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 [Last 50 Posts]

Hello leftypol, we noticed an under-appreciation for the theory that upholds our political ideologies: As such, we have decided to revive the reading sticky! This thread will be dedicated to the sharing, discussing, and general banter about various leftist thinkers, theories, and political outlooks.

But, other than that, we believe there are other important reads that must be addressed, especially, for beginners and those just now getting into leftism.

Don't forget to check out >>>/edu/ for more reading and discussion!

Common Right Wing Talking Points Debunks

Check out the /edu/ thread at

Also see the relevant leftybooru tag
Add topics into the tag list to further narrow down your search!

Introduction to Marxism Reading List - Thanks to the /read/ matrix room (https://app.element.io/#/group/+leftyread:matrix.org)

Absolute Beginners Tier:

'Principles of Communism' by Friedrich Engels

'Three Source and Three Component Parts of Marxism' by V.I. Lenin

Not a book but Halim Alrah's youtube channel is good for the absolutely basics of Marxism but obviously not a replacement for reading

Marx and Engels Reading List

Tier 1:

'Manifesto of the Communist Party'

'Critique of the Gotha Programme'

'Socialism: Utopian and Scientific'

Tier 2:

'Wage Labour and Capital'

'Value, Price and Profit'

'Theses on Feuerback'

By this point you should have a good understanding of the basics of Marxism and are ready to branch out to other theorists and also read Capital.

Tier 3:

'Capital vol.1'

Lenin Reading List - By Moo (aka Zizekposter)

Lenin Essentials:

'State and Revolution'

'“Left-Wing” Communism: an Infantile Disorder'

'Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism'

Petit Bourgeois Philistine Tier:

'What is to be done'

'The Proletarian Revolution and Renegade Kautsky'

'Two Tactics of Social Democracy in the Democratic Revolution'

ADHD Tier:

'Socialism and Religion'

'Zizek's Introduction to Revolution at the Gates'

'Revolutionary Adventurism'

MLM Reading List


Why MLM?

Marxism-Leninism-Maoism Basic Course

'Continuity and Rupture: Philosophy in the Maoist Terrain'


'On Practice & Contradiction'

'On Guerrilla Warfare'

'On Protracted War'


'Fanshen: A Documentary of Revolution in a Chinese Village'

'Red Star Over China' - Edgar Snow

'The Unknown Cultural Revolution' - Dongpin Han


Interview With Chairman Gonzalo

General line of the PCP

'Shining Path: Terror and Revolution in Peru' - Simon Strong


Operation “Green Hunt” in India

Eight Historic Documents (AZAD)

'Urban Perspective'


Araling Aktibista - Activist Study ARAK

'Stand for Socialism Against Modern Revisionism'

'Philippine Society and Revolution'
https://bannedthought.net/Philippines/CPP/1970s PhilippineSocietyAndRevolution-4ed.pdf

Political Economy:

'Rethinking Socialism' – Deng-yuan Hsu & Pao-yu Ching

'China: A Modern Social-Imperialist Power' - CPI(Maoist)

'Maoist Economics & the Revolutionary Road to Communism' - The Shanghai Textbook

Leftcom Reading Lists

r/marxism101's reading list:

r/bruhinternational's reading list:


'The Democratic Principle'

'Proletarian Dictatorship and Class Party'

'The Spirit of Horsepower'

'Report on Fascism'


'The Lyons Theses'

'Theory and Action in Marxist Doctrine'

'Dialogue with Stalin'


'World Revolution and Communist Tactics'

'Party and Class'

Herman Gorter:

'Open Letter to Comrade Lenin'

'The World Revolution'

Bookchin Reading Lists - based off of posts by Gorm1918 (pbuh)

'The Next Revolution'

'Urbanization Without Cities'

'The 3rd Revolution'

'The Ecology of Freedom'

Links to Resources and Libraries:

More Marx and Engels:


Other Selected Marxists:

Classical Works Recommended To High-Ranking Cadres:

Many important books can be found on libgen:

Libcom has some good books/documents:

Other links:

Various assortment of historical and biographical works:

The Leftist Bookshelf (4.16 GB, 600+ files)
This was originally a torrent but I can't find the link anymore. Its description was: "640 eBooks, mostly in PDF format (a bunch are CHM, DJVU or ePUB), from a revolutionary Leftist viewpoint. The main subjects are politics and philosophy, history, economics, and much much more."

Political Theory (MLM) (2.64 GB, 550+ files)
I found this on reddit years ago (circa 2016) Don't really remember who made it or where it came from, but this is a reading course (politics, philosophy, economics, etc) focused on Maoism. Has many books and articles on the USSR, PRC, Stalin, Mao, etc.

The Anarchist Library (669 MB, 4000+ files)
This is a complete mirror of the anarchist library with pdfs and epubs

Little Bunker of Marxism-Leninism (680 MB, 100+ files)
Unfinished project focused on M-L with more than 100 books on several topics like history, economics, politics, etc. Lots of stuff on the USSR.

Historical Materialism series (330 MB, 100+ files)
A pdf archive of over 100 books from the Historical Materialism book series. I got this from thecharnelhouse.org years ago and the website had released many marxist books from other publishers but unfortunately it's been taken down.

/leftypol/ with a slash of liberty (239 MB, 100+ files)
I didn't make this, just reuploading it. This is a classic /leftypol/ link, marxist stuff mixed with anarchism.

Marx & Engels Collected Works (900+ MB, 50 files)
The official, complete works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels organized in 50 volumes and 3 categories.


<span class="quote">&gt; our political ideology</span><br/>I'm not a Marxist though


<a onclick="highlightReply('285227', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285227">&gt;&gt;285227</a><br/>Pathetic attempt at holding people from reading. Pull your faggy soyboy face off with a knife and eat it


Also you should read Losurdo.


Welp, might as well start with absolute beginners tier, lol.<br/><br/><a href="https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1847/11/prin-com.htm" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1847/11/prin-com.htm</a>


<a onclick="highlightReply('285247', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285247">&gt;&gt;285247</a><br/>Nice attempt at idpol. Stalin wasn't black.


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some guides/lists


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<a onclick="highlightReply('285227', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285227">&gt;&gt;285227</a><br/>Feel free to post a reading list for your own poltical ideology


<a onclick="highlightReply('285250', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285250">&gt;&gt;285250</a><br/>lmao


Based. This whole board needs more reading. How about adding some ML content? I see the Lenin list and some Mao in the MLM list, but maybe some Stalin and other MLs? These are good books for starters:<br/><br/><a href="https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/stalin/works/1938/09.htm" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/stalin/works/1938/09.htm</a><br/><a href="https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/stalin/works/1913/03.htm" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/stalin/works/1913/03.htm</a><br/><br/>Hopefully someone more well read than me should suggest more books, these are the only ones i've read.


<a onclick="highlightReply('285258', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285258">&gt;&gt;285258</a><br/>Stalin's collected works' magnet<br/>magnet:?xt=urn:btih:6195e3ed3cdb7e0ee58ab6593734e3162fcf3c44&amp;dn=StalinCW&amp;tr=udp%3a%2f%2fexplodie.org%3a6969%2fannounce&amp;tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.torrent.eu.org%3a451%2fannounce&amp;tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.0o.is%3a6969%2fannounce&amp;tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.iamhansen.xyz%3a2000%2fannounce&amp;tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.birkenwald.de%3a6969%2fannounce&amp;tr=http%3a%2f%2ftracker.gbitt.info%3a80%2fannounce&amp;tr=https%3a%2f%2ftracker.nanoha.org%3a443%2fannounce


<a onclick="highlightReply('285253', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285253">&gt;&gt;285253</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;inc Mein Kampf</span>


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IIRC: Principles of communism seems to imply, so far, that the proletariat was unique to the 19th and 20th century. Does this imply that the current working class is not proletarian?<br/><br/>Also there's an interesting section about manufacturing workers, self employed types, that distinguishes them from both petty Borgeious and Prolotariate.


This is a good thread but very bad that it was posted by a mod. Remember we're supposed to be a non-sectarian board?


<a onclick="highlightReply('285272', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285272">&gt;&gt;285272</a><br/>Not sure what you mean by that. It is true that a lot of the conditions of the working class are now different to what they were (particularly in the first world), but the overall analysis still stands.<br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;The proletariat is that class in society which lives entirely from the sale of its labor and does not draw profit from any kind of capital; whose weal and woe, whoselife and death, whose sole existence depends on the demand for labor — hence,on the changing state of business, on the vagaries of unbridled competition. The proletariat, or the class of proletarians, is, in a word, the working class of the 19th century.</span><br/><br/>The last line only implies that the proletariat was the working class that appeared in the 19th century. It does not say it is a phenomenon specific to that time. Notice what actually describes the proletariat: living off the sale of one's labor alone. That is still very much true of the current working classes.<br/><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('285280', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285280">&gt;&gt;285280</a><br/>In what way is the OP sectarian? Sure, it's more marxist focused, but it caters to various different tendencies, even Bookchinist communalism (not marxism). Not to mention, the mods have been gathering this list for a while now, yet no anarchist (or other tendency) posters have contributed in any way to the list. If anything it just goes to show that either a) anarchist posters are just completely uninvested in the board or b) anarchists don't read. In either case, the solution is not for the mods to bend over backwards to make reading lists for tendencies they don't know, but for interested posters to engage, gather and suggest material. Note the post above by one of the mods, expliticly saying contributions are still welcome.


I propose an activity: Anons post a leftist position they can't stand or despise and another from that position recommends the first anon a book.<br/><br/>I'll begin, I can't stand anarcho-primitivists, can an An-prim recommend a book.


<a onclick="highlightReply('285289', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285289">&gt;&gt;285289</a><br/>probably the best youll get is Desert which is a good read and well written but in terms of real analysis and propositions is shit im sorry to say


<a onclick="highlightReply('285335', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285335">&gt;&gt;285335</a><br/>Desert is not anprim.


thank you, I wanted more recommendations


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oh thank god this is back. this was always my favorite thread in the old leftypol.


<a href="https://archive.org/stream/pdfy-y_8iHigC3Ms5TngF/BLUM%20killing%20hope_djvu.txt" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://archive.org/stream/pdfy-y_8iHigC3Ms5TngF/BLUM%20killing%20hope_djvu.txt</a><br/><br/>Killing Hope By William Blum, a history of US Military and CIA interventions since WW2


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<a onclick="highlightReply('285285', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285285">&gt;&gt;285285</a><br/>Ok so even if you ignore the uniqueness of the 19th and 20th century prolotariat as a mass of industrial workers how is it we are not fully certain that the prolotariate is not, itself,a faiding class in the 21st century or at least not as strong and therefore unable to rise to the challenge of communism? Are we not being more and more integrated into the manufacturing workers role? E.g: Computers are a good example of manufacturing prolotariat and we all have one of those. Or what about people who own capital in the form of stocks? Now that technology has advanced to a point where anyone can download robbinhood amd start investing does this not imply that the prolotariate has at least fallen into the margins of society?


<a onclick="highlightReply('285289', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285289">&gt;&gt;285289</a><br/><br/>I fucking hate maoism, can a MLM recommend me a book that is not a Mao book, that is not a Gonzalo interview, and that is not Moufawad-Paul ?


<a onclick="highlightReply('285467', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285467">&gt;&gt;285467</a><br/>Marx


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<a onclick="highlightReply('285482', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285482">&gt;&gt;285482</a><br/><br/>Already did, hence why i'm not a maoist.


<a onclick="highlightReply('285498', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285498">&gt;&gt;285498</a><br/>Mao wasn't that bad. I haven't read a super lot of him but i understand he had good revolutionary theory as far as practice goes.



based thread


<a onclick="highlightReply('285394', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285394">&gt;&gt;285394</a><br/>I want to know more about this too


<a onclick="highlightReply('285656', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285656">&gt;&gt;285656</a><br/>the law of value series has been taken down from youtube<br/><br/>any mirrors?


<a onclick="highlightReply('285862', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285862">&gt;&gt;285862</a><br/>Has it really.


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<a onclick="highlightReply('285656', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285656">&gt;&gt;285656</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('285252', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285252">&gt;&gt;285252</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('285251', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285251">&gt;&gt;285251</a><br/>Gonna add some lists


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<a onclick="highlightReply('285991', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285991">&gt;&gt;285991</a>


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<a onclick="highlightReply('285995', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285995">&gt;&gt;285995</a><br/>Not really reading, but still


Engels : Ludwig Fuerbach<br/>Darwin: The Origins of the Species.<br/>Daniel Dennet: Darwin’s Dangerous Idea<br/>Plekanov: The Materialist Conception of History<br/>Lenin: Materialism and Empiro-Criticism<br/>Kautsky : Origins of Christianity<br/>Paul Cockshott: How the world Works<br/>Turing: Can a Machine Think<br/>Althusser : Lenin and Philosophy<br/>Daniel Dennet: Consciousness Explained<br/>Claude Shannon: Mathematical Theory of Communication<br/>Paul Cockshott, Allin F. Cottrell, Gregory J. Michaelson, Ian P. Wright and Victor M. Yakovenko: Classical Econophysics<br/>Phil A. Neel: Hinterland<br/>Paul Cockshott, Allin F. Cottrell: Towards a New Socilaism<br/>Nicholas Shackel: The Vacuity of Postmodernist Methodology.<br/>Smedley Butler: War Is A Racket<br/>William Blum: Killing Hope U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II<br/>Losurdo Domenico: Liberalism A Counter-History<br/>Micheal Parenti: Blackshirts and reds rational fascism and the overthrow of communism


<a onclick="highlightReply('285999', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285999">&gt;&gt;285999</a><br/>Holy fuck that crisis album is amazing.


what do u guys think of Neue Marx-Lektüre


<a onclick="highlightReply('286175', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#286175">&gt;&gt;286175</a><br/>Bro&hellip;just don't


<a onclick="highlightReply('286175', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#286175">&gt;&gt;286175</a><br/>Who the fuck is that?<br/><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('286183', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#286183">&gt;&gt;286183</a><br/>Now i'm even more curious.


<a onclick="highlightReply('286188', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#286188">&gt;&gt;286188</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Who the fuck is that?</span><br/><br/>heinrich n shit. monetary theory of value


<a onclick="highlightReply('286202', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#286202">&gt;&gt;286202</a><br/>originally spawned by Isaak Illich Rubin who was purged by stalin, but has gained popularity again.


<a onclick="highlightReply('286188', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#286188">&gt;&gt;286188</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Now i'm even more curious</span><br/>It isn't some forbidden fruit like you think. Just straight up retardation


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<a onclick="highlightReply('286211', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#286211">&gt;&gt;286211</a><br/>Not always a bad thing.


<a onclick="highlightReply('286211', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#286211">&gt;&gt;286211</a><br/>Why's it retarded? Seems pretty straightforward to me. We can't have commodity exchange on a systemic level without a universal equivalent (money). <br/>Therefore value can only be realized through this exchange of money, not just created in a vacuum of production.


<a onclick="highlightReply('286217', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#286217">&gt;&gt;286217</a><br/>This by far doesn't cover it buddy. They have far more to say than that. Their line of thought essentially brings you back being an armchair analyst


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<a onclick="highlightReply('285223', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285223">&gt;&gt;285223</a><br/>Hello, to clarify, the reason that MLM and Leftcoms specifically have their own sections on our list is those are the only people that contributed so far. If you think there should be an anarchist reading list (or whatever) then please give some suggestions for your ideology and we will add them.


<a onclick="highlightReply('286226', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#286226">&gt;&gt;286226</a><br/>What I've read just emphasized the role of money for value, what are you referring to?


<a onclick="highlightReply('286275', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#286275">&gt;&gt;286275</a><br/>Explain verwertung in your own words.


<a onclick="highlightReply('286043', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#286043">&gt;&gt;286043</a><br/>Actually a great list for the modern communist


<a onclick="highlightReply('285467', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285467">&gt;&gt;285467</a><br/>Black panth party lit


<a onclick="highlightReply('286043', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#286043">&gt;&gt;286043</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Classical Econophysics before Towards A New Socialism</span><br/>Lmao what?? TANS would be a much better book to read first than Classical Econophysics since TANS was written for the average person in mind whilst Classical Econophysics is more esoteric and dense book.


<a onclick="highlightReply('286319', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#286319">&gt;&gt;286319</a><br/>Verwertung is when you remember you had like a yogurt or what have you in the fridge and consume it before it turns bad. That is the meaning of Verwertung.


<a onclick="highlightReply('286445', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#286445">&gt;&gt;286445</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Actually a great list for the modern communist</span><br/>It's not a complete and carefully curated list, this was adhoc. you might actually want to read other stuff too like Marx's Capital for an obvious example<br/><a onclick="highlightReply('286496', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#286496">&gt;&gt;286496</a><br/>you don't have to read it in that order. I guess you are right TANS should come before Econophysics


<a onclick="highlightReply('286578', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#286578">&gt;&gt;286578</a><br/>I gathered it was kinda rough. I'm sure the cybersoc thread could expand it into 2 lists, one scientific and one more political (lenin, althusser, parenti, etc)


<span class="quote">&gt;What will this new social order have to be like?</span><br/>Above all, it will have to take the control of industry and of all branches of production out of the hands of mutually competing individuals, and instead institute a system in which all these branches of production are operated by society as a whole – that is, for the common account, according to a common plan, and with the participation of all members of society.<br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;It will, in other words, abolish competition and replace it with association.</span><br/><span class="orangeQuote"><br/>&lt;Moreover, since the management of industry by individuals necessarily implies private property, and since competition is in reality merely the manner and form in which the control of industry by private property owners expresses itself</span><br/><span class="orangeQuote"><br/>&lt;it follows that private property cannot be separated from competition and the individual management of industry. Private property must, therefore, be abolished and in its place must come the common utilization of all instruments of production and the distribution of all products according to common agreement – in a word, what is called the communal ownership of goods.</span><br/><span class="orangeQuote"><br/>&lt;In fact, the abolition of private property is, doubtless, the shortest and most significant way to characterize the revolution in the whole social order which has been made necessary by the development of industry – and for this reason it is rightly advanced by communists as their main demand.</span><br/><br/><span class="heading">DENGISTS FULL ON SEETHING AND COPING</span>


You k ow engles really makes it sound like economic planning was not to plan for production A-priori, rather, to have an economic plan for production after the fact: Meaning qe produce, or, literally as engles puts it: Over produce and the we plan out the distribution of our over production or the distribution, to a degree, of our production in general.


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<a onclick="highlightReply('285223', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285223">&gt;&gt;285223</a><br/><a href="https://leftypol.org/edu/res/4881.html" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://leftypol.org/edu/res/4881.html</a><br/>get some magnets


<a onclick="highlightReply('287213', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#287213">&gt;&gt;287213</a><br/>except if you're overproducing then you're wasting labour. distributing surplus after the face sounds production anarchy-y


<a onclick="highlightReply('287295', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#287295">&gt;&gt;287295</a><br/>I guess, perhaps. It still doesn't sound to me like the distribution and production of resources is planed out in totality though. I think you have to allow for some anarchy fundamentally in some way. Look at the passage: <br/><br/>"There will be no more crises; the expanded production, which for the present order of society is overproduction and hence a prevailing cause of misery, will then be insufficient and in need of being expanded much further. Instead of generating misery, overproduction will reach beyond the elementary requirements of society to assure the satisfaction of the needs of all; it will create new needs and, at the same time, the means of satisfying them. It will become the condition of, and the stimulus to, new progress, which will no longer throw the whole social order into confusion, as progress has always done in the past. Big industry, freed from the pressure of private property, will undergo such an expansion that what we now see will seem as petty in comparison as manufacture seems when put beside the big industry of our own day. This development of industry will make available to society a sufficient mass of products to satisfy the needs of everyone."<br/><br/><br/>It pretty much seems to me like he is saying "over production is actually good as long as the over production is planned for accordingly.


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U read theory, sis? <br/><br/>(uh hello class this is an example of recuperation pls don't delete)


<a onclick="highlightReply('287437', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#287437">&gt;&gt;287437</a><br/>it's expanding production that he's talking about as a good thing though. and we should keep in mind that we have the climate situation to deal with, so there are limits to which industries can actually be expanded. there's also a bit of language wrangling to be had over what "over"production actually means in a planned economy. agriculture will tend to have overproduction as a rule if we plan for the worst case and so always get bountiful harvests (relative to needs)


<a onclick="highlightReply('285394', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285394">&gt;&gt;285394</a><br/>Computers are not "proletariat". The proletariat is a specific class of people within the system of capitalism. Computers are not people. As for people who own stocks, if their relations to the means of production is still having to sell their labor for survival, it doesn't matter that they own a few shares. Their status is still one of being a prole.




<a onclick="highlightReply('287934', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#287934">&gt;&gt;287934</a><br/>indeed. additionally, machines do not create value


<a onclick="highlightReply('287934', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#287934">&gt;&gt;287934</a><br/>I didn't say computers were Prolotariate: I said engles defines a Prolotariate aa one who literally only sells his labor to survive. He makes a clear distinction between people who make a living off the internet; self employed people and a difference between people who hold stocks; and people who live off their own labor. He makes a clear distinction between them.


Well I just finished Principles of Communism, ama.


<a onclick="highlightReply('288405', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#288405">&gt;&gt;288405</a><br/>is it boring


<a onclick="highlightReply('288422', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#288422">&gt;&gt;288422</a><br/>6/10.<br/><br/>I enjoyed it.


What the list lacks currently: <br/>· Essential proto-Marxist works to elucidate on how Marx and Engels came to the conclusions they did (for example important works on materialism and philosophy of science throughout the centuries prior)<br/>· An orthodox Marxism section<br/>· Marxism-Leninism (this one, simply by nature of its breadth and diversity, would need to be the largest list).


<a onclick="highlightReply('288537', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#288537">&gt;&gt;288537</a><br/>It's a thread anon just post them here


<a onclick="highlightReply('288405', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#288405">&gt;&gt;288405</a><br/>based, you did good<br/><br/>now keep on reading


I'm reposting this Marxist (big tent) meta-list here:<br/><br/><span class="heading">PROTO</span> <br/>Ancient: Heraclitus, Parmenides, Democritus, Epicurus, Socrates, Aristotle, Lucretius Renaissance: Machiavelli, Copernicus <br/>Early Modern: Galileo, Spinoza, Leibniz, Newton, Locke, Rousseau, Smith, Kant, the Jacobins Modernity: Hegel, the Utopian Socialists, Ricardo, Sismondi, Babbage, Feuerbach, Engels, Proudhon, Stirner, Darwin<br/><span class="heading">MARXISTS</span> <br/>Modernity: Dietzgen, De Leon, Luxemburg, Lenin, Pannekoek, Grossman, Stalin, Gramsci <br/>Post-WWII: Kantorovich, Hoxha, Mao, Kim, Ho, David Bohm, Fidel, Nkrumah, Glushkov, Guevara, Sweezy, Debord, Allen, Sison, Kaypakkaya, Anuradha Ghandy, Sankara <br/>Post-1991: Yakovenko, Bellamy Foster, Cockshott, Cottrell, Shaikh, Roberts, Dmytri Kleiner, Dyer-Witheford


<a onclick="highlightReply('288573', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#288573">&gt;&gt;288573</a><br/>What De Leon texts would you recommend.


Has anyone red the Grundrisse. The text seems even longer than capital. But from what ive skimmed it seems a bit more straightforward and easier to read


<a onclick="highlightReply('288573', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#288573">&gt;&gt;288573</a><br/>I think Samir Amin deserves a mentioning if Foster gets one, no?


<a onclick="highlightReply('288615', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#288615">&gt;&gt;288615</a><br/>Yes and Wallerstein


why do I seemingly get burnt out on even reading like twenty pages a day<br/><br/>i want to read more in general because im kind of a dumbass but I also want to be well read enough to push back on libs and fascists but I can't seem to get to the point where I read like a few books a month


<a onclick="highlightReply('289413', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#289413">&gt;&gt;289413</a><br/>have you tried with audiobooks?


<a onclick="highlightReply('289413', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#289413">&gt;&gt;289413</a><br/>Set aside a block of time everyday during which you read a set number of pages. for me this is an hour or two before going to sleep. <br/>You may also benefit from briefly switching genres. IDK what you consider to be light reading, but try some fiction books to get up to speed before returning to history/theory.


<a onclick="highlightReply('289419', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#289419">&gt;&gt;289419</a><br/>oh, yeah, but the two audiobooks I tried I can barely even focus on anything because the narration was so fucking <span class="heading">SHIT</span><br/><br/>i figured audiobooks would be cool for me since i listen to podcasts and random lectures on YT at my wagie job and retain almost everything but it's not the same


Hey /leftypol/. Just passing by to let everyone know about /read/: a collective of reading groups from /edu/. We host various different reading groups, and hold discussions over Matrix. If anyone here wants to discuss works of theory (such as those in the OP - note we're the authors of the Introduction to Marxism list), come on over to our Matrix. One of our groups just got done reading Capital vol1 and will be moving on to Lenin soon. Meanwhile, another one of our groups is gearing up to read Capital.<br/><br/>We have a Matrix community for discussion and a little website for our library and reading schedules. If you are interested, see our thread for the details <a href="/edu/res/5912.html#5912">&gt;&gt;&gt;/edu/5912</a><br/><br/>I would also encourage anyone to post theory questions and threads over on <a href="/edu/index.html">&gt;&gt;&gt;/edu/</a>, a sadly underutilized board.<br/><br/><span class="heading">Without revolutionary theory, there can be no revolutionary movement.</span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('289567', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#289567">&gt;&gt;289567</a><br/>based theory nerds /edu/cating leftypol


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<a onclick="highlightReply('285223', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285223">&gt;&gt;285223</a><br/>Thoughts on this book?


