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Hello leftypol, we noticed an under-appreciation for the theory that upholds our political ideologies: As such, we have decided to revive the reading sticky! This thread will be dedicated to the sharing, discussing, and general banter about various leftist thinkers, theories, and political outlooks.

But, other than that, we believe there are other important reads that must be addressed, especially, for beginners and those just now getting into leftism.

Don't forget to check out >>>/edu/ for more reading and discussion!

Common Right Wing Talking Points Debunks

Check out the /edu/ thread at

Also see the relevant leftybooru tag
Add topics into the tag list to further narrow down your search!

Introduction to Marxism Reading List - Thanks to the /read/ matrix room (https://app.element.io/#/group/+leftyread:matrix.org)

Absolute Beginners Tier:

'Principles of Communism' by Friedrich Engels

'Three Source and Three Component Parts of Marxism' by V.I. Lenin

Not a book but Halim Alrah's youtube channel is good for the absolutely basics of Marxism but obviously not a replacement for reading

Marx and Engels Reading List

Tier 1:

'Manifesto of the Communist Party'

'Critique of the Gotha Programme'

'Socialism: Utopian and Scientific'

Tier 2:

'Wage Labour and Capital'

'Value, Price and Profit'

'Theses on Feuerback'

By this point you should have a good understanding of the basics of Marxism and are ready to branch out to other theorists and also read Capital.

Tier 3:

'Capital vol.1'

Lenin Reading List - By Moo (aka Zizekposter)

Lenin Essentials:

'State and Revolution'

'“Left-Wing” Communism: an Infantile Disorder'

'Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism'

Petit Bourgeois Philistine Tier:

'What is to be done'

'The Proletarian Revolution and Renegade Kautsky'

'Two Tactics of Social Democracy in the Democratic Revolution'

ADHD Tier:

'Socialism and Religion'

'Zizek's Introduction to Revolution at the Gates'

'Revolutionary Adventurism'

MLM Reading List


Why MLM?

Marxism-Leninism-Maoism Basic Course

'Continuity and Rupture: Philosophy in the Maoist Terrain'


'On Practice & Contradiction'

'On Guerrilla Warfare'

'On Protracted War'


'Fanshen: A Documentary of Revolution in a Chinese Village'

'Red Star Over China' - Edgar Snow

'The Unknown Cultural Revolution' - Dongpin Han


Interview With Chairman Gonzalo

General line of the PCP

'Shining Path: Terror and Revolution in Peru' - Simon Strong


Operation “Green Hunt” in India

Eight Historic Documents (AZAD)

'Urban Perspective'


Araling Aktibista - Activist Study ARAK

'Stand for Socialism Against Modern Revisionism'

'Philippine Society and Revolution'
https://bannedthought.net/Philippines/CPP/1970s PhilippineSocietyAndRevolution-4ed.pdf

Political Economy:

'Rethinking Socialism' – Deng-yuan Hsu & Pao-yu Ching

'China: A Modern Social-Imperialist Power' - CPI(Maoist)

'Maoist Economics & the Revolutionary Road to Communism' - The Shanghai Textbook

Leftcom Reading Lists

r/marxism101's reading list:

r/bruhinternational's reading list:


'The Democratic Principle'

'Proletarian Dictatorship and Class Party'

'The Spirit of Horsepower'

'Report on Fascism'


'The Lyons Theses'

'Theory and Action in Marxist Doctrine'

'Dialogue with Stalin'


'World Revolution and Communist Tactics'

'Party and Class'

Herman Gorter:

'Open Letter to Comrade Lenin'

'The World Revolution'

Bookchin Reading Lists - based off of posts by Gorm1918 (pbuh)

'The Next Revolution'

'Urbanization Without Cities'

'The 3rd Revolution'

'The Ecology of Freedom'

Links to Resources and Libraries:

More Marx and Engels:


Other Selected Marxists:

Classical Works Recommended To High-Ranking Cadres:

Many important books can be found on libgen:

Libcom has some good books/documents:

Other links:

Various assortment of historical and biographical works:

The Leftist Bookshelf (4.16 GB, 600+ files)
This was originally a torrent but I can't find the link anymore. Its description was: "640 eBooks, mostly in PDF format (a bunch are CHM, DJVU or ePUB), from a revolutionary Leftist viewpoint. The main subjects are politics and philosophy, history, economics, and much much more."

