confident as to say have all the pinned tabs permanently minimized.


Ted K is a huge meme. Even apolitical normies know about him. It doesn't mean we think he was good. Gorbachev's death got a bunch of attention too.


fix the rhyme lol
>And it seems to me you lived your life
>Like a hermit in the woods
>Never knowing who to blow up
>Who is bad or good?


You read his shit and its like babbies first realization that the world sucks lmao.
>broo have you heard of wars?? Wars are bad 😤


Run over anprims with unmanned tanks


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any real critique of besides "he was transphobic / ableist / schizo / secretly a brave and stunning trans woman" or "muh comforts of modern industrial society"?


>i said muh so you can't you that argument anymore!
suck my fucking dick
MUH conforts of modern society
don't care about idpol shit



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>any real critique except all the dogshit he wrote?


Oversocialization doesn't mean socializing too much you dumb fuck.


Well that is needlessly confusing.


I mean communism isn't about forming communes either.


Technically communes would exist in communism or at least the closet to what we have in terms of governance and/or ownership.


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It has been funny seeing some rightoid doing a "erm Ted was a fricking violent agp troon??? And yet CNN doesnt talk about it!!"


>One argument in favor of letting adult autogynephilic fetishists have themselves castrated is that while Theodore Kaczynski blew up all those people, a testicleless Theodora Kaczynski probably wouldn't have.
Y-yeah, haha, we should definitely make those v-violent trans people get castrated so that they w-won't do any more violence hahaha… they would surely hate that haha…


thanks fam


There's honestly a lot more to this quote than might first meet the eye. Short version is that when you are "civilized" and you allow wider society (in particular the power of the ruling class, the state, etc) to mediate conflicts, you become alienated from your fellows because you lose a part of the reality of interacting with each other, confronting each other as physical beings that exist independently of the social structure in which you are enmeshed. As soon as society establishes Law determined by a class hierarchy, you must begin to relate to other people as subjects before you can relate as people.


He was a "men used to be strong" kind of rightoid, which is very much reflected in his Conan stories. It's not necessarily wrong, but it's also tone deaf, it lacks the materialist perspective. Men were "strong" by necessity, not because they wanted to be "strong", they didn't actually revel in violence despite what romanticized depictions of pre-modern violence and war might suggest. And while that quote might have been thought-provoking in the 20th century, in the 21st century with the ubiquity of the internet it just sounds like "say that shit to my face and see what happens".


Ted was actually just a high autism score thingnoticer. The entire manifesto is dogshit postmodern psychoanalysis.

1.His brain was completely fucked by obsessing over the culture war. He constantly obsessed over abstract ideas - meaning of things that dont exist (like 'leftism'), morality (how he justifies everything), constantly presenting his subjective truths as objective (constant use of 'IS', reinforcing his beliefs) - and ignored reality.

2. He has good general knowledge of things and is highly critical of the system, but his criticisms have no material basis. For example, he seems to have read some Marx but he did so critically. This is like reading a science textbook critically as a theologist; the criticisms have no actual basis in reality. See point 1.

>Paragraph 6: "The concept of ‘leftism’ will have to be explained later (see paragraphs 227-230). For the time being we will use the term ‘leftism’ in a very loose sense. We mean to include the following movements, which we recognize as strongly leftist: feminism, gay rights, ethnic rights, disability rights, animal rights, political correctness. Anyone who is strongly sympathetic to any of these movements is almost certainly leftist. The more such movements there are and the more strongly they are advocated, the more leftist the atmosphere becomes. In this sense leftism is a totalitarian force: It tends to invade every aspect of life and to force its mode of thought on all people insofar as possible. Leftism is in part a psychological phenomenon, and most leftists are leftist for psychological reasons.

>Paragraph 15: "The leftist is not typically the kind of person whose feelings of inferiority make him a braggart, an egotist, a bully, a self-promoter, a ruthless competitor. This kind of person has not wholly lost faith in himself. He has a deficit in his sense of power and self-worth, but he can still conceive of himself as having the capacity to be strong, and his efforts to make himself strong produce his unpleasant behavior. But the leftist is too far gone for that. His feelings of inferiority are so ingrained that he cannot conceive of himself as individually strong and valuable. Hence the collectivism of the leftist."

Morality and Revolution, Paragraph 1
>"Morality, guilt and fear of condemnation act as cops in our heads, destroying our spontaneity, our wildness, our ability to live our lives to the full. They are a major factor in preventing us from achieving freedom. I try to act on my whims, my spontaneous urges without caring what others think of me. I don’t want to be a slave to anyone’s morality. I want no constraints on my life; I want the opening of all possibilities. The system has no moral right to reduce us to mere tools for its own ends; rather, we have a moral right to rid ourselves of any system that does not adequately meet our needs as human beings."


