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 [Last 50 Posts]

Remember!!: Nothing Ever Happens!™


Evidence of the influence and origin of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine



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if putin was acutally a transman all leftwing infighting would finally end and we would rally behind such an inspiration


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Steve Bandera is the Holocaust denying grandson of Stephan Bandera and we should attempt to get him convicted of Holocaust denial in Canada to bolster the Russian war effort against the Ukraine. Even if he doesn't get convicted this will be a propaganda victory similar to the L that NATO took when Yaroslav Hunka got a standing ovation in the Canadian Parliament. The West has been taking lots of propaganda Ls since October 7th. Let's try to add to that tally.

>Grandson of Ukraine's Stepan Bandera Reckons With Legacy of Nazi Collaboration
>Steve Bandera, a journalist and Canadian citizen, has steadfastly maintained for years that his grandfather, and the Ukrainian nationalist movement in general, are innocent of perpetrating war crimes against Jews

>The BCU-sponsored ForumTV, a “television news magazine” founded in 2012, is another arm of the Banderites in Canada. Its managing director is none other than Steve Bandera, who “has steadfastly maintained for years that his grandfather, and the Ukrainian nationalist movement in general, are innocent of perpetrating war crimes against Jews,” according to journalist Sam Sokol. ForumTV appears on Omni Television, Canada’s multilingual and multicultural television broadcaster, and seems principally concerned with promoting the activities of the Banderite organizations affiliated with the “Canadian Conference in Support of Ukraine.” The first video it uploaded to Youtube was a commercial for BCU Financial Group.
>In May 2017, according to her LinkedIn account, Lisa Shymko, daughter of the replaced ICSU leader, either quit or lost her two jobs as the managing director of ForumTV (to be replaced by Steve Bandera) and the public relations director of BCU Financial Group. Like her father, she too has history with ABN-Canada, having co-coordinated its 1986 conference in Toronto. Five years later, she became executive director of a new organization, Canadian Friends of Ukraine, and by the end of the 1990s, played a leading role in the creation of the Canada-Ukraine Parliamentary Resource Center as a project director for the Canadian International Development Agency. In the 21st century, she has “advised successive Canadian governments on foreign policy,” traveled with Stephen Harper to Ukraine three times during his tenure as Prime Minister, been a board member of the ICSU, and served as the president of the LUCW, among other things. As the LUCW president, she spoke at a ceremony held at Canadian Forces Base Trenton in the summer of 2014 as the first shipment of Canadian military aid arrived in Ukraine.
>The federal electoral district of Etobicoke Centre has only been represented by a Conservative in Parliament for four years in the 21st century, but the Ukraine-Canada Parliamentary Friendship Group (UCPFG) has been chaired by the Etobicoke Center MP since 2005, starting with the Liberal Ukrainian Canadian politician Borys Wrzesnewskyj. In 2010, he hired Steve Bandera as part of an effort to improve Ukrainian-Jewish relations in Canada, two years after contributing money for the reprinting of a Ukrainian nationalist revisionist memoir, “Into Auschwitz, for Ukraine.” First elected to Parliament in 2004, Wrzesnewskyj was re-elected in 2006 and 2008, but lost in 2011 to Ted Opitz by just 26 votes, who became the new UCPFG chairman. Opitz, who is of Polish descent, soon proved himself to be one of the Banderites’ most enthusiastic allies in Parliament, but served just one term, losing by over 9,500 votes in a 2015 rematch with Wrzesnewskyj.

https://www.reddit.com/r/Agent KochinskiV/comments/yf3yxv/regarding_steve_bandera_grandson_of_stepan_bandera/

>As of 23 June 2022, the willful promotion of antisemitism is illegal in Canada.[35][34] Persons found guilty of wilfully promoting antisemitism by "condoning, denying or downplaying the Holocaust" may receive a prison sentence not more than 2 years or a summary conviction.[34]


This is a fairly recent change to the Criminal Code of Canada and it happened after the invasion of the Ukraine, so we can all understand why no one powerful has pressed for his conviction.


I don't know where else to ask this but I am trying to save my libshit-infected Soviet-born Jewish mother from defending Ukronazis that literally genocided our ancestors.
She's partially broken out of Zionist propaganda but still listens to podcasts from US/NATO morons who hate hecking Putininos but love Banderites and Israel.
It's breaking my heart to see her cheer these fuckers on
She's listened to podcasts and figures like Nevzorov for years now, is there any hope to change her mind?
I've tried to at least find lefty Russian-language sources that are critical of the current Russian Federation while being anti-NATO to get her to read them, but it's hard.


>She's listened to podcasts and figures like Nevzorov for years now, is there any hope to change her mind?
Yes there is, as her child, you of all people have the only chance to change her mind. But remember, it's not an easy process, you cannot press too hard or you'll push her away, nor can you just tell her she's wrong because she will reject it. You must subtly convince her, reason with her and most importantly expose these people. Don't attempt to dissuade her until you have cast-iron proof of these people being scum. Research them, expose their dirtiness and most importantly play on the parts close to her - her Jewish heritage most certainly puts her at odds with people that would happily murder жидов и совков. Point out that the same people that support Zionist garbage she is now partially opposing are the people telling her what to think. If she's good with Russian, I would suggest the youtube channel Mount Show. It's critical of the Russian Government, but also equally critical of the West and does so in a comedic way, it would certainly be a soft beginning. Also a bit later, impress upon her the suffering of Donbass from 2014 onward, make sure she sees the Odessa Massacre, the Alley of Angels in Donbass and the children brutally killed by Azovites. Give her proof of the USA meddling in the Maidan and encouraging the death of Ukrainians.


Also for Nevzorov specifically, I suggest link rel by TubusShow. He debunks some of Nevzorov's older stuff and exposes his nonsense.

Осторожно, Невзоров! ч1
Осторожно, Невзоров! ч2

He also had a film debunking Nevzorov's Чистилище (1997) but I can't find it at the moment.


>He also had a film debunking Nevzorov's Чистилище (1997)
Found it


Thank you for the reply. The problem so far is she just minimizes most of the Ukrofascism with "well Ruzzia has Nazis too!" and them still fighting Putin. But then she followed Navalny's social media, even though he was one of those, but was opposition to Putlerino so he was a "good guy" (despite the shit on his LiveJournal spouting slurs and the nationalist parade photos I showed her).
She herself got yelled at by chatters in a pro-Ukraine war telegram/whatsapp for being "too Russian."
I've at least tried pointing out to her the multinational nature and connections of rich oligarchs that have ties to Ukraine, other Eastern Euro countries, and issrael as much as they have to Russia.
These people are the only physical family I currently have. They already were estranged from the rest of our family (who are flatout reactionary gusano-tier morons) for being "too progressive." I do not want to give up on them when they grew up in the late USSR and underwent waves of neolib propaganda and reprogramming afterwards that they're only starting to undo.
Will compile the information you have brought up as well, thanks again.


>she just minimizes most of the Ukrofascism with "well Ruzzia has Nazis too!"
Pics rel
>she followed Navalny's social media, even though he was one of those
SO bring up the contradiction, ask how she can think good of someone that is blatantly two-faced?
> I do not want to give up on them when they grew up in the late USSR and underwent waves of neolib propaganda and reprogramming afterwards that they're only starting to undo.
Never give up. Family is important, because when the chips are down, they are your closest and most precious people. Only in the Western hemisphere, in the generationally alienated families of America and West-Europe, does this not hold true, because family there is just a legal term.

Also show her this video https://files.catbox.moe/8ykggh.mp4
Make her think, as a mother, WHO is suffering and who started this war. Show her videos of the Ukrainian troops who mocked and insulted the granny who came out with a Soviet flag to greet whom she thought were Russians. Make sure she sees the vile contrast between Nazi Ukraine and the NATO hegemon, and Russia.

Hell, I myself personally dislike Putin for numerous reasons, including the current oligarchy, but Putin is the least deranged political leader of real influence at the moment, alongside the leadership of China, the DPRK and so on. If she cannot support Putin, that is fine, but convince her that pendulum swinging into support of the opposite is tantamount to Nazi apologism.


The fact that there's a Steve Bandera in Canada who spends his time arguing that grandpa was a pretty cool guy sounds like something out of a bad comedy sketch


There was a former Cuban dictator's granddaughter who was on the verge of being homeless in Florida, too



TIL USA has truly won in Vietnam

>Promoted as a response to President Lyndon B. Johnson's War on Poverty by giving training and opportunity to the uneducated and poor, the recruited men were classified as "New Standards Men" (or, pejoratively, as the "Moron Corps"[8]). They had scored in Category IV of the Armed Forces Qualification Test, which placed them in the 10th–30th percentile range.[9] The number of soldiers reportedly recruited through the program varies, from more than 320,000[9] to 354,000, which included both voluntary enlistees and draftees (54% and 46%, respectively).[3] Entrance requirements were loosened, but all the Project 100,000 men were sent through normal training programs with other recruits, and performance standards thus were the same for everyone.[10] The U.S. Army received 71% of recruits, followed by 10% by the Marines, 10% by the Navy, and 9% by the Air Force.[1]



3 hours of Ukrainian mobilization screamer in first 2-3 minutes


You have to be really dumb to score that low on the AFQT


Damn he got Wolff and Hudson together


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>Ukrops: redesign their insignia so that nobody calls them Nazis anymore
>Ukrops immediately after the redesign:


Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze has claimed that a European commissioner told him he could end up suffering the same fate as Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, who survived an assassination attempt last week.

In a Facebook post on Thursday, Kobakhidze said that the unnamed commissioner warned him during a recent phone call that the West would take “a number of measures” against him if his government pressed ahead with a law requiring foreign NGOs in Georgia to disclose their funding.

“While listing these measures, he mentioned: ‘you see what happened to Fico, and you should be very careful’,” he wrote.


>unnamed commissioner
Well, that's the problem, isn't it?
Naming the commissioner would lead to the problem being turned back around very quickly, wouldn't it?
So therefore the only point of RT's post is to create fear and prevent its destruction.


>West wouldn't engage in assassination attempts, and exposing them is just Russian propagnada

Or the commissioner is a whistleblower, btw


>>you see what happened to Fico, and you should be very careful
That is not the language of a "whistleblower". That is clearly a threat couched in diplomatic language.
>your hurting the Russian people's feelings!


RT is reporting on a post the georgian PM made on facebook
the georgian PM didn't name the commissioner, so how would RT be able to name him?
do you have trouble reading?


Ukraine’s media censor has withdrawn instructions urging news outlets not to use insults when referring to Russian troops and officials. The country’s National Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting has taken down an advisory on the widespread Ukrainian media practice of labeling Russians “orcs” and “retards.”

Guidelines on covering frontline news released earlier this month by the Council, urging journalists to avoid dehumanizing language when describing Russian military personnel, had remained largely unnoticed until Wednesday, when some of the content was highlighted by the media.

The advisory claimed that insults “are not ethical or justifiable” in journalism and can fuel tensions in Ukrainian society. It also said the use of derogatory language “does not further objective and open coverage” of news, and may “undermine perception of media outlets as reliable sources of information.” Inflammatory rhetoric could also prolong the hostilities, it suggested.

”Journalism should remain objective towards all belligerents,” the regulator said.

However, as of Thursday, that advisory is no longer on the Council's website.


Of course it was lmao
The Ukrainian state physically can't stop it at this point, their entire existence is just "Russia bad" at this point.


I'm sorry


Horsefucker who tried to scam people into believing that horses are as smart as people and can be taught to read and write


Yeah, that is a lost case, lmao. May as well be watching kamikazeD


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I can't take the NATO shills anymore my brothers, they're fucking EVERYWHERE except this website. On top of the IDF shills and Biden shills it's making me feel insane


Real "my wife left me and took the kids" vibes from his videos.


On the side of runet its all just libshits and dumbass nationalists, each hostile towards communists to varying degrees. Its like a battle of piss and shit.