<a onclick="highlightReply('289641', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#289641">&gt;&gt;289641</a><br/>Never heard of it.<br/>tldr;?


<a onclick="highlightReply('289642', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#289642">&gt;&gt;289642</a><br/>I have the pdf in Spanish, there are like 350 pages. <br/>I still don't read it, don't know if it's worth it


<a onclick="highlightReply('289641', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#289641">&gt;&gt;289641</a><br/>Gay


<span class="quote">&gt;our</span><br/>fuck marx<br/>fuck engels<br/>fuck authoritarians<br/>fuck communism<br/>fuck you


<a onclick="highlightReply('290003', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#290003">&gt;&gt;290003</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;muh Authoritarianism</span><br/>read uygha<br/><a href="https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1872/10/authority.htm" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1872/10/authority.htm</a>


<a onclick="highlightReply('290003', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#290003">&gt;&gt;290003</a><br/>Cope and seethe


<a onclick="highlightReply('290023', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#290023">&gt;&gt;290023</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Wanting to abolish authority in large-scale industry is tantamount to wanting to abolish industry itself, to destroy the power loom in order to return to the spinning wheel.</span><br/>what did that faggot mean by this?


<a onclick="highlightReply('290023', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#290023">&gt;&gt;290023</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('290037', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#290037">&gt;&gt;290037</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;You must, therefore, confess that by "individual" you mean no other person than the bourgeois, than the middle-class owner of property. This person must indeed, be swept out of the way, and made impossible. </span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;t. state-worshipping karl marx</span><br/>a despot, classicist zealot, and preeminant national zocialist


<a onclick="highlightReply('290133', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#290133">&gt;&gt;290133</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('290003', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#290003">&gt;&gt;290003</a>


<a onclick="highlightReply('290003', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#290003">&gt;&gt;290003</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;fuck authoritarians</span><br/>ok boomer


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<a onclick="highlightReply('290003', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#290003">&gt;&gt;290003</a>


<a onclick="highlightReply('290003', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#290003">&gt;&gt;290003</a><br/>this gentleman has not seen a revolution


<a onclick="highlightReply('290803', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#290803">&gt;&gt;290803</a><br/>You can't sage a sticky. You know that?


<a onclick="highlightReply('290823', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#290823">&gt;&gt;290823</a><br/>yeah, i just forgot to remove it


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<span class="quote">&gt;All this MLM but not a single Cockshott or Parenti book</span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('291734', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#291734">&gt;&gt;291734</a><br/>Cockshott good<br/>Parenti is nothing but a shill though. Kind of like the """""""""""""""intelectual""""""""""""""" equivalent of watching a review that you know it's going to be positive to reinforce your view


<a onclick="highlightReply('291734', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#291734">&gt;&gt;291734</a><br/>There is a empirical marxism reading list somewhere around here


<a onclick="highlightReply('291736', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#291736">&gt;&gt;291736</a><br/>this


<a onclick="highlightReply('291736', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#291736">&gt;&gt;291736</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('292567', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#292567">&gt;&gt;292567</a><br/>I mean he is a Historian that does a very good job at collecting positive facts to counter Anti-Communists. For a newbie, he is perfect. Why does /leftypol/ always need to shit up the party?


<a onclick="highlightReply('290110', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#290110">&gt;&gt;290110</a><br/>seems pretty obvious, especially in context, since he spells it out very explicitly with examples. having no authority to manage whats happening with heavy equipment on a shop floor would be a disaster


<a onclick="highlightReply('291734', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#291734">&gt;&gt;291734</a><br/>Post it you fucking retards. Do you need some one to hold your soyhands?


<a onclick="highlightReply('291734', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#291734">&gt;&gt;291734</a><br/>Parenti is a pseud


<a onclick="highlightReply('292868', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#292868">&gt;&gt;292868</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('291736', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#291736">&gt;&gt;291736</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('292567', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#292567">&gt;&gt;292567</a><br/>This is why nobody likes you retards.


<a onclick="highlightReply('292880', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#292880">&gt;&gt;292880</a><br/>Recommend Parenti to your lib friends all you want, he's a great polemic writer. But if we're trying to educate Marxists, thinking people, we shouldn't suggest subpar or sloppy writers.


<a onclick="highlightReply('292885', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#292885">&gt;&gt;292885</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;But if we're trying to educate Marxists, thinking people, we shouldn't suggest subpar or sloppy writers.</span><br/>Holy LARP. This thread includes an Introduction to Marxism and an Absolute Beginners list. What is this retardation? You want to alienate everyone from your retarded reading groups?


<a onclick="highlightReply('292885', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#292885">&gt;&gt;292885</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Recommend Parenti to your lib friends all you want, he's a great polemic writer</span><br/>That's how Parenti is recommended you retard. Nobody claims he is the highpriest of marxism<br/><a onclick="highlightReply('292901', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#292901">&gt;&gt;292901</a><br/>Yeah, I don't know what his problem is


<a onclick="highlightReply('292928', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#292928">&gt;&gt;292928</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt; Nobody claims he is the highpriest of marxism</span><br/>Except tankies


I don't know why people talk shit about the manifesto.<br/>It's actually a very well written text.


<a onclick="highlightReply('285223', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285223">&gt;&gt;285223</a><br/>Why hasn't this been included in the OP? It's not strictly leftist but it's full of history books that are organized (by me). Someone put it in the list of previous leftypol boards iirc<br/><br/><a href="https://mega.nz/folder/dlZlDbqL#TXG5bGvWufONkrQAL7b7jA" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://mega.nz/folder/dlZlDbqL#TXG5bGvWufONkrQAL7b7jA</a>


<a onclick="highlightReply('294200', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#294200">&gt;&gt;294200</a><br/>Actually if you added some of xi's work here or deng that would be appreciated.


<a onclick="highlightReply('294372', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#294372">&gt;&gt;294372</a><br/>kek, why those two in particular? I haven't added books for a few years though, tbh. And i never got into adding books on communist china too much, only the republican period.


<a onclick="highlightReply('294702', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#294702">&gt;&gt;294702</a><br/>Tbh i half way find myself agreeing with dengoids and half way not. I also like xi as a leader in and of himself and find his long history with the party to be note worthy.<br/><br/>I figure i should probably actually read the men before full on making my declarations about them. After reading mao ofc.


<a onclick="highlightReply('294714', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#294714">&gt;&gt;294714</a><br/>I see. well you can try libgen, of course. I ultimately just compiled books from there. I've wanted to take up adding more and organizing the collection again but it's time consuming and I am not a NEET anymore. I really wanted to add more leftist history and theory too but never got the chance


am i stupid or does anti oedipus make no fucking sense <br/><br/>keep in mind i've read like 3 books in my life


<a onclick="highlightReply('295520', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#295520">&gt;&gt;295520</a><br/>oedipus?


<a onclick="highlightReply('294200', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#294200">&gt;&gt;294200</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Patricia Crone </span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Crawford Gribben</span><br/>Some&hellip; odd choices


Does anyone have a PDF to that illustrated comic of the communist manifesto? Really been wanting to give that a read.


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"The people’s state has been flung in our teeth ad nauseam by the anarchists, although Marx’s anti-Proudhon piece and after it the Communist Manifesto declare outright that, with the introduction of the socialist order of society, the state will dissolve of itself and disappear. Now, since the state is merely a transitional institution of which use is made in the struggle, in the revolution, to keep down one’s enemies by force, it is utter nonsense to speak of a free people’s state; so long as the proletariat still makes use of the state, it makes use of it, not for the purpose of freedom, but of keeping down its enemies and, as soon as there can be any question of freedom, the state as such ceases to exist.<br/><br/><span class="heading"> We would therefore suggest that Gemeinwesen ["commonalty"] be universally substituted for state; it is a good old German word that can very well do service for the French “Commune.” </span><br/><br/>OH NO NO NO NO TANKIE BROS WE GOT TO COCKY!


<a onclick="highlightReply('294372', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#294372">&gt;&gt;294372</a><br/>Here you go


<a onclick="highlightReply('285289', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285289">&gt;&gt;285289</a><br/>I can’t stand communalists. Can a bookchinite anon recommend me a book? (hard mode: not the new revolution, I’ve already read that)


Does anyone here have a PDF of “The Politics and Economics of the transitional period” by Bukharin? Marxists.org doesn’t have it any everywhere else is paywalled


<a onclick="highlightReply('296686', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#296686">&gt;&gt;296686</a><br/>I easily found it on libgen


<a onclick="highlightReply('296754', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#296754">&gt;&gt;296754</a><br/>Thanks


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There are lots of great theory recs ITT, but who are the best left-wing (I mean really left-wing, not just liberal/succdem) fiction writers, and what are their best works?


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<a onclick="highlightReply('296866', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#296866">&gt;&gt;296866</a><br/>I liked this when I read it 10 years ago <br/>basically a story of a missionary attempting to spread their religion in the congo in the 50s or somewhere around there<br/>things go horribly wrong


<a onclick="highlightReply('296870', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#296870">&gt;&gt;296870</a><br/>I actually read that in AP English, and now that I think of it it was pretty redpilled on neocolonialism. I'll add it to my list.


<a onclick="highlightReply('295566', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#295566">&gt;&gt;295566</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Patricia Crone </span><br/>In the middle eastern section? Not all of her work is discredited, right?<br/><span class="quote">&gt;Crawford Gribben</span><br/>had to look it up, but i assume he is in the ireland section? I had wanted to start by putting books on northern ireland (ideally I would like to put every single book on ireland in there eventually, but that is ambitious), but I never got around to thoroughly organizing it. Generally, I just strip mind libgen on a certain historical topic and then organized them in a logical fashion, but that means there's a lot of blindspots where I put some shitty historians, though I like to think that I'm more knowledgeable than most people about this stuff


<a onclick="highlightReply('296866', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#296866">&gt;&gt;296866</a><br/>Brecht is definitely up Top 3.


<a onclick="highlightReply('295520', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#295520">&gt;&gt;295520</a><br/>No it's deliberately written to make sense only to a schizo. If you can't read that much, watch this vid. It's as decent as "youtube philosophy" gets


<a onclick="highlightReply('297805', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#297805">&gt;&gt;297805</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;actually, being skitzo is based</span><br/><br/>Why I come here, the.


<a onclick="highlightReply('298833', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#298833">&gt;&gt;298833</a><br/>What do you mean?


<a onclick="highlightReply('297805', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#297805">&gt;&gt;297805</a><br/>I'd say Deleuzian views appeal to a rather small minority of this community.


<a onclick="highlightReply('298884', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#298884">&gt;&gt;298884</a><br/>Depends. If you watch the video or read Deleuze, you can see that he is really criticizing this "LARPing" and commodification process of identity, ideologies etc. that we see so much on social media, especially leftist social media. Some things he says are alright


<a onclick="highlightReply('285862', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285862">&gt;&gt;285862</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('285918', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285918">&gt;&gt;285918</a><br/>I still found it


<a onclick="highlightReply('299019', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#299019">&gt;&gt;299019</a><br/>Based. Bless you anon.


<a onclick="highlightReply('298854', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#298854">&gt;&gt;298854</a><br/>I come here for takes like this lol.


<a onclick="highlightReply('299832', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#299832">&gt;&gt;299832</a><br/>I mean&hellip;it makes sense in a way. Capitalism really is schizophrenic in its destructiveness


<a onclick="highlightReply('299973', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#299973">&gt;&gt;299973</a><br/>TDLR; Didn't watch the video.<br/><br/>the video actually talks about how schizophrenia is actually anti-thetical to capitalism because it is to unpredictable to comodify.


<a onclick="highlightReply('300018', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#300018">&gt;&gt;300018</a><br/>So if we don't want to be commodified like identities or even ideologies, we should become schizophrenic or stepping out of the boundaries?


<a onclick="highlightReply('300030', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#300030">&gt;&gt;300030</a><br/>More, or, less; I would say "kind of." I think that more so what Deluze is pointing out is the inherently fundamental nature of the skitzo and how that becomes uncommodifiable. We have to have some level of ideological framing or grounding or else we loose our ability to pressure and subvert the system of capital, but, to a degree I would agree.


<a onclick="highlightReply('300036', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#300036">&gt;&gt;300036</a><br/>I agree but just to clarify. What is the "fundamental nature" of the skitzo that makes him so difficult to commodify? And by ideological framing or grounding you mean a robust theoretical framework to reference, I assume? Something the ideology shoppers or people that take are obsessed with taking on identities, lack?


The Lenin(ist) reading list so far is fucking anemic <br/>0 Stalin? 8 Bordiga? Really guys? And the OP was made over a week ago at this point.


<a onclick="highlightReply('301027', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#301027">&gt;&gt;301027</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('301027', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#301027">&gt;&gt;301027</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('301027', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#301027">&gt;&gt;301027</a><br/><br/>Post it you fucking retards.


<a onclick="highlightReply('285223', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285223">&gt;&gt;285223</a><br/>Unironically valuable insight.


Currently reading manufacturing consent.<br/>Thoughts?


<a onclick="highlightReply('303366', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#303366">&gt;&gt;303366</a><br/>It's fine but read the original too


<a onclick="highlightReply('303382', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#303382">&gt;&gt;303382</a><br/>Shitttttt, I forgot thia was a thing. I'll read that too. For sure.


<span class="quote">&gt;"On July 31, the physical distancing requirement changes. If a workplace has unvaccinated employees, an employer would have a choice under the new rules: require everyone to be masked and physically distanced, or require unvaccinated employees to wear a respirator such as an N95 and others to wear at least a cloth face covering."</span>


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Hey /leftypol/, /read/ here. So we've had lots of whining about lack of a Marxist-Leninist reading list, but surprisingly few actual recommendations. The mods are willing to edit the OP if more stuff is to be added. So, how about we make a Marxism-Leninism reading list, /leftypol/?<br/><br/>In the /read/ chat we came up with a few suggestions for books of various authors which are relevant to MLism (regardless of whether or not they considered themselves as such).<br/><br/>Stalin:<br/>- Foundations of Leninism<br/>- Dialectical and Historical Materialism<br/>- Marxism and the National Question<br/><br/>Lukács:<br/>- History and Class Consciousness<br/><br/>Che Guevara:<br/>- Reminiscences of the Cuban Revolutionary War<br/>- Socialism and Man in Cuba<br/><br/>We also thought of adding works by Ho Chi Minh and Antonio Gramsci, but we have refrained from doing so, as none of us are quite familiar with their works. Anyone have suggestions?


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<a onclick="highlightReply('305017', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#305017">&gt;&gt;305017</a><br/>For Gramsci we found this neat book by Foreign Languages Press which seems interesting. Pic related is what's in it.<br/><br/>Is this a good suggestion for an introduction to Gramsci's works?


Why does the Marxist.org intro to wage labor and capital shit on The LTV? Lol


Anyone has this book either in spanish or english? I swear i can't find it anywhere


<a onclick="highlightReply('307179', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#307179">&gt;&gt;307179</a><br/>It's on libgen.


<a onclick="highlightReply('285223', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285223">&gt;&gt;285223</a><br/>We should add a link to libgen, marxist.org and z-library to the OP so people know where to look for books.


<a onclick="highlightReply('307225', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#307225">&gt;&gt;307225</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;so people know where to look for books</span><br/>I prefer physical books. What are some of the best publishers for socialists? Monthly Review, Verso are the ones I know about, but what else?


Not exactly a theory book, but I really like Stites' attempts at categorizing the grassroots socialist movements of the USSR manifested in utopian experiments, and how they were reinventions of old Russian utopian ideals in a sense.


<a onclick="highlightReply('295718', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#295718">&gt;&gt;295718</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;last pic </span><br/>lmfao


Was cleaning my bookmarks and found transhumanistbunkerchan is dead. It was pretty embarassing as it was, but really? This is the replacement? A mold-infested interface peddlng same failed 150 year old shit? How many of you woke up at 5 am to catch the bus to the commie factory you lazy STD infested eunuchs? None.<br/><br/>And the rules of this site&hellip; hilarious<br/><span class="quote">&gt;Hey fellow commies, did you prep your wife's bull today?</span><br/><br/>Lol @ ''wife" &hellip; you fucking losers


<a onclick="highlightReply('308481', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#308481">&gt;&gt;308481</a><br/>(You) have aids and your wife is made for CCP


<span class="quote">&gt;32 page manifesto on the front cover</span><br/>32&lt;720


<a onclick="highlightReply('285394', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285394">&gt;&gt;285394</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('285272', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285272">&gt;&gt;285272</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('285858', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285858">&gt;&gt;285858</a><br/>You people are all morons and need to read capital


<a onclick="highlightReply('288602', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#288602">&gt;&gt;288602</a><br/>The beginning is deceptively straightforward, then it hits the Chapter on Money and goes into Finnegan's Wake Territory


<a onclick="highlightReply('291734', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#291734">&gt;&gt;291734</a><br/>Cuz he's a moron who thinks that the problem with "socialism" in the USSR is that the state planners couldn't set prices right. Not only does he bend over for Stalinism, he even accepts the bourgeois critiques of "socialism" hook, line, and sinker.


<a onclick="highlightReply('309029', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#309029">&gt;&gt;309029</a><br/>Citations needed you stupid trot


<a onclick="highlightReply('305017', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#305017">&gt;&gt;305017</a><br/>if anything you need to trim the marxist leninist stuff from the OP.<br/><br/>The absolute last thing a modern, new leftist needs is to be given a reading list of like 30 books published a hundred years ago. Capital is essential, but everything else is optional.


<a onclick="highlightReply('309923', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#309923">&gt;&gt;309923</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;pls stop making people read things i don't agree with</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;it's unfair giving them the advantage to have them actually know about the shit i am just shitposting over</span>


I'm writing a paper on India's independence movement, and I'm trying to find some contemporary works which debated the merit of violent resistance to the British. Gandhi wrote an article in 1929 condemning violence called "The Cult of the Bomb," which received a response in defense of violence from the Marxist revolutionary Bhagwati Charan, entitled "The Philosophy of the Bomb." I wanted to read both of these but I can't seem to find the actual text of Gandhi's article anywhere, only references to it in other works. Does anybody know where to find it?


<a onclick="highlightReply('309500', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#309500">&gt;&gt;309500</a><br/>If we’re accepting Parentis standards then articles in the Nytimes and Washington Post should be good enough ?


<a onclick="highlightReply('310608', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#310608">&gt;&gt;310608</a><br/>I'm sorry, I thought you meant Cockshott. Parenti is pretty decent for the average normie that wants to go beyond social democracy. Idk why you are being so harsh a critic with him now


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<a onclick="highlightReply('310249', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#310249">&gt;&gt;310249</a><br/>On libgen there is a file that contains a shit ton of Gandhi's writings in 100 volumes. I've been combing over it and haven't stumbled upon that particular article, but I have uploaded the volume here that covers the period during which he would have written it. Pic related is a denunciation of the event in front of the Indian National Congress that led him that led him to rwite the article, so I might stumble upon it soon. But this might suffice because I'm sure the material here mimics what he wrote in that article at the time


<a onclick="highlightReply('312101', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#312101">&gt;&gt;312101</a><br/>Found the article! It was a few pages later


Archiving here for&hellip; reasons


John Smith- Imperialism in the Twenty First Century <br/><br/>should go in the Marxist essentials list


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<a onclick="highlightReply('312121', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#312121">&gt;&gt;312121</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('312101', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#312101">&gt;&gt;312101</a><br/>Beyond based, thanks Anon.


<a onclick="highlightReply('314261', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#314261">&gt;&gt;314261</a><br/>good luck! were you able to find the philosophy of the bomb?


<a onclick="highlightReply('310249', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#310249">&gt;&gt;310249</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;The Philosophy of the Bomb</span><br/>Are you sure it's by Bhagwati Charan? I found this but it's by Bhagat Singh


Attentionlet here: Is any of Gnome Chompy accessible to beginners, or does the linguist expect a well-read audience? In particular, is Manufacturing Consent beginner friendly? If not, I'll start on the beginner reading list.<br/>For reference, I burned out after the first chapter of the Communist Manifesto (although maybe 19th century works are a different tier).


<a onclick="highlightReply('315240', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#315240">&gt;&gt;315240</a><br/>I am currently reading manufacturing consent. It is not hard for me to stay connected to or read at all, anon. FYI.


<a onclick="highlightReply('315240', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#315240">&gt;&gt;315240</a><br/>There's nothing wrong with reading at your own pace. As you work reading back into your schedule you're attention span will return. Read a page a day if you have to


<a onclick="highlightReply('285223', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285223">&gt;&gt;285223</a><br/>May I suggest a cute non-ideological book on the GDR (there is cool info on sex in Central Germany),<br/><span class="quote">&gt;Katherine Pence, Paul Betts - Socialist Modern: East German Everyday Culture and Politics</span><br/>And this one,<br/><span class="quote">&gt;Fulbrook, Mary. The People's State: East German Society from Hitler to Honecker (Yale University Press, 2005)</span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('316054', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#316054">&gt;&gt;316054</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;windows</span><br/>already losing


Has anyone read any Franz Fanon? I’m thinking about reading his “Wretched of the Earth”, is it any good?


<a onclick="highlightReply('319932', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#319932">&gt;&gt;319932</a><br/>Yeah, it's based. So is black skins white masks


<a onclick="highlightReply('314733', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#314733">&gt;&gt;314733</a><br/>Yeah I found it on the Anarchist Library.<br/><a onclick="highlightReply('314838', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#314838">&gt;&gt;314838</a><br/>I've seen it attributed to a number of others, I mentioned Charan because that's who it was credited to in the book I'm reading on the Hindustan Socialist Republican Army.



as someone who does not understand how national liberation is Marxist in any sense, that has only read some Lenin, what are some good books on Marxist national liberation?


<a onclick="highlightReply('316054', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#316054">&gt;&gt;316054</a><br/>I'll admit I haven't read either of those, but "non-ideological book on the GDR" seems unlikely to me.<br/><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('325171', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#325171">&gt;&gt;325171</a><br/>The Wretched of the Earth (Fanon).


<a onclick="highlightReply('285223', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285223">&gt;&gt;285223</a><br/>How do I start on Critical Theory?


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anyone happen to have a pdf of this?


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<a onclick="highlightReply('326184', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#326184">&gt;&gt;326184</a><br/>Nevermind, found it


<a onclick="highlightReply('326213', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#326213">&gt;&gt;326213</a><br/>Fuck that shit anon, just read Fanon


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<a onclick="highlightReply('285223', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285223">&gt;&gt;285223</a><br/>Has anyone else here read "Suicide Note" by Mitchell Heisman?<br/><br/>Here's the link to the text:<br/><a href="https://legacy.gscdn.nl/archives/images/suicide_note.pdf" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://legacy.gscdn.nl/archives/images/suicide_note.pdf</a><br/>(Read pp. 32 - 625)<br/><br/>TL;DR: <a href="https://www.scribd.com/document/198985140/Mitchell-Heisman-s-suicide-note-overview" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.scribd.com/document/198985140/Mitchell-Heisman-s-suicide-note-overview</a><br/><br/>Alternatively you can listen to it while gaming: <a href="https://youtu.be/BiMZi5P7WJA" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/BiMZi5P7WJA</a><br/><br/><a href="https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkg6y0uFLHOyAX4BlU6tlnp1qW4l2aFEA" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkg6y0uFLHOyAX4BlU6tlnp1qW4l2aFEA</a>


<a onclick="highlightReply('325828', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#325828">&gt;&gt;325828</a><br/>Maybe Paulo Freire's "The Pedagogy Of The Oppressed"?


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Is Carr's History still the go-to history for beginners? Others? Thx


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There are a lot of islamists and naive leftists who don't know the history of Iran in this board. I suggest the former to fuck off and go back to /pol/ and the latter fuckers to read up. <br/><br/><a href="https://www.marxists.org/history/etol/newspape/wl/wl3-5.pdf" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.marxists.org/history/etol/newspape/wl/wl3-5.pdf</a>




<a onclick="highlightReply('332207', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#332207">&gt;&gt;332207</a><br/>YA ALI <br/>YA ALI<br/>YA ALI


Who is a better companion to kapital? Harvey or Heinrich. A companion I will read and probably never get to kapital itself because it's hard as balls.


<a onclick="highlightReply('337512', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#337512">&gt;&gt;337512</a><br/>They're both good. Harvey is more of an explainer, while Heinrich is more of a critical analysis/new reading. That said, neither companion really serves as a substitute for the book itself. They're made to be read alongside Capital, not in its place. It can be difficult, but there's no replacement for it. Seriously, read the book. It's more about persistence than being le big brain theory man.<br/><br/>Discussing with others and asking questions can help a great deal. For this purpose, there is a new friendly Capital reading group just starting over at <a href="/edu/res/5912.html#5912">&gt;&gt;&gt;/edu/5912</a>


So there's this Chibber dude who looks like the average leftypol dude but he actually reads and with the power of autism he wrote a three hundred pages book about how the libs are destroying real communism and how Leninism is the way forward, all this fighting strawmen all the way. <br/>I'm surprised it's not there so here you go.


