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Remember!!: Nothing Ever Happens!™


Evidence of the influence and origin of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine



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Maybe because it's a flying bomb? Just a guess.


Based on their recent talks McGovern and Mercouris are very interested in the threat of nuclear weapons in Ukraine in the leadup to the SMO. Basically it looks like this

>early 2021, Biden's inauguration emboldened Zelensky to question the ability of Minsk to be implemented, states Crimea and Donbass must be deoccupied. Stand off ensues

>summer 2021, Bucharest 2008 reiterated, flurry of official visits to Ukraine, strategic guarantees given and other agreements signed
>fall 2021, Russian ultimatum and doomed negotiations begin
,>According to Lavrov in late Jan 2022 Blinken walks back Biden's comments from a phone call in December 2021 on no strike missiles in Ukraine. Danilov reiterates in the same month that Minsk can't be implemented without undermining state security
>a couple weeks later in Feb according to a readout Biden in another phone call states no negotiation on Ukraine in NATO or strike missiles [meaning they're part of Ukrainian security and therefore enforcing Euromaidan over rebellious territories]
>Kamala Harris the same month publicly states Ukraine will join NATO
>At Munich in mid February, Zelensky floats the idea of Ukraine getting nukes
>Donbass shelling explodes to levels not seen since the 2020 ceasefire broke down
>Decommunization/derussification of Donbass and Crimea is now being threatened by the largest army in Europe and nuclear weapons in the future

It really looks like what happened is the West called a Russian bluff over a latter day frozen conflict that this time around was directly clashing with European expansion, meaning it was vulnerable to collapse of the Russian position that would destabilize the corrupt state or some other belief. Based on my experiences I strongly believe a Russian invasion was not actually expected. I believe it was understood that Russian state felt threatened by NATO but it was grossly underestimated how much 2014 Ukraine animated Russians including Putin. The former was not respected as an outdated 19th century sphere of influence but the latter was never well understood due to distorted Western views (crap about the rise of two totalitarianisms threatening the free world) of Russian experiences with the civil war, ww2, and the cold war that came together and resumed in 2014 Ukraine with American unipolarity packaging them together. Thats what made everything existential for Russia and its why the West didn't expect calling a bluff to backfire. The alternative would be Russia waging a gigantic war under unprecedented sanctions, but we didn't understand how the civil war, ww2, and the cold war always demanded those things from Russians. What was supposed to happen is the West reuniting over its post 2016 divisions and reminding a half reformed and rotten Russia who won the 20th century, halting the decline of American unipolarity and cementing Biden's legacy.


It only took 2 years to develop skeet shooting. Bravo slavs.


In the future every squad needs to have a designated drone skeeter.


Because it's a bomb.


you're a bomb


Can't believe they don't have small form auto-turrets for this shit yet. At least for the goddamn vehicles. I saw the russians had some auto-turrent video earlier in the war but it was for ground targets. This is where you employ that shit. Tracking a drone against the sky optically is probably easy as shit, no risk of the auto-turret hitting your own guys like with an auto turret for ground targets.


Man, remember the time when there was no war? Life was kinda slow and uneventful, covid gave a bit of a shakeup but nobody cared after awhile. Now the whole world is spicy. Something new keeps popping up constantly, escalations, trade routes, coups in Africa, bullfuckery in the Middle East, World division and side picking. Things finally shifted from the point of stagnation into a flurry of change and activity around the globe. We live in hella interesting times.


the main issue is that the US was directly calling the start of the Russian invasion earlier that month. So they had enough intel to make that prediction accurately.
Of course it was too late to prepare anything by then.


They were predicting an imminent invasion for months by Feb 2022, it acted as a smokescreen to prevent Europeans from negotiating while deterring Russia from issuing more threats. Remember that zelensky and his defense minister said they saw no sign of an invasion coming



>Big picture, the relationship between Moscow and Beijing, which is coalescing into an Asian bloc makes Russia largely immune to economic warfare. The same is, of course, true of China where any effort to economically isolate would cause Western societies to unravel due to supply chain breakdowns and price shocks. The West will have no other means to take on Russia or China except for costly military options. Against the European and world manufacturing powerhouses and superior Russian weapons? Good luck with that.

>The US now finds itself stuck in a doom loop in which the more it tries to thwart Eurasian integration — through sanctions, proxy wars, etc. — the tighter the defenses become. We’re already reaching a point where the offers of friendship from the US or its lackeys in Europe are not-so-politely declined. We see an increasing number of countries like Georgia and even NATO ally Turkey considering laws designed to keep the Americans and Europeans out of their internal politics.

>If this trend continues and the US is largely unable to destabilize an integrated Asian landmass dominated by China and Russia from within, it will be reduced to stirring up trouble outside the fortress and hurling its proxies against the proverbial walls. These are fights the West cannot win – either on the battlefield on the economic front as both Russia and China are largely self-sufficient autarkies, and together one could argue they are fully self-sufficient.