It's like this everywhere but China, Vietnam, Laos, DPRK and Cuba


just don't use those websites
it's easier said than done but that's the only solution


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This belongs to isg, not /ukraine/


>I can't take the NATO shills anymore my brothers, they're fucking EVERYWHERE
I think there's 2 reasons for this
1. Disinformation was a pretext for monopolizing the internet and waging info war. Crisis of globalization politicized the internet.
2. If globalization is in crisis because global capitalism is internally antagonistic, then bourgeois democracy functions to get first world citizens to fight to preserve their class position in the world. This would explain why realists are confused there's no diplomacy, national sovereignty is outdated, and stuff like Germany working against its interests happens


Westoids be like:
Chinese be like:
>It's OK for 2 girls or boys to hold hands in public and kiss!
Westoids are like:
<Chinese be like:
"Fuck off"


Donetsk Oblast will always be Ukraine and will never be denazified. Cry about it.


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my honest reaction to this information


More yellow and blue crayons stat


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mfw one of my favorite animu commisioners turned out to be a ukranian

i need a minute


Could be a lib


You could go out. But a piece of art, put it on your wall and have cash left for 100$
Why would you possibly spend it on this what is objectively not very good art digitally only?
Stop buying this shit until you get a better taste for what you should be spending and what's good art.. And there is legitimately no point in to bother with digital art.


still no kharkiv


what makes traditional art better? also you can print out digital art ya know


>Bad communist, not mediating your culture through industry and capitalism!
Kys neoliberal, and read some fucking Marx for the first time in your sad little Gonzalo-cucked life.


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I'm sure most smut commision artists are Ukrainian. Our resident Ukrainian was also one.


anybody still got that pic of the billboard in ukraine with cropped furry porn on it?


<noooo you can't …buy art!
lmao. go eat gruel. ascetic faggot.
>what makes traditional art better?
You get it on a canvas and can put it on your wall.
> also you can print out digital art ya know
Yes but…. what? sincerely are you dumb? you can print a picture and put it on your wall for the cost of the ink without spending 100.


the point of a commission is you get exactly what you want, I doubt you can get many artists to paint a custom work on canvas for you for $100, the most you'll get is a reprint


What you are describing,jackass, is KITSCH, not art. Declining to distinguish between the two is a clear marker of fascism.
>I should only consume creative energies, and leave their exercise to experts
No, you're actually a soft-handed neoliberal and you should actually kill yourself for mediating my relations just the same as every other capitalist who tried.


> The point of [art] is you get exactly what you want
Even /ukraine/ have fallen to liberalism, it's really over


You can get exactly what you want AND have it cheap if you just draw it yourself. Being shit at art isnt an excuse - get better.


>proles should keep their consumption and production separate
>proles should internalize the logic of the market just like the "Homo oeconomicus" of neoliberal capitalism
>the other guy is liberal


Yes everything in life would be free if you had unlimited skill points to invest in every skill


god you people are so insufferable


>the point of a commission is you get exactly what you want,
what does that mean? When you spend 100 USD it is going to be what you want, sure… but also you could make the random image you found the exact image you want. It quite literally sounds like you psyoped yourself in to throwing 100USD at somebody, you could have just been content with one of the billions and billions of images already on the internet.
And if you mean, exactly what you are imagining that is Impossible. You can never get 'exactly' what you want, in this case it will be what you want as interpreted through your description to the artist and then the artist. It's really not much different than googling for the image you want to find.
Are you paying for the 'originality' of it? Because that seems like frankly a silly abstraction to spend a whole $100$ on.
Okay. You sound like a crybaby faggot tbh. Stay mad though i guess.


why are you acting like some autistic alien visitor to earth?

'bro if your brain does x… just make it do y'

that $100 is also an abstraction if you want to get all metatwatical about it.


>textwall rage because someone gave money to someone else directly in exchange for labor instead of giving a smaller amount of money to some mass produced porkoid's product


same with a lot of furry art


>why are you acting like some autistic alien visitor to earth?
What? I'm just telling you that you can get more for you cash, at least a piece of canvas or wood that is painted. What you are currently doing you have basically nothing before the cost of printing that you could not have gotten for free with a search engine.
What i like to do and what I recommend is a good idea, just find an fairly consistent younger local artists, they have a lot because they're still practicing their skills (and tend to have access to free materials if they're currently studying) so they have lots of art around and for not much cash.


don't mind me everyone, i'm just enjoying the leftist infighting


>Donetsk Oblast will always be Ukraine and will never be denazified. Cry about it.
I think we are past the time for bravado. How populated are the streets in Ukraine nowadays? Everyone seems to be hiding from mobilization


The real question, according to Marx, is whether society gives us skill points or subtracts them. I suspect that >>591556 is a tankie who, in the next breath, will have already disposed those skill points toward your assigned occupation.
<you could have just been content with one of the billions and billions of images already on the internet.
<being human is accepting the market's position of choice and immersing yourself in capitalist relations
<it's against God to produce without the state's permission


Who the fuck cares? Either way, labor is creating value through very similar processes. Whining about le traditional art betrays inability to step past utterly reactionary ideas that even bourgeois can actually be fine with.


You are talking about furry porn


>don't mind me everyone, i'm just enjoying the leftist infighting
With regard to the Uke's NATO proxy war the conclusion is foregone.
You're not going to get bites, anon.


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Lenin… Save us..
Save us Lenin


Unless you have dementia you are not limited in what you can learn. Its not like a person has a skill amount threshold after which no new skills can be acquired. Your only real limit is time and, depending on the thing you're learning, money. You don't have to become a professional at anything, just the act of learning itself is good for you.


Idealist. Unexercised skills gradually weaken, and there are only so many hours in the day after the tankies have extracted our blood during the working day to devote to practice and so much material to make use of in the process. (Or e Also, some skills may have contradictory implications, say weight lifting vs. cave diving. And we only have so many years on this planet.
Now go back to stupidpol and take your Calvinist idealism with you.


Wow gee let me just spend my unlimited free time to practice every skill under the sun


I literally just said you should learn stuff casually. You, as a human being, should be able to learn things by the virtue of having any kind of activity in your life. Saying that doing anything other than sitting on your ass all day is idealism on a fucking leftist board is peak retardation.

Also clarify who, exactly, you consider to be a tankie


>by the virtue of


Sure everyone should do this and they should do that, mother fucker can't you see how dysfunctional everyone is? I can't even get out of bed in the morning and you want me to be some polymath?


>I can't even get out of bed in the morning and you want me to be some polymath?
All the best 20th century polymaths stay up late


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Kharkiv in 2 weeks, hmm?


Unfortunately I'm not some troubled genius, I'm just a worthless retard


Then whats the fucking point of discussing world revolution if no one ITT can go outside and touch grass? Is all this shit just for the sake of entertainment?


<I'm just a worthless retard
Also no. Get outside. Collect bugs or some shit. Just do something interesting outside your home.


Yes it is.

I don't like getting dressed and going outside, it's boring and unfriendly out there and I get blisters on my inner thighs every time I go out. I literally walked the dog for like 20 minutes a few days ago and ended up with a blister on each side. Once you're fat you might as well just kill yourself


Do you have any friends or family members you can spend time with? Its important to have someone force you to do stuff to be healthier. I know words of some rando on the internet don't mean shit, but try to find someone with whom you can do random shit together and get out more.


I wish I lived with my boyfriend but he lives like 5 hours away. It sucks so much, I feel so alone

My step brother did offer to help me get out of the house but it just feels so fucking awkward like I'm someone who needs to be pitied like that. And making things better just sounds like too much hard work. Fuck man I hate everything I wish I just never existed


Most things feel hostile or negative in some way when you are lonely or depressed. Shaking things up by moving to a new environment with new friendly people, renovating your home or just cleaning up and moving around furniture can help you get a little 'boost'. Try asking your brother to help you with changing things up inside your house, sorting things. If you do it together you are less likely to bail out.


I just got used to the pain kek


i feel the same way
we're gonna make it, trust the plan


>>591588 (me)
almost* the same way because i don't have a boyfriend or a girlfriend
but i'm getting one


I'm in a similar situation. A bit worse I guess after being friendzoned and that being postponed. I've given up on self improvement bullshit and just embraced the armchair life and paranoia. Honestly life is better when I just don't think about it, suicide is for pussies though.
Jordan Peterson tier advise.


That won't fix anything. In fact you will not only have to worry about your personal issues but also theirs as well. With that written why the fuck is this thread derailing into a thread about life issues and relationships?


I'm just waiting for happenings.


Hey, I'm not a psychologist. I'm just listing things that made me feel better. Maybe my autism makes it easier for me not to dwell on things too much like you guys do.



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Some people like cleaning to de-stress, some like cooking, some like solving puzzles and doing their little rituals. I say fuck all of that, do drugs. Drugs are the ultimate problem solver. Weed, shrooms, salvia whatever. Enlightenment, NOW! Drugs and news addiction threads. Weed and Ukraine War threads. What more could you want?


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Where my 420chan refugees at? Can we imagine that the soldiers on the front line are like the wrestlers in /wooo/? That its all a hyper realistic performance that's like 3D television with ultra realistic blood. I don't know about you, but a little weed and some Patrick Lancaster makes me feel right like I'm actually there in the war doing cool shit. Fucking digging trenches and taking cover, eating MREs when its really just microwaved cheese sandwiches and soda drinks. Throwing grenades out there with the bros and shooting zombie nazis. That's whats up. We're out here getting shelled and shit, out in the ruins. It's like Fallout but not for pussies cause you don't know where the enemy's at. If you take enough spliffs and get high enough you can probably imagine yourself as a pilot out there. Fucking russian aerospace and shit, listening to encrypted signals like when the buzzer starts making sense to you that's whats up. You're getting some encoded shit and it all makes sense, but its like super top secret.


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Its real as fuck.


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Guess again you immoral criminal



Some part of the front is collapsing, right?


All of those things can be justified under revolutionary violence. Ask the Leninhat. Fucking libtarded image.


Yes, all those thigns can be justified as the machinery of reproduction of the state.
Checkmate liberal


what if its not the criminal action of smoking weed, but my legitimate interest in the effects of the high?


This is Stalin revived.


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one day there will be no one left alive who remembers quentin and all we'll have left of him are these comic relics which no one will understand or appreciate


All tripfags were cunts.


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So since ITT thread people arent following Ukraine anymore but circlejerk about whatever other bullshit, where does one actually follows the war? I assume 4chan is shit as well. Any good old fashioned forum, another imageboard? A telegram group that isnt fully one sided?


no, im afraid you'll just have to log off for a while Anon…


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Actually, I do know one who actually follows the war, its my mom


Why would you post this the spoiler and warning wasn't enough.


Tell us what it is bro.


r/UkraineRussiaReport is full of retards but they come from both sides last time i checked. Dont get it confused with similar sounding subreddits.


i keep seeing youtube thumbnails with words like "UKRANIAN FRONT COLLAPSE" or "FULL ASSAULT ACTIVATION" in bold yellow letters and huge red arrows. but the front never actually changes. what's that about


Give WeebUnion on Youtube a look, cringe name pretty much daily videos on the progression of fighting, and he uses some clean looking maps. I've heard that MilitarySummary guy or whoever is good too.



Article on the American tarrifs of Chinese goods, partially related to the posts here the other day about the loss of America's semiconductor industry.


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>Thread is so derailed that anons would rather post about China and America than Ukraine


It explicitly mentions Russia if you would care to read it.


they're click-baiters who exaggerate every minor thing into big drama that you must click on now because that latest thing Changes Everything.

the front is changing though, just slowly. Klesheyevka, Robot Town, all those Kharkov villages etc, have fallen recently. Basically all the gains of ukraine's counteroink have been reversed in the last few weeks and russia is advancing everywhere. they're just doing it very slowly, while degrading the AFU.




Look son, there's just not much going on. The battle lines slowly but steadily creep in Russia's direction.

The west willing to fight this war down to the last ukrainian continues to send as many arms it can spare after what it sends to israel and this is how things will continue at least until after the next burgroid presidential election

The moon of Alabama will be back on the 27th if you want regular updates. → https://www.moonofalabama.org/


>justin beiber
What fuckin year is it? did i get bonked on the head and get sent back to the early 2010's


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>call me a conspiracy theorist, but I think everything that goes wrong is because of Russia!