<a onclick="highlightReply('325512', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#325512">&gt;&gt;325512</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Fanon</span><br/>not a marxist


<a onclick="highlightReply('337512', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#337512">&gt;&gt;337512</a><br/>Harvey butchers value (and in general misses a lot) and Heinrich rejects falling rate of profit as well as saying other wild shit. I enjoyed Cleaver's notes personally.


<a onclick="highlightReply('339369', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#339369">&gt;&gt;339369</a><br/>Also none of the companions really work as a standalone work. They are meant to be a supplement/clarification for your own notes.


<a onclick="highlightReply('339361', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#339361">&gt;&gt;339361</a><br/>He was pretty much a marxist. In western academia he isn't treated as one, sure. But consider that he read and drew great inspiration from the works of Marx, Mao and even the very short works of Ho Chi Minh and wrote extensive critiques of german idealism, not to mention his involvement with anti-colonial and anti-imperialist revolution. While perhaps not an explicit marxist, Fanon is marxist-adjacent enough that we can consider him at the very least a crypto-marxist. Marxist readings of Fanon seem much more fruitful than whatever "decolonial" academic libs seem to be doing with him.


<a onclick="highlightReply('339834', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#339834">&gt;&gt;339834</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;But consider that he read and drew great inspiration from the works of Marx, Mao and even the very short works of Ho Chi Minh and wrote extensive critiques of german idealism</span><br/>So did Nick Land <br/><span class="quote">&gt;not to mention his involvement with anti-colonial and anti-imperialist revolution. </span><br/>So did most right-wing nationalists from the third world, which is what Fannon is


<a onclick="highlightReply('345407', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#345407">&gt;&gt;345407</a><br/>Fuck


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<a onclick="highlightReply('285223', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285223">&gt;&gt;285223</a><br/>What are some great books on leftist praxis?


praxis guide: go outside


Can someone write up on good leftist extra resources like journals, magazines, blogs, publishers etc.?


How is the site called again, where one can get free files of all kinds of literary works? It was "lib"-something.


<a onclick="highlightReply('353920', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#353920">&gt;&gt;353920</a><br/>libgen


<a onclick="highlightReply('353920', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#353920">&gt;&gt;353920</a><br/>Z-library is another good place to check when you are looking for books.


Fuck it. Add Grover Furr.


<a onclick="highlightReply('353927', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#353927">&gt;&gt;353927</a><br/>Thanks, comrade.


<a onclick="highlightReply('285260', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285260">&gt;&gt;285260</a><br/>semen please


<a onclick="highlightReply('360844', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#360844">&gt;&gt;360844</a><br/>I know someone who can help you with that



Any good audiobooks out there?


<a onclick="highlightReply('285227', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285227">&gt;&gt;285227</a><br/>Nobody who reads could ever be a Marxist.<br/>He’s right with his critics about capitalism but he’s horribly wrong on the solutions.


<a onclick="highlightReply('366796', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#366796">&gt;&gt;366796</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;but he’s horribly wrong on the solutions.</span><br/>What are his solutions then. Go on and detail them please


<a onclick="highlightReply('366796', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#366796">&gt;&gt;366796</a><br/>t. never read Marx


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<a onclick="highlightReply('285223', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285223">&gt;&gt;285223</a><br/>the killer of racists, fascists, right winger extremists and liberals <br/><br/>What are your thoughts on the USSR doing this or Communist supporters doing this?


<a onclick="highlightReply('367420', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#367420">&gt;&gt;367420</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;"Can't cook an omelet without first cracking a few eggs"</span><br/>-Joseph Stalin


<a onclick="highlightReply('367424', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#367424">&gt;&gt;367424</a><br/>they arent human with right to live but eggs?


<a onclick="highlightReply('367426', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#367426">&gt;&gt;367426</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;human</span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('366796', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#366796">&gt;&gt;366796</a><br/>sounds like my anarchist phase




<a onclick="highlightReply('326213', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#326213">&gt;&gt;326213</a><br/>i read part of this and scanned through and it seems highly subversive, weaving valid points in with quick conflations trying to make division the book itself agrees are social constructs be equivalent to hard reality-derived divisions


What book would someone recommend to go in depth on why collectivism vs individualism is a false dichotomy?



<a onclick="highlightReply('384924', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#384924">&gt;&gt;384924</a><br/>it isn't though


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Does anyone have a good history book about the first red scare?


<a onclick="highlightReply('385610', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#385610">&gt;&gt;385610</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('385956', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#385956">&gt;&gt;385956</a><br/>I don't mean it in a greed sense or anything like that, but more in that you can be collectively focused while still expressing your own individuality.


<a onclick="highlightReply('386291', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#386291">&gt;&gt;386291</a><br/>To often /leftypol/ thinks that because personal liberty needs to be partially suspended during a revolution, that because of this, personal liberty as a concept is inherently reactionary.


I wanted to post this as a joke in /b/, but honestly how do we start reading like 2 books a day? Some of the right is slowly becoming more intellectual in their bullshit, and it's becoming more obvious to me that you basically need to know everything ever to properly engage with them


<a onclick="highlightReply('388164', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#388164">&gt;&gt;388164</a><br/>This is your idea of a "sophisiticated" rightoid channel?


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<a onclick="highlightReply('388192', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#388192">&gt;&gt;388192</a><br/>NTA, but it's it's someone's idea of one, isn't that enough? Manipulation is manipulation no matter how dumb you think it is.


<a onclick="highlightReply('388192', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#388192">&gt;&gt;388192</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('388664', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#388664">&gt;&gt;388664</a><br/>Yeah that's the thing, it's stupid but it's still presents the veneer of sophistication and when these people start spouting off about philosophy you better be fucking strapped or they'll just drown you in bullshit


<a onclick="highlightReply('388840', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#388840">&gt;&gt;388840</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('388664', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#388664">&gt;&gt;388664</a><br/>I mean if this is your reason to finally read Hegel, then I won't interfere


hey hey I have found a few in the megas in this thread, but I am looking for a reading list/mega about american and/or european imperialism. I just want a book where the us is the bad guy. thanks


<a onclick="highlightReply('392227', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#392227">&gt;&gt;392227</a><br/>don't have a reading list, but check out Vijay Prashad's "Washington Bullets: A History of the CIA, Coups, and Assassinations"




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what are some basic hoxhaists texts?


<a onclick="highlightReply('295520', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#295520">&gt;&gt;295520</a><br/>you gotta read all philosophy books before reading delueze


philosophy reading list pls (complete and everything, fully so I understand Hegel and philosophy generally)


<a onclick="highlightReply('396288', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#396288">&gt;&gt;396288</a><br/><a href="https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/1y8_RRaZW5X3xwztjZ4p0XeRplqebYwpmuNNpaN_TkgM/pub" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/1y8_RRaZW5X3xwztjZ4p0XeRplqebYwpmuNNpaN_TkgM/pub</a>


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Wealth of Nations and Capital: are they enough for understanding economics?<br/>And about Ricardo, which book is his main work that I need to read?


<a onclick="highlightReply('396550', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#396550">&gt;&gt;396550</a><br/>Focus on those, you don't need to read Ricardo after Marx


<span class="quote">&gt;<a href="https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/stalin/works/1924/09/20.htm" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/stalin/works/1924/09/20.htm</a></span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;to dupe the masses with high-sounding phrases about peace in order to prepare for a new war; to dazzle the masses with the brilliance of “democracy” in order to consolidate the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie; to stun the masses with clamour about the “sovereign” rights of nations and states in order the more successfully to prepare for intervention in China, for slaughter in Afghanistan and in the Sudan, for the dismemberment of Persia</span><br/>d- did Stalin just casually predict all this shit?


<a onclick="highlightReply('396979', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#396979">&gt;&gt;396979</a><br/>science bro<br/><br/><a href="https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1918/jun/29b.htm" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1918/jun/29b.htm</a>


<a onclick="highlightReply('396979', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#396979">&gt;&gt;396979</a><br/>wait this shit was IN FUCKING 1924!!!???


<a onclick="highlightReply('396979', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#396979">&gt;&gt;396979</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;casually predicted</span><br/>Anyone could've read the news. Imperialism started decades and decades ago. Hello, century of humiliation? Brits in Afghanistan? imperialism in India? Newfags lurk more.


<span class="quote">&gt;But even then the cul-de-sac stares one in the face. Look at England. The last new market which could bring on a temporary revival of prosperity by its being thrown open to English commerce is China. Therefore English capital insists upon constructing Chinese railways. But Chinese railways mean the destruction of the whole basis of Chinese small agriculture and domestic industry, and as there will not even be the counterpoise of a Chinese grande industrie, hundreds of millions of people will be placed in the impossibility of living. The consequence will be a wholesale emigration such as the world has not yet seen, a flooding of America, Asia and Europe by the hated Chinaman, a competition for work with the American, Australian and European workman on the basis of the Chinese standard of life, the lowest of all – and if the system of production has not been changed in Europe before that time, it will have to be changed then.</span><br/><br/>Engels predicted reform and opening up


<a onclick="highlightReply('402941', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#402941">&gt;&gt;402941</a><br/>Interesting, but completely incorrect about dire consequences for Chinese people leading to mass emigration


<a onclick="highlightReply('396550', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#396550">&gt;&gt;396550</a><br/>Adam Smith writes like shit and I don't think there's much to be gained from reading him, you'll get the gist on both him and Ricardo by reading Vol 2


<a onclick="highlightReply('394321', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#394321">&gt;&gt;394321</a><br/>just nietzsche, spinoza, marx and maybe bergson (though i never bothered), stop to appreciate artists he namedrops


<a onclick="highlightReply('386213', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#386213">&gt;&gt;386213</a><br/>Haven't read it but there's a book called Savage Peace by Ann Hagedorn that covers the chaos of 1919, including race riots and the red scare


I feel like I should read more during my downtime in work instead of shitposting. Is there anyway to make it more pleasant on the eyes other than just going through the pdf in adobe?


<a onclick="highlightReply('422542', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#422542">&gt;&gt;422542</a><br/>e-readers are great, highly recommended. if you're short for cash you can find a used kindle for a good price


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<a onclick="highlightReply('422542', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#422542">&gt;&gt;422542</a><br/>I think the best you can do on a computer is to lower your screen brightness and maybe use a blue light filter (although it's questionable whether they even help). Using epubs instead of PDFs is also good as Adobe Reader is an absolute piece of shit and epubs can be quite comfortable to read. Of course none of this compares to physical books or ereaders, so perhaps try to get a cheap Kobo or maybe a Kindle.


<a onclick="highlightReply('422968', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#422968">&gt;&gt;422968</a><br/>Are e-readers that much better? I like to read on the phone because it's like right there and I can go on libgen and immediately download stuff


<a onclick="highlightReply('423449', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#423449">&gt;&gt;423449</a><br/>There is an ereader thread on /tech/ with recommendations <br/>I love my ereader because it reads epubs, mobis, and pdfs, and the battery life is insane. <br/>I get most of my books from 1lib, but sometimes i go out of my way to look for .epubs


<a onclick="highlightReply('423449', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#423449">&gt;&gt;423449</a><br/>the thing about ereaders is that they don't use regular backlit displays which fuck with your eyes, but e-ink displays, which resemble real paper more. it's a very different experience.


<a onclick="highlightReply('422968', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#422968">&gt;&gt;422968</a><br/>I prefer to read actual books when I can for sure but I'm in an office I can pass off reading on the screen as working. I've tried out using an epub instead and it does seem better for sure so thanks on that front.


<a onclick="highlightReply('422956', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#422956">&gt;&gt;422956</a><br/>Buying an eReader and pritaing books is cheaper than buying paper versions and much more pleasant than reading on your computer screen


<a onclick="highlightReply('337512', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#337512">&gt;&gt;337512</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Harvey or Heinrich</span><br/>Here is a quote from Capital, chapter one: "Skilled labour counts only as simple labour intensified, or rather, as multiplied simple labour, a given quantity of skilled being considered equal to a greater quantity of simple labour. Experience shows that this reduction is constantly being made. A commodity may be the product of the most skilled labour, but its value, by equating it to the product of simple unskilled labour, represents a definite quantity of the latter labour alone."<br/>When the products are exchanged in the market, the product made by X hours of skilled work is usually worth more than the product made by X hours of unskilled work, so some quantity of skilled labor is equated to some (bigger) quantity of unskilled labor in the market. Harvey's comment: "Marx never explains what ‘experience’ he has in mind, making this passage highly controversial." Then more confused rambling follows.<br/><br/>Here's a quote from the foreword of Capital: "The value-form, whose fully developed shape is the money-form, is very elementary and simple. Nevertheless, the human mind has for more than 2,000 years sought in vain to get to the bottom of it all…"<br/>Heinrich says repeatedly that value is specific to capitalism.<br/><br/>These people aren't helping with understanding anything. I say just read Capital. Take your time, don't make any rules about reading X pages per day, just pick up the book regularly.


<a onclick="highlightReply('337512', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#337512">&gt;&gt;337512</a><br/>None. Harvey is a dumbass who denies that Marx had a LTV at all. Heinrich is just as stupid. Just read the book, working class people in the 19th and 20th century read it on their lunch break. Also saying 'kapital' is a LARP


<a onclick="highlightReply('285227', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285227">&gt;&gt;285227</a><br/>Test



<a onclick="highlightReply('337512', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#337512">&gt;&gt;337512</a><br/>Just be a chad and read both and come to your own educated conclusions. Don't be afraid to go against the grain if you disagree with some of the remarks made. Marx has been interpreted and will continue to be so for a long time and there won't ever be a perfect reading of him. Classics like Capital are read and reread because new bits make impressions that didn't before.




<a onclick="highlightReply('432159', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#432159">&gt;&gt;432159</a><br/>it is stickied you dummy, always has been


<a onclick="highlightReply('433847', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#433847">&gt;&gt;433847</a><br/>The mistake is understandable on our newfriend's part, as he, and most of us probably, use the overboards and that kind of negates pinned threads unfortunately. <br/>I wonder if this would be worth changing now that we have 3 types of overboards?


been getting into theory and recently got Value, Price and Profit + Wage Labour and Capital. i am just wondering what the utility of reading this is if labor theory of value is false? or is that porky propaganda? there seems to be a good amount of valid points against it


any book recs on planned economy?<br/>especially anything regarding OGAS?


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<a onclick="highlightReply('434235', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#434235">&gt;&gt;434235</a><br/>Short answer: Keep on reading. Then read Capital.<br/><br/>Long answer: There is no simple answer to the question of the LTV's validity. There are two main ways of dealing with this, I would say. Some of those in the tradition of so-called Marxian Economics have brought out empirical evidence of it. Cockshott is an example of this, and he is quite popular on this board, as I'm sure you've seen. Other thinkers, like the Neue-Marx-Lekture people, point out that Marx wasn't really an advocate of the LTV as it is normally understood, as that was the theory of Adam Smith, David Ricardo, etc, and Marx was really criticising it. These people prefer to present Marx's theory as primarily critical, not descriptive in a positive sense. Michael Heinrich is a representative of this kind of theory. <br/><br/>Here's a video of Cockshott discussing the labor theory of value and his take on its validity: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emnYMfjYh1Q" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emnYMfjYh1Q</a> . Attached are a few PDFs from Cockshott + Cottrell arguing in favor of the LTV and a PDF of Michael Heinrich criticizing so-called Marxian Economics. I don't fully endorse either position, just posting them so you can get a wider view of these things. <br/><br/>Ultimately I'll tell you to keep on reading what you are reading, as it is very important. And read Capital, as it is the most important book you can read regarding these questions.


<a onclick="highlightReply('435290', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#435290">&gt;&gt;435290</a><br/>holy shit, thanks a ton. really appreciated


Got any recommendations for rightoids on idpol and the culture war, urban rural antagonism, neoliberalism and the nation-state, what role liberal civil society has in capitalism/imperialism, how nationalist populism relates to imperialism and if it's 'fascist'


<a onclick="highlightReply('435824', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#435824">&gt;&gt;435824</a><br/>The Managerial Revolution by Burnham. All of Burnham is fine for paleocon stuff. <br/>Leviathan and its enemies by Samuel Francis.


<a onclick="highlightReply('436362', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#436362">&gt;&gt;436362</a><br/>I meant marxoid stuff for the record


<a onclick="highlightReply('436531', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#436531">&gt;&gt;436531</a><br/>Unironically the cultural Marxists like Adorno and the culture industry


<a onclick="highlightReply('436531', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#436531">&gt;&gt;436531</a><br/>You really don't need books to figure out the standard perspective of many of these issues. <br/><span class="quote">&gt;Neoliberalism</span><br/>Most Marxist theoreticians died before ever seeing this stage of capitalism; in any case you can get the main perspective by just browsing the site of literally any communist group or website regardless of sectarian differences.<br/>Generally the line is:<br/><span class="orangeQuote">&lt;Neoliberalism was inevitable since the falling rate of profit caused the dissolution of the post-WW2 consensus which itself was an abnormality in the overall history of capitalism since capitalism always been barbaric </span><br/><span class="quote"> &gt;Urban-Rural Antagonism</span><br/>Any serious Marxist will admit that forced collectivization is necessary and that the peasantry/farmers do not factor into classical Marxist class analysis. Lenin's tactical considerations such as land reform and NEP may be resorted to if necessary, but the overall goal to address rural/urban antagonism is to prole-atize the countryside by forcing all agricultural workers to get onto state-managed collective farms and to establishing a basic standard of living and benefits to avoid alienation. <br/><span class="quote">&gt;IDPOL/Culture War</span><br/>You already got everything you needed by browsing this board - basically all culture/race/etc. issues are distractions and convenient diversions organized by or seized upon by the ruling elite to avoid economic questions; I think Marx(?) or some other socialist talked about this when he remarked on the uselessness of the pro and anti-Prohibition debate as sucking up time and energy and distracting people from actual pressing problems. <br/><span class="quote">&gt;Imperialism and Liberal Society</span><br/>Unironically just read The Grayzone or follow their writers or even just MSM and highlight a work every time it mentions "human rights" "humanitarian intervention" etc. for examples on how modern day liberal signaling cues are utilized in service of imperialist objectives. <br/><span class="quote">&gt;National Populism vs Fascism</span><br/>Too many people have too little grounding in Fascism, specifically historical fascism in Italy and Germany and how it played out, so I would actually recommend two books in this case:<br/><br/>1) Fascism and Big Business by Daniel Guerin<br/>Goes over the two most famous fascist regimes in history by utilizing sources from that period (including the Fascists' own periodicals and newspapers) and analyzing what they were really (materially) doing. This is a pretty short read so I'd recommend this first. <br/><br/>2) Wages of Destruction by Adam Tooze<br/>Entirely focused on Nazi Germany, Tooze advances a thesis of how the Fascist outlook of Nazi Germany's society and leaders led inexorably to war and imperialism. <br/><br/>Having developed a better understanding of historical Fascist regimes, their characteristics, and how they came to power, you can then utilize your own brain and your own analysis of modern "Right-Populist" or nationalist political movements to figure out whether or not they really are Fascist. I'll leave it up to you but this is something you have to decide for yourself.


<a onclick="highlightReply('438266', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#438266">&gt;&gt;438266</a><br/>Thanks anon <br/>I just need stuff from a marxist perspective to make sense of the conflict between liberalism and populism


<a onclick="highlightReply('438266', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#438266">&gt;&gt;438266</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Any serious Marxist will admit that forced collectivization is necessary</span><br/>Whoa hold on there. Wtf are you saying right now? Is forced collectivization the reason why the USSR lost its dual-power base of workers and peasants? Some theorists even argue that this was the reason the bureaucracy could become as bad as it did


<a onclick="highlightReply('438695', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#438695">&gt;&gt;438695</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Is forced collectivization the reason why the USSR lost its dual-power base of workers and peasants</span><br/>Not at all, collectivization allowed peasants greater participation in soviets


This is not a joke or a shitpost but I'm finally starting Capital Vol 1 and I kinda don't want to because I feel like it's going to alienate me from other people even more<br/><br/>like what the fuck type of dude gets a girlfriend reading this shit


<a onclick="highlightReply('439498', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#439498">&gt;&gt;439498</a><br/>Hi PoMo


Hey bros I’m a newbie to philosophy and I wanted to know if it was better to start with: Camus, la Boetie, Plato, Sartre or Vaneigem.


<a onclick="highlightReply('439825', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#439825">&gt;&gt;439825</a><br/>Raul Vaneigem because he is very easy to read. If you plan on reading the Situ's you will get a better all around understanding from him as a beginner than you will anyone else.


<a onclick="highlightReply('439958', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#439958">&gt;&gt;439958</a><br/>Thanks! I also thought about Freud, Rousseau or Badiou but they're longer and harder I think


<a onclick="highlightReply('440052', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#440052">&gt;&gt;440052</a><br/>If the ideas Vanegiem portrays interests you I'd move on to Debord and probably get the Situationist Anthology if english is your first language. It's probably the best one to have.<br/><a href="https://www.akpress.org/situationistinternationalanthology.html" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.akpress.org/situationistinternationalanthology.html</a> In fact i'd say it's a very good one to start with, too.


<a onclick="highlightReply('441293', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#441293">&gt;&gt;441293</a> (me)<br/>Oh, and don't let any sperg intimidate you out of reading them through an irrational froffing hatred of 'post-modernists'.<br/>I know it shouldn't be said but it seems all to common in modern day.


Anyone got anything for the history of Arab and Chinese nationalism, Latin American and African anti imperialist/populist movements, and communist interactions with these?


Why would it preclude you from getting a girlfriend?


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Please add https://y2mate.red/ to the Frontpage links it's a (communist) free video/audio downloader that allows people to take videos from a lot of different video uploading sites. It's been pretty useful for me.



What makes a video downloader "communist"?


Not that anon but I feel the same, it's like I'm afraid of learning something new. Any books about this feeling? Give me something.


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Ok I'm close to finishing off Chapter 3 of Capital Volume 1 and I don't understand ANY of this bullshit

Some parts blow my fucking mind but I feel like you have to read this book like 12 times if you're a brainlet

Do you think the average right winger has read this shit?

btw no gf still


>bunch angry, fragile gibberish
But yeah, I feel the same way, lol. Fuck someone
telling me not to masterbate in the common area.
Good. Thanks. A few of those I missed on my first-pass of theory.
Any good suggestions for ykno practical applications of all this theory and theorizin' and big brain shit?
Like, an account or journal of someone on the ground when this took place and began to work out
I'm assuming on some small scale, but I have heard that even most small communes fold in a decade, and that's been my real life experience as well. So, maybe …yknow I'm sorta answering my own question here but a "The Farm" bio by ol Sehephen Gasgin or whatever his name is, something along those lines but more Leftypol approved?



aw, no epubs? Lp so basic!


We get a hardon for proprietary formats.


epubs should be allowed, were you unable to upload them? If so, what happened?


1st off, fuck paying 5-6 dollars for a fucking used paperback. Went into ye olde 1.2price bookstore. Yeah, fuck you and fuck all that. Plus, the amount of times these assholes have swindled me out of money when I was going through Dts/WDs and hard up for cash, they don't pay diddly shit and turn around and rape you. I used to go dumpster dive and sell the treasures at the next 1/2 price. Pickedup a lot of old Playboys and interesting collage material and a few good old ones. Made gas money and beer money for the night that way …for a few months. Etc. No one cares but anyways…it's a tactic anyone here can take up if you need scratch in a hurry. What else?

Can't Kindle erase all your books? And with the coming …I'm not even sure what they, or anyone, currently calls it but: Big tech browsing, scanning all your files to market segment ads to you, specifically, based on psychographics and possible harassing or just 'straight up' deleting files you acquired illegally]…not so sure buying a dedicated ereader is a good choice, but freely admit that I'm not really aware of the issues.
As far as …all that I mentioned above, the same applies on any PC you have connected online, esp if not running Linux or Linux based OS. (Which is a huge pain in the asshole as 90% of your softwares will require FT work to get them to run on Linux or Linux based OSs?)
Anyhow, I have a dedicated tablet with …fgn who knows, probably 10GBs of epubs and pdfs and use Lithium to read, highlight (only on epubs) and etc. I know Alexandra Elbakyan personally and thank her every time I see here for risking her life for her beliefs. (-_-)
No dice it just showed an 'x' and ..


What I'm suggesting here is 'chain' diving used bookstores. These wasteful snobs can be exploited and you'd be saving books from the garbage.


Don't buy a kindle, buy a kobo


Hey guys. I want to become a Marxist journalist. How do I learn to analyze current political events like Marx would?


just don't be sperglord


You learn by first having a sound theoretical base (that is read your damn books), getting knowledgeable regarding the events/country for which you want to write an article (not necessarily Marxist works or sources) and then post your article somewhere where enough people can read it and criticise it. Incorporate the good faith criticisms into your next works (you might encounter many sectarian based critics, e.g. "You have not cited my favourite obscure author of my microsect therefore you're an enemy of the proletariat", so you'll have to wade through those in order to get valuable inputs).
In other words:


If you actually have a personality being cultured and well read is a huge boon.


Anyone here have any suggestions for a biography on Marx and Engels? I'm looking for something more specifically on how they organized and fought for socialism in there lifetimes beyond writing theory.