Political Theory (MLM) (2.64 GB, 550+ files)
I found this on reddit years ago (circa 2016) Don't really remember who made it or where it came from, but this is a reading course (politics, philosophy, economics, etc) focused on Maoism. Has many books and articles on the USSR, PRC, Stalin, Mao, etc.

The Anarchist Library (669 MB, 4000+ files)
This is a complete mirror of the anarchist library with pdfs and epubs

Little Bunker of Marxism-Leninism (680 MB, 100+ files)
Unfinished project focused on M-L with more than 100 books on several topics like history, economics, politics, etc. Lots of stuff on the USSR.

Historical Materialism series (330 MB, 100+ files)
A pdf archive of over 100 books from the Historical Materialism book series. I got this from thecharnelhouse.org years ago and the website had released many marxist books from other publishers but unfortunately it's been taken down.

/leftypol/ with a slash of liberty (239 MB, 100+ files)
I didn't make this, just reuploading it. This is a classic /leftypol/ link, marxist stuff mixed with anarchism.

Marx & Engels Collected Works (900+ MB, 50 files)
The official, complete works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels organized in 50 volumes and 3 categories.
950 posts and 300 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Smith, A. (1776). An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. W. Strahan and T. Cadell. (Original work published 1776). Retrieved from https://www.econlib.org/library/Smith/smWN.html


No. Adam Smith is useless, so is Ricardo, so is Mill. Don't read outdated bourgeois ideology like the other morons in this thread.


After marx then what


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Does anyone have an audiobook of “What is to be done”



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I mean the first part is just georgism, and the other parts are just Keynesianism or stuff that some capitalists admit. I guess you could say that aspects of this did make up elements of socialist theory, but I wouldnt exactly say adam smith advocated for the same things marx did.


Smith was also referring to feudal landlords like the ones that passed the Corn Laws. He wouldn't have had a problem with modern urban rentiers.


yeah i dont understand this attempt to rehabilitate smith as a socialist thinker, the guy was ultimately still a borg thinker.


Hint: that anon attaches a confederate flag to their posts


yeah you are right, I used to think he was purely being ironic but Ive also noticed a lot of his takes are questionable at best


He spends his days talking to extreme-right nuts on the internet which he sometimes posts images off.
Nobody who does this is being entirely ironic with their nonsense. To lock yourself on the internet in order to create a duel reality to live is the most important thing fascists look for to create new fascists, it seems.


is there a mobi or epub or pdf of:

“Left-Wing” Communism: an Infantile Disorder
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Finished MSc so it is about time to read a bit. Have read only the communist manifesto years ago.


I can’t find a working mp3 converter. If I listen to it on YouTube my phone dies quickly.



nta and thanks for that


You can probably find them on libgen.is
>Have read only the communist manifesto years ago
You should really start with Marx then, otherwise you'd really not get much out of Lenin aside from a few vague ideas here and there


thanks for the reply. Can't find One Step Forward, Two Steps Back on libgen.

When you say Marx you mean the capital?


are there any interest modern socialist/materialist analysis substacks out there anyone can recommend?


I was reading Quotations from Mao Zedong and it made me think, why isn't there an expanded version with quotes from other Marxist thinkers? I think the format is already a good idea, a little red book describing the "art of war" for the revolutionary in the field, but why not expand it beyond just what Mao has to say?

You could still have the red plastic cover, but include images of other ML thinkers other than Mao, some proletarian art, some images of the global proletariat for inspiration, then the same chapters just expanded with quotes from a variety of philosophers and revolutionaries.


You might be interested in Axioms of Kwame Nkrumah, collection of quotes from himself.


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Are there any single chinlet/reactionary equals to Marx or Engels to wrestle with or is reactionism inherently a hodgepodge patchwork coalition of obscurantists?




Hahaha great joke, friend. Thank you for making this thread more lively.


Where do I start with Kant?


Critique of Pure Reason. Then Honestly skip everything else and read Fanged Noumena


Why only Capital vol.1 is recommended? What about volumes 2 and 3?