It's unfortunate. /leftypol is the only site where you can find a non-negligible number of posters with decent political views, but they are also the most unbearable people on the planet


>he hasn't heard of insurance fraud


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Tomorrow we'll be hitting half a million fiction points. how will you celebrate?


I don't keep up with the war very much, what's the actual figure?


like twenty


Well it's a lot, or Russia would publish it, here are different western estimates with a Wagner one as a bonus. We'll only have accurate figures when the dust settles.


Imagine having to touch the hand of the politician who has (live) dogs on his dining table while food is present on it. Disgusting. I will never forget Lukashenko's uncivilized transgressions this thread has learned me and I will forever oppose this barbaric leader as the unhygienic cretin he is.

I spit on people who have dogs on tables. pftu


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>hero's journey

Garbage for soyjaking intellectuals, who are not nation's brain, but nation's shit. Star Wars retardation


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So, looking at the offensov/probooing by the Russians at the Kharkov region, as I expected it stalled. But it had an unforeseen consequence.
It didn't relievve pressure from Donetsk at all, because the Ukronazis sent most of their troops from the Kherson region, which indicates that these morons actually planned a Dnepr river crossing offensyiv. At least, this plan is now permanently dead in the the water (pun intended). But the opening of the Kharkov front hasn't been enough to stretch the Cockholes thin, to make Russian breakthroughs possible. So, we're back at the same old attritional bore.
The Ukronazis may break finally if the Russians open another new front further north as many expect, but these regions are even less strategically and politically relevant than Kharkov, so I don't think it will happen.

Mods could you please change the OP image? This AI rubbish is an absolute eyesore.


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Ah… that takes me back.


2ch.hk/wm through yandex translate when they aren't arguing about communism or immigrants for the millionth time


>which indicates that these morons actually planned a Dnepr river crossing offensyiv
Syrsky did state that they're gonna ready up for that after he got Zaluzhny's position iirc. There's also the whole Krynky ordeal that's been going on for god knows how long. They desperately intended to use that as a beachhead, but the Russians instead turned it into a small cage for any Ukies that crossed the river.

>But the opening of the Kharkov front hasn't been enough to stretch the Cockholes thin, to make Russian breakthroughs possible.

Not in a big offensive way, but it does look like they also had to weaken their Chasov Yar defence sslightly to stabilize Kharkov, as the Russians managed to completely retake Kliischivka and the big trench system on the highground to the west of it. The Ukies fought tough and nail to take over this town during their counter-offensive, they also fought as had to keep the Russians from taking it (again). So now that they actually lost it and are withdrawing their forced to the western side of the Donetsk canal, it definitely seems like they had to take a hit in manpower here as well due to Kharkov.


I largely use Suriyakmaps and Defense Politics Asia, they're one of the only few "reporters" that actually feel sorry for the soldiers and don't gloat about them dying like all the subreddits and telegrams related to this conflict


I think I figured out Ukrainian language. Sir? Syrsky. Cranky? Krynky. Cabbage? Cabygy. Doggy? Dygy. Cat? Kyt.

I'm very smyrty.


"Syrsky" is actually the Russian version of his name. The Ukrainian one is "Syrskyi". So the usual random 'i' shoved into there.


It's a cute dog, shut up


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Filthy disgusting bad dog.


if you don't love animals you aren't a true man of the people, sorry


No less than 100.000. Ukraine had 700.000 "missing" several months ago, and 7:1 looks about right when it comes to casualties. Russia has fire superiority and crushes AFU, but it's still a fight.


I LOVE to eat animals. Dogs don't belong on tables. They belong in filthy barns where they can shed their fur and coagulate their saliva into cocoons as nature intended. Otherwise they need to be processed and refrigerated as God intended: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog_meat


I miss /lit/ lads


Are these in the "evidence of nazism in Ukraine" thread in /edu/?


>burger whines about other people's practices
Are you trying to get thrown out of every country you've ever lived in?


jesus christ



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It’s over


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“Hungary’s position must be redefined, our lawyers and officials are working on ways to allow Hungary to continue to exist as a NATO member without participating in NATO activities outside the bloc’s territory. We need to create a new approach, a new definition for our position as a pro-peace force within NATO,” Orban said.

According to the prime minister, there are “alarming similarities” between the emotionally charged media publications and statements by Western politicians regarding the Ukraine conflict and the atmosphere preceding the First and Second World Wars.

“What is happening today in Brussels and Washington… looks like warming up for a possible direct military conflict. We can safely call it the preparation of Europe’s entry into the war,” Orban said, adding that there are working groups within NATO that are assessing the best ways for the bloc to further boost its participation in the conflict.

He warned that the end result of these actions could be a direct conflict between the EU, NATO, and Russia – a “grim prospect,” as the conflict would involve nuclear powers.


>very in-demand products


If there were ever a time to destroy the Western ruling class and throw shoes ino the gears of bourgeois governance, it's now.


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>the Western ruling class


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Wasn't Abrams supposed to have blowout panels protecting the crew from ammo cooking?


Only works if the bay doors are closed.
Is the tank burnt?


ah yes, more evidence for my CIA backed ukronazi that now has 335 images. thank you


russians have lost the momentum


these bangers


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I hope the bodysnatchers get fragged


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Is it true that S400 got owned?


Chad has fallen. billions are virgins


Oh wow, I forgot a lot of these! Thank you


Judging by the file name it’s coming from a /k/ope source. So I would lean towards probably S-300 until proven otherwise


You just know


iodine pills


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>The purpose of iodine tablets is to flood your body with iodine so it doesn't take up the radioactive iodine that will be in fallout. Most people have iodine deficiencies to some level, and if your body gets any iodine it will use it, even if it's radioactive


great I can cross thyroid cancer off things I need to worry about


Holy based
Death to NATO and Western officers
Unlimited genocide on recruiters and commanders
Can't wait till my westoid country tries to conscript me for Ukraine/Taiwan/etc. and I get to drag whatever dipshit who thinks I'll support
>le western civilization
Back to whatever hell he crawled out of
Let it all burn

I'm thinking the best accelerationist praxis for western communists is to push for national conscription by supporting the most war mongering conservative/liberal/right wing political movement so we can all get some guns and start killing these fuckers


Hungary might leave NATO over Ukraine shit


>2048: you will eat the oats and you will listen to the tale of the casually consistent flaganon who was usually right when I was drowning in wrong. An elegant effortposter in a sea of one liner shit. Damn could we btfo the glowies in those days. Now finish the oats, it's mandarin this morning, gotta be ready for next year.




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Oh fuck, Taiwan invasion imminent


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Hate Putin but i gott say i'm loving his 'getting a team together' arc.


>did you ever hear the tragedy of bakhmut-kun the /k/oper?
>i thought not. it's not a story the libs would tell you.


hungarian coup immanent


Anybody post this yet?


<Biden is losing World War III

>President Joe Biden has become the James Buchanan of the 21st century.

>Buchanan, the nation’s 15th president, widely considered history’s worst, sought to mollify everyone, yet in the end pleased no one. Under his rule, the nation drifted ever-closer to secession and Civil War.

>More than a century and a half later, the world is devolving into a global ideological World War III. Russia, China and their proxies are actively attacking U.S. interests.

>Yet Biden’s National Security Strategy remains rooted in fighting “something less than two simultaneous or overlapping major conflicts,” according to a January Congressional Research Service report entitled “Great Power Competition: Implications for Defense.”

>The report notes that, in 2018, the Trump administration was confronted with an Obama-era decision of “building a force not around the demands of two regional conflicts with rogue states, but around the requirements of winning a high-intensity conflict with a single, top-tier competitor — a war with China over Taiwan, for instance, or a clash with Russia in the Baltic region.”

>But in reality, our nation is being confronted with three wars: the war in Ukraine, the war in the Middle East, and the looming war over Taiwan and the South China Sea.

>Actually, make that three and a half wars, if you include the war of influence we are losing in the Sahel region of Africa as U.S. forces abandon bases in Niger.

>Biden, seemingly caught in the vice grip of November electoral calculus, is refusing even to acknowledge that we are already in World War III, let alone take the necessary measures to win it. As a result, our nation’s military, weapons and munitions production capacity, and its ability to engage with the cyberwarfare and disinformation emanating from Moscow and Beijing, are all woefully lacking. All require an immediate remedy.

>Biden, like Buchanan, is facing a Fort Sumter moment in history.

>In 1860, Buchanan, fearing escalation, refused to sufficiently reinforce the strategic fort guarding the entrance to Charleston Harbor. Although such a move likely would not have changed the trajectory of the war, it would have drawn a much-needed red line for the Southern secessionists.

>Instead, Buchanan did the bare minimum, just as the Biden administration is now doing in Ukraine, the Indo-Pacific and in the Middle East. Defending U.S. allies is not enough, just as minimally defending Fort Sumter proved futile.

>“Defending” must no longer be the watchword of the day in Biden’s White House, but “winning.” Winning this increasingly kinetic global ideological war is our only way forward if liberal democracy is to prevail against Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping’s shared vision of a so-called multipolar world, militarily and economically dominated by Russia and China and anchored by BRICS.

>Biden’s escalation fears must also end. As evidenced by Oct 7., Bakhmut, Avdiivka, Iran’s April 13 attacks on Israel and now the Bastogne-like battle for the Kharkiv Oblast, fears of escalation have only led to vacuums being filled by our nation’s enemies — and the enemies of our allies in Eastern Europe and the Mideast.

>Simply put, the more Jake Sullivan, Biden’s national security advisor, argues for de-escalation, the more our enemies use those windows to escalate.

>Israel is a case study in the madness of Biden’s Buchanan-like approach to handling the nation’s foreign policy. Initially, Biden was strongly supportive of Jerusalem’s right to put an end to Hamas as a military threat to Israel. In the wake of anti-Israel Palestinian protests on U.S. campuses throughout the country and in particular in New York City, Biden’s resolve dissipated. The unity coalition government of Israel, in an existential war with Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran, soon found itself under friendly fire originating from Washington, D.C.

>Defending Michigan’s 15 electoral votes seemingly became more important than safeguarding Israel, destroying Hamas, or alone extricating the eight American hostages still held by Hamas’s military chief, Yahya Sinwar, in Gaza. Lest we forget, 45 American citizens were brutally slaughtered by Hamas on Oct. 7.

>On Monday, Biden’s abyss deepened. The United Nations admitted it had overestimated the number of women and children killed in Gaza by nearly 100 percent, implying that Israel has achieved a lower civilian casualty rate than the U.S. did during the Iraq War. Even so, Karim Khan, the chief prosecutor for the International Criminal Court, announced he was seeking arrest warrants for alleged war crimes in Gaza by Netanyahu and Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

>There was no mention whatsoever of Hamas’s continued use of Palestinian civilians as human shields, nor any of their Russian and Iranian sponsors, including Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

>Ebrahim Raisi, the Iranian president killed in a helicopter crash, was never indicted by the ICC, despite being known as the “Butcher of Tehran” for ordering the deaths of tens of thousands of Iranians.

>Biden has lost the plot — or maybe he is incapable of grasping it. Russia and China are destroying the post–World War II global order and the institutions that once safeguarded it — including the UN Security Council and now, indirectly, the ICC.

>Instead of rallying the nation to fight and win this ever-widening global concerted assault on liberty, Biden and his politicos are sacrificing American national security in an attempt to win in November.

>World War III is upon us, and our nation is exposed. Fort Sumter stands symbolically empty. The country’s armed forces are overtaxed, facing potentially three wars at once and preparing for only one.

>Instead of channeling Abraham Lincoln and his resolve to win, Biden is imitating Buchanan, derelict in his duty as leader of the free world.

<Mark Toth writes on national security and foreign policy. Col. (Ret.) Jonathan Sweet served 30 years as a military intelligence officer and led the U.S. European Command Intelligence Engagement Division from 2012 to 2014.


pro-mic opinion piece by some shit eating spook boomer who deserves nothing but a bullet in his stupid fat fuckin head


Pretty much, but it's the reptition of a Ukranian 2022 talking point: World War 3 has begun whether we like it or not, and it is time to wake up and do something.