Best resource for that is their letters and correspondence. The MECW is what you want, all 50 volumes of it.


MECW? What is that?


Marx & Engels's Collected Works.


Thinking about starting an audiobook for when I'm commuting/exercising. Is there a specialised pirate site for this or am I just going to have to fork over the cash to amazon if I can't find something I want?


have you tried just googling your desired book in audio format? a lot of them are distributed for free, you might even find something on youtube


Yeah this gets the job done most of the time but sometimes it's a battle so was just checking there wasn't a libgen esque site I was missing out on.


Can anyone recommend a book that covers the Prague Spring and the reforms it involved?


Does anyone have a backup of the law of value youtube series? https://kapitalism101.wordpress.com/2010/05/05/the-law-of-value-2-the-fetishism-of-commodities/

Seems to be missing from youtube


the whole series was collected into this one big video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hb6dXR6AfXE


Amazing thanks anon.



I love capitalism with socialist characteristics


A thread was made a while back on Venice and Athenian democracy. Did anyone by chance keep the names of the books?


I only have this one.


Hal Draper's Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution is all you need. Read all 5 books.


>I'm looking for something more specifically on how they organized and fought for socialism in there lifetimes beyond writing theory.
Read The Historic Accomplishment of Karl Marx by Karl Kautsky. It's a relatively brief pamphlet (written as a series of lectures) that specifically cuts out all the biographical and theoretical details to focus on Marx and Engels' political strategy in the Communist League and First International, and how it differed from the various communist sects of their time. It was only translated recently but it's seriously good.
>inb4 "Kautsky was a revisionist renegade"
This was by pre-renegade Kautsky and Lenin specifically endorsed this work. In fact the famous quote attributed to Lenin that Marxism is the "combination of German philosophy, English economics, and French socialism" is copied pretty much directly from Kautsky's pamphlet.
I second these recommendations, especially Hal Draper's books at least the first volume is good.

Finally, the Marx movie (The Young Karl Marx) is actually really well done and worth watching. The Marx anime produced by the CPC isn't quite as good but it is a thorough account of his life story. It's worth watching if you hate reading pure biographies but still want to understand some of the context behind their political works.



Recommend me books that will help me get rich.


Hmm. I'd recommend you do preliminary reading on how money is made. Assuming you're a leftist you have some idea, hopefully.

If you want to make money with rents, you'll need to buy something you can lend out. It doesn't have to be physical. There are many many markets. Some carry more risk than others.
Profit implies you're selling a commodity. You'll want to eventually exploit employees to gain profit. You'll have to put in a lot of work establishing procedures for your employees to follow. You'll also need to do reading on whatever your business niche is. Read books on how shit is made, market trends, etc.

If you want to make money via wages, including self-employment, your best bet is to save aggressively. There's also other stuff you can do, such as constantly apply to higher paying jobs, and negotiate better salaries. Usually, aggressive saving strategies have more impact than others. For this you can read lots of blogs etc that give you tips to save. Also, don't be scared to get into thrift shopping, garbage diving, especially if you're in the US.


what theory though? communism isnt based in anything scientific. karl marx had no background in economics, which is the science of personal choice.


>karl marx had no background in economics
Economics didn't even exist then you dumb retard. Political Economy was its precursor and was practiced by philosopher like Smith and Marx famously. Why are rightoids like you so braindead I wonder


adam smith published "wealth of nations" in 1776 and founded the formal study of economics. you can read about it if you dont believe me.


>The publication of Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations in 1776, has been described as "the effective birth of economics as a separate discipline."


>classical political economy



>>classical political economy
Which is called classical economics.

>Classical political economy
>Main article: Classical economics

>Classical economics or classical political economy is a school of thought in economics that flourished, primarily in Britain, in the late 18th and early-to-mid 19th century. Its main thinkers are held to be Adam Smith, Jean-Baptiste Say, David Ricardo, Thomas Robert Malthus, and John Stuart Mill. These economists

>>These economists

>Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations in 1776 is usually considered to mark the beginning of classical economics.

>Adam Smith FRSA (baptized 16 June [O.S. 5 June] 1723[1] – 17 July 1790) was a Scottish[a] economist

let me also reiterate:
>The publication of Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations in 1776, has been described as "the effective birth of economics as a separate discipline."

so yeah.


>it was always called political economy
>no, it wasn't, and the way Wikipedia organizes his articles, is the proof of that


>Classical economics or classical political economy is a school of thought in economics

its a sub category of economics meaning its economics. it says right there. it also says political economy is classical economics. >>582936


Smith never labeled his works as "classical economics", he labeled them as political economy
>But in retrospective economists grouped him and other economists as classical economists
Not what we are discussing you subhuman transhumanist


political economy is classical economics. its just a name, he is classical economics and economics as a distinct topic started with him. its not the name, its the content. so if you say "economics" didnt exist at the time of marx, you are patently incorrect. wealth of nations was released in 1776 and classical economists immediately built upon his work. go read about it.

allow me to repeat myself lol (fourth time)
>The publication of Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations in 1776, has been described as "the effective birth of economics as a separate discipline."


>Political economy is classical economics
So in reteospective Marx was an economist just like Smith

You really didn't think this through


calling yourself an economist doesnt make you one either. marx had no background or education in economics.


Because economics as a discipline didn't existed back then, it was called political economy, and he was a political economist


Also, friendly reminder Smith didn't have a formal education on "economics" either

Good job you utter imbecile, you have no argument and you must sneed


except political economy is called classical economics and also this >>582936

except adam smith founded modern economics and economic theory is based on his work, specifically his book "wealth of nations". its hard to be educated in something that didnt formally exist until you created it. >>582936

> First published in 1776, the book offers one of the world's first collected descriptions of what builds nations' wealth, and is today a fundamental work in classical economics

>The latter, often abbreviated as The Wealth of Nations, is considered his magnum opus and the first modern work of economics

the point of the matter is that economics did exist in marx's time. by that time there was a formal study of economics, there was a field of economists and marx had no education in it at all.

>It was not until 1767 that the phrase "supply and demand" was first used by Scottish writer James Denham-Steuart in his Inquiry into the Principles of Political Economy.

>Adam Smith used the phrase after Steuart in his 1776 book The Wealth of Nations. In The Wealth of Nations, Smith asserted that the supply price was fixed but that its "merit" (value) would decrease as its "scarcity" increased, this idea by Smith was later named the law of demand. In 1803, Thomas Robert Malthus used the phrase "supply and demand" twenty times in the second edition of the Essay on Population.[17]

If you understand anything about economics you would know that everything is built on this principle. it existed well before marx's time which should give you an idea that economics was a thing. simply throwing terminology around without under understanding what anything means just proves you dont know what you are talking about.


>Political economy is called classical economics
Therefore Marx, being a political economist, is a classical economists

>except adam smith founded modern economics and economic theory is based on his work, specifically his book "wealth of nations". its hard to be educated in something that didnt formally exist until you created it.

Lot's of words for "Smith also didn't have a background on economics"

Gg no re, retard


>karl marx had no background in economics
He literally studied the entire history of economic thought from the ancient greeks to the 19th century, lol.


Anyone have any favourite books on CIA/MI6 intervention?


he maybe claimed to. his education is in linguistics or something. the proof is in the pudding, the economic results of his system speak for themselves (they arent very good).

he was never educated in that and has no background in it, let alone practicing it.

>comparing marx to adam smith

adam smiths work is actually scientific and he founded modern economics. like literally the science of economics is based on his work because its actually correct. when your work is the foundation of classical economics which is the foundation of modern economic theory practiced worldwide, thats kind of significant.

by the time of marx economics was an established field of study with actual theory, marx received no education in it and had no background in it.


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>the science of economics
pic related, economists trying to figure out what the Economy wants.


Are you lying to yourself for pleasure or profit?
Lmao. I got that reference.


>doesnt know what economics is
just like marx!


show me a single economics


>he was never educated in that and has no background in it, let alone practicing it.
Uh lol. Marx earned a PhD in philosophy from one of the top universities of Germany and on top of that spent 10+ years at the British Museum library studying all the most important economists in preparation for Capital. He had some of the best education in the world when it came to economic thought.

>adam smiths work is actually scientific and he founded modern economics.

Adam Smith was a professor of moral philosophy. No such thing as economics was taught at the time. Political economy is what the field became known as, and no Smith didn't found it either, there were many influential economists before him like Petty, Cantillon, Quesnay, etc that he learned from. What is known as modern economics, aka neoclassical economics, is something that didn't appear until the late 19th century.
Also, do you realize much of Marx's work is based on Adam Smith, right? So why do you think Smith is scientific and right and Marx isn't?
>the science of economics is based on his work because its actually correct
It's not really based on his work. The core of modern economics is based on Walras' model of general equilibrium. Classical political economy was gradually abandoned by the mainstream in favor of the neoclassical economics of Walras, Jevons, Marshall, etc. This was partly in reaction to Marx's uncomfortable implications and the growing threat of the socialist movement. Marx was the cultimination and last of the classical economists in the vein of Smith, Ricardo, Mill, etc.


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"So the problem here is something which looked to be a very solid edifice, and indeed a critical pillar, to market competition and free markets did break down and I think that, as I said, shocked me. I still do not fully understand why it happened. And obviously to the extent that I figure out whrre it happened and why, I will change my view."

"What I've learned at the Federal Reserve is a new language which is called "Fed-speak". You soon learn to mumble with great incoherence." – Alan Greenspan

Wow! And this is the best economist in the United States!


“Karl Marx’s Das Kapital is actually a very thoughtful book.”
— High Shaman Greenspan


>“Karl Marx’s Das Kapital is actually a very thoughtful book.”
meaning what exactly? a statement with no meaning. it doesnt mean its grounded in anything real.


>society isn't real
easy there, Joker, you're gonna cut yourself on that edge


>Recommend me books that will help me get rich.
The only book you will need I promise you.


File: 1631923518630.pdf (2.26 MB, 232x300, 1601228631_dune.pdf)

This is a big book, for you.


hey, that's not theory


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That's just proof you haven't read it then.


William Blum Killing Hope is probably the most comprehensive black shirts and reds is also good


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Pdf for anyone interested


Any books on Capitalism’s destruction of culture?




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I keep getting owned by a marxist who is smarter and more well read than me on 4/lit/ and its pissing me off. If you are here, go fuck yourself.


>and its pissing me off
then you should stop leaving /pol/


>I keep getting owned by a marxist who is smarter and more well read than me on 4/lit/
Because you're a republicunt!!!


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better version of 3 (some covers differ but same books)


Anyone know of any decent books about everyday life in the ussr?
I read thru Behind The Urals but john scott seems like a spook


anyone got some book recs on polish socialism or just books made by polish leftists in general?


Most my political reading is done online. I follow vice and buzzfeed for anything on race and general social stuff, the canary for politics and class specific issues. I’m going to start reading paper based books just to get away from the screen for a while.


>I follow vice and buzzfeed



They both do some good investigative content. Vice recently did a story on a neo Nazi music festival that was allowed to take place somewhere in Eastern Europe. For a long time now I’ve believed political power in the institutions like media is as crucial as political power in government.

Look at the Trump regime, he ‘won’ but everything was geared against him and he achieved nothing, because the culture war is already lost for facists.


Bob Black should never be recommended. He was a literal FBI informant.



holy shit those feminist books, tsk tsk, first off Rosa got rekt, Emma was obviously a fed, Alexandra promoted the poly lifestyle into the USSR which is promoted by women today, Engels was a cuckold, Angela Davis, another fed and Simone was just a straight whore, no thanks.


no wonder your takes are this consistently absolute retarded shit


but both are liberal
and you must be EXCEEDINGLY wary


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which books or articles would you recommend to a diehard libertarian, to convince them marxism is compatible with their ethics?


The soul of man under socialism

But probably nothing without actually changing your ethics



Listening to the communist manifesto penguin classics. What do I read next?


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> listening


Read "Wage Labour and Capital" by ol K. Marx and "How to Be a Good Communist" by Liu Shaoqi.
take this (You)



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>"Elementary education by the state" is altogether objectionable. Defining by a general law the expenditures on the elementary schools, the qualifications of the teaching staff, the branches of instruction, etc., and, as is done in the United States, supervising the fulfillment of these legal specifications by state inspectors, is a very different thing from appointing the state as the educator of the people! Government and church should rather be equally excluded from any influence on the school. Particularly, indeed, in the Prusso-German Empire (and one should not take refuge in the rotten subterfuge that one is speaking of a "state of the future"; we have seen how matters stand in this respect) the state has need, on the contrary, of a very stern education by the people.
>A general prohibition of child labor is incompatible with the existence of large-scale industry and hence an empty, pious wish. Its realization – if it were possible – would be reactionary, since, with a strict regulation of the working time according to the different age groups and other safety measures for the protection of children, an early combination of productive labor with education is one of the most potent means for the transformation of present-day society.
>"5. Regulation of prison labor."
>A petty demand in a general workers' program. In any case, it should have been clearly stated that there is no intention from fear of competition to allow ordinary criminals to be treated like beasts, and especially that there is no desire to deprive them of their sole means of betterment, productive labor. This was surely the least one might have expected from socialists.
Why do people recommend Critique of the Gotha Program? It makes Marx look retarded.


Child labor as was seen in Britain wasn't even universal in Marx's time, it's bizarre he would write that.


>First one
You think the socialist programme should demand that the reactionary as fuck Prussian government have the complete power to dictate school curriculums? His point is that public education is good, complete centralization in the hands of the reactionary state is not.
>Second one
Yeah this is what's called polytechnics, applied in the USSR for example, look it up. Schools teach both theoretical content and practical productive content. Think woodwork, handicraft, mechanical, etc classes. Point is kids shouldn't be educated completely apart from the productive system, as knowing how to engage with modern practical/technical knowledge is vital. Children involved in productive processes from early on can become well educated proles and are prime material for the formation of class conscious, revolutionary workers, capable of self-managing in the context of a DotP, for example.
>Third one
He doesn't want prisoners to be treated as slaves, but rather as regular proles. Him calling it petty is because the program ignores all sorts of other way more important things and then says this as if it were highly relevant for the context. If the programme pretends to be as detailed and complete as to consider prison labor, it shouldn't be getting all the major points wrong.


Polytechnics are not the same thing as child labor. His argument isn't that children should be educated in the productive process, but that they should be used in production.


>with a strict regulation of the working time according to the different age groups and other safety measures for the protection of children, an early combination of productive labor with education is one of the most potent means for the transformation of present-day society.

idk doesn't seem that hard to comprehend


Anything by Henryk Grossman and Rosa Luxemburg


>trump lost because of cultural issues not because his decisions weakened american domestic and foreign economic interests

Keep on reading vice



Awesome analysis of how Buzzfeeds relatability may have its roots in Marxist thought.


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Can anyone recommend a world history book from ancient to present times with as little anti-communist bias a possible? I made the mistake of buying "A Little History of The World" by Gombrich only to afterwords learn it's a children's book and he's an anti-communist. But I'd like a single book covering briefly all of world history so I can learn which overall topics I want to delve into in more detail I guess



World History- A New Perspective; written by Clive Ponting who leaked documents to Labour MPs regarding the sinking of the Belgrano in the Falklands War.


Thanks this looks perfect


>Historical Materialism series

OP this download link is broken please reupload?


I doubt someone else has an archive like that available, but I can tell you most of those books are available on libgen, and lists of all the titles in the series can be found here:


So browse through the lists and look up whatever you find interesting on libgen.


Any reads that go into the destructive effects on Society of capitalism, especially relating to social media and TikTok etc


Pretty underrated, Haymarket has been publishing updated Kuhn translations of his work - his most famous the Law of Accumulation, is slanted for a full english release (the marxists.org version has a missing chapter) later this year.

Only economist of that time that didn't fall into some trap of underconsumptionist thinking as the cause of crises.


Curious if anyone would want to tackle Shaik's Capitalism and Crises book in a reading group, it requires some familiarity with neoclassical theory and at least Volume 1 of Capital, though you'll probably need to understand prices of production, turnovers, and the two department macroeconomic model.

There's an accompanying course for it on youtube.


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Anyone read picrel? It is admittedly from the country that brought us Eurocommunism and this book apparently somewhat reflects that (it's from 2011) but at least Zizek loved it so that's a plus.


>Gianni Vattimo
into the trash it goes.


Why is he bad? Don't really know anything about the guy which is why I asked


I don't really know how to put it other than he's a really shit communist. Like just have a look at his political career if you wanna have quick round down of him, facts speak more than words. And honestly he's probably more of a postmodernist than an actual communist.
If you want something good from Italy have a look at Losurdo.


How do leftists cope with the fact that life under commie leadership was so shitty that it couldn’t even compete with capitalism, a horrid system, when it came to giving workers a decent living standard, so much so that commie reactionaries had to build a wall to imprison its own working class.
How do you overlook that? What the fuck.


by remembering you are talking out of your ass about shit you don't know.


>>582595 does anybody know a good way to represent marxist reproduction schema visually? The only one ive ever seen is in the appendix to sweezys theory of capitalist development, but i dont think its very clear.


Theory is for bitch-ass hoes. I refuse to elaborate.


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The only theory I read.


What contributions has the Democractic Kampuceha made to Marxist theory. Genuinely curious.


>Marx & Engels Collected Works (900+ MB, 50 files)The official, complete works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels organized in 50 volumes and 3 categories.

Thanks for that, this way I don't have to spend £1,600.00 or use a shitty app.

Fuck you Lawrence & Wishart


Hey, a capitalist in the publishing business must protect his exclusivity.


Is it good?


Yes, this is a very good book


i am in tier one and i still did not studied the commune system in communism. currently reading "critique of the gotha programme" and understanding nothing. what to read before this?


I would say Socialism utopian and scientific and the Communist manifesto.


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Oh god there's so much to read

I feel the walls closing in, anons


How am I ever going to understand what actually happened during the Russian revolution and the eastern front when I cant even read through Capital :(
I just feel dumb when people start arguing about socialist history like what can I say, "is war a commodity?"
fuck me


just watch videos summarising stuff then fake it til u make it
they only savants about this shit are no life autists anyway


Day one of reading Capital. In the preface, Marx says something along the lines of the following (I paraphrase a lot):
>The problems caused by the development of capitalist production are juxtaposed by the problems caused by the incompleteness of that development, namely the social and political anachronisms arising from the passive survival of antiquated modes of production.
>Even when a society progresses towards the discovery of the natural laws of its movement, it can’t hastily overcome or legislate away the obstacles of each successive phase of its normal development. However, such can help to shorten and lessen the chaos and hardship arising from such transitions. Therefore, this work analysis the history, details and results of English factory legislation to such ends.
Can someone explain in a bit more detail what position Marx is advocating here?


It would be better if you could post some direct quotes. Which preface is this from?


Preface to the First German Edition (Marx, 1867), page 7. Based on these paragraphs:
>Where capitalist production is fully naturalised among the Germans (for instance, in the factories proper) the condition of things is much worse than in England, because the counterpoise of the Factory Acts is wanting. In all other spheres, we, like all the rest of Continental Western Europe, suffer not only from the development of capitalist production, but also from the incompleteness of that development. Alongside the modern evils, a whole series of inherited evils oppress us, arising from the passive survival of antiquated modes of production, with their inevitable train of social and political anachronisms. We suffer not only from the living, but from the dead. Le mort saisit le vif! [The dead holds the living in his grasp. – formula of French common law]
>As in the 18th century, the American war of independence sounded the tocsin for the European middle class, so that in the 19th century, the American Civil War sounded it for the European working class. In England the process of social disintegration is palpable. When it has reached a certain point, it must react on the Continent. There it will take a form more brutal or more humane, according to the degree of development of the working class itself. Apart from higher motives, therefore, their own most important interests dictate to the classes that are for the nonce the ruling ones, the removal of all legally removable hindrances to the free development of the working class. For this reason, as well as others, I have given so large a space in this volume to the history, the details, and the results of English factory legislation.
>One nation can and should learn from others. And even when a society has got upon the right track for the discovery of the natural laws of its movement – and it is the ultimate aim of this work, to lay bare the economic law of motion of modern society – it can neither clear by bold leaps, nor remove by legal enactments, the obstacles offered by the successive phases of its normal development. But it can shorten and lessen the birth-pangs.


Ah, I see. Thank you for posting the source.

I suppose Marx isn't really 'advocating a position' here as you said, but simply observing capitalist development in Germany. His view being that the introduction of industrial production techniques in what was at the time a still backwards country - in terms of property relations, legislation, the whole composition of the state, etc - turned out to be much more gruesome than in a country like England where capitalist development had been around for longer, thus being able to slowly develop alongside the bourgeois-democratic and labor movements. In England, the development of industry had accompanied the slow development of a labor movement (Chartism, for example) as well as bourgeois-democratic forms which allowed for some reforms to be applied (the Factory Acts he refers to, as well as various other reforms mentioned later). This situation made it so that the state was compelled to produce actual research on the economic and social conditions of England, something that couldn't be said for Germany. The recent economic development of Germany, under the conditions of the Bismarck political era had still not allowed the possibility for study. England had the Blue Books and factory inspection reports (sources that you will see Marx refer to frequently as you go through the book), Germany did not, making things more nebulous, both for theorists like Marx and for bourgeois-democratic reformers. I guess it speaks to why Marx chose to use England as the main example for capitalism in the book - not only was it the country in which the economic forms were most developed, but it was also the only country in which the *literature* necessary to accomplish such a study was available.

Ultimately if there is a 'position' Marx is advocating here, it is that capitalist development and """decent""" living standards for workers are not in opposition as bourgs liked to claim, exemplified by the reforms applied in England (or 20th century welfare state capitalism). These reforms came, limiting how much workers could be exploited and establishing basic working conditions, yet capitalism kept chugging along. There was no collapse of industry, as porky said would happen. Similar reforms could be applied in Germany, in order to mitigate the worst effects of industrialism, but the political and technical-managerial development necessary to apply them had not been fully achieved yet.


The West is one big delusion due to a liberal interpretation of Plato. Externalism. Abstract "Truth" from another world. "Another world". Christianity is Platonism for the masses. The abstract Forms of the "Free Market" and the "Invisible Hand" is affirmed over the material conditions.

The big question is how does Marxist conquer Platonism and bring its theory into its own service.


Thanks anon.


hey lp piratefag here, I've been thinking that people should make a big torrent of leftypol essentials (books, movies, podcasts, etc) I'd do it myself if I wasn't a lazy fuckkin stoner, but I'm sure there's someone here that could do it. If you ever make a thread on something like it, i'll look at it


There's already a torrent thread on /edu/ with torrents for the complete works of Marx, Engels, Lenin and selected works of various others >>>/edu/6444


ah i see. don't do drugs kids lol



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so I bought this commie book, but I don't really trust myself to understand it 100%
I know it is already basically a reading guide, but is there a reading guide for this reading guide?


>suggests to start with Logic first. Any thoughts?
Don't do that. Hegel regarded the Phenomenology as the introduction to his system, and that's the best place to start. It is hard, but neither the Science of Logic or the Encyclopedia Logic will be kinder to you.

If you're not familiar with Kant, I'd actually suggest starting with Kant and some sort of guidebook or guidebooks, depending on how much pre-Kantian philosophy you've read.


Does reading actually make you any better or smarter than other people? Why do we read? Why are we here?

How did I even find this website!?


>Does reading actually make you any better or smarter than other people?
No, it only makes you less prone to say stupid things. That may make you seem better or smarter to other people, but it doesn't necessarily make you better or smarter.


Manual improvement to intelligence requires very specific activity, the brain is a particular muscle with its own regimentation. Neuroscientists have proven the possibility of intellectual improvement and raised capabilities, while meanwhile psychometricians (reactionary retards who don't actually understand biology/genetics, physiology, or neurology) disagree with the idea that you can lastingly improve your fluid intelligence.


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What are some good texts on how capitalism destroys culture?
Bonus points if it can elucidate what we see with TokTik and other social media


Schumpeter and creative destruction.


>beginners reading list
>10 massive books written a hundred years ago

speaking as a educator, can I have a beginners list that is actually a beginners list and not just ML wank? Yes, include Capital, but we shouldn't be loading up beginners with stacks and stacks of old stuff FFS


What're some good books on Juche? I heard "Essential Juche Works" is horribly translated and I'm not sure if there are others that people would recommend.



Should I read How to Read Donald Duck by Ariel Dorfman and Armand Mattelart? I am not very experienced in regards of theory, I have only read the Capital Volume 1.

Also, what books will help me to make Marxist analysis on different things, such as literature and film? Would prefer something that is widely translated.


The weakness of the Left and the weakness of the Right are essentially the same thing, failure to deal with people that misrepresent your group, aka mainstream media.

If you want to change the status quo at all and form a movement you have to be able to convince people of your position, but you can't do that in an environment where the mainstream media gets more screen time and misrepresents your position using out of context information or their own stand ins to represent you.

The mainstream media is controlled by the USA Federal government. They control the hiring, they keep journalists under a microscope and have leverage over them. They are committed to preserving the status quo and the current billionaire families above all else and will COINTEL anything that represents genuine change.

Their goal is to misrepresent every political opposition group and get them to attack each other while leaving the current regime in power without using any of their resources for defense or drawing any lines in the sand that show they aren’t a neutral party at all, but a distinct party totally out for itself.