>>Paragraph 15: "The leftist is not typically the kind of person whose feelings of inferiority make him a braggart, an egotist, a bully, a self-promoter, a ruthless competitor. This kind of person has not wholly lost faith in himself. He has a deficit in his sense of power and self-worth, but he can still conceive of himself as having the capacity to be strong, and his efforts to make himself strong produce his unpleasant behavior. But the leftist is too far gone for that. His feelings of inferiority are so ingrained that he cannot conceive of himself as individually strong and valuable. Hence the collectivism of the leftist."
Haha holy shit, it's like I'm reading a Nazi's writing. Absolutely zero substance, just prejudice.


>"Morality, guilt and fear of condemnation act as cops in our heads, destroying our spontaneity, our wildness, our ability to live our lives to the full. They are a major factor in preventing us from achieving freedom. I try to act on my whims, my spontaneous urges without caring what others think of me. I don’t want to be a slave to anyone’s morality. I want no constraints on my life; I want the opening of all possibilities. The system has no moral right to reduce us to mere tools for its own ends; rather, we have a moral right to rid ourselves of any system that does not adequately meet our needs as human beings."
this is beautiful ngl


you can find the same but better from many marxist philosophers


It looks beautiful but then you realize that he was a slave to his own morality


Not just Ellul, he also takes from Daniel Quinn, Kirkpatrick Sale, Lewis Mumford, and Ivan Illich.


It's a real GBA game, and Ted is actually in as side character in the main quest.


I hope he got sodomized by african american inmates before he died.


all in one sentence. impressive.


Go back to reddit


if you substitite "morality guild and fear of condemnation" for THE BIG OTHER, it would pass as a zizek thing, kinda. at least zizek's approach is systematized on this regard, even though it's a somewhat self-evident phenomenon.


Rest in peace but also u were a clown.


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I read Industrial Society and Its Future a while ago.
Some people have pointed out that he is anti-leftist, and it's indeed the subject of the opening chapter, but I felt like he was more criticizing liberals and cultish activists with the concept of "oversocialization" than leftists who are aware that class struggle is all about collective action for the sake of our own selfish interests.
As long as you aren't an insufferable virtue-signalling dork who love to flaunt your superior morals in front of everyone, his rant about leftists don't really apply.

The most interesting part of it is his critique of technology, the fact that humans are trapped into what Marxists call "value production".
The productive forces are organized in such a huge network, made of too many different parts that are too complex to comprehend in their totality, that therefore it's impossible for us to have any real control over them.
This makes us alienated and passive ("hyperdomestication"). Furthermore, the process of "value production" actively destroys nature at an exponential rate, the only thing sustaining life on Earth, only for a vacuous search for profits. This is certainly not sustainable, this organization of society will inevitably collapse sooner or latter, and it will be absolute hell to simply survive when it will happen.
This is my generous interpretation. There is also a critique of media inspired by Marshall McLuhan. Ted K was rather intelligent.

However, he has no solution, no positive project, his conclusion is that you have to take the blackpill, everyone is going to die during the ecological apocalypse and then you will return to monke.
He is very American in that sense, his solution doesn't involve any collective solution beyond a tribal form of socialization. "You will have to fight against bears and Nature with whatever weapon you have at hand and you will be happy" basically.

The most glaring flaw in his thesis (especially for a Marxist) is: why would survivors of an ecological apocalypse content themselves with a primitive lifestyle for eternity, when they already have a clear idea in mind of what an agricultural civilization is?
The survivors, once they get accustomed to live in the wild, will tell their grandchildren about tales of a civilization who used to feed themselves by controlling the growth of plants over seasons. They might have been atomized in their previous life and clueless about agricultural techniques before the collapse, but eventually, the next generations of survivors will seek more reliable ways to get food, then it's Chapter 5 of the Society of the Spectacle all over again.

I would recommend reading the thinkers who influenced Ted K rather than his texts.
Ivan Illich's critique of technology for example, goes very far, regarding car-centric society; but also healthcare and schooling, and I can't possibly agree with everything, especially considering how neoliberalism is destroying such public services since the 1970s.
But at least Illich had a positive project, the project of creating convivial tools, tools that are easy to produce and use, immediately useful, simple to fix and customize, accessible for everyone. The whole family should be able to enjoy a good convivial tool.
Illich takes the example of the bicycle as such a tool, but it's worth noting that his book Tools for Conviviality also influenced one early inventor of personal computers (!): Lee Felsenstein.
I've heard Jacques Ellul also has an interesting critique of technology, but I haven't read him.

tl;dr: Ted Kaczynski was smart but also a huge moron.


actually that's pretty similar of how my thoughts turned out
except iirc ted was more influenced by ellul. i got more from reading technological society and propaganda than i did from any of ted's works, and i haven't finished 1/10 of either. it's like isaif but in more thorough detail, and without the "we must go back" conclusion.


>in Cell
>in cel


>Muh nature
>Le technology inherently bad
I dont get it. Why do people filate primitivist like this?


Americans are brainwashed to think anything left of basic bitch liberalism is worse than hitler. Therefore the only solution for them to end capitalism is not to go forward but backwards.


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Capitalist realism tells us that the only alternative to capitalism is human extinction or primitive savagery so it's only natural that americans, the most heavily propagandized country on earth, would believe it.


Rest easy king, you will sorely be missed.

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