Normalize icepick lobotomies for think tankies


The Us should stay the course till November


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With Yemen, at best. Fucking finally.

The whole West coming the fuck apart over this war and the Palestinian genocide, a war would certainly give an excuse to suppress dissent. And, of course, make everything worse. But they have no capability to go long with Russia or China, and they know it. So, if they were preparing for "war" with Russia, it would be a pre-emptive nuclear first strike, and nobody would hear about it until the nukes are in the air.




Military summary says Ukraine managed to bomb key strategic Russian positions and therefore Russia is showing to be open for negotiations.

AFAIU because otherwise it will have to escalate and start bombing NATO positions…


There are new, ugly names for customers where I work nut they're absurdly focused on the polish and finish, not a rapid buildup for a new worLD war


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It's not just random positions in Russia, but a Soviet radar station for nuclear warheads. Attacking nuclear warfare assets is madness but with Cucktin it's like nothing ever happened


they are baiting a nuclear war. incredible



Maybe he is waiting until Omsk falls and then starts acting on his red lines


If you live near one of their shelters, ruin it


Holy fuck. This is fucked. Something like this has never happened, even during the height of the cold war. I have to get my white colonizer has to any nuclear free zone in South America.


They're smart. If it had been anyone other than Cucktin Russia would retaliate but since it's Cucktin the Ukrops get to blow up as many early warning systems as possible to soften Russia up for a first strike nuclear salvo.

Russkie bros it's not looking good. NATO boots on the ground in Ukraine by the end of this year and Russia will start getting pushed out because Cucktin is bluffing and will not launch nukes against NATO. Russia is getting slowly boiled like a frog and they killed the only person who could have fought back (Prigozhin).


This isn't smart. There is nothing about that which goes down well in western capitals trying to find a bold new way to commit to Ukraine without escalating in dangerous ways. It makes Ukraine look unreliable and irresponsible, becoming unpredictable as it demands more and laments the West for being too weak. It foments disagreement among allies and Blinken look foolish


NATO boots on the ground in Ukraine means NATO forces can get nuked without hitting a NATO country directly and thus not triggering complete nuclear war


>implying Ukraine acts on her own


May be fictitious and pederastic. Pic has interesting insider knowledge and contacts. Ukraine's info ops learned much from the West.


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I dont ged it


To a certain degree it does, when important Ukrainian figures are going out there and calling the US pussies and scared of Russia, you can be pretty sure that's not some 4D chess play by Washington.

IntBrig is right, this is almost certainly Ukraine acting alone with the intent of triggering some kind of drastic nuclear response from Russia that would cross the NATO red line of no nukes, but obviously NATO didn't get into this to risk spending actual military aid, let alone getting fully involved and they won't appreciate Ukraine trying to force their hand.



The editing is honestly hilarious with the troll faces and shit considering the abject seething Ukrops have displayed at so many destroyed patriot systems and recently HIMARS.

Like I get it, for any success "they" achieve, NAFOids have to imagine all relevant history for this war is contained within a 30s video for it to be funny, but it's honestly just sad now.


Also doesn't make sense in light of the explicit statements that the main upside of this for NATO was expending Russian men and materiel without shedding NATO blood.


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There's apparently a satellite image via Planet Labs that suggests damage. Nuclear wonk Twitter is pretty upset. Also it might have happened a month ago and nobody noticed. This is a FAS guy:



>Clausewitz: Well, the simplest way to put it is that, whilst both sides have had strategic objectives of some sort, only the Russians have actually had proper strategic and operational plans. The West has wanted to bring down the current system in Russia for a long time, and more recently its leaders have also been afraid of growing Russian military power. But all of this has been very incoherent, and seems to be hopelessly and paradoxically mixed up with beliefs about racial and cultural superiority over the Russians. The result is that there’s never been a proper strategic plan, beyond the hope that strengthening Ukraine, for example, would somehow weaken the Russian system. And as for Ukraine itself, well, the West has never really had a strategic plan, still less an operational one: just a lot of posturing and disconnected initiatives. If you like, it just amounted to keeping the war going in the hope that Russia would collapse. That’s no way to prosecute a war in my opinion: the bits are simply not connected together, and in that case you can’t win. And now I have to go and argue with Tukaschevsky and Patton, who are still obsessed with manoeuvre warfare in Ukraine.

Manoeuvre warfare was a disaster for military thought, truly


>Also it might have happened a month ago and nobody noticed.
Actually that part might not be true.


The polish president compared it to a drowning person.


I've no doubt that when this is over and narrative changes are allowed or even required, there will be a Michael Moore like documentary that will chronicle the endless threats Ukraine made against the west, to bomb the Zapo NPP to coat Europe in nuclear debris, to harm oil and gas prices by attacking refineries in Russia, to determine how suicidal missions should be for foreign fighters, etc.


Well this confirms it’s fake. Remember when you tried to say that the concert shooting was FSB because “guys with blue shirts”


Taiwan heating up, zisters


Okay then there's nothing to worry about.


Shut the fuck up, reactionary scum.


Remember when you said the Iraq War proved that the Abrams was better than the T-72 LMAO


Imagine how much >>591714 (Faggot) will be seething when the entire US pacific fleet is at the bottom of the ocean


copecage chads….we are so back!


It's not. Both exercises and the retard party winning happened before. While western media did say that China will "invade Taiwan", they all stated that this refers to the exercises themselves, not to an actual plan to attack. In other words, another nothingburger.


Oh yeah, I just remember that that conference is still a thing.

>how to end war in Ukraine

>without inviting Russia

Are they LARPing Yalta?


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from the muh serbrinca vote in the UN
it appears the BRICS voting bloc is becoming more clear


It seems like Russia has transitioned from it successfully for the most part. I think the problem with nato is that their militaries have transitioned instead to profit generation instead of warfighting. There's nothing sexy about huddling in a trench and there's no tech solution to a mass artillery barrage, so the mic is at a loss as to what to do. You can't powerpoint or movie trailer away how miserable attrition warfare is, so how are you going to sell it?


>only neighbouring country to vote no is Hungary
being serb is suffering


Montenegro voting yes is hilarious, like uygha you was with us


and even more hillariously, Hungary was supplying weapons to Croatia back then.

it's like wtf is this clown shit


Pretty based that not a single one of the Soviet Republics voted yes besides the Waffen SS 4


I really hope they're gonna add Cuba to BRICS soon.


>worst korea voted against
wtf? do south korea and serbia have some relationship i don't know about?


nvm i can't read
false alarm worst korea still sucks


>I think the problem with nato is that their militaries have transitioned instead to profit generation instead of warfighting.
Peer war hasn't been on the radar until recently. Defense developers were more concerned with small wars and police actions. As materialists we have to ask, why is the money there for that but not for peer engagements?
They seem to be turning inward since 9/11, as ever more miserable, ever more restive populations need to be held in discipline to capital and prevented from escaping or dismantling any bourgeois relations.


Mr Cucktin…. we must launch on Galicia!


Its much simpler explanation. Peer engagements are incredibly expensive as they require enormous amounts of material. Keeping the MIC going with colonial projects is just a form of welfare and retaining expertise.

Since the industrial revolution I don't think there has been any country that was prepared for a peer level engagement. The best prepared have been the US and Soviet Union going into WWII but only because they had a lot of industrial capacity that could be redirected.


>nooo make it about money so we can all internalize neoliberal market logic


Peer engagements require spending manpower and time, which, combined with capitalism's torpedoing of cost of living and raising children, and declining rate of profit means disrupting everything. Hence the engaging in strategies that do not work. Like strategic bombing, which never worked. Another is the use of proxy's manpower, instead of your own. The key to victory in the Vietnam was the Ho Chi Minh trail. Look into how Americans attempted to deal with it for a microcosm of why they can't fight wars, anymore. Even their own ethos contributed to it, as they blamed the Vietnamese for not having it. "Life is plentiful, life is cheap in the Orient."


Saying that allocating resources to the military comes at the expense of other sectors has nothing to do with markets. It is a simple matter of the priority of resource allocation even in a centrally planned moneyless society.

But it was Thatcher and Bush I that talked about the "peace dividend" after the suicide of the USSR. The neoliberal spin was that the money should be used to lower taxes, vs the social-democrats saying the money should be used to increase services.


The "smaller" conflicts such as those with Iraq and Libya were all stepping stone actions aimed at isolating Russia and China. Some kind of confrontation with them has been the "goal" ever since Project for a New American Century was published.

Judging from the Government Accountability Office report, the same financialization forces that have been acting on the rest of the American economy have been at work on the MIC. Dropping profits from the end of the cold war encouraged mergers, which propagated heavy lobbying in order to remove government oversight, which allowed the MIC to be hollowed out much the same as the rest of American industry has been. The emphasis of weapons development has been on really expensive weapons "systems" that supposedly do wonderful things, but cost a lot, require a lot of maintenance, and can't be rapidly mass produced. Now they're finding that there's no scale for the simple, practical shit they need like artillery shells because it's not economical. Even though Nato has printed up and handed out billions of dollars to increase production, no one really wants to because they don't believe the demand will be there in two or three years. Meanwhile the price of a 155mm shell has tripled or quintupled since the start of the Ukraine war, and the producers don't want to do anything about that because producing more would mean devaluing that product that's currently in such high demand.

The most funny part about it is that the Pentagon can't even sidestep this problem by making their own shells because the MIC lobbyists won't let that happen. Cutting out the middleman and removing the profit motive is the only way to really correct this situation, and they'd rather die than let that happen.


NATO won't put boots on the ground, it can't
NATO won't use nukes because they value their money and lives more than Ukraine
Prigozhin was a traitor and a liar who played doomers like the fools they are and tried to ride their wave to sell Russia out to the West for personal gain, but failed and got what he deserved.
0 Hryvnia have been deposited in your account. Try harder next time.


Ray Peat was a retard when it came to radiation so I bet he's talking about some "anti-nuclear" supplements.


>You can't powerpoint or movie trailer away how miserable attrition warfare is, so how are you going to sell it?

Natofags think that attritional warfare is a failure of planning, that you have to MANOOOOOOEUVRE. It's basically the height of Nazi military thought - fast wars that have to win right now, or else your economy won't be able to survive those wars. It's so damn infuriating that USSR didn't manage to beat this shit out of Westoids and fell back into all the pre-WW nonsense itself instead


It's all about the economy. "Blitzkrieg" warfare arose precisely because Nazis couldn't fight a protracted war, hence the attempts to "cheat". It's kind of like Napoleon has stopped winning after the enemy stopped signing peace deals after a single big battle


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Based or cringe?



What happens to flags now? If Ukrainians had a problem of disposing of flags because they feared to look unpatriotic before, what would they do about a shitstained flag


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My local burger park has a pit specifically for respectively burning flags in. They probably have something similar.


That's actually clever


It's basically Pussy Riot tier stuff, just that this time it's done against Nato and Nato-aligned symbols.

One should dispose of all those "veterans" first tbqh. The Vietnam boomer ones are the absolute worst, especially those with an outlaw biker aesthetics.

In flag etiquette, when a flag is too tattered or dirty to look adequate, it has to be disposed of and burning it in a controlled way is normally one of the accepted ways.



you talking about this report? it's a real good one. USAF doesn't even have access to schematics and service manuals because it would compromise lockheed's intellectual property.

maintenence has to be farmed out to subcontractors, run by lockmart, who are facing a serious manpower shortage and are years behind on everything.

it's great.


At least they have boeing to help.


It's hilarious how one simple trick wasted decades upon decades of labor time of workers of imperialist war machine


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Is Hungary about to experience another 1956 moment? Attempting to be neutral while on the crossroads of central Europe and surrounded by a military bloc is a story I have heard before.