There’s an easy way to ruin their strategy and that is to create a list of priorities held by the population, not the political group, and pursue them in order of priority as sole movements.

Instead of the Left or the Right, why not make it about executing the politicians and Federal agents responsible for gutting the USA economy and transferring wealth and power to unmerited dirt-bags in their club?

And you could just go down the list of issues ranging from eliminating bad crony families until you reach a point where there is an actual dispute between the Left and the Right.

You will never resolve the problems that are unique to the Left or the Right so long as the Federal government/corporate structure can keep the Left and the Right fighting with each other to stay in charge. You have to wonder just how many conflicts we would have with them removed from the equation, though.

The current Federal law enforcement are in cahoots with the billionaires and foreign governments that don't give a damn about Americans, Europeans, Australia, or New Zealand. There is no reason to expect any of the problems will be resolved until they're gone, since they profit from continuing the problems forever and they are the ones that created them in the first place.


>Ok here's the problem, but I won't present any solutions
Idk in which world you think this constitutes an effortpost or a post of valuable insight



Because it hasn't been tried.

Political movements in the USA rarely take off because they tend to include things people don't all agree on and then the existing real political groups (not the DNC or RNC) conflict.

But if you had only one message, only one objective at a time, that everyone, EVERYONE, agreed with, it would have no opposition on the ground. The TV could be screaming whatever it wanted to try to disuade people, but it would have no effect because the movement was so concisely built around 1 single issue everyone wanted resolved.

You know why the media doesn't have segments where people argue for why the billionaires and all the politicias and Federal law enforcement that defend them from the public they're exploiting?

It's because there is no argument for defending the billionaires that have gutted and ripped off this country and ruined hundreds of millions of lives with unjustified poverty.

To even attempt to touch the subject would backfire because the situation in the USA is so grossly immoral.

If you want to change this system, you have to think about it in terms of virality. How fast can you spread your movement and mobilize people before the state clamps down? If your movement spreads faster because everyone already agrees with it and people mobilize with guns and local law enforcement refuse to defend the billionaires, political sellouts, or the Feds that work for them; then you've accomplished real change.

But you're unlikely to do that if you make your movement about so many niche issues that carve your base down to next to nothing.

The boomer politicians fucked us and wrecked the country so they could be a tiny bit more wealthy on cheap import scams and artificially inflating the cost of housing. Some people profited wildly from this and likely were the ones that instigated it in the first place, they are called the billionaires. And nothing is being done about it because some sellouts called Feds are siding with these people that ruined the country economically instead of us.

If you keep it to that and tell everyone, "Get your fucking guns it's time to clear these bastards out! Half of you go here, half of you drive out to the other cities to tell other people the revolution starts now.", there's very little the Federal government could do to stop it from spreading across the country at a time like this when all across the country people are starting to realize they are never getting the American dream because of them.


Does anyone here know anything about this book, or where I can find an English translation?


You know why the media doesn't have segments where people argue against executing all the billionaires, all the federal politicians, and the Federal law enforcement that defend them from the public they're economically genociding?*


How exactly are you going to 'deal with the mainstream media'? Ask everyone to stop watching it?


Any 'unbiased' histories of socialist countries or socialism in general?


>Any 'unbiased' histories
stopped reading there


Thats why I put it in quotation marks?


Well that essentially just negates the "unbiased" descriptor… leaving what?
Do you mean a materialist history and one believed to be factual? Or something else?


I get it. "Socialism" is inevitable. So is death. But you don't see me taking a random stroll into a busy intersection, now do you?


There should be more Hoxha in the reading list, given he was a prominent figure in anti revisionist marxism leninism


Any books that comprehensively cover US history from a Marxist perspective? I've already read Zinn's


Why are you guys debating wether something can be unbiased, I realised that was a controversial proposition so I purposely made it ambiguous so people can project their own answers unto it.


You want something without the author injecting their own opinions and values into the text? The problem is the author still needs to pick and choose what information to include based on space and how much they trust the sources.


I have read it when I was a young Marxist I would suggest reading this book twice. Once, you can skip around a bit the first section is the hardest but other than that it is one of the best primers for getting into Marxism.


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Anons, I’m looking for the general overview of the recent global political situation. I’m interested in pic rel or something simillar. Basically the overview book about the modern warfare and ongoing or potential conflicts in various areas of the world.

I’m also looking for the general geopolitical atlas, with the history, politics and economy of each region or country described. It would be the the best if it would be from the last 5 years so it’d be actual.


Something like this but more actual would be good (Although this one is mostly about geopolitics). If I’ll not find anything newer I’ll just stick to that one.


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Is Michael Parenti a Marxist Leninist ?


History of labor series and Marxism in the united states


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Someone make a list of 100 books so we can roll for them. Trips is all three volumes of Das Kapital.


Any recs for books on CIA/20th-Century imperialist/covert operations? Reading Jakarta Method and Men Who Stare At Goats (lmao) atm.


William Blum Killing Hope most comprehensive, Vijay Prashad Washington Bullets for a short overview


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What are some good books about the Soviet government and how it developed from Lenin to Stalin to Khrushchev? Something about how it functioned and its connection to the people, the politics around the Purges, Khrushchev's coup and its consequences, etc.


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I would reccomend Mao's critiques of Soviet economics if you are an ML. They are rather in depth and Mao provides plenty of context for said critiques. I've already suggested this book to a bunch of people, but Realities of Social-Imperialism by Raymond Lotta juxtaposes soviet economics pre-Krushchev with those post-Krushchev. I'll post that here again later today ig.


Samir Amins "Russia and the long Transition from Capitalism to Socialism"


OP reading list is really bad. Here's the certified hood classics Marx and Engels reading order:

The Condition of the Working Class in England:
Manifesto of the Communist Party:
The Class Struggles in France, 1848 to 1850:
Address of the Central Committee to the Communist League, 1850:
The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte:
Wage Labour and Capital
Inaugural Address of the First International:
The Civil War in France:
On Authority:
Conspectus of Bakunin’s Statism and Anarchy:
Engels to Karl Kautsy in Vienna, 1882:
Circular Letter to August Bebel, Wilhelm Liebknecht, Wilhelm Bracke and Others:
Speech at anniversary of the People’s Paper:

Letter from Marx To his Father In Trier:
Marx to Ruge, 1943:
Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right:
On The Jewish Question:
The Holy Family:
Preface to A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy:
Pre-Capitalist Economic Formations:
The British Rule in India:
The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State:
The Poverty of Philosophy:
Critique of the Gotha Programme:
Value, Price and Profit:
The Grundrisse:
Theories of Surplus-Value:


<"waaaaah stop throwing books at me"
if you wanna have academic-level discussions of marxism beyond grunting and hooting and liberal pedestrian epistemic assumptions, then you'll put in the reading


>reading order
This isn't a reading list, it's just every major work by Marx and Engels in order of writing. Of course any self-professed Marxist should be familiar with these works, but this is by no means an introductory list for retards on an imageboard. This is like from handing someone curious about Marx all 50 volumes of the MECW lol.


yes, historical context is a big part of it. their ideas weren't immutable
>this is by no means an introductory list for retards on an imageboard


misses the point of this thread


then the point of the thread is pointless. there's no use in a half-assed understanding of theory


what happened to the leftyread.ml website
it was really fancy


migrated to marxists.xyz which is still under construction



>Israel is reportedly developing a biological weapon that would harm Arabs while leaving Jews unaffected, according to a report in London's Sunday Times. The report, citing Israeli military and western intelligence sources, says that scientists are trying to identify distinctive genes carried by Arabs to create a genetically modified bacterium or virus.

>The "ethno-bomb" is reportedly Israel's response to the threat that Iraq may be just weeks away from completing its own biological weapons.

>The "ethno-bomb" program is based at Israel's Nes Tziyona research facility. Scientists are trying to use viruses and bacteria to alter DNA inside living cells and attack only those cells bearing Arabic genes.
>The task is very complex because both Arabs and Jews are Semitic peoples. But according to the report, the Israelis have succeeded in isolating particular characteristics of certain Arabs, "particularly the Iraqi people."
>Dedi Zucker, a member of the Israeli parliament, denounced the research in the Sunday Times. "Morally, based on our history, and our tradition and our experience, such a weapon is monstrous and should be denied."
>Last month, Foreign Report claimed that Israel was following in the ignominious footsteps of apartheid-era research, in their supposed efforts to develop an "ethnic bullet."

Did they ever get it to work?


South Africans worked on a similar project 30 years ago, it's theoretically possible, but not something they would advertise.


>Did they ever get it to work?
Biological means that it will evolve. You can't realistically use genetic programing to make organisms not use all available food sources, they could possibly adapt to, that would be a huge evolutionary disadvantage. It would immediately mutate, once you set it free.

Also Zionists trying to work out a method to oneup the holocaust is still shocking, even if it's not that surprising.


>Tfw Israelis create a super pandemic that aniholates all of mankind because they were still trying to smite the phillestines in the 21st century


Everyone on leftypol wants to smite phillistines. Haven't you read Marx, Lenin, or Trotsky?


>Marx to Ruge, 1943


really this gets pinned?


>really this gets pinned?
The reading general?



While the low literacy rates are probably true, their conclusions regarding income are retarded.


What do you anons think about the Socialist Manifesto by jacobinmag?

I'm reading it right now and there is lots of stuff written on the history of leftist movements in the world, it has sweden russia and china.


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WSWS unironically gives a more objective overview of news than Jacobin. Remember that whenever you read a Jacobin article bashing a foreign nation or supporting the Democrats that it's a glowie magazine.
Non-definitive list of glowie shit that Jacobin has done:
>Supporting the CIA-funded Solidarity "trade union" "movement" operating in Communist Poland
>Supporting Biden full throttle and delving deep into the whole "he can be pushed left" bullshit
>Agitating against China and believing in the made-up-by-one-guy "uyghur genocide"
>Running anti-Belarus and Lukashenko articles until the color revolution collapsed and then retroactively "discovering" that they were neoliberals intent on privatization
>Running anti-Morales articles in the lead up to the Bolivian coup
>Running anti-Assad/Syrian government articles during the civil war
>Running anti-Ortega articles and also taking part in a conference with US/glowie funded right-wing Nicaraguan opposition activists

<SocDem flag

If you like Keynes you'll realize that only socialists can implement what he wanted to implement. Take the REDPILL.


Well let me tell you about my opinion

assad is not a socialist and he is a war criminal and has done numerous crimes against humanity

the Uyghur Genocide is real and is happening


>the Uyghur Genocide is real and is happening


Probably the fake "Uighur Tribunal" they recently had.


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I decided to try Manufacturing Consent (2002 edition) as my first big political book.
The introduction is 38 pages long, excluding the nine pages of additional notes. Was I supposed to skip to the preface and just start there? Is not an introduction for briefly introducing the reader to the concepts elucidated thereafter? Or do books want to be Lego Star Wars Collectors Edition: Money Grab Re-release by adding a dozen years of history to the start instead of integrating it to form an improved overall work.
Or am I the asshole for thinking at least with books a reboot would be well-made?

I mean it had a couple of interesting points regarding the internet and changes since initial publication making media industry consolidation trends evident but after 20 pages of not-even-the-real-book it gets old.


long introductions, especially for something that's been reissued several times, are normal. The Communist manifesto has three introductions and four prefaces.


Last month there was a thread about quantum shit and somebody posted a pdf with a book debunking various quantum woo, I read a couple of chapters but then went on winter vacation and the pdf 404d, anyone saved it? I'd like to finish reading.




I know there's probably no real answer to this question..
but where can I get the least biased information on the 1989 Tiananmen square incident?


This is it, thanks.


I am first reading The Capital, so do not mind the n00b question. Marx says that commodities have a worth, [b]determined by how useful it is,[/b] and a value, determined by abstracting the worth. But Marx also says that by abstracting the worth, it is also abstracted [b]the work that was used to make the commodity.[/b]
1)The worth is how useful something is or the work that it took? Because a piece of paper is more useful than a diamond necklace, yet the diamond necklace takes more work, therefore it is more expensive.
2)What is abstraction? Because the final price involves more variables instead of just the worth.


just keep reading on


he explains it all in sequence


ok so there is economics and dialectics but for carrying out and maintaining a revolution is stalin's foundation of leninism a good start or is there better secondary works?


Stalin is a theorylet and very of his time. Have you read Lenin? Lenin is timeless.


Kinda strange not to elaborate imediately, but anyway;
>Were these two objects not qualitatively different, not produced respectively by labour of different quality, they could not stand to each other in the relation of commodities. Coats are not exchanged for coats, one use value is not exchanged for another of the same kind.
Do he elaborate this later too?


I plan to, but I prefer to read something that's self consciously
ML, since trots and maoists also claim Lenin.


>Because a piece of paper is more useful than a diamond necklace
lol what? you can write on a piece of paper, you can make airplanes out of it, but that's it. paper is not a tool in most cases. a diamond necklace has diamonds and gold in it (presumably). diamonds can be used to cut glass, in light experiments, to drill holes, and so on. gold can be used as wire, or radiation shielding, or in medical implants because it doesn't interact with the skin cells.
>yet the diamond necklace takes more work, therefore it is more expensive.
>2)What is abstraction?
abstraction is when you take something, often complicated, from the real world and then give it a mental/theoretical existence or explanation. for example, we can see that we have many banana growers, who send them to several sorting centres, and then it all ends up in several stores. to model this situation (because we want to calculate average cost of bananas, for example) we can "abstract" the banana growers into one banana grower, the distributors into one distributor, and the stores into one store. now we have a mental representation of a complex system that consists of one grower, one distributor and one shop. this makes it easier for us to talk about the complex system without getting bogged down into the details.

When Marx says you "abstract" the labour from it, he is making a metaphysical move. A commodity is a complex thing, it is a sum of all the relationships that went into making it. It isn't only composed of labour, but of materials, which in turn required their own labour to make. However, if you abstract labour from a commodity you're basically saying this is the important bit, this is what gives the commodity its value, what creates it and brings it into existence, without labour there is no commodity. and you can't abstract iron from a commodity, because not all commodities have iron in them, so that doesn't make sense, but all commodities have labour in them. so by abstracting labour you're finding the common denominator, so to speak, between all commodities.


Any book to improve debating and rhetoric skills?


Aristotle's Rhetoric


Hello, I was wondering how I can get into Western Marxism because I think it is a very smart and advanced tendency of marxism. I already read a lot of marx and engels (except for das kapital) and I want to read other authors in marxism. So I want some sort of recommendations or reading list for western marxism


should probably read Capital (and althusser after) unless you are more into the hegelian side then read Benjamin and the Frankfurt school.


Erich Fromm
Antonio Negri
and yeah, you're right, Western Marxism and the related tendencies are the future.
Althusser? more like Alt-loser.


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>Western Marxism and the related tendencies are the future


she kinda bad tho


i love white women


It's weird you are grouping in Lukacs, Gramsci and Habermas with Postone who is pretty critical of the later. I think Postone is better aligned with just reading Marx especially the Grundrisse moreso than even Capital for P. and maybe Althusser (why the hate?)


>Erich Fromm
>Antonio Negri
rest are shit
read Capital
also check out the council communists and situationists and communizers as they were important currents that interacted with it


Now you're getting it. That's why they push ponzi schemes, crypto and being a sigma grindset entrepreneur. Read "Making of the Indebted Man". If you're your own boss, you can't revolt.


>Look at the Trump regime
>saying this unironically


It would help you if you read all the eristics tools used to gas light people with arguments that sound convincing, while they hide a fallacy.


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>It would help you if you read all the eristics tools used to gas light people with arguments that sound convincing, while they hide a fallacy.
Those sound like fun!




Is there any essential prior reading I should do before reading this?


Not really imo. It helps to have a background in computer science to understand the math, but even if you gloss over those parts it's pretty accessible.


it's meaningless garbage whipped up to capitalize on an historic moment, so no


You should have familiarity with the history of the USSR. Some rudimentary familiarity with the history of materialism, science and technology would also do you good.
Cope, idealist.


>Is there any [thing] I should do before reading this?
you should hop onto a time machine and go to the 1970s




this is such lib bullshit holy shit lol


Incredible reasoning, the masses are in awe


i don't need the masses to tell me to call out the "they're not concentration camps they're re-education camps" carrd for what it is


Not here to start shit. I do hope you keep this post up because all I want is advice on how best approach marxism from an unbiased perspective.
I quit /pol/ a year ago after getting bored, got more and more dissolutioned with white superiority and fascism. Now I think it's all fake and designed to divide and conquer. I don't want anything to do with who I used to be.
I started with the manifesto and got confused after a couple pages, so for now I'm just reading short texts like the principles of communism and preface of contribution to the critique of political economy. I feel like im too retarded to understand the basics so all I want with is help getting started.(no)




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I know it's been a long time, but I'll answer. There are translations in English, Italian, Danish, Turkish, etc.



read all 5 volumes of this series. Read it slowly and take notes. If you're confused don't give up. Google until you're not confused anymore then continue.



>Reading Jakarta Method and Men Who Stare At Goats (lmao) atm.

Heard of "Men Who Stare At Goats," what's that about?

Sounds like something Republicans would accuse brown 3rd-worlders of doing, cept more than just "staring" lol.


NTA but it's about an actual CIA project to harness psychic powers to kill people with your minds. Their biggest success was staring at a goat and "making it have a heart attack", when in reality it was just an old goat.
Here's a clip from the author on Joe Rogan


Sakwa was on Aaron Mate's show recently, and I think Mark Ames recommended his books (not 100% sure)






Can I for the love of God skip the Gundrisse?


No. You WILL read it and you WILL enjoy it.


Finishing Capital isn't enough anymore, you have to read Grundrisse and Theories of Surplus-Value too if you wanna consider yourself a Marxist


Ah, a fellow anti-Dickblaster. Nice that there still exists people with reason.


Can I get any recommendations on alienation?
I'm broadly across Marx and estrangement from labour, rather I'm looking for a broader sociological examination of social alienation from a Marxist perspective - how capitalism shapes society and estranges people from others generally.


Stay away from any works written by I.I.Rubin, the value theorists, … and read works by Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Hoxha. I recommend Marx's Capital volume 1, in which you will find vivid descriptions of "alienation".


>vivid descriptions of "alienation"
>in Capital
name one passage



literally Capital


if you want something “empirical”, you’re not gonna find it


>meaningless garbage
<maths is hard


Hello. Can anyone recommend me introductory books about "left" economy (read as anti-capitalism in general)? I don't have patience nor the intellectual background to properly read Das Kapital and understand it, as it's a complex book. Right now I'm reading Ha-Joon Chang and Lenin.


check out " Marx's 'Das Kapital' For Beginners "


or you can download it from library genesis website for free.


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Is pic related a good introduction to Marx? Seems like it has most of the important texts.


Looking through the index, it seems the selection of texts is indeed pretty decent. Just keep in mind the vast majority of those texts are abridged, so you'll probably want to read them in full some time later. I would also advise you to check out other options such as The Marx-Engels Reader by Robert C. Tucker (pdfrel). It includes writings from Engels as well, and is not bound to a strictly chronological order like the McLellan. This matters because you really don't want to get stuck reading Marx's early journalistic work (as it is frankly not worth spending too much time on), you're better off quickly moving on to his political/programmatic works and his mature critique of political economy.


Nice, thanks. I was looking for a book with a decent collection of texts so I don't have to read pdf's or from marxists.org.


get The Political Writings from Verso too


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Does anyone has the PDF of that book? I'm reading the Lenin's electoral strategy and in the preface author states that it's the best introduction both to the topic and to his own book.


ngl I have been reading the books of Miguel Serrano and I feel more powerful every day. I can feel my Aryan consciousness rising. I meditate every day now for at last 20 minutes. I'm experiencing a clarity of thought and a totalising Aryan spirit predominates my consciousness. I'm still a communist obviously, but I recommend everyone to not neglect your spiritual side. We're quickly becoming dissidents and you're going to need to be spiritually healthy if you're going to survive and not get broken down by the pig system. I'm not going to preach "esoteric Hitlerism" to you - go with wherever your intuition leads you. It's your own spiritual journey.


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What's the best physical version of Capital for people with sweaty hands?


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>The famous philosopher Plato was a contemporary of Diogenes, who believed that ideas are the basis of reality. Diogenes, however, criticized him for being too theoretical. He often mocked Plato by disturbing his lectures.

>On one occasion, Plato was given praise because of his definition of a human being, namely: ‘a featherless chicken’. As a response, Diogenes plucked a chicken, entered Plato’s Academy, and said: “Behold! I’ve brought you a man!”

>Plato certainly wasn’t the only one he mocked. One day he visited the marketplace in broad daylight with a lantern, examining random people, saying: “I’m looking for a human being. I haven’t found any”. Of course, he meant to say that everyone he encountered in the marketplace had already lost touch with their humanity.


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>He often mocked Plato by disturbing his lectures
The virgin Plato vs the Chad Diogenes…lel


He really was a Chad. I could never pull off living in a barrel.


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>I could never pull off living in a barrel.
oh god, because it will be a pod


<it will be a pod
Why, don't these guys also want to control pop. growth and kill gorillions as it stands? Why also pods,shit's like soap operas


>28 MB
Surprisingly small, seeding as we speak.


Marx/Engels Collected Works:

Marx2Mao PDF Library:
—Marx: Volume 1 of Capital and all 3 volumes of Theories of Surplus-Value
—Lenin: All 45 volumes of his Collected Works by Progress Publishers
—Stalin: First 14 volumes of his Works published by Foreign Languages Publishing House (Moscow)
—Mao: All 5 volumes of his Selected Works by Foreign Languages Press (Beijing)


based schizo


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for music chart you should add
Charlie Haden - Liberation Music Orchestra
Ornette Coleman - Crisis


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what does leftypol think of this? o_O


In a nutshell, why do you consider it 'meaningless' or unreasonable?
Not gonna debatebro in the sticky, just want to try and understand what's the issue and look into it.


good polemic


>Who is a better companion to kapital? Harvey or Heinrich.
Both disgustingly bad. Harvey denies the LTV exists and Heinrich has a circulationist notion of value (which is just as dumb as a purely productionist notion of value).


Leftist lit is comfy as fuck, but I've never been able to forget that meme I once saw with the fat-cat capitalist holding a long unfurled scroll of leftist 'theory' books to read. "Here's your reading material, comrade."


Plato destroyed him with one line: "How much pride you expose to view, Diogenes, by seeming not to be proud."
The same fatal criticism applies to anyone making a public spectacle of ego transcendence, such as the overwhelming majority of Internet Zen enthusiasts.


>companion to kapital


Why not?


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Anyone got any particularly cool looking editions to share?

I find that a lot of Marxist lit tends to look, well, bland (looking at you, ubiquitous piss-yellow ML editions; you know the ones, with the author's name in red and the title in black, and not much else). Obviously this shit doesn't actually matter but damn, at least make it so it doesn't look thrown together in MS paint in 5 minutes and I think it'd be cool to see what's out there.

I like the old modernist Pelican/Penguin ones from the 60s; shame they didn't publish more - good selection of Marx's lib predecessors tho: Smith, Mill, Ricardo et al.


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Anything in Haymarket's Historical Materialism series. Their old covers used modernist art, while the newer ones use these pretty flowery patterns.



>reading general
also they look gaudy. print quality on them is great though, i still have a few pristine ones printed in the 60s and 70s
blatant copy of NYRB’s style, and it’s ugly
theory books should have minimal, constructivist covers



Pretty much the best take down of the modern academic left, from a Marxist, Materialist position there is.
Reminder that Marxism is science and Idpol is PMC masturbation.


wow already on the terminology note this is bad


Are there any book reccs that will answer my question of "do we live in an artificially scarce economy?" using actual data and not just theoretical/conspiratorial arguments?

'We' can be a country (like USA) or the world, I don't mind which.

I am already aware of why capitalism incentivizes scarcity, the question is about how much we currently produce, or how much we could produce if farms and stores and etc didn't waste usable goods, compared with how much we need and want.





Roughly one-third of the food produced in the world for human consumption every year - approximately 1.3 billion tonnes - gets lost or wasted.
Food losses and waste amount to roughly US$ 680 billion in industrialized countries and US$ 310 billion in developing countries.
Industrialized and developing countries dissipate roughly the same quantities of food - respectively 670 and 630 million tonnes.
Fruits and vegetables, plus roots and tubers have the highest wastage rates of any food.
Global quantitative food waste per year is roughly 30 per cent for cereals, 40-50 per cent for root crops, fruits, and vegetables, 20 per cent for oilseeds, meat and dairy plus 30 per cent for fish.
Every year, consumers in rich countries waste almost as much food (222 million tonnes) as the entire net food production of sub-Saharan Africa (230 million tonnes).
The amount of food wasted every year is equivalent to more than half of the world's annual cereals crop (2.3 billion tonnes in 2009/2010).
Per capita waste by consumers is between 95-115 kg a year in Europe and North America, while consumers in sub-Saharan Africa, South and Southeastern Asia, each throw away only 6-11 kg a year.
Total per capita food production for human consumption is about 900 kg a year in rich countries, almost twice the 460 kg a year produced in the poorest regions.
In developing countries, 40 per cent of losses occur at post-harvest and processing levels while in industrialized countries more than 40 per cent of losses happen at retail and consumer levels.
At the retail level, large quantities of food are wasted due to quality standards that over-emphasize appearance.
Food loss and waste also amount to a major squandering of resources, including water, land, energy, labor, and capital, and needlessly produce greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to global warming and climate change.
Even if just one-fourth of the food currently lost or wasted globally could be saved, it would be enough to feed 870 million hungry people in the world.
In developing countries, food waste occurs mainly at the early stages of the food value chain and can be traced back to financial, managerial and technical constraints in harvesting techniques as well as storage and cooling facilities. Strengthening the supply chain through the direct support of farmers and investments in infrastructure, transportation, as well as in an expansion of the food and packaging industry could help to reduce the amount of food loss and waste.
In medium and high-income countries, food is wasted and lost mainly at later stages in the supply chain. Differing from the situation in developing countries, the behavior of consumers plays a huge part in industrialized countries. The study identified a lack of coordination between actors in the supply chain as a contributing factor. Farmer-buyer agreements can be helpful to increase the level of coordination. Additionally, raising awareness among industries, retailers, and consumers as well as finding beneficial use for food that is presently thrown away are useful measures to decrease the amount of losses and waste.