Been on a Walter Rodney binge lately. Put together an epub file with a ton of his essays, lectures, and speeches to read while I traveled around rural Vermont. Dude is a nonstop canon of straight proletarian facts, and is pretty damn hilarious to boot:
>"The prime minister of Jamaica, a black man (you know he looks black anyway)…"
>"The other evening, speaking at another site, I had to draw the analogy, to say what if there ever was such a thing called the Midas touch, which was the touch that made everything turn into gold, then we will have a new creation in this society — the Burnham touch where everything he touches turns to shit."


Why do you keep posting this? You already made thiz thread on /edu/ months ago


Where do I start with Nazbol theory


Karl otto paetel presumably, or strasser


Paetel was at least more communist than the typical MLs or even Demsuccs of today, more of a national leftcom (which is still a horrible contradiction) than a nazbol.


This is fantastic, great job.



More by Kwame Nkrumah:
Handbook of revolutionary warfare


Decolonial Marxism: Essays From The Pan-African Revolution


Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael)
Stokely Speaks (speeches)
Ready for revolution (auto? biography)


Works by Frantz Fanon:
Black Skin, White Masks
Towards The African Revolution
Wretched Of The Earth
A Dying Colonialism
Alienation and Freedom


Here you go:
Imperialism In The 21st Century By John Smith
Imperialism and Globalization of Production By John Smith (His Doctoral Thesis)


Just scanned this small collection of speeches by Stalin on the CPUSA. Read it you shits and stop being liberals.

Fucking nice. Excellent works


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Just do it. Please. I urge you all. This has been one of the best experiences of my life. He answers every single last stupid question I spent the last 10 years of my life torturing myself with. Everything. He already figured it out.
Just read Capital.
It's more than worth it.
>But what abou-
>Marx couldn't have predicte-
He did. All of it.
Just read Capital.


People who don't read/claim to read but not actually das kap do not read because of spontaneity of any kind (e.g. laziness). They don't read because their consciousness predisposes them towards hostility/apathy. To beg them to engage with the material, is to engage them on their (dichotomous) terms and lower yourself to the position of servant. Instead, such people are only fit for mockery.


Capital was never intended for the revolutionary workers (who, as Marx documents, were working up to 15 hours a day) and instead marx&Engels published shorter work like S:U&S and the manifesto. Concurrently it has been left out of socialist education for the most part.
But now we are living in the first world with an 8 hour work day, and we as the more privileged workers can and should dedicate the year or so that it takes to read all three volumes.
Another thing is that people think the book is very complicated, but it's not so complicated at all.

Sorry I've barely had my coffee this morning but my point is that reading Capital in its entirety should be promoted more by socialists. It literally answers every question (quite plainly!) people still have debates about to this day.


Where does this misnomer come from that Marx did not intend his work to be read by the people he addressed it to? Engels even mentions Marx considered the greatest compliment he ever received to be the reception of das kap among the German working class.
The manifesto was written within a specific historic context, with a specific purpose - as many of Marx works, I might add. Utopia and Science was written by Engels. Neither is applicable to your scenario.

>Another thing is that people think the book is very complicated, but it's not so complicated at all.

Almost as if by design.


Philippines (MLM) - Notable in this drive are copies of the NDFP's Liberation (which functions sort of like a newspaper of the goings-on in the revolutionary movement during the Martial Law period) and Rebolusyon, the CPP'sa theoretical journal, the period here goes up until the split in the CPP's ranks and the ensuing ideological battles that took place against the Trotskyists and Social Democrats.

Many of the files are in English, some in Tagalog.



I have some embryonic idea of market socialism and libertarianism having the similar goal of trying to beat out the bad effects of capital accumulation by turning the majority of the population into petty-bourgeoisie, but I don't know if that warrants its own thread.


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Does anyone have a English translation of Yemelyan Yaroslavsky's "How Gods and Goddesses are Born, Live and Die"? Was published in 1923 and apparently had a English translation at one point, but saw nothing online. Already searched the Marxist Library. Thanks in advance.


Anyone have a good history of Mexico from the war of independence through the end of the 19th century? I want to read it when I need to take a break from Capital


a good rule of thumb with book piracy is that smaller file sizes when it comes to pdfs are preferable

Also, try going for epub and mobi file formats. if you're using a kindle, you can convert epub to being compatible with the device using the "send to kindle" function on Amazon or just convert them using a third party site.

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