You think of Yugoslavia. Hungary is playing "our capitalists" card, lol


Calling what Hungary did in 56 "staying neutral" is fucking rich


(Spoiler because off-topic) The unilateral withdrawal from the Warsaw pact on November 1st was also the start of the entry of Soviet troops in the country. Regardless of the political leanings of the then new Nagy government (not really good subject for this thread), the threat to security and function of the WP that the loss of a key piece on the european checkerboard could entail made military occupation a reasonable choice to the kremlin. From a purely geopolitical and rhetorical observation the situation is not dissimilar


>Orban comments
>limits taken off long range strikes into Russia
>tested Russian AD as vulnerable

Kharkov seems to have promoted a new wave of escalation. If striking Russia with Western weapons is supposed to provoke Russia into striking outside Ukraine, is it Ukraine's way of drawing in the West?


My suspicion is that the plan is still to basically starve out the Russian population and make them suffer the economic and lifestyle effects of war in the hopes that that a coup can be brewed.

So I don't think this is about drawing NATO into the war, but rather more an attempt to push the Russian leadership into making a rash decision, like opening up a northern front with not enough men, or going full on war economy or even announcing a general mobilisation. Anything that would prevent the war feeling distant for Russians, it would push the population therefore to make a decision other than passivity towards the war and the hope I suppose is that they'll pick not going to total war.


>A few years ago, I was standing in a South Korean field, knee deep in mud, incredulously asking one of my maintenance Marines to tell me again why he couldn’t fix a broken generator. We needed the generator to support training with the United States Army and South Korean military, and I was generally unaccustomed to hearing anyone in the Marine Corps give excuses for not effectively getting a job done. I was stunned when his frustrated reply was, “Because of the warranty, ma’am.”


>Is Hungary about to experience another 1956 moment?
Hungary's going to lynch Jews and promote fascism?


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I'm thinking based
Maybe the porky was the real revolutionary all along


Has Leftypol forgot what accelerationism means?


So what is this talk about ceasefire? One can only hope that this turns into a peace movement instead of psychopathic support for a war of aggression.


Motherfucker doesn't know the difference between a reason and an occasion


Putin is saying any peace talks must recognize the new lines, Western MSM is saying he's desperate for peace (for reasons nobody knows)


Motherfucker doesn't know the difference between a reason and an occasion


Anyone have the other tankiepost.mp4? Accidentally saved over the file.

>surrounded by a military bloc is a story I have heard before.
Have you ever heard the Tragedy of Nagy the Hungry? It's a story NAFO has lied about for decades….


You wash your mouth when you talk about Prigozhin or you will taste the sole of my shoe!


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Average Ukrainian man and woman today


>Western MSM is saying he's desperate for peace
Don't underestimate Ukraine memeops.
<if we say we won, we win
<but how to enforce it?
<<Putin wets his pants; Russia to sign USA draft of secret peace agreement: sources
<peace agreement: d-don't hurt me XD


Brutal blackpill


It really is bizarre how this always seems to be the result of freeing people from 'authoritarian' governments and giving them freedom and democracy. Always ends up with mangled men and desperate women.

Like, how does anyone at this point still imagine "freedom and democracy" to be everyone holding hands, under a rainbow singing a hymn about peace and love when literally, literally, every single attempt ends up in agent orange, depleted uranium, jet fuel soaked lands giving the half-American children birth defects.


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That's a good one that definitely highlights a lot of specific problems, but this is the one I was talking about. Matt Stoller has an article on it here



Obviously just the fault of le evil authoritarians trying to hold their grip on the innocent people


>repeating the same Protestant bullshit totally unmoored from material conditions for the past 400 years
Americans need to start dragging their pundits out of their homes and having very spirited conversations with them


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>first war in a while to use next generation warfare on both sides, the best tanks, the best , Jets and sonars the finest arsenal NAFO billionares have to offer.

>the results are a war in the trenchie like it's 1916 again, buhankas, idiots using tampons and tourniquets and fucking turtle tank, maybe a couple shellings and drones here and there.

i honestly thought this war will be fought with full usage of the modern military technology, modern memeweapons, not with guys strapping bombs to their trucks to blow up a bridge


someone post that egirl from ukraine crying about the destruction of her home then in her past posts flexing her wealth


Ukrainians are mostly using second hand outdated western equipment though and Russia's next gen military projects generally didn't pan out so they are mostly using outdated soviet gear


Only a few western projects panned out and were actualy viable as widespread, deployable weapons systems


Soviet/Warsaw Pact projects have proved viable for both sides. Neither capitalist Russian or Westoid projects old or new have proven viable


This, it's just fuggin' delusional to believe Russian tech hasn't disproven the myth that the modern Russian military is solely dependent on stuff built 50 years ago.

Although Soviet weaponry really is very based, it'd be unreasonable to expect it to Shrek NAFOid wunderwaffen 30+ years its junior.


>it'd be unreasonable to expect it to Shrek NAFOid wunderwaffen 30+ years its junior.

It did shrek NAFOid wunderwaffen, though, that's the fucking thing


Objectivity is more than necessary when you study cold war history. Its just good to know that this current day industrial slaughter is not Warsaw Pact versus NATO epic war in some strategy game.


It's former Warsaw Pact countries getting demilitarized by pitting Soviet designs against other Soviet designs, yeah. And also there are Westoid designs in there somewhere, mostly something extremely retarded


It some cases yes, but it's often augmented by more modern engineering efforts. T-72 is based as fuck, but it's kept up to scratch with modern engineering efforts.


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i always loved how soviet propaganda mocked burgerstan and the west for spending bazillions on starwars mecha weapons when the soviets themselves did the same, atleast not on the same scale and their weapons were actually cheap yet good enough to stay in use 50 years later


so far the only things that have worked at all on the NATO side have been the hand held ATGM's and the HIMARS. The ATGM's seem finnicky for the field, and the HIMARS was already existing technology put on a more mobile truck.
None of it lived up to killing hordes of ruskies with a single trigger pull which it needed to.


NAFOid over-engineering is a cope for the same reason Nazi over-engineering was, the desire to believe one can avoid attrition warfare if the waffen is wunder enough, thus providing one the confidence to wage war by delusionally thinking the consequences can't be as bad as the world wars when you have *such* high tech weaponry.

The Soviets had no such delusion, they apparently didn't desire such delusions, they knew war amongst major geopolitical players involves A LOT of deaths and thus engineered their weapons for that reality. Does this prove who was the aggressor in the Cold War and who genuinely wanted peaceful development? I dunno anon.


ukraine is in shambles because an "authoritarian" government declared war on them, not because of freedom and democracy. as if Russian men aren't being "mangled" by murder drones and their women outnumber their men


ukraine is in shambles because NATO installed a puppet government in kiev after the coup and that puppet government kept bombing donbass and threatening russia with nukes


Ukraine has chosen to spend all their budget surplus and even made cuts to it to afford enlarging their military since 2014. Despite Minsk agreements, which postulated that LDNR and Ukraine need to reunite under a federalization plan


IIRC, they've increased their military budget 18fold since 2014


Hi nafo doggie. Will you bark for us? Woof woof!


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I wonder why Ukraine would focus so much on their military.


I wonder why total militarization of the Ukrainian state with the help of NATO secret allies didn't produce victory for Ukraine


>history begins in march 2014 there's no precedent or context for evil russia doing a thing


>still mad that the crimean people voted to leave the nazi state


did someone do a poo on Bandera's grave?


>I wonder why Ukraine would focus so much on their military
Because their army and police failed to shove a coup down the throats of the whole population


this game goes on forever
>but muh maidan
>but muh treaty
>but muh Orange Revolution
>but muh Cassette Scandal
why not carry it forward? everything that happens is because of something that happened, whoever wins, who ever loses: butmuh…


Serbs were largely the only ones trying to keep Yugoslavia together after all, while the others, especially Slovenia and Croatia, took everything that wasn't nailed down and sold it to the west


>ukraine is in shambles because an "authoritarian" government declared war on them, not because of freedom and democracy. as if Russian men aren't being "mangled" by murder drones and their women outnumber their men
Ukraine has been decaying for 30 years thanks to the intersection of neoliberalism and decommunization kek. If it went authoritarian and neutral it would be comparatively stable
What's actually remarkable is not how capitalism degenerated in Ukraine, but how the export of liberalism by the West degenerated with it into an alliance with the far right to wage a war within the former USSR. Post cold war peace is dead thanks to this and Ukraine pays the biggest price


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accept it, that's how modern discourse works and we're doing it forever


>Russia: we are concerned that our neighbor is becoming hostile despite our best efforts to be friends because the West keeps brainwashing them
<NAFOids: how DARE you having security concerns, it's all illegitimate, only based small countries and US have any right to have security concerns!

It's all hypocrisy. In the end, Ukraine is getting destroyed because they've refused to be sensible adults and instead opted out for a shouting and slapping match - and now, that they are getting slapped more and more, they are crying and telling everybody how it was all unprovoked


what's going on here? Nauru I can assume Serbia just offered a few dinar or something (they're tiny, selling stamps and UN votes is basically their entire non-australian-prison-camp economy.) but what's the deal with these other island countries?


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the irony is that the Russians are the ones enforcing democracy in Crimea, which voted to secede from Ukraine on 3 separate occasions, all of which were ignored.

in fact, the dills unilaterally dissolved crimea's parliament in 1994 and arrested it's elected leader to prevent them from leaving.

i suspect you know this, but you don't care, because "democracy" is nothing more than a euphemism for you.


Donbass also voted for autonomy in 94

Insofar as post Soviet Ukraine decayed its internal divisions got worse. The cause of the war is NATO suppressing them in order to deal with an independent Russia that froze its own transition, which is now intersecting with Chinese rise and multipolarity. Disaster for the empire which shows the 20th century and the rise of its imperialist system isn't the basis for global democracy. This is why recycling battle of western democracies against authoritarian empires is woefully out of date. Ukraine laid it bare that the West doesn't have the tools to deal with the problems of globalization outside of the West


>brings up something on the russian side
<complains that people are bringing up another thing on the ukrainian side
someone call the pound wagon, this nafo dog is delirious


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Many secondary explosions. Why are construction materials in Ukraine so explosive?


that's my first post ITT in several days, retard.



>As quick reminder, Russian General Evgeny Buzhinky stated the following a month or so ago:

< “I do not have firm information about how the Russian president and Russian military command will act, but I am sure that if the strikes of Taurus of ATACMS are very harmful for Russia, then I presume we will at least strike the logistical hub in the territory of Poland in Rzeszów. In this case, it will be up to the United States to decide what to do. Either to go to the Third World War with mutual destruction or leave the Poles to fight Russia alone,” retired Russian Lieutenant General Evgeny Buzhinsky, told the New Rules podcast.

>You might be thinking this is all just speculative hearsay and threadpulling thus far. But Russia has clearly read the tea leaves and signaled in kind, as the defense ministry announced they would be conducting an unprecedented series of tactical nuclear exercises. This would revolve around finetuning the launch of tactical combat nukes, rather than strategic ones that fly across the ocean. The message here is simple and clear: Russia is issuing the response that if things continue escalating in the current dangerous direction then Russia may have no choice but to bring much more devastating weaponry to bear.


Holy shit this war has zero to do with communism this brics 3rd worldism shit is nothing but different flavor capitalist nationalism.


you're arguing with a straw man lmao


???? This war shows that Soviet designs are better than Westoid ones. Or not worse, at least


>this war has zero to do with communism
the encircling of china (and russia but they’re le evil) by NATO? the dprk having good ties with russia again? the decommunization in ukraine?


>Holy shit this war has zero to do with communism this brics 3rd worldism shit is nothing but different flavor capitalist nationalism
This war is all about a failed transition from capitalism and how it interacted with a crisis of imperialism. BRICS is not a different flavored capitalism, it's a response to how this crisis is causing deglobalization


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the best part is that the Communist Party of Ukraine won 3 consecutive elections, 2 of them by massive landslides, but were prevented from taking office.

america's "democratic" leaders even dissolved the ukrainian government entirely, voided the constitution and then unilaterally forced a new one through without allowing the communists to vote on it.

post-soviet ukraine has literally never had an actual democratic election in it's history, the closest they ever came was probably 2010, which both the US and EU certified as free and fair, despite the gas queen's tears.