Thank you for the interesting articles, but I should re-phrase my question as it was ambiguous. What I meant to ask was, would we already be be post-scarse if those acts of artificial scarcity weren't performed? Individual reports on examples of wasting, while informative, won't be enough to affirm my question.

This is more what I'm looking for: >>583189 with aggregated statistics about world consumption and amounts of waste.

Much of that text appears to be widely sampled ( https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%22Roughly+one-third+of+the+food+produced+in+the+world+for+human+consumption+every+year%22&ia=web ) which appears to be sourced from this 2011 FAO UN report.
Global Food Losses and Food Waste - https://www.fao.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ags/publications/GFL_web.pdf


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Can I read it as a serious work dealing with marxism? I meanly sticked to Marx/Engels pamphlets and some articles thus far. Would it be easy enough to read and does it make for a good introduction?


as my first serious work* sorry


I wouldn't recommend it as an introduction. Not for the obvious reason that it marked Kolakowski's anti-communist turn and so on, but because it's the product of a very particular time and place (de-stalinization, crisis in the warsaw pact countries, the right-wing critique of stalinism, etc), a very definite conjuncture, which means it frankly doesn't offer much for a modern reader. It's serious scholarship of course, just not the kind of scholarship that would really benefit someone trying to get into Marxism in 2022.


I would say an eBook, but you'd probably electrocute yourself trying.


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does anyone have epubs of these books?


Is Trotsky's History of the Russian Revolution a good book on the subject?
I hear that it's well-written and one of the best books on 1917 (if not the single best), but I question how unbiased it is since it was written by Trotsky.


It's obviously biased, as are all books about history, but it's an indepth analysis and first-hand account of the Russian Revolution from the guy who was second only to Lenin in terms of getting it going. It's clearly a book you'll want to read sooner or later if you're interested in 1917. Besides that, you might want to check out Carr's books on the subject for a very detailed (albeit a little shitlib) take on the event.


It's reading Carr that actually got me interested in reading more actually. For how huge his work is on Soviet Russia, I was shocked that he basically glossed over the Revolution in 10-20 pages, which I thought would be like a whole volume.


anyone read John Reed's writings ("10 days that shook the world" et al) on the revolution? Not sure how they hold up in hindsight, being written so soon after.


As an accurate history and description of the events? Maybe not so good, surely there's better works for that. As a first-hand account of said events, putting you in the shoes of somebody watching history being made in front of his eyes, right in the middle of all the chaos and confusion and excitement? Goddamn amazing.


Hello commiepolacks, could you please tell me where i can get scanned Trud (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trud_(Russian_newspaper) daily journals? I'm talking about the soviet era publications. For example, from 1930s.


There appear to be some here (in djvu). Not very many at all unfortunately, but hopefully a start at least https://www.oldgazette.ru/trud/index1.html


Much obliged, commiebrother.


Bros, aside from reading theory, can you send me some publications that are good to read on current events? Do they exist?

I am starved for good and based writing especially from an ML position on politics/theory/conflicts and so on.




At that point, just wear latex gloves while reading.


>I recommend everyone to not neglect your spiritual side
>you're going to need to be spiritually healthy if you're going to survive
>go with wherever your intuition leads you
Reminder that the bugman Jordan Peterson acolytes have the exact same faux-mystical neoliberal ideology as Oprah.
<Just trust your intuition as an atomized, individual consumer of ideology, and you'll be happy and successful, that's The Secret


> Miguel Serrano
I do not really find his work that interesting. Often seems rambling that goes nowhere or isn't very based in reality. Besides that he was a literal nazi worshipper.

> spiritually healthy

Lmao what does that even mean? Try to be physically healthy and improved mental health and clarity will occur.

Yes it is very stupid. Society was build upon collective knowledge, capital in knowledge is used to build more capital in knowledge thus progressing humanity forward. Collective collaboration in projects drives this progress. It is the individual who is responsible of contributing towards the collective, and in return it is the collective's responsibilities to provide for the individual his or her contribution.

Individualism is the result of a disconnect between the collective and the individual, so the individual stops caring all together about the collective and only about him or herself. Individualism has never really been the driving force behind society in Europe, Christianity was dominant and it placed huge focus on community and collective values not individualistic ones.


recommended biographies on lenin and stalin?


>Lenin by Lars T Lih
>Reconstructing Lenin
>Leninism Under Lenin
>The official CPSU biography of him
>Another View of Stalin
>Stalin: History and Critique of a Black Legend
>Young Stalin by Montefiore (anti-Communist bullshit, but pretty fun, does an alright job portraying the kind of Looney Toons hijinks he got into in his youth. Read with a critical eye)
Avoid the Robert Service books at all costs


And biographies on mao?


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Just picked up these Young Adult novels


based and red pilled

i gave them to my teen daughter and now she kidnapped the local mAAAyor and is demanding ransom to establish a local commune


Virilio-Bunker Archaeology
I'll try find some copies of the others.


Lambert-Weaponized Architecture


thanks for this.


>>583216 Enjoy.
Guattari-Schizoanalytic Cartographies
Keenan Weizman-Mengele's Skull


Arroyo Belanger-Logistics Islands
Lotringer Virilio-Pure War
Gregory-Defiled Cities

I got most of these from aaaaarg.org
You need someone to invite you to get in but it's relatively easy to get one, I'd go to the reddit for it make an account and dm a poster who's inviting people asking for invites.


Anyone have a good debunk of anti semitism and other fascist brainrot in book form


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hey i keep finding small communist manifesto books in various used book stores in my area. should i leave them there for people to find and buy or should i use them for praxis some how? they're not necessarily put out of the way in the shelves but they don't stick out either. im afraid to make them look more prominent in fear that they'll be vandalized or something. anyone got ideas on how i could use these?


Make a sign that says "dope shit" and leave them in a pile by a high-school or college. Other than that just leave em and let them flow


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What are some readings on the Socialist Revolutionaries of the Russian Empire? I generally get the distinction between the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks but not quite the third one and its history all too well.


The world and the place where proletarians could exist on it is apparently just Europe and its spawns with the condition that they have internet access. Fucking dumb ass.


>I got most of these from aaaaarg.org
but anon, I already have an aaaaaarg.fail account ;)

Here's my contribution to this thread, relevant in the context of war in Ukraine.


Anti-Semite & Jew, Sartre


Anyone annotate their theory - pen or pencil? I'm going through 18 Brumaire and I feel some historical notes might be helpful


I use the zettelkasten method.


sorry if this is the wrong place to ask but where did the "supervillians who did nothing wrong" thread go? it was really interesting but i lost the URL not sure if i archived it though seaching the catalog did not yield results not sure if it was from another board? on leftypol



thanks mate i owe you some gonna re-archive just for safety


Does a specifically history-focused reading list exist for /leftypol/?


If there isn't I'd suggest 18 brumaire and Faulkner's Marxist History of the World as a starting point


I know this is a reading thread, but are there any good Youtube channels / podcasts that are good?


>are there any good Youtube channels / podcasts that are good?


Oof. I wouldn't use that site, use PeerTube. Or use YouTube through Invidious. Anyways, you can watch Zer0 Books or CCK Philosophy or something. From egoist anarchists I only know Dilvany, Comfy Milk Shop and a Russian channel called Individuum, as well as Magnus Panvydia but his channel is more about discussing stuff with austrolibertarians so that may not be of interest to you (or it may, I don't know). As for socialists, there are Richard Medhurst, Multipolarista, George Galloway, Democracy at Work and The Gravel Institute.


Oh, and Thought Bat is another egoist anarchist and market socialist so he might be of interest as well.


What's the key of investing hours and hours of reading theory beyond the basics if one of the key messages of communism is to actually change the world?



The BPP aren't really "Maoists." They called themselves Maoists, but the definition of "Maoist" or more accurately MLM wasn't synthesized until after Mao's death. By modern standards, the BPP would be considered MLs or ML-MZT (Mao Zedong Thought).


black panthers were dixie(new afrika)bol


1. Pretend you own a business. (doesn't matter what kind)
2. Try to hire a person you know produces $5,000,000 an hour of value for you.
3. Pay them $5,000,001 in wages per hour of work
4. for a net loss of $1 and hour to you
5. ????
6. You are now a socialist or a flat broke capitalist
7. You realize to be a worker without ownership of the means of production and a say in the distribution of profits after sale is to be exploited.
8. To be a capitalist is to be an exploiter. If you are fine with this, you abandon your humanity are no longer part of the species because you erected a wall of apathy around yourself so that you are unable to be human.

Or listen to this short audio book.


hello commiebros.
where to find anything related to the administrative/legislative/judicial system of ussr? im not talking about systemical analysis, im talking about laws, acts, statutes, regulations, decrees, decisions, rulings etc.
and if they are scanned, its even better. i dont really trust secondary sources like historical books that allegedly copypasted the legislative act (for example).



hope your sarcastic, because that's a bastardized lib syncretization of humanistic and analytic marxism, taking the worst aspects of both




Is it at all necessary to read the 2nd volume of the Governance of China after reading the 1st one or is it just more or less the same thing with more recent speeches? What about the third? Can anyone here talk about anything specific that the 2nd volume delves into, because I really don't wanna read 600+ pages of "we should adhere to the principles of seeking truth from facts through reform and opening up, which will enable the freeing of productive forces and allow for China to be a moderately prosperous society and realize the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation" again for no reason.


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Does anyone here know of any good books about Gorbachev and Gorbachev's reforms? The political state when he was a rising politician, how he was able to get into power, how he was able to push his reforms, what they were supposed to do, what they actually did, how this was exploited by liberals, how liberals managed to gain control, etc.


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Socialism Betrayed by R. Keeran and T. Kenny goes over some of those topics in detail. Attached PDF.


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What's missing?


That is only making Maupin look good in perspective. May I recommend an alternative?


Recommend me some books on the PR Benin NOW!!


I think over the last 6 years I have acquired an adequate understanding of Marxism and a terrible knowledge the capitalist mode of production that haunts me every night and motivates me to struggle. If you wish to inflict such a curse upon yourself you need to learn of the three components parts of Marxism, gradually recognize their interdependence and to deepen your research on the part for which you have the greatest calling. Mostly you need to be aware that Marxism is a partisan science. It seeks objectivity but does so through the lines of the proletariat. If you also have this initial stimulus and the drive to deepen your understanding of your position, revolutionary theory will reveal to you the complex matrix of capitalist relations from which you cannot escape without organized collective action. I have constructed a programme of theory that aims to gradually achieve this target. You should be able to progress easily in the early stages. However, as the material gets more advanced through the years you should be able to advance your critical thought as well. The last level is not the hardest but it is ambiguous and will require creativity on your part, as it is a matter that the communist movement still hasn’t resolved. Returning to lower stages will help you see what you missed and understand higher stages more easily. Preferably, the last recc of each level’s subsection should be read after having finished the reccs in that subsection, but you should change from subject to subject (ie from philosophy to economy etc.) so it won’t get monotonous. I would actually recommend starting multiple books of each level at once, it is not as bad as people make it out to be. Finally, my greatest advice would be to not study alone. If you study with your party, under its concrete organizational-political relations, these works will be a 100 times more valuable. If for some reason you are not in a communist org you should get some of your close comrades to do a study in group in whichever of these works they are interested in. Two brains are better than one, but the point of this get-together is not chit-chat but to actually examine experience under the lenses of revolutionary theory, the more you are the more concrete experience is examined in this way.
Entry level:
>Why Socialism? by Albert Einstein
>The Principles of Communism by Friedrich Engels
>The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism by Vladimir Lenin

A Level:
aa) Philosophy
>On Contradiction and On Practice by Mao Zedong
>Socialism: Utopian and Scientific by Friedrich Engels
>Elementary Principles of Philosophy by Georges Politzer
>Outlines of a Critique of Political Economy by Frederick Engels
>Wage-labour and Capital/Value, Price and Profit by Karl Marx
>Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism by Vladimir Lenin
>The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

>The State and Revolution by Lenin

B Level:
>The Difference Between the Democritean and Epicurean Philosophy of Nature by Marx (optional)
>The Essence of Christianity by Feurebach (optional)
>Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy by Friedrich Engels and Theses on Feuerbach by Karl Marx
>German Ideology: Chapter I. Feuerbach: Opposition of the Materialist and Idealist Outlooks, Abstract of Chapter 3 [Idealist mistakes & Materialist corrections], The New Testament: "Ego": Rebellion (should be left for last in that level) by Marx and Engels
>Principles of Political Economy & Taxation by David Ricardo
>A Critical Dissertation On The Nature, Measures, And Causes Of Value; Chiefly In Reference To The Writings Of Mr. Ricardo And His Followers by Samuel Bailey (optional)
>The first two manuscripts and "Private Property and Labour" from the Economic & Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 by Marx
>What is to be Done? by Lenin
>The Civil War in France by Marx
>Critique of the Gotha Programme by Marx

C Level (on anarchism)
>The Philosophical Roots of the Marx-Bakunin Conflict by Ann Robertson
>The Poverty of Philosophy by Marx
>On Authority by Engels
>The Bakuninists at Work An account of the Spanish revolt in the summer of 1873 by Engels
>Conspectus of Bakunin’s Statism and Anarchy by Marx
>Strategy and Tactics of the Class Struggle Abstract by Marx

D Level
>Novum Organum by Francis Bacon (optional)
>Discourse on the Method by Rene Descartes (optional)
>A Treatise of Human Nature by David Hume (optional)
>The second and third chapter from Spinoza and Spinozism by Pierre-Francois Moreau (optional)
>Critique of Pure Reason by Immanuel Kant
>The Preface from A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy by Marx
>The Value-Form Appendix to the 1st German edition of Capital, Volume 1, 1867 by Marx
>April Theses by Lenin
>Left-wing Communism, an infantile disorder by Lenin
>Reform or Revolution by Rosa Luxemburg


E Level
>Phenomenology of Spirit by G.W.F. Hegel (optional)
>Science of Logic by Hegel
>Marx's Marginal Notes on Adolph Wagner's 'Lehrbuch der politischen Okonomie'
>Λ. Λ. Βάσινα: Δεύτερος τόμος του «Κεφαλαίου», ΚΟΜΕΠ 2003/τ.4 (use google translate it'll do fine it's just an article)
>The Political Economy of Women's Liberation by Margaret Benston
>The General Theory of Law and Marxism by Evgeny Pashukanis

F Level (on the importance of Leninism)
> Materialism and Empirio-Criticism by Lenin
> Leninist Dialectics and the Metaphysics of Positivism by Evald Ilyenkov
>Grundrisse by Marx
> Marx/Engels, Briefe Uber Das Kapital, Berlin: Dietz Verlag, 1954
> The Leninist Political Philosophy of Marxism by Hans Heinz Holz
>History and Class Consciousness by Gyorgy Lukacs

G Level (exposition of the Systematic Dialectic of Marx’s Capital)
>Dialéctica de El Capital de Marx by Mark Moisevich Rosenthal
> V.A.Vazjulin: Das System der Logik G.W.F.Hegels und das System der Logik des «Kapitals» von Karl Marx»
>Evald Ilyenkov 1960. Dialectics of the Abstract & the Concrete in Marx’s Capital Marx’s
>Capital and Hegel’s Logic A Reexamination Edited by Fred Moseley and Tony Smith
> The Capitalist Labour-Process and the Body in Pain: The Corporeal Depths of Marx’ s Concept of Immiseration by Joseph Fracchia
>Capital as a Real God by Ian Wright

H Level (Das Kapital time)
Time to read all three volumes of Capital and, if you are up to it, the Theories of Surplus Value.
You should be able to point out the misrepresentations:
> An Introduction to the Three Volumes of Karl Marx's Capital by Michael Heinrich
> Reading Capital by Althusser, Balibar and others
>David Harvey’s companion to Capital
>Marx’s Capital by Ben Fine

I (for imperialism) Level
>Paul Sweezy & Paul A. Baran, Monthly Review Press, Monopoly Capital: An Essay on the American Economic and Social Order
>Jim Miller, Must The Profit Rate Really Fall? - A defense of Marx against Paul Sweezy Nick Beams, Marxism and the political economy of Paul Sweezy

>Kwame Nkrumah, International Publishers New York, Neo-colonialism: The Last Stage of Imperialism

>Paul Trewhela, George Padmore: A Critique. Pan Africanism or Marxism?
> Herwig Lerouge, "Opportunism on the United Front Against Fascism: Its International Sources”
>Mao Tse-tung, Peaceful Coexistence - Two Diametrically Opposed Policies - Comment On The Open Letter Of The Central Committee Of The CPSU (VI)
>Modern journalism on the character of the African Union

>Arghiri Emmanuel, Modern Reader, Unequal Exchange: A Study of the Imperialism of Trade > Struggle of communists against the source of wars – Imperialism by the CC of the RCWP




Luckily there are mirrors of Marxists.org that didn't go along with that bullshit copyright strike. It's doesn't completely replace a MECW PDF hoard (many letters, especially by Engels late in life, were never transcribed) but all the important stuff is there and easy to find. I use this mirror: https://marxists.architexturez.net/archive/marx/works/date/index.htm

IIRC the Lawrence and Wishart copyright strike is especially indefensible because most of the work was done by Soviet and GDR translators, they just gave L&W the copyright to raise funds for the now-defunct (kinda) CPGB.


Are there any books explaining how the Communist Party of China organises, especially at the local/grassroots level? I think even if you disagrees with them, their ability to hold hegemony on Chinese society is still something we should be able to learn from.


>I think even if you disagrees with them,
I don't know the answer to your question but I think it's funny
>what is the CPC?
>even if you disagree with them
Sums up every baizou. No understanding of The CPC but they are the experts on them because they read a really insightful piece in The Economist.

Good on you for trying to learn.


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>Annihilates Althusserians for all eternity


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Good argument.
One small issue.


Good book. The part in the introduction where he's on a train in China, translating the lyrics of a Rihanna song for some guy he's riding with has always stuck with me.


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I know quarterly journals are typically the realm of bougie academics but are there any leftist or socialist-centric quarterlies that you read or subscribe to?



What is some good reading on the French revolution esp. the different faction politics like the Mountain, the Enraged, etc


International Critical Thought is the only Based one ive found, they publish Marxist-Leninist articles from both the West and the Actually Existing Socialist countries. There's lots of great essays from Chinese and Vietnamese MLs. (you will need to use sci-hub to download them)

There also Red Sails that publishes Shorts works, essays and Interviews from both the present and history (Marxism-Leninism)

heres some that I recommend:
> https://redsails.org/marxism-is-a-science/
> https://redsails.org/flight-from-history/
> https://redsails.org/stalin-and-wells/
> https://redsails.org/stalin-and-ludwig/
> https://redsails.org/capital-v1-summary/
> https://redsails.org/china-has-billionaires/

hope this is useful to you.

Ive heard Georges Lefebvre books are good. Also Maximilien Robespierre's book 'Virtue and Terror' is great aswell.


Try these.

> Socialism Betrayed
This book is worth reading too.



I just jumped straight into reading Capital and I found it not only very interesting but even somewhat engrossing to start. Questions/criticisms I've heard previously were addresses within the first 5 pages, which was fun.
Getting towards page 80 and he has been going on about commodities the entire time. I appreciate this is more a textbook than some novel to be enjoyed, but does it get better to read / more captivating when he moves onto other topics?
Not sure I can read another 1000 pages of this


ive heard people say that book one is very methodical in how it lays the groundwork for everything that comes later, to the point of being pedantic.
the later books people on here say are better.


He spends the last quarter of the book talking about the Inclosures and the development of the mode of production.
Volumn 2 is very much more of the same with the cycles of productive capital and commodity capital getting developed.


>"Marxism is a science"



Marxism as a philosophy of science is materialist in the sense of explaining the natural world in terms of natural forces and not supernatural powers. It is dialectical in the sense of being evolutionary, processive, developmental. It is radically contextual and relational in seeing everything that exists within the web of forces in which it is embedded. It is empiricist without being positivist or reductionist; rationalist without being idealist; coherent and comprehensive while empirically grounded.


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Please recommend me a good (preferably recently published) history book going through the years of Malenkov/Khrushchev in the USSR.
Not just a book about ideology and about le revisionism, but going through the years and describing what happened in the country, its foreign relations, and the individuals in the government after Stalin dies and as Khrushchev is able to push his reforms.



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Does anyone have any recommended books on Japanese Nationalism in modern times? Preferably from a Marxist POV, but anything that can help my research on the topic would be fine.


Which volume of Capital has all the 'laws' of capitalism?


Can anybody recommend any Marxist journal articles which analyze colour revolutions?


All marxists i know are marrieded


But I'm not schizo


Which version of J Arch Getty's Road to Terror is superior, the 1999 or 2010 version?
The 2010 version cuts out around half of the original, which makes me hesitant, but it also claims to add more info from more recently-released archives.
Is the new info worth trading for the cut content?


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m8 I'm still slowly trudging my way through capital vol. 1


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Anyone got this book? The first three are found on marxists.org, but for some reason absolutely nobody thought to scan or transcribe the fourth one which sounds the most interesting even though it's a trot


That book cover goes incredibly hard. Lenin straight up looks like he could be a 90s gangster or rapper.


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how do I into Gramsci leftybros?


get married and knife your wife lmao.


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>we have decided to revive the reading sticky!


>tfw all you do all day is study theory and talk about because everything else feels useless

My brain can barely take it anymore, but I can't lay off
what should I do? every distraction feels useless


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Can someone recommend me a good book about the NEP, specifically the Nepmen, speculators, the scissors crisis, etc.



Anything more specific towards the NEP and to the late 1920s?


I don't really understand Ch. 6 of Capital Volume 1. I understand that Marx is trying to show that circulation as a raw process isn't responsible for the creation of surplus-value, nor the privilege of the bourgeois to oversell and the need of the proleteriat to buy, but I don't see where he defines what exactly in the capitalist process allows for the production of surplus-value in this chapter. He defines what causes value of labour-power well enough, and maybe from that point on I have to figure it out, but after a re-reading I didn't see it.


if I'm not mistaken the actual walk through of surplus value is a later part of the book and is explained there, parts 3 and 4 respectively, while chapter six is in part 2


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Thoughts on Pannekoek anyone?


Pancake man did literally nothing wrong and your picrel ( https://www.marxists.org/archive/pannekoe/1947/workers-councils.htm ) is an important review of the initial strengths and fatal contradictions of syndicalism that every revolutionary, from marxist to anarchist, should read. Continue on that course, and also read Munis.


When socialising avoid dwelling on technical topics the other person has no interest in, because no one likes to listen to someone talk at them. If you're on a date you probably want to talk about something she cares about rather than your obsessions.

If you have a life and career outside Marxism then people won't feel alienated and it will be a bonus. Every normalfag academic has to learn to talk to people without bragging technical knowledge because its an unequal exchange that turns people off.



Are there any decent books you can recommend on the history of Soviet Hungary? Also maybe about the White and Red terrors that happened there immediately after the First World War



Does anyone here think that Habermas' communicative conception of radical democracy could hold some relevance for contemporary socialist practice and thought? I've been doing a critical reading of his stuff for one of my uni classes and I can say it has thus far decidedly surpassed the poor expectations I had for it. I'm aware of Habermas' leading role in shifting the Frankfurt School second generation philosophers away from a more direct and rigorous contact with Marx's critique of the political economy and leading them instead to reconsider liberal and anti-communist authors which Adorno and Horkheimer had already demolished; not to mention the several, and in many ways flawed, critiques of Marx that Habermas presented in his works.

Having said that, I feel like socialist political and democratical thought has been in such a dire state for so long that maybe we could adapt, with all critical care, some of Habermas arguments on the mechanism of circulation of power between non-state groups and the state, as well as those about the interrelation between a healthy private sphere (understood not in the sense of private property, obviously, but as a realm in which subjects can freely discuss and interact without fear of judgement or persecution) and a lively public debate (the lack of which, in my view, severely crippled the potentialities of socialism in the USSR, directly causing the depoliticization among the masses and party cadres that contributed in such a profound manner to its dissolution).