>Has the Blob noticed any of this? Does it recognize that its enemies only seem to grow stronger? It would be a major news development if that’s the case. Doubling down is more likely. As Ray McGovern wrote following Putin’s recent trip to China:

< The Russia-China entente also sounds the death knell for attempts by U.S. foreign policy neophytes to drive a wedge between the two countries. The triangular relationship has become two-against-one, with serious implications, particularly for the war in Ukraine. If U.S. President Joe Biden’s foreign policy geniuses remain in denial, escalation is almost certain.


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you could have the turret detect and aim and raise an alarm so the soldier has to push a button before firing as a safety


>no let's add more automation and interaction to a war device
The absolute state of the sons of American defense contractor employees on leftypol


Extensiveness and depth of LIDAR usage in the military is currently classified.


I remember discussion at the time being that an invasion wasn't coming because Russia didn't have what was considered the "necessary forces." 3-1 was supposedly the magic ratio for invasion and Western military "thought" being what it is Russia invading with a numerically inferior force probably wasn't being realistically considered.


TBF the war hasn't exactly gone that great for Russia, yes they're winning but it's trench warfare


So? Russians aren't the ones rotting in trenches.


It seems like things are going pretty well to me. Nato's cupboards are bare, Russia's economy is booming, economic cooperation with Asia is increasing, while in the US everything is on the verge of cracking apart. Russia currently has the best trained, equipped, and experienced standing army on the planet and its enemies in Europe can't even produce the artillery shells they need. Even in a state of "trench warfare" while I doubt Russia's casualties are negligible it's been Ukraine that's been eating it the most, and that's just on the front lines, never mind the demographic catastrophe this war has been for the rest of Ukrainian society.


Westerners can't conceive of giving a shit about Ukrainian lives, so all their "criticism" is the same, tired, debunked bullshit about not winning fast enough.


Russia entered the war with less ferocity than was appropriate but since last year's disastrous offensyyivv things have only swung more in Russia's favor until they now have both logistical and initiative advantage over the West.
After 2022 the west has done nothing except crack open plans increasingly past their expiration date.


>Russia entered the war with less ferocity than was appropriate
Is that so? I thought Zelensky was ready to negotiate before Johnson told him to nix it.


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zelemphsky isn't scared of bojo. it was the azovites in his military that was holding a gun to his head the whole time


Backing off from Kiev was a mistake


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Taliban wouldn't even be a factor in Memeghanistan if it weren't for operation cyclone


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>bleeding NATO dry as they sent wave after wave of expensive equipment was a mistake
>bleeding the Ukrainian army dry was a mistake
>russia should have just memed their way into kyiv and triggered full scale war with NATO instead of just sticking to protecting the separatist regions


somebody set it up the bomb


somebody add the hamas arrow


>i keep pictures of crossdressing nazis on my hard drive


wow the west wing guy was right, free hecking trade stops hecking wars, thanks neolib



How sure are we of that? I mean maybe not trenches but I see a lot in the fields after being droned. Of course I cannot decide what exactly is much but how sure are we about your claim?


what you say??


I don't believe that it, on its own, is the stopping of wars as much as i believe that this is how they signal the intent to go to war. Even if it's bullshit, they believe in it.


Because "trenches" are a normal form of defense soldiers use. "Trench warfare" refers to both sides pretty much living in trenches opposite from each other, with a field of craters and corpses in between. Russians have subjected Ukrainians to this, and we have photos, that, if greyscaled, wouldn't look out of place on the Western Front. Ukrainians literally do not have the artillery to subject Russians to the same, and they admit it themselves.


Nah, WW3 was US against the world. We are living the final battles of this war that started in the late 90s at the start of the US unipolar moment and it's victory drunken revelry.


Okay I get what you mean

But can Russians defend against The Gravedigger of Kiyv?


>Jannie went to war
>Mironton, mironton, mirontaine.
>But when will he ever come home?


My uncle works at the kremlin, and Poutine's double in North Korea was a transman.


That's funny


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Nationalist battalions are openly recruiting in prisons now


Remember when the Ukrainian military was saying something like twelve Russian BTGs were poised to take over the country? Lmao


Communists support Afghanistan not being bombed and occupied by foreign imperialists. There is no other serious contender to the Taliban that isn't a CIA front group (eg Northern Alliance, ISIS). Even during the NATO occupation the Taliban, or similarly reactionary groups, still controlled the day to day lives of most of the population.

The lives of women and men in Afghanistan can't magically be improved by "supporting" the ideologically correct group. But only by the development of Afghanistan out of feudalism.


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I feel ya, buddy. :(


this is so retarded I don't even know where to begin
I've been toying with the idea of building a turret/drone rifle/shotgun for hunting purposes, and it's pretty fucking obvious you need some kind of safety mechanism
imagine seething so hard you feel the need to dig up the literal bones of the past


I was saying if it's only meant to hit targets in the air you can kind of limit its pitch so it can't even hit someone on the ground. Wouldn't hurt to have additional safeties of course.


of course you limit its pitch, but there can be other things in the air you don't want to hit. if anything you probably don't want birds to give away your position by your turret firing at them


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Anyone has this article in full? archive.is does not

Vid unrelated.


The EU is banning software buttons for certain controls in automobiles. The best point of departure is the story of its use and transport in a hostile environment.


>the Working Man's Burden
I hope your wife fucks black men on the side


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