Which war should I follow that has to do with communism?


>The message here is simple and clear: Russia is issuing the response that if things continue escalating in the current dangerous direction then Russia may have no choice but to bring much more devastating weaponry to bear.
The gloves are coming off.


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Because they want to conduct genocide. This is extremely obvious if you ever pay attention to what pro-state Ukrainians do and say very openly. Attacking Russia was always the intended outcome for the pro-western side, it's just that they thought that they could do do without firing a single shot. Once that was proven wrong, they thought they could win against a country 3 times as big because they got holy america on their side. Kissinger warned them.
It's not a game, there are clear consequences to either side winning.
1) Western bourgeois take total control over Russia, extract immense resources and use the territory and people to wage the same kind of war against China. You might call this drastic, but clearly is the intended goal based on the way they treated and still treat the conflict. They still think they could somehow do it because they openly promote their own "presidential candidate", and they did literally build their policy on the idea that Russia will give them resources for free before Putin forced them to pay in rubles.
2) The current Ukrainian state is replaced by one that has more sensible national policy and doesn't have 12 CIA bases. That was it at the start, Putin was more than willing to leave the conflict unresolved and just let his successor deal with this shit later.

If you actually follow what is happening and don't share Nazi ideology, i.e. don't talk about inherently subhuman asiatic hordes the way most liberals do at this point, there is no way to spin Ukraine as positive.


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You can see why this is happening


It's about industrial development overthrowing the worst of reactionary finance capital domination.


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also should add a US recession would add to the disaster for Biden


translate image we don't all speak cyrillic


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because they were led to believe they'd be let into the garden and become rich if they refused peace and waged a proxy war to destroy the RF on behalf of the West.



>wars between capitalist countries have nothing to do with communism
>stop supporting enemies of USA!
>stop paying attention to global politics!
CIA really aren't sending us their best.


sauce on the girl?


Screenshot and do a reverse image search


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warning: blackest pill


Kinda respect the people still going about their business, shopping and all that.


Eh, seems like a nomal girl. The stuff she bought isn't that expensive. Am I supposed to get mad? There are way worse examples of Ukrainian influencers balling out in Miami while crying about Russia.


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Although I guess they are doing it for unemployment and as a way for social consistency, should Putin be scared?


Could be propane tanks


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her brother was clearly a secret zigga


maybe i misunderstood but it looks like she got free shit for being an influencer, not buying shit


on some opinion polls Labour are heading for a Worker's Party of Korea tier majority in parliament, he's just desperately trying to get old people who've moved from the Conservatives to the Reform UK party to move back in the hopes that his election loss is massive instead of totally catastrophic.


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yeah totally bro normal people just travel around europe and have books written about them 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 MR PUTIN LAUNCH THE NUKES I CAN'T STAND THIS PLANET ANYMORE


Life imitates art


>Kinda respect the people still going about their business, shopping and all that.
Ukrainians be shopping


Self-publishing a book these days is so easy that it is meaningless. Even something like "New York Times bestseller!" means they sold only 5-10 thousand books in a week (and this is frequently gamed by wealthy people). Your average professional "influencer" is actually much more influential than best selling authors.


The modern military technology that matters most is tactical and strategic surveillance drones. If operational surprise cannot be achieved then the fighting falls back into being attritional until one sides morale/logistics break or the other has enough advantage in men and firepower to break through.

This could all change quickly though. Both sides will be furiously working on counter-drone systems.


Pee Pee Poo Poo Doo Doo caca glory to STRON K RVTHENIA.



lol I see the msn news homepage at work every day and it is insane all the pro-ukraine shit they are still shoveling every day. like I can't imagine how the average person who believes this shit can even figure out how it fits with reality


Catchy, yet i'm aware postmodern broke my perceptions.


MIA is Z-gang too if i remember correctly


"Shopping center" is a mistranslation, it's where they are mobilizing people


Doubt it.
Always has been anti-war.
she's 200% based.


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Simply amazing


>change their lives forever
Damn right, those lazy entitled kids don't even appreciate how good the leg status is in this nation, legs should be a privilege that only the smartest should be guaranteed, not a right that kids expect to be handed to them by nature and never risked on a Eastern European minefield.


It's Charade, anon. That guy is already packing his bags for Calafornia.


I was watching a nice apolitical and funny twitch streamer playing Valorant and suddenly he said : "we should rush them even if we die until it works eventually, after all Russians do that everytime"
The average western person thinks the asian horde is real and this war is just because Putin is evil


Gonna assume they're western, we have an incredible capacity as 14% of the global population to understand the other 86% of the population just innately, we're just naturally experts on nations we've never been to, whose books we haven't read and indeed whose citizens we can't even speak to. It's really quite incredible!


<some sweaty gamer in an pretty heavilyright-wing dominated space
>The average western person
Please touch Grass and Flesh today.


I remember going camping with my class at the end of year 6. Probably similar to that, but it should be treated as the last year of secondary school rather than ripping you out of college. In america it can make sense since they finish high school at 18.


Nawww fuck off, the idea that Russians are orcish hordes who "cheat" at war by zerg rushing the enemy instead of manooovering like us honest and decent warmongers is an extremely common trope in the western psyche.


>a year of mandatory conscription is just like camping with your class


In fact, they should scrap college and just have sixth form with multiple options so you can get your BTEC or A-Levels, and then into national service, and from this you graduate as a full citizen who can go to university or work


Well they would have to out you through basic training which will take up a lot of time, and the army always has activities like rock climbing or canoeing, so its an apt analogy. Ofc the cynicism of the scheme today is the proxy war with russia so.


Normal people are not thinking about this stuff, they're just struggling like fuck trying to get through their lives. I have literally never had a conversation about the war in Ukraine with anyone at work or on the street in my working/lumpen class area.
You forget that you're an autistic who tends to hyper-focus on niche things, don't project that on to others.. wtf am i even talking about sorry for off topic, this is M.I.A thread.
>>591851 (You)
Cease this irreverent conversation, this is now the M.I.A thread.
What are your favorite M.I.A. moments?
What do you think of her?


All i think of is her song paper planes from slumdog millionaire lol


>Normal people are not thinking about this stuff, they're just struggling like fuck trying to get through their lives
That reminds me. At my old job when the war broke out I heard some people discussing Minsk and how Ukraine didn't implement it or seek further peace negotiation


>This trope requires hard thinking and attention to come to
>It's not that media is utterly littered with such tropes
You shouldn't comment on things you know nothing about


Ah yes, the glorious 5 minutes people were allowed to have their own opinion about the war, I remember it being quite a common attitude that perhaps WW3 isn't a good idea and not worth it over Ukraine that then got brow beaten out of acceptance as an opinion.


Yea it got swept away by the later idea in the year that Russia assumed the West was weak and tried to aggress le poor small country and was now losing because it didn't realize how corrupt its state was after not accepting freedom and democracy


Here's an interview with M.I.A from everyone's favorite WEIRD SEX WEB SITE


I'm honestly astonished tbh, because it feels like there were still a capacity for anti-war sentiment for most previous wars, but Ukraine is a war where it's apparently just not an acceptable opinion to have that this could have been avoided by the west and death isn't an acceptable alternative to a Russian controlled Ukraine.

Like, people only found out a couple of years ago they were misspelling the name of the Ukrainian capital for centuries, but apparently now there's so much love and reverence for Ukraine that people can't bring themselves to fear escalations against Russia, they cheer on things that would have people preemptively hanging themselves out of fear in the Cold War.


>All i think of is her song paper planes from slumdog millionaire lol
That is a shame, anon, have you considered learning more about her in the biographical film MATANGI / MAYA / M.I.A?
Slumdog Millionaire was a fun movie though. I watched it in the cinema with my dad.


You are living online. Most dont give a fuck about ukraine in the general public, but just see putin as the eternal russian despot. Theres no surrogate patriotism, theres just le clash of civilisations realpolitik


That's basically because westoids are taught they're denying rights to smol nations if they don't fight the empire's wars. I think this is really why bourgeois democracy degenerated as it became more of the logic of imperialism over time after the 20th century. Its rights are tied to the logic of an international class system. This would explain why realists are baffled by the sudden, explosive russophobia or Germany acting against its interests or America failing to pivot to China. It's liberalism as based on the international system of the first world, not state realpolitik. That's what the crisis of globalization transformed. I believe it's also why, as Michael Hudson has noticed, the center left is the war party. They're the ones more dependent on an international class system underpinning bourgeois democracy in contrast to the right and its more particularist ideas that don't require such an international basis


>You are living online
So is everyone else, it's not the 90s anymore and the internet isn't a niche communication service anymore, so this isn't a particularly profound idea despite how often it gets trotted out.


You are living on *twitter*, then.
Seriously, start polling people irl about their opinions on this war and they will come out of it indifferently
Only weirdos are pro-russia anyway
I first saw it from a blockbuster rental


>Only weirdos are pro-russia anyway
Are we talking in the world or 'the world'?


in britain


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Fun fact: Her father was trained by the PLO.


No I can prove why this is a very poor point to make just using the last few posts
See another anon wanted to make the point that
>Ackshually in the REAL WORLD, normal people don't care about Russia, they've got real problems to care about
But you're making the point
>Ackshually in the REAL WORLD, normal people care so much about Russia that they can only see Ukraine as a pawn to wage the eternal realpolitik war against Russia
So you're both trying to make the point that I'm just a hyperfixated autist (not disputing that to be fair) but coming to very different conclusions to what you project on to "normal people".

I see the news saying hooray for F-16s for Ukraine, I see Twitter saying hooray for F-16s for Ukraine, I see adverts IRL saying hooray for F-16s for Ukraine, so tbh I feel like that's a more consistent gauge of what people support and/or are expected to think that what you two assume of "normal people".


than what you two assume of "normal people".*


>I have literally never had a conversation about the war in Ukraine with anyone at work or on the street in my working/lumpen class area.
I'm in a similar area and people closely follow events because the contrast between the mass media narrative and alternative reporting has never been so wide. Everybody wants to talk about Mercouris, it's hilarious. Unfortunately what activated them most recently has been western gender stupidity, and they are extremely distrustful of mass media narratives. Palestine just hardened their attitudes. The absolute disdain young guys have towards the idea of joining the military after seeing so many drone vids is amazing. These are the same guys who played COD a few years ago.
The way that covid was handled torched any ruling class credibility.


Well its like afghanistan. Its not like people were pro-taliban but also no one gave a shit what we were doing there. And most people ignorantly imagine we are actually at war with russia (which we are, but only by proxy).
And with afghanistan too, as soon as the west left westerners bemoaned the rule of the taliban, but now most dont care either now.
Like, if russia "win", then people will be upset, but ultimately dont care in the grand scheme of things. So there is a "negative" investment we have.
Ironically, its only the totally pozzed ukrainians themselves who believe in "the west" and think this is some loyalist war for the white race.
Maybe unconsciously this is true for the west, but not on the surface.


>puts twitter in scare quotes


Idk where you people live i need to move, nobody here cares and will only ask you who won on the football or about what they did on the weekend or their family, aside from that it's bills and the country being in extreme decay and so on. Never met anyone out here that wasn't an explicitly active political type talking about foreign affairs for the most part.


Glowretard, from your lib unis to think tanks are a true cradle of refined russo/sinophobia, le horde crowd are just bottom feeders.


The difference is that the stakes of this situation are considerably higher, the assumption you're making here is that people are eyerolling and shrugging their shoulders at the constant reminders in the media that Russia has nukes and is threatening the west with them supposedly and honestly have no opinion on the escalations against Russia that are celebrated in the media.

So I understand people IRL are not acting like Twitter posters do in showing all their work colleagues and their grandmother videos of Russian soldiers getting blown in half by an FPV drone and banging the drum and having rallies to celebrate another attack on the Kerch bridge, but when the stakes are this high, and people understand such stakes and there's still no appreciable anti-war movement in Britain (at least the Republicans in the US have a faction that does somewhat question the usefulness of antagonising Russia to the point where the US itself is under threat) then I'm sorry, but this isn't comparable to the indifference and passivity over Afghanistan which ironically still did have a significant number of people being openly against the war.