Thanks! The Truth About Hungary is really interesting so far. I'm about 45 pages in, and I never knew how bad things were for the working classes there before the Soviets turned up. It also never occurred to me that the communist party had not only to take over the country and redistribute land, but also to industrialise it and rebuild the country after virtually all of its infrastructure was destroyed by the war. What they achieved seems pretty miraculous now


Anyone have a mirror for the Historical Materialism book series?



I'm pretty sure he's getting to the point where he defines that surplus-value is gained through the worker laboring for longer than it takes to sustain themselves. The labor is sold at the value that the worker and their family needs to sustain themselves, but the capitalist gets a extra arbitrary amount of labor from the working day beyond the recreation of that same value. Of course, workers may protest for a greater share of the value generated, but they cannot completely supplant this in capitalism, for if the capitalist no longer profits, he fails to be a capitalist.


Lainchan has a book finding thread, can't hurt for anyone with a request or two.


Anyone have or know where I could find a PDF of "China’s Economic Dialectic" by Cheng Enfu?


Learn about Che Guevara and other chad marxists. You can probably find them in local orgs in your area too. Most marxists are dorks, but the ideology doesn't make you dorkier, it makes one less so imo.


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Ive been looking for that as well, I dont think its been scanned yet, someone needs to buy it and upload it to Libgen.

the only work that seems to be online is some of his essays.
> https://archive.org/search.php?query=cheng+enfu





1) Philosophy and the Spontaneous Philosophy of the Scientists & Other Essays

2) On The Reproduction Of Capitalism: Ideology And Ideological State Apparatuses

2) Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays

3) Politics and history: Montesquieu, Rousseau, Hegel and Marx

4) Machiavelli and Us

5) For Marx

6) Philosophy of the encounter: later writings, 1978-87

Summary commentary:
7) Althusser and His Contemporaries: Philosophy's Perpetual War

Memoir by Althusser, depressive, uplifting:
8) http://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=E7B983C97B0467CAA97D7B3E83AFA7EA
(Optionally read this first if you wanna get a "feel" of this guy…)

If you are planning to read Marx's Capital(s) or already did, bump up this one:
9) Reading Capital: The Complete Edition

>Althusser? more like Alt-loser.
stfu, booklet

>Annihilates Althusser
Annihilates jack shit. Only Althusser has a developmental understanding of Marx's ouvre. Everything else basically boils down to the fetishization of early or late Marx. You have ZERO idea what you are talking about, you little scum.


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>Norman Geras
<Connected with the Trotskyist International Marxist Group
<Geras was on the editorial board of New Left Review
lmao, a literal NOBODY TROT

>picrel: the book


What a little sectarian author you found for yourself. Pathetic.


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this list goes from easily accessible to hard


Althusser is the John Rawls of Marxism


I am trying to understand how from the fall of the Western Roman Empire city-states in Italy emerged that were Republican.
>class tensions in Rome reached a boiling point, a dictatorship was established to protect the interests of aristocrats
>later the Empire faced an economic crisis, leading to city dwellers fleeing to the countryside and farm managers being given more autonomy
>these farm managers would form the basis of the petty lord class while the farmers would become serfs as the Empire collapsed and no central authority existed
but the same did not occur in Italy. Why?
I'm going to take a wild guess and say maybe it was because Italy was more developed and thus could withstand the crisis? That's fine, but I don't get why they went back to Republicanism instead of continuing with dictatorships.


>I am trying to understand how from the fall of the Western Roman Empire city-states in Italy emerged that were Republican.
The spoils from the Crusades and the rise of Venetian shipping made banking an obscenely lucrative business. Bourgeois families, now flushed with enough wealth to hire their own mercenary armies, rose to power over the cities themselves even as aristocrats continued to control the countryside.
>class tensions in Rome reached a boiling point, a dictatorship was established to protect the interests of aristocrats
Not really. Sulla, Pompey, Crassus, and Caesar took advantage of the Roman Republic being too big to effectively govern through military force by siezing the capital while the army was away killing slaves and raiders. Despite the narrative, nothing really changed apart from the establishment of the office of the princeps.
>later the Empire faced an economic crisis, leading to city dwellers fleeing to the countryside and farm managers being given more autonomy
It was less a crisis and more of a slow abandonment of Rome as it lost its importance within its own empire. Milan was a more practical western capital, and Constantinople was the crown jewel of the Mediterranean for a thousand years. One might even claim that it still is. Also, in the Western Empire, as barbarian peasants flooded in from beyond the Danube and the Rhine, aristocrats quickly realized that there was much more wealth to be had by filling the countrysides full on immigrants and having them grow crops than there was in the old centralized slave system that wasn't working particularly well after the conquering stopped.
>these farm managers would form the basis of the petty lord class while the farmers would become serfs as the Empire collapsed and no central authority existed
Somewhat, yeah, but they were also government appointees named by the Augusti and the Caesars during the reign of Diocletian and the Constantinian dynasty. "Duke" (dux) and "count" (comite) were political ranks within the late-Empire.
>but the same did not occur in Italy. Why?
I don't understand. What didn't occur in Italy?


So what you're saying is, in the grand scheme of things the "fall" of the Republic didn't matter? Did plebs not lose political influence?
>I don't understand. What didn't occur in Italy?
I was under the impression that feudalism did not emerge in Italy as it did in Western Europe.


>So what you're saying is, in the grand scheme of things the "fall" of the Republic didn't matter?
The Republic was effectively annihilated, but not a single emperor ever claimed to have done so. SQPR continued to be stamped upon every public work throughout the Empire's existence. The same class of people continued to rule. Only the individuals changed. For all the theoretically unlimited authority that the emperors held (particularly after the fall of the Julio-Claudians), they were shockingly quick to die when they pissed off the wrong people. The fall of the Republic is really just political framing.
>Did plebs not lose political influence?
The poeple who could afford to field armed men in a particular place held political influence in that place regardless of the trappings of the state, which the Roman senators had been quick to discover once Nero fled in exile.
>I was under the impression that feudalism did not emerge in Italy as it did in Western Europe.
Italy itself did not have a lot of room for it. There was some nice farmland in places, but it was nothing like Gaul or Iberia, for example. Italy did, on the other hand, have some productive mines and excellent harbors which better lend themselves to a more centralized mode of production like slavery or capitalism. Geography plays an enormous part in the establishment of modes of production.




>His mother, Helena Okamura, born Holíková, a native of Moravian Wallachia
>Moravian Wallachia (Czech: Moravské Valašsko, or simply Valašsko; Romanian: Valahia Moravă) is a mountainous ethnoregion located in the easternmost part of Moravia in the Czech Republic. The name originated from the term "Vlach", the exonym of Romanians, who migrated to the northern Carpathians in the Middle Ages and Early Modern times.


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holy fuck i just read hoxha with stalin book and im about to cry


Do you anons have any book recommendations about the Syrian civil war from a more geopol analysis, particularly through multipolar lenses. Though if you know any good books about the war itself through more strictly military narraties you can recommend that too. Also, any good books about the USSR's anti-colonialism during the Cold War and its relations with the Third World?


Any suggestions for books on the Russian revolution or the Russian civil war or the soviet era Russia (I already have plenty of WW2 military history) that takes an objective perspective?
I don't want any right wing fear mongering or grover furr tier stuff


>Any suggestions for books on the Russian revolution or the Russian civil war
Unironically, Trotsky.



This website has many books and texts on the history of the Soviet Union (only under Lenin and Stalin).
I highly recommend this books of two volumes names:
The Civil War History in the USSR



Look into E.H. Carr and Sheila Fitzpatrick's books on it, Trotsky's is also good but obviously far from unbiased
Carr is the longest and most detailed account, if you want a long journey taking you through every step from October to almost the 30's, this is it. After you go through this monolith, you can branch out and study what others have to say about the Revolution: Rosa, Trotsky, etc.



He unironically believes in anarchist law, so no.


I'm reading a book called Europe by Norman Davies and he comments about the existence of the 'Allied Scheme of History' which was prevalent in the Anglo world
He presents it as having the following features
1. belief in the atlantic school being the peak of civilisation
2. ideology of anti fascism, world war 2 was good versus evil
3. a 'demonological' fascination with germany as the source of WW1 and WW2 with an added focus on those who fought with Germany in WW2 as 'collaborators'
4. an 'indulgent and romanticised' view of the Tsarist empire and the Soviet union where their role in the victory of world war 2 means that they should never be seen as the enemy
Is this true?
It seems like bullshit to me


It's complete horseshit and basically he's recapitulating the mystification narrative they ran immediately after the war. At the time, no one really saw the conflict as ideological - not in the minds of the ruling class or the soldiers, and certainly not in the minds of normal people. The fascists and communists were just other types of government which were not particularly noteworthy. At the time people thought of conflicts as things driven by money, interest groups, national-level blocs, and a biological struggle between races. The mentality of eugenics was everywhere during the interwar period, and so this would be the central focus of propagandists. Advancing eugenics was more important than anything else, and the ideological conflict came second, as a way to mystify the actual objectives of those tasked with writing the postwar narrative.

For some time after the war, it was impossible to sell the mystification too much. The only ones who really believed the mystification were the Nazi revanchists who wanted their time to come again. The communists knew they were fucked over by American duplicity and Stalin comes out of the war pissed as fuck. The Americans, both those who ruled and the general public, just wanted the war to end - it must be remembered that Americans really hated getting involved in Europe at all, and only stomached the war against the Japanese because it was seen as a race war and because the Japanese attacked first. Even then, there was disgust at getting involved in any overseas war among the general public, and the ruling class never gave a shit about ideology.

Believing in the mystification was less about actually thinking this is what happened, and more about fealty to the new ruling order. The intellectual elites were going to tell you what to think and then demand you repeat it, and they didn't want anyone pointing out obvious errors - especially pointing out that those intellectuals were fawning over Hitler in the 1930s and tried to make him a media darling. The Nazi and eugenic faithful obviously would push the mystification, knowing it was lies. All the way up to the 1960s, selling the narrative was slow going, and the Nazis were seen as less prominent during anticommunism since the anticommunists did not want open association with Nazism. The Nazi/eugenic program was so obviously odious to ordinary people that people knew they were going to hear more bullshit defending it, since they knew on some level that eugenics would never go away.

The mystification really was sold to the impressionable of the Boomer generation, because schools teach revisionist history and then that revisionist history would be reinforced by considerable propaganda. There were veterans of the European theater who refused to believe anything written about the war because they knew it was all bullshit and nothing happened the way the stories went. It is here where kids would be taught both bald-faced lies about what caused the war - omitting the obvious role of the eugenic creed entirely and painting Nazi antisemitism as this strange random occurrence with no history behind it and the primary purpose of the war - and would be scared off of any meaningful historical understanding if they asked too many questions. In an era where television, print, film, and radio were all controlled by the oligarchy, and word of mouth could be suppressed by the sheer volume of propaganda and an environment of general fear, people who grew up after the war would have all of their historical understanding and their very thought process supplied to them by trained liars. It is in this environment where Hitler's Big Lie could be taken to the next level, and that is what began in earnest in the 1970s. The mystification of history is part of that. Again, though, what people actually believe is different. A lot of normies just see it as a conflict between nation-states, which is why you still see pseuds acting like we're playing the game of diplomacy of the early 20th century. Others kept on believing that it really was about money or a conspiracy. It is around this time where belief in a new world order cabal is promulgated heavily in conservative circles, and this narrative was too supplied by the thought leaders because rightoids will believe literally anything. The official version of events is an artificial construction, and you're supposed to say the correct facts if you want to get the points in Jeopardy or other game shows, which is one way "goodfacts" were beaten into people. (Really, there's a whole book to be written about how the consumer culture was created to basically brainwash and program people, and how easy it was to seed an idea in the discourse.) The official version of events has enough truth to be credible - obviously the Nazis wanted to exterminate the Jews - but carefully omits anything that would tie events to a wider understanding. The use of extermination camps is portrayed as unusual, even though such practices were understood as the only way the war would have proceeded. It would be highly irregular if the Nazis didn't attack their political enemies in that way. Even the nature of the extermination was mystified - usually the prisoners were overworked, expended in Mengele experiments, or political enemies were simply shot on sight without any effort to place them into camps. The narrative liked to portray the Jews as helpless cattle who went on the train happily, thinking they would be okay. All of this was preparation for the depopulation plans the eugenic movement always wanted. The Nazis certainly wanted people to believe Jews were cattle, but there was a lot of people running for their lives and resisting out of dire necessity.


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anyone know what book this quote is from?



reading is bourgeois, a real prole would simply look at his surroundings and understand things from interacting with the objective reality around him


>the objective reality around him
Well, it hasn't worked out for you. I'll take my chances with the books.


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any1 know where I can get used books for cheap? I'm tired of reading shit online from college, and want to keep a copy of Society of the Spectacle for a research project im doing on american hedonism


Do you mean online stores, or are you a USA person who forgets this is an international forum that can't tell you where your nearest libraries and sencond-hand book stores are?


online duh
since im in a college town bookstores arent an option (cost), let alone implying any have that


Apologies for the accusation: it happens more than you'd think.
Have you tried the obvious options, like Ebay/Amazon/AliBaba?


A few historians like to cite "The Path to Socialism and the Worker-Peasant Alliance" (1925) as an article by Bukharin that explains his conception of the Kulaks growing into socialism, but Marxists.org has nothing for Bukharin in 1925. Where can I find this?


Why do people make fun of you if you read Bookchin? I really liked the RevLeft Radio on Bookchin and Brehht is a Marxist Leninist who still managed to find enough value in Bukchin that he did an episode on it so IDK what the meme is


I would really like some recommendations for books on oligarchism both in history and the modern era if anyone has any


Oligarchy is not a political ideology, and all states have essentially been oligarchies, with the AES having more wiggle room.
>Feudal system
Oligarchy of the aristocrats
>Slave system
Oligarchy of the slaveowners
>Capitalist system
>Oligarchy of the bourgeoisie



What are some left-wing authors who are anti-materialist and anti-marxist (anarchists excluded).


National bolshevism is still nationalism, it's right-wing.


literally meaningless.

Use the word you're actually referring to. Socialist? Anti-capitalist? Egalitarian? Progressive?


>Socialist? Anti-capitalist? Egalitarian? Progressive?
literally meaningless.
Left-wing means the universe is evil, right-wing means the universe is good. The left wages a war against an evil reality, destroy the world and change it into something new and better. The right thinks reality is good, and wants to preserve the good thing, this is why Hitler in Mein Kampf is a pantheist, he thinks nature is good, he wants to preserve the natural order, he is conservative and right-wing.


>universe is good
>universe is evil
Why are you even trying to argue politics? Stick to astrology.


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If this is a joke, I'm laughing with you.
Otherwise I'm laughing at you. Either way I can't stop laughing at this schizobabble.


Astrology is appeal to cosmic order, appeal to naturalism - right-wing.
Not an argument


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any books on organising?
all I got so far is:
rules for radicals by alinsky and coup d'état by luttwak



How the World Works: The Story of Human Labor from Prehistory to the Modern Day


Probs been asked to hell and back but im asking again:

Where to start with theory? I've read bits of Marx and Lenin before, and wanted to take on Kapital but simply will not have the time for years given my backlog (might still read vol 1 next summer). State and revolution & Imperialism are on top of list but any other recs, especially introductory works would be greatly appreciated.


>How the World Works: The Story of Human Labor from Prehistory to the Modern Day
Weird to see labour spelled a la burger, with a Brit author…



Absolutely do NOT start with this >>583358, however slow you might read you're still better off reading Marx straight from the source instead of trying your luck with sixth-hand sources like the textbooks there, giving you a static, diluted, ossified, de-radicalized and frankly garbage interpretation of both Marx and Lenin. The only things linked here that aren't complete garbage and wouldn't give you a confused understanding of Marxism are the texts from Marx and Lenin themselves lmao
If you want to read Marx and Engels, then read Marx and Engels. Start with the super easy texts like the Manifesto and Socialism: Utopian and Scientific, work your way down the rest of their bibliography from the most easy to most diffiicult texts, search for explanations of what you don't understand, there is no other way. You also shouldn't bother with Lenin before you get a good understanding of them, otherwise you won't understand *why* Lenin is so important and what revolutionary core of Marxism he tried so hard to protect.


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> Start with the Manifesto


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>No, you can't start with Marx by reading the text where he lays out his positions in clear and concise terms. Here, read this literallywho academic and this medium article instead


what is a dialectic and what should i read to understand what a dialectic is


A dialectic is a movement, a process.
I'd read this.
Also whatever you do, do not read Hegel.


brave new world is a classic and brave new world revisited is a non-fiction about how such a world could be brought about in real life, you may notice some parallels with the real world. its like an instruction manual to creating a dystopia


ok, and?


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one of these band memb­ers being interviewed was later revealed to be a literature teacher, the other a music teacher. no prize for guessing which was which


Aside from pirating, what do you do when you want a book but don't want to support the publisher? Pluto Press has some bad takes on Syria.

Related question: What should I do if I want a physical copy of the Ben Fowkes translation of Capital but don't want to pay for Ernest Mandel's introduction?

Is my only option piracy? I don't want to read on an LCD screen and the PDF of Capital loads really slowly on my eReader.


>print pirated ebooks
>buy second hand books
>use the library


Mandel is dead, his introduction is entirely gratuitous


Why shouldn't you read Hegel? Seems pretty important towards reading later theory.


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Does anyone have a PDF of the Wrecking Activities at Power Stations in the U.S.S.R. Verbatim Report? The trial of the Metro-Vickers Affair.


Try asking Ismail at /marx/, he has a lot of old crap scanned.



Does anybody have a source of that quote by Marx where he talks about how its absurd to suppose that the Paris Commune burned the exact correct number of buildings and no more?


Is this it?

>When governments give state licences to their navies to “kill, burn, and destroy,” is that licence for incendiarism? When the British troops wantonly set fire to the Capitol at Washington and to the summer palace of the Chinese emperor,60 was that incendiarism? When the Prussians not for military reasons, but out of the mere spite of revenge, burned down, by the help of petroleum, towns like Chateaudun and innumerable villages, was that incendiarism? When Thiers, during six weeks, bombarded Paris, under the pretext that he wanted to set fire to those houses only in which there were people, was that incendiarism? – In war, fire is an arm as legitimate as any. Buildings held by the enemy are shelled to set them on fire. If their defenders have to retire, they themselves light the flames to prevent the attack from making use of the buildings. To be burned down has always been the inevitable fate of all buildings situated in the front of battle of all the regular armies of the world. But in the war of the enslaved against their enslavers, the only justifiable war in history, this is by no means to hold good! The Commune used fire strictly as a means of defence. They used it to stop up to the Versailles troops those long, straight avenues which Haussman had expressly opened to artillery-fire; they used it to cover their retreat, in the same way as the Versaillese, in their advance, used their shells which destroyed at least as many buildings as the fire of the Commune. It is a matter of dispute, even now, which buildings were set fire to by the defence, and which by the attack. And the defence resorted to fire only then when the Versailles troops had already commenced their wholesale murdering of prisoners.



>What should I do if I want a physical copy of the Ben Fowkes translation of Capital but don't want to pay for Ernest Mandel's introduction?
Buy the Ben Fowkes translation then skip Mandel's introduction lmao; it's not hard. Or just wait for the new Reitter/North translation to come out (hopefully) next year.


Mandel's a fine economist


That's not the one I was looking for, but it's okay because I managed to find it. Turns out it was actually Engels.
>But what a lack of judgment it requires to declare the Commune sacred, to proclaim it infallible, to claim that every burnt house, every executed hostage, received their just dues to the dot over the i! Is not that equivalent to saying that during that week in May the people shot just as many opponents as was necessary, and no more, and burnt just those buildings which had to be burnt, and no more? Does not that repeat the saying about the first French Revolution: Every beheaded victim received justice, first those beheaded by order of Robespierre and then Robespierre himself! To such follies are people driven, when they give free rein to the desire to appear formidable, although they are at bottom quite good natured.


oh cool, glad you found it


Old Friedrich didn't get it correct though, on this one; the small farms and the domestic industry didn't get hollowed out due to persistence of land reform's benefits and continued state control of the heights despite the market reforms.


who is the left-wing Machiavelli (textbook on who to kill and when)?


<who is the left-wing Machiavelli
Machiavelli, reminder 'The Prince' is satire…


>is satire…
bla bla bla everyone takes it seriously so its not satire anymore (if it ever was)


<bla bla bla everyone takes it seriously so its not satire anymore (if it ever was)
Well if everyone is taking it seriously were all it took, why aren't uighaz saying the same thing about Swifts' 'A Modest Proposal' too? I bet Celt babes taste good as fuck, and people are starving.
t. Sassenach the bad kind*


Machiavelli's 'The Prince' as a Satire: An Exploratory Look at Machiavelli's Works to Determine His True Political Inclinations (2007)


all of this doesnt matter, normies already see it as a textbook for life, same thing as 48 rules of power, it has no basis, but people make it real by believing in it and acting accordingly. I'm just looking for a similar thing but from a leftist point of view.


Have you even read the prince? How it says not to hire mercenaries, not to invite foreigners to solve your land's problems, not to offend men on their property or honor. Have you missed all that? It has decent advice if you stop trying to emulate it as a character thing and take it in a practical way.


The Prince wasn't necessarily advice as it was a public service anouncment so they know the dirty secrets of how kings rule over them. Otherwise it wouldn't likely have been published where the general public could read it not just successive princes in private


Was it public before, or after his exile?


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More from Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge pls my uygha


Nations and Soviets: The National Question in the USSR by Liberation Audio


Dialectic is just your basic ideology and the arguments that hold together your ideology using a logical, scientific, and reasonable sequence.
Dietzgen coined the term Dialectical Materialism, while Plekhanov popularized it after the works of Marx and Engels, in which both authors analyzed how Hegelian dialectics works in conjunction with the real world, being the Hegelian dialectics very different from the Aristotelian dialectics. the real world is the material side of Dialectical Materialism. Therefore, your ideology may sound reasonable, with a great dialectic underneath it which follows pristine logic, immaculate scientific methodology, and sounding reasoning, but if that fails to change things in the material world, is anti-DiaMat.
Whenever left circles reference the word "dialectics" means it's being applied the Hegelian dialectics, which can be resumed to a cycle of the thesis, antithesis, and synthesis to hold any ideology coherent.

Dialectical Materialism applied to society shows how works the base and the superstructure (picrel), and that's what Marx and Engels analyzed best using DiaMat.


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Pretty sure a lot of Machiavelli's points are applicable to statecraft in general.


gramsci? i've read basically italian intellectuals on the left and right were influenced by machiavelli


maybe this is the wrong place to ask this but why do western leftists get made fun of here a lot (and just in general)




No I will not explain further.


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>JCP had a debate with the CPC on socialist theory



that's $12 USD; buy it yourself lmao


I'm not giving money to the fucking JCP, nah man.


>socdems argue with socdems
nothing of worth to be found in there my man


Hoxhaism is just trot "degenerated workers state' theory but where Stalin is the good guy


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>at least Zizek loved it so that's a plus.
fuck zizek lmao


that article makes me laugh because he repeatedly accuses zizek of not being a historical materialism which, duh, he himself has admitted he's not a marxist but an idealist. indeed, desperately pointing out the emperor has no clothes, yet everyone who likes zizek knows the court jester walks around naked. nobody cares.


Dude helped dismantle and privatize yugoslavia, and supports NATO, and supports the EU. He is signal boosted by the bourgeoisie. He is absolutely a historical materialist… of the bourgeois and anti-communist variety. That is the case the article builds.


>nobody cares.
No. YOU don't care. Liberal. YOU don't care.


>Dude helped dismantle and privatize yugoslavia
lmao, this verges almost on fanfiction levels of invention. zizek does have embarrassingly shitty takes on a number of things with particular emphasis on geopolitics, which is why zizek lends himself so well to the quotemined takedown. during the balkanization of yugoslavia dude was a literal nobody with very little influence. zizek is not well known for his skilled political instinct, in fact he had quite the shitty career in politics. he's well known for a book on ideology, which hacks always refuse to engage with because they're afraid of stepping on too many toes since it's a pretty influential book. nobody will defend him on geopolitics.

this is pure LARP. Reading sublime object of ideology will not make you a lib, you can, in fact, read Heidegger without turning into a nazi and Kant without turning into a flaming racist. Maybe you can read two books? To Kill a Nation and Sublime Object? I dunno, maybe I'm the only one who can and form a synthesis because I'm the only true communist in this board.


there's a shitload of books in the world, why read ones by people who have shitty takes/politics?


yeah why read the most prominent and accessible hegelian around, no reason really.


That really depends on the book, anon. He has some that are decently readable but there are others that are just



forgot my


To be fair, that is less word salad than the average Hegelian


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Why not?


As a general, out-of-context response, it can be tactically useful to understand the mindset of others, both those you with to persuade and those you wish to fight.


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(add more schniffs)


>lmao, this verges almost on fanfiction levels of invention

<runs for president of slovenia as a liberal democrat

<continually advocates for privatization
<applauds NATO bombings

sure buddy


that's assuming that most authors are actually honest and not just writing a post-hoc rationalisation for things they already believe.



Why did Stalin kill MLK?




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this is what came on screen when he said "honeyed words"

literacy really decreasing


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also lol at all these videos getting edited for 1920*1080 ending up in 1080*1920 because of retard cell phone social media but not getting rotated properly so that the sides end up cut off


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why didn't you guys told me he was a council communist


Hey guys do you know that book about black people going to the Soviet Union and their experiences I remember reading it somewhere but I forgot.