When the risk is nuclear war and escalations come and go without so much of a whimper of doubt from any amount of the population, you can't really claim that's down to indifference.


Mercouris blew up so much in alt media its kinda crazy. .


Well i agree it is fundamentally different, but like i say, why would anyone be pro-russia in this situation? It isnt grounds for anti-war efforts because of that realpolitik attitude a lot of people possess, where we imagine that western occupation is always better than "madman with a button" option. Putin is that guy. Kim jung-un is that guy. Xi jinping is that guy. (To the public).
But see here also how so much is personified in the figure of the foreign despot (like sadam or qadaffi). Our instrinsic "democracy" makes us recoil at strongmen (where even trump's unruliness gave people anxiety).
Like, the plan of the west is also the plan of the public, where its about getting a puppet in there to neutralise any "literally hitler" threats. A lot of timid people just dont like putin and ars mystified by him. This was the general perception even before the war. I remember groing up with the myth of the "madman" putin.
But yes i do agree that this wont just be shrugged off either.


>why would anyone be pro-russia in this situation?
Well that's exactly the problem here, anything other than quiet or loud support for escalation with a nuclear power is framed as support for the enemy, and not just some war hawk rightoids calling Owen Jones a supporter of terrorism for complaining about dead Afghan kids, this is a pervasive attitude that demands compliance from the populace in support for what is in effect a desire to back a nuclear power in a corner and force them to choose between the end of the world or just the end of their nation and just fingers crossed they choose the latter, lest you be cancelled for being pro-Russian.

For the rest of your post, I agree, there aren't rightoid war hawks when it comes to Russia, everyone is pretty much on the side of escalating until Russia (hopefully peacefully) collapses with just varying levels of enthusiasm.

But, at what point does this prove that I've pegged the British public wrong and I've just got twitterthink?


I think you overestimate people's active consciousness about these topics. Yes, they implicitly support war, and capitalism, and everything else, but its not false consciousness, its just unconsciousness. Twitter forces people to have opinions, so if you hang out there you will go crazy about how boldly people speak about things, but irl its not like that
But even the biggest shit-talker on this website probably crumbles irl too. Thats why i like to think theres a massive difference between writing and speaking, which is the same difference between theory and praxis


>I think you overestimate people's active consciousness about these topics. Yes, they implicitly support war, and capitalism, and everything else, but its not false consciousness, its just unconsciousness. Twitter forces people to have opinions, so if you hang out there you will go crazy about how boldly people speak about things, but irl its not like that
>But even the biggest shit-talker on this website probably crumbles irl too. Thats why i like to think theres a massive difference between writing and speaking, which is the same difference between theory and praxis
I see this shit ALL the time with my friend groups. Endlessly it makes me rage when I see people make perfectly fine statements on the internet only to crumble at the lightest prodding and succumbing to deeply liberal assumptions and ideas when they are proposed in normal group conversations. Why are they like this though?


>Twitter forces people to have opinions
Not being out of order, but are you quite young? Because this isn't something that happened since the dawn of the internet, newspapers have and continue to fill this role as well. When all the newspapers voice the exact same opinions and attitudes then, yes albeit unconsciously, people are somewhat forced to have that opinion.

That being said, this support is less unconscious because wars are unusual, threats of nuclear war are unusual and scary and the news reports constantly about threats supposedly coming from Russia and on all the things we're doing as a nation to just further pour petrol on the flames and again, there is practically no push back against this basically anywhere in our society. Even alt media like Novara Media has to put a healthy dollop of "Welp we can't just bally well let Putin get away with this!" On top of their reports about escalation and worries of nuclear war.


The depth of knowledge in various fileds is not uniform. Simpler, people don't turn on their brains for every topic they engage in


Lolno, Twitter is personal while newspapers are not. You are allowed to show dissent when you watch TV or read a newspaper, but whne you are on Twitter you can get cancelled quite easily for wrongthink


Like at best you might find the claim that the public were lied to about Ukraine's abilities and that perhaps there was room for diplomacy, but only insofar as to freeze the conflict and buy time to rebuild Ukraine and have a do-over, the intention is still very much that we should actively seek to back Russia into a corner and force them to the brink but we were lied to in being told Ukraine could achieve that


So what is your point? Because that doesn't explain away why there's no appreciable pro-peace movement over Ukraine, while people are perfectly happy to be called Nazis and anti-semites by the papers, by government, by Twitter, even by family members for supporting Palestine.

Supporting the idea of not risking all life on earth just to stick it to Putin and avoid diplomacy? El ziltcho. Nothing. Crickets.


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Israeli research says that it's due to all the avalanche of Tiktok videos of Palestinian suffering


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Well i like to think of it in terms of the old idealist problem of how a perfect idea gets corrupted by its descension into an imperfect creation. When we act in our body we entail the "weight" of matter, thus making an informal physical relationship to our formal mentality. Even think of public speaking, of how we can rehearse over and over again, but once reality impresses itself on us in the scene of performance, there is the silent panic of our expectations toward the "text" of our role itself. And i think in some old wisdom, the harder we try, the less we succeed.
Think even of how neil armstrong's first words on the moon were "incorrect" according to his script. Yet, this imperfection reveals its essential truth.

So i think the "truth" is revealed in this failure. Thats why im not a platonist, since i believe in the necessary failure of the "idea", where its informality beholds the idea, alongside the surplus of its contingent being. When your friends conform to their civic consciousness, they reveal themselves as quaint unbelievers. Its like the guy who talks shit suddenly getting physically confronted. Only in the *real* act is reality affirmed. This is also why i make a total distinction between online and "real life". One is the realm of ideas, the other is the realm of appearances.


Well you know what will also kill Palestinian children? WW3.


WW3 is hypothetical, anyway, while videos of Palestinians dying happened in basically real time


I mean, being antiwar but not pro Russia is pretty vulnerable to just acquiescing to the western consciousness you're describing. The rebuke is that Russia is now doing the war that the West is doing, which is part of lacking a systematic understanding of what produces war and reducing it to just opposing state policy, usually of a hawkish faction.
Instead you must conceive of the expansion of bourgeois democracy as based on class warfare that intersects with nationality (imperialism) to understand why Russia intervened. This is where the debate starts and Westerners struggle to understand the way they divide the world caused this war. However, Marxists have precedents. Lenin's views of Turkey in 1919 are instructive here. It was a former great nation-oppressor nation struggling against a small nation proxy of imperialism which was caught up in the way the victorious world empires were dividing the world. Lenin saw a Turkish victory as progressive and part of undoing national inequality despite previously perpetuating it, including over Greece.


Well that's a lot of fucking use, forming the first movement seeking peace in Ukraine only after we get the 10 minute warning.


Well you say exactly why i loathe the tyranny of public opinion. Opinions dont mean people having different ideas, it just means the inanity of immediate thoughts on anything.


That actually makes a lot of some sense, thanks anon.
I'm not sure i agree with your conclusion though, that 'real life' is the ream of appearances though.


Both retards


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What is their problem? We in Ukraine are doing everything to protect democracy and these Englishmen don't even want to serve a pitiful one year. Do they want to be invaded by the asiatic orc horde and have their nutella stolen?


So its either pro-russia or pro-NATO to you?


>as if Russian men aren't being "mangled" by murder drones
Strange point to make when Russia is also in the cross hairs of the US as a nation that could do with some freedom and democracy.

No u


>Do they want to be invaded by the asiatic orc horde
Yes. Unironically.


is there any other side in this conflict?
the default position in the west is pro-nato


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Meanwhile in France, Mélanchon party's takes on Russia are the very close to the liberal ones, they just coat it with "we are against all wars" and "as long ukrainians don't hit Russia too much it's fine" : "We must defeat Poutine", "We will not forgive him", "Russians are all against this war". Socdems and Trots suck the NATO boots so much they don't ever talk about NATO, imperialism or American bases in Europe…they don't even want to quit the European Union anymore. It's really over for Communism or any Leftism in the West.



I would say ultimately no, since the obvious goal of NATO is the dismantling of Russia into a load of smaller and warring states, if you are against that goal then I guess by definition you have to be pro-Russia in the sense you support it's continued existence in so far as it's dissolution would be imposed externally and not by the consent and action of those who live under that state.

But it occurs to me that's why "pro-Russia" and "pro-Putin" are treated as synonymous in the west. Wishful expectations of a removal Putin resulting in the immediate collapse of the Russian Federation aside, it's quite a nice narrative trick to make western aggression seem tantamount to a student protest against a crooked government, and not an imperialist desire to see decommunisation through to totality by collapsing, breaking up and absorbing the last bits of surplus independence and agency the USSR provided the region.


Wtf I thought Melenchon was the only anti-NATO, anti-EU politician in France.
Did LFI cuck out to the Socialist Party?
I knew he had to pretend to water down the program for the broad front to contest elections but really? Melenchon was the only mainstream politician who after the debacle of Syriza started pushing proposals to punish the EU if they tried to overturn French sovereignty under a Melenchon government.


He had to cuck out, because he can't afford to scare off the moderate soc-dems who joined him after the PS went full neoliberal. Not to mention his coalition with the eurocommunists, greens, and the PS.


>So its either pro-russia or pro-NATO to you?
Yes, I believe that the rise of unipolarity (reconciling of inter-imperialist antagonism) led to the rise of a new global antagonism between nations independent under global capitalism (bourgeois democracies) and nations that lack sovereignty under it. The division between them corresponds to the uneven development of capitalism and the extent of the bourgeois revolution it suggests. I believe the developed nations are stunting the correction of uneven development and therefore the expansion of bourgeois democracy, inverting liberal positions of expansion via dependency (with Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan demonstrating how division of regions by dependency supposes limits on liberalism's own expansion), and that dependent nations achieving sovereignty reforms the international system (multipolarity) so that it can continue globalizing, chiefly by letting periphery regions self-integrate like the transatlantic did. Ironically, the mandate for bourgeois democracy (progressive bourgeoisie) is passing from the bourgeois democracies to the 'nationalist' states of the periphery. Not surprising if you understand that the contradiction in bourgeois democracy has moved from feudalism to imperialism. Liberals agree, just flip this on its head to argue that the way imperialism has divided the world is progressive and pit liberal internationalism against nationalism, including within the West.
The operating principle here is one side prevents capitalism from uniting the international bourgeoisie and working class because it needs superexploitation-fueled class compromises to ensure bourgeois democracy is not internally antagonistic, the other enables capitalism to continue stitching it together while throwing imperialism into crisis. The result is a Russian victory is part of progression from feudalism to imperialism to international capital vs international labor as the global contradiction.


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As my french comrade said, Mélenchon can't afford anti-NATO stances, especially in a year of european parliamant elections where the far-right party have more votes than all the liberals combined


I like how it left
>all 18 year olds
even countries with conscription typically only select a fraction of each class through a screening procedure
dance, janny! dance in a hail of bullets!


Doesn't make sense because Melenchon can steal Le Pen's votes by pointing out the "based nationalists" have abandoned all ideas of exiting the EU and he's the only leader with an actual plan for getting out.


>b-but mr. recryitment officer, I'm already helping the war effort by moderating r slash ukraine!


Reddit's strongest soldiers are gonna shape the war in the vision Zelensky wants now


They've been using shopping centers to mobilize people


>Mykola Sokalskii is "The Keyboard Warrior"


It's always a pleasure to see heroids and liars burn


We're already in the beginning of WW3.
Mass US trade cutoff with china is pretty much confirming that.




They don't care about that, and even if they did, you would still have to convince them that deportation of foreigners is out of the question.


Z-gang is the anti-war option dipshit


Do you remember how neither Moscow nor Washington worked last time. Some people actually have pattern recognition skills


>history is mechanical
>pattern recognition skills are thought
>I am proud of my lability
Whatever kid


So you choose the russian federation then?


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yes, and so did china, cuba and the dprk


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The way multipolarista uyghas don't criticise and even support Afghanistan under Taliban is morbid. They are an extremely reactionary state that doesn't even let women study.



At least they dont kill them en mass with drones when attending a marriage or a funeral. I say this is progressive.


>that doesn't even let women study.
Stop drinking NPR cum you middle-class child. We need to start destroying class formations and their principles now.


Afghanistan under Taliban + cooperation with BRICS has a FAR better change at developing the country than the prior US-proxy had.


And it is still progressive compared to mujahadeen or US occupation


Is this even in English you dumb fuck lol


>The way multipolarista uyghas don't criticise and even support Afghanistan under Taliban is morbid. They are an extremely reactionary state that doesn't even let women study.
US state building in Afghanistan is a miserable failure. Its collapse the void filled by the Taliban works for the region because this time around the Taliban is more interested in getting along with its neighbors and achieving stabilization. This integration into the region will ultimately moderate it and provide a path to development. As usual, China offers a progressive path forward. They have given us an alternative to US colonialism and Taliban particularism, it's based on Asian integration.


>doesn't even let women study
women are bourgeois


Maybe women would be studying in Afghanistan if the West didn't kill all the communists and arm the proto -Taliban in the 80s, sweet anon.


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Ohhh, apparently ukrops are persecuting people for publishing military targets in the media, and one of those from 25.08.23 has captured 3 Himars on a video near a mall (ironically named Epicenter) in Nikolayev (and apparently that place got bombed)

Himars is a wunderwaffe that NEVER got hit, everyone


only two red arrows in the latest weeb union video thumbnail. the tide is turning against poochin


Why? He isn't forced to think about potential coalition members, these are the EP elections. This is the time when every party can define what they are about consequence-free, because the only real outcome is a change in domestic perception of strengh.


>We must give to Ukraine every weapon it needs to defeat Vladimir Poutine, especially APCs/tanks. But we should refuse to allow Ukraine to hit Russia with French missiles
LFI Ukrainian policy is very close to the Macron one


Was this a response for the radar or a regular spike in activity?


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Enter 21st Century Warfare: Shotgun Edition









why does it explode?


Maybe because it's a flying bomb? Just a guess.


Based on their recent talks McGovern and Mercouris are very interested in the threat of nuclear weapons in Ukraine in the leadup to the SMO. Basically it looks like this

>early 2021, Biden's inauguration emboldened Zelensky to question the ability of Minsk to be implemented, states Crimea and Donbass must be deoccupied. Stand off ensues

>summer 2021, Bucharest 2008 reiterated, flurry of official visits to Ukraine, strategic guarantees given and other agreements signed
>fall 2021, Russian ultimatum and doomed negotiations begin
,>According to Lavrov in late Jan 2022 Blinken walks back Biden's comments from a phone call in December 2021 on no strike missiles in Ukraine. Danilov reiterates in the same month that Minsk can't be implemented without undermining state security
>a couple weeks later in Feb according to a readout Biden in another phone call states no negotiation on Ukraine in NATO or strike missiles [meaning they're part of Ukrainian security and therefore enforcing Euromaidan over rebellious territories]
>Kamala Harris the same month publicly states Ukraine will join NATO
>At Munich in mid February, Zelensky floats the idea of Ukraine getting nukes
>Donbass shelling explodes to levels not seen since the 2020 ceasefire broke down
>Decommunization/derussification of Donbass and Crimea is now being threatened by the largest army in Europe and nuclear weapons in the future

It really looks like what happened is the West called a Russian bluff over a latter day frozen conflict that this time around was directly clashing with European expansion, meaning it was vulnerable to collapse of the Russian position that would destabilize the corrupt state or some other belief. Based on my experiences I strongly believe a Russian invasion was not actually expected. I believe it was understood that Russian state felt threatened by NATO but it was grossly underestimated how much 2014 Ukraine animated Russians including Putin. The former was not respected as an outdated 19th century sphere of influence but the latter was never well understood due to distorted Western views (crap about the rise of two totalitarianisms threatening the free world) of Russian experiences with the civil war, ww2, and the cold war that came together and resumed in 2014 Ukraine with American unipolarity packaging them together. Thats what made everything existential for Russia and its why the West didn't expect calling a bluff to backfire. The alternative would be Russia waging a gigantic war under unprecedented sanctions, but we didn't understand how the civil war, ww2, and the cold war always demanded those things from Russians. What was supposed to happen is the West reuniting over its post 2016 divisions and reminding a half reformed and rotten Russia who won the 20th century, halting the decline of American unipolarity and cementing Biden's legacy.


It only took 2 years to develop skeet shooting. Bravo slavs.


In the future every squad needs to have a designated drone skeeter.


Because it's a bomb.


you're a bomb


Can't believe they don't have small form auto-turrets for this shit yet. At least for the goddamn vehicles. I saw the russians had some auto-turrent video earlier in the war but it was for ground targets. This is where you employ that shit. Tracking a drone against the sky optically is probably easy as shit, no risk of the auto-turret hitting your own guys like with an auto turret for ground targets.


Man, remember the time when there was no war? Life was kinda slow and uneventful, covid gave a bit of a shakeup but nobody cared after awhile. Now the whole world is spicy. Something new keeps popping up constantly, escalations, trade routes, coups in Africa, bullfuckery in the Middle East, World division and side picking. Things finally shifted from the point of stagnation into a flurry of change and activity around the globe. We live in hella interesting times.


the main issue is that the US was directly calling the start of the Russian invasion earlier that month. So they had enough intel to make that prediction accurately.
Of course it was too late to prepare anything by then.


They were predicting an imminent invasion for months by Feb 2022, it acted as a smokescreen to prevent Europeans from negotiating while deterring Russia from issuing more threats. Remember that zelensky and his defense minister said they saw no sign of an invasion coming



>Big picture, the relationship between Moscow and Beijing, which is coalescing into an Asian bloc makes Russia largely immune to economic warfare. The same is, of course, true of China where any effort to economically isolate would cause Western societies to unravel due to supply chain breakdowns and price shocks. The West will have no other means to take on Russia or China except for costly military options. Against the European and world manufacturing powerhouses and superior Russian weapons? Good luck with that.

>The US now finds itself stuck in a doom loop in which the more it tries to thwart Eurasian integration — through sanctions, proxy wars, etc. — the tighter the defenses become. We’re already reaching a point where the offers of friendship from the US or its lackeys in Europe are not-so-politely declined. We see an increasing number of countries like Georgia and even NATO ally Turkey considering laws designed to keep the Americans and Europeans out of their internal politics.

>If this trend continues and the US is largely unable to destabilize an integrated Asian landmass dominated by China and Russia from within, it will be reduced to stirring up trouble outside the fortress and hurling its proxies against the proverbial walls. These are fights the West cannot win – either on the battlefield on the economic front as both Russia and China are largely self-sufficient autarkies, and together one could argue they are fully self-sufficient.

>Has the Blob noticed any of this? Does it recognize that its enemies only seem to grow stronger? It would be a major news development if that’s the case. Doubling down is more likely. As Ray McGovern wrote following Putin’s recent trip to China:

< The Russia-China entente also sounds the death knell for attempts by U.S. foreign policy neophytes to drive a wedge between the two countries. The triangular relationship has become two-against-one, with serious implications, particularly for the war in Ukraine. If U.S. President Joe Biden’s foreign policy geniuses remain in denial, escalation is almost certain.


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you could have the turret detect and aim and raise an alarm so the soldier has to push a button before firing as a safety


>no let's add more automation and interaction to a war device
The absolute state of the sons of American defense contractor employees on leftypol


Extensiveness and depth of LIDAR usage in the military is currently classified.


I remember discussion at the time being that an invasion wasn't coming because Russia didn't have what was considered the "necessary forces." 3-1 was supposedly the magic ratio for invasion and Western military "thought" being what it is Russia invading with a numerically inferior force probably wasn't being realistically considered.


TBF the war hasn't exactly gone that great for Russia, yes they're winning but it's trench warfare


So? Russians aren't the ones rotting in trenches.


It seems like things are going pretty well to me. Nato's cupboards are bare, Russia's economy is booming, economic cooperation with Asia is increasing, while in the US everything is on the verge of cracking apart. Russia currently has the best trained, equipped, and experienced standing army on the planet and its enemies in Europe can't even produce the artillery shells they need. Even in a state of "trench warfare" while I doubt Russia's casualties are negligible it's been Ukraine that's been eating it the most, and that's just on the front lines, never mind the demographic catastrophe this war has been for the rest of Ukrainian society.


Westerners can't conceive of giving a shit about Ukrainian lives, so all their "criticism" is the same, tired, debunked bullshit about not winning fast enough.


Russia entered the war with less ferocity than was appropriate but since last year's disastrous offensyyivv things have only swung more in Russia's favor until they now have both logistical and initiative advantage over the West.
After 2022 the west has done nothing except crack open plans increasingly past their expiration date.


>Russia entered the war with less ferocity than was appropriate
Is that so? I thought Zelensky was ready to negotiate before Johnson told him to nix it.


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zelemphsky isn't scared of bojo. it was the azovites in his military that was holding a gun to his head the whole time


Backing off from Kiev was a mistake


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Taliban wouldn't even be a factor in Memeghanistan if it weren't for operation cyclone


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>bleeding NATO dry as they sent wave after wave of expensive equipment was a mistake
>bleeding the Ukrainian army dry was a mistake
>russia should have just memed their way into kyiv and triggered full scale war with NATO instead of just sticking to protecting the separatist regions


somebody set it up the bomb


somebody add the hamas arrow


>i keep pictures of crossdressing nazis on my hard drive


wow the west wing guy was right, free hecking trade stops hecking wars, thanks neolib



How sure are we of that? I mean maybe not trenches but I see a lot in the fields after being droned. Of course I cannot decide what exactly is much but how sure are we about your claim?


what you say??


I don't believe that it, on its own, is the stopping of wars as much as i believe that this is how they signal the intent to go to war. Even if it's bullshit, they believe in it.


Because "trenches" are a normal form of defense soldiers use. "Trench warfare" refers to both sides pretty much living in trenches opposite from each other, with a field of craters and corpses in between. Russians have subjected Ukrainians to this, and we have photos, that, if greyscaled, wouldn't look out of place on the Western Front. Ukrainians literally do not have the artillery to subject Russians to the same, and they admit it themselves.


Nah, WW3 was US against the world. We are living the final battles of this war that started in the late 90s at the start of the US unipolar moment and it's victory drunken revelry.


Okay I get what you mean

But can Russians defend against The Gravedigger of Kiyv?


>Jannie went to war
>Mironton, mironton, mirontaine.
>But when will he ever come home?


My uncle works at the kremlin, and Poutine's double in North Korea was a transman.


That's funny


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Nationalist battalions are openly recruiting in prisons now


Remember when the Ukrainian military was saying something like twelve Russian BTGs were poised to take over the country? Lmao


Communists support Afghanistan not being bombed and occupied by foreign imperialists. There is no other serious contender to the Taliban that isn't a CIA front group (eg Northern Alliance, ISIS). Even during the NATO occupation the Taliban, or similarly reactionary groups, still controlled the day to day lives of most of the population.

The lives of women and men in Afghanistan can't magically be improved by "supporting" the ideologically correct group. But only by the development of Afghanistan out of feudalism.


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I feel ya, buddy. :(


this is so retarded I don't even know where to begin
I've been toying with the idea of building a turret/drone rifle/shotgun for hunting purposes, and it's pretty fucking obvious you need some kind of safety mechanism
imagine seething so hard you feel the need to dig up the literal bones of the past


I was saying if it's only meant to hit targets in the air you can kind of limit its pitch so it can't even hit someone on the ground. Wouldn't hurt to have additional safeties of course.


of course you limit its pitch, but there can be other things in the air you don't want to hit. if anything you probably don't want birds to give away your position by your turret firing at them


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Anyone has this article in full? archive.is does not

Vid unrelated.


The EU is banning software buttons for certain controls in automobiles. The best point of departure is the story of its use and transport in a hostile environment.


>the Working Man's Burden
I hope your wife fucks black men on the side


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