Has anyone here read History of the Russian Revolution by Trotsky? I imagine it not only talks about the revolution itself but also the civil war as well right? Where is the main focus? Does it talk about the military aspect of the civil war, with Trotsky being a commander of the Red Army and all?


Has anyone read 85 Days In Slavyansk?


WHERE THE FUCK can I get myself some PDFs of レーニン全集 (Lenin Collected Works) in Japanese?


Hello. Does anyone have a book recommendation on christianity and fascism, especially modern evangelical christianity? I have read some articles but they are very limited in their analysis, and are mainly just descriptive of the conservative christian political movement. Im looking for something like a critical theory approach of the ideology of evangelicalism itself. There has to be something in the form of this religious ideology that in itself takes people towards fascism.


this isnt exactly about the innate qualities of the ideology (which… i think is maybe wrong anyways?), its more about the connection i guess

actually this reminds me, idk if it was in a Mike MacNair essay, or some essay on the trot theory of uneven and combined development (or the cross-section of the two? possibly), where they talked about how there are 3 forms fascism takes. One is the promotion of far-right ideas and culture, which has the effect/goal of disrupting working class organizing along with helping privatization, terrorize the working class, etc. Squeezes us lemons harder. The next form is that of paramilitary violence, which can be seen in fascist gangs who beat unionists and socialists, or ISIS, contras, etc. The third form being fascism "proper", the fascist state ran by a dictator who promotes (through violence and terror) national unity which suppresses the working class, and so on. It was very insightful, mentioning how in the US we have the first form (which pdf attached talks about the origins and development of), but it threatens to evolve into the second form and this is pushed by part of the ruling class, but mostly opposed, since it would be a larger threat to profits (because its a threat to stability). Interestingly, class collaboration philosophy/attitude as well as the ability to unite the bourgeoisie is able to be carried out effectively by liberals. Fascism incarnated in the state is totally unnecessary when liberalism does everything it can do, minus the extreme polarization and pushback.

As far as evangelical christianity, i would look at comparative studies against liberation theology, as well as in general the idea that protestantism is more harmonious with capitalism than catholicism or orthodoxy (a point marx brings up in passing once or twice in Grundrisse, maybe you could find it in his philosophical writings or Capital as well). Look to the specific parts of the bible which are being emphasized. As far as liberation theology, if you want english langauge and wider perspective than latin america, there's the philippines as well as MLK in the US and a small/diffuse following to this day around his preaching.


<The blind, totally uncritical acceptance and promotion of a doctrine or set of principles without any consideration of new evidence or changed circumstances and actual conditions. It is the approach of those who refuse to think about what they are saying and doing, let alone to really try to improve upon it, and who are instead determined to merely slavishly follow some previously established system of dogma as they understand it, come what may. Dogmatism is very common in religion, especially of the fundamentalist varieties. When it appears within politics, even within Marxism, it is a religious approach to politics.


where do you get the "we demand tomorrow" webpage screenshoot ? link website pls ?


None of those things are unique to fascism, unless "fascism" is reduced to "use of violence", and maintaining the fiction tha republics are ever what they appear to be. By that standard, the United States, the Jacobins, and the Soviet Union are all "fascist" because the state claims power and does stuff, and it would be nearly impossible to not be "fascist", because the cult of power is taken as inevitable and absolute.

The key distinction of fascism, stated by the fascists themselves, is "nothing outside of the state", and "nothing against the state". They actively seek to enclose the rest of the world and place it under state authority. It was then the task of the philosoper to mystify this, so fascism appears as something other than what it is by its own reckoning and deeds.

I can't recommend much, since writing on "fascism" often reduces it to a scare word. I'd look for critiques of the evangelical movement generally, rather than pseudo-critiques calling it "fascist". The transformation of religion and spiritual authority is an ongoing event and it's a dark hole to go down.
The honest are willing to say that a lot of these religious fundies are showing their Satanic side, but to acknowledge that requires acknowledging secret societies and conspiracies, and that is haram. I think it's more that many people did not really get what Christianity was from the outset, and you'd find better understanding from people who really get into theology and history, then from people who are tasked with pretending there are no such things as Satanists.


where the fuck is anti duhring in the sticky


What are the best leftist critiques of liberal idpol?


Not sure what "liberal" identity really denotes but
Adolph Reed should be good


>It pains my soul that our shitty theory was not enough to save humanity from this system of violence.
Marxism-Leninism isn't a shitty theory. Do you think Marx and Lenin wrote everything and we just dogmatically follow? No. The only theory we have is the theory that is informed by practice and experience. Every proletarian revolution, every proletarian struggle informs this body of theory. From Burkina Faso to Cuba to China to Congo to Chile, etc.

But other than that, you are correct. It was a picky point.


>Translated by the Institute of Party History and Literature of the CPC Central Committee, it's been published by the Central Compilation and Translation Publishing House.
Anyone have experience getting stuff like this? I'm seeing articles about the translation, but can't see where you're meant to download the thing, or if it even has a digital version.


Have you guys read Ian Kershaw's biography of Hitler?
Is there anything particularly bad about it from a leftist perspective?


Any history recommendations on the organizing work that the Bolsheviks did prior to revolution?


Kershaw is a typical lib who denies bourgeois influence over nasi germany. Read Fascism and Big Business or Wages of Destruction for counterpoints.


Anyone have an accelerationist reading list? Saw one floating around but cant find it



where does one acquire lasers strong enough to disable cctv cameras?


You need to research Weapon Fragments first.


>Weapon Fragments
i dont want to


then perish


Does anyone here know of any attempts to formalize marxist dialectics? like, has anyone attempted to develop a notation system?

think like one of these but virtual and less schizo


>>583450 (me)
chatgpt says

The ABC of Materialist Dialectics by Evald Ilyenkov
The Three Categories of Dialectical Reasoning by Mao Zedong
The Tetralemma Diagram by J. Moufawad-Paul
The Four-Part Dialectical Diagram by Bertell Ollman
The Five-Step Method of Dialectical Analysis by Stephen Resnick and Richard Wolff
The Contradiction Matrix by Steve Keen and Russell Standish.

it might be possible to create a crowdsourced git based 'wiki' in an attempt to map out as many dialectical relationships as possible, attach excepts from theory, etc etc


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>Every proletarian revolution, every proletarian struggle informs this body of theory
>>>>>From Burkina Faso to Cuba to China to Congo to Chile
Literally all of those were spearheaded by the peasantry, with the exception of Chile which was a bourgeois parliamentary election


Wrong in the case of Russia. The Bolsheviks appealed to the urban industrial proles. The peasentry by and large supported the Socialist Revolutionary Party which ended up fighting against the Bolsheviks on the side of the Whites during the civil war (there was a Left SR splinter group that supported the bolsheviks but they got purged when they became super butthurt over Russia signing the peace treaty with Germany and tried to kill Lenin).


Not true in the case of Germany, Bavaria, Austria, Hungary, Italy, the USSR as the other anon points out (although to my knowledge most peasants, particularly poorer ones and those not owning their own land supported the bolsheviks too, at least by the start of the civil war) and others. It's just that most successful revolutions so far have taken place in majority peasant countries, being the ones where the contradictions of class are arguably the most apparent due to poverty and an unstable bourgeoisie etc, although most countries are now majority proletarian. Also proletarianized countries will be likely to include th parlimentary methods in the revolution, which includes the historical successful examples of Chile, Czechoslovakia, Hungary again, Romania. Actually I think literally every communist movement ever heavily involved the proletariat class.


Peasants are just Proletarians that were held back a grade.


Which makes it all the more baffling that while listing off proletarian revolutions, anon chooses to name literally anything besides a proletarian revolution, thus my point
See above
>(although to my knowledge most peasants, particularly poorer ones and those not owning their own land supported the bolsheviks too, at least by the start of the civil war)
The Russian Revolution had a double character, its purpose was to carry out the bourgeois-democratic transformation domestically, while the creation of the Comintern served the interests of the international revolution, which would allow them to eventually carry out the communist transformation back home as well despite Russia not having a large proletarian base. Peasants were naturally big fans of the former, as peasants formed the backbone of every bourgeois revolution historically, but they would also be naturally be opposed to the latter, since their class is defined by the ownership of land.
>Also proletarianized countries will be likely to include th parlimentary methods in the revolution
Kautsky? And as a Romanian I am massively confused by the example of Romania as a successful parliamentary path to socialism lol, nevermind the fact that it was absolutely not a proletarianized country at that point in time.


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>It's just that most successful revolutions so far have taken place in majority peasant countries,
>The Russian Revolution had a double character,
In other words, 1910's Russia is, empirically, an outlier; the upper limit to which a country can be proletarianized and still being itself to successful revolt.


Halfway through this book as of yet. Anyone got more recommendations on The Young Lords?



>Valerie Solanas
For the record she was a schizophrenic who was allegedly raped (who knows if she really was or wasnt) which makes it more clear why she was like that.


everyone is pathological and traumatized, only those who cope in the system we revere and celebrate


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so true, narodniks and the SR's were right


any books on mengistu?


Well obviously they weren't.


here are notes from my most recent reading of Lenin's 'Left Wing Communism: An Infantile Disorder'



you need to work on your formatting, bitch


it's normal markdown


How do you render markdown?


ehm… I use Obsidian for all my notes so


Also study something better than Lenin JFC. He was not a good writer.
Chapter 1 of Grundrisse is nice to chew over https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1857/grundrisse/ch01.htm


have read



You guys can have my most recent notes on Cornelius Castoriadis

'Modern Capitalism and Revolution'

'On the Content of Socialism (II)'



Whats the 101 book of his?


So i think those two and the imaginary institution of society are both really good. For an intro to his motivations probably modern capitalism and revolution is best and that is just a really good essay overall, but imaginary institution of society is the most rigorous.

happy ramadan


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Mohon maaf lahir dan batin :)


Can anyone recommend a comprehensive history of modern Asia? Not looking for a list of American crimes or reasons that Juche is great or whatever, I'd rather a normal academic but obviously I'd prefer something that's critical towards colonialism and so on. There are good regional histories of the modern Mideast and Africa like this but I'm very unfamiliar with what's out there on Asia. Also if it includes South Asia and Oveania that's even better.


Normal academic book


'all of asia' seems like a bit too wide in scope for one book


How about just East Asia then?


can annyone please list all of books written by grover fur & dominico losurdo & other people like them who fight the history narative of the liberal world ?. i do not trust google or wikipedia. i am also not sure when the search result give me non english tittle and notes saying that there are other writings.


This torrent has a good amount of their books.


Anyone know about communist media online concerning the Dominican Republic? I know of this parties' existance, but they seem to have no publications available online beyond something from 2005 and entries in the ICMLPO(which probably should ring bells at its relevance)


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Perestroika, The Complete Collapse Of Revisionism by Harpal Brar



I highly suggest that people here listen to this MP3 file I made or read the PDF file from chapter twelve. Its a rather short summary of biology behind political orientations.

Robert Sapolsky – Behave — The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst

>Starting with Theodor Adorno in the 1950s, people have suggested that lower intelligence predicts adherence to conservative ideology. Some but not all studies since then have supported this conclusion. More consistent has been a link between lower intelligence and a subtype of conservatism, namely rightwing authoritarianism (RWA, a fondness for hierarchy). One particularly thorough demonstration of this involved more than fifteen thousand subjects in the UK and United States; importantly, the links among low IQ, RWA, and intergroup prejudice were there after controlling for education and socioeconomic status. The standard, convincing explanation for the link is that RWA provides simple answers, ideal for people with poor abstract reasoning skills.

>In one study conservatives and liberals, when asked about the causes of poverty, both tended toward personal attributions (“They’re poor because they’re lazy”). But only if they had to make snap judgments. Give people more time, and liberals shifted toward situational explanations (“Wait, things are stacked against the poor”). In other words, conservatives start gut and stay gut; liberals go from gut to head.


One wonders as to the possibility of forming an informal reading group via the board itself. E.G., either using this thread, or edu, to organise such a group? And, if it were permissible, whether any individuals here wouldst wish or have fancy to partake in our readings?


Yes, why wouldn't that be permitted?


Depends. What are you thiking about reading?


I'll make a thread about it (a thread for active reading groups in general and then we can discuss the first reading)


We were doing one on Matrix for a while but it dropped off, we're talking about restarting it.


matrix sucks organise it all on leftypol :/


Does anybody have any books on South Korean Porky's/corruption? I know the country is ran by five conpanies or something but I forgot the name of that


Thoughts on Isaac Babel?


What is the best Stalin biography you anons can recommend? Obviously without anti-communist black legend propaganda and lib analysis 'Stalin was brutal because his daddy beat him' nonsense, that goes without saying.


Trotsky's 'Stalin' seems pretty objective. However, you have to remember that he was hiding in Mexico from Stalin's assassins and taking stipends from the Americans. The preface explains how he wanted to write about Lenin, but the bourgeoisie paid him to write about Stalin.

It is probably impossible to find an objective biography about Stalin, with all of the


I feel like Trotsky might have been inclined to write anyway about the guy that was trying to kill him


He wrote about him before the biography



these are great, thanks for this anon


this liberation school seems to do good work, do they have a website ?.





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There should be more pressure here to get people to at least make an honest solid effort to read Capital. I'm blown away at how much insight is in this thing and I've only read less than a hundred pages. I would've started this years ago if I knew the difficulty would actually pay off like this.


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>I talked with Mao and then suggested to Stalin that he receive him. He was a clever man, a peasant leader, a kind of Chinese Pugachev. He was far from a Marxist, of course–he confessed to me that he had never read Marx’s Das Kapital.


It is the single most essential book a communist could read, the first chapter especially, so the fact that people put it off or consider it optional is deeply saddening.


I dont care to much about having any insight on something.
My believes only really go as far as to shill for whatever allows me to drink my beer in peace


Well I honestly was undecided on whether or not to start a new thread about "gramscian metapolitical media" but I guess I'll just place this here if the site is under some sort of construction (?) or just because it'll probably get more views, even if not strictly "educational"?

Diane Cook wrote a great short story that's not so subtly egalitarian and LW and anyways fun to read and free:

It's a watery, dystopian future with two neighbors in McMansions, each with a different response to society's downfall.
Very much worth the time and the collection, "Man v Nature" is good as well. For fans of George Saunders, Kelly Link, etc (the book that is. this singular story is pretty straight-ahead and has no "magical realism")


Usually only the bigger and more established parties have an online presence. Only communist party I’ve that has a webpage is PACOREDO but the site looks ancient and the headlines look like schizo ramblings.


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Just this one.


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>the site looks ancient
perfect, just like https://www.marxists.org/archive/index.htm


HOLY 1990s what a kino website
why do commies have such good website kino


Are there any pdfs of Mirsad Sultan Galiev's work on Muslim National Communism?


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You literally don't even need to read that many books to be a Marxist or accomplish goals set by Marxists. It's like the midwit meme, you can read unlimited books on communism or just sully yourself in practical work in the realm of political science or whatever and eventually come to the same conclusion that is Communism


So yeah I'm beginning to be serious about this revolutionary shit so I'm reading Marx and Lenin.
So Lenin says playing with bourgeois government is revisionism and very very bad.
On this very forum people are telling me "believe in Russia, the KRPF has elected people in the duma". Lenin says textbook revisionism, it's shameful.


Lenin's understanding of the bourgeois government is not so simple, for example if the movement is very weak, participation in bourgeois elections may be a means to get a revolutionary message out. After this point, it becomes a hindrance by neutering revolutionary politics.
But in the case of the KPRF, its a completely compromised party. Its basically a social democrat party that likes to say that Soviet aesthetics should be moreso incorporated within Russian nationalist aesthetics.


How Europe Underdeveloped Africa by Walter Rodney.

Essential for marxist theory towards understanding development and underdevelopment, a key contribution to historical materialism, first chapter on development before the real topic of the book is at least essential.


The Russian Revolution: A View From The Third World


Also by Walter Rodney.


Don't believe anything you read on this site (or any other online forum for that matter) and keep reading, you are on the right path.


You sound extremely naive, one of the things that set Lenin apart from 'Leftism' and 'Oztovism' was his support for Communist Parties to take part in Bourgeois Electoralism and reactionary trade unions.

The KPRF are based aswell.


>The KPRF are based aswell
So true, I love United Russia's socdem wing too!



With what, renegade?


Oh I think you know..


< Read all three Penguin volumes of Capital
What now?


Do it again


post spines I do not believe you


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What did you learn?


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>penguin volumes

porky edition. read it in the original german


>not reading the works of our Father in the vulgate


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[Book] Understanding Marx’s Capital: A reader’s guide


I hear more and more about this guy's works on the internet recently(obviously from people with far-right tendencies) but I've also realized that I have very little context on the WWII era to read it critically, like I did with Callahan's "Economics for Real People" in another thread. Could anyone give me recommendations on the WWII period specifically?


>Capital Volume 1
>Capital Volume II
>Capital: Volume III


Do capitalists and inperialists have any meaningful 'Big Books' like Das Kapital or are they all illiterates?




Wealth of Nations by Smith, or Principals of Political Economy by Ricardo. Smith focuses on qualitative analysis while Ricardo and Marx focus on quantitative analysis.


the national system of political economy by frederich list


Im glad that adam smith and ricardian socialism is coming back as people crack those books open. Im reading the wealth of nations currently and its nice to see the founder of socialist economics, adam smith, saying some rational shit.


nice bait


<“The man whose whole life is spent in performing a few simple operations, of which the effects are perhaps always the same, or very nearly the same, has no occasion to exert his understanding or to exercise his invention in finding out expedients for removing difficulties which never occur. He naturally loses, therefore, the habit of such exertion, and generally becomes as stupid and ignorant as it is possible for a human creature to become.”

<“Wherever there is great property there is great inequality. For one very rich man there must be at least five hundred poor, and the affluence of the few supposes the indigence of the many. The affluence of the rich excites the indignation of the poor, who are often both driven by want, and prompted by envy, to invade his possessions.”

<“In regards to the price of commodities, the rise of wages operates as simple interest does, the rise of profit operates like compound interest. Our merchants and masters complain much of the bad effects of high wages in raising the price and lessening the sale of goods. They say nothing concerning the bad effects of high profits. They are silent with regard to the pernicious effects of their own gains. They complain only of those of other people.”

<“People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices.”


Smith, A. (1776). An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. W. Strahan and T. Cadell. (Original work published 1776). Retrieved from https://www.econlib.org/library/Smith/smWN.html


No. Adam Smith is useless, so is Ricardo, so is Mill. Don't read outdated bourgeois ideology like the other morons in this thread.


After marx then what


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Does anyone have an audiobook of “What is to be done”



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I mean the first part is just georgism, and the other parts are just Keynesianism or stuff that some capitalists admit. I guess you could say that aspects of this did make up elements of socialist theory, but I wouldnt exactly say adam smith advocated for the same things marx did.


Smith was also referring to feudal landlords like the ones that passed the Corn Laws. He wouldn't have had a problem with modern urban rentiers.


yeah i dont understand this attempt to rehabilitate smith as a socialist thinker, the guy was ultimately still a borg thinker.


Hint: that anon attaches a confederate flag to their posts


yeah you are right, I used to think he was purely being ironic but Ive also noticed a lot of his takes are questionable at best


He spends his days talking to extreme-right nuts on the internet which he sometimes posts images off.
Nobody who does this is being entirely ironic with their nonsense. To lock yourself on the internet in order to create a duel reality to live is the most important thing fascists look for to create new fascists, it seems.


is there a mobi or epub or pdf of:

“Left-Wing” Communism: an Infantile Disorder
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Finished MSc so it is about time to read a bit. Have read only the communist manifesto years ago.


I can’t find a working mp3 converter. If I listen to it on YouTube my phone dies quickly.



nta and thanks for that


You can probably find them on libgen.is
>Have read only the communist manifesto years ago
You should really start with Marx then, otherwise you'd really not get much out of Lenin aside from a few vague ideas here and there


thanks for the reply. Can't find One Step Forward, Two Steps Back on libgen.

When you say Marx you mean the capital?


are there any interest modern socialist/materialist analysis substacks out there anyone can recommend?


I was reading Quotations from Mao Zedong and it made me think, why isn't there an expanded version with quotes from other Marxist thinkers? I think the format is already a good idea, a little red book describing the "art of war" for the revolutionary in the field, but why not expand it beyond just what Mao has to say?

You could still have the red plastic cover, but include images of other ML thinkers other than Mao, some proletarian art, some images of the global proletariat for inspiration, then the same chapters just expanded with quotes from a variety of philosophers and revolutionaries.


You might be interested in Axioms of Kwame Nkrumah, collection of quotes from himself.


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Are there any single chinlet/reactionary equals to Marx or Engels to wrestle with or is reactionism inherently a hodgepodge patchwork coalition of obscurantists?




Hahaha great joke, friend. Thank you for making this thread more lively.


Where do I start with Kant?


Critique of Pure Reason. Then Honestly skip everything else and read Fanged Noumena


Why only Capital vol.1 is recommended? What about volumes 2 and 3?


Been on a Walter Rodney binge lately. Put together an epub file with a ton of his essays, lectures, and speeches to read while I traveled around rural Vermont. Dude is a nonstop canon of straight proletarian facts, and is pretty damn hilarious to boot:
>"The prime minister of Jamaica, a black man (you know he looks black anyway)…"
>"The other evening, speaking at another site, I had to draw the analogy, to say what if there ever was such a thing called the Midas touch, which was the touch that made everything turn into gold, then we will have a new creation in this society — the Burnham touch where everything he touches turns to shit."


Why do you keep posting this? You already made thiz thread on /edu/ months ago


Where do I start with Nazbol theory


Karl otto paetel presumably, or strasser


Paetel was at least more communist than the typical MLs or even Demsuccs of today, more of a national leftcom (which is still a horrible contradiction) than a nazbol.


This is fantastic, great job.



More by Kwame Nkrumah:
Handbook of revolutionary warfare


Decolonial Marxism: Essays From The Pan-African Revolution


Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael)
Stokely Speaks (speeches)
Ready for revolution (auto? biography)


Works by Frantz Fanon:
Black Skin, White Masks
Towards The African Revolution
Wretched Of The Earth
A Dying Colonialism
Alienation and Freedom


Here you go:
Imperialism In The 21st Century By John Smith
Imperialism and Globalization of Production By John Smith (His Doctoral Thesis)


Just scanned this small collection of speeches by Stalin on the CPUSA. Read it you shits and stop being liberals.

Fucking nice. Excellent works


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Just do it. Please. I urge you all. This has been one of the best experiences of my life. He answers every single last stupid question I spent the last 10 years of my life torturing myself with. Everything. He already figured it out.
Just read Capital.
It's more than worth it.
>But what abou-
>Marx couldn't have predicte-
He did. All of it.
Just read Capital.


People who don't read/claim to read but not actually das kap do not read because of spontaneity of any kind (e.g. laziness). They don't read because their consciousness predisposes them towards hostility/apathy. To beg them to engage with the material, is to engage them on their (dichotomous) terms and lower yourself to the position of servant. Instead, such people are only fit for mockery.


Capital was never intended for the revolutionary workers (who, as Marx documents, were working up to 15 hours a day) and instead marx&Engels published shorter work like S:U&S and the manifesto. Concurrently it has been left out of socialist education for the most part.
But now we are living in the first world with an 8 hour work day, and we as the more privileged workers can and should dedicate the year or so that it takes to read all three volumes.
Another thing is that people think the book is very complicated, but it's not so complicated at all.

Sorry I've barely had my coffee this morning but my point is that reading Capital in its entirety should be promoted more by socialists. It literally answers every question (quite plainly!) people still have debates about to this day.


Where does this misnomer come from that Marx did not intend his work to be read by the people he addressed it to? Engels even mentions Marx considered the greatest compliment he ever received to be the reception of das kap among the German working class.
The manifesto was written within a specific historic context, with a specific purpose - as many of Marx works, I might add. Utopia and Science was written by Engels. Neither is applicable to your scenario.

>Another thing is that people think the book is very complicated, but it's not so complicated at all.

Almost as if by design.


Philippines (MLM) - Notable in this drive are copies of the NDFP's Liberation (which functions sort of like a newspaper of the goings-on in the revolutionary movement during the Martial Law period) and Rebolusyon, the CPP'sa theoretical journal, the period here goes up until the split in the CPP's ranks and the ensuing ideological battles that took place against the Trotskyists and Social Democrats.

Many of the files are in English, some in Tagalog.



I have some embryonic idea of market socialism and libertarianism having the similar goal of trying to beat out the bad effects of capital accumulation by turning the majority of the population into petty-bourgeoisie, but I don't know if that warrants its own thread.


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Does anyone have a English translation of Yemelyan Yaroslavsky's "How Gods and Goddesses are Born, Live and Die"? Was published in 1923 and apparently had a English translation at one point, but saw nothing online. Already searched the Marxist Library. Thanks in advance.


Anyone have a good history of Mexico from the war of independence through the end of the 19th century? I want to read it when I need to take a break from Capital


a good rule of thumb with book piracy is that smaller file sizes when it comes to pdfs are preferable

Also, try going for epub and mobi file formats. if you're using a kindle, you can convert epub to being compatible with the device using the "send to kindle" function on Amazon or just convert them using a third party site.

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